Tuesday, May 31, 2011
UC Santa Barbara Digital Library brings holdings from Special Collections to the web (USA)
From Dada to Surrealism: Jewish Avant-Garde Artists from Romania, 1910-1938 (Holland)
In the early decades of the twentieth century, the art world was taken by storm by the fearless experimentalism of several Jewish artists from Romania: Tristan Tzara (1895-1962), Victor Brauner (1903-1966), Marcel Janco (1895-1984), and M. H. Maxy (1895-1971). They and the older Romanian artist Arthur Segal (1875-1944) were present at the birth of an influential avant-garde movement. The younger artists Jules Perahim (1914-2008) and Paul Păun (1915-1994), inspired by their predecessors, were at the forefront of Surrealism.
Dadaist, Surrealist, abstract, and expressionistic works, personal variations on Constructivism - nothing went too far for them.
This virtual exhibition unveils some of the works in the unique exhibition From Dada to Surrealism: Jewish Avant-Garde Artists from Romania, 1910-1938 running until October 2, 2011, in the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam. The exhibition confirms the importance of Bucharest in European avant-garde art. Also, the lives and work of these seven men shed light on the relationship between Jewish identity and radical modernity. An abundantly illustrated publication accompanies the exposition
Dadaist, Surrealist, abstract, and expressionistic works, personal variations on Constructivism - nothing went too far for them.
This virtual exhibition unveils some of the works in the unique exhibition From Dada to Surrealism: Jewish Avant-Garde Artists from Romania, 1910-1938 running until October 2, 2011, in the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam. The exhibition confirms the importance of Bucharest in European avant-garde art. Also, the lives and work of these seven men shed light on the relationship between Jewish identity and radical modernity. An abundantly illustrated publication accompanies the exposition
Out of fear, colleges lock books and images away from scholars (USA)
From The Chronicle - "A library of 8.7 million digital volumes. A trove of 100,000 ocean-science photos. An archive of 57,000 Mexican-music recordings. A common problem bedevils those different university collections. Wide online access is curtailed, in part because they contain "orphan works," whose copyright owners can't be found. And the institutions that hold the collections - a consortium of major research libraries and the University of California campuses at San Diego and Los Angeles - must deal with legal uncertainty in deciding how to share the works. A university that goes too far could end up facing a copyright-infringement lawsuit. Many colleges now have the ability to digitize a wide variety of collections for broad use but frequently back away. And that reluctance harms scholarship, because researchers end up not using valuable documents if they can't afford to fly to a distant archive to see them"
Copac adds Institution of Mechanical Engineers library (UK)
The holdings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers library have been added to Copac. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers was founded in 1847 and the library collection has evolved throughout the Institution's life. One of the best mechanical engineering collections in the world, the library holds many rare and specialist resources, including an extensive historical journal collection, and a specialist standards collection which includes many hard to find American standards
Cambridge Public Library wins Harleston Parker Medal / William Rawn Associates Architects and Ann Beha Architects (USA)
The Boston Society of Architects/AIA announced the winner of the 2010 Harleston Parker Medal as the Cambridge Public Library by William Rawn Associates Architects and Ann Beha Architects. Each year, the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) and the City of Boston award the Harleston Parker Medal to "the single most beautiful" building or structure built in the Greater Boston area over the past 10 years
The British Library creates a "National Memory" with an online digital newspaper archive
The British Library is one year into its plan to digitise 40 million news pages from its vast 750 million collection, housed in Colindale, north London. This autumn, the library will reinvent its cavernous vaults as a website, where amateur genealogists and eager historians will be able to browse 19th-century newsprint from their home computer. About half a million newspaper pages have been scanned to date. Fewer than a dozen staff clean, copy and upload roughly 8,000 pages a day - about enough to cover a football pitch. When it goes live, the site aims to display more than 1.5 million pages, with 4 million pages uploaded by the end of next year. - The Guardian
£500,000 embezzled from National Library of Scotland

Canadian Library Association Executive Council election slate
The slate of candidates for the 2012 CLA Executive Council was announced at the 2011 CLA Annual General Meeting on Thursday 26 May. John Teskey, chair of the Nominations Committee was very pleased that all available positions will be contested in the upcoming election. The following candidates have been put forward by the Nominations Committee:
For Vice-President/President-Elect
* Pilar Martinez
* Martha Whitehead
For Treasurer:
* Lita Barrie
* Deb deBruijn
* Laura Lemmens
* Mary-Jo Romaniuk
For Councillor-at-large
* Donna Brockmeyer
* Donna Campbell
* Jennifer Evans
* Rob Foster
* Karen Hildebrandt
* Deb Thomas
* John Tooth
