Friday, September 30, 2011
Eau Claire library launches iPad lending program (USA)
History was made in Eau Claire on Wednesday, as the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library became the first public library in the country to check out Apple iPads
The 2011 UKeiG Tony Kent Strix Award winner is Professor Alan Smeaton
The Tony Kent Strix Award, given by the UK eInformation Group of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, has been awarded to Professor Alan Smeaton of the School of Computing, Dublin City University
EDINA Newsline - September 2011
EDINA Newsline September 2011, Volume 16.3, is now available. EDINA is a JISC-funded National Datacentre
Early Music Online (UK)
Coming soon - Libraries All Party Parliamentary Group (UK)
The Libraries APPG is being established to provide MPs and Lords with information and opportunities for debate about the role that libraries play in society and their future, with Justin Tomlinson MP as its Chair. The APPG will promote and discuss themes in the wider information and knowledge sector including the impact of technology, skills and training, professional standards and broader issues. Library and information services exist in a variety of places including schools, prisons, universities, government, private companies, law firms, colleges, health and public libraries. By developing literacy skills, providing access to information and enabling the transfer of knowledge libraries and staff help build a fair and prosperous society. It is important they are run by skilled staff with the right expertise. The APPG will be officially launched on the 14 December
Research Library Issues, no. 276
The Association of Research Libraries has published issue 276 of Research Library Issues. This issue of RLI features a speech on the future of the research university presented by McGill University Principal and Vice-Chancellor Heather Munroe-Blum at the May 2011 ARL Membership Meeting. Also in this issue, Karen Hogenboom, Tom Teper, and Lynn Wiley from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign explore the challenges of collecting "small data" (as opposed to "big data"). Finally, ARL's Brandon Butler sheds light on two common misleading copyright claims
E-News for ARL Directors - September 2011
E-News for ARL Directors - September 2011 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
The "Occupy Wall Street" Library (USA)

Bodleian reveals its treasures (UK)

The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 30, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. "Here is another of our popular General Knowledge brainteasers." Answers here.
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "poker face"?
2. How many pairs of ribs are there in a normal human body: 10, 12 or 15?
3. Was Elvis Presley born in Mississippi, Missouri or Texas?
4. Who painted the famous portrait called the "Mona Lisa"?
5. The musical "West Side Story" is a modern-day interpretation of which Shakespeare play?
6. The comic team called the Marx Brothers originally consisted of five brothers. Can you give the nicknames of three of them?
7. A flight data recorder or black box in an aircraft automatically records flight data. What is its usual colour?
8. Which American president from 1963 to 1969 had a wife nicknamed "Lady Bird"?
9. Who wrote the "Play for voices" called "Under Milk Wood"?
10. Was the composer Frederick Delius born in England, Norway or Belgium?
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "poker face"?
2. How many pairs of ribs are there in a normal human body: 10, 12 or 15?
3. Was Elvis Presley born in Mississippi, Missouri or Texas?
4. Who painted the famous portrait called the "Mona Lisa"?
5. The musical "West Side Story" is a modern-day interpretation of which Shakespeare play?
6. The comic team called the Marx Brothers originally consisted of five brothers. Can you give the nicknames of three of them?
7. A flight data recorder or black box in an aircraft automatically records flight data. What is its usual colour?
8. Which American president from 1963 to 1969 had a wife nicknamed "Lady Bird"?
9. Who wrote the "Play for voices" called "Under Milk Wood"?
10. Was the composer Frederick Delius born in England, Norway or Belgium?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Library Lab/The Podcast 008: The Molecule of Data

Emerald Group Publishing boosts research in North Africa with Algerian National Licence agreement
Emerald Group Publishing has announced a five-year agreement with the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research providing access to key content to over 60 institutions across Algeria
ALCTS webinar: Constructing the Future Library: Architectural and Digital Considerations
ALCTS webinar: Constructing the Future Library: Architectural and Digital Considerations - October 12, 2011 - 11am Pacific, noon Mountain, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern time. - Libraries continue to be built and renovated due to the continuous changes in IT, changes in the expectations of their users and in response to the importance of the library as place. These three influences and the impact of these changes on space and the design of the modern library will be explored using examples and images. This webinar is based on a presentation made at the 2011 ALCTS Midwinter Symposium, Beams & Bytes
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - September 2011
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 3, September 15, 2011 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
Springer grants Haitian students and researchers free access to online platform
As Haiti continues to rebuild in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, Springer Science+Business Media is granting 15,000 students and researchers in the devastated country access to its online platform SpringerLink. Springer provides them with scientific content from approximately 2,000 research-level scientific journals including French-language editions and the state-of-the-art book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Access to journal articles and eBook content ranges from the current year back to 1997
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Book Grocer: 27 September - 4 October 2011
Book Grocer: 27 September - 4 October 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #168
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #168. "This week's delayed episode brings a news miscellany. News threads have gone madly off in all directions." Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
Plans to overhaul Surrey libraries and cut costs agreed (UK)
Councillors have agreed plans to overhaul library services in Surrey that will see nine facilities lose paid staff to cut costs. The Conservative-run county council's cabinet members agreed to devolve responsibilities at the libraries to help save up to £381,000 a year. Opposition councillors have criticised the plans saying they will force people to volunteer or lose their libraries. Council leaders said the decision meant they could keep all 52 facilities open
Library closure councils 'neglecting the vulnerable' (UK)
Gloucestershire and Somerset county councils failed to take into account the needs of the most vulnerable in society when they announced plans to withdraw funding from local libraries, a court has heard. On the first day of a judicial review, both councils were accused by anti-cuts campaigners of neglecting their responsibilities to the elderly, the poor and the disabled in their rush to make budget savings. The case is being watched closely as it could be the first time a judgment is handed down in a legal challenge to library closures under the coalition
As Antioch College reopens, its library stands ready (USA)
After shutting its doors in 2008 following years of declining enrollment, Antioch College is on the verge of reopening, and the Olive Kettering Library on the Yellow Springs, Ohio, campus stands to play an integral role in the school's recovery. In 2009, an alumni-led group purchased the campus and other college assets and began efforts to resurrect the school
ACRL awarded IMLS grant for Value of Academic Libraries summits
ACRL has been awarded a National Leadership Collaborative Planning Grant Level II by the Institute of Museum and Library Services for the project "Building Capacity for Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries." The grant funding of $99,985 will support ACRL, in partnership with the Association for Institutional Research, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Council of Independent Colleges, in convening two national summits that will address the library profession's need to develop the skills to document and communicate library value in alignment with the missions and goals of their colleges and universities
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Media History Digital Library
Media History Digital Library is a non-profit initiative dedicated to digitizing collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access. The project is supported by owners of materials who loan them for scanning, and donors who contribute funds to cover the cost of scanning. Currently scanned over 200,000 pages, and that number is growing
Franz Liszt at the Library of Congress

