Thursday, June 30, 2011
6th Annual World eBook Fair 2011
6th Annual World eBook Fair 2011 - July 4 to August 4, 2011 - "Just a few years ago the First World eBook Fairs came on the scene with about 1/3 million books and doubled to 2/3 million in 2008, and over a million and a quarter the following year. This year there are over Six million eBooks. The World eBook Fair's mammoth amount of books were created by contributions from 100+ eLibraries and thousands of volunteers from around the world"
Virtual library of Energy-related research info revamped and ready for searchers

NAG conference 2011 (UK)
NAG Conference 2011 will be held at the Palace Hotel in Manchester, UK, 7-8 September 2011. The theme this year will be Strategies for the Future, and will include workshops and plenary sessions from practitioners from a wide variety of backgrounds, who can share their experience in areas such as statistical analysis and shared catalogues, as well as looking at new developments in Library Management Systems, etextbooks, the latest resource discovery tools, and identifiers such as the ISNI. As in previous years, there will be numerous opportunities to network with publishers and library suppliers, and colleagues in both public and academic libraries, as well as a chance to share your own knowledge and experience
'In lean times, schools squeeze out librarians' - New York Times
The library shared by Public School 9 and Middle School 571 in Brooklyn was recently renovated, but has no librarian. Budget belt-tightening threatens to send school librarians the way of the card catalog. The schools superintendent in Lancaster, Pa., said he had to eliminate 15 of the district's 20 librarians to save full-day kindergarten classes. In the Salem-Keizer school district in Oregon, all 48 elementary and middle school librarians would lose their jobs under a budget proposal that faces a vote next week. In Illinois' School District 90, which spans several rural and suburban communities in the southern part of the state, parent volunteers have been running the libraries in the district's seven schools since September, in what the schools superintendent, Todd Koehl, described as "a last-ditch effort" to avoid closing their doors. And in New York City, half of the secondary schools appear to be in violation of a state regulation1 requiring them to have a librarian on staff, with the city currently employing 365 licensed librarians
CARL E-Lert # 429
CARL E-Lert # 429, June 30 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Canada's oldest movies find safe home in new building / Public libraries fight to stay relevant in digital age / Five Things That University Presses Should Know About Working With Libraries / ACRL Environmental Scan 2010
CARL E-Lert # 428
CARL E-Lert # 428, June 24 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: The Development of Open Access Journal Publishing from 1993 to 2009 / Defending your right to Internet access / Le Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec crée le prix Innovation des services documentaires (bibliothèques et archives) / NRC-CISTI goes portable with launch of mobile website - L'ICIST-CNRC devient portatif avec le lancement de son site Web mobile / British Library makes Google search deal
Springer launches new open access journal with Korean research society
Beginning in June 2011, Springer will launch a new open access journal Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences. As part of the SpringerOpen portfolio, it will be fully sponsored by the Korea-based Future Technology Research Association International. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences is one of the official international journals of the FTRA. The journal covers the multifaceted aspects of human-centric computing technology and information sciences with its convergence strategies. The goal of this interdisciplinary journal is to bring together researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions from this field
Birmingham collection of Victorian games gets set for big library move (UK)

Librarian LeVette Fuller wins $20,000 Great Graphic Novel Library Giveaway

Bancroft Library to expand documentation of Japanese Americans’ World War II experiences (USA)

Encompass trainee scheme (UK)
Encompass is a positive action trainee scheme to encourage members of the Black and minority ethnic communities to seek a library & information career. It's a partnership between CILIP, the Skills Development Agency Path National, and the employer
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Technical Services Law Librarian - June 2011 issue
Technical Services Law Librarian - Volume 36, no 4, June 2011 is now available. Technical Services Law Librarian is an official publication of the Technical Services Special Interest Section and the Online Bibliographic Services Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries
Talk: 'The life and work of Mervyn Peake', by Sebastian Peake (UK National Archives)

