Saturday, April 30, 2011
CLIR Issues - Number 80 March/April 2011
CLIR Issues - Number 80, March/April 2011 - is now available from the Council on Library and Information Resources
Maureen Sullivan wins 2012-13 ALA presidency

Wellcome Library Item of the Month: 'Nuremberg Chronicle'

Buenos Aires: World Book Capital 2011
Buenos Aires has been crowned World Book Capital for 2011 in recognition of the vibrant literary culture within the city, which plays host to 70 libraries, over 400 bookstores and scores of smaller book-dispensing kiosks. The title was determined by a panel comprising representatives of the International Publishers Association (IPA), the International Booksellers Federation (IBF), The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and UNESCO. During the year, the scheme aims to promote reading, books and Argentina's literary heritage with projects including the creation of a multi-lingual public library and efforts to record audiobooks for one hundred "universal classics"
SAGE launches Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine
SAGE recently launched the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (JEBCAM), formerly known as Complementary Health Practice Review
Accessible Archives Inc. content available in EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Publishing's recent agreement with content partner, Accessible Archives, Inc. will enable unique primary source content from the 18th and 19th Century to be discoverable within EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). Metadata from Accessible Archives will be added to the EDS Base Index, the most comprehensive and robust collection of metadata from the best content sources. The addition of this content will serve as a valuable resource for EDS users with an interest in American history and culture
Records and Archives Week (New Zealand)

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Filozofski Vestnik International
Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneg(i Dergisi
Región y Sociedad
Asian American Literature : Discourses & Pedagogies
Cahiers d'Études du Religieux
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem
Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology - C. Life Sciences and Biotechnology
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology
Frontiers in Genetics
Frontiers in Immunology
Frontiers in Plant Science
Autonomies. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
Revista de Llengua i Dret
CES Odontologia
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
Teoría y Praxis
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Medical Education Development
Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia
Reflexão & Ação
Prim@ Facie
Revista CES Derecho
Revista CES Salud Pública
Finlay : Revista de Enfermedades no Transmisibles
Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação
Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneg(i Dergisi
Región y Sociedad
Asian American Literature : Discourses & Pedagogies
Cahiers d'Études du Religieux
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem
Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology - C. Life Sciences and Biotechnology
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology
Frontiers in Genetics
Frontiers in Immunology
Frontiers in Plant Science
Autonomies. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
Revista de Llengua i Dret
CES Odontologia
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
Teoría y Praxis
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Medical Education Development
Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia
Reflexão & Ação
Prim@ Facie
Revista CES Derecho
Revista CES Salud Pública
Finlay : Revista de Enfermedades no Transmisibles
Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação
2011 Edgar Allan Poe Awards winners
Mystery Writers of America has announced the winners of the 2011 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2010. The Edgar® Awards were presented to the winners at its 65th Gala Banquet, April 28, 2011 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
Friday, April 29, 2011
UniCat: The Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries

More than 211,000 new West Yorkshire parish baptism records (UK)
Search for your ancestors in 211,905 new West Yorkshire parish baptism records on The Huddersfield & District Family History Society provided with these records, in association with the Federation of Family History Societies
Libra - Online Archive of University of Virginia Scholarship
Libra makes publications available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the University of Virginia community
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - April 29, 2011 update
The April 29, 2011 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
2011 Arthur C. Clarke Award winner announced
Zoo City by Lauren Beukes has been declared the best science fiction novel of the year and the 25th winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award. Published by Angry Robot Books, the novel is set in an alternate modern Johannesburg where psychic criminal guilt can take physical animal form and has been described as "Jeff Noon crossed with Raymond Chandler” and a novel that “sinks its claws into you."
Spanish consortium BUCLE implements WorldCat Local
"The Spanish consortium BUCLE (Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León) is the first institution in Spain to implement OCLC WorldCat Local as its new search and discovery service. WorldCat Local delivers single-search-box access to more than 800 million items in libraries' electronic, digital and physical collections. BUCLE launched WorldCat Local as a group solution for the university libraries of Burgos, León, Salamanca and Valladolid. It will be available to the universities' more than 100,000 registered library users by April 30, 2011. With WorldCat Local, library users are not only able to access the library's local bibliographic records but also the titles from the BUCLE group catalog and from the OCLC WorldCat database"
New from Bodleian Library Publishing: Bibles: An Illustrated History from Papyrus to Print

NLM Classification updated
The online National Library of Medicine Classification has been issued in a newly revised edition as of April 28, 2011. Forty-six (46) new class numbers were added and three (3) class numbers were canceled. Sixty-nine (69) MeSH terms were added to the index, including forty-one (41) new to the MeSH vocabulary as of 2011; in addition, one hundred and seventy-eight (178) class number captions or schedule notes and six hundred and six (606) index entries were modified since the 2010 edition was published on April 29, 2010
E-News for ARL Directors - April 2011
E-News for ARL Directors - April 2011 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
EDINA and the ISSN International Centre have announced the Beta release of PEPRS, the e-journals preservation registry service. This is the product of JISC-funded project activity, and provides freely available means to discover which e-journals are being preserved by the leading archival organisations - highlighting those e-journals for which no arrangement is on record
2011 Charleston Conference
"The Charleston Conference is an informal annual gathering of librarians, publishers, electronic resource managers, consultants, and vendors of library materials in Charleston, SC, November 2-5, to discuss issues of importance to them all. It is designed to be a collegial gathering of individuals from different areas who discuss the same issues in a non-threatening, friendly, and highly informal environment"
Biology Open

