Monday, May 31, 2010
Wellcome Library - Quacks and Cures: new and improved!

Map Curators' Group 2010 workshop (UK)
The Map Curators' Group of the British Cartographic Society is inviting map curators, map librarians, archivists and all those charged with the care of maps to its 2010 Workshop at Cambridge University Library, in the historic city of Cambridge, England, 8-10 September 2010. This year's theme is "Beyond the neat line: More than just geography"
Repair tab on old downtown Calgary library soars to $53M (Canada)
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - January/February 2010
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - Vol. 69, Nos 1-2 - January/February 2010 - is now available online
Reading List Solutions - a new JISC mail list
Reading List Solutions is for users and software developers of reading list solutions (commercial and open source software, or other approaches) in academic institutions to discuss issues around their implementation, use, development and interoperability with other systems
2010 National Book Festival (USA)
The 10th annual National Book Festival, organized and sponsored by the Library of Congress, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., between 3rd and 7th streets from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The festival, a celebration of the joy of reading for all ages, is free and open to the public
Library of Congress and Columbia University agree to develop geospatial data-preservation clearinghouse
"Digital maps, satellite images and other forms of geospatial data are critically important for responding to disasters, protecting the environment and a host of other matters. But much of this information is in danger of being lost, because of evolving technology and other threats. The Library of Congress and Columbia University have announced an agreement to create a web-based clearinghouse of information about best practices for preserving significant geospatial data. The Library's National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) will fund development of the clearinghouse at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia's Earth Institute. CIESIN will launch a beta version of the clearinghouse later this year"
Sunday, May 30, 2010
CLA Mobile - powered by Boopsie
Boopsie has released a web app/conference directory for those attending to the Canadian Librarian Association 2010 Annual Conference
Future of Belfast's Libraries announced (Northern Ireland)
"At its meeting on the 27th May, the Libraries NI Board heard that 70 per cent of the respondents to the extensive public consultation process agreed with its vision for a 21st Century library service. The public consultation process centred on a Strategic Review of branch library provision across Greater Belfast. This review evaluated all of Greater Belfast's 32 branch libraries identifying a number which lack the ability to realise Libraries NI's vision for a modern, vibrant library service, offering an enhanced range of books and other resources. It is with regret that the Libraries NI Board, after scrutinising the findings of the review and the public consultation process, approved closure of the following libraries: Andersonstown, Ballymacarrett, Belvoir Park, Braniel, Dunmurry, Gilnahirk, Ligoniel, Oldpark, Sandy Row and Whitewell. These libraries failed to match the vision requirements whilst also requiring major investment which could not be justified alongside declining usage"
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wowio CEO Brian Altounian demonstrates enriched eBook on MoneyTV
See a demonstration of H.G. Wells' classic War Of The Worlds in a whole new way...
ARLIS: The Next Generation (Scotland)
Join ARLIS in July 2010 when the annual conference will be held at the recently opened John McIntyre Conference Centre, at the University of Edinburgh's Pollock Halls. The campus is situated close to the centre of the city at the foot of Edinburgh's spectacular natural landmark, Arthur's Seat. The full programme will examine the future of art librarianship and will include presentations looking at the increasing use of social media, new projects concerning digital resources and collections, and artists' increasing use of archive and library material in their work - 14-16 July 2010
Seeking your views on the CILIP MMIT Group (UK)
Catherine Dhanjal, Managing Editor, MmIT journal, writes: "We are seeking the views of members of CILIP's Multimedia and Information Technology (MMIT) Group. It is our wish to gather feedback from the members of the MMIT Group to help to ensure that our services continue to meet your needs. To this end, we would greatly appreciate your completing a survey which should take about 10 minutes. Respondents will be invited to enter into a draw for a first prize of one £150 voucher (Amazon or lastminute.com); two second prizes of £50 vouchers (Amazon or LastMinute.com); and five third prizes of a 12-month subscription to the print version of MmIT Journal. (Prizes sponsored by MmIT journal). The survey will be open until 23 June 2010"
SUNCAT: Tate Library, Tate Britain added (UK)
The serials' holdings of the Tate Library, Tate Britain have been added to SUNCAT, bringing the total number of contributing libraries to 74, plus the CONSER database, the ISSN register and the Directory of Open Access Journals. The Tate Library holds around 2,000 journal titles, of which around 400 are current subscriptions. In addition to current art magazines such as Art Monthly, etc., it holds a number of artists' serials, as well as historic magazines. The Library also holds a collection of museum and gallery bulletins from around the world
News from The William Blake Archive
"The William Blake Archive has announced the publication of electronic editions of Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion copies E and I, in the Huntington Library and Art Gallery and Yale Center for British Art, respectively. They join copies a, A, B, C, J (1793), F (c. 1794), G (1795), and O and P (c. 1818), previously published in the Archive"
Ubimark Books and the iPhone (USA)
"Re-read the Jules Verne paperback classic while following Fogg and Passpartout on your iPhone. You can also listen to the audio-book or view the movie"
Big Picture: Addiction - Wellcome Trust (UK)

Kobo launches global eReading applications for iPad

New government files released - UK National Archives

UK government publications - 27 May 2010
The latest round up of new UK government publications this week - May 27 2010 from Intute and the LSE Library
Friday, May 28, 2010
Podcast: Lost London pubs - UK National Archives
Lost London pubs looks back at the changing nature and purpose of pubs over the past 250 years, illustrated through speaker Jack Adams' own collection of books about pubs published during this period. This talk was recorded live at a conference
National Library of China shares its rich collection with libraries worldwide through OCLC's WorldCat Resource Sharing service
"The National Library of China will share its rich collections with libraries and researchers around the world as a new participant in the OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing service. Since November 2009, 2.4 million records from the National Library of China have been added to WorldCat, the world's largest online resource for finding library materials. With those records in WorldCat, resources from the National Library of China are more visible worldwide through the Web. Once records from the National Library of China are discovered in WorldCat, researchers and scholars will be able to access and obtain these important Chinese materials through WorldCat Resource Sharing"
iPad launch sees new Wattpad app
"eBook publishing site Wattpad has launched an updated version of its iPad and iPhone application to coincide with the international release of Apple’s iPad. A statement issued by the company on Friday notes that the new app allows users to vote and share comments on stories and socialise with other readers in the Wattpad community. Other additional features include an optimised display for use on the iPad, new touch screen controls, enhanced library management and improved offline capabilities. Readers can also save all chapters of a story to their iPhones, iPods and iPads to read offline" - eBook Magazine
Bodleian summer exhibition celebrates the Royal Society