Library Use of Ebooks 2012
Primary Research Group is conducting a survey to explore how libraries are using Ebooks. The study is open to academic, public and special libraries of all countries. As a participant your library will receive a free PDF copy of the report. Your institution will be listed as a participant but all data will be aggregated and not presented for individual institutions. You may take the survey at one sitting or return to it after a pause and go back to where you left off if you access it from the same computer
Fundamentals of Collection Assessment - online course
This six-week online course introduces the fundamental aspects of collection assessment in libraries. The course is designed for those who are responsible for or interested in collection assessment in all types and sizes of libraries. The course will introduce key concepts in collection assessment including:
o the definition of collection assessment
o techniques and tools
o assessment of print and electronic collections
o project design and management
October 31 through December 9, 2011
o the definition of collection assessment
o techniques and tools
o assessment of print and electronic collections
o project design and management
October 31 through December 9, 2011
SUNCAT: Two new libraries added (UK)
The serials holdings of two new libraries, the Institution of Civil Engineers and Queen Mary, University of London, have been added to SUNCAT. These additions bring the total number of contributing libraries to 80, plus the CONSER database, the ISSN register and the Directory of Open Access Journals
LITA/Library Hi Tech award nominations sought
Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award, which is given each year to an individual or institution for outstanding achievement in educating the profession about cutting edge technology through communication in continuing education within the field of library and information technology. Sponsored by LITA and Library Hi Tech, the award includes a citation of merit and a $1,000 stipend provided by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publishers of Library Hi Tech. The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2011
Green Book Festival 2012: call for entries
The 2012 Green Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual competition honoring books that contribute to greater understanding, respect for and positive action on the changing worldwide environment. The 2012 Green Book Festival will consider published, self-published and independent publisher works in the following categories: non-fiction, fiction, children's books, teenage, how-to, audio/spoken word, comics/graphic novels, poetry, science fiction/horror, biography/autobiography, gardening, cookbooks, animals, photography/art, e-books, wild card (anything goes!), scientific, white paper, legal, business, mystery and spiritual
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls, so ancient and fragile that direct light cannot shine on them, are now available to search and read online in a project launched today by the Israel Museum and Google
The free RSC Mobile app is now available
RSC Publishing has announced that the new free RSC Mobile app for iOS (iPad, iPhone and iPod) is now available on iTunes. RSC Mobile provides readers with access to search more than 30 RSC journals from its RSC Publishing Platform. If your institution/organisation pays for RSC journals, then you can access exactly the same content on this app using your institutions/organisations wireless network
Library systems consortia - a strategy for development and survival? (UK)
Library systems consortia - a strategy for development and survival? Speaker: Will Blackburn, Business Development Manager, Civica UK Limited - 10 October 2011 - The Sekforde Arms, Sekforde Street, London, UK
Library and Archives Canada digitizes past issues of the Canada Gazette (1841-1997)
Library and Archives Canada commemorates the 170th anniversary of the Canada Gazette by making accessible the digitized back issues, from 1841 to 1997, on its website dedicated to this official publication. "Current issues of the Canada Gazette have been available to Canadians at most libraries and through subscription, and the Canada Gazette Directorate has a searchable database on its website of all issues since 1998," said Daniel J. Caron, Deputy Head and Librarian and Archivist of Canada. "However, an online database that includes all issues of the Canada Gazette, since 1841 and searchable by keyword, is a major achievement that allows even greater access to this very important resource"
Titanic 2012 (UK)

Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Narrative of John Smith, Arthur Conan Doyle's lost first novel, to be published by the British Library for the first time
Arthur Conan Doyle's first and until now unpublished novel, The Narrative of John Smith, is to be released by the British Library on 26 September 2011. The novel, written between 1883 and 1884, gives a fascinating insight into this early period of the author's creative development, only a few years before his creation of Sherlock Holmes would earn him an enduring place in the history of English literature. The British Library has also produced an unabridged audiobook read by Robert Lindsay and is holding a display of the manuscript and other early works in the Library's Sir John Ritblat Treasures Gallery
Thomson Reuters partners with the Algerian government to enhance national research environment
Thomson Reuters has announced a new three-year partnership with the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Research that will bring Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge to scientists and researchers at more than 60 institutions across Algeria
Kindle books now available at over 11,000 local libraries (USA) has announced that Kindle and Kindle app customers can now borrow Kindle books from more than 11,000 local libraries in the United States
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Campaigners’ ambitious £1million target to save Chalk Farm Library (UK)

Villagers sing out to save their library (UK)
Massachusetts library lifts 1906 ban on Mark Twain book
A Mark Twain book with nude illustrations, added to a Massachusetts public library after a century-old ban was lifted, was plucked from the shelf within hours. Trustees of the Charlton Public Library lifted the 1906 ban earlier this week of "Eve's Diary," Twain's satirical version of the Adam and Eve story, said Cheryl Hansen, the library's director
Wowbrary (USA)

