Monday, January 31, 2011
New From ACRL – "Decision-Making in the Absence of Certainty"

Above the Fold - 24 January 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 24 January 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 3 now available
Alan Bennett joins fight for library (UK)

Royal Society of Literature announces masterclasses (UK)

Save Libraries retro posters from Phil Bradley (UK)
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #140
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #140. "This week's episode is a cross-cutting, interdisciplinary look at the violation of the knowledge ecology perpetrated in Egypt. Practical discussion is presented as to circumventing the disruption of Internet access as well as SMS/MMS messaging as seen there. Implications for information architecture are also discussed". Previous Podcasts can be found here
UK Science and Technology Committee inquiry into Peer review
The Science and Technology Committee in the UK's House of Commons has announced a new inquiry into the operation and effectiveness of Peer Review. The inquiry was launched on 27 January and responses must be submitted by Thursday 10 March 2011. A list of issues that the inquiry will examine and details of how to respond can be found on the inquiry web pages
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal
Akademik Geriatri Dergisi
Information Management and Business Review
Journal of Social Science Education
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI : Food Technology
International Journal of Business Research and Management
Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions
Revista Argentina de Anatomia Online
Anadolu Hems,irelik Ve Sag(lik Bilimleri Dergisi
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications
International Magazine on Advances in Computer Science and Telecommunications
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
ENE : Revista de Enfermería
Frontiers in Neuroenergetics
Frontiers in Neuroengineering
Frontiers in Physiology
Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos
International Journal of Bahamian Studies
Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law
Abraham Zelmanov Journal
Pensando : Revista de Filosofia
American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal
Minería y Geología
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience
Frontiers in Microbiology
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience
Journal of Skin Cancer
Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education
Humanities Diliman
Iranian Journal of Management Studies
International Review of Scottish Studies
Scottish Tradition
Testo & Senso
Dental and Medical Problems
Marxist Interventions
Verso e Reverso
Inovatia Sociala
Quality Assurance Review
Utah Law Review
Akademik Geriatri Dergisi
Information Management and Business Review
Journal of Social Science Education
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI : Food Technology
International Journal of Business Research and Management
Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions
Revista Argentina de Anatomia Online
Anadolu Hems,irelik Ve Sag(lik Bilimleri Dergisi
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications
International Magazine on Advances in Computer Science and Telecommunications
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
ENE : Revista de Enfermería
Frontiers in Neuroenergetics
Frontiers in Neuroengineering
Frontiers in Physiology
Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos
International Journal of Bahamian Studies
Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law
Abraham Zelmanov Journal
Pensando : Revista de Filosofia
American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal
Minería y Geología
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience
Frontiers in Microbiology
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience
Journal of Skin Cancer
Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education
Humanities Diliman
Iranian Journal of Management Studies
International Review of Scottish Studies
Scottish Tradition
Testo & Senso
Dental and Medical Problems
Marxist Interventions
Verso e Reverso
Inovatia Sociala
Quality Assurance Review
Utah Law Review
University of Southampton historian researches forgotten letters of Jewish refugee (UK)