2010 London Digital Book Printing Forum
"The Digital Book Printing Forum will take place on June 9, 2010 from 9:00 to 17:00 at The Royal Society, London. The event is designed around recent INTERQUEST research into digital book printing. INTERQUEST analysts will present key results from the company's new study, Digital Book Printing: Market Analysis & Forecast, 2010-2015"
Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery from ACRL

The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. Answers here.
1. What colour does your skin turn if you have jaundice?
2. In which American city is the Golden Gate Bridge?
3. Is an acre bigger or smaller than a hectare?
4. Which pop singer starred in the films "Absolute Beginners" and "The Man Who Fell to Earth"?
5. Which two continents are connected by the Isthmus of Suez?
6. The plans for calculating engines made by British innovator Charles Babbage (1791-1871) established him as a pioneer of what?
7. "AZ" is the airline code for which airline?
8. Which composer wrote the marches "The Stars and Stripes Forever" and "Liberty Bell"?
9. From 1970 to 1973, Salvador Allende was president of which South American country?
10. Which writer coined the term "Cold War" in his 1945 essay "You and the Atom Bomb"?
1. What colour does your skin turn if you have jaundice?
2. In which American city is the Golden Gate Bridge?
3. Is an acre bigger or smaller than a hectare?
4. Which pop singer starred in the films "Absolute Beginners" and "The Man Who Fell to Earth"?
5. Which two continents are connected by the Isthmus of Suez?
6. The plans for calculating engines made by British innovator Charles Babbage (1791-1871) established him as a pioneer of what?
7. "AZ" is the airline code for which airline?
8. Which composer wrote the marches "The Stars and Stripes Forever" and "Liberty Bell"?
9. From 1970 to 1973, Salvador Allende was president of which South American country?
10. Which writer coined the term "Cold War" in his 1945 essay "You and the Atom Bomb"?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Stoke Newington Literary Festival (London, UK)
"The Stoke Newington Literary Festival is Stoke Newington's first ever literary festival! From 4th to 6th June 2010 London's historic home to radical writers, thinkers and dissidents plays host to a diverse array of today's most interesting authors and poets. With everything from Gothic horror to comedy, poetry to sci-fi, feminism to food and drink, there's something for everyone in the event this brilliantly diverse borough has long been waiting for"
U- Library launch In July (Sarawak)
The Sarawak Library is working with six other libraries in the country under the Ubiquitous Library Pilot Project or "U-Library", which is expected to be launched in July. Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan said the pilot project would enable its members to borrow books through the Internet and have them delivered directly to their homes from the participating libraries through Pos Malaysia. The six participating libraries were the National Library, the National Institute of Public Administration (Intan) Library, and the Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang librararies, he said when winding-up the debate on his ministry at the state assembly here Wednesday
TRAILS from the American Sociological Association
"TRAILS is the American Sociological Association Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. With over 2,700 peer-reviewed resources in more than 70 subject areas, TRAILS is the place to find fresh ideas for your classroom. It's also the perfect place to publish your own teaching and learning innovations"
The New York Public Library partnering with HathiTrust
The New York Public Library is partnering with HathiTrust, a shared repository of digitized content from academic and research libraries. NYPL is the 27th library to join the partnership, which was formed in 2008 and counts the Columbia University Library and the University of California's library system as fellow partners
Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts
Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts is a three-year AHRC-funded research project. It is a joint project of the University of Oxford and King’s College London
Aims and Objectives:
* To create a digital resource reuniting all the known holograph surviving manuscripts of Austen's fiction in an unprecedented virtual collection
* To provide for the first time full descriptions of, transcriptions of, analysis of, and commentary on the manuscripts in the archive, including details of erasures, handwriting, paper quality, watermarks, ink, binding structures, and any ancillary materials held with the holographs as aspects of their physical integrity or provenance
* To develop complex interlinking of the virtual collection to allow systematic comparison of the manuscripts under a number of headings representing both their intellectual and physical states
Innovative features:
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is employing advanced digital technology to reunite within a virtual collection documents unavailable for close comparison since 1845
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is establishing the advanced standards to be adopted by the TEI for encoding modern working manuscripts
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is pioneering work on encoding time (genetic features) in working manuscripts
Aims and Objectives:
* To create a digital resource reuniting all the known holograph surviving manuscripts of Austen's fiction in an unprecedented virtual collection
* To provide for the first time full descriptions of, transcriptions of, analysis of, and commentary on the manuscripts in the archive, including details of erasures, handwriting, paper quality, watermarks, ink, binding structures, and any ancillary materials held with the holographs as aspects of their physical integrity or provenance
* To develop complex interlinking of the virtual collection to allow systematic comparison of the manuscripts under a number of headings representing both their intellectual and physical states
Innovative features:
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is employing advanced digital technology to reunite within a virtual collection documents unavailable for close comparison since 1845
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is establishing the advanced standards to be adopted by the TEI for encoding modern working manuscripts
* The Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project is pioneering work on encoding time (genetic features) in working manuscripts
EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) announces the release of ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 2
"EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) is announcing the release of ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 2. This is the second of two monograph series offered by EBSCO from American Theological Library Association's (ATLA) historical monograph archives. EBSCO partnered with ATLA in 2008 to provide new collections of historical monographs and serials in digital format. ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 2 consists of digital versions of rare historical primary sources published from 1894 up to 1923. Including more than 14,000 titles, Series 2 is a vast collection containing over five million pages of content"
The Code4Lib Journal - Issue 9
The Code4Lib Journal - Issue 9 is now available. The Code4Lib Journal exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Polish Archives of Internal Medicine
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations
Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Nucleus Animalium
Plant, Soil and Environment
South African Journal of Sport Medicine
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica
Argumentation et Analyse du Discours
International Journal of Energy and Environment
International Journal of Medical Education
Journal of Choice Modelling
Open Neuroendocrinology Journal
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Polish Archives of Internal Medicine
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations
Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Nucleus Animalium
Plant, Soil and Environment
South African Journal of Sport Medicine
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica
Argumentation et Analyse du Discours
International Journal of Energy and Environment
International Journal of Medical Education
Journal of Choice Modelling
Open Neuroendocrinology Journal
Credo Reference adds Grey House Publishing titles
Credo Reference has signed an agreement to incorporate six Grey House Publishing titles into the Credo General Reference collection:
* American Environmental Leaders: From Colonial Times to the Present
* An African Biographical Dictionary
* From Suffrage to the Senate: America's Political Women
* Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power and Greed
* The Religious Right: A Reference Handbook
* Speakers of the House of Representatives, 1789-2009
* American Environmental Leaders: From Colonial Times to the Present
* An African Biographical Dictionary
* From Suffrage to the Senate: America's Political Women
* Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power and Greed
* The Religious Right: A Reference Handbook
* Speakers of the House of Representatives, 1789-2009
The Internet Archive Book Drive