Biographies and statements from the candidates will be distributed to all CLA members in early June. The election will take place in September 2011, for terms to begin in January 2012
For Vice-President/President-Elect
* Pilar Martinez
* Martha Whitehead
For Treasurer:
* Lita Barrie
* Deb deBruijn
* Laura Lemmens
* Mary-Jo Romaniuk
For Councillor-at-large
* Donna Brockmeyer
* Donna Campbell
* Jennifer Evans
* Rob Foster
* Karen Hildebrandt
* Deb Thomas
* John Tooth
Biographies and statements from the candidates will be distributed to all CLA members in early June. The election will take place in September 2011, for terms to begin in January 2012
The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries' 12th Annual Literature Awards winners
The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries' 12th Annual Literature Awards have been won by:
General interest category: An Oak Spring Herbaria by Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi and Tony Willis (Oak Spring Garden Library)
Technical category: Keywords in American Landscape Design by Therese O'Malley (Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art/Yale)
General interest category: An Oak Spring Herbaria by Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi and Tony Willis (Oak Spring Garden Library)
Technical category: Keywords in American Landscape Design by Therese O'Malley (Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art/Yale)
Biblio Tech Review - May 2011
The May 2011 issue of Biblio Tech Review is now available. This issue includes:
* Arts and Cultural Institutions Select Innovative's Millennium
* DEMCO, Inc. announces the acquisition of Evanced Solutions
* NISO launches E-book special interest group to foster collaborative work
* French publishers sue Google for scanning books without permission
* Arts and Cultural Institutions Select Innovative's Millennium
* DEMCO, Inc. announces the acquisition of Evanced Solutions
* NISO launches E-book special interest group to foster collaborative work
* French publishers sue Google for scanning books without permission
Monday, May 30, 2011
Chronicling America from Library of Congress has new look and functionality
The Library of Congress has made big changes to the Chronicling America Web site, giving it a new look and several new features. An exciting and prominent addition to the site is the "100 Years Ago Today" gallery, which provides front page views to century-old newspapers. Searching and navigation are improved as well - the site now enables users to see the search tool at the top of every page, to navigate within search results, to limit searching to only front pages, and to view any newspaper in "full page" mode without any extra information around the page. Users can now also subscribe to weekly updates and recent addition notices or share any page on the site through email and sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #154
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #154. "This week's episode brings an essay about a new attempt at fracturing the Internet which will otherwise alter the knowledge ecology. More than oil emanates from the Middle East". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - May 29, 2011 update
The May 29, 2011 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
16 more OA Journals added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 16 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 16,000 scholarly journals
Sunday, May 29, 2011
The Vault from Boxoffice Magazine (USA)

Interlibrary Loan Practices Handbook, Third Edition

* Guidance on how to do ILL efficiently and effectively, with advice on how to be a considerate borrower and lender
* Details of preferred staffing and management techniques, showing how best practices can be implemented at any institution
* Discussion of important issues that can fall between the cracks, such as hidden copyright issues, and the logistics of lending internationally
Consortia and other library partnerships are now sharing ever larger fractions of their collections, and this book gives library staff the tools necessary for a smoothly functioning ILL system
Pupils and staff at Distington Community School planning rally in a bid to save their local library (UK)
A countywide shake-up could see up to 20 small libraries close, including those at Moorclose, Seaton and Distington, with mobile libraries also facing the axe. But Kathleen Jones, assistant headteacher of Distington Community School, said that pupils and staff would march through the village with placards and banners urging people to sign their petition. The library, which is based in the community centre, is over the road from the school. Ms Jones said: "The library brings lots of benefits to the school and it would be a great loss not only for the school but for the community if it went." A date for the march is yet to be fixed but Ms Jones said it would be after the half-term holiday
A ‘big society’ vision for New Cross library (UK)
New Cross Library officially closed on Saturday but the New Cross People's Committee are aiming to re-open the library as a community-led project as soon as possible. Gill Hart, secretary of the "New Cross People's Library", told a public meeting, held at Telegraph Hill on Thursday that: "Nothing is being taken out from New Cross Library, in other words we have all the books." The committee has an open membership and with a current membership of 20, is hoping to attract more members
Education Department clarifies E-Reader accessibility rules (USA)
