Thursday, January 31, 2008
Oxford Journals Update for Librarians: Issue 2 Winter 2008
Oxford Journals Update for Librarians: Issue 2 Winter 2008 is now available for downloading
SUNCAT Blog covers the latest news about SUNCAT: Serials Union CATalogue for the UK research community, including information about new libraries added, updates to existing libraries, enhancements to the service and any meetings or events the SUNCAT team have been involved with
Columbia University partners with Microsoft to digitize books
"Columbia University and Microsoft Corporation are collaborating on an initiative to digitize a large number of books from Columbia University Libraries and make them available to Internet users. With the support of the Open Content Alliance, publicly available print materials in Columbia Libraries will be scanned, digitized, and indexed to make them readily accessible through Live Search Books"
OCLC WorldMap
The OCLC WorldMap is a prototype system that provides an interactive visual tool for selecting and displaying international library holdings represented in WorldCat, and publishing, library, cultural heritage, and collection data
Danish library plans to house cartoons of prophet Muhammad
From The Guardian - "Denmark's national library is to risk re-opening an international political storm by housing the cartoon images of the prophet Muhammad that provoked violent convulsions throughout the Islamic world two years ago"
2008 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries winners announced
The Association of College and Research Libraries has announced the recipients of the 2008 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award. Sponsored by ACRL and Blackwell's Book Services, the award recognizes the staff of a college, university and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution. This year's recipients are the Shatford Library at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, California; the Laurence McKinley Gould Library at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota; and the McMaster University Libraries, Hamilton, Ontario
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Ontario Council of University Libraries expands its resources with Springer eBooks
Springer Science+Business Media has signed an agreement with the Ontario Council of University Libraries to provide all of its member libraries with the complete Springer
eBook Collection, 2005-2008. All of the 20 universities in Ontario are members of OCUL, including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, University of Guelph, and Nipissing University. With the OCUL consortium deal, over 12,000 Springer eBooks will be made available to nearly 400,000 students and faculty within OCUL.The Springer eBook Collection is comprised of textbooks, monographs, reference works, handbooks, book series and encyclopedias
eBook Collection, 2005-2008. All of the 20 universities in Ontario are members of OCUL, including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, University of Guelph, and Nipissing University. With the OCUL consortium deal, over 12,000 Springer eBooks will be made available to nearly 400,000 students and faculty within OCUL.The Springer eBook Collection is comprised of textbooks, monographs, reference works, handbooks, book series and encyclopedias
500 years of printing in Scotland
The celebration of the 500th anniversary of the printing of The Complaint of the Black Knight in 2008 is promoted by the National Library of Scotland, the Scottish Printing Archival Trust and the Scottish Print Employers' Federation, and endorsed by the Scottish Government. The anniversary itself, 4 April 2008, will be marked by a dinner in the Playfair Library, University of Edinburgh
2007 Costa Book of the Year award winner
Scottish author and stand-up comedian A.L. Kennedy has won the 2007 Costa Book of the Year award for her fifth novel, Day - the story of a former RAF prisoner-of-war returning to Germany to confront his demons
MuseGlobal introduces News Hound and Blog Hound
"MuseGlobal has announced the release of two new products, News Hound and Blog Hound, designed to aggregate, integrate, enrich and deliver the most comprehensive, current and relevant content to customers..."
Podcast: Digitisation is opening library doors to the whole world
"The library of the future is a digital one, says Toby Bainton, and digitisation is at the forefront of ensuring that important scholarly resources are made more widely available and at the same time of presenting a vision for academic libraries in a digital age. The secretary of SCONUL, the body that represents national and university libraries in the UK and Ireland, talks here about that vision and why he thinks that libraries which aren't delivered to the desktop are going to be invisible in the future"
New Blog: Going Green @ Your Library
Going Green @ Your Library - Environmentally friendly practices for libraries and beyond by Beth Filar Williams
Who's Afraid of Numbers
EUROLIS/CILIP: Who's Afraid of Numbers: Quality Management in Libraries, an International Seminar - 15 May 2008 - London, UK
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme ((PACS)
The Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme® (PACS®) is prepared by the American Institute of Physics in collaboration with certain other members of the International Council on Scientific and Technical Information. The most recent internationally agreed scheme was published by ICSTI in 1991. Revised editions of PACS are published biennially, or as necessary, by AIP. The current edition of PACS® is the 2008 edition, offered online in HTML format
Bloomsbury Below Stairs - Grace Higgens at Charleston, 1920-1970
"Bloomsbury Below Stairs draws on the recently acquired archive of Grace Higgens (1903-1983), who worked for over 50 years at Charleston Farmhouse, Sussex, a country haven for the artists Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant and their circle of unconventional and talented friends, collectively known as the Bloomsbury group. The display paints a vivid picture of the lives of the Bloomsbury group as seen from 'below stairs' through the diaries, photographs and letters of Grace Higgens, housekeeper to Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant for more than five decades" - 30 January to 20 April 2008 - The Folio Society Gallery at the British Library
The E-only Tipping Point for Journals
The E-only Tipping Point for Journals: What's Ahead in the Print-to-Electronic Transition Zone - "As academic librarians, publishers, authors of research articles, and readers of journals well know, journals began a profound and ongoing makeover with the arrival of the World Wide Web. Technological, economic, and human factors are transforming both journals and the broader process of scholarly communication. The first phase of development for the twenty-first century journal has taken two forms, the born-electronic journals and the electronic editions of print-based journals. It is the second category that provides the focus for this investigation." By Richard K. Johnson and Judy Luth. Published by the Association of Research Libraries
Peter Hernon named ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year
Dr. Peter Hernon, professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, is the 2008 Association of College and Research Libraries' Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. The award, sponsored by YBP Library Services, recognizes an outstanding member of the library profession who has made a significant national or international contribution to academic/research librarianship and library development. Hernon will receive a $5,000 award on June 30, at the ACRL President's Program at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 159
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 159 - February 2008 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Wiley secures Swets as global sales partner for OnlineBooks
"Wiley has announced that it has chosen Swets to act as a Global Sales Partner for its range of OnlineBooks. This deal makes the entire range of electronic book material hosted on Wiley Interscience's web platform available to order directly through Swets. Wiley Interscience OnlineBooks are available in fully customizable packages of titles, adding flexibility to e-book collection development. Currently housing more than 2,900 titles - with the number rapidly increasing - Wiley Interscience gives libraries access to top quality content in the fields of STM, business, the humanities, finance and others"
Springer Protocols
Springer Science+Business Media has announced the release of Springer Protocols, a protocol database of more than 18,000 searchable online protocols in life sciences and biomedicine
Polymer Vision to launch Readius e-reader
"Polymer Vision will launch its Readius e-reader commercially mid-2008. The Readius, which combines an e-reader with a mobile phone, has gone into production after 10 years of research and development, and more than two years after the prototype was first demonstrated at a consumer electronics trade fair"
The Horizon Report 2008 edition
"The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project, a five-year qualitative research effort that seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression within learning-focused organizations. The 2008 Horizon Report, the fifth in this annual series, is produced as a collaboration between the NMC and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, an EDUCAUSE program"
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - January 2008
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 96(1) January 2008 - is now available online
EDUCAUSE Review January/February 2008
EDUCAUSE Review January/February 2008, Volume 43, Number 1, now available online
EBSCOhost Visual Search
EBSCOhost Visual Search "is seamlessly integrated with the popular EBSCOhost user interfaces; lets users choose between a block or columnar style of results display; facilitates user understanding of large data sets in a single view; complements traditional Basic and Advanced Search options; provides users with the flexibility of Date or Relevance sorting capability; allows results to be grouped by Subject or Publication name; simplifies the focusing of results with its Date Range slider"