Ian McEwan wins Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for comic fiction
Library Advocacy Day video contest (USA)
The American Library Association is holding a video contest for Library Advocacy Day, which is scheduled for June 29, 2010 in Washington, DC.
Library Advocacy Day from ALA Washington on Vimeo.
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - May 26, 2010 update
The May 26, 2010 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
Bisto Book of the Year Award Winner 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
University of Virginia Library receives $870,000 Mellon Foundation Grant to preserve unique digital-only materials
"The University of Virginia Library has received a major grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a two-year project to model how institutions can preserve and deliver rare materials that currently exist only in digital form. "Born-digital" materials include the works of contemporary writers and architects, as well as archives of current political figures and organizations. These materials are quickly becoming significant collections that require careful, planned stewardship to ensure their preservation and availability to scholars now and in the future, said Martha Sites, an associate University librarian and a principal investigator for the grant. Programmers and archivists from U.Va. are working with counterparts at Stanford and Yale universities, as well as from England's University of Hull, to create a model for digital collection management that can be easily shared among research libraries and other institutions charged with preserving rare materials"
Video - From Allen Lane to Amazon: the story of publishing in the 20th century
Publishers such as Allen Lane and Paul Hamlyn revolutionised British publishing in the 20th century, turning it from a cosy club serving the elite into an industrial powerhouse. Iain Stevenson charts a century of triumph for the printed word
Bodleian Libraries secure planning permission approval for the New Bodleian Library renovation
ARL-ACRL ISC Series, Fourth Webinar: Library Roles in Journal Hosting & Support
Registration has opened for the fourth webinar in the ARL-ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication (ISC) series, Strengthening Programs through Collaboration. The webinar, "Changing Role of Libraries: Journal Hosting and Support," is scheduled for June 15, 2010, noon-1:30 p.m. EDT, and will focus on the issues that arise from publishing services. This session will provide participants with an opportunity to learn from the experiences of leaders in the field. The registration deadline is June 8, 2010
E-News for ARL Directors - May 2010
E-News for ARL Directors - May 2010 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
Ariadne - Issue 63 - April 2010
Ariadne - Issue 63, April 2010 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide. Subscribe to the RSS Feed
Above the Fold - May 25, 2010
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - May 25, 2010 - Vol. 3, No. 17 now available
Ian Thomson wins Ondaatje Prize (UK)
Ian Thomson's investigation into the gritty underside of "corrupted Eden" Jamaica has won him the Ondaatje prize, which goes to the book which has best evoked the spirit of a place
The BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction 2010 shortlist announced

* Alex's Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos (Bloomsbury)
* Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick (Granta)
* Blood Knots by Luke Jennings (Atlantic Books)
* Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin (Penguin, Allen Lane)
* A Gambling Man by Jenny Uglow (Faber and Faber)
* Catching Fire: How Cooking made us Human by Richard Wrangham (Profile Books)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
DSpace 1.6.1 is released
"DSpace 1.6.1 is primarily a bug-fix release, which means it does not introduce any new features but improves existing features and fixes bugs discovered in earlier versions of DSpace. This is also the first [minor] version of DSpace to use a "time-driven" approach to release, rather than a "feature-driven" approach: we set a deadline and worked towards releasing on that date, instead of releasing when a certain number of issues were resolved. DSpace 1.7 will be the first major time-driven release"
MMIT event - social networking in libraries (UK)
CILIP Multimedia Information & Technology Group has announced its latest event: social networking in libraries. The event will take place in Liverpool on Friday July 9. The speakers are:
Gareth Johnson – University of Leicester
Andy Walsh – University of Huddersfield
Zelda Chatten – University of Liverpool
Dave Pulpett – LSE
To book, please use the online booking form or email catherine.dhanjal@theansweruk.com
Gareth Johnson – University of Leicester
Andy Walsh – University of Huddersfield
Zelda Chatten – University of Liverpool
Dave Pulpett – LSE
To book, please use the online booking form or email catherine.dhanjal@theansweruk.com
ebrary announces new pilot program for public libraries with free access for local schools
"To help public libraries address the growing needs of school students, job seekers, and other library patrons, ebrary® has announced a new pilot program that combines more than 20,000 e-books from leading publishers under a simultaneous, multi-user access subscription model; free access for local public high schools; do-it-yourself e-publishing tools; and complimentary marketing services"
Open Video Conference 2010
"The Open Video Conference is a multi-day summit of thought leaders in business, academia, art, and activism to explore the future of online video. The first Open Video Conference was host to over 800 guests, including 150 workshop leaders, panelists and speakers. Over 8,000 viewers tuned in from home to watch the live broadcast. The event earned coverage in WIRED, NewTeeVee, BBC News, Filmmaker Magazine, and The New Yorker" - 1-2 October, 2010 - New York, USA. RSS Feed
OCLC Research to host TAI CHI webinar on Linked Data
"Linked Data is a hot topic. It provides a mechanism to expose library data in a way that is understandable to non-librarians, thereby facilitating community development of services that go beyond traditional library resources and creatively exploit library data in valuable new ways. In this webinar, OCLC senior research scientist Ralph LeVan will explain what Linked Data is about and how OCLC produces it, using examples from VIAF (The Virtual International Authority File). He will also discuss topics such as Real World Objects, Generic Documents, Content Negotiation and RDF. In addition, he'll discuss the Open Source infrastructure OCLC uses to make this happen, and which you can use to expose data in a text database like Lucene. Webinar participation is free and open to all but advanced registration is required - 27 May, 2010"
IMPACT widens European scope