The Chicago Underground Library (USA)
The Chicago Underground Library is an all-inclusive collection of Chicago-specific media, produced by and for the community. Through our unique indexing of contributors and our open venue, we provide a space for individuals, organizations and ideas to come together, and creative connections to emerge
2010 Journal Citation Reports
Thomson Reuters has announced the release of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports®. The 2010 release features the largest ever JCR with 10,196 journal listings in 238 disciplines of Science and Social Sciences. 2,494 publishers from 84 countries are represented, some for the first time. A total of 1,075 journals receive their first Journal Impact Factor in the latest JCR release
Springer celebrates the launch of its 50th SpringerOpen journal
With the International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (IJDRS), Springer has announced its 50th SpringerOpen journal
JISC Inform 31 (UK)
JISC Inform 31 is now available from the Joint Information Systems Committee. "In this edition of JISC lnform we look at how students are taking an active part in their course design and delivery. How becoming more open, whether in your data or your educational resources, can make resources easier to access for students and lecturers and we also look at how to manage the new responsibility that comes with technology"
2011 Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival (Canada)
2011 Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival - October 18-23, 2011 - Granville Island, British Columbia, Canada
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Communications and Network
Journal of Power Technologies
Surgical Science
Wireless Engineering and Technology
Instantes y Azares : Escrituras Nietzscheanas
Analele Universita(t,ii din Craiova. Seria Geografie
International Journal of Nano Dimension
AIP Advances
Archives of Polish Fisheries
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Natural Science
Revista Eletrônica Espaço Teológico
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Energy and Power Engineering
Intelligent Information Management
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
Natural Resources
Neuroscience & Medicine
Circuits and Systems
Journal of Azerbaijani Studies
Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
Lesnícky C(asopis
Transaction on Transport Sciences
Intelligent Control and Automation
Journal of Security Engineering
Kasarinlan : Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
Acta Theologica
American Journal of Plant Sciences
Beijing Law Review
Child Health and Education : An Interdisciplinary Journal
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business
Journal of Information Security
Low Carbon Economy
Natura Sloveniae : Revija za Terensko Biologijo
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Neural Systems & Circuits
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Revista Româna( de Kinetoterapie
RIA : Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
SA Orthopaedic Journal
Skeletal Muscle
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Communications and Network
Journal of Power Technologies
Surgical Science
Wireless Engineering and Technology
Instantes y Azares : Escrituras Nietzscheanas
Analele Universita(t,ii din Craiova. Seria Geografie
International Journal of Nano Dimension
AIP Advances
Archives of Polish Fisheries
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Natural Science
Revista Eletrônica Espaço Teológico
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Energy and Power Engineering
Intelligent Information Management
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
Natural Resources
Neuroscience & Medicine
Circuits and Systems
Journal of Azerbaijani Studies
Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
Lesnícky C(asopis
Transaction on Transport Sciences
Intelligent Control and Automation
Journal of Security Engineering
Kasarinlan : Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
Acta Theologica
American Journal of Plant Sciences
Beijing Law Review
Child Health and Education : An Interdisciplinary Journal
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business
Journal of Information Security
Low Carbon Economy
Natura Sloveniae : Revija za Terensko Biologijo
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Neural Systems & Circuits
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Revista Româna( de Kinetoterapie
RIA : Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
SA Orthopaedic Journal
Skeletal Muscle
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe
Above the Fold - May 31 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - May 31 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 21 now available
11 more OA Journals added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 11 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 16,400 scholarly journals
Video: Opening of the Mary J.L. Black Branch Library, Thunder Bay, Canada
A celebration of the opening of the new Mary J.L. Black Branch Library, Thunder Bay, Canada. Produced by MorVision Video Productions
Book Grocer: 29 June to 5 July 2011 (UK)
Book Grocer: 29 June to 5 July 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
YourTradingEdge via Exact Editions
Tynwald Week 2011 marks official opening of the iMuseum (Isle of Man)
Tynwald Week 2011 will mark the official opening of the iMuseum, a new facility which provides unprecedented access to Manx National Heritage collections. Situated on Kingswood Grove in Douglas, the digital museum quietly opened its doors to the public in March this year as the "Home of Manx Memories" (Cummal Cooinaghtyn Manninagh). iMuseum brings together a selection of archives, library and museum collections into one digital resource, and the content will grow significantly over the coming months and years as more of the national collections are digitised. In the future iMuseum will be available online with a simple subscription facility for the Manx Newspapers (1792 – 1960) searchable at the click of a button
Open Access Map launched
On June, 23, at the OAI7 conference on Innovation in Scholarly Communication, Alma Swan from OASIS announced the launching of Open Access Map. Anyone with an Open Access Resource or Organization they'd like to have included on the map, is invited to use the "Add Item" feature to share their contribution with the project. The world map will include all Open Access projects, services and initiatives. The tool will also involve a timeline which will show the development of Open Access over the last decade in terms of repositories, policies adopted and OA journals published
Canadian Feature Film Database

* compiles the principal credits of every Canadian feature film from 1913 to 2009
* establishes a list of Canadian feature films from published information up to 2009
* features currently over 4,300 films
Future updates:
* addition of post-2009 films is planned for a future iteration of the database
World Book Night 2012
The first World Book Night was held in the UK in the spring of 2011 and saw 20,000 people give away 1 million specially printed books - 40,000 copies of 25 brilliant titles. This site exists in order to celebrate books and to connect readers with one another. You can learn more about World Book Night itself, the 2011 books and authors, and connect with other passionate readers. And most importantly, you can help us shape World Book Night 2012 by telling us your ten favourite books - the books you most love to read, give and share - to give them a chance to be featured in next year's list. Simply sign up or login and tell us what books really matter to you
Spanish Civil War records released to mark 75th anniversary (UK National Archives)
Records revealing the full extent of British involvement in the Spanish Civil War have been put online by The National Archives to mark the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the war. They show that more volunteers than previously thought may have left Britain with the aim of joining the International Brigades fighting in Spain.
Despite the British government's official policy of non-intervention, thousands of men and women were inspired by their political beliefs to defend the Second Spanish Republic against a military uprising. The Security Service (KV) files, which are available online today, list the names of more than 4,000 volunteers who left Britain on the way to the frontline in Spain as well as a roll of honour of those killed in action. They were among the first of their generation to take up arms in the fight against Fascism
Despite the British government's official policy of non-intervention, thousands of men and women were inspired by their political beliefs to defend the Second Spanish Republic against a military uprising. The Security Service (KV) files, which are available online today, list the names of more than 4,000 volunteers who left Britain on the way to the frontline in Spain as well as a roll of honour of those killed in action. They were among the first of their generation to take up arms in the fight against Fascism
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative: preliminary program for DC-2011 published
The organizing committee of DC-2011 has published the preliminary program of the event. On 21 September there will be a full day of Tutorials alongside a special session on Vocabulary Management and Alignment. The program for the conference on 22 and 23 September includes plenary keynotes and paper sessions, posters, workshop and special sessions, while there will also be an opportunity for people to meet in an "unconference" setting
OCLC to offer free online training for members in the U.S. and Canada
OCLC will offer free, live-online and self-paced training for many courses that cover Cataloging, Resource Sharing and FirstSearch services beginning July 1, 2011
LIBER 40th Annual Conference (Spain)

Confronting the Future: Strategic Visions for the 21st Century Public Library
Confronting the Future: Strategic Visions for the 21st Century Public Library explores how emerging technologies combined with challenges, such as financial constraints as well as shifts in the nature and needs of library users, require libraries to evolve rapidly and make strategic decisions today that will influence their future for decades to come. ALA President Roberta Stevens said OITP's brief clearly lays out why public libraries are in the midst of a true revolution. "The most recent development - the rapid growth in e-book usage - is another example of the fundamental changes affecting libraries. Such changes present many new opportunities for serving the public as well as challenges in how to best serve them," Stevens said
Dystel & Goderich Literary Management announces new E-Book services
Dystel & Goderich Literary Management, an agency whose clients include Barack Obama, Joy Bauer and Jacqueline Carey, has announced a new slate of e-book services for its clients. But, it stresses, it is not trying to compete with publishers
eBound Canada offers digital solutions to Canadian publishers
After several months of behind-the-scenes preparations, the digital arm of the Association of Canadian Publishers, now known as eBound Canada, has formed as a separate entity. The new not-for-profit organization, formerly known as Canadian Publishers Digital Services, was officially incorporated last week, coinciding with the launch of a new website. eBound's mandate is to explore all aspects of digital publishing, focusing on four areas: e-book conversion, retail distribution, digital asset management, and research and education. The organization acts as an intermediary between Canadian publishers and global e-book retailers such as Kobo, Apple, and Barnes & Noble. It has also negotiated a deal on behalf of publishers with CoreSource, Ingram’s digital-asset management solution
Sinn Féin Rebellion Handbook now online (Ireland)
Find your Irish Rebel ancestors today in the first fully searchable structured index of the Sinn Féin Rebellion Handbook. The Sinn Féin Rebellion Handbook was published by the Irish Times in 1917 to commemorate the 1916 Easter Rising and is primarily made up of articles which appeared in the Irish Times during the rebellion. The handbook mentions over 6,700 names in 308 pages including:
- Photographs of rebels and government personnel
- Names and personal details of 1,306 casualties
- Names and personal details of soldiers who fought against the rebels
- Details of over 3,000 rebels who were arrested and interned
- Photographs of rebels and government personnel
- Names and personal details of 1,306 casualties
- Names and personal details of soldiers who fought against the rebels
- Details of over 3,000 rebels who were arrested and interned
Monday, June 27, 2011
Evaluation of Libraries for Life (Wales)