Scotland: Mapping the nation

The British Cartoon Archive

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa
Journal of
Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section Proceedings
Revista Argentina de Radiología
Revista de Historia del Derecho
Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología
BOFIT Online
Dissertationes Forestales
Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale
Boletín de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani
Cuyo Anuario de Filosofía Argentina y Americana
Journal of Applied Finance and Banking
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics
Literatura e Autoritarismo
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Dergisi
Synergies Chili
Diabetes Therapy
International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology
Synergies Europe
World Journal on Educational Technology
International Journal of Computer Information Systems
International Journal of Energy Science
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science
Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
Case Reports in Psychiatry
Case Reports in Vascular Medicine
Revista Perspectivas de la Comunicación
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
REHMLAC : Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña
Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología
Fizic(eskoe Vospitanie Studentov
Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports
European Review of Artistic Studies
Synergies Brésil
Journal of Music History Pedagogy
Synergies Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest
Chinese Science Bulletin
Open Journal of Preventive Medicine
Synergies Italie
Advances in Biological Chemistry
Open Journal of Physical Chemistry
Synergies Monde Mediterranéen
Journal of
Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section Proceedings
Revista Argentina de Radiología
Revista de Historia del Derecho
Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología
BOFIT Online
Dissertationes Forestales
Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale
Boletín de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani
Cuyo Anuario de Filosofía Argentina y Americana
Journal of Applied Finance and Banking
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics
Literatura e Autoritarismo
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Dergisi
Synergies Chili
Diabetes Therapy
International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology
Synergies Europe
World Journal on Educational Technology
International Journal of Computer Information Systems
International Journal of Energy Science
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science
Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
Case Reports in Psychiatry
Case Reports in Vascular Medicine
Revista Perspectivas de la Comunicación
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
REHMLAC : Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña
Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología
Fizic(eskoe Vospitanie Studentov
Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports
European Review of Artistic Studies
Synergies Brésil
Journal of Music History Pedagogy
Synergies Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest
Chinese Science Bulletin
Open Journal of Preventive Medicine
Synergies Italie
Advances in Biological Chemistry
Open Journal of Physical Chemistry
Synergies Monde Mediterranéen
Journal of Scholarly Publishing - October 2011
Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Volume 43, Number 1, October 2011 is now available from University of Toronto Press
Friday, September 23, 2011
Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress, FY 2010
The Annual Reports of the Librarian of Congress highlight programs, projects and activities that occurred during the year at the Library, as well as details of its normal operations in Washington and around the world
New Report and Related Data: OhioLINK-OCLC Collection and Circulation Analysis Project 2011
This report describes a collaborative project between OCLC and OhioLINK that examined circulation in academic libraries, and includes an overview of data publicly available from the activity. The size of the combined collection and the number and diversity of participating institutions make this by far the largest and most comprehensive study of academic library circulation ever undertaken
Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collection Libraries
ACRL has announced the publication of Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries, the first book to specifically address security of special collections in academic libraries. Compiled and edited by Everett C. Wilkie Jr., the work covers topics integral to the security process, including background checks, reading room and general building design, technical processing, characteristics and methods of thieves, materials recovery after a theft, and security system
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 23, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Film Quotes. "This brainteaser is about people who are enthusiastic about studying something or collecting things." Answers here.
1. Which British spy favoured his martini to be "shaken, not stirred" in a long-running series of stunt-filled films?
2. Which actor said he "could've been a contender" in the 1954 film "On the Waterfront"?
3. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine!" Humphrey Bogart said this in which 1942 film?
4. Which Swedish-born film star said "I want to be alone" in the 1932 film "Grand Hotel"?
5. Joe E. Brown said "Nobody's perfect!" in which 1959 film?
6. Which American actress is credited with a host of comic one-liners full of sexual innuendo, such as "It's not the men in my life that counts - it's the life in my men"?
7. In the first talking motion picture "The Jazz Singer", who said "You ain't heard nothin' yet"?
8. Complete this line from the 1939 film "Gone With the Wind", uttered by Clark Gable: "Frankly, my dear,..."
9. Who wrote the line "May the Force be with you" for the 1977 film "Star Wars"?
10. In the 1951 film "A Streetcar Named Desire", which actress said "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"?
1. Which British spy favoured his martini to be "shaken, not stirred" in a long-running series of stunt-filled films?
2. Which actor said he "could've been a contender" in the 1954 film "On the Waterfront"?
3. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine!" Humphrey Bogart said this in which 1942 film?
4. Which Swedish-born film star said "I want to be alone" in the 1932 film "Grand Hotel"?
5. Joe E. Brown said "Nobody's perfect!" in which 1959 film?
6. Which American actress is credited with a host of comic one-liners full of sexual innuendo, such as "It's not the men in my life that counts - it's the life in my men"?
7. In the first talking motion picture "The Jazz Singer", who said "You ain't heard nothin' yet"?
8. Complete this line from the 1939 film "Gone With the Wind", uttered by Clark Gable: "Frankly, my dear,..."
9. Who wrote the line "May the Force be with you" for the 1977 film "Star Wars"?
10. In the 1951 film "A Streetcar Named Desire", which actress said "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers"?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World - September 2011
"Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World is a free newsletter published on a regular basis by Library Archives Canada that explores and highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sector. This collaborative tool was designed to help readers stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, trends, products and publications in the field of public administration and recordkeeping" - September 2011 issue now available
JISC ITT: World War One Commemoration: Digital Content Prioritisation
JISC invites tenders to research key aspects of future World War One (WW1) digital content development in readiness for the centenary commemoration of the conflict from 2014 onwards. This research is intended to provide understanding in 3 key areas:
* WW1 content and collections that are available to education in analogue and digital form;
* Teaching, learning and research priorities and requirements of higher and further education in terms of the study of WW1 including a scoping of potential digital users and key stakeholder groups;
* Synthesis of WW1 digital content availability and educational requirement(s), resulting in 'priority' recommendations of WW1 digital content development.
The deadline for tenders is 12 noon UK time on Monday 31 October 2011. The work should commence on or around 12 December 2011 and the final work under this contract should be completed by Friday 2 March 2012
* WW1 content and collections that are available to education in analogue and digital form;
* Teaching, learning and research priorities and requirements of higher and further education in terms of the study of WW1 including a scoping of potential digital users and key stakeholder groups;
* Synthesis of WW1 digital content availability and educational requirement(s), resulting in 'priority' recommendations of WW1 digital content development.
The deadline for tenders is 12 noon UK time on Monday 31 October 2011. The work should commence on or around 12 December 2011 and the final work under this contract should be completed by Friday 2 March 2012
The Manchester Collection (UK) has launched a collection of records that relate to an entire city. The Manchester Collection provides an insightful snapshot into what life was like in the city of Manchester. The records in the collection provide information about apprentices, cemetery records, industrial school registers, parish register transcripts, prison, school and workhouse registers. You could make vital discoveries about your family's past – whether you are aware of a Manchester connection or not – and these records provide rich information about how your ancestors lived
Credo Reference signs agreement with Focus Medica
Credo Reference has announced the signing of a new agreement with Focus Medica
Library Worklife: HR E-News for Today’s Leaders - September 2011
Library Worklife: HR E-News for Today's Leaders is a publication of the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA). The newsletter began in January 2004 and is distributed electronically on the second Tuesday of each month. ALA subscribers receive quarterly alerts highlighting the previous months' articles. Volume 8, No. 9, September 2011 now available
Free webinar: An Introduction to the Library Support Staff Certification Program (LSSC) (USA)
The Library Support Staff Certification Program, a national (USA) certification program that allows library support staff to demonstrate competencies and be certified by the American Library Association, will offer an hour-long informational webinar at 2 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, September 27. The presentation will explain the value of this certification to library support staff, employers and library users. Attendees will also have the opportunity to have their questions answered by program staff members
Crossroads - September 2011
Crossroads: the newsletter of - September 2011 issue is now available. RSS feed
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Information Standards Quarterly - Summer 2011
Information Standards Quarterly - Summer 2011, Volume 23, Issue 3 is now available from the National Information Standards Organization
Book Grocer: 21-27 September 2011
Book Grocer: 21-27 September 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
Serials Solutions Summon™ Service expands content available from Oxford University Press
Serials Solutions® has announced it has expanded its current agreement with Oxford University Press to enable the discovery of five additional OUP resources from the Summon™ web-scale discovery service. With the inclusion of the metadata and full text of OUP resources including Grove Art Online, Grove Music Online, American Dictionary of National Biography Online, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online and Oxford Reference Online, researchers now will be able to discover this authoritative reference content alongside their library's other resources to gather the most relevant information for their projects
CILIP Update wants to hear YOUR voice! (UK)
Here at CILIP Update magazine everything we do is about informing, entertaining, valuing, supporting, promoting and advocating YOU as members of CILIP and of the library & information profession. So we want to hear more from you - it's your magazine! You'll shortly have an opportunity to tell us exactly what you think about your membership magazine - via a readership survey - look out for more on that very soon. In the meantime - we'd love to hear from you. So why don't you drop us a line? We're now looking for your views to publish in October's Mailbox page. Letters can be as brief as a paragraph - or up to around 300 words
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Smithsonian Institution Archives (USA)
The Smithsonian Institution Archives captures, preserves, and makes available to the public the history of this extraordinary Institution. From its inception in 1846 to the present, the records of the history of the Institution - its people, its programs, its research, and its stories - have been gathered, organized, and disseminated so that everyone can learn about the Smithsonian. The history of the Smithsonian is a vital part of American history, of scientific exploration, and of international cultural understanding
Anarchist Archive (Canada)