Monday, May 24, 2010
ProQuest partners with Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze to make rare Early European Books accessible around the world
"The unique pre-1700 materials in Italy's famed Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF) will be accessible around the world thanks to a new agreement between ProQuest and the Library. ProQuest will digitize BNCFs rich primary sources from the 16th and 17th centuries and make them fully searchable in Early European Books Online™, its recently released archive of rare works. The content will be made freely available to everyone within Italy, enabling all those users to explore the materials"
Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel Of The Year 2010 longlist
The longlist for the Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel Of The Year 2010 has been announced:
* In the Dark by Mark Billingham
* If It Bleeds by Duncan Campbell
* The Surrogate by Tania Carver
* The Business by Martina Cole
* A Simple Act of Violence by R.J. Ellory
* Until It's Over by Nicci French
* The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths
* Cold in Hand by John Harvey
* Skin by Mo Hayder
* Vows of Silence by Susan Hill
* The Dying Breed by Declan Hughes
* Dead Tomorrow by Peter James
* Target by Simon Kernick
* A Darker Domain by Val McDermid
* Gallows Lane by Brian McGilloway
* Geezer Girls by Dreda Say Mitchell
* Singing to the Dead by Caro Ramsay
* Doors Open by Ian Rankin
* All The Colours of Darkness by Peter Robinson
* Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith
* In the Dark by Mark Billingham
* If It Bleeds by Duncan Campbell
* The Surrogate by Tania Carver
* The Business by Martina Cole
* A Simple Act of Violence by R.J. Ellory
* Until It's Over by Nicci French
* The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths
* Cold in Hand by John Harvey
* Skin by Mo Hayder
* Vows of Silence by Susan Hill
* The Dying Breed by Declan Hughes
* Dead Tomorrow by Peter James
* Target by Simon Kernick
* A Darker Domain by Val McDermid
* Gallows Lane by Brian McGilloway
* Geezer Girls by Dreda Say Mitchell
* Singing to the Dead by Caro Ramsay
* Doors Open by Ian Rankin
* All The Colours of Darkness by Peter Robinson
* Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Library and Information Week 2010 - Australia

mBio™ from American Society for Microbiology

LibreDigital secures $8.1 million in funding to accelerate delivery of e-books
"LibreDigital, Inc. has announced that it has closed an $8.1 million Series C funding round led by new investor S3 Ventures with participation from existing investors Adams Capital Management and Triangle Peak Partners. The company's other key investors include HarperCollins Publishers, The New York Times Company and Noro-Moseley Partners. The new capital infusion will be used by LibreDigital to expand e-book services for publishers looking to capitalize on the unprecedented demand for e-books, which is being driven by the release of new devices like the Apple iPad. In addition to being a top Apple e-book aggregator, LibreDigital also powers the delivery of content to other digital devices and marketplaces, including Barnes & Noble NOOK, Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Google Editions and many more"
2010 Florence Tan Moeson Fellows announced by Library of Congress
The Library of Congress has selected nine individuals to receive 2010 Florence Tan Moeson Fellowships. Under this program, scholars have the opportunity to conduct research using the Library's Asian collections. Established in 2005, the fellowship is made possible by a generous donation from Florence Tan Moeson, a former Library employee who retired with more than 40 years of Library service. The purpose of the fellowship is to give individuals the opportunity to pursue research on East, Southeast or South Asia, or the Asian American and Pacific Islander community using the Library's Asian collections. Fellowship recipients have included librarians, graduate students, independent scholars, researchers and university professors
2010 Red House Children's Book Award winners
The winners of the 2010 Red House Children's Book Award has been announced
Saturday, May 22, 2010
"The Bibliographica service is an open catalogue of cultural works. It grew out of the Public Domain Works project which started in 2005 and is still running today. The Bibliographica software that powers this site is open-source and designed for others to use. Moreover, different bibliographica instances can co-operatively share information. Other significant features include native RDF support, FRBR-like domain model, and wiki-like recording of every change"
Publishers to issue digital works intended as 'appetizers' for novels
In a sign of how digital technology is influencing traditional book publishing, Ballantine Books and Harlequin Teen each plan to issue short standalone digital works intended to serve as "bridges" to coming novels. On June 1, Toronto-based Harlequin Enterprises, a unit of media company Torstar Corp., intends to give away e-book copies of Julie Kagawa's "Winter's Passage." The 15,000-word novella will serve as a link between Ms. Kagawa's February debut novel, "The Iron King," and her second teen novel, "The Iron Daughter," which goes on sale July 27. "The purpose is to keep her audience interested while building their excitement for the next book," said Malle Vallik, director of digital content for Harlequin Enterprises. Harlequin plans to offer "Winter's Passage" at $2.99, beginning in late August
Harry Ransom Center's Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection now accessible online
WebJunction-Florida launched to offer online learning, community sharing to state's library staffs
WebJunction has partnered with the State Library and Archives of Florida to launch the new WebJunction-Florida. Library staff in Florida can now access courses at no individual cost through the WebJunction community, and use the site to keep their skills up-to-date and help their libraries respond to current patron needs. As part of this online learning community, members can take courses on a wide range of technology and library subjects - as well as connect with other library staff - creating an engaging learning experience
The Digital Marketplace - California State University