* evaluates the programme's six work strands;
* assesses the development of libraries between 2008-11;
* evaluates the aims and objectives of the programme;
* measures the impact of the programme on library services in Wales.
The report includes a wide range of data from staff, library users and non-users, obtained using various research methods. It includes ground-breaking research using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) model
New book: A Librarian's Guide to an Uncertain Job Market

Webcast: 2011 Medical eBook Publishing Trends
Join Mark E. Funk, AHIP, Medical Librarian at Weill Cornell Medical College and former President of the Medical Library Association for a lively conversation about the rapid emergence of medical e-book publishing with a panel of expert librarians who have reviewed new medical ebooks in 2011 for Doody's Review Services. You'll hear their views on the state of medical e-book publishing today and the trends they believe will drive collection development in 2011. You'll also hear from a leading medical publisher to get a view from the publishing side of the house, and a preview of trends in 2012 - June 28, 2011 at 12:00PM Eastern / 9:00AM Pacific
e-Reader ownership surges since last November; tablet ownership grows more slowly
From Pew Internet: The share of adults in the United States who own an e-book reader doubled to 12% in May, 2011 from 6% in November 2010. E-readers, such as a Kindle or Nook, are portable devices designed to allow readers to download and read books and periodicals. This is the first time since the Pew Internet Project began measuring e-reader use in April 2009 that ownership of this device has reached double digits among U.S. adults.
Tablet computers - portable devices similar to e-readers but designed for more interactive web functions - have not seen the same level of growth in recent months. In May 2011, 8% of adults report owning a tablet computer such as an iPad, Samsung Galaxy or Motorola Xoom. This is roughly the same percentage of adults who reported owning this kind of device in January 2011 (7%), and represents just a 3 percentage-point increase in ownership since November 2010. Prior to that, tablet ownership had been climbing relatively quickly
Tablet computers - portable devices similar to e-readers but designed for more interactive web functions - have not seen the same level of growth in recent months. In May 2011, 8% of adults report owning a tablet computer such as an iPad, Samsung Galaxy or Motorola Xoom. This is roughly the same percentage of adults who reported owning this kind of device in January 2011 (7%), and represents just a 3 percentage-point increase in ownership since November 2010. Prior to that, tablet ownership had been climbing relatively quickly
POLITICO, Random House to publish digital campaign books (USA)
Random House and POLITICO will team up to produce a series of instant digital books that will tell the story of the 2012 presidential election in real time, with the kind of detail and color normally reserved for traditional post-election tell-all accounts. The series of four books will be written by Mike Allen, POLITICO's chief White House correspondent, and former Newsweek editor-at-large Evan Thomas, and edited by former Newsweek editor-in-chief Jon Meacham, who became executive editor and executive vice president at Random House last autumn after Newsweek was sold to Sidney Harman
ALPSP Awards 2011 - finalists announced
The judges have announced the finalists for the Best New Journal and Publishing Innovation Awards. The Winners will be announced on 15 September at the ALPSP International Conference Dinner at Heythrop Park, near Oxford:
ALPSP Award for Best New Journal 2011 Shortlist
* Bioanalysis, published by FutureScience Ltd
* Celebrity Studies, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis
* Chemical Science, published by RSC Publishing
* Nature Communications, published by Nature Publishing Group
ALPSP Award for Publishing Innovation 2011 Shortlist
* Berg Fashion Library from Berg Publishers
* F1000 Posters from the Faculty of 1000
* SCM6 by Silverchair Information Systems
* Your Better Life Index by the OECD
ALPSP Award for Best New Journal 2011 Shortlist
* Bioanalysis, published by FutureScience Ltd
* Celebrity Studies, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis
* Chemical Science, published by RSC Publishing
* Nature Communications, published by Nature Publishing Group
ALPSP Award for Publishing Innovation 2011 Shortlist
* Berg Fashion Library from Berg Publishers
* F1000 Posters from the Faculty of 1000
* SCM6 by Silverchair Information Systems
* Your Better Life Index by the OECD
London Literature Festival 2011 (UK)
London Literature Festival 2011 – an exciting mix of talks and events from brilliant writers, thinkers and artists. This year, with our riverside site transformed in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Festival of Britain, we explore the past, present and future of Britain and its capital. We investigate the complexities of modern Britain in our State of the Nation series, and articulate our dreams and nightmares of the future in our Futurology events. With writers from over 30 countries joining us, we invite you to immerse yourself in a momentous London Literature Festival this summer. 30 June to 14 July, 2011
Zinio and Recorded Books announce new partnership
Recorded Books has announced that it will begin distribution of the Zinio digital newsstand to public libraries in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. "Zinio for Libraries" will allow public library patrons to read, interact with and explore the largest selection of magazines by just using their library card
2011 Locus Award winners
The Locus Science Fiction Foundation has announced the winners in each category of the 2011 Locus Awards. The winners were announced during the Science Fiction Awards Weekend in Seattle WA, June 24-26, 2011. Full coverage of the ceremony will run in the August 2011 issue of Locus
Amazon has announced 'Essentials in Young Adult Books'
Amazon has announced Essentials in Young Adult Books, a new way for parents and teenagers to discover interesting new books