The Bloomsbury Conference - Beyond Discovery
EUSIDIC, the European Association of Information Associations and Providers, and CLSIG, the Commercial, Legal & Scientific Information Group of CILIP, are holding a joint conference in London on 30 March to 1 April 2008. The Bloomsbury Conference - Beyond Discovery will be held on two adjacent sites in London's historic Bloomsbury. March 31, the first full conference day, will take place at the Hotel Russell, with the second day in the Bonnington Hotel, a very short distance away
Monday, January 28, 2008
Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008
Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008 - This workshop is aimed at those involved in management of institutional Web services. The workshop aims to address a broad range of topics including strategic, managerial, resourcing and technical issues - 22-24 July, 2008 - Aberdeen, Scotland
Emerald acquires Elsevier titles
Emerald has announced the acquisition of a programme of Management and Social Sciences book serials, series and monographs from Elsevier, comprising almost 2,000 titles
VTLS announces new product: Visualizer
"VTLS' Visualizer is a powerful, comprehensive Web-based tool used to expose the entire contents of your library catalog, institutional repository, or other target system, allowing patrons greater access to more materials. With Visualizer, patron searches are not simply limited probes of a collection, but total exposure. Visualizer gives patrons a one-stop destination for resource discovery of both local and distributed content. Through faceted searching, patrons are empowered to discover more than ever before, without the need for professional search expertise"
The Practicalities of Web 2.0
The Practicalities of Web 2.0: essential information for information professionals - presented by Phil Bradley - 19 March 2008 - Kings College London, UK
Sunday, January 27, 2008
uwebd Social Network
uwebd Social Network "is for anyone involved with implementing and maintaining web sites in a University environment. As a companion to the uwebd mailing list, this site provides a platform for higher education web professionals to connect and collaborate; as well as strengthen relationships with peers across the globe"
Copac adds Sheffield
Copac has finished loading the catalogue of the University of Sheffield Library. "This incorporates details of materials in the range of University of Sheffield libraries, including medical libraries. There are also Special Collections of pre-1850 materials, representing documents published during the past 500 years"
Policy Futures in Education - Special issue on digital libraries
Policy Futures in Education, Volume 6 Number 1 2008, is a special issue on digital libraries
New journals from SAGE Publications
SAGE Publications has announced that the following titles are now available online:
Topics in Early Childhoodd Special Education
The Journal of Special Education
Remedial and Special Education
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Topics in Early Childhoodd Special Education
The Journal of Special Education
Remedial and Special Education
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Image Management: New Directions
Image Management: New Directions - "In this increasingly visual age, subject librarians and information specialists are frequently required to source images in a wide variety of formats, advise on their use and organise their retention as part of their day-to-day jobs, but often with no specialist experience or training. This workshop aims to help the non-specialist navigate successfully across this unfamiliar territory, pointing out useful shortcuts and pitfalls to avoid, and showcasing examples of good practice that can help inspire us in the use of a wide spectrum of information resources ranging from historic manuscripts to genomic databanks" - 13 March 2008 - Oxford, UK
The Forbidden Fruit Conference
The Forbidden Fruit Conference will focus on the censorship of print, electronic and other literary and information resources for young people. It will be an opportunity for practitioners from libraries, information services and education, researchers from a range of disciples, publishers, authors and policymakers from all sectors interested in to meet, network and share experiences - 19-20 June 2008 - Southport, UK. Programme and registration now available
Next Generation Academic Library System Symposium
Next Generation Academic Library System Symposium - March 12, 2008 - The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey, USA
National Institutes of Health selects Collexis
Collexis has announced that the U.S. National Institutes of Health has selected the company to develop an Advanced Expert Profiling System that will allow more than 8,000 NIH researchers to connect and share their expertise via a web interface
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Wise Guide - January 2008
The Wise Guide - monthly portal to the many resources available from the U.S. Library of Congress - January 2008 now available
Carnival of the Infosciences #87
Carnival of the Infosciences #87 hosted by eclectic librarian. Previous Carnivals can be found here
New blog: Open Students
Open Students is a new blog for students about open access to research, sponsored by SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, as part of its student outreach activities
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar: January 31, 2008
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar: Twenty Five Technologies to Watch and How presented by Stephen Abram, VP of Innovation, SirsiDynix - January 31, 2008
UK Museums Mark Holocaust Memorial Day - January 27 2008
UK museums and heritage sites are at the forefront of the nationwide events held to commemorate the UK's seventh annual Holocaust Memorial Day. Liverpool will be the official host of Holocaust Memorial Day on Sunday January 27; the 63rd anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and world-recognised day of remembrance for the Nazi atrocities in WW2
Responsible Librarianship
Responsible Librarianship: Library Policies for Unreliable Systems by David Bade, Senior Librarian at the University of Chicago's Joseph Regenstein Library. To be published February 2008, by Library Juice Press
MLA '08 registration now open
MLA '08 - Medical Library Association Annual Meeting - May 16-21, 2008 - Chicago, Illinois. Registration is now available
New JISC Collections agreement for Cambridge Companions Online
From JISC: Cambridge Companions Online is the electronic version of the Cambridge Companions series, covering literature, philosophy, classics, religion and cultural studies. Over 270 titles are included which provide introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods. Institutions can subscribe to the complete collection, or to either of two sub-collections: literature and classics and philosophy, religion and culture. There is also the option to upgrade subscriptions to include Shakespeare Survey Online
Wiley-Blackwell January/February Media Newsletter
The January/February Media Newsletter from Wiley-Blackwell is now available online
Teacher Librarian Services Credential - Online Program
Teacher Librarian Services Credential: Online Program - This entirely online program from Fresno Pacific University allows those students who are at a distance and/or enjoy interactive online learning the flexibility of learning at home. This program has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Starts May 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Which Film? Answers here.
1. Which 1954 film starred Marlon Brando as Terry, a former boxer who achieves heroic status in the struggle against the waterfront mafiosi?
2. In the 1976 remake of which 1933 film about a giant ape did Jessica Lange take the part originally played by Fay Wray?
3. Which 2000 film by Baz Luhrmann explored the Paris of Henri Toulouse-Lautrec through music and song?
4. Which 1981 film was about the rivalry between two British runners - Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell - competing in the 1924 Olympics?
5. Which 2001 computer-animated film was about an ugly smelly green ogre with a heart of gold?
6. Which 1970 film starred Mick Jagger as an Australian outlaw?
7. Which was the last film in Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy of spaghetti Westerns?
8. Which 1978 film musical had its title changed to "Vaselino" in Mexico and to "Brilliantine" in France?
9. Which 2003 film brought screenwriter and director Sofia Coppola international attention? It earned her the 2004 Academy Award for best original screenplay.
10. In which 1999 film did Angelina Jolie gain critical acclaim for her performance as a charismatic, controlling psychopath?
1. Which 1954 film starred Marlon Brando as Terry, a former boxer who achieves heroic status in the struggle against the waterfront mafiosi?
2. In the 1976 remake of which 1933 film about a giant ape did Jessica Lange take the part originally played by Fay Wray?
3. Which 2000 film by Baz Luhrmann explored the Paris of Henri Toulouse-Lautrec through music and song?
4. Which 1981 film was about the rivalry between two British runners - Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell - competing in the 1924 Olympics?
5. Which 2001 computer-animated film was about an ugly smelly green ogre with a heart of gold?
6. Which 1970 film starred Mick Jagger as an Australian outlaw?
7. Which was the last film in Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy of spaghetti Westerns?
8. Which 1978 film musical had its title changed to "Vaselino" in Mexico and to "Brilliantine" in France?
9. Which 2003 film brought screenwriter and director Sofia Coppola international attention? It earned her the 2004 Academy Award for best original screenplay.
10. In which 1999 film did Angelina Jolie gain critical acclaim for her performance as a charismatic, controlling psychopath?