The U.S. Department of Education has released a new guide to laws and rules colleges must follow to ensure e-reading devices and other emerging technologies are accessible to all students. It focuses on students with vision problems, a group whose access issues have triggered official complaints against colleges. The document, in the form of "Frequently Asked Questions," was published in response to the department's "Dear Colleague" letter to college presidents on the subject last June
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
CES Medicina
ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology
ITB Journal of Engineering Science
Posgrado y Sociedad
Journal of Drug Delivery
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo
International Journal on Soft Computing
Information Technologies and Learning Tools
ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics
Annals of the University of Craiova. Mathematics and Computer Science Series
Balkan Medical Journal
Revista de Comunicación y Salud
International Journal of Biological and Medical Research
Revista Colombiana de Física
Acta Geographica Debrecina. Landscape and Environment Series
Boletim do Instituto de Pesca
Pecia Complutense : Boletín de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Strides in Development of Medical Education
Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis
Revista Bioética
ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology
ITB Journal of Engineering Science
Posgrado y Sociedad
Journal of Drug Delivery
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo
International Journal on Soft Computing
Information Technologies and Learning Tools
ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics
Annals of the University of Craiova. Mathematics and Computer Science Series
Balkan Medical Journal
Revista de Comunicación y Salud
International Journal of Biological and Medical Research
Revista Colombiana de Física
Acta Geographica Debrecina. Landscape and Environment Series
Boletim do Instituto de Pesca
Pecia Complutense : Boletín de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Strides in Development of Medical Education
Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis
Revista Bioética
SAMP acquires Ceylon Times 1924-30
The South Asian Microform Project has extended its holdings of Ceylon Times by acquiring issues from 1924 to 1930. The original Ceylon Times was founded in 1846 and published until 1874. Restarted in 1882 by the publisher, the Times of Ceylon quickly regained its former prominence, read by British officials, planters, and merchants as well as the elite of Ceylon. It was a major vehicle for international, local, and business information for the nation of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)
APS Wikipedia Initiative - Association for Psychological Science

* Ensure that articles about psychological research and theory are accurate, up-to-date, complete and written in a style appropriate for the general public
* Ensure that articles are based on independent reliable secondary sources
* To represent scientific controversies and scientific consensus fairly, writing articles in a neutral style
* Improve and review articles to Good Article and Featured Article quality
* Assess psychology-related articles and tag them appropriately when there are problems
Big Picture - Summer 2011 - Food and Diet (Wellcome Trust, UK)

* Studying the stomach
* Brown fat: a good fat?
* Exploring ancient diets
* The man who can taste sounds
* Differences in taste
* Killing off the calorie
* Food for thought
* How science works: researching health and disease
* Anatomy of appetite
* Building a baby: maternal diet
Why publishers support E-book lending with OpenLibrary.org: a Q&A with Smashwords Mark Coker
This Q&A kicks off a series of conversations with visionary publishers who support e-book digital library lending with OpenLibrary.org
Wellcome Library Insights: June - July (UK)

Details of June and July's Insights have just been released. They are:
Fascinating Faces - 16th June, 3pm-4pm
(Learn about the provocative idea that our faces can be 'read' - is it an art or a science?)
Women, Health and Healing - 23rd June, 3pm-4pm
(Explore the changing attitudes of women in medicine and attitudes to female healers through the centuries)
Henry Wellcome: His Life and Work - 28th July, 6pm-7pm
(Find out more about our founder as an individual, a businessman and as a collector)
Podcast: Modelling for decision-making: simulating the building environment (UK National Archives)
This talk summarises the outcomes of the Building Environment Simulation (BES) project and discusses next steps in the care of the collection of The National Archives in view of sustainability and energy saving targets. This imaginative 22-month collaborative research project between The National Archives and UCL's Centre for Sustainable Heritage delivered a highly complex computer model that simulates environmental conditions in the three main repositories at The National Archives. The outcomes of the research demonstrated the real potential of computer modelling for managing collections since it demonstrated that energy use could be cut significantly without damaging the collection. The project developed further state-of-the art-technologies to explore environmental scenarios, and demonstrated the power of research evidence to change conservation practice. Kostas Ntanos is Head of Conservation Research and Development at The National Archives. He trained as a conservator in Greece and received an MA in Conservation Science from the Royal College of Art and Victoria & Albert Museum Conservation Course in 2005, before joining the Collection Care Department at The National Archives.