We Love This Book - from The Bookseller (UK)

LISTen: An Program - Episode #159
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #159. "This week's episode is light in recognition of the ALA Annual hang over. We feature a music break by northeast Ohio band Antiquitous. The song "Ed and Elaine's Promenade" is from their upcoming album "Nexus of the Ley Lines" and was composed by Mister Engineer. Antiquitous describes themselves with: "New melodies from ancient voices for a modern world"". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
Sunday, June 26, 2011
New government files released by National Archives UK
New files released online recently by The National Archives give insight into government decisions, espionage inquiries and secret wartime intelligence. The files comprise a range of subjects, from an advertisement proof featuring Margaret Thatcher as a Royal Navy 'bombshell'; a review of the Order of the British Empire, suggesting that 'Knight' and 'Dame' be replaced by 'Chevalier' and 'Lady'; an account of Germany's alleged plans to use poison gas; an atomic physicist's confession of spying; to a file about an SOE Agent-turned Oscar winner
Community-run libraries 'could charge' (UK)
Book borrowers at community-run libraries could be charged for the privilege in future, according to guidance issued by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). The Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) asked the MLA in March to prepare guidance for local authorities looking to restructure their library services. Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt wrote to council chiefs late last week to alert them to the finished document, "Community Managed Libraries", which has been uploaded onto the MLA's website - The Bookseller
Jessamyn West speaks at Oregon Virtual Reference Summit 2011
A video of Jessamyn West speaking at the Oregon Virtual Reference Summit 2011
Jessamyn West - 2011 Oregon Virtual Reference Summit from L-net: Oregon Libraries Network on Vimeo.
Street Books (USA)

Blogging and RSS - A Librarian's Guide - 2nd edition
Blogging and RSS - A Librarian's Guide - 2nd edition. "In this fully updated second edition of his popular 2006 book, author, internet trainer, and blogger Michael P. Sauers shows how blogging and RSS technology can be easily and successfully used by libraries and librarians. Sauers provides a wealth of useful examples and insights from librarian bloggers and provides easy-to-follow instructions for creating, publishing, and syndicating a blog using free Web-based services, software, RSS feeds, and aggregators. The second edition covers new blogging tools and services, introduces numerous useful library blogs and bloggers, and includes a new chapter on micro-blogging with Twitter. Blogging & RSS is a must-read for librarians; library managers, administrators, tech staff, and anyone interested in utilizing blogs and RSS in a library setting"
Podcast: The last thing we need is a sequel: Postwar cinema at The National Archives (UK)

Edinburgh International Book Festival 2011 (Scotland)
The Edinburgh International Book Festival 2011 takes place 13-29 August, 2011 in Scotland
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Archives Portal Europe
This is the pilot installation of the future Archives Portal Europe. It provides access to information on archival material from currently 17 European countries as well as information on archival institutions throughout the continent. Between now and January 15th 2012, this installation will develop both technically and in terms of content addition. Archives Portal Europe is supported by the European Commission through the eContentplus programme
History SPOT (Seminar Podcasts and Online Training) (UK)

Library and Archives Canada marks the opening of the new Nitrate Film Preservation Centre
Library and Archives Canada has marked the official opening of the new Nitrate Film Preservation Centre in the west end of Ottawa. The Centre, located on the Communications Research Centre Canada campus, was constructed on time and within budget, resulting in measurable long-term benefits and savings. The "state-of-the-art" facility features a range of technical innovations that meet the current standards for preservation environments and provide the required fire prevention and protection measures. The facility is also equipped with small individual vaults, specialized monitoring and an exterior buffer zone of land for added security
In-Library eBook Lending Program expands to 1,000 libraries
The Internet Archive has announced that the 1,000th library from 6 countries has joined its In-Library eBook Lending Program. Led by the Internet Archive, patrons may borrow eBooks from a new, cooperative 100,000+ eBook lending collection of mostly 20th century books on, a site where it's already possible to read over 1 million eBooks without restriction. During a library visit, patrons with an account can borrow any of these lendable eBooks using laptops, reading devices or library computers. This new twist on the traditional lending model could increase eBook use and revenue for publishers
CILEA Interuniversity Consortium of Italy partners with the CLOCKSS Archive
The CLOCKSS Archive has announced that it has entered into a library partnership agreement with the CILEA Interuniversity Consortium of Italy. The member libraries supporting the CLOCKSS Archive include Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of Milan, University of Bergamo, University of Verona, Instituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS), and Istituto Universitario Europeo of Fiesole (IUE). The goal of the partnership is to have CILEA leading the effort to secure participation in CLOCKSS by regional libraries
2011 International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics (IIAS) Book Award winner
World Scientific author Susanne Vrobel has won the prestigious 2011 International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics Book Award for her book Fractal Time: Why a Watched Kettle Never Boils. Commended for its high content quality, Vrobel's book won the General/Systems Category and she will receive the award from the President of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Dr George E Lasker, in the presence of the IIAS Award Council Chairman and the Members of the Award Selection Committee at a Ceremony held on August 4, 2011 in the MLG-Building in Baden-Baden, Germany
Future Science Group eBook collections
Future Science Group's eBook Programme provides students, researchers and clinicians access to an exciting collection of fully accessible, illustrated books covering the most important areas in modern medicine
New Yorker online archive now available
The New Yorker has made all article from all issues back to 1925 available at its archive site. Subscribers have full access; non-subscribers may only read certain articles freely
Desmond Elliot Prize 2011 winner announced
Anjali Joseph has been named as the winner of the £10,000 Desmond Elliott Prize 2011 for Saraswati Park, published by Fourth Estate. The Prize is awarded annually to the best first novel and Anjali Joseph's portrayal of modern-day India was selected for its enchanting narrative and assured style
Delivering Innovative Mobile Services through Your Library (ALA TechSource Workshop)
Delivering Innovative Mobile Services through Your Library (ALA TechSource Workshop) with Meredith Farkas:
Thursday, July 21, 2011, 2:30pm - 4:00pm Eastern. Session 1: Trends in Mobile Technologies Impacting Libraries
Thursday, July 28, 2011, 2:30pm - 4:00pm Eastern. Session 2: Mobile Technologies for Libraries
Thursday, July 21, 2011, 2:30pm - 4:00pm Eastern. Session 1: Trends in Mobile Technologies Impacting Libraries
Thursday, July 28, 2011, 2:30pm - 4:00pm Eastern. Session 2: Mobile Technologies for Libraries
Militia Service Records 1806 to 1915 published (UK) has just published over half a million Militia Service Records, covering 1806 to 1915, in association with The National Archives and in partnership with FamilySearch. This is the first time these records have been made available online, making it possible to learn about the everyday heroes who volunteered as part time soldiers in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Irish Veterinary Journal
Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics
Medical Gas Research
Clinical Proteomics
BMC Biophysics
Cell & Bioscience
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Cuizine : the Journal of Canadian Food Cultures
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia
Sesión no Numerada : Revista de Letras y Ficción Audiovisual
Visión de Futuro
Emergent Australasian Philosophers
Estudos de Linguistica Galega
Italian Journal of Remote Sensing
Bulletin of Italian Politics
Interférences Littéraires
Management in Health
Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics
Medical Gas Research
Clinical Proteomics
BMC Biophysics
Cell & Bioscience
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Cuizine : the Journal of Canadian Food Cultures
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia
Sesión no Numerada : Revista de Letras y Ficción Audiovisual
Visión de Futuro
Emergent Australasian Philosophers
Estudos de Linguistica Galega
Italian Journal of Remote Sensing
Bulletin of Italian Politics
Interférences Littéraires
Management in Health
Open Knowledge Conference 2011 (Germany)
The 6th Annual Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) will take place on 30 June to 1 July 2011 in Berlin. OKCon is a wide-ranging conference that brings together individuals and organizations from across the open knowledge spectrum for two days of presentations, workshops and exchange of ideas. RSS Feed
Friday, June 24, 2011
CARL E-Lert # 427
CARL E-Lert # 427, June 17 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Big data feeding Canadian research innovation - Un afflux de données alimente l'innovation scientifique canadinne / The Apple effect: Calls grow for a shakeup at RIM / McGill University, IBM develop Quebec's most powerful and energy-efficient supercomputer cluster / Joy Kirchner named ACRL visiting program officer.
"PressForward" from George Mason University (USA)