2008 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize longlist
The longlist, selected from almost 100 submissions of translated fiction by living authors published in the UK during 2007, for the 2008 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize has been announced
Royal Society of Medicine Press to archive journals with Portico
"Portico has announced the signing of an agreement with the Royal Society of Medicine Press to preserve its entire online journals collection of seventeen titles. RSM Press is the publishing arm of the Royal Society of Medicine, a long-established postgraduate medical society with a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional membership. RSM Press publishes books and journals for the medical professional and professionals working in related fields"
Elsevier Masson French-language medical titles available on ScienceDirect
Forty-five medical journals from Elsevier Masson are now available on ScienceDirect
Burns goes interactive
The Scottish Government has celebrated Burns Night with the launch of an interactive guide to the work of its national poet. It has worked with The Leith Agency, Whitespace Design Agency and Gate Films to create the online guide, which takes users through different sections of the Burns story, painting the poet in a contemporary light. The site includes samples of Burns' poetry, unusual facts and recipes
Continuum titles at Exact Editions
Continuum are showcasing 6 of their current and forthcoming theology titles on the Exact Editions platform. Each book has a 32pp sample available for searching and browsing
MODS version 3.3 is available
MODS version 3.3 is available - Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. The standard is maintained by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress with input from users
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Library Connect - January 2008
Library Connect Volume 6, No 1, January 2008 is now available from Elsevier
240-member Australian library network chooses SirsiDynix Symphony
"SirsiDynix has been selected by the State Library of Tasmania which manages the Tasmanian Automated Library Information System (TALIS) Network to implement the SirsiDynix Symphony Library Management System and a range of value-added solutions for enhancing the library user experience and library staff productivity. It is the largest library network consortium in Australia with 240 public, TAFE, K-12, government and special libraries"
IMLS announces 2008 award of 19 Connecting to Collections: Statewide Planning Grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has awarded 19 Connecting to Collections: Statewide Planning Grants that will be used to create conservation plans for collections held in libraries, museums, and archives
Primary Source - January 2008
Primary Source - January 2008 issue now available from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
Make Textbooks Affordable
"The Affordable Textbooks for an Affordable Education campaign is working to stop the rising cost of textbooks, by getting publishers to stop practices that drive up book prices"
Hidden Treasures winners announced
In spring 2007 the British Library, in collaboration with the Society of Chief Librarians, Scottish library authorities and Microsoft, launched the Hidden Treasures competition to put important manuscripts held in public libraries online. The five winners are:
- Dorset Federation of Women's Institutes War Records (1939-45)
- Textus Roffensis (1123-24)
- Arbuthnott Missal (1491)
- Staunton's Embassy to China: Proof Plates (1797)
- Diaries of William Searell of Beddgelert (1844-46)
- Dorset Federation of Women's Institutes War Records (1939-45)
- Textus Roffensis (1123-24)
- Arbuthnott Missal (1491)
- Staunton's Embassy to China: Proof Plates (1797)
- Diaries of William Searell of Beddgelert (1844-46) January 22, 2008 update January 22, 2008 update is now online. is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Booklist announces 2007 Top of the List selections
Booklist magazine, the review journal of the American Library Association, has announced its 18th annual Top of the List winners. The eight winning titles were chosen from the annual Editors' Choice selections as the best books and media of 2007
ACRL Podcast: Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries
College & Research Libraries News Editor-In-Chief David Free discusses Library 2.0 with Dawn Lawson of New York University and Susan Sharpless Smith of Wake Forest University. Lawson and Sharpless Smith are contributors to the ACRL publication Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wellcome Library workshops
The Wellcome Library, in London, UK, has announced workshops taking place in February and March 2008
Readex increases depth and diversity of America's Historical Newspapers with two new series
Readex has announced that in spring 2008 it will begin adding two new digital series to its fully searchable America's Historical Newspapers collection. Early American Newspapers, Series 6 and Series 7 will together offer more than 320 significant 18th-, 19th- and early 20th-century newspapers, bringing the number of titles in America's Historical Newspapers to over 2,000
UKSG and NISO to tackle inefficiencies in OpenURL supply chain
UK Serials Group and the National Information Standards Organization have announced the launch of the Knowledge Base And Related Tools (KBART) working group. The group comprises representatives from publishers, libraries, link resolver and ERM vendors, subscription agents and other parties involved in the creation of, provision of data to, and implementation of knowledge bases. These key components of the OpenURL supply chain play a critical role in the delivery of the appropriate copy to end-users of content in a networked environment
da blog from University of London Computer Centre
da blog - "a place for ULCC's Digital Archives staff to record information about the activities and projects they are involved with. ULCC's Digital Archives department has been working for over a decade on digital archives, library and preservation projects and initiatives, including systems for the University of London, the National Archives, the British Library and the JISC. We hope that the blog will build an authentic journal of our work and a reliable reference and online memory for our own records - a less formal record than reports and newsletters. If any of the information in it is helpful to others working in the field, so much the better" dropping its subscriber registration requirement and making the site free
" is dropping its subscriber registration requirement and making the site free to all visitors. Now, in addition to such offerings as blogs, author dispatches, slideshows, interviews, and videos, readers can also browse issues going back to 1995, along with hundreds of articles dating as far back as 1857, the year The Atlantic was founded"
SPARC announces SPARKY winners
"SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has announced the winners of the first SPARKY Awards. The 2007 contest called on entrants to imaginatively illustrate in a short video the value of sharing ideas and information of all kinds. The three winning entries offer a glimpse of student views on the importance of access to information, and feature an animated look at the most basic benefits of sharing, a film noir-style crime investigation using the Internet, and a tongue-in-cheek documentary on Open Access"
Over 5 million scientific e-prints at E-print network
"Now you can access more than 5 million e-prints at OSTI's E-print Network. The rapidly growing gateway to over 27,850 scientific Web sites and databases worldwide allows free one-stop searching of scientific and technical information created by scientists and research engineers active in their respective fields"
JCDL 2008
JCDL 2008: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - June 16-20, 2008 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
LibQUAL+® seeks applicants for 2009 in-kind grant program
"LibQUAL+® will award up to five institutions in-kind grants to participate in the 2009 LibQUAL+® survey, with a goal of offering one grant for every 50 libraries registered for 2009. This is the fourth year LibQUAL+® has sponsored an in-kind grant program. There are two application deadlines for the 2009 grant program: June 13, 2008, and December 15, 2008"
Book Group Buzz
"Addressing the growing interest expressed by librarians, book group participants, publishers, authors and general readers in what's going on in (and around) book groups for adults and youth, Booklist Online has launched a one-stop resource, Book Group Buzz. This blog is the newest online gathering place for anyone involved with, or interested in, book groups"
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Business Information on the Internet workshop
Business Information on the Internet: This one day workshop looks at key sources of business information available on the Internet. It will compare what is available for free with pay-as-you-go and subscription services, and highlight quality, coverage, functionality and price - 2 April 2008 - Kings College London, Guy's Campus, London Bridge, London, UK - Presented by Karen Blakeman
Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access named
"International leaders offering a variety of interests and areas expertise have been named to a distinguished Blue Ribbon Task Force to develop actionable recommendations for the economic sustainability of preservation of and persistent access to digital information for future generations"
Falkirk libraries get free WiFi
Falkirk Council (Scotland) has announced the introduction of free WiFi (wireless) internet access in all public libraries allowing users to bring in their own laptops and handheld devices. Anyone aged 16 and over can sign up for the service where each user is given a login id and PIN number to allow access to the system. Funding for the GBP27,000 project came from the Public Library Quality Improvement Fund with Falkirk being one of only nine Scottish authorities to secure the money
City of Bradford (UK) chooses Talis
Talis has announced that the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (UK) has chosen the Talis Library Management System to manage its 31 libraries, 3 mobile libraries and a service for housebound customers
Monday, January 21, 2008
LILAC 2008 programme now available
LILAC 2008: The Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference will take place on March 17-19 at Liverpool John Moores University, England. Full programme now available
Classroom 2.0 is the social networking site for those interested in Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in education. It was the winner of the 2008 Edublog awards for educational use of a social networking site, and home to nearly 5,000 educators interested in using Web 2.0 in the classroom
15 Publishing Trends for 2008
15 Publishing Trends for 2008 from Mike Shatzkin for Publishers Weekly