2010 First Novel Award winner
Eleanor Catton has won the 2010 First Novel Award for her book, "The Rehearsal," which follows the aftermath of a sexual scandal at a private school. Head judge, Stuart Woods, describes Catton's remarkable novel as "unlike any coming of age story you're likely to encounter, offering keen insight into the worlds of high art, music, and theatre while brilliantly decoding the rituals of adolescent life"
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - April 29, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Famous Brands. "Many things are so famous that their names have become well-known brands. Can you answer these questions about brands?" Answers here.
1. Name the UK record company founded by Richard Branson.
2. Which US corporation was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975?
3. What do the letters "BBC" stand for as the name of the UK state-owned broadcasting network?
4. Which German brand of automobiles was created by a merger of the Daimler and Benz factories in 1926?
5. Which make of training shoes is named after the Greek winged goddess of victory?
6. As the name of a record label, what do the letters "HMV" stand for?
7. What is the tradename of a brand of soft paper tissue, used for paper handkerchiefs - the world's first paper handkerchiefs?
8. What was the first name of the man called Hilton who started Hilton hotels?
9. What did the inventor of Pepsi-Cola imply by using the word "Pepsi"?
10. In 1950, what was the first credit card company?
1. Name the UK record company founded by Richard Branson.
2. Which US corporation was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975?
3. What do the letters "BBC" stand for as the name of the UK state-owned broadcasting network?
4. Which German brand of automobiles was created by a merger of the Daimler and Benz factories in 1926?
5. Which make of training shoes is named after the Greek winged goddess of victory?
6. As the name of a record label, what do the letters "HMV" stand for?
7. What is the tradename of a brand of soft paper tissue, used for paper handkerchiefs - the world's first paper handkerchiefs?
8. What was the first name of the man called Hilton who started Hilton hotels?
9. What did the inventor of Pepsi-Cola imply by using the word "Pepsi"?
10. In 1950, what was the first credit card company?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vinyl-loving librarian speaks about Preservation Week [video]
Brian Schottlaender, University Librarian at the University of California, San Diego, likes records. And he'd like to see others be able to listen to them decades down the road; fortunately, he's in the right profession. In a video produced for Preservation Week, he describes his personal collection and philosophy on preservation:
JANET(UK) enables network access on the move with new 3G data service
Learning and research on the move has just become much easier as JANET(UK) has announced the launch of its new high capacity data service for education institutions and research organisations, JANET 3G. From June 2011, the data service will allow academic and support staff to remotely access vital resources such as research data, virtual learning environments and library catalogues while on the move. With over 60 enquiries already received in the first week of its launch, from both universities and colleges, the appetite for this new service is evident. Communications Minister Ed Vaizey said: "I am delighted that the education sector is putting in place plans to provide wireless broadband for the academic community. This is a really exciting development and will help us achieve our goal of having the best broadband in Europe by 2015."
CARL E-Lert # 420
CARL E-Lert # 420, April 22 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Call for submissions: CARL Research Grants / Invitation générale : Subventions de recherche de l’ABRC / Le "G8 de l'Internet" aura lieu fin mai à Paris / Internet G8 to be held in Paris on 24-25 May / With Google Settlement in Limbo, Universities Press Ahead With Research on Digitized Books / Whither the dream of the universal library? / 5 Myths About the 'Information Age'
CARL E-Lert # 419
CARL E-Lert # 419, April 15 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: A new twist - securing authors' rights when negotiating content licenses / Nordic and Asian nations connected for growth, says WEF / SCOAP3 Decision-Making meeting / HathiTrust Certified as Trustworthy Repository
CARL E-Lert # 418
CARL E-Lert # 418, April 8 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Liberals First Out With Their Digital Economy Strategy / Supercomputers Let Up on Speed / Digital-age copyright legislation killed again / Statistical Abstract Faces an Untimely Death / HathiTrust/Summon Deal Increases Search Access to In-Copyright Works / A Guide for the Perplexed Part IV: The Rejection of the Google Books Settlement / Dramatic Growth of Open Access
New from Bodleian Library Publishing: Manifold Greatness and the Making of the King James Bible