Legal publisher Bosch joins Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer has acquired the Spanish legal publisher Bosch
Cengage Learning announces expanded partnership with the National Geographic Society
Cengage Learning has announced the signing of a definitive agreement that significantly expands its strategic partnership with the National Geographic Society (NGS) including the acquisition of the NGS school publishing unit and extended use of the NGS brand
East View Information Services preserves with the CLOCKSS Archive
The CLOCKSS Archive has announced that it has partnered with East View Information Services to preserve their e-journals and e-books in CLOCKSS' geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the world
OECD Communications Outlook 2011 - preliminary version

SAGE scope adds deeper look for SAGE Journals Online users
SAGE is adding a new feature to its SAGE Journals Online offerings with SAGE scope, a tool that provides readers with interactive slide imagery as supplements to articles posted on SAGE Journals Online
Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study 2010-2011
Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study 2010-2011 assesses public access to computers, the Internet, and Internet-related services in U.S. public libraries, and the impact of library funding changes on connectivity, technology deployment, and sustainability. The study builds on the longest-running and largest study of Internet connectivity in public libraries begun in 1994 by John Carlo Bertot and Charles R. McClure. The report provides information that can help library directors and library IT staff benchmark and advocate for technology resources in communities across the nation. The data are also of importance for policymakers at local, state, and federal levels, manufacturers of information and communication technologies, and the communities served by public libraries
Foundation for the National Archives receives $13.5 million gift from philanthropist David M. Rubenstein (USA)
The Foundation for the National Archives has received a $13.5 million gift from philanthropist David M. Rubenstein to enhance and expand the museum offerings at the National Archives. This gift, the largest single contribution ever received by the Foundation for the National Archives, will help create a new permanent exhibition gallery as well as a visitor orientation plaza at the Archives' flagship building in Washington, DC
New Report: "Supporting Research: Environments, Administration and Libraries"
This report synthesizes the results of two parallel studies of research support services in US and UK universities that OCLC Research and the UK's Research Information Network undertook last year
University of New Brunswick Libraries first in Canada to sign up to use OCLC Web-scale Management Services
The University of New Brunswick Libraries is the first Canadian library to sign up to use OCLC Web-scale Management Services, the Web-based cooperative library management tools for metadata management, acquisitions, circulation, license management and workflow improvement
Waterstones to donate profits from sales today (24 June) of children's books at its 52 stores within the M25 to Evening Standard's Get London Reading campaign (UK)

Podcast: June 22, 2011: Digging into Data, Identifiers, Crowdsourcing & Scientific Data
This latest report from CNI, recorded June 22, 2011, includes discussion of the recent Digging into Data conference, an overview of a meeting on persistent identifiers and identifier interoperability, recent developments at the DFG (the German Research Foundation), and the symposium "Crowdsourcing: Improving the Quality of Scientific Data Through Social Networking" hosted by the National Research Council's Board on Research Data & Information (BRDI)
E-News for ARL Directors - June 2011
E-News for ARL Directors - June 2011 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
Carnegie winner Patrick Ness attacks library cuts (UK)

