Monday, October 31, 2011
The Bodleian Libraries mark Parliament Week (UK)
The Bodleian Libraries mark Parliament Week, a new national initiative supported by both Houses of Parliament that aims to increase awareness of Parliament and its work as well as encourage participation in the democratic process
Over 100 years of Daily Iowan archives launch today
The Daily Iowan newspaper archive provides greater access to personal and national history - beginning in 1868
Webinar: ISSN and You: Using ISSN SuperNumber in the Digital Environment
Webinar: ISSN and You: Using ISSN SuperNumber in the Digital Environment: Learn about the work of the U.S. ISSN Center and ways the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) contributes to identification, access, and data linking in print and digital environments worldwide. ISSN is the premier international identifier for serials and other continuing resources in all formats. ISSN was ahead of its time in anticipating the crucial role of identifiers in the digital environment and has evolved well beyond its early role as a number displayed on print journals. Demand for ISSN continues to increase because of its ability to identify and facilitate linking to current, long-dead, or yet-to-be published continuing resources today and in the future semantic web - November 9, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 6, October 31, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 6, October 31, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# European e-Justice Portal
# Global Security Institute
# NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
# European e-Justice Portal
# Global Security Institute
# NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
The Digital Governance Journal
The Digital Governance Journal offers a fresh perspective and an evolving forum for the discussion of digital strategy and governance issues, focusing on specific senior management concerns affecting all industries. Every month, DGJ will provide expert insight and smart talk from skilled professionals who work actively to solve digital governance concerns - and have much to share about what they've learned through case studies, industry analysis and more. In addition, DGJ will offer guidance on a range of best practices in digital governance, without bogging down in the mechanics of execution
Podcast: 20th century Treasury records (UK)

LISTen: An Program -- Episode #173
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #173. "This week's episode brings a very relevant audio news release about govdocs from the United States Department of Agriculture as well as an essay and a discussion of creating your own library's wish list" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
The digilibLT projects is planning to offer a complete database of late-antique Latin authors and works, as well as an exhaustive canon. Access to the canon and the database is free. Search windows are designed to allow users to search either the entire collection of texts or a selection of them (by author, period, or type of text) or single authors and works. Texts can be downloaded freely, which will allow individual scholars to work on their areas of interest with maximum flexibility. Texts are codified according both to the TEI and the Beta coding standard; this allows users to search the texts with the software resources they normally use for searching the TLG and PHI databases on CD-ROM. The canon lists the critical editions on which the digital text is based; if the case, it also lists deviations from the critical text. The website also includes short entries on late-antique authors and works, bibliographies, and canon entries
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version 80
The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (SEPB), from Charles W. Bailey, Jr., presents selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The bibliography covers a wide range of topics, such as digital copyright, digital libraries, digital preservation, digital repositories, e-books, e-journals, license agreements, metadata, and open access - Version 80, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Society for Textual Scholarship - International Interdisciplinary Conference
The Society for Textual Scholarship - International Interdisciplinary Conference - 31 May – 2 June 2012 - The University of Texas at Austin
The Penny Readings 2011 (UK)
The Reader Organisation's annual Penny Readings, which follow in a tradition established by Dickens, will take place in St George's Hall in Liverpool on December 4
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Journal of Dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Bulletin Moscow State Regional University
Essachess : Journal for Communication Studies
History and Political Science
Case Reports in Pathology
Case Reports in Surgery
Natural Sciences
Psychological Science
Russian Philology
Case Reports in Critical Care
Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
Case Reports in Otolaryngology
Case Reports in Pediatrics
Case Reports in Pulmonology
Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine
Case Reports in Hepatology
Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine
Case Reports in Orthopedics
Case Reports in Rheumatology
Bangladesh Veterinarian
Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research
Estudos do CEPE
Journal of Post-Colonial Cultures & Societies
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Peninsula : A Journal of Relational Politics
Pakistan Journal of Chemistry
Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal
Journal for Critical Animal Studies
BOFIT Discussion Papers
Iberofórum : Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Scientia Agraria Paranaensis
Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
Philosophical Sciences
Physics and Mathematics
Vestnik UGATU
International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering
Archives of Oral Research
Galicia Clínica
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Toxicology and Pest Control
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education
Revista Tempo, Espaço e Linguagem
Direitos Fundamentais e Democracia
Brazilian Geographical Journal : Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium
Urban Public Economics Review
Tzintzun. Revista de Estudios Históricos
Tesis Psicológica
Database Systems Journal
Open Journal of Genetics
Open Journal of Immunology
Revista d'Innovació Docent Universitària
Educação Unisinos
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Physiology & Molecular Biology
Economia Aziendale Online
Sustainable Construction & Design
Journal of Mathematical Finance
Theoretical Economics Letters
Iranian Journal of Radiology
Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science
Estudios Irlandeses : Journal of Irish Studies
Pensamento Plural
International Review on Sport and Violence
Bulletin Moscow State Regional University
Essachess : Journal for Communication Studies
History and Political Science
Case Reports in Pathology
Case Reports in Surgery
Natural Sciences
Psychological Science
Russian Philology
Case Reports in Critical Care
Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
Case Reports in Otolaryngology
Case Reports in Pediatrics
Case Reports in Pulmonology
Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine
Case Reports in Hepatology
Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine
Case Reports in Orthopedics
Case Reports in Rheumatology
Bangladesh Veterinarian
Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research
Estudos do CEPE
Journal of Post-Colonial Cultures & Societies
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Peninsula : A Journal of Relational Politics
Pakistan Journal of Chemistry
Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal
Journal for Critical Animal Studies
BOFIT Discussion Papers
Iberofórum : Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Scientia Agraria Paranaensis
Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais
Philosophical Sciences
Physics and Mathematics
Vestnik UGATU
International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering
Archives of Oral Research
Galicia Clínica
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Toxicology and Pest Control
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education
Revista Tempo, Espaço e Linguagem
Direitos Fundamentais e Democracia
Brazilian Geographical Journal : Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium
Urban Public Economics Review
Tzintzun. Revista de Estudios Históricos