2011 IPA Freedom to Publish Prize winner
"Bui Chat, founder and Giay Vun Publishing in Vietnam, is the recipient of the 2011 IPA Freedom to Publish Prize for his exemplary courage in upholding freedom to publish. IPA President YoungSuk "Y.S." Chi formally presented this year's award in a ceremony hosted by the 37th Buenos Aires Book Fair on 25 April 2011 as part of the Buenos Aires World Book Capital programme"
Cengage Learning announces MindApps(tm) partner program
Cengage Learning has announced details of MindApps™, a new partner program designed to support the development of apps and services for the MindTap platform. MindTap, Cengage Learning's new delivery platform for digital products and services, engages students through interactivity while offering instructors choice in content and learning tools. MindTap is the first in a new category of Personal Learning Experiences
Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship online archives wow available
Complete backfiles of Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship (RBML), the predecessor of RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, are now available on the publication Web site. ACRL received a grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to assist in making volumes 1-12 of the publication discoverable and available online through the HighWire Press platform, completing the publication's online archive. The 24 back issues will join volumes 13 and 14 of RBML and the full run of RBM online. Access to all content, with the exception of the two most current issues, is freely available to all. Online access to the current two issues is available only to RBM subscribers
Photographic Memory: The Album in the Age of Photography
Photographic Memory: The Album in the Age of Photography traces the rise of the album from the turn of the century to the present day, showcasing some of the most important examples in the history of the medium, as collected by the Library of Congress. As photography became an increasingly accessible medium in the twentieth century, the popularity of the photographic album exploded, yielding a wonderful range of objects made for varying purposes - to memorialize, document (officially or unofficially), promote, or educate, and sometimes simply to channel creative energy
Library of the Religious Society of Friends Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2011
The seventh issue of the Newsletter of the Library of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is out now. The Library dates back to 1673 and covers Quaker history and thought, as well as topics in areas where Quakers have been active, such as peace, anti-slavery and relief work. It also holds the central archives of the Society of Friends in Britain (Britain Yearly Meeting) and rich manuscript collections
Biblio Tech Review - April 2011
The April 2011 issue of Biblio Tech Review is now available. This issue includes:
* Amazon to Launch Library Lending for Kindle Books
* OCLC acquires assets of German library system provider BOND
* Swets and Innovative Interfaces establish EDI connections
* SkyRiver and Cassidy Cataloguing enter sharing agreement
* Amazon to Launch Library Lending for Kindle Books
* OCLC acquires assets of German library system provider BOND
* Swets and Innovative Interfaces establish EDI connections
* SkyRiver and Cassidy Cataloguing enter sharing agreement
Credo Reference debuts Salem Press Publisher Collection
Credo Reference has announced the launch of a new Publisher Collection from Salem Press:
* Critical Survey of Mystery & Detective Fiction
* Critical Survey of Drama, 2e
* Critical Survey of Short Fiction, 2e
* Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy
* Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions
* Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives
* Great Lives from History: The 17th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 18th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 19th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 20th Century
* Great Lives from History: The Ancient World
* Great Lives from History: The Middle Ages
* Great Lives from History: The Renaissance & Early Modern Era
* Critical Survey of Mystery & Detective Fiction
* Critical Survey of Drama, 2e
* Critical Survey of Short Fiction, 2e
* Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy
* Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions
* Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives
* Great Lives from History: The 17th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 18th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 19th Century
* Great Lives from History: The 20th Century
* Great Lives from History: The Ancient World
* Great Lives from History: The Middle Ages
* Great Lives from History: The Renaissance & Early Modern Era
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Orwell Prize 2011 shortlists announced
The Orwell Prize 2011 shortlists have been announced:
Book prize
* Bingham, Tom The Rule of Law (Allen Lane)
* Bullough, Oliver Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus (Penguin)
* Dunmore, Helen The Betrayal (Fig Tree)
* Hitchens, Christopher Hitch-22 (Atlantic Books)
* Moqadam, Afsaneh Death to the Dictator! (The Bodley Head)
* Thorpe, D. R. Supermac: The Life of Harold MacMillan (Chatto & Windus)
Journalism prize
* Collins, Philip The Times
* Gentleman, Amelia The Guardian
* Mayer, Catherine TIME
* Rachman, Gideon Financial Times
* Russell, Jenni Sunday Times; The Guardian
* Shabi, Rachel The Guardian
* Walsh, Declan The Guardian; Granta
Blog prize
* Cath Elliott Too Much To Say For Myself (; and Liberal Conspiracy, Comment is Free
* Daniel Hannan Daniel Hannan – Telegraph Blogs (
* Duncan McLaren Visiting Mabel (
* Graeme Archer ConservativeHome (
* Heresiarch Heresy Corner (
* Molly Bennett Mid-Wife Crisis (
* Paul Mason Idle Scrawl – BBC Newsnight (
Book prize
* Bingham, Tom The Rule of Law (Allen Lane)
* Bullough, Oliver Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus (Penguin)
* Dunmore, Helen The Betrayal (Fig Tree)
* Hitchens, Christopher Hitch-22 (Atlantic Books)
* Moqadam, Afsaneh Death to the Dictator! (The Bodley Head)
* Thorpe, D. R. Supermac: The Life of Harold MacMillan (Chatto & Windus)
Journalism prize
* Collins, Philip The Times
* Gentleman, Amelia The Guardian
* Mayer, Catherine TIME
* Rachman, Gideon Financial Times
* Russell, Jenni Sunday Times; The Guardian
* Shabi, Rachel The Guardian
* Walsh, Declan The Guardian; Granta
Blog prize
* Cath Elliott Too Much To Say For Myself (; and Liberal Conspiracy, Comment is Free
* Daniel Hannan Daniel Hannan – Telegraph Blogs (
* Duncan McLaren Visiting Mabel (
* Graeme Archer ConservativeHome (
* Heresiarch Heresy Corner (
* Molly Bennett Mid-Wife Crisis (
* Paul Mason Idle Scrawl – BBC Newsnight (
Book Country