Call for Papers: Virtual Worlds: Libraries, Education and Museums
Call for Papers: Virtual Worlds: Libraries, Education and Museums - Purpose of the Conference is to provide a gathering place for librarians, information professionals, educators, museologists, and others to learn about and discuss the educational, informational, and cultural opportunities of virtual worlds - March 8, 2008 in Second Life
Call For Proposals: Access 2008
Call For Proposals: Access 2008 - October 1-3, 2008 - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
OPAL Podcast: A Casual Conversation with Curtis Rogers
A casual conversation with Curtis Rogers, the Director of the Division of Statewide Library Services at the South Carolina State Library, conducted on January 18, 2008. (17 MB; playback time of 56 minutes)
Web A Workshop for Information Professionals
McGill's School of Information Studies, CLA Montreal Chapter, CLA ETIG, and McGill SLA student group present: Web A Workshop for Information Professionals. February 15 starting at 9am in Room MS42 at McGill's School of Information Studies at 3459 McTavish Stree
Sunday, January 20, 2008
SLA Europe Information Professional Award 2008
SLA Europe invites applications for the SLA Europe Information Professional Award 2008. The Award, now in its 15th year, recognises outstanding achievement in the information profession. Nominees must demonstrate (in writing) the contribution they have made to the profession, for example by developing an innovative concept or a new service, or by authoring a major paper, which has led to a better appreciation of the role of information among users of their service or a wider audience. Deadline is 29 February 2008
8th Annual Brick and Click Library Symposium
8th Annual Brick and Click Library Symposium - November 7, 2008 - Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri
3rd International Conference on the Arts in Society
3rd International Conference on the Arts in Society - 28-31 July 2008 - Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, UK
ELPUB 2008
ELPUB 2008: the 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing - 25-27 June 2008 - Toronto, Canada
Web 2.0: Why it matters and what you need to know - a practical guide
Web 2.0: Why it matters and what you need to know: a practical guide. By the end of the course delegates will: Understand what tools are available and what they can do in terms of reaching communities, and receiving individual feedback from existing and potential customers; have a practical sense of how to build and utilize such tools as wikis, blogs, feeds, and podcasts (and more!); understand what people are searching for and see how Web 2.0 will deliver customers what they are looking for - 2 April 2008 - London, UK
Archives Hub milestone
Archive Hub's 20,000th description is for the records of the Bridge of Earn Hospital, Perthshire, established for war casualties in 1939. This description was provided by the University of Dundee Archive, Records Management and Museum Services (ARMMS)
KGCM 2008
The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2008 in the context of The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2008 - June 29 to July 2, 2008 – Orlando, Florida, USA launches Indie & Art House store
"With the film festival season well under way,, Inc. has launched its new Indie & Art House store. This specialty store is a place where filmmakers and indie aficionados can preview, review and discuss independent works as well as gain insight into what’s hot now in the indie and art house movie world"
Carnegie Mellon Libraries:Library Arcade
"The Library Arcade features games designed to help students develop research skills through entertaining and easy-to-repeat activities. At this stage, we are testing each game to work through any technical glitches and prepare the games for a final version"
Report of The Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control
Report of The Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, January 9, 2008 - "The future of bibliographic control will be collaborative, decentralized, international in scope, and Web-based. Its realization will occur in cooperation with the private sector, and with the active collaboration of library users..."
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger 2008 winner
The twenty-third Cartier Diamond Dagger for sustained excellence in the genre of crime writing, has been awarded to the best-selling American novelist, Sue Grafton
The Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2008
The Ontario Library Association Super Conference - January 30 to February 2, 2008 - Toronto, Canada newsletter No. 31
The newsletter - No. 31, January/February 2008, is now available. is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and advocates for the wide availability of electronic resources by library users in transitional and developing countries
Year of Planet Earth - free supplement from Nature
"To celebrate the International Year of Planet Earth, this special supplement explores recent developments and future directions in the Earth sciences. With climate change to the fore, Earth scientists have much to offer society, and these articles explore both our understanding of the planet and how this knowledge can be used to benefit the people who live on it"
ProQuest acquires RefWorks
"ProQuest has acquired RefWorks LLC. Cambridge Information Group has had an ownership position in RefWorks since May 2001. Complete ownership will enable ProQuest to integrate RefWorks into its COS business - which serves the same market - creating powerful, single-source networking and management tools for scholars around the world"
Virtual Reference Competencies II: Practice and Expand Communications Skills and Knowledge
Virtual Reference Competencies II: Practice and Expand Communications Skills and Knowledge: An ACRL Online Seminar - January 28 to February 16, 2008. Instructor is Diane Kovacs, Kovacs Consulting
The Second Digital Preservation Challenge
DigitalPreservationEurope has announced The Second Digital Preservation Challenge, which aims to promote innovation at all levels and will provide an insight into the range of digital preservation risks currently being faced by international research and practitioner communities. Deadline for submissions is 30 May 2008
2008 OLAC/MOUG Conference
2008 Online Audiovisual Catalogers / Music OCLC Users Group Conference - September 26-28, 2008 - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
" aspires to use the power of information and technology to address the global challenges of our age: climate change, poverty and emerging disease. In collaboration with experienced partners working in each of these fields, we will invest our resources and tap the strengths of Google's employees and global operations to advance five major initiatives"
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Sports. Answers here.
1. In tennis (or lawn tennis), what is it called when there is a score of 40 on both sides?
2. Were the 1992 summer Olympic Games held in Barcelona, Athens or Seoul?
3. The "Grand Prix d'Endurance" is a motor race at Le Mans. For how long does each race last?
4. Name the object which is hit back and forth between players in the game of badminton.
5. The Ryder Cup is a trophy awarded in which sport?
6. In the old scoring system for table tennis, the winner is the first player to score how many points (while leading by at least two points)?
7. In which athletic sport do men throw a sphere that weights 16 pounds (7.26 kg.)?
8. How many people are there in a normal baseball team: seven, eight or nine?
9. In the steeplechase called the Grand National, how many fences do the competitors have to negotiate: 25, 30 or 36?
10. In which sport can you find a free throw lane and a backboard?
1. In tennis (or lawn tennis), what is it called when there is a score of 40 on both sides?
2. Were the 1992 summer Olympic Games held in Barcelona, Athens or Seoul?
3. The "Grand Prix d'Endurance" is a motor race at Le Mans. For how long does each race last?
4. Name the object which is hit back and forth between players in the game of badminton.
5. The Ryder Cup is a trophy awarded in which sport?
6. In the old scoring system for table tennis, the winner is the first player to score how many points (while leading by at least two points)?
7. In which athletic sport do men throw a sphere that weights 16 pounds (7.26 kg.)?
8. How many people are there in a normal baseball team: seven, eight or nine?
9. In the steeplechase called the Grand National, how many fences do the competitors have to negotiate: 25, 30 or 36?
10. In which sport can you find a free throw lane and a backboard?
The Independent Publishing Awards 2008
The Independent Publishers Guild and its partners The Bookseller and the London Book Fair are proud to reveal the shortlists for the 2008 Independent Publishing Awards. The nine lists showcase the very best of independent publishing in the UK. Six companies - Arcadia Books, Alastair Sawday Publishing, Barrington Stoke, Earthscan, Michael O'Mara Books and Snowbooks - are nominated for two awards each, while 22 different companies are represented in total
WALDO Consortium selects Koha ZOOM
LibLime and WALDO (Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization) have announced that 15 academic WALDO libraries have selected Koha ZOOM for their next integrated library system (ILS) and union catalog
European Sources Online
European Sources Online is a database that provides information on the EU and the wider Europe, focusing on its institutions, structures, countries, regions, people, policies and processes
Thursday, January 17, 2008
American Family History and Folklife Online Resource
"The goal of this presentation is to encourage and assist American Families in collecting and preserving their folklife and oral histories for current and future generations. This Web site will give examples of the breadth of topics that can be pursued with family members in learning about their family's history and traditions; provide guidance on how to conduct interviews; provide references for further research, and offer suggestions for preserving materials collected"
RFID for Library Applications Working Group
The RFID for Library Applications Working Group is "charged with the following deliverables:
Develop a set of guidelines that lay out current best practices for the use of RFID in library applications.
Prepare an input document that outlines US practices and concerns to an ISO TC46 working group on an RFID data model for library applications.
Serve as a sounding board for the NISO representative to the ISO TC 46 working group. Continue to work with ALA/BISG working group around the interaction of technology and privacy issues."
Develop a set of guidelines that lay out current best practices for the use of RFID in library applications.
Prepare an input document that outlines US practices and concerns to an ISO TC46 working group on an RFID data model for library applications.