SAGE to begin publishing Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology
SAGE has announced a new partnership with Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology. SAGE will publish the journal on behalf of Union Presbyterian Seminary from 2012; editorial control will remain with the Union Presbyterian Seminary Editor(s) and Editorial Council
Embrapa, Brazil's Agricultural Research Corporation, adds 470,000 records to WorldCat
Embrapa, Brazil's Agricultural Research Corporation, has added more than 470,000 bibliographic records to the OCLC WorldCat database, the world's largest online resource for finding information in libraries. Embrapa's collection, which focuses on topics such as tropical agriculture, food safety, family agriculture, natural resources, advanced technology and agribusiness, comprises approximately 315,000 titles in Portuguese; 125,000 in English; and 22,000 titles in Spanish. Nearly 18,000 records will link to full-text documents, most of which come from Embrapa's digital repository, the Informática Agropecuária (Ainfo). There are now more than 2 million Portuguese records in WorldCat
Sharpe Reference online content added to Reference Universe
Paratext has announced that links to the reference works from the Sharpe Online Reference collection have been added to the nearly 50,000 scholarly subject encyclopedias and other reference titles accessible via Reference Universe
Barnes & Noble releases the Nook Simple Touch Reader

* Easiest to use 6” touchscreen
* Most advanced E-Ink® display - crisp text, even in bright sun
* Longest battery life - read up to 2 months on just 1 charge
* Ultra-light and thin - under 8 ounces
* Largest bookstore with more than 2 million titles - get them in seconds
* Expert recommendations & fun social features
Manuscriptorium content available through EBSCO Discovery Service™
An agreement between the National Library of the Czech Republic and EBSCO Publishing is bringing metadata from the Manuscriptorium project to EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). The goal of the Manuscriptorium project is to create virtual research access to all digital documents related to historical book resources up to the year 1800. Content includes: manuscripts, incunabula, early print books, maps, deeds, charters and more. Metadata from the Manuscriptorium - the European Digital Library of Written Cultural Heritage - will be available to all EDS users, further expanding the information available via EBSCO Discovery Service
LibLime releases LibLime Koha Version 4.2
LibLime is offering the latest development features and bug fixes available in LibLime Koha 4.2. The newly developed and tested features available in LibLime Koha 4.2 include work completed since the last publicly available release in September, 2010
Digging into Image Data workshop (UK)
Digging into Image Data Workshop - University of Sheffield, Humanities Research Institute - 6th June 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
HP launches Paul McCartney’s Instant-On Digital Library
HP has announced the launch of Paul McCartney's private cloud-based digital library. The HP solution provides MPL Communications, Ltd. with instant access to its diverse media assets on an HP Converged Infrastructure ready for future growth. McCartney's collection currently includes more than 1 million items, including photographs; video footage from live concerts; rolls of film, videotapes and reels; music recordings; original works of art; as well as memorabilia. With HP, McCartney's personal assets are now digitized
New Research Report: Copyright Policies and Practices 2011
In today's busy work environment, there is often a gap between what organisations think they are doing to manage the risk associated with misuse of copyrighted materials and what end-users are actually doing with the content that crosses their desks everyday. Sponsored by CLA and conducted by FreePint, 'Copyright Policies and Practices 2011' identifies - and begins to quantify - this disparity: "In the current year results, we see a significant increase in confidence amongst both managers and users around their ability to manage the risks associated with copyright. However, the gaps identified in last year's research between top-down policy and bottom-up behavior continue to suggest unmanaged risk…" - Copyright Licensing Agency
Elsevier Foundation invites 2011 proposals for Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries Program

New-look JournalTOCs website
Roddy Macleod invites you to check out the new-look JournalTOCs website:
* The latest research research at your fingertips.
* Tables of Contents for 16,300 journals (including 2140 Open Access journals) from 825 publishers.
* Follow journals of interest, and be alerted to the contents of new issues.
* Receive Email Alerts when new issues are published in the journals you Follow.
* Search by keyword(s) within the half a million recently published articles indexed by JournalTOCs.
* Browse journal publications by subject or publisher.
* Export TOC RSS feeds.
* Link from anywhere (a blog, a website, Facebook, an email message, etc) to the latest Table of Contents of a journal.
* Create customised RSS feeds to follow the latest scholarly articles on a topic.
* Suggest new journal titles to add to JournalTOCs.
* Use JournalTOCs API (Application Programming Interface) to create your own web applications that integrate content from freely available journal TOCs.