Tesis Psicológica
Database Systems Journal
Open Journal of Genetics
Open Journal of Immunology
Revista d'Innovació Docent Universitària
Educação Unisinos
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Physiology & Molecular Biology
Economia Aziendale Online
Sustainable Construction & Design
Journal of Mathematical Finance
Theoretical Economics Letters
Iranian Journal of Radiology
Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science
Estudios Irlandeses : Journal of Irish Studies
Pensamento Plural
International Review on Sport and Violence
Saturday, October 29, 2011
AIDS Education Posters Collection - University of Rochester, USA

Bibliography on Swiss History now online
Now all issues of the Bibliography on Swiss History are available online. The BSH volumes 1913-1974 have been scanned, OCRd, structured and uploaded to the site under the heading "DDC-940: History of Europe". The digitization was carried out with the agreement of the Swiss History Association, publisher of the BSH until 1957. Full text searching may be carried out both across a selected range of volumes or across all volumes simultaneously. In addition within each volume it is possible to go directly to a specific chapter
Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals signs Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society
Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals and the German Max Planck Society announced that they have signed an agreement whereby open access publication fees for BQFJ journals articles will be paid directly out of a fund supporting researchers from the Max Planck Institutes
Routledge Online Studies
Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a unique learning resource, publishing scholarly and multidisciplinary research on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Aimed at academics, researchers, lecturers, students, authors, educators, athletes, coaches, journalists, Olympic and Paralympic centres, policy-makers, professionals and anyone with an interest in the Games, it aims to stimulate the production of new knowledge and facilitate dialogue and connections across disciplines
ebrary announces downloads and results of download survey
ebrary has announced the ability to download e-books onto multiple devices including the Kindle, iPad, iPhone, laptops and other devices. Additionally, the company announced a dedicated mobile application is in development and slated to ship later this year
OCLC's WorldCat Local to transform resource discovery and delivery in South African libraries
OCLC and Sabinet, OCLC's partner in South Africa, have signed an agreement to provide WorldCat Local, OCLC's discovery service, as a single point of access and delivery of electronic, print and digital resources to the National Library of South Africa and 15 academic institutions, offering a simplified discovery and delivery experience to end-users
Library of the Society of Friends Newsletter Issue 8 Autumn/Winter 2011
Library of the Society of Friends Newsletter Issue 8 Autumn/Winter 2011 - "This issue reports the conservation of a 17th century oil painting of a Quaker meeting, as well as our regular BeFriend a Book and preservation news. Whether or not you were ever a British Camp Fire Girl, you can admire some of their splendid costumes and find out more about a 20th century youth movement: perhaps you have your own experiences to share? Quaker films, London Open House and recent manuscript accessions all feature in this issue, but one of the highlights for us is a reader's account of his research into First World War conscientious objection, and the significance of the Library's collections for his work'
Library Anywhere goes multilingual
Library Anywhere now includes the ability for any library to translate or edit any of the English text into whatever language they like. Libraries can even choose to have multiple languages and link between them - one in Spanish and another in English, for example
Federal Library Directory
Profiles of U.S. federal libraries from around the world are now available online. Presented dynamically with an interactive mapping tool, the Federal Library Directory displays geographic and collections data from more than 1,000 libraries. This publicly available dataset identifies members of the federal library and information center community and offers current information on their locations, collections, services and specialties
Live bedbugs found in Vancouver library books (Canada)

Friday, October 28, 2011
Indiana University Bloomington Media Preservation Initiative
The Indiana University Bloomington Media Preservation Initiative announces the launch of a new blog. The media preservation blog is designed for those who have read the Indiana reports - Meeting the Challenge of Media Preservation and the Media Preservation Survey - and want to follow our progress as we continue to develop and implement strategies and solutions for our campus. It may be of interest to universities and other organizations with archival audio, video, or film holdings

Future Science Group launche new series of eBook collections under the Future Medicine imprint
The Future Science Group has launched a new series of eBook collections under the Future Medicine imprint. FSG publishes more than fifty journal titles, including the Expert Review series. In the first instance, fifty eBooks are being released onto the market through late 2011 and in the first quarter of 2012, covering topical issues in clinical and biomedical sciences. The eBook series includes an oncology collection of more than 20 titles, featuring a sub-collection on targeted therapies that addresses clinically important disease areas such as lung, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers. Other collection topics include Immunology, Cardiology, Neurology, Infectious Diseases, and Respiratory Medicine. Each eBook is edited by a key opinion leader, with contributions from renowned scientists and clinicians from around the globe
National Library of Scotland Bill published
The Scottish Government has published legislation today which will update the powers and functions of the National Library of Scotland. The National Library of Scotland Bill seeks to strengthen the role of NLS in safeguarding and sharing knowledge for current and future generations
Library and Archives Canada launches the Canadian Feature Film Index and recognizes UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
In order to mark the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Library and Archives Canada has launched the Canadian Feature Film Index database. This is one component of how LAC wishes to acknowledge this international day of recognition of audiovisual documents and their importance in society's evolution. The Canadian Feature Film Index, created as a printed index in 1972, is now available as an online database. This research tool provides information on over 4,300 Canadian feature films produced from 1913 to 2009. Selected entries include images of movie posters from LAC's holdings. Additions to the database will include entries for post-2009 films. Funding of this project was received through the Preservation and Access Component of the Canadian Feature Film Policy which is administered by Canadian Heritage
Webinars: "Intellectual Freedom across the Globe"
During November 2011, OIF and the IFLA Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression are offering a series of online learning opportunities focused on intellectual freedom issues in an international context. Topics to be covered include issues regarding religion and libraries; comics, manga and graphic novels in libraries; and access to health and sexuality information in the developing world
New on Law Periodical Publishing Practices and Trends
Law librarian, criminal defense attorney and prolific author Ken Strutin brings into focus how electronic access to scholarly information is impacting library collection policies as well as professional publication formats, and as a result, how a new legal research environment is developing. Ken's article provides a selected collection of resources about the law review publishing process, emerging trends in the information cycle, and practical guides for developing an article and getting it to press
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - October 28, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Pop Albums. "This week's brainteaser is about albums of popular music. Can you say which group or artist released these albums in the years indicated?" Answers here.
