Thursday, September 30, 2010
Current Cites - September 2010
Current Cites (edited by Roy Tennant) - September 2010 is now available
ROS (Research Output Service) – official launch by Heriot Watt University (Scotland)
"ROS is Heriot-Watt University's institutional repository. It aims - through the capture, preservation, and dissemination of the University's collective intellectual output - to serve as a meaningful indicator of the institution's research and academic quality. In addition, it provides an invaluable service to individual researchers and academics by disseminating and preserving their work. Until recently ROS contained only Heriot-Watt theses but it is expanding to include other types of output, such as working papers, articles and conference papers"
New content added to literature collections (Alexander Street Press)
Alexander Street Press has updated several of its literature collections with new titles from authors around the world. All new content is available to subscribers now in the following online collections:
* Black Women Writers - Over 4,600 pages of new content is available from authors such as Phyllis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, Makeda Silvera, Tananarive Due, and others
* Caribbean Literature - Close to 5,000 pages of new content has been added from authors hailing from Barbados, Martinique, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Cuba
* Latin American Women Writers - Over 6,500 pages of new material has been added from Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina, and other countries in Latin America. Included are several volumes of the periodicals A Mensageira (Brasil), Vide Femenina (Uruguay), and Semanario de las Señoritas Mejicanes (Mexico)
* South and Southeast Asian Literature - Over 1,600 pages of new content from authors such as Manoj Das (India), Suniti Namjoshi (India), and Siew-Yue Killingley (Malaysia)
* Black Women Writers - Over 4,600 pages of new content is available from authors such as Phyllis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, Makeda Silvera, Tananarive Due, and others
* Caribbean Literature - Close to 5,000 pages of new content has been added from authors hailing from Barbados, Martinique, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Cuba
* Latin American Women Writers - Over 6,500 pages of new material has been added from Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina, and other countries in Latin America. Included are several volumes of the periodicals A Mensageira (Brasil), Vide Femenina (Uruguay), and Semanario de las Señoritas Mejicanes (Mexico)
* South and Southeast Asian Literature - Over 1,600 pages of new content from authors such as Manoj Das (India), Suniti Namjoshi (India), and Siew-Yue Killingley (Malaysia)
Open Government Licence enables re-use of information (UK)
"The National Archives (UK) is launching a new Open Government Licence, which makes it faster and easier than ever before to re-use public sector information. The UK Open Government Licence is a key element of the Government's commitment to greater transparency. It provides a single set of terms and conditions for anyone wishing to use or license government information and removes some of the existing barriers to re-use. Developers and entrepreneurs wishing to use government data to create new websites and applications will no longer need to register or formally apply for permission to re-use the data. The new licence is interoperable with other internationally recognised licensing models, such as Creative Commons"
Credo Reference adds Publisher Collection from Ashgate
Credo Reference is adding a Publisher Collection from Ashgate. Fifteen comprehensive, specialty titles will soon be available on the Credo Reference platform
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Undergraduate Academic Journal
Edo Journal of Counselling
Motricidad : European Journal of Human Movement
RAI : Revista de Administração e Inovação
REMark : Revista Brasileira de Marketing
Facta Universitatis - series : Architecture and Civil Engineering
Facta Universitatis - series : Physics, Chemistry and Technology
Filozofija i Društvo
Hemijska Industrija
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B : Metallurgy
Oeconomics of Knowledge
Revista Filosofia Capital
Journal of the Institute of Engineering
Edo Journal of Counselling
Motricidad : European Journal of Human Movement
RAI : Revista de Administração e Inovação
REMark : Revista Brasileira de Marketing
Facta Universitatis - series : Architecture and Civil Engineering
Facta Universitatis - series : Physics, Chemistry and Technology
Filozofija i Društvo
Hemijska Industrija
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B : Metallurgy
Oeconomics of Knowledge
Revista Filosofia Capital
Journal of the Institute of Engineering
William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award 2010 longlist
The longlist for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award 2010 has been announced:
* Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi (Harper Collins)
* A Book of Heroes: Or A Sporting Half Century by Simon Barnes (Short Books)
* No Place To Hide: How I Put the Black in the Union Jack by Errol Christie with Tony McMahon (Aurum)
* Trautmann's Journey: From Hitler Youth to FA Cup Legend by Catrine Clay (Yellow Jersey)
* The Grudge: Scotland vs. England, 1990 by Tom English (Yellow Jersey)
* Tea With Mr Newton: 100,000 Miles, The Longest Protest March in History by Rob Hadgraft (Desert Island Books)
* A Last English Summer by Duncan Hamilton (Quercus)
* Blood Knots by Luke Jennings (Atlantic Books)
* Liston & Ali: The Ugly Bear and the Boy Who Would Be King by Bob Mee (Mainstream)
* Beware of the Dog: Rugby's Hard Man Reveals All by Brian Moore (Simon & Schuster)
* We Ate All The Pies by John Nicholson (Biteback)
* Blood, Sweat and Treason by Henry Olonga (Vision Sports Publishing)
* Bounce: How Champions Are Made by Matthew Syed (Fourth Estate)
The shortlist will be announced October 26 and the winner honored in London November 30
* Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi (Harper Collins)
* A Book of Heroes: Or A Sporting Half Century by Simon Barnes (Short Books)
* No Place To Hide: How I Put the Black in the Union Jack by Errol Christie with Tony McMahon (Aurum)
* Trautmann's Journey: From Hitler Youth to FA Cup Legend by Catrine Clay (Yellow Jersey)
* The Grudge: Scotland vs. England, 1990 by Tom English (Yellow Jersey)
* Tea With Mr Newton: 100,000 Miles, The Longest Protest March in History by Rob Hadgraft (Desert Island Books)
* A Last English Summer by Duncan Hamilton (Quercus)
* Blood Knots by Luke Jennings (Atlantic Books)
* Liston & Ali: The Ugly Bear and the Boy Who Would Be King by Bob Mee (Mainstream)
* Beware of the Dog: Rugby's Hard Man Reveals All by Brian Moore (Simon & Schuster)
* We Ate All The Pies by John Nicholson (Biteback)
* Blood, Sweat and Treason by Henry Olonga (Vision Sports Publishing)
* Bounce: How Champions Are Made by Matthew Syed (Fourth Estate)
The shortlist will be announced October 26 and the winner honored in London November 30
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - September 29, 2010 update
The September 29, 2010 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
Book Place, from Toshiba

ARL Statistics 2008-09
ARL Statistics 2008-09 have been published by the Association of Research Libraries
AALL Spectrum - September/October 2010
AALL Spectrum - September/October 2010 is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
Early English Laws publishes online bibliography
Early English Laws, a collaboration between the Institute of Historical Research and King's College London, has announced the publication of its online bibliography. The bibliography is compiled and continuously updated to include items relating to any aspect of English legal history in the period between c. 600 and 1215. It is also searchable by category, author and date of publication
Emerald to offer free online access to published interviews
Emerald Group Publishing has announced that all interviews published in three of its management titles, Development and Learning in Organizations, Human Resource Management International Digest, and Strategic Direction, are now free access for one month following publication
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
London Faces: new 'Insight' (Wellcome Library)