Podcast: Dependence, intolerance and expulsion: the story of the Jews in England, 1066 - 1290 - UK National Archives
"William the Conqueror invited Jews into England from Normandy around 1070, but the Jewish community of merchants and money lenders formed an uneasy relationship with the English crown and people. Medieval Jews were considered to be the king's property, and received certain protection, despite ruthless exploitation of their finances by the crown. However, their religious beliefs created suspicion that resulted in frequent persecution."
Desmond Elliott Prize 2010 shortlist announced
The shortlist for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2010, the award for a first novel published in the UK, has been announced:
* Before the Earthquake by Maria Allen (Tindal Street Press)
* Talk of the Town by Jacob Polley (Picador)
* The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)
The winner is to be announced on 23 June at Fortnum & Mason, in London
* Before the Earthquake by Maria Allen (Tindal Street Press)
* Talk of the Town by Jacob Polley (Picador)
* The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)
The winner is to be announced on 23 June at Fortnum & Mason, in London
UK government publications - 21 May 2010
The latest round up of new UK government publications this week - May 21 2010 from Intute and the LSE Library
Poetry iPhone app
With the Poetry Foundation's Poetry iPhone app, you can now take hundreds of poems by classic and contemporary poets with you wherever you go. From William Shakespeare to César Vallejo to Heather McHugh, the Poetry Foundation's app turns your phone into a mobile poetry library:
* Search for old favorites with memorable lines
* Give your phone a shake to discover new poems to fit any mood
* Save your favorite poems to read and share later—through Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail
* Read poems by T.S. Eliot, Pablo Neruda, Lucille Clifton, Emily Dickinson, and many others
* Search for old favorites with memorable lines
* Give your phone a shake to discover new poems to fit any mood
* Save your favorite poems to read and share later—through Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail
* Read poems by T.S. Eliot, Pablo Neruda, Lucille Clifton, Emily Dickinson, and many others
Friday, May 21, 2010
Open Vault from WGBH, Boston
"Open Vault is the home of WGBH Media Library and Archives. We provide online access to unique and historically important content produced by the public television and radio station WGBH. The ever-expanding site contains video, audio, images, searchable transcripts, and resource management tools, all of which are available for individual and classroom learning" - RSS Feed
Online boost for Islamic studies (UK)
SPARC enews/May 2010
SPARC enews/May 2010 is now available from SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
Zinio for iPad
"Coming soon - Zinio for iPad, featuring new interactive iPad editions for top titles and access to thousands of magazines from around the world"
Open access options on seven more Nature Publishing Group journals
Nature Publishing Group has announced open access options for seven further journals. Twenty-five journals published by NPG now offer authors an open access option, including all 15 academic journals owned by NPG. American Journal of Gastroenterology, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Gene Therapy, International Journal of Obesity, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Oncogene, and Leukemia have all recently introduced open access options. Authors publishing in these journals can now choose to make their article open access on payment of an article processing charge
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Brewer. "An updated version of "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" has been added to Credo Reference. This famous reference book is now in its 18th edition! It can supply the answers to all these questions" Answers here.
1. "The Big Easy" is a nickname for which city in Louisiana?
2. In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", what kind of bird was shot by the Ancient Mariner?
3. According to ancient myth, Atlantis was an extensive island in which ocean?
4. What is the twelfth sign of the zodiac?
5. In measuring the height of a horse, how long is a "hand"?
6. Which Shakespeare play includes a character called Autolycus: is it "A Midsummer Night's Dream". "Hamlet" or "The Winter's Tale"?
7. What shape is the pasta known as "conchiglie"?
8. "Foggy Bottom" is a nickname for which department of the US government?
9. When talking about Hollywood movies, who or what was "Rin Tin Tin"?
10. What is a "wayzgoose"?
1. "The Big Easy" is a nickname for which city in Louisiana?
2. In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", what kind of bird was shot by the Ancient Mariner?
3. According to ancient myth, Atlantis was an extensive island in which ocean?
4. What is the twelfth sign of the zodiac?
5. In measuring the height of a horse, how long is a "hand"?
6. Which Shakespeare play includes a character called Autolycus: is it "A Midsummer Night's Dream". "Hamlet" or "The Winter's Tale"?
7. What shape is the pasta known as "conchiglie"?
8. "Foggy Bottom" is a nickname for which department of the US government?
9. When talking about Hollywood movies, who or what was "Rin Tin Tin"?
10. What is a "wayzgoose"?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Campaign Medals awarded to First World War Merchant Seamen (UK)

Planets TimeCapsule Deposit

Volunteers needed at Bishopsgate Library (UK)

Digital Access Scotland - Archives, Libraries and Museums Working Together
The vision of Digital Access Scotland is to enable all citizens to digitally access the wealth of information and resources held in Scotland's libraries museums and archives and to maximize the potential use and reach of these resources.
* Digital Access Scotland will provide a focus for Scotland to engage in a coherent manner with UK, European and Global initiatives and develop a framework for engagement.
* The Partners will work together to secure additional funding for development and generation of digital content and access programmes to the widest audiences.
* The Partners commit to share long term plans, to collaborate, including the sharing of expertise and facilitate the development of programmes for organisations in Scotland.
* The Partners will operate as strategic partners, pursuing appropriate opportunities as available to promote and advocate for the Partnership and its stated aims and objectives.
* The partnership will also act as a link to UK and European developments through JISC Strategic Content Alliance and The Collections Trust.
* Digital Access Scotland will provide a focus for Scotland to engage in a coherent manner with UK, European and Global initiatives and develop a framework for engagement.
* The Partners will work together to secure additional funding for development and generation of digital content and access programmes to the widest audiences.
* The Partners commit to share long term plans, to collaborate, including the sharing of expertise and facilitate the development of programmes for organisations in Scotland.
* The Partners will operate as strategic partners, pursuing appropriate opportunities as available to promote and advocate for the Partnership and its stated aims and objectives.
* The partnership will also act as a link to UK and European developments through JISC Strategic Content Alliance and The Collections Trust.
The Telegraph Ways With Words Festival at Dartington Hall (UK)
"The Telegraph Ways With Words festival of words and ideas is a vibrant and joyful 10-day event, a chance for those who read books to meet those who write them. The setting is glorious, the atmosphere is invigorating. People come together in spectacular surroundings to share the pleasure and power of language and ideas. The warmth and energy of this lively gathering make it a memorable occasion" - 9-19 July 2010
OverDrive to release eBook reading apps
OverDrive, a distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, and digital content for libraries, schools, and retailers, announced that it will release a series of apps that will combine eBooks, audiobooks, and interactive and multimedia content into one user-friendly application. The apps will be available for both mobile and desktop operating systems, including Windows®, Mac®, iPhone®, iPad®, AndroidTM, Windows Mobile®, and BlackBerry®. Millions of end users will benefit from a single software solution for all OverDrive-supplied content, as well as on-the-go access to eBooks from OverDrive-powered library and retail catalogs
2010 Colorado Book Awards (USA)

Freda: the free ebook reader
Freda is a free program for reading electronic books (ebooks) on Windows Mobile devices. Features:
* Compatible with Windows Mobile versions 6, 5 and 2003
* Reads ePub (DRM-free), HTML and TXT format books
* Touch screen interface
* Works with all screen dimensions and orientations
* Customisable controls, fonts and colours
* Dictionary lookup
* Bookmarks and annotations
* Compatible with Windows Mobile versions 6, 5 and 2003
* Reads ePub (DRM-free), HTML and TXT format books
* Touch screen interface
* Works with all screen dimensions and orientations
* Customisable controls, fonts and colours
* Dictionary lookup
* Bookmarks and annotations
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
¡Viva la Libertad! Spanish American Independence Movements: 1810 - 1860

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ProQuest accelerates research with geo-referenced Sanborn Maps
"ProQuest is using a proprietary geo-referencing technology to significantly enhance discovery in its Sanborn Map collection, one of libraries' most consulted sources of historical maps. ProQuest® Sanborn Maps Geo Edition makes map research faster by enabling users to instantly pinpoint historical locations using modern geographic information. The collection is now the world’s largest source of historical GIS-enabled urban maps"
Troubles wins Lost Man Booker Prize

Mary Webb: Neglected Genius (Stanford University)

Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels from Alexander Street Press

username: comics
password: sneakpeek
Nominations now open for the Jodi Awards 2010
The Jodi Awards are for museums, galleries, libraries, archives and heritage venues which use digital technology to widen access to information, collections, learning and creativity for disabled people. Nominations for the Jodi Awards 2010 are now open. The Jodi Awards were first given in 2003, European Year of Disabled People. They are given in memory Jodi Mattes (1973-2001), who worked at the British Museum and the Royal National Institute of Blind People, a tireless champion of equal access to culture for disabled people
Vintage sets up online reading groups (UK)
Vintage has launched an online reading group community with independent charity The Reading Agency, via its Reading Partners initiative. The Random House imprint will host the Vintage Reading Group in conjunction with social media solutions provider Webjam. The online space will let book lovers interact and create their own personal reading groups. The publisher is to use 12 existing reading groups as early adopters to the scheme; each will set up an online group and chat on the site. It will also be able to interact closely with readers and post extra content including reading guides, videos and interviews
Emerald launches African Journal of Economic and Management Studies
Emerald Group Publishing Limited has launched the African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, its first journal dedicated to business and organizational research in Africa
Wanderlust via Exact Editions
Canadian Electronic Library Newsletter - May/June 2010
Canadian Electronic Library Newsletter - May/June 2010 is now available online. The Canadian Electronic Library provides libraries with over 25,000 current monographs online, fully catalogued and ready for instant use by all library patrons
Credo Reference adds a Longman Companion Collection from Pearson Education
Credo Reference has signed an agreement to launch a collection of Longman Companions to History published by Pearson Education. Thirteen titles from the history series will be available through the innovative Credo Reference platform. This newest Publisher Collection from Credo will provide libraries with the option of purchasing the entire group of thirteen esteemed Longman Companions to History or subscribing to the collection. Users will experience the Companions as a fully integrated part of the Credo Reference experience or, for libraries that don't subscribe to other Credo services, as a standalone database. This new Publisher Collection includes thirteen fact-packed, historical titles:
* The Longman Companion to America, Russia and the Cold War, 1941-1998
* The Longman Companion to America in the Era of the Two World Wars, 1910-1945
* The Longman Companion to Britain since 1945
* The Longman Companion to the Conservative Party since 1830
* The Longman Companion to Slavery, Emancipation and Civil Rights
* The Longman Companion to Germany since 1945
* The Longman Companion to the Formation of European Empires 1488-1920
* The Longman Companion to the Labor Party 1900-1998
* Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe
* Longman Companion to Russia since 1914
* Longman Companion to Britain in the Era of Two World Wars 1914-1998
* Longman Companion to European Decolonization in the Twentieth Century
* Longman Companion to the European Reformation 1500-1618
* The Longman Companion to America, Russia and the Cold War, 1941-1998
* The Longman Companion to America in the Era of the Two World Wars, 1910-1945
* The Longman Companion to Britain since 1945
* The Longman Companion to the Conservative Party since 1830
* The Longman Companion to Slavery, Emancipation and Civil Rights
* The Longman Companion to Germany since 1945
* The Longman Companion to the Formation of European Empires 1488-1920
* The Longman Companion to the Labor Party 1900-1998
* Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe
* Longman Companion to Russia since 1914
* Longman Companion to Britain in the Era of Two World Wars 1914-1998
* Longman Companion to European Decolonization in the Twentieth Century
* Longman Companion to the European Reformation 1500-1618
Thieme joins the CLOCKSS Archive
Thieme Publishing Group has joined CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), a community-governed, non-profit joint venture between the world's leading scholarly publishers and research libraries. These organizations are working together to guarantee the permanent survival of academic digital content beyond the twenty-first century. Additional participants in this continuously growing international project include Stanford University, the Royal Society, Elsevier, and the University of Hong Kong
British Library and brightsolid partnership to digitise up to 40 million pages of historic newspapers
"The British Library's Chief Executive, Dame Lynne Brindley, will today announce a major new partnership between the Library and online publisher brightsolid, owner of online brands including findmypast.co.uk and Friends Reunited. The ten-year agreement will deliver the most significant mass digitisation of newspapers the UK has ever seen: up to 40 million historic pages from the national newspaper collection will be digitised, making large parts of this unparalleled resource available online for the first time"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - May 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 2, Number 11, May 15, 2010 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
InSITE - May 17, 2010
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 15, No. 19, May 17, 2010 is now available. Contents:
# Conflict of Laws.net: News and Views in Private International Law
# Free at Last? Slavery in Pittsburgh in the 18th and 19th Centuries
# Open Access Scottish Law Reports
# Conflict of Laws.net: News and Views in Private International Law
# Free at Last? Slavery in Pittsburgh in the 18th and 19th Centuries
# Open Access Scottish Law Reports
Oxford Textbook of Medicine online launched
"Oxford University Press has launched, for the first time online, the prestigious Oxford Textbook of Medicine. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine online is part of a growing number of online medical products from OUP. It features the full text, figures, and illustrations found in the print version, as well as navigation, search, and browse tools, links to sources of related and further reading via PubMed, ISI, and CrossRef, images that can be downloaded to PowerPoint, and annual updates"
James Tait Black Memorial Prizes shortlists
The shortlists for the James Tait Black Memorial Prizes have been announced:
The five shortlisted works for the fiction prize are:
* Strangers by Anita Brookner
* The Children's Book by A.S Byatt
* Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishiguro
* The Selected Works of T.S Spivet by Reif Larsen
* Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
The five books competing for the £10,000 biography prize are:
* Cheever: A life by Blake Bailey
* William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies by John Carey
* Muriel Spark: The Biography by Martin Stannard
* A Different Drummer: The Life of Kenneth MacMillan by Jann Parry
* The English Opium Eater: A Biography of Thomas De Quincey by Robert Morrison
The winners will be announced at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August 2010
The five shortlisted works for the fiction prize are:
* Strangers by Anita Brookner
* The Children's Book by A.S Byatt
* Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishiguro
* The Selected Works of T.S Spivet by Reif Larsen
* Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
The five books competing for the £10,000 biography prize are:
* Cheever: A life by Blake Bailey
* William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies by John Carey
* Muriel Spark: The Biography by Martin Stannard
* A Different Drummer: The Life of Kenneth MacMillan by Jann Parry
* The English Opium Eater: A Biography of Thomas De Quincey by Robert Morrison
The winners will be announced at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August 2010
Financial Times iPad Edition (UK)
"The Financial Times iPad Edition provides instant access to the FT's award-winning global news, video, comment and analysis, optimised for the iPad"
Greening Interlibrary Loan Practices - OCLC report
"This report details the findings from an OCLC Research-sponsored study of the environmental impact of current interlibrary loan practices, as well as recommended practices for reducing the carbon footprint of resource sharing operations worldwide. OCLC Research commissioned a study of current interlibrary loan (ILL) practices by California Environmental Associates, a firm of environmental impact consultants. Utilizing data provided by OCLC and gathered during interviews with staff at a dozen US libraries, the consultants correlated specific interlending practices with measurable impacts on greenhouse gas emission levels. These findings, along with key recommendations and best practices, are included in the report. This information was also covered in a Greening ILL webinar on 6 May 2010, a recording of which is available on the OCLC Research Web site and in iTunes"
Strategies for Opening Up Content: : special issue of RLI released
The Association of Research Libraries has published a special issue of Research Library Issues on strategies for opening up content. The special issue focuses on approaches now being deployed to increase the amount of content that is open and available to the research library community and by extension the larger world
BC Books Online (Canada)
"BC Books Online is collaboration between publishers and libraries to purchase electronic rights to a collection of non-fiction books by BC publishers and to make them accessible through public, school, and post-secondary libraries. It is the first time ever that publishers and libraries have come together with the objective to deliver digital content to an entire province"
10th Annual Massachusetts Book Awards (USA)
The 10th Annual Massachusetts Book Awards have been announced:
* Fiction – Woodsburner by John Pipkin
* Nonfiction – American Passage: A History of Ellis Island by Vincent J. Cannato
* Poetry – This Is the Red Door by James R. Whitley
* Children’s/Young Adult – Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
* Fiction – Woodsburner by John Pipkin
* Nonfiction – American Passage: A History of Ellis Island by Vincent J. Cannato
* Poetry – This Is the Red Door by James R. Whitley
* Children’s/Young Adult – Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography - Version 1
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography - Version 1 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. This bibliography presents selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. Most sources have been published between 2000 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints for published articles in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wellcome Library Insight - Madness (UK)