* Customise the service to give your users fast and easy access to the full-text of the most current papers published in the electronic journals to which your Library subscribes.
* View the most Followed journals.
* And more...
* The latest research research at your fingertips.
* Tables of Contents for 16,300 journals (including 2140 Open Access journals) from 825 publishers.
* Follow journals of interest, and be alerted to the contents of new issues.
* Receive Email Alerts when new issues are published in the journals you Follow.
* Search by keyword(s) within the half a million recently published articles indexed by JournalTOCs.
* Browse journal publications by subject or publisher.
* Export TOC RSS feeds.
* Link from anywhere (a blog, a website, Facebook, an email message, etc) to the latest Table of Contents of a journal.
* Create customised RSS feeds to follow the latest scholarly articles on a topic.
* Suggest new journal titles to add to JournalTOCs.
* Use JournalTOCs API (Application Programming Interface) to create your own web applications that integrate content from freely available journal TOCs.
* Customise the service to give your users fast and easy access to the full-text of the most current papers published in the electronic journals to which your Library subscribes.
* View the most Followed journals.
* And more...
Nixon Library to make Pentagon Papers public (USA)
After more than 40 years, the US federal government has declassified the Pentagon Papers, and the Nixon Presidential Library & Museum will be one of the first institutions to make the document available. The Nixon Library already has a copy in the vault that was part of President Richard M. Nixon's papers. It will be released at 9 a.m. on June 13, 40 years to the day that leaked portions of the report were printed on the front page of The New York Times, near a picture of Nixon accompanying his daughter Tricia on her wedding day
3D: digitise, deliver, discover (Manchester, UK)
Unlike most events of this kind which tend to be highly specialised, 3D will be wide-ranging and aimed at a broader target audience, to include academics and students, technical experts and digital novices with an interest in digitisation. Speakers at the conference are at the cutting edge of current digital thought and practice and include:
* Paola Marchionni – JISC
* Michael Popham – Oxford Digital Library
* Michael Stocking – Armadillo
* George Pitcher – Heron
* Adrian Brown – Parliamentary Archives
* Dave Thompson - Wellcome Library
6 June 2011 9.30am - 4.30pm, The Manchester Conference Centre
* Paola Marchionni – JISC
* Michael Popham – Oxford Digital Library
* Michael Stocking – Armadillo
* George Pitcher – Heron
* Adrian Brown – Parliamentary Archives
* Dave Thompson - Wellcome Library
6 June 2011 9.30am - 4.30pm, The Manchester Conference Centre
London Digital Humanities Group: Following the Money - 2 June 2011
The next meeting of the London Digital Humanities Group will take place at Dr Williams's Library, 14 Gordon Square, London, on Thursday 2 June at 5pm. The meeting will take the form of a panel discussion on the topic of: 'Following the Money: Funding Digital Humanities Projects in a Period of Austerity'. Speakers will be Ann Hughes (Professor of Early Modern History at Keele and Director of the Research Institute for the Humanities), John Morrill (Professor of British and Irish History, Cambridge) and Alastair Dunning (Programme Manager, Digitisation, JISC)
The Networked Librarian (Video & Slides) by Lee Rainie
Lee Rainie discusses technology and libraries at San Francisco Public Library. He describes the latest research findings of the Pew Internet & American Life Project about how Americans use the internet and cell phones. He explores how libraries can be actors in building and participating in social networks through their use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogging and through delivering their time-tested - and trusted - services to their patrons
The Networked Librarian - Lee Rainie at BayNet from BayNet Webmaster on Vimeo.