52nd Annual Preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries
In the Hurricane's Eye: Challenges of Collecting in the 21st Century - The 52nd Annual Preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries - June 21-24, 2011 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Santa Barbara City College Excellence Award celebration
The 2011 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the community college category was presented to the staff of the Santa Barbara City College Luria Library on April 14. They made a video of the celebration, which is available below or on YouTube
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
2011 Canadian Jewish Book Awards winners
Alison Pick's novel Far to Go, about a Jewish Czech family in the months preceding World War Two, and Moredcai: The Life and Times, Charles Foran's biography of the late Canadian novelist, are among the winners of the 2011 Helen and Stan Vine Canadian Jewish Book Awards. Pick won in the Fiction category, while Foran won in Biography and Memoir. Tarek Fatah won the award for Politics and History for The Jew is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism. Robert Eli Rubinstein won in the Holocaust Literature category for An Italian Renaissance: Choosing Life In Canada while Harold Troper's The Defining Decade: Identity, Politics, and the Canadian Jewish Community in the 1960s won for Scholarship. The winner of the Youth Literature category was Judie Oron for Cry of the Giraffe - National Post
Amazon Books launches author interview series: "Author Interviews@Amazon" has introduced "Author Interviews@Amazon," the new author interview series that will be available in a new content destination called The Backstory. Author Interviews@Amazon launches with five video interviews, including celebrity chef and James Beard Award-winning Tom Douglas, New York Times bestselling debut author Joshua Foer, young adult authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, and Gossip Girl producer John Stephens. New author interviews will be announced via the Books Facebook page and on, the Books blog. Customers will be able to post questions for visiting authors that will be incorporated into each interview. All edited videos will be available on the book's detail page and accessible from archives in The Backstory
Maney materials science and engineering books available through e-book providers
Maney Publishing has announced that its range of over 170 materials science and engineering e-books, ranging from classic texts from the 1980s to the latest research, is now available from six e-book providers: Academic RightsPress; Books 24X7; Dawson Books; Ebrary; EBooks Corporation; Ebsco Electronic Book Collections; and MyiLibrary
Bobcatsss 2012 - Amsterdam
Bobcatsss is an annual symposium organised by students at a number of universities in Europe. It takes place under the auspieces of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) and deals with themes from library and information science. Every year it is organised, managed and filled with content by students from different European universities. The universities have in common that they educate in the field of library and information sciences - 23-25 January, 2012 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - April 2011
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - April 2011 is now available online
ARL - call for proposals for 2012 SPEC survey topics
The Association for Research Libraries (ARL) is seeking proposals for 2012 SPEC survey topics. For more than 35 years ARL has gathered and disseminated data through the SPEC survey program to assist libraries in the continuous improvement of their management systems. Proposals for topics for the 2012 SPEC survey cycle are now being sought. Each year, ARL works with librarians in the US and Canada to develop six surveys of the ARL membership on "hot topics" related to research library policies and practices. (Survey authors do not need to work at an ARL member library, but only ARL libraries are surveyed.)
Above the Fold - 28 March 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 28 March 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 12 now available
Monday, April 25, 2011
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #150
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #150. "We talk demography this week and why it matters at your library. Mister Engineer selected this week's bits out of the slush pile to make up The Miscellany". Previous Podcasts can be found here
JHOVE2 version 2.0.0 released
JHOVE2 is open source software for format-aware characterization of digital objects
Sunday, April 24, 2011
'Your Trading Edge' launches digital edition via Exact Editions
The 2011 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction longlist
The longlist for The 2011 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction has been announced:
* Tolstoy by Rosamund Bartlett (Profile Books)
* Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-89 by Rodric Braithwaite (Profile Books)
* Through the Language Glass: How Words Colour Your World by Guy Deutscher (William Heinemann)
* The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund de Waal (Chatto & Windus)
* Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62 by Frank Dikötter (Bloomsbury)
* Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane by Andrew Graham-Dixon (Allen Lane)
* Liberty's Exiles: The Loss of America and the Remaking of the British Empire by Maya Jasanoff (Harper Press)
* Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy by Anatole Kaletsky (Bloomsbury)
* Scott-land: The Man Who Invented a Nation by Stuart Kelly (Polygon, Birlinn)
* People Who Eat Darkness: The Fate of Lucie Blackman by Richard Lloyd Parry (Jonathan Cape)
* The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick (Picador)
* The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley (Fourth Estate)
* Bismarck: A Life by Jonathan Steinberg (Oxford University Press)
* Reprobates: The Cavaliers of the English Civil War by John Stubbs (Viking)
* Storyteller: The Life of Roald Dahl: Roald Dahl - the Biography by Donald Sturrock (HarperPress)
* Bomber County by Daniel Swift (Hamish Hamilton)
* Sex Before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918-1963 by Simon Szreter & Kate Fisher (Cambridge University Press)
* Amexica by Ed Vulliamy (The Bodley Head)
* Tolstoy by Rosamund Bartlett (Profile Books)
* Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-89 by Rodric Braithwaite (Profile Books)
* Through the Language Glass: How Words Colour Your World by Guy Deutscher (William Heinemann)
* The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund de Waal (Chatto & Windus)
* Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62 by Frank Dikötter (Bloomsbury)
* Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane by Andrew Graham-Dixon (Allen Lane)
* Liberty's Exiles: The Loss of America and the Remaking of the British Empire by Maya Jasanoff (Harper Press)
* Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy by Anatole Kaletsky (Bloomsbury)
* Scott-land: The Man Who Invented a Nation by Stuart Kelly (Polygon, Birlinn)
* People Who Eat Darkness: The Fate of Lucie Blackman by Richard Lloyd Parry (Jonathan Cape)
* The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick (Picador)
* The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley (Fourth Estate)
* Bismarck: A Life by Jonathan Steinberg (Oxford University Press)
* Reprobates: The Cavaliers of the English Civil War by John Stubbs (Viking)
* Storyteller: The Life of Roald Dahl: Roald Dahl - the Biography by Donald Sturrock (HarperPress)
* Bomber County by Daniel Swift (Hamish Hamilton)
* Sex Before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918-1963 by Simon Szreter & Kate Fisher (Cambridge University Press)
* Amexica by Ed Vulliamy (The Bodley Head)
Check it Out: Issue Systems for the Primary School Library (UK)

Click on Thames (UK)

Clementi Library opens its doors (Singapore)

Saturday, April 23, 2011
AcademicPub launches new custom publishing option for higher education community
AcademicPub, a unit of SharedBook Inc., has launched the first custom publishing option for the real time delivery of copyright-cleared course materials to the higher education community. Available immediately, AcademicPub is targeted to faculty and administrators who desire to create custom course materials at a reasonable price for students, by combining authoritative materials from twenty-one of the world's leading academic publishers with up-to-the-minute Web information, as well as material the educators create themselves
Children’s Books Ireland Conference 2011
Children's Books Ireland Conference 2011 - May 21-22 2011 - Dublin, Ireland. Guest speakers: Jane Davis, Helen Oxenbury, John Burningham, David Lloyd, Keith Gray, Mary Byrne, Liz Page, Garrett Carr, Judi Curtin, John Newman, Sheena Wilkinson, Philip Ardagh, Louise Rennison, Áine Ní Ghlinn, Karen Bertrams, Emma Byrne, Chris Judge, Steve Simpson, Chris Haughton, Robert Dunbar and Derek Landy
PLA 2012 Conference (USA)

PLA 2012 will be held March 13–17, 2012 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PLA 2012 will provide opportunities to learn new ideas, share success stores, hear best practices, and meet colleagues from across the county and around the world.
The Call for Proposals for the 2012 conference ended on November 30, 2010. If you have a question about a proposal, please contact Linda Bostrom, or 800/545-2433, ext. 5027.
The UK National Archives and Tessella win Queen's Award for Enterprise
The UK National Archives has won a prestigious Innovation Award, jointly with private company Tessella, for developing a system for preserving digital information which has since been adopted by libraries and archives around the world. This unique partnership has been recognised for outstanding achievement in innovation by the UK's business awards, the Queen's Awards for Enterprise. The first government department to win since the awards were expanded in 2000, The National Archives has worked with Tessella to develop a fully functioned digital archival solution, the Safety Deposit Box
Friday, April 22, 2011
'The Listener' Historical Archive, 1929-1991

Koha 3.4.0 released
The Koha development team has announced the release of Koha 3.4.0. Koha 3.4.0 is a major feature release that contains major changes to underlying architecture (adoption of Template::Toolkit for templating) and performance enhancements (removal of item data from biblio records). These changes, in addition to the inclusion of many new features, mean a lot of new strings for translators to translate
John Speed proof maps - Atlas.2.61.1 - Cambridge University Library (UK)