The Eugenics Review added to PubMed
The Eugenics Review has been added to PubMed. The archive includes: v. 8 (1916) to v.17 (1926)
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #122
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #122. "This week's episode is not graced by that man of mystery, Blake Carver. In lieu thereof we check the zeitgeist for stories AND blog posts, bring an essay about the comments debate on-site, and a quick news miscellany" Previous Podcasts can be found here
Liverpool University Press agreement with Nesli2 SMP
Liverpool University Press has entered into an agreement with JISC Collections to provide LUP journals to the UK academic community via the NESLi2 SMP initiative in 2011. Liverpool University Press is offering its entire portfolio at a reduced rate, including The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, recognized across the world as one of the foremost journals in its field, the leading planning journals Town Planning Review and International Development Planning Review, and highly regarded publications in the humanities and social sciences including The Sculpture Journal, The Byron Journal, British Journal of Canadian Studies, Romani Studies, European Journal of Language Policy, Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, European Comic Art, Science Fiction, Film and TV, and Music, Sound, and the Moving Image
Monday, September 27, 2010
Practical Open Source Software for Libraries by Nicole C Engard

- provides a toolbox of practical software that librarians can use both inside and out of the library
- draws on the author's wide-ranging practical experience with open source software both in and out of the library community
- includes real life examples from libraries and librarians of all types and locations
- gives librarians tips for using open source software with in their organizations
- includes access to a companion website with up-to-date links and facts
250,000 books from University of Toronto Library on Internet Archive
Brewster Kahle has announced that the University of Toronto Library has 250,000+ books digitised on the Internet Archive
Canadian Special Libraries Day 2010
"Thursday October 28th 2010 has been declared Canadian Special Libraries Day in recognition of the value of special libraries to Canadian society, and the vital role played by over 1000 'special' librarians and information professionals across Canada who ensure that Canadian businesses, non-profits and government agencies are among the smartest in the world"
British Library digitises Greek manuscripts

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awards Hamilton College $800,000 (USA)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, $800,000 in support of the Digital Humanities Initiative, a research and teaching collaboration in which new media and computing technologies are used to promote humanities-based research, scholarship and teaching, including curriculum development, across the liberal arts. This is one of the largest humanities grants ever received by Hamilton College. According to co-director Associate Professor of Africana Studies Angel David Nieves, DHi is 'a multi institutional project, a sustainable model to bring multiple faculties together to share in their research and to link departments that traditionally do not work together'
Voices for the Library on Facebook (UK)
A group of dedicated librarians and information professionals have set up Voices for the Library, a campaigning website to share positive stories from public libraries and librarians, provide factual information about library usage in the UK and draw together the fragmented responses to the many attacks on UK public library services. This campaign is an opportunity for people to discuss why libraries and librarians are so important, and why it is vital that they are run well and serve their communities effectively. The campaign was set up in August 2010 with the following aims:
1. Share positive stories from public libraries and librarians
2. Provide factual information about library usage in the UK
3. Provide spokespeople for the media with a range of professional expertise
1. Share positive stories from public libraries and librarians
2. Provide factual information about library usage in the UK
3. Provide spokespeople for the media with a range of professional expertise
IADIS International Conference e-Society 2011
IADIS International Conference e-Society 2011 aims to address the main issues of concern within the Information Society. This conference covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society. Broad areas of interest are eSociety and Digital Divide, eBusiness / eCommerce, eLearning, New Media and E-Society, Digital Services in ESociety, eGovernment /eGovernance, eHealth, Information Systems, and Information Management - 10-13 March 2011 - Avila, Spain
Seminar: Collection Development in Academic Libraries: What does the Future Hold?
The seminar will aim to look at the question of Collection Development in academic libraries, consider what factors are likely to affect how collections develop, and decide how collections are likely to respond to these stimuli and change over the course of next few years - November 12, 2010 - London, UK
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Daily Racing Form online archive (USA)