1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
2. The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
3. Their Satanic Majesties Request (1967) and Sticky Fingers (1971)
4. Pop (1997) and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2004)
5. Aladdin Sane (1973) and Heroes (1977)
6. Californication (1999) and Stadium Arcadium (2006)
7. The College Dropout (2004) and Graduation (2007)
8. Songs in the Key of Life (1976)
9. Heart of Stone (1989) and Believe (1998)
10. Such Sweet Thunder (1957)
1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
2. The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
3. Their Satanic Majesties Request (1967) and Sticky Fingers (1971)
4. Pop (1997) and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2004)
5. Aladdin Sane (1973) and Heroes (1977)
6. Californication (1999) and Stadium Arcadium (2006)
7. The College Dropout (2004) and Graduation (2007)
8. Songs in the Key of Life (1976)
9. Heart of Stone (1989) and Believe (1998)
10. Such Sweet Thunder (1957)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Romanticism Redefined: Pickering & Chatto and The Wordsworth Circle
Electronic publisher Alexander Street Press, announces the release of Romanticism Redefined: Pickering & Chatto and The Wordsworth Circle, an online collection of romantic-era literature previously unavailable in electronic format. Romanticism Redefined contains over 120,000 pages of primary texts from London-based Pickering & Chatto Publishers, as well as another 10,000 pages comprising the only complete digital version of The Wordsworth Circle, a quarterly international academic journal for the study of English Romantic literature, culture and society
Webinar: Measuring the Outcome and Value of Libraries
Libraries provide many types of value to their constituents, but measuring that value is a challenge. The IMLS LibValue project, led by Carol Tenopir, brings together a national team of academic librarians and researchers to study multiple measures for multiple services and collections in academic libraries. In this webinar, Carol will describe the LibValue academic libraries project and discuss methods for measuring outcomes and value in all types of libraries - Wednesday, November 9, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
SAGE begins publishing Learning Disability Quarterly
SAGE will continue its partnership with the Hammill Institute on Disabilities by publishing another of their titles named Learning Disability Quarterly beginning this August. The addition of LDQ brings the Institute's total number of journals with SAGE to 15 titles
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 99(4) October 2011
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 99(4) October 2011 - is now available online
Israel's National Library displays early Islamic texts
Starting this week, visitors to Israel's National Library will be able to view rare Islamic manuscripts from the library's collection, including two early Qurans from the ninth century C.E., just 200 years after the first Quran was written
Royal Society journal archive made permanently free to access (UK)
The Royal Society has announced that its world-famous historical journal archive – which includes the first ever peer-reviewed scientific journal – has been made permanently free to access online. Around 60,000 historical scientific papers are accessible via a fully searchable online archive, with papers published more than 70 years ago now becoming freely available
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Louisiana Libraries sign statewide licensing agreement with Credo Reference
LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network and the State Library of Louisiana have signed a new statewide agreement to partner with Credo Reference in their efforts to promote information literacy and research effectiveness. Both organizations are pleased to announce this joint effort to support library users across the state
Dorset's Manorial Documents Register now available online (UK)

New titles in PubMed Central
Journal of Community Genetics
The Journal of Headache and Pain
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
BMJ Open
Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran)
ISRN Dentistry
ISRN Gastroenterology
International Journal of Hepatology
Advances in Preventive Medicine
Advances in Orthopedics
Nursing Research and Practice
ISRN Nursing
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
The Journal of Headache and Pain
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
BMJ Open
Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran)
ISRN Dentistry
ISRN Gastroenterology
International Journal of Hepatology
Advances in Preventive Medicine
Advances in Orthopedics
Nursing Research and Practice
ISRN Nursing
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
Texas State Library and Archives Commission joins WebJunction Partner Program (USA)
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has joined the WebJunction Partner Program, which provides library staff in Texas access to courses through the WebJunction community to keep skills up-to-date and help libraries respond to current patron needs
Skeletons, English Place Names and Health Reports to go online (UK)
JISC will be investing £5.6 million in 24 projects across 30 universities and cultural heritage organisations to bring selected archives out of the vaults and onto computer screens, specifically with the aim of creating resources for wide educational use. These archives will be publicly accessible too which means citizens scientists, school pupils and the general public will benefit as well as historians, medics and biologists in this growing UK collection of digital resources for research, teaching and learning
Director of U.S. Copyright Office announces priorities, special projects for next two years
Register of Copyrights Maria A. Pallante has made public her office's priorities and special projects through October, 2013. The paper articulates 17 priorities in the areas of copyright policy and administrative practice, as well as 10 new projects designed to improve the quality and efficiency of the U.S. Copyright Office's services in the 21st century
CARL E-Lert # 443 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 443, October 21 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Grand opening of the library of the future / Copyright Debate Hits the House of Commons: Opposition Won't Support C-11 Due to Digital Locks / CANARIE Supports Arctic Research - CANARIE Appuie la recherche dans l’arctique / Research for the masses / Whatever happened to the Digital Economy Act? / À qui appartiennent nos gènes?
CARL E-Lert # 442 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 442, October 14 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Harper Government Invests in Research Excellence at Canadian Post Secondary Institutions Creating Jobs of the Future US intelligence wants to predict human behavior with 'data eye in the sky' Canadian universities must reform or perish Digital Public Library of America planning initiative to hold public plenary meeting in Washington, DC on October 21, 2011 Princeton bans academics from handing all copyright to journal publishers
Book Grocer: 26 October - 1 November 2011
Book Grocer: 26 October - 1 November 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
IMLS announces the 2011 National Medal for Museum and Library Service recipients (USA)
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has selected five libraries and five museums to receive the 2011 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The National Medal is the nation's highest honor for museums and libraries for extraordinary civic, educational, economic, environmental, and social contributions. Recipients must demonstrate innovative approaches to public service and community outreach
OCLC introduces the Building Bridges Speakers Series
Join OCLC, host Chrystie Hill, WebJunction's Director of Community Services, and guest speakers for a series of four free webinars designed to inspire and engage public libraries on topics of vital interest. Each program in the series will offer practical advice on issues that are top-of-mind in public libraries
Digital Preservation, SPEC Kit 325, Published by ARL
The Association of Research Libraries has published Digital Preservation, SPEC Kit 325, which explores the strategies that ARL member institutions use to protect evolving research collections and examines the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. The survey asked ARL libraries about their digital content, their strategies for preserving that content, and the staff, time, and funding they currently devote to digital preservation. It also asked each responding library to compare its digital preservation activities of three years ago to current activities and project three years into the future. In addition, to better understand the roles of research libraries in the emergent field of digital curation, the survey sought to identify issues that are and are not being addressed through current practices and policies
Podcast: English burial and cemetery records online and on film (UK National Archives)
This talk gives an overview of online sources for English burial and cemetery records, including which of the major London cemeteries have online records. Both free and pay-for-view websites, and all parts of the country are covered, though is not possible to include all online sources. The resources for cemetery and burial records available on microfilm at the London Family History Centre are also highlighted. Sharon Hintze is Director of the London Family History Centre in South Kensington. She is a frequent speaker and occasional writer on family history
University of Calgary - grand opening of the Taylor Family Digital Library
The University of Calgary held the grand opening of the Taylor Family Digital Library Thursday, October 20 at a ceremony attended by Calgary philanthropists Don and Ruth Taylor; Alberta Premier Alison Redford; Member of Parliament Blake Richards; and Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi. The new state-of-the-art learning and research centre is a model for the 21st century library, and an important new gathering place for students, faculty, staff, alumni and the broader Calgary community. The building opened to students and faculty the first week of September, and is already the new heart of the University of Calgary campus
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #172
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #172. "This week's episode features an interview with Jessamyn West as well as some miscellaneous news items. Gary Crawford of USDA's production team for PSAs is also heard again after a short absence" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
School Libraries: What's Now, What's Next, What's Yet to Come
School Libraries: What's Now, What's Next, What's Yet to Come - Ebook By Kristin Fontichiaro - A crowdsourced collection of over 100 essays from around the world about trends in school libraries written by librarians, teachers, publishers, and library vendors. Edited by Kristin Fontichiaro and Buffy Hamilton. Foreword by R. David Lankes. Photographs by Diane Cordell
Star Books: Occupy London protest inspires improvised library

17 more Open Access (OA) Journals with TOC RSS feeds added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 17 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 17,000 scholarly journals, including over 2,500 Open Access journals
Monday, October 24, 2011
Philip Pullman declares war against 'stupidity' of library closures (UK)
Philip Pullman backs library campaigners and blasts Brent council for saying that closing half of its libraries would help it fulfil 'exciting plans to improve libraries'
Harold Pinter's forgotten sketch rediscovered after more than 50 years
Surprise find at British Library is the script of 'Umbrellas', part of a 1960 revue performed only once at the Nottingham Playhouse
New Canadian Library Association Executive Council elected
CLA Members have cast their ballots in the first elections under the new structure for CLA governance. There were five positions being contested: Vice-President/President-Elect, Treasurer and three Councillors-at-Large.