Wellcome Library Item of the Month, January 2011: A moment of pain and triumph

Podcast: Journeys of discovery: Surgeons at sea - ADM 101 Research Symposium
Professor Laurence Brockliss, from the University of Oxford, discusses how ADM 101 has been used by his team over the past ten years, and considers how the newly digitised files will aid their future research. This talk was recorded as part of 'The journeys of discovery: surgeons at sea - ADM 101 Research Symposium'. UK National Archives
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Illuminea - January 2011
Illuminea is a quarterly newsletter published by Oxford University Press for academic librarians and information professionals. This publication will keep readers up-to-date with the latest developments at OUP and across the publishing world. January 2011 issue now available
Digitisation in Europe - The New Renaissance
"The European Union's Comite' des Sages recently published The New Renaissance, a proud call-to-arms for the digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage. There are plenty of questions it raises and some of the recommendations will be very difficult to put into practice. But as a lofty statement of intent it's a powerful document and very welcome, focusing hearts and minds on the task of digitisation. Some of its broad aims overlap with the recent Inspiring Research, Inspiring Scholarship document published by JISC. At the heart of the recommendations is the desire for far greater commitment to digitisation from the member states of the EU. It urges the individual governments to fund the digitisation of out of copyright works. It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the UK" - JISC
Philip Pullman in defence of public libraries (UK)
Philip Pullman writes in The Guardian - "The government, in the Dickensian person of Mr Eric Pickles, has cut the money it gives to local government, and passed on the responsibility for making the savings to local authorities. Some have decided to protect their library service, others have hacked into theirs like fanatics. In Oxfordshire we are threatened with the closure of 20 out of our 43 public libraries. The leader of the county council says cuts are inevitable, and invites us to suggest what we would do instead. Would we sacrifice care for the elderly? Or would youth services feel the axe? I don't think we should accept his invitation..."
AALL Spectrum - February 2011
AALL Spectrum - Volume 15 No. 4 February 2011 is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - January 28, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Red. "All this week's questions are about things that are red or that have "red' in their names" Answers here.
1. Which singer-songwriter won an international audience in 1986 with his romantic ballad "The Lady in Red"?
2. The Red Sea separates the Arabian peninsula from the north-east of which continent?
3. What kind of animal is the red admiral?
4. Which writer created the Red Queen in his fantasy "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There"?
5. Which 1948 film about a ballerina starred Moira Shearer, Marius Goring and Anton Walbrook?
6. The creation of which international organization was spurred by the publication of an account by Jean Henri Dunant of the suffering endured by the wounded at the battle of Solferino in 1859?
7. Who wrote the 1824 novel called "Redgauntlet"?
8. What was the name of the band led in 1926 and 1927 by jazz composer and pianist Jelly Roll Morton?
9. The Red House in Bexleyheath, near London, was designed in 1859-60 by the architect Philip Webb for, and in collaboration with, which English artist?
10. What name is given in astronomy to the systematic displacement of individual lines in the spectrum of a celestial object toward the red, or longer wavelength, end of the visible spectrum?
1. Which singer-songwriter won an international audience in 1986 with his romantic ballad "The Lady in Red"?
2. The Red Sea separates the Arabian peninsula from the north-east of which continent?
3. What kind of animal is the red admiral?
4. Which writer created the Red Queen in his fantasy "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There"?
5. Which 1948 film about a ballerina starred Moira Shearer, Marius Goring and Anton Walbrook?
6. The creation of which international organization was spurred by the publication of an account by Jean Henri Dunant of the suffering endured by the wounded at the battle of Solferino in 1859?
7. Who wrote the 1824 novel called "Redgauntlet"?
8. What was the name of the band led in 1926 and 1927 by jazz composer and pianist Jelly Roll Morton?
9. The Red House in Bexleyheath, near London, was designed in 1859-60 by the architect Philip Webb for, and in collaboration with, which English artist?
10. What name is given in astronomy to the systematic displacement of individual lines in the spectrum of a celestial object toward the red, or longer wavelength, end of the visible spectrum?
2011 Dilys Award nominees (USA)
The Dilys Award has been given annually since 1992 by IMBA to the mystery titles of the year which the member booksellers have most enjoyed selling. The Dilys Award is named in honor of Dilys Winn, the founder of the first specialty bookseller of mystery books in the United States. The nominees are:
* Love Songs from a Shallow Grave, Colin Cotterill (Soho)
* The Lock Artist, Steve Hamilton (Minotaur)
* Moonlight Mile, Dennis Lehane (William Morrow)
* Bury Your Dead, Louise Penny (Minotaur)
* Once a Spy, Keith Thomson (Doubleday)
* Savages, Don Winslow (Simon & Schuster)
* Love Songs from a Shallow Grave, Colin Cotterill (Soho)
* The Lock Artist, Steve Hamilton (Minotaur)
* Moonlight Mile, Dennis Lehane (William Morrow)
* Bury Your Dead, Louise Penny (Minotaur)
* Once a Spy, Keith Thomson (Doubleday)
* Savages, Don Winslow (Simon & Schuster)
2010 Costa Book of the Year award winner
"Poet Jo Shapcott has won the 2010 Costa Book of the Year for her collection Of Mutability, her first new work in over a decade and in part influenced by her experience of breast cancer. In Of Mutability, Shapcott is found writing at her most memorable and bold. In a series of fresh, unflinching poems, she movingly explores mortality and the nature of change: in the body and the natural world, and in shifting relationships between people. By turns grave and playful, arresting and witty, the poems in Of Mutability celebrate each waking moment as though it might be the last and, in so doing, restore wonder to the smallest of encounters"
International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit
The International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit will be held in San Francisco on 2-3 June 2011. LOD-LAM will convene leaders in their respective areas of expertise from the humanities and sciences to catalyse practical and actionable approaches to publishing Linked Open Data
Wiley-Blackwell partners with the British Educational Research Association to publish the British Journal of Educational Technology
Wiley-Blackwell is now publishing The British Journal of Educational Technology with the British Educational Research Association. The journal was previously published by Wiley-Blackwell (formerly Blackwell Publishers) since 1997, on behalf of Becta
Thursday, January 27, 2011
BBC Year of Books 2011 (UK)
"The BBC has announced its Year of Books 2011 which will celebrate books and matters related by inviting audiences to free their imagination with a broad range of quality programmes. From established literary strands to new documentaries, readings, debates and dramas, the year will champion the power of books with a host of new programmes, as well as drawing upon the BBC's extensive literary archive and regular programming strands"
Central Search from University of Central Oklahoma Chambers Library
University of Central Oklahoma Chambers Library has launched a new search tool called Central Search to make it easier for students to search books, video and music
NPG launches a nature.com iPad app
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has unveiled the nature.com Reader for iPad. Users of the iPad application can view all news content from Nature and article abstracts from Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Physics, Nature Reviews Microbiology, Nature Reviews Genetics and Nature Communications free of charge. The nature.com iPad app is available free to download from the iTunes App Store. As an introductory offer, access to the full text of Nature is available free on the nature.com Reader until the 28th of February
2011 Lionel Gelber Prize shortlist
The shortlist for the 2011 Lionel Gelber Prize was announced by Sara Charney, chair of the Lionel Gelber Prize Board and niece of Lionel Gelber
2011 Best Translated Book Awards: Fiction Longlist
"The 25-title fiction longlist for the 2011 Best Translated Book Awards was announced at Three Percent - a resource for international literature at the University of Rochester. According to award co-founder Chad W. Post, this year's longlist is a 'testament to the number of high-quality works in translation that are making their way to American readers, thanks to a number of talented translators and exciting publishing houses.'"
London Street Photography (Museum of London)

E-News for ARL Directors - January 2011
E-News for ARL Directors - January 2011 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
SCATNews: Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section - January 2011
SCATNews: Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section - Number 34, January 2011 is now available
Library protesters declare day of action (UK)
A "carnival of resistance" to library closures will take place on 5 February 2011, with over forty library "read-ins" scheduled in a coordinated protest over the threatened closures. Local events are being organised from Hounslow, Brixton and Lewisham, to Somerset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Doncaster and Oxfordshire, with many writers – including Philip Pullman, Mary Hoffman, Malcolm Rose and Carole Matthews – due to take part. Author Alan Gibbons, who has been a leading voice in the library protests, said the read-ins were a "carnival of resistance to closures", and that the government was "feeling the heat", with even former Tory lead Iain Duncan Smith's think tank, the Centre for Social Justice, voicing concerns that badly planned cuts could lead to services being sacrificed unnecessarily. Gibbons promised a celebration of reading complete with balloons, storytelling and music. "The public love and celebrate their libraries," he said. "Isn't it time the government turned its back on its destructive and disproportionate closure programme and did the same?"
Library closure threats spark campaigns across England

Filmakers Library, Inc. joins forces with Alexander Street Press
"Electronic publisher Alexander Street Press has announced that it has acquired Filmakers Library, the highly regarded New York-based distributor of documentary films. Filmakers was founded in 1969 by Linda Gottesman and Sue Oscar to distribute high-quality, issue-based documentaries to the education market. Over the past 40 years it has brought a wide range of titles from around the world to a receptive academic audience. Award-winning titles include Original Intent: The Battle for America; Who Killed Vincent Chin?; Prison Lullabies; The Danish Solution: The Rescue of the Jews in Denmark; and Muslims in Love"
InSITE - January 24, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 16, No. 10, January 24, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
# Current Law Journal Content: an Index to Legal Periodicals
# Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
# African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
# Current Law Journal Content: an Index to Legal Periodicals
# Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Derek Walcott wins TS Eliot poetry prize