Digitising the archives: the Wellcome Library approach (UK)
"Like most research libraries and archives repositories, the Wellcome Library is currently planning to digitise quantities of its unique holdings and provide remote access to the digitised content over the Web. Among the many challenges that such plans present, perhaps the most fundamental is the decision what to digitise, or where to start - with almost limitless potential in the holdings but limited resources what do we prioritise?....."
Wirral Bookfest 2010 (UK)
"The third annual Wirral Bookfest starts on 11 October 2010. Organised by Wirral libraries, Bookfest brings people and books to life in an inspiring and engaging way. The week-long programme of events includes poetry readings, family history workshops, healthy living sessions and a whole lot more. Whether you're a keen reader, or have never been into your local library before, there's something in the programme for everyone"
Podcast: The Kitchen Front: domestic life in the Second World War Inc. to Acquire iArchives has announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire iArchives, Inc. and its branded Web site,, a leading American History Web site, for approximately $27 million in a mix of stock, cash and assumption of liabilities. This acquisition will provide the company with a complementary consumer brand, expanded content offerings, and enhanced digitization and image-viewing technologies. - Globe Newswire
Introduction to MeSH - 2011 from U.S. National Library of Medicine
This is an introduction to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus, including its use and structure, as well as recent updates and availability of data. For simplest access to MeSH we suggest the MeSH Browser, an interactive Web application for searching and browsing MeSH data
Clinical Evidence added to PubMed Central
Clinical Evidence, from BMJ Publishing Group, has been added to PubMed Central. Archive includes 2003 to 2008
New OCLC Research Podcast Available: "How Libraries License e-Content" with Dorothea Salo
"In this interview, OCLC Research Senior Program Officer Roy Tennant talks with noted library author and "provocateur" Dorothea Salo about what keeps her awake at night: how libraies license e-content. Dortothea Salo, Research Services Librarian and Adjunct Faculty at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, asserts that the current system is broken and must change. She further urges collective action by libraries and library consortia to change how licensing currently happens. Listen to the interview to hear exactly what she would like to see change, and when"
SAGE and Institution of Mechanical Engineers announce landmark publishing deal for journals program
SAGE and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) have announced a unique long-term partnership arrangement that SAGE will publish all 18 of the Institution's academic journals, including the 16 highly respected Proceedings of the Institution. The Proceedings of the IMechE are 16 journals covering a broad range of engineering disciplines:
* Journal of Power and Energy - Part A
* Journal of Engineering Manufacture - Part B
* Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C
* Journal of Automobile Engineering - Part D
* Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering - Part E
* Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit - Part F
* Journal of Aerospace Engineering - Part G
* Journal of Engineering in Medicine - Part H
* Journal of Systems and Control Engineering - Part I
* Journal of Engineering Tribology - Part J
* Journal of Multi-body Dynamics - Part K
* Journal of Materials: Design and Applications - Part L
* Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment - Part M
* Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems - Part N
* Journal of Risk and Reliability - Part O
* Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology - Part P
In addition SAGE will publish:
* International Journal of Engine Research
* Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
Effective immediately, all 18 titles will transfer to SAGE. IMechE's publications team will also move to the SAGE offices based in Old Street, London
* Journal of Power and Energy - Part A
* Journal of Engineering Manufacture - Part B
* Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C
* Journal of Automobile Engineering - Part D
* Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering - Part E
* Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit - Part F
* Journal of Aerospace Engineering - Part G
* Journal of Engineering in Medicine - Part H
* Journal of Systems and Control Engineering - Part I
* Journal of Engineering Tribology - Part J
* Journal of Multi-body Dynamics - Part K
* Journal of Materials: Design and Applications - Part L
* Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment - Part M
* Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems - Part N
* Journal of Risk and Reliability - Part O
* Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology - Part P
In addition SAGE will publish:
* International Journal of Engine Research
* Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
Effective immediately, all 18 titles will transfer to SAGE. IMechE's publications team will also move to the SAGE offices based in Old Street, London
ALCTS Web course: Fundamentals of Preservation
ALCTS Web course: Fundamentals of Preservation - October 25 to November 19, 2010. "Four week online course that introduces participants to the principles, policies and practices of preservation in libraries and archives. It is designed to inform all staff, across divisions and departments and at all levels of responsibility. Provides tools to begin extending the useful life of library collections"
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Estudios Románicos
International Journal of West Asian Studies
The IIOAB Journal
Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano
Revista SudHistoria
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Semina : Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas
Papia : Revista Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
e-BANGI : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
International Journal of Computer Networks
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Tempo e Argumento
Journal of Spatial Hydrology
International Journal of West Asian Studies
The IIOAB Journal
Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano
Revista SudHistoria
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Semina : Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas
Papia : Revista Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
e-BANGI : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
International Journal of Computer Networks
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Tempo e Argumento
Journal of Spatial Hydrology
Redesigned Cambridge Journals Online is now live
A redesigned Cambridge Journals Online is now live, with improvements in appearance, navigation, ease of use, consistency
RCS Blog Released
The JISC Research Communications Strategy (RCS) project, based at the University of Nottingham, has announced the release of their new blog. The blog is designed to be a place for RCS news and updates as well as a place for discussion regarding research communications. We encourage readers to add comments and make suggestions. RSS feed
Friday, September 24, 2010 announced
"Folium Partners, LLC, has announced today the late-November launch of, the world's first automated audiobook and app-creation service. The ModernBookFactory service will enable independent publishers, authors and copyright owners to upload manuscripts, select narrators, then receive professionally produced audio and have their books produced as self-contained audiobook apps within 30 days. MBF will place apps in front of a global audience at the Apple iTunes® App StoreSM, on Android™ Market and on the copyright owner's own website as a digital download"
Call for papers for MmIT journal (UK)
MmIT journal, from the Multimedia Information & Technology Group of Cilip, will be running a special focus on international developments in the February issue
Ray Charles Memorial Library opens in L.A. (USA)
"On what would have been his 80th birthday, Ray Charles has joined the likes of past presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan with his own namesake library in Southern California. The Ray Charles Memorial Library officially opened its doors Thursday night. Housed in the studio and office building Charles built in South Los Angeles in the early 1960s, the library features interactive exhibits about the musician's life and career. Charles' friends and colleagues — including Quincy Jones, B.B. King, producer Jimmy Jam and filmmaker Taylor Hackford — welcome visitors via video to each section of the library, which is more like an interactive museum. Touch screens invite guests to explore Charles' most memorable recordings, while exhibits feature some of his Grammy awards, stage costumes, old contracts and ever-present sunglasses"
Upper Canada Land Petitions (1763-1865)