Washington Information Directory 2010-2011
"CQ Press has just released the newest print and online editions of its widely acclaimed Washington Information Directory. The directory provides reliable, up-to-date contact information and profiles for the vast majority of governmental and nongovernmental agencies and organizations in Washington DC."
Branford Boase Award 2010 shortlist
The Branford Boase Award, given annually to the author and editor of an outstanding debut novel for children, has announced its shortlist for the 2010 award:
* Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda, edited by Lindsey Heaven, published by Puffin
* Stolen by Lucy Christopher, edited by Imogen Cooper, published by Chicken House
* Life, Interrupted by Damian Kelleher, edited by Anne Clark, published by Piccadilly Press
* Guantanamo Boy by Anna Perera, edited by Shannon Park, published by Puffin
* Big and Clever by Dan Tunstall, edited by Ross Bradshaw, published by Five Leaves
* Numbers by Rachel Ward, edited by Imogen Copper, published by Chicken House
* Paradise Barn by Victor Watson, edited by Leonie Pratt, published by Catnip
* Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda, edited by Lindsey Heaven, published by Puffin
* Stolen by Lucy Christopher, edited by Imogen Cooper, published by Chicken House
* Life, Interrupted by Damian Kelleher, edited by Anne Clark, published by Piccadilly Press
* Guantanamo Boy by Anna Perera, edited by Shannon Park, published by Puffin
* Big and Clever by Dan Tunstall, edited by Ross Bradshaw, published by Five Leaves
* Numbers by Rachel Ward, edited by Imogen Copper, published by Chicken House
* Paradise Barn by Victor Watson, edited by Leonie Pratt, published by Catnip
MyReferences (UK)
MyReferences integrates tools from the widely-used RefWorks reference management software into the Moodle virtual learning environment which is used in academic institutions across the UK to support online learning
MyCopy from Springer comes to Europe
"After the successful launch in the US and Canada, Springer has extended its MyCopy service to library users in Europe. As part of this service, all registered library patrons will be able to order a softcover copy of a Springer eBook for their personal use by clicking on a button on the Springer platform www.springerLink.com. The softcover copies are priced at a flat fee of 24,95 euros, which includes shipping and handling within Europe"
2009 Nebula Award Winners
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., has announced the Nebula Awards® winners for 2009. The Nebula Awards® are voted on, and presented by, active members of SFWA. The awards were announced at the Nebula Awards® Banquet held at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront the evening of May 15:
* Novel: The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi (Night Shade Books)
* Novella: The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker (Subterranean Press)
* Novelette: "Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast" by Eugie Foster (Interzone, February 2009)
* Short Story: "Spar" by Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld, October 2009)
Ray Bradbury Award: District 9, Neill Blomkamp (director) and Terri Tatchell (writer)
* Andre Norton Award: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente
* Novel: The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi (Night Shade Books)
* Novella: The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker (Subterranean Press)
* Novelette: "Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast" by Eugie Foster (Interzone, February 2009)
* Short Story: "Spar" by Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld, October 2009)
Ray Bradbury Award: District 9, Neill Blomkamp (director) and Terri Tatchell (writer)
* Andre Norton Award: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Library of Congress seeks nominations for the Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Poetry Prize
The Library of Congress is accepting nominations from publishers for the $10,000 Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry. The prize, for the year 2010, will be awarded in the fall. The prize is given biennially. It will be presented to an American poet for the best book published during the previous two years, 2008 and 2009, or for lifetime achievement in poetry. Publishers may submit entries for the best book; the lifetime achievement awarding is at the sole discretion of the prize jury and the Librarian of Congress. Applications must be postmarked by June 4
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
L'Espace Politique
CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Resturation d'Objets d'Art
Memorias : Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe
THEORIA : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science
Revista Internacional de Sociologia
Journal of Systems Integration
Canadian Journal of Higher Education
International Journal of Exercise Science
South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)
CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Resturation d'Objets d'Art
Memorias : Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe
THEORIA : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science
Revista Internacional de Sociologia
Journal of Systems Integration
Canadian Journal of Higher Education
International Journal of Exercise Science
South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
World History in Video - coming soon from Alexander Street Press
The Electronic Literature Directory
The Electronic Literature Directory is a resource for readers and writers of born-digital literature. Created by the Electronic Literature Organization, it provides an extensive database listing electronic works, their authors, and their publishers. The descriptive entries are drafted by a community of e-lit authors who also tag each work and identify the techniques used in its creation. Discussions of entries are ongoing and offer a networked, peer-to-peer model for literary review
IBPA 26th Annual Publishing University

Telefocus - the BT Archives media gallery (UK)