Emerald to publish 12 new titles in 2011
Emerald Group Publishing Limited has announced twelve new journals scheduled for launch in 2011
Pancakes and Mash: Mashed Library 'un-conference' in Lincoln (UK)
Mashed Library "Pancakes and Mash", a library technology 'un-conference' will take place at the University of Lincoln, UK, on 8 March 2011. "Mashed Library" is about 'bringing together interested people and doing interesting stuff with libraries and technology'
ALCTS Newsletter Editor position
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services invites applications and nominations for the position of Editor of the ALCTS Newsletter Online (ANO), the association's official newsletter. The Editor is expected to take a leading role in the delivery of news that ALCTS members need to know from the association and the library community beyond. The application deadline is March 4, 2011
2011 CACUL awards nominations (Canada)
"Each year, CACUL (Canadian Association of College and University Libraries) acknowledges significant contributions to academic librarianship through four prestigious awards. Have your say by nominating an outstanding librarian (whether seasoned or new) who has inspired you. Or consider nominating an impressive project or article that opened your mind and made you reconsider what is possible"
CACUL New Academic Librarian of the Year Award
This award recognizes innovative ideas and initiatives brought to life by Canadian academic librarians in colleges and universities who have completed their MLIS or equivalent within the last five years
Miles Blackwell Outstanding Academic Librarian Award
This award recognizes an individual member of CACUL who has made an outstanding national or international contribution to academic librarianship and library development
CACUL Innovation Achievement Award
This award acknowledges academic libraries which, through innovation in ongoing programs or services, or in a special event or project, have contributed to the advancement of academic librarianship and library development
Robert H. Blackburn Distinguished Paper Award
This award acknowledges notable research published by CACUL members on topics related to academic librarianship
The deadline for nominations is February 28, 2011
CACUL New Academic Librarian of the Year Award
This award recognizes innovative ideas and initiatives brought to life by Canadian academic librarians in colleges and universities who have completed their MLIS or equivalent within the last five years
Miles Blackwell Outstanding Academic Librarian Award
This award recognizes an individual member of CACUL who has made an outstanding national or international contribution to academic librarianship and library development
CACUL Innovation Achievement Award
This award acknowledges academic libraries which, through innovation in ongoing programs or services, or in a special event or project, have contributed to the advancement of academic librarianship and library development
Robert H. Blackburn Distinguished Paper Award
This award acknowledges notable research published by CACUL members on topics related to academic librarianship
The deadline for nominations is February 28, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Liz Lochhead, Scots Makar

Podcast: Damaged, disturbed and dismembered: disability and war in the 20th century (UK)
"Wars in the 20th century have been responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Still more come back from conflict with permanent disabilities, in body and mind, in need of medical treatment, on-going care and financial support. Drawing on the wide range of materials in the National Archives (UK), Dr Julie Anderson explores the history of people disabled in war in the 20th century. This talk was part of The National Archives' Diversity Week, a series of events and activities aimed at promoting equality and diversity in how we work and what we do. Dr Julie Anderson is a Senior Lecturer in the School of History at the University of Kent"
Wellcome Library Insight - Conservation in Action (UK)

National Book Critics Circle finalists for 2010 awards
"At a packed event attended by press, publishers, authors, and critics, held at WNYC's Jerome L. Greene Performance Space in New York, the National Book Critics Circle announced the finalists for its 2010 book awards, presented by past NBCC award winners and finalists Joan Acocella, Jason Epstein, Blake Bailey, Stephen Burt, Carolyn Forche, Annette Gordon-Reed, Honor Moore and Zadie Smith"
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - January 2011
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 3, Number 7, January 15, 2011 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
Podcast: Titanic: the official story (UK)
Using documents from The (UK) National Archives, James Cronan will take you through the history of the ship, from its construction and launch to its fateful end. James Cronan is a records specialist in diplomatic and colonial records. His interest in all things Titanic stems from the fact that his great-grandfather was a crewman on board the stricken ship. He has worked at The National Archives for 17 years, at Chancery Lane, the Family Records Centre and Kew
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #139
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #139. "In this episode we talk about our interesting outage, how to find the podcast when there is an outage, and have an essay that takes a reasoned look a public finance". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Gale adds Medieval and Renaissance works to British Literary Manuscripts Online
Gale has announced the release of British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval and Renaissance, the second installment of the British Literary Manuscripts Online series. Following the release of the first installment in May 2009, this new digital archive brings approximately 565,000 pages of unique author manuscripts into the hands of students, educators and researchers
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
Cinema : Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image
West London Medical Journal
Ulbra e Movimento : Revista de Educação Física
Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural
Puthiya Panuval : an International Journal of Tamil Studies
Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
International Journal of Dream Research
Biomarkers in Cancer
Veterinary World
Chang Gung Medical Journal
Cognitive Philology
Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics
Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies
Knjižnica : Revija za Podroc(je Bibliotekarstva in Informacijske Znanosti
Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi
Journal of Conflictology
Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública
Proceedings of the MSTU
Stockholm Review of Latin American Studies
Journal für Klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel
HISTOReLo : Revista de Historia Regional y Local
International Journal of Business and Social Science
WPOM : Working Papers on Operations Management
Annals : Food Science and Technology
Ensino em Re-vista
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences
Romanian Review of Regional Studies
Historical Studies in Education
Behemoth : a Journal on Civilisation
Currents : New Scholarship in the Human Services
Opuscula Archaeologica
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
Cinema : Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image
West London Medical Journal
Ulbra e Movimento : Revista de Educação Física
Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural
Puthiya Panuval : an International Journal of Tamil Studies
Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
International Journal of Dream Research
Biomarkers in Cancer
Veterinary World
Chang Gung Medical Journal
Cognitive Philology
Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics
Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies
Knjižnica : Revija za Podroc(je Bibliotekarstva in Informacijske Znanosti
Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi
Journal of Conflictology
Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública
Proceedings of the MSTU
Stockholm Review of Latin American Studies
Journal für Klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel
HISTOReLo : Revista de Historia Regional y Local
International Journal of Business and Social Science
WPOM : Working Papers on Operations Management
Annals : Food Science and Technology
Ensino em Re-vista
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences
Romanian Review of Regional Studies
Historical Studies in Education
Behemoth : a Journal on Civilisation
Currents : New Scholarship in the Human Services
Opuscula Archaeologica
Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community (OCLC)