"Before the arrival of the Loyalists and British military settlers, the present-day Province of Ontario was an extension of the Province of Quebec. Following the Constitutional Act of 1791, the colony of Quebec was divided to create Upper Canada (today Ontario) and Lower Canada (today Quebec). Many early settlers, both military and civilian, submitted petitions to the Governor to obtain Crown land. Sons and daughters of Loyalists were also entitled to free lands. The Upper Canada Land Petitions contain petitions for grants or leases of land and other administrative records. This research tool provides access to more than 77,000 references to individuals who lived in present-day Ontario between 1783 and 1865"
SCBWI Conference 2010 (UK)
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators British Isles Conference 2010 - 13-14 November, 2010 - University of Winchester Main Campus, UK. "Our third, two-day, annual conference offers the opportunity for those who are published or unpublished to network with other authors, illustrators and publishing professionals, to work on their craft and learn more about marketing their books and the realities of today's children's book market"
Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works has been updated
Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works (Alexander Street Press) has recently been updated with over 6,000 pages of narratives. The entire collection currently contains over 78,000 pages illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment
Zotero Everywhere
"Zotero Everywhere is aimed at dramatically increasing the accessibility of Zotero to the widest possible range of users today and in the future. Zotero Everywhere will have two main components: a standalone desktop version of Zotero with full integration into a variety of web browsers and a radically expanded application programming interface (API) to provide web and mobile access to Zotero libraries. Zotero is the only research software that provides full and seamless access to a comprehensive range of open and gated resources"
Archive of irreverent miscellanies put online (UK)
"The world's largest collection of miscellanies is being digitized and made available online by researchers from the Faculty of English Language and Literature with the support offered by the Bodleian Libraries curators. Dr Abigail Williams, Lecturer and Lord White Fellow and Tutor in English, who is leading the project based at the University of Oxford, has received a three-year Leverhulme Research Grant to set up the Digital Miscellanies Index. The index will create an online database of the contents of 1000 poetic collections, or miscellanies, which are part of the Harding Collection owned by the Bodleian Libraries. The project has turned up a number of interesting items, including a crude poem which is attributed to John Milton but unlikely to have been written by him, called 'An Extempore upon a Faggot'"
Research Library Issues, no. 271 (August 2010)
The Association of Research Libraries has released issue 271 of Research Library Issues
New alerts feature for JournalTOCs
Roddy MacLeod writes: "A great new alerting feature has been added to JournalTOCs the free Tables of Contents service for scholarly journals. This will help researchers and academics to keep current with new scholarly publications, because everything found will always be in the most recent issues of the 14,000 journals covered. As well as being able to search for the latest Table of Contents (TOCs) for more than 14,000 journals collected from over 600 top publishers, and being able to search within those TOCs for the latest scholarly articles on topics of interest, you can now also get email alerts when new issues are published in one of your favourite journals. No need to register with multiple publishers to get TOC alerts in your inbox"
PEN Literary Awards winners
The PEN Literary Awards, sponsored by the PEN American Center, have been announced. A ceremony honoring winners and runners up will take place in New York City on Wednesday, October 13:
* PEN/Robert Bingham Fellowship for Writers ($35,000): Paul Harding for Tinkers
* PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction ($25,000): Don DeLillo
* PEN/W.G. Sebald Award for a Fiction Writer in Mid-Career ($10,000): Susan Choi
* PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography ($5,000): Michael Scammell for Koestler
* PEN/Laura Pels Foundation Award for a Master American Dramatist (prize consists of a gift from Bauman Rare Books): David Mamet
* PEN/Laura Pels Foundation Award for an American Playwright in Mid-Career ($7,500): Theresa Rebeck
* PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing ($5,000): Marshall Jon Fisher for A Terrible Splendor
* PEN/Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship ($5,000): Pat Schmatz
* PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry ($5,000): Marilyn Hacker
* PEN/Tuck Award for Paraguayan Literature ($3,000): Esteban Bedoya for El Apocalipsis según Benedicto
* PEN Award for Poetry in Translation ($3,000): Anne Carson for her translation from the Greek of An Oresteia
* PEN Translation Prize ($3,000): Michael Henry Heim for his translation from the Dutch of Wonder by Hugo Claus
* PEN/Robert Bingham Fellowship for Writers ($35,000): Paul Harding for Tinkers
* PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction ($25,000): Don DeLillo
* PEN/W.G. Sebald Award for a Fiction Writer in Mid-Career ($10,000): Susan Choi
* PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography ($5,000): Michael Scammell for Koestler
* PEN/Laura Pels Foundation Award for a Master American Dramatist (prize consists of a gift from Bauman Rare Books): David Mamet
* PEN/Laura Pels Foundation Award for an American Playwright in Mid-Career ($7,500): Theresa Rebeck
* PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing ($5,000): Marshall Jon Fisher for A Terrible Splendor
* PEN/Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship ($5,000): Pat Schmatz
* PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry ($5,000): Marilyn Hacker
* PEN/Tuck Award for Paraguayan Literature ($3,000): Esteban Bedoya for El Apocalipsis según Benedicto
* PEN Award for Poetry in Translation ($3,000): Anne Carson for her translation from the Greek of An Oresteia
* PEN Translation Prize ($3,000): Michael Henry Heim for his translation from the Dutch of Wonder by Hugo Claus
Museums and the Web 2011
Museums and the Web 2011 - April 6-9, 2011 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. "Museums and the Web is an annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line. Taking an international perspective, MW reviews and analyzes the issues and impacts of networked cultural, natural and scientific heritage – wherever the network may reach. Our community has been meeting since 1997, imagining, tracking, analyzing, and influencing the role museums play on the Web, and having fun doing it"
NFAIS Workshop on Improving the User Search Experience
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIST) is organizing a one-day meeting, Improving the User Search Experience Part II: Leveraging Content to Improve Discoverability and Use, to be held on October 13, 2010 at the Hub Cira Centre (adjacent to Amtrak's 30th street train station) in Philadelphia, PA, from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Virtual attendance is optional for those unable to travel to Philadelphia
New journals from Inderscience Publishers
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review
International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management
International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering
International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management
International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 24, 2010
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: War. "Wars have been sadly frequent over many centuries. Can you answer these questions about war and particular wars?" Answers here.
1. In which year did the USA enter World War I?
2. Which country was invaded by Iraq on August 2, 1990?
3. In World War II, which were the two Axis powers besides Germany?
4. Pablo Picasso's painting "Guernica" depicts the bombing of a Basque town in which war?
5. Was the American Civil War in the 1840s, the 1850s, or the 1860s?
6. The Tet Offensive of 1968 occurred during which war?
7. Name the Spanish artist (1746-1828) who executed 65 etchings, collected under the title Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War).
8. A war was fought between Japan and which country between February 1904 and September 1905?
9. Who wrote the 1936 poem "The People, Yes" which included the line "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come"?
10. In 1783, who wrote "There never was a good war or a bad peace"?
1. In which year did the USA enter World War I?
2. Which country was invaded by Iraq on August 2, 1990?
3. In World War II, which were the two Axis powers besides Germany?
4. Pablo Picasso's painting "Guernica" depicts the bombing of a Basque town in which war?
5. Was the American Civil War in the 1840s, the 1850s, or the 1860s?
6. The Tet Offensive of 1968 occurred during which war?
7. Name the Spanish artist (1746-1828) who executed 65 etchings, collected under the title Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War).
8. A war was fought between Japan and which country between February 1904 and September 1905?
9. Who wrote the 1936 poem "The People, Yes" which included the line "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come"?
10. In 1783, who wrote "There never was a good war or a bad peace"?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Andrew Marr 'sorry' as lorry-spill books block road (UK)