CARL E-Lert # 376
CARL E-Lert # 376, May 14 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: University of Ottawa becomes newest member of ARL; Paolo Mangiafico, on Open Access at Duke University; Survey of Digital Preservation Practices in Canada; Overcoming barriers: access to research information
University of Ottawa Library becomes newest member of ARL
At its 2010 Spring Membership Meeting held April 28-30, 2010, in Seattle, WA, the membership of the Association of Research Libraries voted to invite the University of Ottawa Library to join as its 125th member. Leslie Weir, University Librarian, accepted the invitation
2010 National Business Book Award finalists
The finalists for the 2010 National Business Book Award have been announced:
* John DeMont, Coal Black Heart: The Story of Coal and the Lives It Ruled (Doubleday Canada)
* Wendy Dobson, Gravity Shift: How Asia's New Economic Powerhouses Will Shape the Twenty-First Century (University of Toronto Press)
* Buzz Hargrove, Laying It on the Line: Driving a Hard Bargain in Challenging Times (HarperCollins Canada)
* Rod McQueen, Manulife: How Dominic D'Alessandro Built a Global Giant and Fought to Save It (Penguin Canada)
* Jeff Rubin, Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization (Random House Canada)
The winner will be announced on June 9 at a luncheon in Toronto
* John DeMont, Coal Black Heart: The Story of Coal and the Lives It Ruled (Doubleday Canada)
* Wendy Dobson, Gravity Shift: How Asia's New Economic Powerhouses Will Shape the Twenty-First Century (University of Toronto Press)
* Buzz Hargrove, Laying It on the Line: Driving a Hard Bargain in Challenging Times (HarperCollins Canada)
* Rod McQueen, Manulife: How Dominic D'Alessandro Built a Global Giant and Fought to Save It (Penguin Canada)
* Jeff Rubin, Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization (Random House Canada)
The winner will be announced on June 9 at a luncheon in Toronto
StreetMuseum from The Museum of London
The Museum of London just released its first iPhone app., Streetview, which places hundreds of images from the museum's extensive archive onto a Google map
Next Generation of SAGE Journals Online - in progress
The upgrade of the SAGE Journals Online platform is currently in progress. All 560+ SAGE journals will be migrated individually onto the next generation platform, supported by HighWire Press' "2.0" technology (H2O)
Friday, May 14, 2010
OpenETD from Rutgers University Libraries
The Rutgers University Libraries have announced the availability of OpenETD, a web-based software application for managing the submission, approval, and distribution of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). OpenETD is the open source release of the Rutgers University Libraries' RUetd application and will be maintained on the RUetd annual release schedule. Releases will include fixes for known problems and recommendations for enhancements received from internal projects and from the user community at large
Librarians rally to save independent bookstores (Canada)
"The closure of three independent Vancouver bookstores in three months has teacher-librarians worried. Duthie Books closed in March, Once Upon a Huckleberry Bush shut its doors in April and Sophia Books is closing at the end of the month. At their annual general meeting May 17, teacher-librarians will discuss asking the city and provincial government to help preserve independent bookstores. Elly Werb, a teacher-librarian at Trafalgar elementary near Macdonald Street and West King Edward, says local governments could follow the example of Paris, France where a community development agency partly owned by the city has purchased retail spaces and leased them back at market or below-market rents to shopkeepers who agree to continue to sell specific items like books. But she isn't hopeful the province would spend money to support independent bookshops"
Library 2.0 Gang 05/10: RFID – Connecting with the physical world
Richard Wallis writes: "RFID on the surface didn't seem the sexiest of topics for my last show chairing the Library 2.0 Gang, but it turned out to be one of the interesting ones. I was joined by two guests to explore how RFID is providing a better experience for library users, and what challenges and opportunities greater adoption of the technology will bring. In the UK Mick Fortune is known as Mr RFID - a key facilitator in the UK's leading position in RFID adoption in libraries, with his work with the annual RFID in Libraries Conference, the industry adoption of UK standards, and the recently announced RFID Alliance between equipment suppliers. Skip Driessen, RFID Portfolio Manager for one of those suppliers, 3M, was our other guest. Skip has been with 3M for many years and has been engaged with library implementation of the technology since the early days of 1994"
UK government publications - 14 May 2010
The latest round up of new UK government publications this week - May 14 2010 from Intute and the LSE Library
2010 Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award announced by the Canadian Library Association
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques has announced that the 2010 Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is being presented to Lynn Copeland. The Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is generously sponsored by Bowker
Museums and Heritage Award 2010 winners announced (UK)
The winners of this year's Museum and Heritage Awards have been announced in a glitzy ceremony at London's Church House, Westminster. Hosted by broadcaster and journalist Simon Calder, the awards aim to recognise and celebrate best practice within the world of museums, galleries and heritage visitor attractions
2010 Independent foreign fiction prize goes to Philippe Claudel
The French writer Philippe Claudel has won the Independent foreign fiction prize for Brodeck's Report, his story of a murder in a post-war French village
Cites & Insights 10:7 (June 2010)
Cites & Insights 10:7 (June 2010) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Human Rights. "One of the new sources recently added to Credo Reference is the Encyclopedia of Human Rights Issues Since 1945, which contains much useful information about history and politics as well as human rights. This source can supply the answers to all these questions. " Answers here.
1. For which country is the Dalai Lama not only the religious leader but also the political leader?
2. In 1994, who became South Africa's first democratically elected president?
3. What is the current name of the area that was formerly named East Pakistan?
4. The United Kingdom is comprised of which four countries?
5. In which country did Lech Walesa lead a movement called Solidarity and was elected president in 1990?
6. Which organization won the Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian service in 1917, 1944, and 1963?
7. Which worldwide human rights movement was founded in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Benenson?
8. Name four of the five permanent members of the United Nations' Security Council.
9. Complete this sentence from the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in...what?
10. Name three of the five countries with which Afghanistan shares borders.
1. For which country is the Dalai Lama not only the religious leader but also the political leader?
2. In 1994, who became South Africa's first democratically elected president?
3. What is the current name of the area that was formerly named East Pakistan?
4. The United Kingdom is comprised of which four countries?
5. In which country did Lech Walesa lead a movement called Solidarity and was elected president in 1990?
6. Which organization won the Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian service in 1917, 1944, and 1963?
7. Which worldwide human rights movement was founded in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Benenson?
8. Name four of the five permanent members of the United Nations' Security Council.
9. Complete this sentence from the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in...what?
10. Name three of the five countries with which Afghanistan shares borders.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Alexander Street launches new blog - "Music Media Monthly"
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