2011 CILIP Carnegie Medal and CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winners
The winners of the 2011 CILIP Carnegie Medal and CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal have been announced:
CILIP Carnegie Medal winner: Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness
CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winner: FArTHER illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith
CILIP Carnegie Medal winner: Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness
CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winner: FArTHER illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith
Project Euclid receives 2011 PAM Division Award
Project Euclid - the premier platform and information community for mathematics and statistics resources from independent publishers - received the 2011 Division Award from the Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Division of the Special Libraries Association. Project Euclid is jointly managed by Cornell University Library and Duke University Press. Given annually, this award recognizes significant contributions to the literature of physics, mathematics, or astronomy, and honors work that demonstrably improves the exchange of information within these three disciplines. The award also takes into consideration projects that benefit libraries
Love Your Libraries campaign from National Federation of Women's Institutes (UK)
Many of our libraries are at risk. The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) believes that libraries are facing a disproportionate level of cuts, with 20% of libraries in England alone under threat.
The NFWI believes it is time for communities to love their libraries; to use them and share why we value their services, and to raise awareness of the threats to their future.
The NFWI has launched the Love Your Libraries campaign after the below resolution was passed at the 2011 AGM in Liverpool with a 98% majority:
The Closure of Local Libraries:
"This meeting urges H.M. Government to maintain support for local libraries, as an essential local educational and information resource"
The NFWI believes it is time for communities to love their libraries; to use them and share why we value their services, and to raise awareness of the threats to their future.
The NFWI has launched the Love Your Libraries campaign after the below resolution was passed at the 2011 AGM in Liverpool with a 98% majority:
The Closure of Local Libraries:
"This meeting urges H.M. Government to maintain support for local libraries, as an essential local educational and information resource"
OxfordWords blog
OxfordWords blog - Here you'll find articles about words, language, and dictionaries, plus English grammar and usage tips, interactive features, games, competitions, and more. From Oxford Dictionaries Online
Your Paintings (UK)
Your Paintings is a website which aims to show the entire UK national collection of oil paintings, the stories behind the paintings, and where to see them for real. It is made up of paintings from thousands of museums and other public institutions around the country
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - June 24, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Rock and Pop Names. "Many rock and pop groups and performers get their names for strange reasons. Try to answer these questions about how some groups and artists got their names" Answers here.
1. Which Swedish pop group, formed in 1973, derived its name from the initials of the members' first names?
2. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, born in New York in 1986, adopted what nickname inspired by a Queen song about the radio?
3. Which rock group, formed in 1962, took its name from a song by Muddy Waters?
4. Which Irish quartet, consisting of guitarist Jim, singer Andrea, drummer Caroline and violinist Sharon, used their surname as the name of their band?
5. Which psychedelic guitar-pop band, whose 1995 "Wake Up!" saw the group cross over to mainstream success, took its name from Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
6. Which pop group became Britain's pop sensation of 1984 and took its name either from a caption to a photograph of the young Frank Sinatra or a headline in a Liverpool paper about Frankie Vaughan?
7. Which rock band took its name from the transcendent state of being that is the final goal of Buddhism?
8. Which British pomp-rock group achieved unexpected popularity in the eighties and got its name by abbreviating the title of a book by J. R. R. Tolkien?
9. Which town and port in North Somerset, to the west of the mouth of the River Avon, became more widely known in the 1990s when it was used as the name of a Bristol-based experimental music and dance group?
10. Which leading British rock band of the seventies took its name from a novel by Willard Manus?
1. Which Swedish pop group, formed in 1973, derived its name from the initials of the members' first names?
2. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, born in New York in 1986, adopted what nickname inspired by a Queen song about the radio?
3. Which rock group, formed in 1962, took its name from a song by Muddy Waters?
4. Which Irish quartet, consisting of guitarist Jim, singer Andrea, drummer Caroline and violinist Sharon, used their surname as the name of their band?
5. Which psychedelic guitar-pop band, whose 1995 "Wake Up!" saw the group cross over to mainstream success, took its name from Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
6. Which pop group became Britain's pop sensation of 1984 and took its name either from a caption to a photograph of the young Frank Sinatra or a headline in a Liverpool paper about Frankie Vaughan?
7. Which rock band took its name from the transcendent state of being that is the final goal of Buddhism?
8. Which British pomp-rock group achieved unexpected popularity in the eighties and got its name by abbreviating the title of a book by J. R. R. Tolkien?
9. Which town and port in North Somerset, to the west of the mouth of the River Avon, became more widely known in the 1990s when it was used as the name of a Bristol-based experimental music and dance group?
10. Which leading British rock band of the seventies took its name from a novel by Willard Manus?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Charles Darwin's personal library put online (UK)

Two centuries of the New England Journal of Medicine - now available from the British Library
The latest articles from one of the worlds leading medical journals are now available from the British Library's Document Supply service. The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is among the most widely read and cited medical journals anywhere in the world. Now, following a licence agreement signed with the British Library, the Library's Document Supply service is able to provide electronic articles, from volume one in 1812 to the most recent issue
J.K. Rowling announces Pottermore
Pottermore is a free website that builds an exciting online experience around the reading of the Harry Potter books. Come back on 31st July to find out how you can get the chance to enter Pottermore early
2011 Miles Franklin Literary Award winner
Kim Scott has won the Miles Franklin Literary Award for his novel That Deadman Dance. Scott also won the prestigious Australian prize, worth A$50,000 (about US$52,900), in 2000 for Benang, which makes him the first indigenous writer to win the Miles Franklin Award twice
Manchester Knowledge Café launch (UK)
Knowledge Cafes have been successfully running in the North West of England for over 6 years. With an established Liverpool presence a Manchester launch has now been planned to be held on June 28th at Starbucks Trafford Park Manchester. The Café will start at 6pm with a coffee tasting session and nibbles provided by Starbucks. The programme will then begin at 6.30 and go on until 9pm
Information Standards Quarterly - Spring 2011
Information Standards Quarterly - Spring 2011, Volume 23, Issue 2 is now available from the National Information Standards Organization
First winner chosen for Aspire Award (UK)
Carly Miller, a student at the University of Sheffield, has won the first CILIP/IFLA Aspire Award. She will receive a free residential place at CILIP's flagship conference, Umbrella 2011. The conference will take place at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield on 12-13 July. The Aspire Award was created in memory of CILIP's Chief Executive Bob McKee, who died in August 2010. The Award will support Bob's passionate interests - developing new professionals and strengthening international relationships. It will help new professionals develop through networking at UK and international events
Random House revives romance imprint as digital exclusive
Random House is to revive its 1980 romance imprint Loveswept as a digital-exclusive list. The e-books will be published in a trans-Atlantic partnership with Transworld in the UK. The development follows the strong growth of romance titles in the digital realm, with Amazon earlier launching its own Kindle-based romance list. The programme will comprise of original, newly written e-books, as well as Ballantine Bantam Dell romances and classic Loveswept titles. The program launches with eight titles in August, and continues with one new e-only release monthly in the autumn. The imprint will use the original tagline: "Love stories you'll never forget by authors you'll always remember" - The Bookseller
First Fictions, a festival for readers and writers (UK)