Video: The Story of the Digital Book

Journal of Graduate Medical Education added to PubMed Central
Journal of Graduate Medical Education has been added to PubMed Central. Archive includes 1(2009) to 2(2010)
EDINA Newsline - September 2010
EDINA Newsline September 2010, Volume 15.2, is now available. EDINA is a JISC-funded National Datacentre
The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide
The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide is a collaboratively produced introduction to the field of Digital Humanities. The guide is a project of the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative, a new working group aimed at building connections and community among those at The City University of New York who are - or would like to be - applying digital technologies to research and pedagogy in the humanities
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - September 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 3, Number 3, September 15, 2010 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
OECD launches a new platform, OECD iLibrary

2010 Toronto Book Awards finalists
The finalists for the 2010 Toronto Book Awards have been announced:
* Diary of Interrupted Days by Dragan Todorovic
* The Carnivore by Mark Sinnett
* Where We Have to Go by Lauren Kirshner
* Valentine's Fall by Cary Fagan
* The Prince of Neither Here Nor There by Seàn Cullen
* Diary of Interrupted Days by Dragan Todorovic
* The Carnivore by Mark Sinnett
* Where We Have to Go by Lauren Kirshner
* Valentine's Fall by Cary Fagan
* The Prince of Neither Here Nor There by Seàn Cullen
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Dilemas : Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social
Quantitative Economics
Revista Internacional de Organizaciones
Science of Sintering
Sociología y Tecnociencia
Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo
International Journal of Academic Research
Sortuz : Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System
Liinc em Revista
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Stomatološki Glasnik Srbije
Archive of Oncology
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Biology of Sport
International Journal of Legal Information
Basic and Applied Pathology
Journal of Automatic Control
Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoška Istraživanja
Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals
Zbornik Radova Vizantološkog Instituta
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archive
Investigative Genetics
Galle Medical Journal
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo
Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine
Journal of Engineering Studies and Research
Turkish Journal of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education
Journal of Logic and Analysis
Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Turkish Journal of Field Crops
European Journal of Educational Studies
Indian Journal of Stomatology
Quantitative Economics
Revista Internacional de Organizaciones
Science of Sintering
Sociología y Tecnociencia
Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo
International Journal of Academic Research
Sortuz : Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System
Liinc em Revista
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Stomatološki Glasnik Srbije
Archive of Oncology
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Biology of Sport
International Journal of Legal Information
Basic and Applied Pathology
Journal of Automatic Control
Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoška Istraživanja
Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals
Zbornik Radova Vizantološkog Instituta
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archive
Investigative Genetics
Galle Medical Journal
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo
Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine
Journal of Engineering Studies and Research
Turkish Journal of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education
Journal of Logic and Analysis
Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Turkish Journal of Field Crops
European Journal of Educational Studies
Indian Journal of Stomatology
Booklist Online Video Review (American Library Assocation)
Booklist Online Video Review is a bimonthly e-newsletter featuring new reviews of videos for adults and youth
European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750 from EBSCO
"EBSCO Publishing and the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island, have collaborated to bring a new bibliographic database to libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750 is a database based on the authoritative bibliography 'European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750.' European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750 is freely available online"
Hub of Living and Learning: Oxford College's Library of the 21st Century (Emory University)
Oxford College students and faculty tell how their library is the heart of the liberal arts experience:
Tools of the Trade: A Library Starter Kit for Harvard Freshmen
Susan Gilroy, Librarian for Undergraduate Programs for Writing, Widener and Lamont Libraries, Harvard College Library writes: "Harvard's libraries are places that inspire wonder and allow for infinite imagining, but they also confront you with a paradox: choice - for as much as we value it - can sometimes be confounding. New Harvard students must learn to navigate layers of library complexity: multiple buildings, multiple websites, information that can come to you through multiple routes and in multiple format types. Even our online catalog is currently available in two versions. We offer you this library starter kit, stocked with a few essentials, to help you meet the new and different expectations for college-level research. It comes complete with a set of basic 'operating instructions', mostly in the form of advice, explanations, and suggested search strategies"
The Kobo Desktop App
"The Kobo Desktop Application lets you read, build a digital library and shop for eBooks on your computer or laptop. All you have to do is download the desktop application and install it on your computer - we support both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Once you've installed the application, you can shop for eBooks through the desktop Store, or you can open an eBook and start reading it through your desktop library"
The Code4Lib Journal - Issue 11
The Code4Lib Journal - Issue 11 is now available. The Code4Lib Journal exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
InSITE - September 20, 2010
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 16, No. 2, September 20, 2010 is now available. Contents:
# International Competition Network
# Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900)
# Research Help: Japan
# International Competition Network
# Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900)
# Research Help: Japan
Wellcome Library Insight - Mind and Body: Heart and Soul

Speaker: Erin Sullivan, doctoral candidate at the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL
The session starts at 6.00pm and tickets are available from the Wellcome Collection Information Desk from 4.30pm onwards
Ontario Library Association - Super Conference 2011
Ontario Library Association - Super Conference 2011 will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, February 2-5, 2011
History of MI6 detailed in new book (UK)
A book detailing the first 40 years of the UK's foreign intelligence service has been published. Author Professor Keith Jeffery was given access to the archives at MI6, which has the official title of the Secret Intelligence Service. Prof Jeffery said that in researching MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949 he was allowed to view all files. He said his only restriction was not to name some traitorous agents. Among the controversial files he was able to study was an account of MI6 agents sabotaging ships due to carry Jewish refuges to the then British Mandate of Palestine, immediately following the end of World War II - BBC
Guardian children's fiction prize shortlist unveiled (UK)
Guardian children's fiction prize shortlist unveiled:
* Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver
* The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson
* Unhooking the Moon by Gregory Hughes
* Now by Morris Gleitzman
The winner will be announced on October 8. Julia Eccleshare and Mal Peet are joined on the judging panel by authors Linda Buckley-Archer and Jenny Downham
* Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver
* The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson
* Unhooking the Moon by Gregory Hughes
* Now by Morris Gleitzman
The winner will be announced on October 8. Julia Eccleshare and Mal Peet are joined on the judging panel by authors Linda Buckley-Archer and Jenny Downham
2010 Frank O'Connor award goes to Ron Rash
Ron Rash's "bleak" collection of short stories set in Appalachia, Burning Bright, has won the American author the world's richest prize for the short story form, the Frank O'Connor award
Biblio Tech Review - September 2010
The September 2010 issue of Biblio Tech Review is now available. This issue includes:
* Ringgold's Identify Database reaches 200,000 Records
* VTLS Announces The RDA Sandbox
* The Bibliotheque nationale de France adds 200 millionth bibliographic record to WorldCat
* Google, Verizon outline network neutrality rules
* Ringgold's Identify Database reaches 200,000 Records
* VTLS Announces The RDA Sandbox
* The Bibliotheque nationale de France adds 200 millionth bibliographic record to WorldCat
* Google, Verizon outline network neutrality rules
Apollo is the first art collector magazine in the App Store

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wellcome Library new resource trial - The Cult of the Body

UK, Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books, 1802-1849
"This collection consists of registers and letter books of prisoners on convict prison hulks in England between 1802-1849. A hulk is a decommissioned ship that is either technologically out of date or cannot make it through the open sea without taking on water, but is still able to float without problems. There were many of these ships available when engines started to power ships instead of sails, so the hulks were moored in harbors and used as floating prisons or for other purposes. The hulks' place in harbors also made it easier to hold and transport convicts being sent to Australia. The first prison hulks in England appeared after a 1776 act allowed them to be used to house prisoners. The collection contains a letter book relating to the establishment of hulks written from 1847-1849 and the registers of prisoners on 19 different hulks between 1802-1849"
MLA webcast: ABCs of E-books: Strategies for the Medical Library
MLA webcast: ABCs of E-books: Strategies for the Medical Library - November 10, 2010 - 1:00 p.m. central time. "The goal of this webcast is to familiarize information professionals with electronic books and the associated collection management issues related to various platforms, pricing models, licensing agreements, term of ownership, resource management and access methods so that they have the knowledge to make informed decisions which will best serve their constituents" - Medical Library Association
PEN/Pinter Prize 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010
2011 AIP Journal Catalog - American Institute of Physics