Serve as a sounding board for the NISO representative to the ISO TC 46 working group. Continue to work with ALA/BISG working group around the interaction of technology and privacy issues." - "This is a site for large data sets and the people who love them: the scrapers and crawlers who collect them, the academics and geeks who process them, the designers and artists who visualize them. It's a place where they can exchange tips and tricks, develop and share tools together, and begin to integrate their particular projects" - Created by Aaron Swartz
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalists
", Inc. has announced that 836 submissions have moved on to the semi-final round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award,'s first writing competition in search of the next great novel. Each semi-finalist has a dedicated detail page for their submission on, where customers can now download a short excerpt of the entry to rate and review. Additionally, customers who rate and review at least 25 semi-finalist excerpts will be entered in the ABNA Customer Review Contest for the chance to win an Amazon Kindle"
Library of Congress pilot project with Flickr
The Library of Congress is running a pilot project with Flickr - "If all goes according to plan, the project will help address at least two major challenges: how to ensure better and better access to our collections, and how to ensure that we have the best possible information about those collections for the benefit of researchers and posterity"
Marine Digimap
"Marine Digimap is part of the Digimap Collection of on-line mapping and data delivery facilities. Users are able to view maps through their web browser, save them for printing and download the marine and coastal data for use in geographical information systems. Institutions wanting access to the service are required to pay an annual subscription and to sign a JISC licence agreement. Subscription charges for Marine Digimap are available on the JISC web site"
BioMed Central Open Access News
BioMed Central Open Access News - update for 16 January 2008 is now available
Information Behavior of the Researcher of the Future
"This study was commissioned by the British Library and JISC to identify how the specialist researchers of the future, currently in their school or pre-school years, are likely to access and interact with digital resources in five to ten years' time. This is to help library and information services to anticipate and react to any new or emerging behaviours in the most effective way. In this report, we define the 'Google generation' as those born after 1993 and explore the world of a cohort of young people with little or no recollection of life before the web"
Wiley-Blackwell and The Cochrane Collaboration extend publishing partnership
Wiley-Blackwell has announced that The Cochrane Collaboration, the not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving healthcare decision-making globally, renewed their partnership to publish The Cochrane Library
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Library + information Show 2008
The Library + information Show 2008 will be held April 23-24 at NEC, Birmingham, UK
Spinebreakers is Penguin's pioneering online book community for teenagers, run by teenagers themselves. Editorial control of the site is in the hands of a core editorial team of nine teenagers aged between 13 and 18 years, supported by a large network of contributing teen editors from across the UK
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - January 2008
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 08, Number 01 - January 2008 is now available
OCLC announces three libraries set to use WorldCat Local service
"Following results from several pilots, Cornell University Library, the State Library of Ohio and the University of Delaware Library have signed agreements to use WorldCat Local, a new service that combines the cooperative power of OCLC member libraries worldwide with the ability to customize as a solution for local discovery and delivery services"
Podcasting: A Practical Guide - from Netskills
"Producing a podcast is simple, but producing one that people will want to listen to takes a bit more know-how! What's the best format for your show? What equipment do you need? Where will you publish it? This workshop provides a practical guide to the planning and production of effective podcasts that will engage listeners. Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate a range of podcasts, as well as record, edit and publish their own. This workshop is free for members of the JISC Users and Innovation Programme Community of Practice (Emerge)"
15 February 2008 - Newcastle University
02 April 2008 - Edinburgh University
23 April 2008 - University of Manchester
07 May 2008 - South Camden City Learning Centre
15 July 2008 - UWE (University of the West of England)
15 February 2008 - Newcastle University
02 April 2008 - Edinburgh University
23 April 2008 - University of Manchester
07 May 2008 - South Camden City Learning Centre
15 July 2008 - UWE (University of the West of England)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Humana Press journals now available on SpringerLink
"Humana Press was acquired by Springer in September 2006. Humana Press content is immediately available on along with more than 1,500 peer-reviewed Springer journals and more than 22,000 eBooks. Beginning with the subscription year 2008, libraries and research institutions may purchase Humana Press journals through Springer. All issues previously available on the Humana Press platform are now available on SpringerLink which includes most journals starting from the inaugural issue or from 2000 and earlier. Archival conversion has been initiated with the intent to provide electronically available content to the first issue of each journal. In fact, over 240 of such issues are available on SpringerLink now. With all content and subscribers migrated to SpringerLink the Humana Press journals platform will be deactivated 31 January 2008. On 1 February 2008 access to journals on or will no longer be available"
"ResearcherID is a website where invited researchers can register for a unique researcher ID number. At this site, users can: Update their profile information; Build their publication list using Web of Science search services or uploading a file; Select to make their profile public or private. Registered as well as non-registered users can search the Researcher Registry to view profiles and find potential collaborators"
"BioMedExperts is a new online community that connects biomedical researchers to each other through the display and analysis of the networks of co-authors with whom each investigator works to publish scientific papers. The comprehensive system of pre-populated expert profiles, coupled with the ability to analyze all associated professional connections within the co-author network, allows scientists and researchers across organizations the ability to share data and collaborate in ways never before considered"
2007 T S Eliot prize winner
BBC: Poet Sean O'Brien has been named as the winner of the 2007 T S Eliot prize for his anthology The Drowned Book. The 55-year-old from Newcastle, who has won the Forward Poetry Prize a record three times, was presented with a cheque for GBP15,000
Coleg Menai joins TalNet Consortium
Coleg Menai in North Wales becomes the latest library to join TalNet, a library consortium whereby users share their library catalogues, enabling wider access to resources for its visitor
The World Today via Exact Editions
The World Today, published monthly for over sixty years, is now available online via Exact Editions
American Library Association announces literary award winners
The American Library Association has announced the top books, video and audiobooks for children and young adults - including the Caldecott, King, Newbery, Schneider Family and Printz awards - at its 2008 Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia
Monday, January 14, 2008
JISC Collections weekly update - Issue 56
JISC Collections weekly update - Issue: No. 56 - 10 January 2008 is now available
New volumes of the Victoria County History
Four more volumes of the Victoria County History are now live. These include volume 3, which details the city and university of Cambridge
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Identification of Digital Book Content from BISG
The Book Industry Study Group, Inc. has just published a new discussion document on how digital publications should be identified. The document, The Identification of Digital Book Content, was commissioned jointly by the Book Industry Study Group and Book Industry Communication in the UK and written by Michael Holdsworth, an industry consultant who was formerly Managing Director (UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa) of Cambridge University Press. The Identification of Digital Book Content is intended to stimulate debate in the book industry about how digital book content should be identified and to encourage further work on the development and implementation of identification standards and best practices for such content
The Oral History Review from Oxford Journals
Oxford University Press and Oral History Association have announced that the full text of The Oral History Review is now available online
Museums and Refugees - Keeping Cultures Conference
Museums and Refugees - Keeping Cultures Conference will explore the changing shape of
community cultures and how museums and heritage sector agencies respond to complex historical, ethical, legal, social and political issues. It also marks the end of the four year London Museums Hub funded Refugee Heritage Programme - 13-14 March 2008 -
Museum in Docklands, London
community cultures and how museums and heritage sector agencies respond to complex historical, ethical, legal, social and political issues. It also marks the end of the four year London Museums Hub funded Refugee Heritage Programme - 13-14 March 2008 -
Museum in Docklands, London
UK Serials Group 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibition
UK Serials Group 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibition - 7-9 April 2008 - Riviera International Conference Centre, Torquay, UK
Training courses from King's Digital Consultancy Services, UK
King's Digital Consultancy Services, UK, has announced its training courses for February to June 2008
Credo Reference adds Edinburgh University Press as a publishing partner
redo Reference has signed an agreement with Edinburgh University Press to integrate its first title into the Credo General Reference collection. With this new agreement, Credo Reference will now provide its users with the full text of The Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy, edited by Simon Glendinning
Saturday, January 12, 2008
CACUL Conference Grant
CACUL, The Canadian Association of College and University Libraries, has announced that up to 4 grants of up to $1,000 each will be awarded to attend this year's annual Canadian Library Association Conference. Grants are intended for new librarians graduating from a Canadian library school, recent graduates who are unemployed or employed in a contract position, or a library technician. Deadline is March 31, 2008
Facet Publishing 2008 catalogue
CILIP's publishing arm, Facet Publishing, has launched its 2008 catalogue
The NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries) General Programme 2008
The NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries) General Programme for February-June 2008 is now available. The NoWAL programme of staff training and development offers extensive opportunities for professional and personal development. The main aim of the programme is to support and develop the abilities required of library and related staff to deliver existing and future services to users
SirsiDynix StaffWeb for K-12 Libraries
SirsiDynix has announced the availability of SirsiDynix StaffWeb for K-12 Libraries, a new, easy-to-use software solution that enables school librarians and media specialists to carry out primary circulation, cataloging, reporting and administration tasks and transactions using only a standard Web browser
NetLibrary to offer Blackstone eAudiobooks through subscription
NetLibrary, OCLC's platform for eContent, will offer downloadable eAudiobooks from Blackstone Audio through subscription as well as its current purchase program beginning March 3, 2008
OCLC acquires EZproxy authentication and access software
EZproxy, the leading software solution for serving library patrons remotely, has been acquired by OCLC from Useful Utilities of Peoria, Arizona
JISC infoNet launches new resources
"JISC infoNet has launched a suite of linked resources designed to support institutions run projects to support their educational mission. As the maturity of project management grows within the sector, it increasingly talks about Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (or 'P3M' for short). Each aspect fulfils a different function and requires a different skill set. But effective management of all three is essential if organisations are to run projects that help them achieve their missions and contribute to organisational growth. The set of linked 'infoKits' looks at each element of P3M in turn and suggests some tools and techniques to help you succeed"
British Library celebrates awards success in 2007
"The British Library won an unprecedented number of awards in 2007. Colleagues and departments across the Library, including Human Resources, Web Services, Business, Publishing and Corporate Communications, were all recognised for their varied contributions to the research community"
Booklist Online RSS feeds
Booklist Online, from the American Library Association, has a number of RSS feeds, which can be found in the left column of the website
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Blue. Answers here.