2011 Pritzker Military Library Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing winner
Carlo D'Este has been selected to receive the 2011 Pritzker Military Library Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing. The $100,000 honorarium, citation and medallion, sponsored by the Chicago-based Tawani Foundation, will be presented at the Library's annual Liberty Gala on October 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Palgrave Macmillan announces Palgrave Open
Palgrave Macmillan has announced the launch of Palgrave Open which offers authors of accepted primary research papers the option to publish their articles with immediate open access upon publication. With Palgrave Open authors can choose to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) in order for their article to be made available to non-subscribers
California Weekly newspapers to be preserved online
California's weekly newspapers will be preserved in a searchable archive as UC Riverside expands its massive California Digital Newspaper Collection (CDNC) to include the community chronicles of political, business and social history. Born Digital, a project of UCR's Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research, launched in the spring with publishers of eight newspapers providing PDF files that the center will archive in an online database that is text searchable and free to users
Academics create digitized archive of Korean War
A group of South Korean and U.S. academics is working to revisit the Korean War six decades later in a tech-savvy way: by digitizing photos, maps, official documents and video footage of interviews with war veterans. The move comes as the two Koreas this week mark the 61st anniversary of the start of the 1950-53 war, in which a total of 21 nations dispatched troops to help the South fight against the invading North, supported by its communist ally, China. A formal Web site will be launched around October that will include a search menu and social networking service, according to the seven-member team, led by Han Jong-woo, adjunct assistant professor of political science at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University
Germany honours John Le Carré with Goethe Medal

Berlin 9 Open Access Conference call for posters
Proposals are now being invited for the Berlin 9 Open Access meeting poster display, which will showcase Open Access initiatives from all corners of the globe. Successful proposals will highlight the role that open online access can play in accelerating the conduct and communication of scholarship and the opportunities this presents to the funders, creators, and end users of information - November 9-19, 2011 - Washington, DC, USA
IMLS awards grant for ARL/MLA Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (USA)
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has awarded a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to fund a new partnership with the Music Library Association. The ARL/MLA Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (ARL/MLA DII) will seek to address the need for professional staff in music and performing arts libraries to better reflect evolving demographics of students and faculty in music and performing arts higher education

New book: Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators

Gale expands digital collections
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, has announced the availability of new series for three award-winning digital collections products – Slavery and Anti-Slavery, The Making of the Modern World and The Making of Modern Law. Most of the materials in these new installments have never been digitized or even published in microfilm before, making them important resources for in-depth research. The new series are targeted to academic, special and public libraries
Springer teams up with Island Press
Springer has entered a partnership with Island Press, the leading nonprofit environmental publisher, for the distribution of their titles electronically for the next two years. In this agreement, Island Press books will be featured in Springer's award-winning eBook Collections of scientific, technical and medical publications on The collaboration will allow Springer to use its long-term library relationships as well as its international sales and marketing teams to open up the global institutional market to the Island Press publishing program
Book Grocer: 22-28 June 2011 (UK)
Book Grocer: 22-28 June 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog
A Tribute to Karen Schneider: outgoing co-moderator of PubLib

1. Migration of the listserve hosting from Webjunction to OCLC.
2. Her departure as co-moderator of the PubLib listserve after 15 years of service to the growing Publib community.
Co-moderator Sara Weissman provided Publib with a an overview of some of the many intellectual/ administrative contributions Karen Schneider has made to help develop this dynamic Publib community :
1. PubLib postings by and about Karen Schneider number over 6000
2. Karen Schneider's numerous insights include her "Internet Reference Success Stories, job announcements, policy questions galore, using the Internet for fun and benefit, announcements from ALA and its many divisions, humorous reference questions, patrons and accompanying animals, skylights, cafes in public libraries, the homeless, etc., etc., etc."
3. PubLib subscribers grew from 2,700 to 10,458 strong
Springer launches
Springer Science+Business Media has launched, a new platform for researchers and academic and corporate libraries. It offers living editions of Springer's eReferences well in advance of their print editions across every subject. Through the platform, scientists can submit updates to articles whenever they want or deem necessary to keep up with the demand for the most recent scientific developments. thus offers a way to quickly publish major reference works which need to be constantly updated with the most up-to-date research findings
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Andrea Levy wins Walter Scott Prize for The Long Song (Scotland)

LISTen: An Program - Episode #158
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #158. "This week's somewhat late episode talks about Internet security and contains a draft resolution that somebody could propose at ALA Annual.". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
Surrey Libraries to get next generation service whilst tax payers save money (UK)
Library visitors and staff across Surrey are to get the latest technology kit and services while tax payers save money - thanks to a new technology deal. Surrey County Council's new contract will let library visitors enjoy free Wi-Fi in any of the Council's libraries and visitors using the library computers will sit down at brand new PCs. The self-service machines used to borrow, return and renew books and DVDs will also be upgraded, making them quicker and easier to use and readying them for the next generation Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology - PRLog
'Connections' - OPAC enhancement fromChiliFresh
Connections is an exciting enhancement to the ChiliFresh family that will bring your library into the online world of social interaction. As a full blown social networking platform, Connections will integrate into your online catalog and facilitate the connection of patrons worldwide through your OPAC based on their literary interest and habits
Jack Kerouac's On the Road (A Penguin Books Amplified Edition)

Monday, June 20, 2011
MedlinePlus Connect
MedlinePlus Connect is a free service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services. This service allows health organizations and health IT providers to link patient portals and electronic health record (EHR) systems to MedlinePlus, an authoritative up-to-date health information resource for patients, families, and health care providers
Women’s art on show at Cambridge University Library (UK)

Serials Solutions® to enable discovery of images from Bridgeman Education
Serials Solutions has announced an agreement with Bridgeman Education to enable discovery of Bridgeman's vast visual arts collection from the Summon™ service. Bridgeman's digital art collection provides a central source of fine art images for users and features content from more than 8,000 collections and more than 29,000 artists, representing a diverse archive of images from international museums, galleries and artists
Challenge to library closure plan in Gloucestershire (UK)
The High Court has ordered a temporary halt to the closure of libraries in Gloucestershire. There were protests last November when Gloucestershire County Council said it would withdraw funding from 10 branches as part of its £114m spending cuts. Campaigners won an injunction stopping the council proceeding which the local authority will challenge on 7 July. A council spokesman said it believed most could be kept open but feared the injunction could impede this
The Publishers Association Bulletin - 20 June 2011 (UK)
The Publishers Association Bulletin - 20 June 2011 - is now available online
Wellcome Library Insight - Women, health and healing (UK)