Pilar Martinez has been elected CLA Vice-President/President-Elect. Pilar is the Executive Director, Public Services, at Edmonton Public Library.
Mary-Jo Romaniuk has been elected to the office of CLA Treasurer. Mary-Jo is the Chief Librarian (Acting) at the University of Alberta.
Three new Councillors-at-Large have been elected: Jennifer Evans and Karen Hildebrandt for two year terms, and John Tooth for a one-year term. Jennifer is the Director of the Nova Scotia Provincial Library. Karen is the Access Services Coordinator at Concordia University College of Alberta. John is the Coodinator (Chief Librarian) in the Instructional Resources Unit, Manitoba Education.
Karen Adams will continue as CLA President for 2012. All newly elected members of Executive Council will join her on Executive Council when they assume their positions on 1 January 2012.
Pilar Martinez has been elected CLA Vice-President/President-Elect. Pilar is the Executive Director, Public Services, at Edmonton Public Library.
Mary-Jo Romaniuk has been elected to the office of CLA Treasurer. Mary-Jo is the Chief Librarian (Acting) at the University of Alberta.
Three new Councillors-at-Large have been elected: Jennifer Evans and Karen Hildebrandt for two year terms, and John Tooth for a one-year term. Jennifer is the Director of the Nova Scotia Provincial Library. Karen is the Access Services Coordinator at Concordia University College of Alberta. John is the Coodinator (Chief Librarian) in the Instructional Resources Unit, Manitoba Education.
Karen Adams will continue as CLA President for 2012. All newly elected members of Executive Council will join her on Executive Council when they assume their positions on 1 January 2012.
Maney Publishing marks Open Access Week with open content
Open Access Week, now in its fifth year, runs from 24-30 October 2011. It is an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn more about the potential benefits of Open Access. "Open Access" to information is the free, immediate, online access to scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as you need. This is also a great opportunity for Maney and other publishers to discuss and review new directions in scholarly communication. To coincide with Open Access Week, Maney will be offering open access to all Archaeology & Heritage content from 24 October until 4 November. During this period we will be offering free, immediate access to the results of scholarly research to use and re-use as and when you need via ingenta
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - October 2011
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 4, October 15, 2011 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
Digital Public Library of America and Europeana announce collaboration
Two major digital library networks have reached an agreement to collaborate in ways that will make a large part of the world's cultural heritage available to a large part of the world's population. The Digital Public Library of America, which will provide access to digital collections from libraries, museums, and archives in the United States, announced today that it will design its technical structure in a way to promote interoperability with that of Europeana, which has developed a similar system to link the major libraries, museums, and archives of Europe
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Survey: Use of Cloud Computing by Libraries
Primary Research Group is conducting a survey of current and expected use of cloud computing by libraries. The survey is open to the libraries of all nations. Participants receive a free PDF copy of the report generated from the survey; participants are listed but responses are confidential. We define cloud computing as the following: computing-related services hosted or delivered as a real time service over the internet. Often but not always cloud services replace functions or software that would have been hosted on an end users own servers. You may participate in this survey if you are not a current user of such services since we nonetheless want to know your intentions and impressions
TWIL #57: Lee Rainie and John Seely Brown
TWIL #57: Lee Rainie and John Seely Brown - This week we come from California where Internet Librarians takes place. We talk to the keynote speakers Lee Rainie and John Seely Brown about the process of knowledge aquisition, networked objects, librarians as data analists and much more
Saturday, October 22, 2011
CARL E-Lert # 441 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 441, October 7 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: The Writers Union of Canada, U.K. society representing 50,000 book authors, along with Norwegian, and Swedish writers' unions, join literary property rights suit against HathiTrust and five U.S. universities / ITHAKA –Sustainable Scholarship / University research essential to Canadas prosperity - La recherche universitaire : essentielle à la prospérité du Canada
CARL E-Lert # 440 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 440, September 30 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) applauds the government for recognizing education as a fair dealing purpose in its latest version of the Copyright Modernization Act / L'Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC) a salué la reconnaissance de fins pédagogiques comme utilisation équitable d'une oeuvre, dans la plus récente version de la Loi sur la modernisation dudroit d'auteur / Tories vow to push through copyright overhaul as written / National Science Foundation taps Carolina researchers to develop national data infrastructure / U-M Library Orphan Works Project undaunted by lawsuit / Virtual museum to showcase Rideau Canal
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - October 21, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Black. "Here is another of our brainteasers about particular colours. This time every question is about people or things that are called "black"" Answers here.
1. What name is given to the national rugby union team of New Zealand?
2. Name the 1997 hit comedy film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as government agents trying to prevent the public learning that America is playing host to a variety of aliens.
3. Which British rock group had a hit single in 1966 with "Paint it Black"?
4. Which geographical feature is bounded by Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania?
5. Which 1877 novel by Anna Sewell describes the experiences of a horse under many different owners?
6. What name was given to the great epidemic of plague, mainly the bubonic variant, that ravaged Europe in the mid-14th century?
7. Which heavy metal band that made its debut record in 1970 contained Terry "Geezer" Butler, Tony Iommi, Bill Ward and John "Ozzy" Osbourne.