British Museum Semantic Web Collection Online
British Museum Semantic Web Collection Online provides access to the same collection data available through the Museum's web presented Collection Online, but in a computer readable format. The use of the W3C open data standard, RDF, allows the Museum's collection data to join and relate to a growing body of linked data published by other organisations around the world interested in promoting accessibility and collaboration. The data has also been organised using the CIDOC-CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) crucial for harmonising with other cultural heritage data. The current version is beta and development work continues to improve the service. We hope that the service will be used by the community to develop friendly web applications that are freely available to the community
Collecting Global Resources, SPEC Kit 324, Published by ARL
The Association of Research Libraries has published Collecting Global Resources, SPEC Kit 324, which explores the trends, practices, and challenges in collecting global resources in North American research libraries at a time of political and economic change, on the one hand, and of significant change in scholarly communication and collection management strategies, on the other. It covers global resources collections (including an overview of expenditures, collecting trends, sources of funding, and acquisition strategies), staff and organizational structure, preservation strategies, and discovery, public service, and outreach
SPARC enews/September 2011
SPARC enews/September 2011: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
Philip Pullman to speak at Library Campaign conference (UK)
Author Philip Pullman will speak at an October day conference for library user groups, hosted by The Library Campaign in association with Voices for the Library. The organisers said the day would be "a chance for users to compare notes, find out more about the issues confronting them and produce some proposals for future action both locally and nationally". Campaigners from Brent, Doncaster and Gloucestershire and Peter Challis from Unison will also be among the speakers. The event will take place on 22nd October at the University of London Union on Malet Street, London, WC1. Registration fee is £15 (email:
Public libraries committed to improve access for blind and partially sighted people (UK)
Public libraries are adopting six steps in a UK-wide effort to improve access for blind and partially sighted people. For the two million blind and partially sighted people in the UK this will be a lifeline to the leisure, learning and information resources offered by public libraries. Libraries that have adopted the six steps are providing collections of large print and audio books, making sure accessible technology is available, and have a library champion for the reading needs of blind and partially sighted people
Afictionado is a fresh new website where you can borrow ebooks for your computer, tablet, smartphone or ebook reader. Browse our online library and choose from thousands of titles. Read sample chapters to get a feel for your favourites. And then borrow the ones you want. It couldn't be simpler! Afictionado will be launching in January 2012
NFAIS Workshop on Web Scale Information Discovery: The Opportunity, the Reality, the Future
NFAIS Workshop on Web Scale Information Discovery: The Opportunity, the Reality, the Future - September 30, 2011 - Philadelphia, PA, USA
Springer and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research sign license agreement
Springer and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research have signed a first national license for the acquisition of scientific, medical and technical information on the online platform SpringerLink. The French agency ABES (Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur), a bibliographic agency for higher education in France, coordinated this agreement with Springer, assisted by the Couperin Consortium, the French national research council CNRS and other major French STM stakeholders
Information Research - September 2011
Information Research - Volume 16 No 3 - September 2011 is now available from Publisher/Editor in Chief, Professor Tom Wilson
Library meetings protested by Tea Party (USA)
About eight people showed up at the Campbell County Public Library's meeting at Plum Creek Christian Church, Kentucky, to discuss the new planned South Branch – most wore yellow stickers stating "No new library."
Duke University Libraries Personal Librarian Program (USA)
The Personal Librarian Program is designed to introduce first-year students to services and collections available from the Duke University Libraries. Each East Campus dorm will be matched with subject librarians who will work with you throughout your first year at Duke. Your Personal Librarian serves as your individual point of contact for the Libraries. He or she will contact you throughout the year to let you know about events of interest, new services, databases and tools. Your Personal Librarian is your go-to person for any questions you have about the Libraries in general or about research needs in particular
Monday, September 19, 2011
Creating Subject Guides for the 21st-Century Library (ALA TechSource Workshop)
Creating Subject Guides for the 21st-Century Library (ALA TechSource Workshop) - September 20, 2011, 4:00-5:30pm Eastern. ALA TechSource Workshops offer a convenient, hands-on learning experience that will help you and your colleagues make the best technology decisions for your library. Your registration PDF includes recommended readings to enhance your learning and support focused discussion in chat
New collaboration between Wikimedia UK and The National Archives (UK)
The National Archives is working with Wikimedia UK to improve online articles relating to The National Archives, as part of the GLAMwiki (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) initiative
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #167
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #167. "This week's program features pontification from the producer, thoughts about geo-location and analyzing your library's web server logs, and two quick story hits" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
CILIPS Autumn Gathering 2011 (Scotland)
The second Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland Autumn Gathering will take place at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline, on 12 October, 2011
Bodleian Libraries use 21st-century digital technology to fulfil 12th-century Hebrew mandate

