On Sat Jun 18 2011 Publib co-moderator Karen Schneider announced two major upcoming changes to the PUBLIB list :
1. Migration of the listserve hosting from Webjunction to OCLC.
2. Her departure as co-moderator of the PubLib listserve after 15 years of service to the growing Publib community.
Co-moderator Sara Weissman provided Publib with a an overview of some of the many intellectual/ administrative contributions Karen Schneider has made to help develop this dynamic Publib community :
1. PubLib postings by and about Karen Schneider number over 6000
2. Karen Schneider's numerous insights include her "Internet Reference Success Stories, job announcements, policy questions galore, using the Internet for fun and benefit, announcements from ALA and its many divisions, humorous reference questions, patrons and accompanying animals, skylights, cafes in public libraries, the homeless, etc., etc., etc."
3. PubLib subscribers grew from 2,700 to 10,458 strong
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