1. "Big Blue" is a nickname for which computer company?
2. Which creature, with "blue" in its name, is generally considered to be the largest living animal?
3. The "Blue Peter" is a flag flown on a ship when it is about to do what?
4. "Blue berets" is the name by which the military members of which kind of operation are often described?
5. "Ol' Blue Eyes" was a nickname for which popular US singer?
6. In skiing, is a "blue run" an easy run or a difficult one?
7. The famous Blue Mosque, also known as the Mosque of Sultan Ahmed I, is in which country?
8. Which 1968 cartoon film incuded bizarre malevolent ogres called the Blue Meanies?
9. What was the title of the 1924 composition for piano and orchestra by George Gershwin with "blue" in the title?
10. "Bluenose" is an informal word for a native or inhabitant of which country?
1. "Big Blue" is a nickname for which computer company?
2. Which creature, with "blue" in its name, is generally considered to be the largest living animal?
3. The "Blue Peter" is a flag flown on a ship when it is about to do what?
4. "Blue berets" is the name by which the military members of which kind of operation are often described?
5. "Ol' Blue Eyes" was a nickname for which popular US singer?
6. In skiing, is a "blue run" an easy run or a difficult one?
7. The famous Blue Mosque, also known as the Mosque of Sultan Ahmed I, is in which country?
8. Which 1968 cartoon film incuded bizarre malevolent ogres called the Blue Meanies?
9. What was the title of the 1924 composition for piano and orchestra by George Gershwin with "blue" in the title?
10. "Bluenose" is an informal word for a native or inhabitant of which country?
ProQuest Central
ProQuest has announced that it will be launching ProQuest Central. The new database will serve as the foundational research collection for academic libraries. ProQuest Central will offer more than 11,000 titles (8,000 in full text) and more than 160 subject areas covering core academic disciplines
CSA Illustrata: Natural Sciences
"CSA Illustrata: Natural Sciences is the first in a series of CSA Illustrata databases of searchable tables, figures, graphs, charts and other illustrations from the scholarly research and technical literature. CSA employs what it calls 'deep indexing' to categorize data, variables and other content represented in tables, maps, photographs and other figures"
Perceptions 2007: An International Survey of Library Automation
Perceptions 2007: An International Survey of Library Automation by Marshall Breeding. An original publication of Library Technology Guides. It will not appear in any print publication
Developing an RSS Journal Service for Your Library
"Special Breeze Session: Developing and Marketing an RSS Journal Service for Your Library. Please join us on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 for a special, additional Breezing Along with the RML session at 11 A.M. Central Time. For those of you who were unable to attend MCMLA 2007 or missed the session on Developing and Marketing an RSS Journal Service for Your Library, the NN/LM MidContinental Region has invited the Librarians from Ebling Library at the University of Wisconsin for an encore presentation of their Omaha session"
ProQuest Search Widget
"The ProQuest Search Widget helps your library increase visibility of licensed databases by letting you embed a ProQuest search box on any institutional web page. You pick the databases to search, and can pre-populate the search with specific search terms - whatever meets the research need you are trying to support"
total:spec available via Exact Editions
total:spec, the magazine that "covers the worlds of music, politics and fashion, with some art and entertainment on the side", is now available online via Exact Editions
Library Management Systems & Services Showcase
"CILIP is running it's highly successful LMS showcase on Friday 14 March, 2008. Interest from exhibitors has already been high with seven companies already signed up for the event"
Library of Congress and Microsoft announce agreement
"The Library of Congress and Microsoft have signed a cooperative agreement that will change the way Library visitors experience history. The joint technology initiative will electronically deliver the Library's immense collection of historical artifacts to patrons visiting its Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C., and will allow unparalleled and immersive interactive experiences that will bring the institution's vast historical collections and exhibits to life–on-site and online–through the upcoming Web site"
ARL: A Bimonthly Report - February 2008
ARL: A Bimonthly Report, no. 256 (February 2008) is now available
Librarian of the Year 2008: New Jersey State Librarian Norma Blake
Norma Blake of the New Jersey State Library has been chosen 2008 Librarian of the Year by Library Journal
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Readex announces The Civil War: Antebellum Period to Reconstruction
Readex has announced the release in Spring 2008 of The Civil War: Antebellum Period to Reconstruction - a fully searchable digital resource for students and scholars. This unique collection, selected from the Archive of Americana, provides extensive local and national coverage of culture, politics and society during a tumultuous time that redefined a nation. The Civil War features more than 180 newspapers as well as approximately 50,000 government documents and 3,500 broadsides and pieces of ephemera. Newspapers include the Baltimore Sun, Charleston Mercury, Dallas Weekly Herald, Milwaukee Sentinel, National Intelligencer, New Orleans Times Picayune, New York Herald, New York Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer and San Francisco Bulletin
Yale University Press selects Ingram's CoreSource
"Yale University Press has selected Ingram Digital Group to assist in the development and deployment of Yale University Press' digital publishing strategy to make the Press' titles more widely available. Under the agreement, Yale University Press will use CoreSource - Ingram's suite of asset management and search-and-discover services - to convert, protect, manage, and monetize the Press' digital assets, whether they be sold or marketed as print books or eBooks. This is estimated to involve more than 3,000 documents and other digital assets that are owned by Yale University Press"
The National Library of Wales centenary exhibition
The National Library of Wales centenary exhibition, In This Place, is now available online
20th Century Cabinet Records: Digitising a core collection of modern political records
Ed Hampshire discusses the Cabinet Records Digitisation Project, explaining how the innermost records of government will soon be made fully available online and what visitors to the site can expect when the project is completed. The National Archives Podcast Series
SciBX: Science–Business Exchange
"SciBX: Science–Business Exchange is a groundbreaking weekly publication that will transform your ability to efficiently identify and evaluate new developments in science and technology that have commercial and investment potential within the biotechnology and pharmaceutical arena. The publication and the associated websites are the result of a powerful collaboration that unites the business intelligence of BioCentury Publications, Inc. with the scientific acumen of Nature Publishing Group"
SCATNews - December 2007
The December 2007 issue of the SCATNews Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section is now available
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Nominations for the Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Poetry Prize
The Library of Congress is accepting nominations from publishers for the $10,000 Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry. The prize will be awarded in April, which is National Poetry Month. The prize, given biennially, is for the 2008 award. It will be presented to an American poet for the best book published during the previous two years, 2006 and 2007, or for lifetime achievement in poetry. Publishers may submit entries for the best book; the lifetime achievement awarding is at the sole discretion of the prize jury
Borders to launch SoftWide in Oxford Street (London, UK) store
"Borders UK has announced that it has signed a deal with Tribeka Ltd to trial a service that will offer CD and DVD Rom on demand. Borders will be the first retailer to have such a system in store. Branded as On Demand, it will go into the Borders flagship Oxford Street (London) branch in London on 4 February, offering customers the opportunity to choose from over 1,500 software items, including educational, business and entertainment products such as games, music and video"
The 2008 National Year of Reading
"The 2008 National Year of Reading will create a powerful focus of opportunities and activities so that children, families and adult learners understand the benefits that reading for pleasure and purpose can bring to change their lives." Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). The NYR will run from January to December 2008
Proposed changes to UK copyright exceptions
Libraries and schools could benefit from possible changes in the UK copyright laws, according to the Intellectual Property Office. The IPO has launched a consultation on how the laws should apply in the digital age. This follows the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property, which recommended reforms to the law
New blog: ACRL Insider
"The mission of ACRL Insider is to keep ACRL members and other interested parties current and informed on the activities, services and programs of the association. ACRL Insider features information on publications, events, conferences and eLearning opportunities, along with podcasts and other media. With the launch of this new communication tool, ACRL hopes to foster openness and transparency by providing an outlet for connection between members and staff. In order to encourage a collaborative environment, all ACRL Insider posts allow for reader comments and suggestions"
New ACRL title: Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries
The Association of College and Research Libraries has announced Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries. Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries is a hybrid book and wiki presenting 12 case studies of significant applications of Library 2.0 in academic libraries. The publication details a wide range of applications of emerging technologies, such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, IM, RSS, XML, Web services, mashups and social computing