National Hispanic Heritage Month 2011
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America
Reading scheme axed in cuts to school spending (UK)
A pioneering project which has switched thousands of struggling pupils on to reading is being axed in primary schools. Research shows that the Reading Recovery Project, which involves daily one-to-one half-hour reading sessions with pupils, has had a major impact in boosting reading standards. After 12 to 20 weeks in the scheme, five- to six-year-olds saw their reading ability increase by up to 20 months – an improvement which was sustained when they were tested a year later. But schools are being forced to axe the project – or at least reduce the number of pupils to whom they offer it – because of a squeeze on school budgets, according to the National Association of Head Teachers
British Library launches eBook Treasures
The British Library has launched a remarkable 'eBook Treasures' series exclusively available on the iPad. Users will be able to download and own fascinating, original manuscripts specially selected from our vast and historic collection. Developed with Armadillo Systems, each eBook Treasure allows users to explore greater content in detail, together with text, video and audio interpretation. Our eBook Treasures are viewable in full-screen high-definition, with realistic page-turning capabilities and, once downloaded, can be accessed offline
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Cites & Insights 11:9 (October 2011)
Cites & Insights 11:9 (October 2011) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
The Six Book Challenge 2012 (UK)
The Six Book Challenge invites less confident readers to read six books and record their reading in a diary in order to receive incentives, a certificate and the chance to enter a national prize draw. Participating organisations such as colleges, prisons and workplaces also have the chance to enter prize draws to win a visit by a top author
School Library Association Library Design Award 2011
The School Library Association has announced the finalists for the SLA Library Design Award 2011:
* Rosendale Primary School, London
* St John's School, Marlborough
* The Elms Junior School, Trent College, Long Eaton
The finalists will be celebrated at a ceremony to be held on 3 October 2011 at the Mermaid Conference Centre in London, when the winner of the inaugural SLA Library Design Award will be announced
* Rosendale Primary School, London
* St John's School, Marlborough
* The Elms Junior School, Trent College, Long Eaton
The finalists will be celebrated at a ceremony to be held on 3 October 2011 at the Mermaid Conference Centre in London, when the winner of the inaugural SLA Library Design Award will be announced
Springer releases web tool for downloading MARC records and eBook title lists
Springer has released a new web tool that allows catalogers and librarians to easily download tailor-made batches of MARC records (Machine-Readable-Cataloging) or eBook title lists. This new tool is easy to use and allows librarians to download a batch of records to a library's Springer eBook collections
CARL E-Lert # 438 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 438, September 16 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Data Sharing Shortfall / New resource to help university communities improve learning experience, outcomes / Une nouvelle ressource aidera le milieu universitaire à améliorer l’expérience et les résultats d’apprentissage / U.S. colleges hit with copyright infringement complaint from Canadian writers / Cinq universités américaines poursuivies pour violation du droit d’auteur par des auteurs américains, australiens, britanniques et québécois / E-learning in university: the digital natives are restless / Amazon 'to launch book rental service'
CARL E-Lert # 437 (Canada)
CARL E-Lert # 437, September 9 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Long-awaited copyright bill returns, but top court to wade in too / Pirates of academe? We laugh / The Big Deal: Not Price But Cost / Rallying Cries vs. Reality: Profits and Publishing Meet Academics and Idealism
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Arts Council England publishes first library strategy document
Arts Council England has released a document outlining its approach to library strategy. Culture, Knowledge and Understanding: Great Museums and Libraries for Everyone is said by ACE to be designed to provide certainty about which programmes ACE will run in 2011-15, including the Future Libraries Programme, and to solicit further debate about the directions the body should take in the long term
EBSCO releases serials price projections for 2012
Each year, EBSCO strives to help customers plan by projecting publisher price increases for the upcoming year. We use recent information received from both large and small publishers as well as historical price data to calculate these projections. While based upon careful analysis, we recommend that subscribers exercise caution when using these projections, as they rely on historical trends and current estimates. At the time of writing, we expect the overall effective publisher price increases for academic and academic/medical libraries for 2012 (before currency impact) to be in the range of 4 to 6 percent
7000 journals and the DOAJ site in Turkish!
Directory of Open Access Journals is continuously growing - now there are 7000 journals listed in the directory! 45% of the journals are searchable on article level = more than 600 000 article searchable. DOAJ is also aiming to make the site available in other languages than English. Recently the French version of the DOAJ site was launched and now we are happy to inform that the site is also available in Turkish, thanks to the cooperation between Lund University Libraries, Head Office and the consortium ANKOS, who carried out the translation
3 million texts for free - Internet Archive
From Internet Archive blog: Hundreds of libraries reached the milestone of offering 3 million freely downloadable texts yesterday through the Internet Archive website. Our 3 millionth text is a Galileo pamphlet from the rare book collection of the University of Toronto
The World Wide Web Index
The Web Index will be the world's first multi-dimensional measure of the Web and its impact on people and nations. It will cover a large number of developed and developing countries, incorporating indicators that will assess the political, economic and social impact of the Web, as well as indicators of Web connectivity infrastructure. The Index will allow for comparisons of trends over time and benchmarking performance across countries, and should improve our understanding of the Web's impact on humanity
2012 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color proposals
The Steering Committee of the 2012 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color has extended the open call for program proposals for the conference scheduled for September 19-23, 2012 in Kansas City. Proposals are now due by October 1, 2011
Book Grocer: 14-20 September 2011
Book Grocer: 14-20 September 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
Friday, September 16, 2011
D-Lib Magazine - September/October 2011
D-Lib Magazine - September/October 2011 is now available. D-Lib Magazine is produced by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 16, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Going for Gold. "This brainteaser is about people who are enthusiastic about studying something or collecting things." Answers here.
1. Which "golden" breed of dog is a popular choice as a guide-dog for blind people?
2. Which 1974 James Bond film included Christopher Lee as Francisco Scaramanga?
3. Which bridge in San Francisco was the world's longest suspension bridge upon its completion in 1937?
4. Name the 1981 film in which Jane Fonda costarred with her father and Katharine Hepburn.
5. What is the symbol for the chemical element gold?
6. What was the title of the US television sitcom, broadcast from 1985 to 1992, featuring three middle-aged women and one clearly older?
7. In which Shakespeare play does Portia have to marry the man who chooses the right casket of three: one is gold, one silver, and one lead?
8. Which 1949 novel by Nelson Algren was made into a film version in 1956 with Frank Sinatra in the title role?
9. Which Canadian-born singer/songwriter made the album "After the Goldrush" in 1970?
10. Who wrote "The Golden Bough", a monumental study in comparative folklore, magic, and religion, published originally in two volumes (1890)?
1. Which "golden" breed of dog is a popular choice as a guide-dog for blind people?
2. Which 1974 James Bond film included Christopher Lee as Francisco Scaramanga?
3. Which bridge in San Francisco was the world's longest suspension bridge upon its completion in 1937?
4. Name the 1981 film in which Jane Fonda costarred with her father and Katharine Hepburn.
5. What is the symbol for the chemical element gold?
6. What was the title of the US television sitcom, broadcast from 1985 to 1992, featuring three middle-aged women and one clearly older?
7. In which Shakespeare play does Portia have to marry the man who chooses the right casket of three: one is gold, one silver, and one lead?
8. Which 1949 novel by Nelson Algren was made into a film version in 1956 with Frank Sinatra in the title role?
9. Which Canadian-born singer/songwriter made the album "After the Goldrush" in 1970?
10. Who wrote "The Golden Bough", a monumental study in comparative folklore, magic, and religion, published originally in two volumes (1890)?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Town of Clinton, NY, opens "America's Littlest Library" - in a British phone booth
South Dakota Library Association Conference 2011
South Dakota Library Association Conference 2011 - October 5-7, 2011 - Spearfish, South Dakota, USA
New ALCTS Award honors Jan Merrill-Oldham
The Preservation and Reformatting Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services has announced a new award in honor of the career and influence of Jan Merrill-Oldham, distinguished leader, author and mentor in the field of library and archives preservation. The Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Grant will provide the recipient the opportunity to attend the American Library Association Annual Conference in order to contribute to his/her professional development. The recipient will attend meetings and programs and be required to submit a short essay on their conference experience. The grant consists of a $1,250 cash award donated by the Library Binding Institute and a citation to be presented at the ALCTS Awards ceremony at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim. The grant is applicable toward airfare, lodging and registration fees related to ALA Annual Conference attendance
NASIG 27th Annual Conference 2012