The British Library and Google to make 250,000 books available to all
Los Angeles Review of Books - "preview review"
The Los Angeles Review of Books will be the first major, full-service book review to launch in the 21st century, designed to exploit the latest online technologies in ways that respond to a significantly transformed publishing world. We are still working on the coding for the full site, which is "very relational," the designers tell us with a sigh, and so we offer this "preview review" in the meantime
2011 Independent Booksellers Week (UK)
Independent Booksellers Week is part of the IndieBound campaign for independent bookshops, which promotes independent bookshops, great books, strong reading communities, and the idea of shopping locally and sustainably. An exciting new development for 2011 is the inclusion of National Reading Group Day on the second Saturday of IBW, Saturday 25th June. National Reading Group Day is one of BA President Jane Streeter's key objectives for 2011. It's not necessarily about booksellers starting reading groups, or even running groups in the shop, but about capitalising on the current huge grassroots affection for Reading Groups in the UK - 18 to 25 June 2011. RSS Feed
Sunday, June 19, 2011
One-of-a-kind map showing a flat Earth is donated to Library of Congress

Ames Public Library releases reading lists for 2012 Battle of the Books (USA)
Ames Public Library in Iowa has released its reading lists for the 2012 Battle of the Books
Guardian Books podcast: Do books have a future?
Publishers, academics, digital pioneers and writers assembled in Milan at the Book Tomorrow conference. Claire Armitstead, the Guardian's literary editor, went along to find out what the future holds for the printed word
Hanwell, Northfields, Northolt and Perivale library buildings 'stay open' (UK)
Campaigners who fought to retain four libraries in a west London borough have said they are "absolutely thrilled" that the facilities look set to remain. The future of the libraries in Hanwell, Northfields, Northolt and Perivale was being considered by Ealing Council after it made £22m of cuts in 2011-12. But deputy leader Ranjit Dheer has recommended all four are kept open, ahead of a vote on the issue on 5 July. About 1,500 people signed a petition calling for the libraries to be saved. Carolyn Brown, from Hanwell, who has been at the forefront of the campaign, said the proposal would particularly benefit children - BBC
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Three London boroughs to merge libraries in an attempt to stave off closures (UK)
Libraries in three London boroughs are to be merged in a bid to stop them closing down. One set of staff will run all 21 libraries in the three areas, and residents will be able to borrow books from any of them. The plans, being drawn up by Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Kensington and Chelsea councils, should save £1 million and prevent any libraries from closing down. Across London libraries are under threat as councils try to cut costs. In Lewisham there are plans to close five of the borough's 12 libraries, and across London 25 could be closed in the next 12 months. Councils involved in the library merger plan said it would save save money because people would no longer do "duplicate" jobs. Under the proposals, 10 people working in management will lose their jobs, and four new posts will be created - Evening Standard
WorldCat Local mobile now in production
A production version of mobile-optimized WorldCat Local is now available to libraries following beta testing of the service that makes it possible for mobile users to discover items, see location, shelf status, call numbers, and more in their local library, and in libraries worldwide. New mobile-optimized WorldCat Local sites include many additional features not available in the beta version, most notably support for a wide range of devices. Any smart phone or feature phone capable of running JavaScript or a Java-based Web browser such as Opera Mini or Bolt will be supported worldwide
Journal of Scholarly Publishing - July 2011
Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Volume 42, Number 4, July 2011 is now available from University of Toronto Press
Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus in SKOS/RDF format
Library and Archives Canada has announced a new downloadable version of the Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus in SKOS/RDF format. The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology that represents all the fields covered in the information resources of the Government of Canada. Library and Archives Canada is exploring the potential for linked data and the semantic web with LAC vocabularies, metadata and open content
ebrary’s Title Preview for Corporations & Government
This site enables you to search, browse, and preview all of the e-books and other authoritative materials that ebrary offers from leading publishers for corporations and government
Elsevier health sciences titles to enrich Credo Reference Subject Collections
Credo Reference and Elsevier have signed an agreement that will put 45 health sciences titles in forthcoming Credo Reference Subject Collections
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Al-Qantara : Revista de Estudios Arabes
Anuario de Estudios Medievales
Anuario Musical
International Journal of Emerging Sciences
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos Galati, Fascicle XV : Physical Education and Sport Management
Vestnik OrelGAU
Computer Science Master Research
World Journal of Education
Kant Studies Online
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series
Journal of Laboratory Physicians
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork
Íslenska Thjodfélagid
Interação (Curitiba)
Journal of Education and Vocational Research
Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis
Atlantic Review of Economics
RGSA : Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental
Revista de Gestão e Projetos
American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease
International Journal of Telerehabilitation
Saúde & Transformação Social
Fisioterapia em Movimento
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Research and Reports in Biology
Gastrointestinal Cancer : Targets and Therapy
Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics
Research and Reports in Neonatology
Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology
International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Current Botany
IARTEM e-journal
International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education
Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Sciences
Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Panace@ : Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción
Anuario de Estudios Medievales
Anuario Musical
International Journal of Emerging Sciences
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos Galati, Fascicle XV : Physical Education and Sport Management
Vestnik OrelGAU
Computer Science Master Research
World Journal of Education
Kant Studies Online
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series
Journal of Laboratory Physicians
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork
Íslenska Thjodfélagid
Interação (Curitiba)
Journal of Education and Vocational Research
Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis
Atlantic Review of Economics
RGSA : Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental
Revista de Gestão e Projetos
American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease
International Journal of Telerehabilitation
Saúde & Transformação Social
Fisioterapia em Movimento
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Research and Reports in Biology
Gastrointestinal Cancer : Targets and Therapy
Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics
Research and Reports in Neonatology
Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology
International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Current Botany
IARTEM e-journal
International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education
Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Sciences
Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Panace@ : Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción
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