His Own Domain: Harold Pinter, A Life in Theatre
His Own Domain pays tribute to Harold Pinter's life in the theatre as an actor, director, and writer of some of the most significant and celebrated plays of the 20th century. This small display in the British Library's Sir John Ritblat Gallery features a range of unique manuscripts, letters, photographs, and sound recordings. The British Library acquired Harold Pinter's extensive archive in December 2007. 10 January to 13 April 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite
Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite, the latest Digital Scholarship publication by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., is designed to give the reader a very quick introduction to key aspects of institutional repositories and to foster further exploration of this topic though liberal use of relevant references to online documents and links to pertinent websites. It is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License, and it can be freely used for any noncommercial purpose in accordance with the license
Digital Preservation Program adds new partners to preserve tate government digital information
Twenty-one states, working in four multistate demonstration projects, are joining the Library of Congress' National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program in an initiative to catalyze collaborative efforts to preserve important state government information in digital form
Peter Pan Week and the Big Time Rhyme
"Peter Pan Week - Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity's first ever activity for schools and youth groups, in partnership with Oxford University Press. Peter Pan Week is a fun, creative and educational way for young people (up to age 18) to learn all about literature, whilst helping children with some of the rarest and most complex illnesses, and going down in history by attempting a Guinness World Record"
Continuum and codeMantra announce partnership
"The Continuum International Publishing Group has announced the appointment of codeMantra as provider of digital conversion and distribution the middle of 2008 they will have over 1,000 titles available through ebook vendors and have plans to double that figure in the succeeding six months. This partnership will enable Continuum to add considerable value, particularly to the academic community who will be able to access content that is timely, relevant and cost-effective"
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship - Fall 2007
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship - Number 52, Fall 2007 - is now available
Building Digital Libraries: A How-to-do-it Manual
Building Digital Libraries: A How-to-do-it Manual by Terry Reese and Kyle Banerjee is now avialble from Neal Schuman Publishers
Resource of the Month from Ovid - January 2008
"Each month, Ovid's Resource of the Month program allows you to "test drive" different products for free. This month's resource: PsycEXTRA
Podcast: A study of 'In Their Own Words'
"Listening to what learners themselves have to say about their learning is becoming more and more important to ensuring that they have access to the services and the technologies they need for their studies, their work and social lives. In this podcast, Philip Pothen looks at a publication - In Their Own Words - and research into student expectations which attempt to listen to what learners themselves have to say"
Carnival of the Infosciences #86
Carnival of the Infosciences #86 hosted by The Vital Library. Previous Carnivals can be found here
Monday, January 07, 2008
Scientology lawyers to sue over book
"Scientology lawyers are believed to be drawing up a lawsuit seeking GBP50m in compensation from the publishers of an unauthorised biography of Tom Cruise written by Princess Diana's biographer, Andrew Morton" - The Bookseller
Code4Lib 2008 schedule available
The third annual code4lib conference is now in the organizing phase, and will be held in Portland, Oregon at the Embassy Suites located in downtown Portland, February 25-28, 2008. Program schedule is now available
BioOne announces new agreement with Allen Press
"BioOne has announced that it has signed a new agreement with Allen Press, Inc. that will continue the organizations’ seven-year partnership and provide for a superior new online platform through a strategic alliance with Atypon Systems, Inc. Now entering its eighth year of operation, BioOne includes three full-text collections (two subscribed and one open access,) representing 143 publications from 102 not-for-profit society and institutional publishers"
Carol Tenopir wins LACASIS award
Dr. Carol Tenopir has been selected as the 2007 recipient of the Contribution to Information Science & Technology Award. CISTA is an annual award given by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society of Information Science & Technology to honor an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of information science. Recipients are those individuals who are recognized by their colleagues as exceptional leaders whose dedication, commitment and vision inspire others, or whose singular contribution to the field of information science has been particularly significant
State of Mississippi chooses Credo to provide online reference to state-funded institutions
Credo Reference has announced its new agreement with the State of Mississippi. Credo is now partnering with the state's library consortium to provide all residents with online reference resources through their state-funded institutions. Credo's growing General Reference collection of 270 titles from 58 publishers will now be accessible in all 50 of Mississippi's public libraries and in its state-funded academic and educational institutions, including eight universities, 16 community colleges and all the K-12 public schools, as well as in the state's own office library
Library Hi Tech: Call for papers
Michael Seadle writes: "Library Hi Tech is now over a quarter century old and to celebrate we are planning a series of papers that looks at the last 25 Years of library technology to consider what we have learned and where we need to do more research. Articles can look at changes in particular institutions or can look at how particular technologies have changed how we think about our jobs as librarians. Articles should be scholarly in their approach and broad in their perspective. Articles for Library Hi Tech should be 4000-8000 words long and should follow the Emerald style guide. Library Hi Tech is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that is indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch and Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition. Those interested in contributing should submit a brief (300 word) abstract to Michael Seadle at: "seadle (at)'. Articles must be in English in their final form. The abstract may be in English, German, or French"
ECIR'08 Workshop
ECIR'08 Workshop - Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval - March 30, 2008 - Glasgow, Scotland
DC-2008 - Berlin
The 2008 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications will take place 22-26 September 2008 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin, Germany
Institute of Education's records added to Copac
Records from the Institute of Education's online catalogue have been added to Copac. The Institute of Education has the "largest collection in Europe of learned books and periodicals on educational studies". The library covers all aspects of education both in the UK and internationally. It also covers education-related topics such as psychology, philosophy, sociology and linguistics. The library has 22 special collections (although not all are available on Copac) which are mainly historical but some, such as the Official Publications collection, contain current materials
Wikia Search launched
Wikia Search - "An open source search engine based on trusted user feedback from a community of users acting together in an open, transparent, public way. In alpha"
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Urban Library Journal
"Urban Library Journal, an online refereed journal of research and discussion dealing with all aspects of urban libraries and librarianship, welcomes articles dealing with academic, research, public, school, and special libraries in an urban setting. Urban Library Journal, formerly known as Urban Academic Librarian, also invites submissions in broader areas such as public higher education, urban studies, multiculturalism, library and educational services to immigrants, preservation of public higher education, and universal access to World Wide Web resources. Topics for columns and special issues will also be entertained. Urban Library Journal, an official publication of the Library Association of the City University of New York, plans to publish two issues annually"
"Aluka is an international, collaborative initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa. Our name, 'Aluka', is derived from a Zulu word meaning 'to weave', reflecting Aluka's mission to connect resources and scholars from around the world. Aluka seeks to attract high-quality scholarly content about Africa from institutions and individuals across the globe. By contributing their collections to the Aluka platform, content owners will have a means of offering access to their collections to an international audience—without having to develop and support their own technology platforms. Aluka's web-based platform provides powerful tools for research, teaching, collaboration, and knowledge exchange"
Creating Knowledge V Conference
Creating Knowledge V Conference - 20-22 August 2008 - Turku, Finland
Managing Across Generations - online course - new start date
Managing Across Generations with Mary-Jo Romaniuk and Cheryl Stenstrom. Online Course. Participants will gain an understanding of theory and skills needed to examine and implement effective management techniques in a multi-generational workplace. They will learn about current research in this area; why generations have such an effect on workplace attitudes and expectations; the importance of retention and motivation; overcoming different working styles; communication as it applies to various age groups; and change and leadership as an overarching theme. Throughout the course, participants will learn though active discussion, assess their own workplaces, practice skills through short exercises and discover relevant articles - January 28-February 15, 2008. 6 Week Course with the Education Institute