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
New book maps Norfolk’s past (UK)

Primary Research Group publishes Library Use of VIdeo & Audio
Primary Research Group has published Library Use of Video & Audio. The report looks closely at how academic,public and special libraries are acquiring and using their video and audio collections. It includes data on price discounts received from vendors of audio/video materials, cataloging trends, budgets, spending on digitization and upgrades to new formats, trends in licensing and performance rights, staff size for AV departments, the influence of emerging mediums such as YouTube and other video sharing sites, the development of library video production facilities and much more
The Center for Research Libraries has joined Borrow Direct
The Center for Research Libraries has joined Borrow Direct, a patron-initiated, rapid book request and delivery system
Float - new digital reading service
Float is a new digital reading service developed by Scribd, the company that brought social publishing to more than 75 million people around the world. Now, the Float suite of web and mobile applications is revolutionizing the experience of reading, putting all your favorite documents, news, blogs, friend recommendations and more at arms reach, anytime and anywhere
InSITE - September 12, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 3, September 12, 2011 is now available. Contents:
# Institute of Competition Law
# Public Health Law Center
# Institute of Competition Law
# Public Health Law Center
LinkedIn group Sustainable Librarians
This group is for librarians who are social entrepreneurs, leaders, facilitators,and advocates in the sustainability movement
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Facet Publishing announce the release of Read to Succeed
A recent survey by the National Literacy Trust showed that only one in six UK children between eight and 17 years of age read a novel outside class every month and that 10% of the 18,000 surveyed "do not enjoy reading at all". Read to Succeed covers the very best innovative practice in reader development for children and young people from birth to adulthood, both in the UK and abroad. It is full of practical suggestions and inspirational ideas that can be replicated by teachers, librarians and educators
ARL releases "Resource Packet on Orphan Works: Legal and Policy Issues for Research Libraries"
The Association of Research Libraries has released a "Resource Packet on Orphan Works: Legal and Policy Issues for Research Libraries." Prepared by Prudence Adler, Jonathan Band, and Brandon Butler, the resource packet provides general information on legal and policy issues concerning orphan works and the University of Michigan's Orphan Works Project, an FAQ, and a legal memorandum by Jonathan Band, policybandwidth, which describes the legal issues associated with making orphan works digitally available. While not a comprehensive response to or analysis of the lawsuit filed yesterday by three authors' groups and eight individual authors against HathiTrust and five of its partners, this packet will help readers understand some of the core issues in that suit, including the scope and applicability of fair use to orphan works
Authors' Guild sues universities over book digitization project
With the planned settlement between Google and book publishers still on indefinite hold, a legal battle by proxy has started. Google partnered with many libraries at US universities in order to gain access to the works it wants to digitize. Now, several groups that represent book authors have filed suit against those universities, attempting to block both digital lending and an orphaned works project. The suit is being brought by the Authors' Guild, its equivalents in Australia, Quebec, and the UK, and a large group of individual authors
Axiell's 2011 Symposium: 'Rethinking Libraries?' (UK)
'Rethinking Libraries?' is the theme of Axiell's third symposium; speakers from the UK, Scandinavia and USA will address key challenges such as improvements in efficiency, opportunities for savings and scope for reorganisation. The symposium is also futuristic in its approach, looking beyond the present day for views on the next steps that libraries should take and how to meet the upcoming challenges in the cultural sector. It will offer inspiration and knowledge-sharing from libraries worldwide and key partners such as The Reading Agency and ePub Direct. The symposium will take place in London on 2-3 November 2011 and has been organised by Axiell, a technology and services specialist for public libraries, archives and museums in the UK and Scandinavia
OCLC, Ex Libris announce new partnership to expose WorldCat content via Ex Libris discovery and delivery solutions
OCLC and Ex Libris Group® have signed an agreement that will enable Ex Libris to incorporate the WorldCat Search API into several Ex Libris discovery and delivery services, providing OCLC member libraries access to WorldCat through the Ex Libris Primo® and MetaLib® solutions
ArchiveGrid is an important destination for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed nearly a million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid. Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about the many items in each of these collections, contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials, and order copies
DBpedia 3.7 released, including 15 localized editions
The new DBpedia data set describes more than 3.64 million things, of which 1.83 million are classified in a consistent ontology, including 416,000 persons, 526,000 places, 106,000 music albums, 60,000 films, 17,500 video games, 169,000 organizations, 183,000 species and 5,400 diseases
Monday, September 12, 2011
Titanic 2012 (UK)

Article evolution from IOPscience
Article evolution is a new and ongoing project, which improves the online delivery of research articles on IOPscience, enabling you to interact with research in new ways
Taylor & Francis Mobile
Taylor & Francis have created Taylor & Francis Online Mobile which provides mobile access to the 1,600 Journals and Reference Works available via Taylor & Francis Online
New £57m University of Aberdeen library opens (UK)
The University of Aberdeen's new £57m library has opened for business. Construction on the building, which will replace the university's ageing Queen Mother Library, began in 2009
LISTen: An Program - Episode #166
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #166. "Even though the audio of this episode has the numbering royally screwed up, an interesting look is presented. This is a how-we-did-it sort of episode. As stated in the episode itself: "Consider this a sort of medium-sized Tech for Techies that comes with a side order of curly french fries and a fountain drink."" Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
MARC records for Springer eBooks & SpringerProtocols
Springer offers two options for MARC records for Springer eBook collections
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Human chain protest at Great Ayton library (UK)