8. Which organization was founded in 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, seeking liberation for American blacks?
9. What nickname, derived from the colours of their uniforms, was given to a special auxiliary force of the Royal Irish Constabulary formed from British ex-soldiers and in action in Ireland March 1920-December 1921?
10. In South Africa, what was the Black Sash?
1. What name is given to the national rugby union team of New Zealand?
2. Name the 1997 hit comedy film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as government agents trying to prevent the public learning that America is playing host to a variety of aliens.
3. Which British rock group had a hit single in 1966 with "Paint it Black"?
4. Which geographical feature is bounded by Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania?
5. Which 1877 novel by Anna Sewell describes the experiences of a horse under many different owners?
6. What name was given to the great epidemic of plague, mainly the bubonic variant, that ravaged Europe in the mid-14th century?
7. Which heavy metal band that made its debut record in 1970 contained Terry "Geezer" Butler, Tony Iommi, Bill Ward and John "Ozzy" Osbourne.
8. Which organization was founded in 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, seeking liberation for American blacks?
9. What nickname, derived from the colours of their uniforms, was given to a special auxiliary force of the Royal Irish Constabulary formed from British ex-soldiers and in action in Ireland March 1920-December 1921?
10. In South Africa, what was the Black Sash?
E-science and Academic Libraries Bibliography - Version 1
Charles W. Bailey, Jr. writes: The E-science and Academic Libraries Bibliography includes English-language articles, books, editorials, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the broad role of academic libraries in e-science efforts. The scope of this brief selective bibliography is narrow, and it does not cover data curation and research data management issues in libraries in general. It does not include conference papers, digital media works (such as MP3 files), e-mail messages, interviews, letters to the editor, news articles, presentation slides or transcripts, unpublished e-prints, or weblog postings. Most sources have been published from 2007 through October 18, 2011; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2007 are also included. The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works, such as e-prints and open access articles. If such versions are unavailable, italicized links to the publisher's description are provided
Panjab 1947: a heart divided (UK National Archives)
The UK National Archives has launched a new online exhibition, Panjab 1947: a heart divided, to showcase the powerful personal stories of four Panjabi elders whose lives were changed forever by the division of their homeland in 1947
Thomson Reuters to provide Web of Knowledge to 322 institutions across the Republic of Kazakhstan
Thomson Reuters has announced a three-year national agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan's National Center for Scientific and Technical Information, that will bring Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge™ to 322 academic, research and government institutions across the country
Podcast: The untold story of women in the Crimean War (UK)

Shout About School Libraries and Schools Library Services (UK)
From October 2011 to late 2012 CILIP is running a joint campaign with the Association of Senior Children's and Education Librarians, and the School Library Association. The overall aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the value of school libraries and Schools Library Services to their communities (at both primary and secondary school level) amongst key stakeholders including government, head teachers, school governors and parents
More databases and collections added to WorldCat Local
OCLC has added more databases and signed agreements with leading publishers and other providers to add more content and collections to WorldCat Local, the OCLC discovery and delivery service that offers users integrated access to more than 865 million items
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #171
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #171. "Although an interview was promised, a pro forma episode is presented instead that mentions BeagleBoard and PandaBoard as well as how to contact the production crew" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
EMEA Regional Council Third Annual Meeting - 2012 Birmingham, United Kingdom
On 28 and 29 February 2012 OCLC's Europe, Middle East and Africa Regional Council (EMEARC) will hold its Member Meeting in the Town Hall and Council House in the city of Birmingham, UK. The title of this year's meeting, 'Developing a New Blend of Library,' has been chosen to reflect how libraries and other cultural heritage organisations are blending physical and digital 'space' to reach out to their communities with new types of service. This is fittingly set against the backdrop of construction work on what will be Birmingham's splendid new central library - and a 'Virtual Library of Birmingham' already exists to support and complement the physical building
Library Campaign Conference (UK)
On 22 October 2011 the Library Campaign in association with Voices for the Library will be hosting a conference for library user groups. It will be a chance for users to compare notes, find out more about the issues confronting them and produce some proposals for future action both locally and nationally. Philip Pullman has agreed to speak and there will also be contributions from some of the campaigns that are making news. There will be also be lots of opportunities to network and to discuss the issues in small groups
literati by CREDO
literati by CREDO brings together essential components of successful and effective research: technology, content, tools and services to help eliminate the hurdles of discovery, education and assessment, collaboration, classroom integration and library promotion. literati by CREDO will be available in January 2012
British Library launches new Medieval and Renaissance images app
In conjunction with their exhibition Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination, the British Library has created a Royal Manuscripts app for Apple iPad and iPhone users, which features over 500 images from 58 manuscripts in their collection. The app is available for download at a cost of just £1.49 for the iPhone and £2.99 for the iPad, until November 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
SPARC enews/October 2011
SPARC enews/October 2011: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
ACRL to offer scholarly communication institute
ACRL is offering a full-day institute on scholarly communication in conjunction with the 2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting held January 20-24, 2012 in Dallas. Registration is now open, with an early-bird deadline of December 2, 2011
Wiley announces new agreement with JISC Collections
Wiley-Blackwell and JISC Collections have concluded a new three year NESLi2 agreement for the higher education and further education communities in the UK. This agreement offers libraries access to more than 1,500 journals on Wiley Online Library
Eugene O'Neill play acquired by Yale University
A play by US author Eugene O'Neill that was feared to be lost has been acquired by a Yale University library. The one-act play, titled Exorcism, is based on the Nobel Prize-winning author's suicide attempt when he was in his mid-twenties. It premiered in New York City in 1920, but O'Neill later called back the script and destroyed all the copies. But one copy was found in the papers of the writer Philip Yordan, who apparently received it as a gift. The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale, which already has a collection of O'Neill's papers, said it bought the faded, slightly discoloured typescript for an undisclosed amount
Arctic Convoys, 1941-45 (UK)

DigCurV newsletter - October 2011 - Issue 1
The Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe has announced the first issue of the DigCurV newsletter, 'Ahead of the CurV.' The newsletter is one of the ways in which the project is reaching out to people working in the library, museum, archive and cultural activities sector with an interest or involvement in digital curation, digital preservation and training
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Updated: The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives, 1960 to 1974
Electronic publisher Alexander Street Press has announced the addition of over 8,000 new pages and more than 1,000 new sources to its collection, The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives, 1960 to 1974
Book Grocer: 19-25 October 2011
Book Grocer: 19-25 October 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
Oracle buys Endeca
Oracle has announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Endeca Technologies, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts
Pew Research Center announces new research initiative to study the changing role of public libraries and library users in the digital age