Saturday, January 22, 2011
CARL E-Lert # 408
CARL E-Lert # 408, January 21 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: World's largest medical student organization joins Right to Research Coalition; Google-like search site connects 60 million pages of Canadian history; Nomination de nouveaux membres du Groupe en éthique de la recherche/New Members Appointed to the Panel on Research Ethics; Ismail Serageldin to Receive Academy's Most Prestigious Award
CARL E-Lert # 407
CARL E-Lert # 407, January 14 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Publishing industry may be headed for another e-jolt; Internet 2010 in Numbers; Les Québécois sont invités à appuyer la numérisation du patrimoine culturel; Playing Catch-Up in a Digital Library Race; Universal Music Group Donates Over 200,000 Master Recordings to the Library of Congress; Brussels Wants 7-Year Limit on Works Digitized by Google
CLA Advisory Committee on Intellectual Freedom - Challenges Survey for 2010 (Canada)
"This is the 5th annual survey of challenges to library materials and policies that is being conducted by the Advisory Committee on Intellectual Freedom of the Canadian Library Association. Your responses will help inform the Committee's policy and advocacy work on behalf of the CLA membership. Results are shared widely, for example, with the Book and Periodical Council [of Canada] and the Office of Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association. The database is available without charge to anyone requesting it. The purpose of the survey is to gather data about the nature and outcomes of challenges to library materials and policies (e.g., collection management, access to Internet and facilities) initiated in publicly funded, Canadian libraries (e.g, public, school, academic, and government) between January 1 and December 31, 2010"
ARL Selects Research Library Leadership Fellows for 2011–12
"The Association of Research Libraries has selected 25 individuals to participate in the 2011-12 ARL Research Library Leadership Fellows Program. This executive leadership program meets the increasing demands for succession planning for research libraries with a new approach to preparing the next generation of deans and directors. Library directors are seeking a cohort of well-trained and sophisticated candidates who possess the necessary experience and perspective to succeed in premier leadership positions in large, complex institutions. The RLLF Program provides such a cohort"
The Ranking of Repositories - January 2011
The Ranking of Repositories has been published since 2008 and two editions are available, usually at the end of January and July. The January 2011 edition is now available
DBW Publishing Innovation Awards finalists
Organizers of Digital Book World 2011 have announced the finalists for the inaugural Publishing Innovation Awards, to be presented during the Opening Ceremonies for DBW 2011 on Monday, January 24, 2011, at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers in New York City
Credo Reference enhances Topic Pages with H.W. Wilson databases
Credo Reference has now enabled access to databases from H.W. Wilson. Mutual customers of Credo Reference and WilsonWeb will now be able to link to the WilsonWeb databases from Credo Topic Pages via a Z39.50 search
Open University serials data added to SUNCAT (UK)
The serials' holdings of the Open University have been added to SUNCAT, bringing the total number of contributing libraries to 79, plus the CONSER database, the ISSN register and the Directory of Open Access Journals. The Open University is the first new SUNCAT Contributing Library to be added in 2011 and it joins over 50 existing Higher Education institutions on the catalogue
HathiTrust Digital Library and OCLC announce WorldCat Local prototype
"OCLC and the HathiTrust Digital Library have developed a unique WorldCat Local user interface for discovery of items accessible through the HathiTrust Digital Library. The WorldCat Local prototype for the HathiTrust Digital Library was designed and implemented by both organizations in close cooperation as a means to further develop a shared digital library infrastructure. The WorldCat Local interface for the HathiTrust Digital Library is based on the WorldCat database, and will run along with the current HathiTrust catalog during the prototype testing period"
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - January 21, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Cathedrals. "This week's brainteaser is about cathedrals and the cities they are in" Answers here.
1. Who designed St Paul's Cathedral in London?
2. Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral is on an island in which river?
3. A cathedral is distinguished by being a church in which what kind of clergyman presides or officiates?
4. In which country is Chartres cathedral?
5. In which city is the largest Gothic cathedral in Italy?
6. The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built to serve as what for the city's cathedral?
7. Who designed the dome of St Peter's Cathedral in Rome?
8. Who wrote the verse drama "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935)?
9. Which French artist painted the picture "Rouen Cathedral, West Portal, Grey Weather, 1894"?
10. Name the architect who designed the dome of Florence cathedral
1. Who designed St Paul's Cathedral in London?
2. Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral is on an island in which river?
3. A cathedral is distinguished by being a church in which what kind of clergyman presides or officiates?
4. In which country is Chartres cathedral?
5. In which city is the largest Gothic cathedral in Italy?
6. The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built to serve as what for the city's cathedral?
7. Who designed the dome of St Peter's Cathedral in Rome?
8. Who wrote the verse drama "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935)?
9. Which French artist painted the picture "Rouen Cathedral, West Portal, Grey Weather, 1894"?
10. Name the architect who designed the dome of Florence cathedral
Libraries Thriving - online collaborative community
With low usage and shrinking budgets, libraries are challenged to justify resource investments now more than ever. At the same time, information users are ill-prepared to navigate the amount and quality of content on the web. This creates a tremendous opportunity for libraries to show that they are well equipped to help users navigate information resources and for users to benefit from this guidance. Libraries Thriving is an online collaborative community designed to tackle this opportunity. Librarians, teaching and learning centers, faculty and researchers are sharing ideas and working together on this site to further commons goals of increasing innovative use of e-resources. Libraries Thriving will provide:
* Educational online seminar series
* Best practices
* Research and resources
* Discussion areas
* Community support
* Project support
* Podcasts
* Educational online seminar series
* Best practices
* Research and resources
* Discussion areas
* Community support
* Project support
* Podcasts
Connecticut library cancels screening of Michael Moore movie 'Sicko' under pressure
"The Enfield Public Library has canceled a screening of the Michael Moore documentary 'Sicko' about the American health care system under pressure from the town council and mayor, prompting accusations of censorship. The screening was canceled Wednesday, a day after a resident complained about the film at a council meeting. Several councilors objected to the film and Republican Mayor Scott Kaupin asked the town manager to talk to library Director Henry Dutcher. Dutcher tells The Journal Inquirer that he was told by the town manager to cancel the screening. Kaupin called the decision to show the movie 'stupid' and threatened the library's funding. Democratic Councilor Cynthia Mangini called it censorship. Peter Chase, chairman of the Connecticut Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee, called the decision 'absolutely deplorable.'" - New Haven Register
AALL 2011 Management Institute
AALL 2011 Management Institute: Developing future managers, leading new managers to success - April 7-9, 2011 - Chicago, Illinois
The Edgy Librarian 2011

Above the Fold - 14 January 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 14 January 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 2 now available
ACRLMetrics is a new on-line service providing access to ACRL and NCES academic library statistics (2000 to present)
AALL January 2011 E-Newsletter
The AALL January 2011 E-Newsletter is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Freedom to Read Week 2011 (Canada)
Freedom to Read Week: February 20-26, 2011 - Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day. Free speech on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read
Friends of The National Archives lecture: Science and sustainability in cultural heritage (UK)
"The Friends of The National Archives present an evening lecture, 'Science and sustainability in cultural heritage: Building a resilient future for The National Archives', that will examine the challenges faced by cultural institutions at this critical time. Economic uncertainty, fears about the world's climate and availability of fossil fuels are the issues raising big questions for cultural organisations, like The National Archives, about how they perform their roles, connect to communities and contribute to goverment targets on carbon reduction. Introduced by Oliver Morley, Acting Chief Executive of The National Archives, the event features presentations by Professor May Cassar, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Heritage (UCL) and Nancy Bell, Head of Collection Care at The National Archives" - 26 January 2011 - The National Archives, Kew, London, UK
Fight For Libraries Campaign on Facebook (The Bookseller, UK)