Vernon Manuscript aims to unlock West Midlands accent origins (UK)
Experts at the University of Birmingham are using a 600-year-old medieval manuscript to try to unlock the origins of the West Midlands accent. The Vernon Manuscript, which dates back to about 1400, was written in the region's dialect. University researchers are asking local people to record parts of the text at a series of events. They can then look at how the dialect has changed over time and what aspects are still used today
The Children’s Bookshow 2011 (UK)
The Children's Bookshow is an annual tour of children's authors and illustrators from the UK and abroad. The theme for this, the 9th Bookshow, is 'Simply the Best'
SAGE to publish Journal of Laboratory Automation
SAGE will continue its partnership with the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening by publishing the Journal of Laboratory Automation beginning in 2012
OverDrive adds titles from ALA Editions & Information Today
OverDrive has added titles from ALA Editions & Information Today
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications
Clinics in Mother and Child Health
Review of Economics & Finance
Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Fascicle XVII, Medicine
Newsletter Archeologia
Revista Romana de Economie
BIBLOS : Revista do Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação
Journal of Combustion
Journal of World Christianity
International Journal of Orthodox Theology
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy
Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques
Acta Linguistica
Inquire : Journal of Comparative Literature
International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies
Review of Economic Analysis
International Journal of Reviews in Computing
International Journal of Educational Research and Technology
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
Open Veterinary Journal
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies
Journal of Chain-Computerisation
Contemporary Materials
Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications
Clinics in Mother and Child Health
Review of Economics & Finance
Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Fascicle XVII, Medicine
Newsletter Archeologia
Revista Romana de Economie
BIBLOS : Revista do Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação
Journal of Combustion
Journal of World Christianity
International Journal of Orthodox Theology
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy
Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques
Acta Linguistica
Inquire : Journal of Comparative Literature
International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies
Review of Economic Analysis
International Journal of Reviews in Computing
International Journal of Educational Research and Technology
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
Open Veterinary Journal
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies
Journal of Chain-Computerisation
Contemporary Materials
Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Podcast: The Berlin Wall 1961: the construction 50 years on - UK National Archives

Thomson Reuters releases ScholarOne Abstracts version 3.13
Thomson Reuters has announced the release of ScholarOne Abstracts version 3.13, the latest update to the comprehensive workflow management system for scholarly conferences
New Science Reference Guide: African Americans in Medicine
This guide contains a selection of books about and by African Americans in Medicine found in the Library of Congress collections
Merton joins the London Libraries Consortium (UK)
Merton has announced it has joined the London Libraries Consortium. Started in 2004, the consortium now numbers 15 London Boroughs, almost half the capital's 32 Boroughs and covering over 3.6 million residents. Lewisham and Kingston-Upon-Thames have also joined in the last 12 months
JSTOR - free access to early journal content and serving "unaffiliated" users
JSTOR is making journal content published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere, freely available to the public for reading and downloading. This includes nearly 500,000 articles from more than 200 journals, representing approximately 6% of the total content on JSTOR
Friday, September 09, 2011
September 2011 batch of Early Reviewer books now available at LibraryThing
The September 2011 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing. There are 3089 copies of 121 books available this month
New video series featuring legends of American theatre
Filmakers Library, an imprint of Alexander Street Press, has announced the addition of The Dramatists Guild Fund's new interview series, The Legacy Project, to its catalogue of video titles. The Legacy Project, acquired by Filmakers Library, is an intimate portrait of legendary American dramatists through interviews conducted by emerging playwrights. The series, featuring conversations with ten eminent writers of American theatre - including Stephen Sondheim, Lanford Wilson and John Kander - is currently available for purchase as a 10 DVD box set. Later in the year, the collection will also be available online in streaming video through Alexander Street’s Academic Video Online Store
Webinar: Greening Your Library presented by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Rebekkah Smith Aldrich will present her Greening Your Library workshop as a webinar on Wednesday, September 21 from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon. Whether you are planning a new library, refurbishing your current library, or improving your current library on a tight budget, this workshop will help you identify green options and find resources to make them happen. "Going green" doesn't always have to cost a lot, sometimes it can save money, too!
CNI Fall 2011 Membership Meeting
CNI Fall 2011 Membership Meeting - December 12-13, 2011 - Arlington, VA - "Representatives from CNI member organizations gather twice annually for membership meetings. The meetings are designed to explore new technologies, content, and applications; to further collaboration; to analyze technology policy issues; and to catalyze the development and deployment of new projects"
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - September 9, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Enthusiasts. "This brainteaser is about people who are enthusiastic about studying something or collecting things." Answers here.
1. What does a discophile collect and study?
2. What does a philatelist study and collect?
3. A zoologist is someone concerned with the scientific study of what?
4. What does a bibliophile love or collect?
5. "Twitcher" is an informal name for what kind of person (not someone who twitches)?
6. Is anthropology the scientific study of animals, human beings or apes?
7. Paleontology is the study of what?
8. What does a lepidopterist study or collect?
9. A numismatist is a person who studies or collects what?
10. Deltiology is the hobby of collecting and studying what?
1. What does a discophile collect and study?
2. What does a philatelist study and collect?
3. A zoologist is someone concerned with the scientific study of what?
4. What does a bibliophile love or collect?
5. "Twitcher" is an informal name for what kind of person (not someone who twitches)?
6. Is anthropology the scientific study of animals, human beings or apes?
7. Paleontology is the study of what?
8. What does a lepidopterist study or collect?
9. A numismatist is a person who studies or collects what?
10. Deltiology is the hobby of collecting and studying what?
Thursday, September 08, 2011
ACLIP achieves Scottish recognition
The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals has announced that its professional award for para professionals has been credit rated against the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
England’s Libraries and the Funding Crisis by Phil Bradley
Phil Bradley writes: Like many other countries, the United Kingdom has experienced a series of financial shocks, including a severe banking crisis. The home nations in the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) are funded differently, and each has its own unique financial and legal circumstances (and its own parliaments). Consequently, this article will focus on the current situation regarding libraries in England, specifically possible closures and other threats to library service. The point should also be made that it is not just public libraries that are affected: School libraries, academic libraries, and corporate libraries are threatened as well
HathiTrust full-text index to be integrated into OCLC services
OCLC and HathiTrust have signed an agreement that will allow OCLC to integrate the HathiTrust full-text index into OCLC services, enabling member libraries and their users to more easily discover resources from this important digital collection through WorldCat
C&RL News – September 2011
C&RL News – September 2011 is now freely available online from The Association of College and Research Libraries
SPIE chooses Silverchair platform for the SPIE Digital Library
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, has announced that it has selected Silverchair Information Systems to host the SPIE Digital Library on its SCM6 platform as of June 2012
The Survey of Library Services for Distance Learning Programs, 2011-12 Edition
Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Library Services for Distance Learning Programs, 2011-12 Edition. The report looks closely at how libraries are servicing distance learning programs. The report presents hard data on materials purchasing for distance learning student, use of eBooks and videos, the impact of distance learning on licensing of resources, the provision of information literacy classes and tutorials, shipping costs, relations with faculty and students, staffing and budgeting, and many other facets of distance learning librarianship
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
2011 ACRL Award winners
The Association of College and Research Libraries Association Awards Program honors the best and brightest stars of academic librarianship. 2011 ACRL Award winners
Book Grocer: 7-13 September 2011
Book Grocer: 7-13 September 2011 - The week ahead in literary London from the Londonist blog. #books #London
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
World Shakespeare Festival 2012 (UK)