The Pew Research Center has announced plans to study how the role of public libraries is changing in the digital age and how library patrons' needs and expectations are shifting. The new research is funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with a 3-year, $1.4 million investment and will be conducted by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Above the Fold - September 12, 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - September 12 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 32 now available
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Leading Brazilian mathematical research institute and society expand their cooperation with Springer
Springer, the Brazilian Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) and the Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática (SBM) have announced an agreement for the publication of six Selected Works of outstanding Brazilian mathematicians. The first volume, Selected Works of Manfredo do Carmo, is scheduled to appear in 2012. The subsequent five titles will be dedicated to the outstanding work of Leopoldo Nachbin, Djairo de Figueiredo, Ricardo Mañé, Maurício Peixoto and Jacob Palis
Julian Barnes wins Man Booker Prize 2011
Julian Barnes has been named the winner of this year's £50,000 Man Booker Prize for Fiction for The Sense of an Ending, published by Jonathan Cape. London-based Barnes has been the bookies' favourite to win since the shortlist announcement on 6 September. The source of the description of the prize as 'posh bingo', Barnes has been shortlisted three times in the past for Arthur and George (2005), England, England (1998) and Flaubert's Parrot (1984)
The Oxford Companion to Indian Theatre

WorldCat Local adds availability on brief results, more local, more mobile and more content
The latest enhancements for WorldCat Local includes availability on brief results, Local Holdings Record searching, article links and branch information for mobile views and more
Saskatchewan Library Week 2011 (Canada)
The theme for the 2011 Saskatchewan Library Week is Read Local. Eating local produce and buying local merchandise have recently become a national trend, so why not try reading local as well? Saskatchewan libraries have unique collections relating to all things Saskatchewan, from local authors, artists, and athletes, to local history and genealogy - October 17-24, 2011
Learning on Screen Awards 2012
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. The Awards are open to broadcast, non-broadcast and multimedia entries, from broadcasters, production companies, education providers and museum personnel, amongst others. Postgraduate, undergraduate and further education students can also enter via the Student Production Awards categories
Open Access Week 2011
Open Access Week 2011 is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they've learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research - October 24-30, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Academic Video Online - Alexander Street Press
Libraries with access to Alexander Street Press video collections can cross-search all of them in one place, with the new Academic Video Online platform. The new video cross-search tool is free to users of Alexander Street video
SUNCAT User Satisfaction Survey 2011-12 (UK)
Last year we asked you about your use of SUNCAT. We thank all of you who responded to this survey, the results have fed back into the service. This year we are asking some slightly different questions and value any responses we receive so that we can continue to evaluate and develop SUNCAT to meet our users' needs and expectations
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #170
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #170. "This week's initial episode brings a look at happenings on LISWire and LISEvents while also remarking upon a recent thread on SERIALST." Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 5, October 17, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 5, October 17, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# Global Witness
# International Committee of the Red Cross
# WRAP: Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
# Global Witness
# International Committee of the Red Cross
# WRAP: Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
Sunday, October 16, 2011
UKSG E-Resources for Further Education: Manchester
UKSG E-Resources for Further Education: Manchester - 8 December 2011 - This seminar will address the issues and practicalities of providing and managing effective high quality e-resources collections within Further Education libraries. There will be opportunities to hear best practice case studies in managing e-resources with a particular focus on marketing techniques and strategies from current practitioners in colleges, as well as learning the latest about JISC's eBooks for FE project and the opportunities offered by the Library catalogue and other discovery tools
Survey of Private LOCKSS Networks in UK Academic Libraries
EDINA is carrying out a survey to understand community demand and requirements for setting up a UK Private LOCKSS Network. This activity follows interest expressed at the UK LOCKSS Alliance meeting held in York on 10th May 2011
Toronto Council must reject devastating cuts proposed by City Librarian (Canada)
City Council should reject a sweeping menu of service cuts proposed by Jane Pyper, the chief bureaucrat at the Toronto Public Library, because it will significantly diminish service and undermine what has been widely recognized as one of the best library systems in the world, according to the Toronto Public Library Workers Union. The proposed cuts, which in 2012 would amount to more than 10% of the TPL's current budget, will be considered on Monday by the Library Board, the majority of whose members were recently hand-picked by Mayor Ford. Ultimately, the proposed cuts must be accepted or rejected by City Council - CNW
Pearson and Google launch OpenClass
Pearson has teamed up with Google to launch OpenClass, a free LMS that combines standard course-management tools with advanced social networking and community-building, and an open architecture that allows instructors to import whatever material they want, from e-books to YouTube videos
British Library's Historic Ethnographic Recordings receives UNESCO accolade
UNESCO has officially recognised The British Library's Historic Ethnographic Recordings as a collection of global significance and outstanding universal value. UNESCO's International Advisory Committee has agreed to include The Historic Ethnographic Recordings in their Memory of the World International Register - akin to the list of World Heritage Sites for documents and archives
TWIL #56: Jan Holmquist
TWIL #56: Jan Holmquist - Libraries as booksellers, gamification and library innovation from Denmark with Jan Holmquist
Celebrating the bicentenary of the National Society (UK)
The National Society for the Promotion of the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church was founded on 16 October 1811 to promote elementary education and fund the building of schools across England and Wales. The National Society, as it was known, supported local initiatives to build church schools and over time became involved in other aspects of education - such as setting up teacher training colleges, publishing school books and providing equipment for schools
Thomson Reuters launches Westlaw Gulf
Thomson Reuters has announced that it has launched Westlaw Gulf, a new legal research service created specifically for the legal professionals in the Middle East. The new Westlaw Gulf service offers a full suite of legal research tools and an unrivaled database of legislation and cases for lawyers operating across the Gulf region. The service is built upon state-of-the-art Westlaw technology, and modeled after market leading Thomson Reuters legal information services in the United Kingdom, United States, India, Asia and South America
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Nominations sought for Kilgour research award
Nominations are invited for the 2012 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology, sponsored by OCLC, Inc. and LITA. The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2011. The Kilgour Research Award recognizes research relevant to the development of information technologies, in particular research which shows promise of having a positive and substantive impact on any aspect of the publication, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information or how information and data are manipulated and managed. The Kilgour award consists of $2,000 cash, an award citation and an expense paid trip to the ALA Annual Conference (airfare and two nights lodging)
EBSCO Publishing acquires Ergonomics Abstracts from Taylor & Francis
EBSCO Publishing has acquired Ergonomics Abstracts™ from Taylor & Francis. The database is focused on ergonomics and human factors. Ergonomics Abstracts provides indexing for eBooks, journal articles and reference works in a variety of fields that will be of value to academic libraries and research institutes as well as ergonomists, health and safety specialists, allied health, design professional and others