followalibrary on Twitter - October 1, 2010
"What would happen if each person on twitter would mention his or her favorite library there? One definite outcome would be: the enormous amount of positive attention to this great industry. And for this reason October 1 2010 has been declared the follow a library on twitter day. Well-respected names from the international library community, such as Michael Stephens and David Lee King, have acknowledged their participation in promoting the special event..." - RSS feed
Closure of the New Bodleian Library (UK)
"On 13 September 2010 the New Bodleian Library closed its doors to readers after nearly 70 years of service. The building will now undergo an extensive and overarching refurbishment resulting in its transformation into the Weston Library. The project will be complete in 2014/15, when the Library will re-open to provide enhanced, state-of-the-art facilities and services for readers and Special Collections, including enriched research facilities and improved public spaces"
CARL E-Lert # 392
CARL E-Lert # 392, September 17 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: CANARIE welcomes Canadian research and technology leaders to Board of Directors; Google Becomes Focus Of Federal Antitrust Hearing; European Parliament passes anti-ACTA declaration; MPs call for changes to Digital Economy Act: Julian Hupperts says Act has many 'deeply worrying' clauses
SPARC enews/September 2010
SPARC e-news - September 2009: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
Above the Fold - 10 September, 2010
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 10 September, 2010 - Vol. 3, No. 31 now available
Friday, September 17, 2010
British Library's 2020 Vision launched today
The British Library today launches its 2020 Vision, which sets out the UK national library's priorities and aspirations for the next decade. The vision highlights what are likely to be the key trends and opportunities over the next ten years, indicating how the British Library plans to take advantage of those opportunities to remain a great national library and a major hub of the global information network.
Books and policies continue to be challenged in Canadian libraries
"The Canadian Library Association's Advisory Committee on Intellectual Freedom has released the results of its annual survey of challenges to library resources and policies in Canada for 2009. The most challenged author reported in the annual survey of Canadian libraries in 2009 was Charlaine Harris for her series of ten adult novels entitled The Southern Vampire Mysteries. The entire series was reported on four separate occasions within the same library system. Two other series were each challenged once,Negima! Magister Negi Magi, by Ken Akamatsu, a manga series of 29 titles known in Japan as Magical Teacher Negima!,and Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar, a young adult novel series of 15 titles that became the 2007 inspiration for the 'Gossip Girl' teen drama television series. Only three individual titles were reported twice on the 2009 survey, a teen comedy film 'Fired Up!' directed by Will Gluck, a children's picture book Mummy Laid an Egg! by Babette Cole, and NOW Magazine. The children's picture book And Tango Makes Three was again challenged in 2009, making it the only title to appear on the survey every year since it began in 2006. Altogether, 139 challenges were reported in the 2009 survey conducted annually by the CLA Advisory Committee on Intellectual Freedom. Of these, 137 were to library resources and two were to library policies"
Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2010 shortlist
The shortlist for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2010 has been announced:
The Funniest Book for Children Aged Six and Under
* Angelica Sprocket's Pockets by Quentin Blake (Jonathan Cape)
* Dogs Don't Do Ballet by Anna Kemp, illustrated by Sara Ogilvie (Simon & Schuster)
* Dog Loves Books by Louise Yates (Jonathan Cape)
* The Nanny Goat's Kid by Jeanne Willis, illustrated by Tony Ross (Andersen Press)
* One Smart Fish by Chris Wormell (Jonathan Cape)
* The Scariest Monster in the World by Lee Weatherly, illustrated by Algy Craig Hall (Boxer Books)
The Funniest Book for Children Aged Seven to Fourteen
* The Clumsies Make a Mess by Sorrel Anderson, illustrated by Nicola Slater (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
* Einstein's Underpants and How They Saved the World by Anthony McGowan (Yearling)
* The Incredible Luck of Alfie Pluck by Jamie Rix, illustrated by Craig Shuttlewood (Orion Children's Books)
* Mr Stink by David Walliams, illustrated by Quentin Blake (HarperCollins Children's Books)
* The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan Children's Books)
* Withering Tights by Louise Rennison (HarperCollins Children's Books)
The Funniest Book for Children Aged Six and Under
* Angelica Sprocket's Pockets by Quentin Blake (Jonathan Cape)
* Dogs Don't Do Ballet by Anna Kemp, illustrated by Sara Ogilvie (Simon & Schuster)
* Dog Loves Books by Louise Yates (Jonathan Cape)
* The Nanny Goat's Kid by Jeanne Willis, illustrated by Tony Ross (Andersen Press)
* One Smart Fish by Chris Wormell (Jonathan Cape)
* The Scariest Monster in the World by Lee Weatherly, illustrated by Algy Craig Hall (Boxer Books)
The Funniest Book for Children Aged Seven to Fourteen
* The Clumsies Make a Mess by Sorrel Anderson, illustrated by Nicola Slater (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
* Einstein's Underpants and How They Saved the World by Anthony McGowan (Yearling)
* The Incredible Luck of Alfie Pluck by Jamie Rix, illustrated by Craig Shuttlewood (Orion Children's Books)
* Mr Stink by David Walliams, illustrated by Quentin Blake (HarperCollins Children's Books)
* The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan Children's Books)
* Withering Tights by Louise Rennison (HarperCollins Children's Books)
Bodleian Libraries support Oxford's bid to become UNESCO World Book Capital
The Bodleian Library has hosted the official launch of Oxford's bid to become UNESCO World Book Capital in 2014. The bid was announced at a reception in the 400-year-old Convocation House of the Bodleian Library. It was attended by local authors including Philip Pullman and Colin Dexter, heads of local government, publishers and book readers of all ages
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 17, 2010
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Ports. "This week's brainteaser is all about firsts: things that happened first or that are called "first"." Answers here.
1. What is the principal port and largest city of Australia?
2. Port Said is a city and seaport in Egypt at the entrance to which canal?
3. Leith is the port of which Scottish city?
4. What is the chief port in the Netherlands?
5. Which port in northern France lies on the shortest crossing of the English Channel?
6. Is Valparaiso the main port of Peru, Chile or Argentina?
7. Name the second largest city in Russia, which, by the mid 19th century, was Russia's leading seaport.
8. Which port in NW Portugal, near the mouth of the Douro River, is the second largest city in Portugal and famous for port wine?
9. Port Louis is a port on the Indian Ocean. It is the capital of which country?
10. Port of Spain is a major port which is the capital of which country?
1. What is the principal port and largest city of Australia?
2. Port Said is a city and seaport in Egypt at the entrance to which canal?
3. Leith is the port of which Scottish city?
4. What is the chief port in the Netherlands?
5. Which port in northern France lies on the shortest crossing of the English Channel?
6. Is Valparaiso the main port of Peru, Chile or Argentina?
7. Name the second largest city in Russia, which, by the mid 19th century, was Russia's leading seaport.
8. Which port in NW Portugal, near the mouth of the Douro River, is the second largest city in Portugal and famous for port wine?
9. Port Louis is a port on the Indian Ocean. It is the capital of which country?
10. Port of Spain is a major port which is the capital of which country?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Digital Comic Museum

Report: School Libraries: A Plan for Improvement (UK)

2009 recipient of the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize for Fiction by an American Woman
This year the 2009 Recipient of the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize for Fiction by an American Woman is Isla Morley for her novel "Come Sunday" published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux and now in paperback from Picador. The Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies and the Department of English at the University of Rochester, which sponsor the award, called Come Sunday "a spellbinding drama about a woman breaking free of seemingly insurmountable grief when her three-year-old daughter is killed in a car accident and what it takes to revive hope when all seems lost." Morley was born in South Africa and lives now in Los Angeles, California
British Library opens GBP500k Learning Centre (UK)
"The British Library today opens its newly refurbished and expanded Learning Centre. Funded entirely through private donations, the Harry M Weinrebe Learning Centre will offer pupils and teachers cutting-edge facilities to support digital literacy skills as well as first-hand encounters with historic manuscripts, sound recordings, maps and letters. Officially opened this evening by the Minister for Schools, Nick Gibb MP, the Learning Centre will provide a bright, spacious and inspiring space in which young learners will be able to explore the Library's collections and develop their digital research skills. The GBP500,000 project was funded by donations from the Dorset Foundation, the Wolfson Foundation, John Lyon's Charity, British Library Patrons and others. Construction and refurbishment work took place during the summer with minimal disruption to the Learning programme"
Tom Wolfe wins lifetime achievement honour (USA)