The Canadian Library Association announces winner of the CLA/Information Today Award for Innovative Technology
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques has announced that the 2011 recipient of the CLA/Information Today Award for Innovative Technology is Red Deer Public Library for their project Engaging Community on the Web: Red Deer Public Libraries Election Forum. The award is given in recognition of the ground breaking and innovative use of technology to foster community awareness and engagement in the political process. Red Deer Public Library has changed the way libraries define engaging the community. Their innovative marketing and promotion of community involvement in the political process has changed and will continue to change the way libraries, librarians and library services are perceived and valued by their communities and the general public in Red Deer, Alberta
SPARC enews/April 2011
SPARC enews/April 2011: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - April 22, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Pink. "This week's brainteaser is about things - and even people - that are pink or that have "pink" in their names." Answers here.
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "in the pink"?
2. What are "pink elephants"?
3. Which English rock group had record albums called "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall"?
4. What kind of fruit is a "pink lady"?
5. Which 1938 book by Graham Greene centres on a young hoodlum called Pinkie?
6. What are pinking shears?
7. What is the correct name for the condition called "pink eye", in which the tissue surrounding the eye is inflamed?
8. Does Shakespeare's line "I am the very pink of courtesy" occur in "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet" or "Henry V"?
9. Who composed the theme tune for the "Pink Panther" film?
10. What is the real name of the US pop singer and songwriter who calls herself "Pink"?
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "in the pink"?
2. What are "pink elephants"?
3. Which English rock group had record albums called "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall"?
4. What kind of fruit is a "pink lady"?
5. Which 1938 book by Graham Greene centres on a young hoodlum called Pinkie?
6. What are pinking shears?
7. What is the correct name for the condition called "pink eye", in which the tissue surrounding the eye is inflamed?
8. Does Shakespeare's line "I am the very pink of courtesy" occur in "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet" or "Henry V"?
9. Who composed the theme tune for the "Pink Panther" film?
10. What is the real name of the US pop singer and songwriter who calls herself "Pink"?
27th Annual PubWest Book Design Awards - winners
The winners of the 27th Annual PubWest Book Design Awards have been announced
Library of Birmingham boosted by important 19th Century photography collection (UK)

'Our Authors, Our Advocates' initiative of the American Library Association
Authors are natural allies of libraries, in these challenging times. They understand the key role that libraries and library staff play in the economic, social and educational fabric of our nation. They are passionately speaking out on the importance of not only sustaining but increasing support for libraries. Help fuel the national dialogue on America's libraries. Spread the word. Share these videos and messages with your friends, family, and those who can make a difference
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Clinics and Practice
Music Performance Research
Ganpat University Journal of Engineering & Technology
Pro Ligno
Plant Breeding and Seed Science
Majlesi Journal of Mechanical Engineering
KB Journal
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture
Electronic Journal of Social Sciences
Revista Electronic@ Educare
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application
Music Performance Research
Ganpat University Journal of Engineering & Technology
Pro Ligno
Plant Breeding and Seed Science
Majlesi Journal of Mechanical Engineering
KB Journal
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture
Electronic Journal of Social Sciences
Revista Electronic@ Educare
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application
Alan Borovoy receives the 2011 Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques has announced that Alan Borovoy is the recipient of the 2011 Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada for his unwavering dedication to social justice and freedom of expression in Canada
The Bodleian Libraries and agreement
The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford have announced that it has entered into a final agreement with to enhance access to the Libraries' exceptional digital collection; in particular materials derived from the Oxford - Google digitization project and other e-book publications. The initiative will transform the ability to access digitized books and other forms of content. The partnership will create a new kind of reading experience for ebooks allowing users to read, annotate, extract and share comments across online, mobile, and tablet, platforms. The system allows reading research and e-published text to be brought forth, tagged, and annotated with comment, interpretation, and illustration
New from ACRL - Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research

AALL April 2011 E-Newsletter
The AALL April 2011 E-Newsletter is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Ludacris launches Louisiana library campaign (USA)

Campaign launched to keep Workington library open (UK)

World Constitutions Illustrated - April 2011 update
The April 2011 update for World Constitutions Illustrated is now available from HeinOnline
Thomson Reuters introduces the new Web of Knowledge
Thomson Reuters has announced the launch of the new Web of Knowledge
CRL releases HathiTrust audit report
The Center for Research Libraries has released the findings of its assessment of the HathiTrust digital repository. Given the investments CRL libraries have made in the digitization of books and serials, and the pressures to reduce the costs of physical collections, CRL endeavors to provide rigorous assessment of archiving services
13th LIASA Annual Conference (South Africa)
13th LIASA (library and Information Association of South Africa) Annual Conference - 3-7 October, 2011 - East London International Convention Centre, South Africa
Podcast: From crime to punishment: criminal records of our ancestors from the 18th and 19th centuries