Proposed Texas budget demolishes statewide library programs
From Catalogablog - "The first draft of the State's budget proposal for 2012-13 affects every statewide library program." The proposal:
* Eliminates Loan Star Libraries (direct aid grants to public libraries)
* Eliminates all state funding for TexShare databases (replaces state funding for databases with increased fees to member libraries)
* Eliminates the K-12 Database program
* Eliminates the Library System
* Negotiated Grants Program (the new competitive grant program started last session for systems)
* Eliminates state funding for consulting services to libraries (program/staff based at the agency)
* Eliminates state funding for state depository program and TRAIL program
* Eliminates state funding for records management (replaces state funding with increased fees)
* Assumes an overall loss of over $8 million in IMLS funds (Note: federal funding is the source of funding for the regional library systems, the TANG program, and interlibrary loan.)
* Eliminates the Technology Allotment at TEA
* Eliminates Loan Star Libraries (direct aid grants to public libraries)
* Eliminates all state funding for TexShare databases (replaces state funding for databases with increased fees to member libraries)
* Eliminates the K-12 Database program
* Eliminates the Library System
* Negotiated Grants Program (the new competitive grant program started last session for systems)
* Eliminates state funding for consulting services to libraries (program/staff based at the agency)
* Eliminates state funding for state depository program and TRAIL program
* Eliminates state funding for records management (replaces state funding with increased fees)
* Assumes an overall loss of over $8 million in IMLS funds (Note: federal funding is the source of funding for the regional library systems, the TANG program, and interlibrary loan.)
* Eliminates the Technology Allotment at TEA
SPARC enews/January 2011
SPARC enews/January 2011: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
The 2011 Guide to Free or Nearly-Free e-Books

Index to Theses links to 50,000 full text online theses (UK)
"The enhanced full-text linking service from Index to Theses provides links to some 50,000 full text theses available online for free downloads from university repositories as well as the EThOS site. This is in sharp contrast to the 3,000 available links in 2008, when Index to Theses started monitoring theses' full text download availability"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Suffolk: Top authors condemn libraries axe (UK)

2011 Jerusalem Prize winner
The Jerusalem Prize, Israel's highest literary honor for foreign writers will be awarded this year to the English author Ian McEwan in a ceremony that will take place on February 20th, the opening evening of the Jerusalem International Book Fair. The 25th International Book Fair will take place in Jerusalem from February 20th-25th, 2011 at the ICC Jerusalem International Convention Center. The International Book Fair in Jerusalem has been held biennially since 1963 and is considered one of the leading book fairs in the world
D-Lib Magazine - January/February 2011
D-Lib Magazine - January/February 2011 is now available. D-Lib Magazine is produced by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Digital Humanities Blog Carnival
Digital Humanities Blog Carnival Volume 1, Number 1, is now available online. "The field of the digital humanities has grown significantly over the last decade, and now there is no end of projects to support, ways of thinking to share, and funding opportunities to highlight. The Digital Humanities Blog Carnival is a forum for showing, discussing, and developing some of the best work in this field"
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography - Version 2
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography - Version 2 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. This bibliography presents selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. Most sources have been published between 2000 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints for published articles in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories
National Portrait Gallery library holdings loaded on to Copac (UK)
Copac has announced that the library holdings of the National Portrait Gallery Heinz Archive & Library are now live on Copac. The National Portrait Gallery's Library supports the Gallery's research needs, with strengths in British portraiture, history, and biography. The National Portrait Gallery has collected library materials since the founding of the Gallery in 1856, and the Heinz Archive & Library now holds approximately 35,000 books and exhibition catalogues, runs of 150 periodical titles (70 currently received), catalogues from sales featuring portraits from 1866 to the present, a collection of approximately 600 rare books, and a small number of theses and dissertations
Monday, January 17, 2011
Cites & Insights 11:2 (February 2011)
Cites & Insights 11:2 (February 2011) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #137
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #137. "This week's episode contains a replay of the most recent episode of TVO's program Search Engine about the censorship situation in Tunisia. We follow up last Tuesday's release of Search Engine by bringing the story up to date with events that happened since". Previous Podcasts can be found here
UKSG 34th Annual Conference and Exhibition 2011
The 2011 UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place from 4-6 April 2011 at the Harrogate International Centre. The HIC is one of the most impressively integrated conference, exhibition and event venues in Europe and combines excellent facilities with unbeatable customer service in this cosmopolitan Yorkshire town
The World Library and Information Congress 2011, 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

RSC Publishing Platform reaches the one million milestone (UK)
The one millionth publication to appear on the RSC Publishing Platform went online January 14, 2011 in a landmark achievement for the learned society. The seven figure milestone was reached as the RSC's exceptional range of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, books, databases and publishing services to the chemical science community more than doubled in output in the last three years
LIBEX international job exchange
CILIP's international job exchange scheme, LIBEX, enables CILIP members to exchange jobs with library and information staff around the world
NewspaperDirect releases PressReader App for Android
"Optimized for the Google Android platform which powers millions of smartphones, PressReader delivers a visually stunning reading experience for the more than 1,700 newspapers and magazines from 93 countries available on PressDisplay.com. Automatically download complete digital replicas of your favorite publications and read them cover to cover on your Android device, often before they hit the newsstands"
DL.org eNewsletter - Winter 2010
"The DL.org eNewsletter for Winter 2010 is now available. Top features include the London Workshop dedicated to Digital Libraries & Open Access. Interoperability Strategies, 4 February 2011, and interviews on Education and Research in Digital Libraries from our Parma seminar last November"
The Bodleian Book Storage Facility takes delivery of its one millionth item