AALL September 2010 E-Newsletter
The AALL September 2010 E-Newsletter is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
CLIR Issues - Number 77, September/October 2010
CLIR Issues - Number 77, September/October 2010 - is now available from the Council on Library and Information Resources
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Acta Geologica Slovaca
Sosyal Bilimler Aras,t?rmalar? Dergisi
Cadernos de Etnolingüística : Estudos de Lingüística Sul-Americana
Management of Biological Invasions
Acta Periodica Technologica
DILEMATA : Revista Internacional de Éticas Aplicadas
Revista Espaço Acadêmico
Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences
Scholars' Research Journal
DEARQ : Journal of Architecture
Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
R&D Journal
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Verbum et Ecclesia
Health SA Gesondheid : Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
South African Journal of Science
OPSIS : Revista do Departamento de História e Ciências Sociais
Sosyal Bilimler Aras,t?rmalar? Dergisi
Cadernos de Etnolingüística : Estudos de Lingüística Sul-Americana
Management of Biological Invasions
Acta Periodica Technologica
DILEMATA : Revista Internacional de Éticas Aplicadas
Revista Espaço Acadêmico
Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
Indian Journal of Dental Sciences
Scholars' Research Journal
DEARQ : Journal of Architecture
Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
R&D Journal
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Verbum et Ecclesia
Health SA Gesondheid : Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
South African Journal of Science
OPSIS : Revista do Departamento de História e Ciências Sociais
The 2010 THE World University Rankings, powered by Thomson Reuters

ALCTS webinar: Buying Library Materials on the Out-of-Print Book Market
"The out-of-print market offers advantages to libraries that are willing to tap into this source of millions of books. This webinar will explain how the distinctions between the print and out-of-print marketplace are blurring. The presentation will show how the out-of-print market offers potential cost-savings and allows libraries to build retrospective collections, and replace missing items. In some cases, purchasing the out-of-print book may be a cost effective substitute for interlibrary loan" - October 6, 2010
6th international Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP6) conference (UK)
Through workshops, presentations and discussion, EBLIP6, 27-30 June 2011, will provide a practical and accessible forum for librarians and information practitioners from all sectors to discover and disseminate evidence that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. Previous EBLIP conferences have been held in Sheffield, Canada, Australia, USA and Sweden. Returning to the UK, the University of Salford is proud to host the sixth Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference
WorldCat Genres
"WorldCat Genres allows you to browse dozens of genres for hundreds of titles, authors, subjects, characters, locations, and more, ranked by popularity in the world's libraries. It is a joint experiment from OCLC Research and the team. As an experiment, expect it to evolve and grow over time. We hope you find it valuable and invite you to offer feedback (at the bottom of every page) on what you like, what you don't like, and what more you'd like to see"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Complete National Book Festival author schedule now online (US)
The complete National Book Festival author schedule is now online. The National Book Festival takes place Saturday, September 25, 2010, between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., between 3rd and 7th Streets
World's most expensive book goes up for sale

Vatican Library goes hi-tech with GBP7.5m refit

Manuscript lost during Nazi era will be returned to Italy, UK Culture Minister Ed Vaizey confirms
"A 12th Century manuscript thought to have been lost during the chaos that followed the allied bombing of southern Italy in 1943 will be returned to the city of Benevento, Culture Minister Ed Vaizey announced today. The Beneventan Missal is the first item to be returned under the Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) Act 2009. It was bought by a British soldier from a second hand book-seller in Naples in 1944, acquired at auction for the British Museum in 1947, and later transferred to the British Library. Today's announcement confirms a 2005 ruling by the Spoliation Advisory Panel, the group of experts set up to advise the Secretary of State on the loss of cultural property during the Nazi era."
Impact Measures in Research Libraries, SPEC Kit 318
The Association of Research Libraries has published Impact Measures in Research Libraries, SPEC Kit 318, which explores the tools and methods libraries use to gauge the difference they make for their user community, the topics assessment practitioners probe and the results they get, the impacts of impact assessment, and whether institutions that publicize positive impact evidence seen a difference in the level of financial or political support from their parent institutions
ALADN 2011 (USA)
17th annual Academic Library Advancement and Development Network (ALADN) conference - May 16- 19, 2011 - Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
British Library acquires archive of Olwyn Hughes

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Google to launch e-book service in Japan in 2011
"US Internet giant Google said Monday it would launch an electronic books service in Japan next year despite a chilly reception from major Japanese publishers. The Japanese version of Google Editions may have to start with a limited number of titles, said Yoichi Sato, a strategic partner development manager at Google Japan. Major Japanese publishers are still uneasy about handing over book data, especially of in-copyright titles, to the foreign IT giant, fearing that the content may be used for unintended purposes, Sato told a media briefing. Japanese copyright laws also require strict and complicated permission processes involving authors and publishers, before Google can use book contents for online searches and sales, he said" - AFP
Winners of the Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association's 2010 Regional Book Awards (USA)
Winners of the Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association's 2010 Regional Book Awards are:
* Adult Fiction: Below Zero: A Joe Pickett Novel by C.J. Box (Putnam)
* Adult Nonfiction: The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt & the Fire That Saved America by Timothy Egan (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
* The Arts: Tony Hillerman's Landscape: On the Road with Chee and Leaphorn by Anne Hillerman, photographs by Don Strel (Harper)
* Poetry: Gingko Light by Arthur Sze (Copper Canyon Press)
* Children's chapter book: Artsy-Fartsy by Karla Oceanak, illustrated by Kendra Spanjer (Bailiwick Press)
The awards will be presented at the RBA Breakfast at the MPIBA Trade Show in Denver on Friday, September 24, 2010
* Adult Fiction: Below Zero: A Joe Pickett Novel by C.J. Box (Putnam)
* Adult Nonfiction: The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt & the Fire That Saved America by Timothy Egan (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
* The Arts: Tony Hillerman's Landscape: On the Road with Chee and Leaphorn by Anne Hillerman, photographs by Don Strel (Harper)
* Poetry: Gingko Light by Arthur Sze (Copper Canyon Press)
* Children's chapter book: Artsy-Fartsy by Karla Oceanak, illustrated by Kendra Spanjer (Bailiwick Press)
The awards will be presented at the RBA Breakfast at the MPIBA Trade Show in Denver on Friday, September 24, 2010
Expert Conference on "Open Access and Open Data"
Expert Conference on "Open Access and Open Data" - 13-14 December, 2010 - Cologne, Germany. "Open Access - Open Data" is an expert conference that will take a closer look how the Open Access movement has developed within the last five years and what is going to happen within the next five to ten years. Additionally, we will investigate the "Open Data Movement" that is gaining more and more importance
Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World - September 2010
"Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World is a free newsletter published on a regular basis by Library Archives Canada that explores and highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sector. This collaborative tool was designed to help readers stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, trends, products and publications in the field of public administration and recordkeeping" - September 2010 issue now available
The Milken Archive of Jewish Music: The American Experience
"The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has launched their website with access through a Virtual Archive of music, video clips, interviews, biographical sketches, and articles about Jewish music and musicians. It is certainly one of the largest such collections in the world, and the materials are accessible to anyone. Those interested in American Jewish music will certainly want to mark this page or link to it for future explorations"
New Wellcome Digital Library blog (UK)
The Wellcome Library has launched a new blog, centered on the development of the Wellcome Digital Library. The blog will be a "a real-time progress report, discussion outlet, and notification area", and will complement the Library's other blogs by providing more specific and technical information related to the Library's pilot programme and continued development of the digital library
D-Lib Magazine - September/October 2010
D-Lib Magazine - September/October 2010 is now available. D-Lib Magazine is produced by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
Value of Academic Libraries Report - from ACRL