Adolf Hitler's half brother in 1911 census records
From the findmypast blog - "We've unearthed Adolf Hitler's half brother in our 1911 census records and his census return makes for fascinating reading. Alois Hitler Jr had a troubled childhood and is said to have had a rocky relationship with his parents. In 1910 he met Bridget Elizabeth Dowling in Dublin. Alois and Bridget eloped to London and married in June 1910. Alois' 1911 census return shows him and Bridget living at 102 Upper Stanhope Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool. This house is reported to have been destroyed in a German air-raid on Liverpool in 1942"
Inside Search: The official Google Search blog
The thirst for knowledge is as old as humanity. It's only in the past decade that the Internet has made knowledge ubiquitous, and we want to help you find the answers you're looking for, whether it's the best price on a new microwave, where to find a great bike ride - or even information about the Internet itself. Generally, we help you answer questions by refining our algorithms, but today we're taking a slightly different approach: we're starting a blog - this blog - "Inside Search." Here you'll find regular updates on our algorithms and features, as well as stories from the people who work to improve Google every day. RSS feed
MARBI Annual 2011 draft agenda (USA)
ALCTS/LITA/RUSA Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) - ALA Annual CONFERENCE - June 25-27, 2011 - New Orleans, LA - Draft Agenda ( May 27, 2011)
CARL E-Lert # 425
CARL E-Lert # 425, May 27 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Activists warn G8 leaders against Web restrictions / Libraries face growing demand for e-books, and complicated rules about using them / Digital Public Library of America Steering Committee Announces 'Beta Sprint' / Financement de la recherche - Les trois fonds québécois conserveront leur autonomie
Research Library Issues, no. 275

SPARC introduces Open-access Journal Publishing Resource Index
SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has released a free online Open Access Journal Publishing Resource Index with information and documents to support the launch and operation of an open-access journal. Materials in the index will help libraries, presses, and other academic units on campuses as they work together to make the work of their researchers more widely available
UK Culture Minister Ed Vaizey refuses to answer library questions

The Conservative, whose portfolio in the government includes libraries, was at the British Museum in Bloomsbury to announce the launch of the annual Portable Antiquities and Treasure report – a document listing items of historical value dug up by metal detector-wielding enthusiasts, builders digging holes and farmers ploughing up fields. But before he gave his speech, and as he pressed flesh with museum staff members and answered questions from journalists, he pointedly refused to discuss the possible closure of Camden’s 13 libraries or reduced opening hours. Mr Vaizey turned to a government press officer and said: "I'm not sure what to do. Can I speak? You are here to protect me from things like this." - Camden New Journal
Access 2011: Registration is open (Canada)
Registration is now open for the Access 2011 Conference, to be held October 19-22 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Some other goodies now available on the conference website include a preliminary schedule, information on the preconference event "Open Source for Library Decision Makers," information on social events, and a link to the Hyatt's room reservation form. We're also accepting suggestions for the Hackfest.
The organizing committee gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their kind support (in alphabetical order):
Gold: Canadiana.org, Gibson Library Connections, Serials Solutions, Simon Fraser University Library, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria
Silver: Discovery Garden, Equinox Software, OCLC Digital Collection Services
Bronze: Andornot Consulting, BC Electronic Library Network, BC Libraries Cooperative, Dell Canada, Innovative Interfaces, Microcom, Relais International, Richmond Public Library, Vancouver Community College
The organizing committee gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their kind support (in alphabetical order):
Gold: Canadiana.org, Gibson Library Connections, Serials Solutions, Simon Fraser University Library, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria
Silver: Discovery Garden, Equinox Software, OCLC Digital Collection Services
Bronze: Andornot Consulting, BC Electronic Library Network, BC Libraries Cooperative, Dell Canada, Innovative Interfaces, Microcom, Relais International, Richmond Public Library, Vancouver Community College
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - May 27, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Independence?. "Many nations used to be colonised by other countries but have won their independence. See if you can answer these questions about independence. " Answers here.
1. Which nation was created when it adopted the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776?
2. Jamaica became independent from which country in 1962?
3. In which year did the Soviet Union break up after declarations of independence by many of its constituent republics: 1981, 1991 or 2001?
4. Until 1822, was Brazil a colony of Spain, Portugal or Italy?
5. Until 1816, was Argentina a colony of Spain, Portugal or Italy?
6. Which Mediterranean island became an independent country in 1960 with Archbishop Makarios as president?
7. What was Zimbabwe called before it gained independence in 1980?
8. Which country, whose capital is Helsinki, became independent from Russia in 1917?
9. In 1971, East Pakistan broke away from West Pakistan to become which independent country?
10. Burkina Faso (or Upper Volta) achieved independence from which country on August 5, 1960?
1. Which nation was created when it adopted the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776?
2. Jamaica became independent from which country in 1962?
3. In which year did the Soviet Union break up after declarations of independence by many of its constituent republics: 1981, 1991 or 2001?