BioOne announces 2012 collections
BioOne welcomes five titles and their respective nonprofit publishers to the 2012 BioOne Collections. In addition to new titles from China (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Finland (Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board), and South Africa (Natal Museum), BioOne welcomes back the Society for the Study of Reproduction and their prestigious journal, Biology of Reproduction
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #161
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #161 - September 2, 2011 is now available from Peter Suber
University of Connecticut Libraries join HathiTrust Digital Library
The University of Connecticut Libraries have become the newest member of HathiTrust Digital Library, a partnership of major academic and research libraries collaborating to compile a massive digital library of published scholarship
Man Booker Prize 2011 shortlist announced
The shortlist for the Man Booker Prize 2011 has been announced:
* Julian Barnes The Sense of an Ending (Jonathan Cape - Random House)
* Carol Birch Jamrach's Menagerie (Canongate Books)
* Patrick deWitt The Sisters Brothers (Granta)
* Esi Edugyan Half Blood Blues (Serpent's Tail)
* Stephen Kelman Pigeon English (Bloomsbury)
* A.D. Miller Snowdrops (Atlantic)
* Julian Barnes The Sense of an Ending (Jonathan Cape - Random House)
* Carol Birch Jamrach's Menagerie (Canongate Books)
* Patrick deWitt The Sisters Brothers (Granta)
* Esi Edugyan Half Blood Blues (Serpent's Tail)
* Stephen Kelman Pigeon English (Bloomsbury)
* A.D. Miller Snowdrops (Atlantic)
Monday, September 05, 2011
LISTen: An Program - Episode #165
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #165. "This week's episode contains a book review of a Jim Butcher novel, a reflection on technological change, and a look at the 10th anniversary of 11 September 2011." Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
Mary Ann Liebert publishers 2012 Journal pricing
Mary Ann Liebert publishers has announced its 2012 Journal pricing
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Exclusive access to Cathedral Library on Heritage Open Day for the first time (UK)
For the first time, Gloucester Cathedral will open its 14th century monastic library to the public during Heritage Open Day on Saturday 10 September. Cathedral Archivist Chris Jeens has been working for the past two years on preserving, re-ordering and cataloguing the Cathedral's Library and Archive collections, assisted by a small band of volunteers. The earliest manuscript works in the library date from the 13th century although there are some even earlier deeds and fragments. Many of the works in the collection are in a fragile condition and Chris has been monitoring the temperature and humidity levels in the Library with the aim of preventing further deterioration
International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science
International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science is an international peer-reviewed online journal in the field of Library and Information Science publishing original research papers, survey reports, and reviews & opinions pertaining to the subject. It is a freely accessible scholarly journal committed to disseminate the intellectual efforts of global academic community in the discipline of LIS
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Discovery
Pharmacognosy Reviews
Revista Sapiens : História, Património e Arqueologia
Boletín Biológica
DLCV : Língua, Linguística & Literatura
Archiva Zootehnica
Exatas Online
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Ribarstvo : Croatian Journal of Fisheries
International Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing Applications
Mundo Amazónico
Constructii : Journal of Civil Engineering Research
Revista de Direito Público
International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science
Iberoamericana de Engenharia Industrial
Journal of Technology and Science Education
Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe
Pharmacognosy Reviews
Revista Sapiens : História, Património e Arqueologia
Boletín Biológica
DLCV : Língua, Linguística & Literatura
Archiva Zootehnica
Exatas Online
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Ribarstvo : Croatian Journal of Fisheries
International Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing Applications
Mundo Amazónico
Constructii : Journal of Civil Engineering Research
Revista de Direito Público
International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science
Iberoamericana de Engenharia Industrial
Journal of Technology and Science Education
Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe
Digital Humanities Workshop (UK)
Digital Humanities Workshop - 16 September, 2011 - Reading, UK - Drawing together scholars and students involved in digital and computer-assisted research, this one-day workshop intends to promote discussion, collaborations and support to digital research and teaching across the humanities
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Ovid supports Chinese medical research market with the release of OvidChinese
Ovid has announced the release OvidChinese. OvidChinese allows healthcare practitioners, clinicians, students, and researchers to search, browse, and manage results of core Chinese-language medical content
Archival, library and museum institutions to apply for Charles Sturt papers (UK)
Archival, library and museum institutions across the country can now apply for the allocation of papers of explorer Charles Sturt (1795-1869), which the government has accepted in lieu of tax. The collection consists of Sturt's journal, papers, watercolours and drawings relating to his expedition to central Australia from 1844-46
OverDrive now provides digital library services for schools in 15 countries
OverDrive has released updated statistics regarding the demand in school markets worldwide for its global catalog of popular eBooks, audiobooks, music and video. Through the first eight months of 2011, OverDrive's School Download Library service has grown 500 percent over 2010 and is now available to hundreds of thousands of students and staff in hundreds of schools in 15 countries around the world
Ingram Content Group announces worldwide expansion with the launch of Global CONNECT
Ingram Content Group Inc. has announced the launch of Global CONNECT, a new worldwide program combining Ingram's print and distribution services and a network of book manufacturers around the world, with state-of-the-art print on demand technology and connectivity to local networks of retailers. Singular Digital, a leading book manufacturer in Brazil with extensive regional distribution, will launch Ingram's South American expansion
RR Donnelley acquires LibreDigital
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company has announced that it has acquired Austin, TX-based LibreDigital, a provider of digital content distribution, e-reading software, content conversion, data analytics and business intelligence services to book, magazine and newspaper publishers as well as to e-reader device providers
Information Today - September 2011 issues
The September 2011 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available launches Merchant Navy Seamen records

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