Wiley-Blackwell celebrates 10 years of Online Books

The Canadiana Discovery Portal
"An ambitious new search engine has been launched by an alliance of digital heritage advocates designed to allow one-stop searching for centuries of Canadian history. The Canadiana Discovery Portal combs through more than 60 million pages of information from 30 different library, museum and archive collections across the country. From old Saskatchewan postcards to sheet music, the search engine brings together access to 14 different institutional collections from coast to coast and in both French and English. Unlike traditional academic search engines, this one has been designed for ease. "It's more Google-like," said Ron Walker, executive director of Canadiana.org, an organization that facilitates digital initiatives and is spearheading the portal initiative. "Here's everything that exists, type in a name and see what comes up." The collections are varied. Quick searches on perennial topics in Canadian conversations yield a surprising diversity of results"
Sunday, January 16, 2011
New blog: Save Doncaster Libraries (UK)
"This is a blog for Save Doncaster Libraries, a campaign set up at the beginning of 2010 to challenge the proposed closures of branches of the Doncaster Libraries and Information Service, and disproportionate cuts to the library budget including stock, staff and facilities. We believe:
* Libraries are a vital part of Doncaster communities
* The closure of library branches is counterproductive to the aims of Doncaster Council and harmful to the communities they are in
* Doncaster residents deserve and need improved library services rather than reduced services"
* Libraries are a vital part of Doncaster communities
* The closure of library branches is counterproductive to the aims of Doncaster Council and harmful to the communities they are in
* Doncaster residents deserve and need improved library services rather than reduced services"
Learners to benefit from technology competitions (UK)
"Learners who find digital information difficult to manage in today's high tech world, perhaps because of a disability, could enjoy more independence thanks to two new developer competitions. JISC Techdis is launching the competitions after consulting the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Technology Strategy Board, joint sponsors of the initiative. The first competition 'Plain Sailing' asks developers to create technology to help people produce and access their own personalised digital information anytime, anywhere. The second 'Making Waves' competition challenges developers to come up with technologies to ensure that learners with communication difficulties can function effectively and independently. JISC Techdis director Sal Cooke said: "Digitisation has opened up access to a mass of information for a vast number of people across the globe. Yet, in spite of legislation, accessibility standards and guidelines, equality of access is still denied to millions of people." The winning contract for each competition is worth GBP250,000, and will be chosen by a panel of independent experts
Alaska Library Association Annual Conference 2011

Emerald's Journal of the Week for January 2011
Emerald's Journal of the Week for January 2011 are:
January 17th
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Strategy & Leadership
January 24th
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal
Gender in Management
January 31st
Journal of Asia Business Studies
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
January 17th
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Strategy & Leadership
January 24th
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal
Gender in Management
January 31st
Journal of Asia Business Studies
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
Public Data Corporation to free up public data and drive innovation (UK)
"Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude and Business Minister Edward Davey have outlined plans for a new Public Data Corporation. The Corporation will, for the first time, bring together Government bodies and data into one organisation and provide an unprecedented level of easily accessible public information and drive further efficiency in the delivery of public services. Supporting the Government's growth agenda, it will open up opportunities for innovative developers, businesses and members of the public to generate social and economic growth through the use of data. The Corporation will also have the potential to attract investment, reinforcing and accelerating the development of these world class assets and their contribution to the knowledge economy. By bringing valuable Government data together, governed by a consistent set of principles around data collection, maintenance, production and charging, the Government can share best practice, drive efficiencies and create innovative public services for citizens and businesses. The Public Data Corporation will also provide real value for the taxpayer"
Search over 22,000 new London docklands parish baptisms (UK)
findmypast.co.uk has just updated its London docklands parish baptisms collection with 22,645 new records. This brings the total amount of London docklands baptisms on findmypast.co.uk to 503,711
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Ethiopian e-Journal for Research and Innovation Foresight
International Journal of Critical Pedagogy
Trabajos de Prehistoria
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
Anuario de Estudios Americanos
Enfermería Actual en Costa Rica
Journal für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
Criminocorpus, Revue Hypermédia
International Journal of Critical Pedagogy
Trabajos de Prehistoria
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
Anuario de Estudios Americanos
Enfermería Actual en Costa Rica
Journal für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
Criminocorpus, Revue Hypermédia
Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2011
The Prize honours the best work of fiction by a living author, which has been translated into English from any other language and published in the United Kingdom during 2010. Uniquely, the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize gives the winning author and translator equal status: each receives GBP5,000. A longlist will be announced in March 2011, followed by the shortlist in April at London Book Fair. The winner will be announced at a ceremony in Central London in May. The judges for this year's prize are:
* Harriett Gilbert, writer, academic and broadcaster
* Author, M J Hyland
* Catriona Kelly, writer and Professor of Russian at the University of Oxford
* Novelist and reviewer, Neel Mukherjee
* Boyd Tonkin, Literary Editor of the Independent
* Harriett Gilbert, writer, academic and broadcaster
* Author, M J Hyland
* Catriona Kelly, writer and Professor of Russian at the University of Oxford
* Novelist and reviewer, Neel Mukherjee
* Boyd Tonkin, Literary Editor of the Independent
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Top University Presses select Ingram’s CoreSource® platform for e-content management (USA)
"Ingram Content Group Inc., has announced agreements with two notable university presses for e-content management. The University of Michigan Press and The University Press of Kentucky have selected Ingram's digital asset management platform, CoreSource®, to archive and distribute materials to partners worldwide"
New version of the ACM Digital Library
The Association for Computing Machinery has released a new version of the ACM Digital Library, making it the most comprehensive database of computing literature in the world. Building on the breadth and depth of this renowned repository of digital knowledge, the new site simplifies usability, extends connections, and expands content with a wide range of new tools and features. More than 1.5 million users have access to ACM's Digital Library, a readership representing individuals and institutions from over 190 countries worldwide who download some 13-15 million full text resources annually
The News Frontier Database (USA)
"The News Frontier Database is a searchable, living, and ongoing documentation of digital news outlets across the country. Featuring originally reported profiles and extensive data sets on each outlet, the NFDB is a tool for those who study or pursue online journalism, a window into that world for the uninitiated, and, like any journalistic product, a means by which to shed light on an important topic. We plan to build the NFDB into the most comprehensive resource of its kind"
Information Book Award launched (UK)
The School Library Association is launching the Information Book Award for non-fiction, sponsored by Hachette Children's Books. The annual award is designed to support school libraries and to reinforce the importance of non-fiction. Publishers will be called for submissions in early February and the shortlist will be announced in July/August. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in London in November. The award will be split into three categories: under 7s, 7-12 and 12-16 years, and will be judged by librarians, SLA Board members and a member of Peters Bookselling Services. Each section will have a winner and there will also be an overall winner. Peters Bookselling Services will supply packs of the shortlisted titles to schools, with children invited to vote for their favourite book in September and October 2011
Podcast: Challenges facing The National Archives (UK)
"Podcast of an interview which took place on Monday 29 November 2010. Dr Andrew Foster from the Historical Association and also a member of The National Archives' Strategic Academic Stakeholder Forum in conversation with Oliver Morley, Acting Chief Executive about the strategic challenges faced by The National Archives in difficult economic times and how The National Archives plans to continue building relationships with the academic and research community"
Montana State Library adopts the Internet Archive as its institutional repository