University of Miami Libraries join HathiTrust
The University of Miami has become a member of HathiTrust, a partnership of major academic and research libraries collaborating in an extraordinary digital library initiative to preserve and provide access to the published record in digital form. William Walker, Dean and University Librarian, announced today that the University's HathiTrust membership will give the UM community access to an additional 2.6 million public domain books published before 1923. The volumes were primarily scanned from the collections of American and British research libraries, including The University of Michigan, Stanford, the New York Public Library, Oxford University, and Harvard, primarily as part of the Google Books Project
New version of the Home Children database (1869-1930) (Canada)
Library and Archives Canada has announced the release of a new version of the online database Home Children (1869-1930). More than 20,000 names of children, who came to Canada between 1925 and 1932, were added to the extended version. The names were extracted from passengers lists held at Library and Archives Canada
Podcast: The 1911 Census: a vision of England

Project Information Literacy Research Report: "Balancing Act" - October 12, 2011
The paper presents findings from 560 interviews with undergraduates on 10 campuses
distributed across the US, as part of Project Information Literacy (PIL). Overall, the findings suggest that students use a "less is more" approach to manage and control all of the IT devices and information systems available to them while they are in the library during the final weeks of the term
distributed across the US, as part of Project Information Literacy (PIL). Overall, the findings suggest that students use a "less is more" approach to manage and control all of the IT devices and information systems available to them while they are in the library during the final weeks of the term
Cesar Chavez Library expansion marks turnaround for Salinas (USA)
Six years ago, the city of Salinas faced closing its three libraries because of money shortages - a potentially huge civic embarrassment for the home of acclaimed author John Steinbeck. Now, Salinas is embarking on a $2.9million construction project - partially paid for by sales taxes approved by city voters in November 2005 to save libraries and other public services - to greatly expand Cesar Chavez Library, the city's most heavily used branch. The project, for which the City Council gave the final OK in September, will add 6,000 square feet to the existing 9,100-square-foot East Salinas library. There will be a new literacy center, new entrance, a new check-out space, a local history room for the Alisal community, a new community meeting room, new restrooms and an outdoor performance courtyard
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law
Prolegómenos. Derechos y Valores
Praxis Educativa
Disease Models & Mechanisms
Functional Foods in Health and Disease
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época
Romanian Economic and Business Review
Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia
Przegla;d Dermatologiczny
Przegla;d Menopauzalny
Medycyna Paliatywna
Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science
Journal of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery
Dental Follicle : the E Journal Of Dentistry
Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos
Ingeniería Mecánica. Tecnología y Desarrollo
Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences
Economic and Business Review
Mass Spectrometry Letters
Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology
Economía, Sociedad y Territorio
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Entomology
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Microbiology
International Journal of Occupational Hygiene
Journal of Applied Research and Technology
Dermatology and Cosmetic
Iranian Journal of Microbiology
Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research
Kairos : Journal of Philosophy & Science
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Clujul Medical
Desenvolvimento em Questão
Diálogo de la Lengua
Ciencia UANL
Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science
Revista Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje
Synergies Royaume-Uni et Irlande
Psychosocial Intervention
Romanian Medical Reviews & Research
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Zoology
Serie Oceanológica
Ciencias de la Información
Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Prolegómenos. Derechos y Valores
Praxis Educativa
Disease Models & Mechanisms
Functional Foods in Health and Disease
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época
Romanian Economic and Business Review
Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia
Przegla;d Dermatologiczny
Przegla;d Menopauzalny
Medycyna Paliatywna
Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science
Journal of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery
Dental Follicle : the E Journal Of Dentistry
Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos
Ingeniería Mecánica. Tecnología y Desarrollo
Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences
Economic and Business Review
Mass Spectrometry Letters
Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology
Economía, Sociedad y Territorio
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Entomology
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Microbiology
International Journal of Occupational Hygiene
Journal of Applied Research and Technology
Dermatology and Cosmetic
Iranian Journal of Microbiology
Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research
Kairos : Journal of Philosophy & Science
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Clujul Medical
Desenvolvimento em Questão
Diálogo de la Lengua
Ciencia UANL
Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science
Revista Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje
Synergies Royaume-Uni et Irlande
Psychosocial Intervention
Romanian Medical Reviews & Research
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences : Zoology
Serie Oceanológica
Ciencias de la Información
Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Friday, October 14, 2011
Hundreds of Emerald books listed in new Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index
Following the launch of the new Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index on 10 October, Emerald Group Publishing reports that nearly 400 of its titles have been accepted for inclusion
OCLC Research TAI CHI Webinar Series presents ArchiveGrid
This webinar will review the processes behind the growth of the new ArchiveGrid system and the goals to promote it both as a sought-after information resource and as a model for archival discovery practices. Follow or tweet this webinar with #archivegrid - 3 November 2011
SUNCAT: University of Bath serials data added
The serials' holdings of the University of Bath have been added to SUNCAT, bringing the total number of contributing libraries to 80, plus the CONSER database, the ISSN register and the Directory of Open Access Journals. The University of Bath, which was recently named as the "University of the Year" by The Sunday Times, joins over 50 Higher Education institutions on SUNCAT. It has contributed over 37,000 serial records, with a collection supporting learning, teaching and research across science, engineering, management, social sciences, and the humanities
Taylor Swift donates 6,000 books to Reading Public Library, PA (USA)

The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - October 14, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Where Do You Come From? (Part 2). "Last week's brainteaser was about the places where people live or were born. This week we reverse the quiz and ask you to say what particular names are usually given to the natives or inhabitants of specific places" Answers here.
1. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Malta?
2. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Cyprus?
3. What is the word for a native of inhabitant of Florence?
4. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Manchester?
5. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Moscow?
6. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Monaco?
7. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Naples?
8. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Cairo?
9. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Los Angeles?
10. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro?
1. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Malta?
2. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Cyprus?
3. What is the word for a native of inhabitant of Florence?
4. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Manchester?
5. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Moscow?
6. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Monaco?
7. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Naples?
8. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Cairo?
9. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Los Angeles?