4. Until 1822, was Brazil a colony of Spain, Portugal or Italy?
5. Until 1816, was Argentina a colony of Spain, Portugal or Italy?
6. Which Mediterranean island became an independent country in 1960 with Archbishop Makarios as president?
7. What was Zimbabwe called before it gained independence in 1980?
8. Which country, whose capital is Helsinki, became independent from Russia in 1917?
9. In 1971, East Pakistan broke away from West Pakistan to become which independent country?
10. Burkina Faso (or Upper Volta) achieved independence from which country on August 5, 1960?
Drama Online launching October 2012
Launching in October 2012 Drama Online is the ultimate online resource for plays, critical analysis and performance for libraries, educators, students and researchers.
Developed in partnership by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc and Faber and Faber Ltd, Drama Online will feature the pre-eminent drama titles from the Methuen Drama, Arden Shakespeare and Faber lists to form a collection of the most studied, performed and critically acclaimed plays from the last two and half thousand years.
In addition, it provides expert student guidance in the form of scholarly notes, annotated texts, critical analysis and contextual information. Performance and practitioner texts from theory to backstage and acting guides, coupled with video and audio material, will make this an essential study tool meeting the full range of drama teaching needs.
Developed in partnership by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc and Faber and Faber Ltd, Drama Online will feature the pre-eminent drama titles from the Methuen Drama, Arden Shakespeare and Faber lists to form a collection of the most studied, performed and critically acclaimed plays from the last two and half thousand years.
In addition, it provides expert student guidance in the form of scholarly notes, annotated texts, critical analysis and contextual information. Performance and practitioner texts from theory to backstage and acting guides, coupled with video and audio material, will make this an essential study tool meeting the full range of drama teaching needs.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
WiLSWorld Conference 2011 (USA)
WiLSWorld, the annual Wisconsic Library Services technology conference - July 27-28 2011 - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
National Libraries Day launched (UK)
A national day to celebrate libraries has been launched today. National Libraries Day will take place in early February 2012. It will be the finale to a week of events that will celebrate libraries and librarians, and highlight the importance of reading. Children's author and libraries campaigner Alan Gibbons announced the launch:
"We are delighted to launch National Libraries Day, a week of events in early February leading to a day of celebration of reading, libraries and librarians around the United Kingdom. A reading child is a successful child. A child who goes to the library is twice as likely to be a good reader and that child becomes a literate adult, a lifelong reader. There are 320 million visits a year to our libraries but we can make them even more popular."
"We see National Libraries as a positive day of celebration to promote the whole culture of reading for pleasure, information and engagement whether you read your traditional books or on your laptop or e-reader. It is time to make reading a universal culture. We want people to go to their local school or public library and use their School Library Service. Use it. Join it. Love it."
A group of leading literacy, reading, library and education organisations met today at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals and agreed to support the day. Planning is at an early stage but National Libraries Day activities will include encouraging people to join and use their library, and providing promotional materials and support so local communities can run events such as read-ins, poetry sessions and parties across the country. It is hoped that all sorts of libraries across the country will get involved including public libraries, in schools, colleges and Universities.
"National Libraries Day follows the tremendously successful Save Our Libraries Day, which took place on the 5th February." said Annie Mauger, CILIP's Chief Executive, "Save Our Libraries Day was successful because individuals and communities that deeply care about their libraries got out there and made a noise. People love libraries; National Libraries Day will be an amazing opportunity to show how deeply they care."
Press contact:
Mark Taylor, Head of Corporate Marketing and Media Relations, CILIP
Tel: 020 7255 0654
Email: mark.taylor@cilip.org.uk
"We are delighted to launch National Libraries Day, a week of events in early February leading to a day of celebration of reading, libraries and librarians around the United Kingdom. A reading child is a successful child. A child who goes to the library is twice as likely to be a good reader and that child becomes a literate adult, a lifelong reader. There are 320 million visits a year to our libraries but we can make them even more popular."
"We see National Libraries as a positive day of celebration to promote the whole culture of reading for pleasure, information and engagement whether you read your traditional books or on your laptop or e-reader. It is time to make reading a universal culture. We want people to go to their local school or public library and use their School Library Service. Use it. Join it. Love it."
A group of leading literacy, reading, library and education organisations met today at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals and agreed to support the day. Planning is at an early stage but National Libraries Day activities will include encouraging people to join and use their library, and providing promotional materials and support so local communities can run events such as read-ins, poetry sessions and parties across the country. It is hoped that all sorts of libraries across the country will get involved including public libraries, in schools, colleges and Universities.
"National Libraries Day follows the tremendously successful Save Our Libraries Day, which took place on the 5th February." said Annie Mauger, CILIP's Chief Executive, "Save Our Libraries Day was successful because individuals and communities that deeply care about their libraries got out there and made a noise. People love libraries; National Libraries Day will be an amazing opportunity to show how deeply they care."