Monday, September 13, 2010
ALPSP Awards 2010 - winners announced
The winners of the ALPSP Awards 2010 have been announced. ALPSP = Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (UK)
Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A Bibliography
This bibliography by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. presents over 1,100 selected English-language scholarly works useful in understanding the open access movement's efforts to provide free access to and unfettered use of scholarly literature. The bibliography primarily includes books and published journal articles. A limited number of book chapters, conference papers, dissertations and theses, magazine articles, technical reports, and other scholarly works that are deemed to be of exceptional interest are also included (see the "Preface" for further details about selection criteria). The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works. Most sources have been published from January 1, 1999 through August 1, 2010; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1999 are also included. The bibliography is available as a paperback and an open access PDF file
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Lost tapes of classic British television found in the US

15th annual Ned Kelly Awards winners (Australia)
The Ned Kelly Award winners for 2010 were announced on Friday, September 3 at the Melbourne Writers Festival Club, ACMI. The winners are:
* Best First Fiction: Mark Dapin, King of the Cross, Macmillan
* Best True Crime: Kathy Marks, Pitcairn: Paradise Lost, Harper Collins
* Best Fiction: Garry Disher, Wyatt Text
* SD Harvey Short Story: Zane Lovitt, Leaving the Fountainhead
* Lifetime Achievement: Peter Doyle
* Best First Fiction: Mark Dapin, King of the Cross, Macmillan
* Best True Crime: Kathy Marks, Pitcairn: Paradise Lost, Harper Collins
* Best Fiction: Garry Disher, Wyatt Text
* SD Harvey Short Story: Zane Lovitt, Leaving the Fountainhead
* Lifetime Achievement: Peter Doyle
Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award deadline
This award honors the legacy of Ross Atkinson, distinguished library leader, author, and scholar, whose extraordinary service to ALCTS and the library community at-large serves as a model for those who follow. Given to recognize the contribution of a library leader through demonstrated exceptional service to ALCTS and its areas of interest (acquisitions, cataloging and classification, collection management and development, preservation and reformatting, and continuing resources). - Deadline is December 1, 2010
ITAL: Information Technology and Libraries - September 2010
ITAL: Information Technology and Libraries - Volume 29, Number 3, September 2010 is now available
University of Lethbridge Library Mobile Website App (Canada)
University of Lethbridge Library Mobile Website App allows you to view the library's hours, book a group work room, find available computers in the library, do a quick catalogue search, look at your library record, view library news and notices, find contact information, and text a librarian
Calibre e-book manager and reader
"Calibre is an open source e-book library management application that enables you to manage your e-book collection, convert e-books between different formats, synchronize with popular e-book reader devices, and read your e-books with the include viewer. You can sort you books by author, title, date and other details, download meta information and book covers, add personal tags and comments, and view your image in a cover flow display. Calibre supports all popular e-book formats enables you to convert your books to different formats, using advanced conversion techniques to maintain the structure of the e-book. The program also offers extensive support for synchronizing of e-books with popular devices, such as Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, and many others"
Scherzo - music discovery system
"Indiana University has announced the public (very Beta) release of Scherzo, a music discovery system designed as a testbed of the FRBR conceptual model. A product of the IMLS-funded Variations/FRBR project, Scherzo is an early proof of concept for what a library catalog built according to FRBR principles might look like. The current released system is most certainly not a finished product; rather it represents an attempt to share in-progress development work with interested individuals. It is (and will continue to be) far from perfect, and the Variations/FRBR project team hopes these very imperfections help to promote community discussion on the utility of the FRBR model and how feasible mechanisms to automatically FRBRize MARC bibliographic and authority records are likely to be. We welcome and intend to participate in public discussion on this system and the issues it raises"
Saturday, September 11, 2010
UK history photo finder
"UK history photo finder allows you to search and view digitised historical photographs of the UK and Ireland. Starting with the Dixon-Scott collection, which holds more than 14,000 photographs taken in the 1920s-1940s, we will be adding new photographic resources in time. You can search by location and view images for free"
Podcast: Sailors, storms and science: how Royal Navy logbooks help us understand climate change
Dr Dennis Wheeler, from the University of Sunderland, discusses the use of historical Royal Navy logbooks in studies of climate change, focusing on the archival resources rather than scientific conclusions - UK National Archives
WorldCat Local users now have access to more content from H.W. Wilson
"OCLC continues to make more content accessible through the WorldCat Local service with popular databases from H.W. Wilson. Access to databases through the WorldCat Local central index delivers an enhanced user experience because searches will immediately retrieve records indexed within the WorldCat Local service. Twenty-nine H.W. Wilson databases are accessible via single search and discovery through WorldCat Local for libraries that subscribe to these databases. Twenty-one databases have been added to the WorldCat Local central index; eight more are accessible remotely via a Z39.50 search of WilsonWeb"
E-Book Collections coming to Project MUSE platform
Project MUSE has announced a new initiative to incorporate scholarly book content into its research platform and product offerings. Beginning next year, e-book collections will be available for purchase alongside MUSE journal collections, with an integrated discovery environment that allows for browsing and searching journal and book content side-by-side
MLA News - September 2010 (Medical Library Association)
The September isssue of MLA News is now online from the Medical Library Association
MegaReader iPhone App
"Inkstone Software has announced the launch of MegaReader - a highly customizable iPhone eBook reader that gives users the choice of over 1.8 million free books on the internet. The MegaReader app has been designed to tap into book catalogs such as Feedbooks, Project Gutenberg, Baen Free Books, Smashwords, and the Internet Archive - allowing users to discover not only the classics (such as Sherlock Holmes, Pride and Prejudice, and War and Peace), but also up and coming modern indie authors and publishers"
Canadian Library Month 2010
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliotheques (CLA/ACB) has announced that October has been designated as Canadian Library Month. The idea for a month dedicated to library and information services in Canada was developed by library partners from across the country to help raise public awareness of the valuable role that libraries play in the lives of Canadians
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