World Constitutions Illustrated - January 2011 update
The January 2011 update for World Constitutions Illustrated is now available from HeinOnline
The John F. Kennedy library puts archives online (USA)

Maney extends open access model to the humanities

Library clears its shelves in protest at closure threat (UK)
The library at Stony Stratford, on the outskirts of Milton Keynes, looks like the aftermath of a crime, its shell-shocked staff presiding over an expanse of emptied shelves. Only a few days ago they held 16,000 volumes. Now, after a campaign on Facebook, there are none. Every library user was urged to pick their full entitlement of 15 books, take them away and keep them for a week. The idea was to empty the shelves by closing time on Saturday: in fact with 24 hours to go, the last sad bundle of self-help and practical mechanics books was stamped out. Robert Gifford, chair of Stony Stratford town council, planned to collect his books when he got home from work in London, but left it too late - Guardian
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - January 14, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Yellow. "All the questions in this week's brainteaser are about the colour yellow and things that have "yellow" in their names." Answers here.
1. Which 1939 film included the song "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"?
2. Which pop singer released a highly successful song and album entitled "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" in 1973?
3. What is the French word for "yellow"?
4. Which song by the Beatles starts like this: "In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea"?
5. Which US national park is situated on a broad plateau in the Rocky Mountains, chiefly in northwest Wyoming?
6. Who wrote the 1921 book "Crome Yellow"?
7. What kind of animal is the clouded yellow?
8. In which play by Shakespeare does Ariel sing a song which begins 'Come unto these yellow sands"?
9. Which American satirist recorded a parody of Mitch Miller's "The Yellow Rose of Texas" (1955), which features an over-enthusiastic drummer?
10. Starting in 1894, who was the art editor of "The Yellow Book", a periodical of the 1890s?
1. Which 1939 film included the song "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"?
2. Which pop singer released a highly successful song and album entitled "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" in 1973?
3. What is the French word for "yellow"?
4. Which song by the Beatles starts like this: "In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea"?
5. Which US national park is situated on a broad plateau in the Rocky Mountains, chiefly in northwest Wyoming?
6. Who wrote the 1921 book "Crome Yellow"?
7. What kind of animal is the clouded yellow?
8. In which play by Shakespeare does Ariel sing a song which begins 'Come unto these yellow sands"?
9. Which American satirist recorded a parody of Mitch Miller's "The Yellow Rose of Texas" (1955), which features an over-enthusiastic drummer?
10. Starting in 1894, who was the art editor of "The Yellow Book", a periodical of the 1890s?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
American Journal of Cancer Research
ISRN Hematology
ISRN Mathematical Analysis
Universitas Odontologica
Digital Defoe : Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries
Revista de Ingeniería
International Journal of Proteomics
ArcheoArte. Rivista Elettronica di Archeologia e Arte
Investigaciones ANDINA
ISRN Communications and Networking
ISRN Dentistry
ISRN Gastroenterology
Stamford Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology
ISRN Hematology
ISRN Mathematical Analysis
Universitas Odontologica
Digital Defoe : Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries
Revista de Ingeniería
International Journal of Proteomics
ArcheoArte. Rivista Elettronica di Archeologia e Arte
Investigaciones ANDINA
ISRN Communications and Networking
ISRN Dentistry
ISRN Gastroenterology
Stamford Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology
Google acquires eBook Technologies, Inc.
Google has acquired eBook Technologies, Inc. "eBook Technologies provides the leading end-to-end electronic book platform offering a full range of eBook products and services"
"ResearchGATE is a professional network for scientists. It's free of charge and equips you with useful tools"
2011 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award winners
ACRL has announced the recipients of the 2011 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award: The Luria Library at Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, Ca.; the Grinnell College Libraries, Grinnell, Iowa and the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C. Sponsored by ACRL and YBP Library Services, the award recognizes the staff of a college, university and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution
NAACP Image Awards nominees
Nominations for the NAACP Image Awards have been announced: the literature nominees include titles in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, debut author, biography/autobiography, instructional, poetry, children's and youth/teens. Winners will be honored live on Fox on Friday, March 4 2011
SAGE launches socialsciencespace
"SAGE has announced the launch of a new online network that aims to champion the value and relevance of the social sciences. Socialsciencespace brings together researchers, funders, societies, think tanks, policy makers and government to explore, share and debate the major issues in social science. Launched in association with major learned societies and professional bodies from around the world, socialsciencespace acts as a hub for all groups connected with social science research. Initial contributions feature leading figures from academia and beyond, including the Academy for Social Sciences; Institute for Education; the Metropolitan Police; the National Institute of Health; and the Institute for Government". RSS feed
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Census: 1911: A Vision of England (UK)

Happy Birthday Jack London!