Amazon to launch Library Lending for Kindle Books
Amazon has announced Kindle Library Lending, a new feature launching later this year that will allow Kindle customers to borrow Kindle books from over 11,000 libraries in the United States. Kindle Library Lending will be available for all generations of Kindle devices and free Kindle reading apps
OCLC expands services for public libraries in Europe
OCLC has acquired the assets of German library system provider, BOND GmbH & Co. KG. BOND, based in Böhl-Iggelheim, near Mannheim, is a leading integrated system provider for public libraries in German speaking countries. The addition of BOND services will enhance and expand OCLC services for German libraries. OCLC serves the academic library community in Germany with a variety of library services including the SISIS-SunRise, CBS and LBS solutions. Together, OCLC and BOND combine to bring more than 50 years of experience in the development of library management solutions for libraries of all types
What's the score at the Bodleian? (UK)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
British Library acquires the archive of Wendy Cope
SAGE begins publishing 'Alternatives: Global, Local, Political'
SAGE has begun to publish the journal Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. Established in 1975, Alternatives has long sought to promote a wide range of approaches to political, social, cultural and ecological developments, and to encourage more creative and imaginative ways of thinking and acting globally
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Podcast/Press Release: New infoKit gives UK researchers the opportunity to reduce admin burden
A new research information management infoKit is being launched which will benefit the UK's 30,000 researchers by offering guidance and examples of best practice on preparing for the research excellence framework. The infokit has been developed by JISC and JISC infoNet in conjunction with a number of universities who have worked to identify the issues and challenges they current face within their research teams in managing the research lifecycle from bidding for a grant through to publication
InSITE - April 18, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 16, No. 16, April 18, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# Doing Business
# EIF Implementation Database
# Equipo Nizkor
# Doing Business
# EIF Implementation Database
# Equipo Nizkor
NFAIS Webinar: Portable Devices and Mobile Users
NFAIS will hold a 90-minute informational Webinar, Portable Devices and Mobile Users. Maureen Kelly, Principal, Content Kinetics, will open the meeting with a brief history of book technology. Jill O' Neill, NFAIS Director of Communication and Planning, will then discuss the reading experience, including an overview of today's established user interfaces and navigational approaches and how users are encouraged to customize their own experience - May 3, 2011 - 1:00pm EST
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Cuadernos de Geografía : Revista Colombiana de Geografía
Revista Nordestina de Ecoturismo
Advances in Orthopedics
Advances in Preventive Medicine
Journal of Pathogens
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Universidad & Empresa
Child Development Research
Chromatography Research International
International Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics
Journal of Allergy & Therapy
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism
Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics
Journal of Forensic Research
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Revista Nordestina de Ecoturismo
Advances in Orthopedics
Advances in Preventive Medicine
Journal of Pathogens
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Universidad & Empresa
Child Development Research
Chromatography Research International
International Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics
Journal of Allergy & Therapy
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism
Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics
Journal of Forensic Research
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Allan Wilson named 2011 recipient of CLA/Ken Haycock Award (Canada)
Allan Wilson, Chief Librarian, Prince George Public Library, has been named 2011 recipient of the CLA/Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship. This award honours individuals who have demonstrated exceptional success in enhancing public recognition and appreciation of librarianship. Wilson's inclusive, dynamic approach to raising the awareness of libraries and promoting their value - especially in northern British Columbia - placed him first in a pool of exceptional candidates for this year's award
The 2011 Library Blog Awards
Salem press is sponsoring the 2011 Library Blog Awards, which recognize blogging excellence across the library spectrum
New Roles for Research Libraries: Digital Curation for Preservation webcast now available as archive
The Association of Research Libraries has released an archive of the webcast to complement the recently released report in the New Roles for New Times series, "Digital Curation for Preservation," The webcast, "New Roles for Research Libraries: Digital Curation for Preservation," featured a reactor panel that explored and expanded on key findings and recommendations in the report
What You Wish For: A Book For Darfur

The Desmond Elliott Prize 2011 longlist announced
The longlist for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2011, the award for a first novel published in the UK, has been announced:
* The Afterparty by Leo Benidictus (Jonathan Cape)
* Boxer Beetle by Ned Beauman (Sceptre)
* Coconut Unlimited by Nikesh Shukla (Quartet)
* The Collaborator by Mirza Waheed (Viking)
* Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman (Bloomsbury)
* Pub Walks in Underhill Country by Nat Segnit (Fig Tree)
* Saraswati Parkby Anjali Joseph (Fourth Estate)
* The Spider Truces by Tom Connolly (Myriad Editions)
* A Vision of Loveliness by Louise Levene (Bloomsbury)
* Who is Mr Satoshi? by Jonathan Lee (William Heinemann)
The winner will be announced on Thursday 23 June at Fortnum & Mason, London
* The Afterparty by Leo Benidictus (Jonathan Cape)
* Boxer Beetle by Ned Beauman (Sceptre)
* Coconut Unlimited by Nikesh Shukla (Quartet)
* The Collaborator by Mirza Waheed (Viking)
* Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman (Bloomsbury)
* Pub Walks in Underhill Country by Nat Segnit (Fig Tree)
* Saraswati Parkby Anjali Joseph (Fourth Estate)
* The Spider Truces by Tom Connolly (Myriad Editions)
* A Vision of Loveliness by Louise Levene (Bloomsbury)
* Who is Mr Satoshi? by Jonathan Lee (William Heinemann)
The winner will be announced on Thursday 23 June at Fortnum & Mason, London
Monday, April 18, 2011
Wellcome Library 2011 Summer workshop programme
The new Summer programme of free Wellcome Library workshops begins on May 5th. The workshops provide training on research and resources in the Library, and are aimed at the general public
Jonathan Kemp wins Authors' Club Best First Novel Award 2011
The Authors' Club has announced that Jonathan Kemp has won its Best First Novel Award of 2011 for London Triptych
UCL Bloomsbury Project (UK)
The Leverhulme-funded UCL Bloomsbury Project was established to investigate 19th-century Bloomsbury's development from swampy rubbish-dump to centre of intellectual life. Led by Professor Rosemary Ashton, with Dr Deborah Colville as Researcher, the Project has traced the origins, Bloomsbury locations, and reforming significance of hundreds of progressive and innovative institutions. Many of the extensive archival resources relating to these institutions have also been identified and examined by the Project, and Bloomsbury's developing streets and squares have been mapped and described. This website is a gateway to the information gathered and edited by Project members during the Project's lifetime, 1 October 2007–30 April 2011, with the co-operation of Bloomsbury's institutions, societies, and local residents
Sunday, April 17, 2011
NIST Digital Archives
The NIST Digital Archives present images of NIST Museum artifacts and full-text NIST publications. NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a non-regulatory agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The images showcase the scientific instruments on display in the NIST Museum located on the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The publications include the Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which covers the broad range of research undertaken by NIST research staff, focusing on measurement methodology. These collections continue to grow as more images and full-text publications are added to the NDA. Future NDA collections will include images of photographs from the NIST Archives, NIST Oral Histories and video recordings of selected NIST Colloquia
John Wiley signs agreement to provide titles to Bookshare
John Wiley & Sons has agreed to provide Bookshare with digital files of professional and trade titles for their collection. This agreement will broaden the access of people with disabilities to Wiley content
UKSG Introduction to Serials and E-Resources Today: London
UKSG Introduction to Serials and E-Resources Today: London is designed particularly for staff new to working with serials, whether from a publisher, an intermediary or a library. This seminar may also be of interest to those looking to consolidate and update their serials and e-resources knowledge - 7 June 2011 - London, UK
Latest journals from SAGE via Stanford's HighWire
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
State Politics & Policy Quarterly
The Neurohospitalist
Theology Today
Musicae Scientiae
Teaching of Psychology
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
Organizational Psychology Review
Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit
Dialogues in Human Geography
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
State Politics & Policy Quarterly
The Neurohospitalist
Theology Today
Musicae Scientiae
Teaching of Psychology
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
Organizational Psychology Review
Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit
Dialogues in Human Geography
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
Saturday, April 16, 2011
CRL libraries support purchase of 5 new microform sets
With the support of 17 member libraries, Center for Research Libraries will acquire five major microform sets through its 2011 Shared Purchase Program. The total list cost of these acquisitions, which benefit all CRL members, is $85,766
BFI and British Library join forces to increase access to their unique collections (UK)
The BFI and the British Library have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with the objective of increasing public, professional and research access to audiovisual and broadcast content and integrating it with other knowledge collections. Signed by BFI Director, Amanda Nevill and British Library CEO, Dame Lynne Brindley, the MOU outlines key areas for joint strategic thinking, including public access, rights management and digitisation
Staplehay phone box becomes a library (UK)
Open Library buying e-Books from publishers
The Internet Archive is on campaign to buy e-Books from publishers and authors; making more digital books available to readers who prefer using laptops, reading devices or library computers. Publishers such as Smashwords, Cursor and A Book Apart have already contributed e-Books to – offering niche titles and the works of best-selling "indy" authors including Amanda Hocking and J.A. Konrath - Internet Archive Blogs
SkyRiver and Cassidy Cataloguing enter sharing agreement
Cassidy Cataloguing Services Inc., a company that provides cataloging on contract to libraries as well as Cataloging in Publication (CIP) for publishers, has entered into a sharing agreement with SkyRiver. By the terms of the agreement, Cassidy will contribute its CIP records - high quality and fully catalogued - to the SkyRiver database. Cassidy in turn will have access to SkyRiver's database either through its contracting libraries and have unlimited full access to SkyRiver's authorities database
State of America's Libraries 2011 report
State of America's Libraries 2011 report - read about the top ten challenged books, e-book controversy, wireless internet usage soars, taxpayers trust libraries, job-seekers and entrepreneurs turn to libraries, 65% of public visit libraries, and budget cuts
Development of UK public library catalogue progresses to next stage
OCLC has announced that its project to develop a Web-based, national public library catalogue has now been made available to a selection of pilot institutions. Over the next two months a small group of libraries will have the opportunity to review the catalogue, and feedback on things such as data quality and overall user experience. Developed in conjunction with The Combined Regions (TCR) and based on holdings indexed in WorldCat, the world's largest database of bibliographic information, the customised union catalogue provides a view of the 9 million holdings contributed by the 149 local authorities that currently subscribe to UnityUK, the UK's only nationwide network for resource sharing
World Book Mobile
World Book has released a mobile-friendly version of its comprehensive reference database. Now you can access a wealth of information whenever and wherever you need it
CILIPS Annual Conference 2011 (Scotland)
The 2011 CILIPS Annual Conference will take place at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, Scotland, 7-8 June, 2011. CILIPS is The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
ABC-CLIO content to be included in the Ex Libris Primo Central Index
'Ex Libris® Group has announced that ABC-CLIO has joined the rapidly expanding group of publishers whose content is included in the Primo Central Index of scholarly content'
Royal Wedding: Couple's local Anglesey library show