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980
"Readex has announced the initial release of Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 in February 2008. Created in cooperation with the University of Houston, this new digital resource represents the single largest compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. The distinctive collection features hundreds of titles, including many published bilingually in Spanish and English. Based on the 'Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project,' a national research effort directed by Professor Nicolás Kanellos, Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 is the first in a new American Ethnic Newspapers series, available within America's Historical Newspapers"
New England Technical Services Librarians Spring 2008 conference
Cohabiting and Colliding: Print and Electronic Resources - April 4, 2008 - The Hogan Center, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA - Keynote speaker: Janet Swan Hill
New Sheet Music Digital Collection at University of Oregon
The University of Oregon Libraries present a selection of images from the collections of printed sheet music held by the Music Services Department and in the Oregon Collection of Special Collections & University Archives at the University of Oregon Libraries
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 158
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 158 - January 2008 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
TL InfoBits - December 2007
The December 2007 issue of TL InfoBits, the information and instructional technology newsletter from the Information Technology Services at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is now available online
2008 Library Human Resources Summit
"The 2008 Library Human Resources Summit, June 2008, Ottawa, Canada, will bring together an invited group of participants, who represent key associations, employers, government officials, and other stakeholders in the Canadian library community. The Summit will develop a national strategy and action plans to ensure that Canadian libraries will have the great leadership we will need in our librarians and information professionals, in order to meet Canada's knowledge and information management needs in the first three decades of the 21st century"
Friday, January 04, 2008
Jon Scieszka named Ambassador for Young People's Literature
"Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has appointed children's book author Jon Scieszka as the first National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. The position was created to raise national awareness of the importance of young people's literature as it relates to lifelong literacy, education, and the development and betterment of the lives of young people"
The Education Show 2008
"The Education Show 2008 will take place at the NEC Birmingham, UK. Compare, touch and sample thousands of educational resources at The Education Show 2008. In addition, the event features over 80 CPD seminars and workshops, over 600 exhibitors situated within 7 focused zones and a general resources area, and an array of visitor features to make your trip more useful and enjoyable. The show offers an unrivalled opportunity for visitors to network with experts and peers as well as to review the very latest in educational resources. This makes the show the must attend event for anyone involved in the UK education sector" - 28 February 2008 to 1 March 2008
Used Books New Start
"Used Books New Start is a Canadian campaign created and run by volunteers to raise proceeds for Canadian and international literacy programs. During the week of February 4-8, 2008, Canadian corporations and their employees will be called upon to donate used books through a corporate book drive event. In true partnership spirit, companies will assist by creating awareness of the campaign and footing the bill for shipping the books to a central depot after the week long campaign, while employees will be dusting off those unwanted books at home that can be donated to a 'new start'"
The European Library Web-exhibition
The European Library Web-exhibition features 300 pictures of the National libraries of Europe. It provides many fascinating building details and broad architectural examples of official monuments across Europe
Agenda for Developing E-Science in Research Libraries
The Association of Research Libraries Joint Task Force on Library Support for E-Science has released its final report, an Agenda for Developing E-Science in Research Libraries, which is available on the ARL Web site
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Weather. Answers here.
1. Does thunder precede or follow a flash of lightning?
2. What was the name of the hurricane which devastated the city of New Orleans in 2005?
3. Smog is a mixture of which two substances?
4. Is a "northeaster" a wind blowing to the northeast or from the northeast?
5. Who danced in puddles in the 1952 film musical "Singin' in the Rain"?
6. What phrase is used to describe a technique for producing rain by dropping chemicals or small objects into clouds?
7. In which country does the wind called the "mistral" mainly blow?
8. What does a barometer measure?
9. "SAD" is an abbreviation for mental depression apparently linked to the seasonally changing amount of light during autumn and winter. What does "SAD" stand for?
10. The Fujita scale or F-scale is the standard scale for measuring the severity of which weather phenomenon?
1. Does thunder precede or follow a flash of lightning?
2. What was the name of the hurricane which devastated the city of New Orleans in 2005?
3. Smog is a mixture of which two substances?
4. Is a "northeaster" a wind blowing to the northeast or from the northeast?
5. Who danced in puddles in the 1952 film musical "Singin' in the Rain"?
6. What phrase is used to describe a technique for producing rain by dropping chemicals or small objects into clouds?
7. In which country does the wind called the "mistral" mainly blow?
8. What does a barometer measure?
9. "SAD" is an abbreviation for mental depression apparently linked to the seasonally changing amount of light during autumn and winter. What does "SAD" stand for?
10. The Fujita scale or F-scale is the standard scale for measuring the severity of which weather phenomenon?
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Lake Superior State University 2008 List of Words and Phrases Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness
Lake Superior State University has released its 2008 List of Words and Phrases Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness
United States National Archives budget increased for FY08
The United States National Archives and Records Administration will receive $411.1 million in funding for the current fiscal year under the omnibus appropriations bill signed by President George W. Bush on December 26
PublicRecordsWire - "An open system for cataloging, sharing and discovering new public records databases. The system promotes the databases that are most used and voted upon with the goal of enhancing overall quality of public records databases"
Costa Book Awards 2007 category winners announced
Chair of the 2007 final judging panel, author Joanna Trollope, has announced the 2007 Costa Book Awards category winning authors
Gunpowder plot 'skin' book sold
BBC - "A private buyer has paid GBP5,400 at auction for a book alleged to be bound in the skin of a Jesuit priest executed over the 1605 Gunpowder Plot"
New collaboration for scholarly publishing
"Five United States university presses have announced a collaboration that seeks to find a way to reduce costs of scholarly publishing and to allow more books to be released. The collaboration, created with funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will set up a joint operation for copy editing, design, layout and typesetting for the work in American literatures. The presses will retain complete control over book selection and distribution"
LISjobs Message Boards Jobs for Librarians and Information Professionals, now has some discussions forums
British Library's Chief Executive made a Dame in New Year Honours
"Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library, has been made a Dame of the British Empire in the New Year Honours. She receives the honour for services to education, having led the British Library since July 2000. Lynne Brindley said, 'I am truly delighted to receive this recognition. It is, of course, a great personal honour but it is also a tribute to my many talented colleagues at the British Library and in the library and information profession'"
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Journal of Music Theory
Duke University Press has announced the addition of the Journal of Music Theory to its list of journal titles. The acquisition of the journal represents a change in publisher only. The editorial office at Yale University will remain unchanged
SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 now available
SirsiDynix has announced the general availability of SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2, "the library community's open, evolutionary and customizable integrated library system"
Information Today - January 2008 issues
The January 2008 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available
New blog: Collections 2.0
Collections 2.0: a place to speculate about the future of libraries, especially how digital technology and social software (Web 2.0 and Library 2.0) together might affect the development and management of library collections
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, January 2008
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, January 2008: Brass Bands: "This month we look at brass bands, and highlight descriptions for the papers of composers, bands and events"
Luke Bitmead Writer's Bursary announced
A new bursary for aspiring writers has been set up by the family of Luke Bitmead, who died in 2006. The bursary will include a cash award of GBP2,500 for the winner and a publishing contract from Bitmead's publisher Legend Press
LIS Future: A Library Mentor and Leadership Development Wiki
"LIS Future: This wiki is designed to be a collective resource for library mentoring and library leadership ideas, programs, and tools for current and aspiring directors or department heads as well as for students and new librarians preparing for leadership positions" December 29, 2007 update December 29, 2007 update is now online. is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
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