"It's Jack London's 135th birthday!"
just retweet it before 3pm GMT! Live in the US? Follow @OUPblogUSA. You'll have until 3pm ET
2010 DBW Publishing Innovation Awards longlist
Organizers of Digital Book World 2011 have announced the longlist for the inaugural Publishing Innovation Awards, to be presented during the Opening Ceremonies for DBW 2011 on Monday, January 24th, 2011, at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers in New York City:
Fiction (Judge: Joshua Tallent)
* A Christmas Carol (PadWorx Digital Media)
* Alice for iPad (Atomic Antelope)
* Cathy’s Book 2 (Expanded Apps, Inc.)
* DRACULA: The Official Stoker Family Edition (PadWorx Digital Media)
* Letters From Father Christmas (HarperCollins)
* The Mongoliad (Subutai Corporation)
* War of the Worlds (Smashing Ideas)
Non-Fiction (Judge: Peter Meyers)
* 10 Greatest Card Tricks of All Time (Vook)
* Ansel Adams (Hachette Book Group, Inc.)
* I Live in the Future & Here’s How It Works (Random House)
* iPad Stretches (Shelter Publications, Inc.)
* Logos Bible Software (Logos Bible Software, Inc.)
* Music: An Appreciation (Standard Nine Inc.)
* WAR (Enriched) (Grand Central Publishing)
* Why the Net Matters (Canongate Books Ltd)
Children’s (Judge: Peter Costanzo)
* A Story Before Bedtime (Jackson Fish Market)
* The Cat In the Hat (Oceanhouse Media)
* Cozmo’s Day Off (Ayars Animation, Inc.)
* Grimm’s Rapunzel (Ideal Binary Ltd.)
* Miss Spider’s Tea Party (Callaway Arts & Entertainment)
* The Night Before Christmas, told by Meryl Streep (Ruckus Media Group)
* The Pedlar Lady of Gushing Cross (Moving Tales)
* Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain (Copperplate Publishing)
Reference (Judge: Liza Daly)
* Andrew Zuckerman: Music (PQ Blackwell Ltd.)
* BrainPOP Featured Movie (BrainPOP®)
* Britannica Kids: Dinosaurs Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.)(
* Heart Pro (3D4Medical.com, LLC)
* iBird Pro HD (Mitch Waite Group)
* Let’s Eat Out with Celiac / Coeliac and Food Allergies! (R & R Publishing)
* The Solar System (Touch Press)
* Star Walk for iPad (Vito Technology Inc.)
* Visions of America (Vook)
Comics (Judge: Liz Castro)
* Clown Commandos #1 (Big Red Boot Entertainment)
* Disney Epic Mickey Digicomics (Disney Publishing Worldwide)
* Motion Comic SUPERARE (Amo Tarzi)
* Operation Ajax (Tall Chair, Inc.)
* Robot 13 (Robot Comics)
* Tumor (Archaia Studios Press)
* Valentine the comic (Robot Comics)
Fiction (Judge: Joshua Tallent)
* A Christmas Carol (PadWorx Digital Media)
* Alice for iPad (Atomic Antelope)
* Cathy’s Book 2 (Expanded Apps, Inc.)
* DRACULA: The Official Stoker Family Edition (PadWorx Digital Media)
* Letters From Father Christmas (HarperCollins)
* The Mongoliad (Subutai Corporation)
* War of the Worlds (Smashing Ideas)
Non-Fiction (Judge: Peter Meyers)
* 10 Greatest Card Tricks of All Time (Vook)
* Ansel Adams (Hachette Book Group, Inc.)
* I Live in the Future & Here’s How It Works (Random House)
* iPad Stretches (Shelter Publications, Inc.)
* Logos Bible Software (Logos Bible Software, Inc.)
* Music: An Appreciation (Standard Nine Inc.)
* WAR (Enriched) (Grand Central Publishing)
* Why the Net Matters (Canongate Books Ltd)
Children’s (Judge: Peter Costanzo)
* A Story Before Bedtime (Jackson Fish Market)
* The Cat In the Hat (Oceanhouse Media)
* Cozmo’s Day Off (Ayars Animation, Inc.)
* Grimm’s Rapunzel (Ideal Binary Ltd.)
* Miss Spider’s Tea Party (Callaway Arts & Entertainment)
* The Night Before Christmas, told by Meryl Streep (Ruckus Media Group)
* The Pedlar Lady of Gushing Cross (Moving Tales)
* Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain (Copperplate Publishing)
Reference (Judge: Liza Daly)
* Andrew Zuckerman: Music (PQ Blackwell Ltd.)
* BrainPOP Featured Movie (BrainPOP®)
* Britannica Kids: Dinosaurs Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.)(
* Heart Pro (3D4Medical.com, LLC)
* iBird Pro HD (Mitch Waite Group)
* Let’s Eat Out with Celiac / Coeliac and Food Allergies! (R & R Publishing)
* The Solar System (Touch Press)
* Star Walk for iPad (Vito Technology Inc.)
* Visions of America (Vook)
Comics (Judge: Liz Castro)
* Clown Commandos #1 (Big Red Boot Entertainment)
* Disney Epic Mickey Digicomics (Disney Publishing Worldwide)
* Motion Comic SUPERARE (Amo Tarzi)
* Operation Ajax (Tall Chair, Inc.)
* Robot 13 (Robot Comics)
* Tumor (Archaia Studios Press)
* Valentine the comic (Robot Comics)
2010 National Jewish Book Awards announced
"The Jewish Book Council has announced the winners of the 2010 National Jewish Book Awards, the longest-running North American awards program of its kind in the field of Jewish literature. Given annually since 1948, the awards are designed to recognize outstanding books on Jewish topics each year. Awards are given in sixteen different categories, including debut fiction, scholarship, biography and Holocaust. In addition to the sixteen category awards, special awards will be bestowed this year upon Cynthia Ozick, Gal Beckerman, and Harold Grinspoon. The winners of the 2010 National Jewish Book Awards will be honored on March 9 at a gala awards ceremony to be held at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. The awards ceremony, which begins at 8:00 p.m., is free and open to the public. Masters of ceremony for the event are Ari. L. Goldman, author and professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and Alana Newhouse, editor-in-chief of Tablet Magazine"
January 2011 batch of Early Reviewer books now available at LibraryThing
The January 2011 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing. There are 1893 copies of 76 books available this month
U.S. National Library of Medicine launched new-look website
"On January 11, 2011, the National Library of Medicine released a new design and organization for its Main Web site. The NLM homepage has an entirely new design, focused on your top tasks"
JISC Conference 2011 (UK)
For the past nine years the JISC annual conference has been bringing expertise and knowledge to over 750 senior managers, academics, library professionals, teachers, policy makers and IT experts from across education in the UK and internationally. The 2011 programme consists of a variety of keynotes, sessions, worskshops, demonstrations and exhibition stands providing delegates with the opportunity to seek advice, guidance and inspiration to realise the potential of their existing technologies within their institutions - 14-15 March 2011 - Liverpool, UK
InSITE - January 10, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 16, No. 9, January 10, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# Advocates for Human Rights
# Global Policy Forum
# Institute of Race Relations
# Advocates for Human Rights
# Global Policy Forum
# Institute of Race Relations
Museums at Play: Games, Interaction and Learning
"Museums are using games in many ways – for interpretation, education, marketing, outreach and events. Museums at Play showcases tried and tested examples from the sector and seeks to inspire further informed use of games as part of the Museum toolbox. It also draws on relevant experience from other sectors, and on the experience of game designers and theorists. It looks at learnings from other disciplines and explores the possibilities of interaction using gaming within museums. Museums At Play is edited by freelance strategist Katy Beale, who has wide-ranging interest in the field and extensive experience of helping creative and cultural organisations interact with and develop their audiences, having recently worked with Tate, Science Museum, BBC Radio 3, and the Crafts Council"
Janice Welburn named 2011 ACRL Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year

London Land Tax Valuations, 1910 (UK)

Well Red via Exact Editions
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #136
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #136. "This week's tardy podcast brings discussion of the upgrade to the LISNews back-end and a news miscellany". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Randolph Caldecott Medal 2011 winner
The winner of the Randolph Caldecott Medal 2011 has been awarded to A Sick Day for Amos McGee, illustrated by Erin E. Stead, written by Philip C. Stead, and is a Neal Porter Book, published by Roaring Brook Press, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing
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