Canadian Library Association awards 2011 - winners
The Canadian Library Association has announced the winners of the following awards:
CLA Young Adult Book Award Winner and Honour Books
Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel is the winner. The Honour Books are Dust City by Robert Paul Weston, and Room by Emma Donoghue
CLA Book of the Year for Children Award
Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel
Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Award Winner and Honour Books
The winner is Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth! written and illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay. Honour books are Book of Big Brothers, illustrated by Luc Melanson and written by Cary Fagan, and Owls See Clearly at Night: a Michif alphabet, written and illustrated by Julie Flett
CLA Young Adult Book Award Winner and Honour Books
Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel is the winner. The Honour Books are Dust City by Robert Paul Weston, and Room by Emma Donoghue
CLA Book of the Year for Children Award
Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel
Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Award Winner and Honour Books
The winner is Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth! written and illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay. Honour books are Book of Big Brothers, illustrated by Luc Melanson and written by Cary Fagan, and Owls See Clearly at Night: a Michif alphabet, written and illustrated by Julie Flett
Engaged Readers - online reading service for public libraries (USA)
Engaged Readers, an online reading service for public libraries with fully-integrated social networking features is now available from Keep your patrons engaged in reading as they interact with other readers and library staff - creating and sharing book lists, reviews, comments, profiles, following fellow readers and more. Engaged Readers can be implemented as the online facet of your summer or winter reading program or offered year-around
MP Rosie Winterton lends her support to Save Doncaster Libraries (UK)

Friday, April 15, 2011
Content from World Book searchable through EBSCO Discovery Service™
A recent agreement between EBSCO Publishing and World Book, Inc. will bring twelve popular reference tools into EBSCO Discovery Service™. Metadata, including full-text searching, for World Book resources will be added to the EDS Base Index allowing the World Book content to better impact searching through the EDS single search interface. The twelve World Book resources that will be searchable in EDS include popular English language titles as well as French and Spanish language reference tools
First Street by CQ Press (USA)

* Research a contact's work history and the issues they have worked on in Congress, Federal agencies, and as a registered lobbyist
* Visualize how lobbying firms and clients are related
* Uncover what issues government agencies and legislation lobbying firms are lobbying
* Identify lobbyists active in issue areas or lobbying a piece of legislation
* Find all staff or lobbyists with experience on a certain issue
* Instantly access contact information enabling proactive coalition building
* Save searches and bookmark specific interests
New Report, "Scan and Deliver: Managing User-initiated Digitization in Special Collections and Archives" (OCLC)
This report presents strategies for providing efficient and economical delivery of digital copies of materials in special collections. Changes in technology and the increased visibility of special collections have led to greater user interest in accessing special collections, as well as the expectation that reproduction requests will be fulfilled with digitized images. This combination has resulted in a deluge of user-generated requests for digital copies of special collections in an environment in which the digitization process can be labor-intensive and digitization policies vary widely across institutions
Maximising Online Resource Effectiveness guide published (UK)
New resources, written by JISC Netskills, have been published to help web managers across institutions make best use of their online resources. The reports, guides and case studies summarise key principles in maximizing your online effectiveness. They present a condensed version of the highly successful series of workshops commissioned by the Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) and undertaken by JISC Netskills in 2010. Titled 'Maximising Online Resource Effectiveness' (MORE), the workshops demonstrated techniques to improve the visibility of web content, such as good structure, effective web writing, metadata, microformats, RDFa and the potential of the social web
Resource discovery workshops at the Wellcome Library (UK)
The Wellcome Library in London, UK has released its new programme of resource discovery workshops. The workshops provide introductions to research and information resources at the Library, and are aimed at the general public. All workshops are free and available to members of the Library
BiebBus, The Expanding Mobile Library (Holland)