10. What is the word for a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Review of online archival resources launched (UK)
As part of its ongoing work with archives, The UK National Archives is conducting a wide-ranging review of its online resources that documents the country's archival collections and their locations over the next few months
SAGE begins publishing Drug Information Association Journal
SAGE has been chosen by the Drug Information Association to publish Drug Information Journal, beginning in January 2012
Libraries Thriving announces collaboration with the National Forum on Information Literacy
Libraries Thriving, the online community sponsored by Credo Reference, has announced a collaboration with the National Forum on Information Literacy to promote National Information Literacy Awareness Month. Libraries Thriving and the NFIL share a commitment to information literacy and an aim to make the most of President Barack Obama's proclamation declaring October to be National Information Literacy Awareness Month. As President Obama stated, "there is a need for all Americans to be adept in the skills necessary to effectively navigate the Information Age"
2011 Mississippi Library Association Conference
2011 Mississippi Library Association Conference - October 18-21, 2011 - Jackson, Mississippi, USA
ACRL Spring Virtual Institue - Call for Proposals
The ACRL Spring Virtual Institute, to be offered April 18-19, 2012, will explore how libraries are capitalizing on community collaborations in order to facilitate connectedness and demonstrate value. The institute will take place in an online conference community, which will provide an environment in which groups of participants, both small and large, can gather electronically to learn, collaborate, and network. The institute will offer both synchronous and asynchronous sessions which will be archived after the institute for viewing on-demand. Proposals are invited
Brent High Court challenge lost (UK)
From the Public Libraries News website: Sadly, the decision has been made that the closing of half of the libraries in the borough of Brent does not contravene the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act. This is a dark day for the campaigners there who have worked so hard to raise money for the action and for putting the case together. It is also a depressing one for those who think that the decision in one council case will naturally mean that all other challenges will be lost. However, this is not the case, each one should be heard on its own merits. For the people of Brent, it is now up to the people that should have been involved all along - Jeremy Hunt, Ed Vaizey and the DCMS - to step in and do their job. Otherwise, one wonders why they even pretend to represent the interests of library users when they apparently just sit back and allow half of the library provision in a borough to close without lifting a finger to demur
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ebook Penetration Reports (USA)
Library Journal and School Library Journal's 2011 Ebook Penetration and Use survey reports present the most up to date data on how libraries are adopting ebooks and the driving factors behind purchasing and circulation activity in the public, academic, and school (K-12) markets. The 2011 surveys repeat the majority of questions asked in our inaugural 2010 reports and present clear cross comparisons as well as eye-opening trends on how libraries are using this new technology
Man Booker Prize event at the British Library
On October 11 the Man Booker Prize hosted a one-off event to show its support for UK libraries at the British Library. The event was chaired by Tony Durcan OBE, Director of Culture, Libraries & Lifelong Learning at Newcastle City Council, and featured three of this year's shortlisted authors - Carol Birch, Stephen Kelman and A.D. Miller
Redesigned Europeana launched
Based on users' feedback we've been receiving since our launch in November 2008, Europeana underwent a significant makeover. The new Europeana is now more visual, interactive and easier to use
New collection of classical Arabic literature available on UNESCO Digital Library Majaliss

Bowker launches International E-Book Monitor
Bowker will launch a major study that will assess and track device adoption, attitudes, and purchasing habits of e-book consumers in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. The study, commencing in January 2012 and repeating annually, will enable comparisons between e-book markets in countries experiencing different growth patterns and arm the publishing industry with a comprehensive range of qualitative and quantitative data
Survey: Library, Information and Knowledge Professionals 2011 (UK)
This survey is hosted by the CILIP on LinkedIN Group and invites contributions from Library, Information and Knowledge Professionals from every organisation, sector and location.
British Library publishes CD of Caribbean and black British poetry to mark Black History Month
In celebration of Black History Month the British Library has released a new 2-CD set, Caribbean Roots, featuring some of the most significant Caribbean and black British poets of the past several decades reading their own work. The 2-CD anthology features recordings first issued by the British Library on cassette over twenty years ago, together with previously unissued live performances. Poets include Linton Kwesi Johnson, E A Markham, Jean 'Binta' Breeze, David Dabydeen, Amryl Johnson, James Berry, John Agard, Grace Nichols, Benjamin Zephaniah and Michael Smith
Universities of St Andrews and York become newest members of RLUK
Research Libraries UK has welcomed the Universities of St Andrews and York as its latest members. RLUK now represents 32 of the leading research libraries in the UK and Ireland
ARL releases statement on recent USGPO decisions concerning FDLP
The Association of Research Libraries has released a statement calling upon the US Government Printing Office to reverse its recent, troubling decisions concerning the Federal Depository Library Program. ARL asked that GPO approve the University of Minnesota Libraries as the regional for the State of Michigan once it is designated by the relevant Senators, as well as approve and support the ASERL "Guidelines for Managing FDLP Collections in the Southeast Region." Such actions are consistent with GPO past precedent and, importantly, comply with provisions in Title 44. These types of collaborations and cooperative efforts are essential to the success of the FDLP both now and in the future
Book Grocer: 12-18 October 2011
Book Grocer: 12-18 October 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
OLAC Newsletter - September 2011 (USA)
The OLAC Newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Online Audiovisual Catalogers. September 2011 issue now available
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Kafka's letters to his sister Ottla displayed in the UK for the first time

Understanding and preserving audio collections (UK)
Understanding and preserving audio collections: Preservation Advisory Centre Course - 7-9 November 2011 - British Library, London, UK
American Libraries launches E-Content blog
Keeping up with the many varieties of digital content - and how libraries can offer them to their patrons - just got easier. American Libraries has launched an "E-Content" blog that provides information on e-books, e-readers, e-journals, databases, digital libraries, digital repositories, and other e-content issues. The blog complements the new section on e-content that appears in the weekly e-newsletter American Libraries Direct and focuses on similar issues
JM Coetzee archive acquired by Ransom Center (USA)

Digital Humanities Australasia 2012
The inaugural conference of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities - Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28-30 March 2012. Sponsored by the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University
36 more Open Access (OA) Journals with TOC RSS feeds added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 36 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 17,000 scholarly journals, including over 2,500 Open Access journals
Monday, October 10, 2011
British Library welcomes Europe’s National Librarians support of open data licensing
The British Library welcomes the announcement made by the Conference of European National Librarians to support the open licensing of their data (28 September 2011). This will mean that datasets describing millions of books and texts published in Europe will become increasingly accessible for anyone to re-use for whatever purpose their wish
Thomson Reuters launches Book Citation Index for Web of Knowledge
Thomson Reuters has announced the launch of the Book Citation Index, a new resource within the Web of Knowledge platform covering 25,000 books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities
Podcast: Textile designs 1842-1964: exploring the Board of Trade Representations and Registers (UK National Archives)
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #169
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #169. "This week's episode brings a round-up of events from and a couple quick news items" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
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