A Google a Day
A Google a Day is a new daily puzzle that can be solved using your creativity and clever search skills on Google. Questions will be posted every day on and printed on weekdays above the New York Times crossword puzzle. We'll reveal each puzzle's answer the next day in the Times and on, along with the search tips and features used to find it
FutureCast: Shaping Research Libraries in a Networked Age
FutureCast: Shaping Research Libraries in a Networked Age - 8-10 June 2011 - Washington, D.C., USA - "All current OCLC Research Library Partners are invited to join us for an important glance at the future environment that will impact our work: higher education, electronic publishing, and consumer technology. We'll discuss and collectively forecast what the impact will be on the research library enterprise. How can we prepare for the future? What do we need to do take us from here to there? The conversation and outcomes will be lively, will guide our future collaborative activity, and will rely on your input"
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - April 15, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Celebrity Births. "This week we challenge you to guess the year when certain well-known people were born. All you have to do is to pick the correct year from three options." Answers here.
1. Daniel Radcliffe, star of Harry Potter films: 1979, 1984 or 1989?
2. Jennifer Aniston, actress: 1969, 1979 or 1989?
3. Britney Spears, US pop singer: 1971, 1981 or 1991?
4. William Shakespeare, English dramatist: 1544, 1564 or 1584?
5. Bill Clinton, 42nd president of the United States: 1946, 1956 or 1966?
6. Jane Fonda, US film actress: 1937, 1947 or 1957?
7. Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian arctic explorer: 1861, 1871 or 1881?
8. Colin Firth, English stage and screen actor: 1950, 1960 or 1970?
9. Stirling Moss, racing driver: 1929, 1939 or 1949?
10. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis: 1846, 1856 or 1866?
1. Daniel Radcliffe, star of Harry Potter films: 1979, 1984 or 1989?
2. Jennifer Aniston, actress: 1969, 1979 or 1989?
3. Britney Spears, US pop singer: 1971, 1981 or 1991?
4. William Shakespeare, English dramatist: 1544, 1564 or 1584?
5. Bill Clinton, 42nd president of the United States: 1946, 1956 or 1966?
6. Jane Fonda, US film actress: 1937, 1947 or 1957?
7. Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian arctic explorer: 1861, 1871 or 1881?
8. Colin Firth, English stage and screen actor: 1950, 1960 or 1970?
9. Stirling Moss, racing driver: 1929, 1939 or 1949?
10. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis: 1846, 1856 or 1866?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Emerging Library Technologies II: Innovation (USA)
Emerging Library Technologies II: Innovation - Online webinar - May 3, 2011 - 11:00am - 4:30pm EDT. This training is funded in part by Federal Library Service and Technolgy (LSTA) funds, awarded b to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
U.S. National Archives announces newly-identified papers of Walt Whitman
The National Archives has announced the identification of nearly 3,000 Walt Whitman documents written during his service as a Federal government employee. This trove of information - conclusively identified as Whitman's papers for the first time by University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) scholar Kenneth Price - sheds light on the legendary poet's post-war thinking, as well as Whitman's published reflections on the state of the nation that soon followed
Berlin library returns books stolen by Nazis
Berlin's state library handed back 13 books stolen by the Nazis to the Jewish community as the German government pledged to redouble its efforts to return plundered cultural treasures. The emotional ceremony came about thanks to a new drive to research the provenance of state holdings with the aim of restitution, German Culture Minister Bernd Neumann said. "The 13 books being returned today preserve the memory of the Berlin Jewish community which was decimated and its members murdered or driven out," Neumann said. "That is why such projects are so important now and in the future." The books returned at the event, held in the Centrum Judaicum cultural centre at Berlin's New Synagogue, included 19th and 20th century novels, history books, poetry collections, travel guides and bound newspaper volumes" - AFP
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series
International Business and Management
Revista Opinião Filosófica
Gida : Journal of Food
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Uludag( Üniversitesi I.lahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Journal of Theoretical Educational Science
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty
ISRN Rheumatology
Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Energy Science and Technology
Progress in Applied Mathematics
International Journal about Parents in Education
Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education
Jurnal Intelek
Science Diliman
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
Bolema : Boletim de Educação Matemática
Estudos de Sociologia
Research in Applied Economics
International Business and Management
Revista Opinião Filosófica
Gida : Journal of Food
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Uludag( Üniversitesi I.lahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Journal of Theoretical Educational Science
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty
ISRN Rheumatology
Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Energy Science and Technology
Progress in Applied Mathematics
International Journal about Parents in Education
Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education
Jurnal Intelek
Science Diliman
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
Bolema : Boletim de Educação Matemática
Estudos de Sociologia
Research in Applied Economics
James Richardson wins Jackson Poetry Prize
James Richardson is the fifth winner of the Jackson Poetry Prize. The $50,000 prize is given annually to honor an American poet of exceptional talent who deserves wider recognition. The award is designed to provide what all poets need: time and the encouragement to write
LISEvents is a community-based site intended to aggregate listings of library-related events of all types, sizes, and locations. The site also helps speakers find gigs and event planners find speakers. The idea for the site has been kicking around in one form or another for quite a few years. Peter Murray did some work on a beta version around 2005
Podcast: The Festival of Britain (1951)

VALA2012 - Melbourne, Australia
VALA's 16th Biennial Conference and Exhibition, "eM-powering eFutures", will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Melbourne, Australia, from 6-9 February 2012. VALA is an independent Australian based not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote the use and understanding of information technology within libraries and the broader information sector
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