Press contact:
Mark Taylor, Head of Corporate Marketing and Media Relations, CILIP
Tel: 020 7255 0654
Email: mark.taylor@cilip.org.uk
Libraries face growing demand for ebooks, and complicated rules about using them (Canada)
Joy as Leeds library saved (UK)

Digitisation of Cultural Heritage and long term preservation - the role of e-Infrastructures
Digitisation of Cultural Heritage and long term preservation - the role of e-Infrastructures is the second of a series of international conferences taking place in the course of the DC-NET project and to be held in Budapest on 23-24 June 2011. For those who stay over the weekend a free ticket will be distributed for the programs of the Night of the Museums on Friday 24th June
John Banville wins 2011 Franz Kafka Prize

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
BEA podcast: What’s Next for the Book? Innovative Leaders on the Future
As the digital transformation unfolds, the book industry has witnessed rapid change that has stressed traditional practice while providing fertile ground for the innovators who've attempted to apply more forward looking models. Join a leading group of innovators for an optimistic discussion and insight about where they believe the business is going, where the opportunities lay, and what industry captains should be doing to align their entities to grow and prosper in this new exploding marketplace. This panel was moderated by Steve Inskeep, Host, NPR's Morning Edition. Inskeep was joined by Nicholas Callaway, Chairman & Chief Creative Officer, Callaway Digital Arts; Perry Chen, Co-founder & CEO, Kickstarter; Steve Smith, CEO, John Wiley & Sons; and Reid Tracy, President and CEO of Hay House, Inc.
CARL E-Lert # 424
CARL E-Lert # 424, May 20 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: CARL-CRKN Joint Open Access Working Group / Groupe de travail mixte de l’ABRC et du RCDR sur libre accès / New copyright bill to duplicate C-32 / U. of Michigan Copyright Sleuths Start New Project to Investigate Orphan Works / CRKN License Information Module wins 2011 CACUL Innovation Achievement Award / What is the Digital Public Library of America?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Repository Fringe 2011 (Scotland)
The University of Edinburgh with support from the Digital Curation Centre, EDINA, and Information Services have announced that the 4th Annual Repository Fringe event will be held in the Informatics Forum on 3-5 August 2011. Further sponsors and supporters to be announced. Repository Fringe aims to showcase a range of innovative repository and related developments to coincide with 'preview week' that precedes the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Print Archives Preservation Registry (USA)
Center for Research Libraries is working with the California Digital Library to develop a Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) system. The system will feature a searchable database of information about print serial archiving programs, including titles held, program characteristics (such as retention period, facilities, level of validation, conditions, accessibility), and availability of titles in digital repositories. The California Digital Library (CDL) is serving as development partner for the PAPR system, with additional advisory services provided by Ithaka S+R
Behind the Covers: The Making of a Journal at Duke University Press
Behind the Covers: The Making of a Journal at Duke University Press is a new video, documenting the procedure for publishing a new issue of South Atlantic Quarterly
2011 Commonwealth Writers' Prize winners
The winners of the 2011 Commonwealth Writers' Prize have been announced. The regional prize winners are:
Best Book: The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna (Sierra Leone)
Best First Book: Happiness is a four-letter word by Cynthia Jele (South Africa)
Caribbean and Canada:
Best Book: Room by Emma Donoghue (Canada)
Best First Book: Bird Eat Bird by Katrina Best (Canada)
South Asia and Europe:
Best Book: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell (UK)
Best First Book: Sabra Zoo by Mischa Hiller (UK)
South East Asia and Pacific:
Best Book: That Deadman Dance by Kim Scott (Australia)
Best First Book: A Man Melting by Craig Cliff (New Zealand)
Best Book: The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna (Sierra Leone)
Best First Book: Happiness is a four-letter word by Cynthia Jele (South Africa)
Caribbean and Canada:
Best Book: Room by Emma Donoghue (Canada)
Best First Book: Bird Eat Bird by Katrina Best (Canada)
South Asia and Europe:
Best Book: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell (UK)
Best First Book: Sabra Zoo by Mischa Hiller (UK)
South East Asia and Pacific:
Best Book: That Deadman Dance by Kim Scott (Australia)
Best First Book: A Man Melting by Craig Cliff (New Zealand)
DREaM event 1 – launch conference (UK)
The DREaM project launch conference "Out of the comfort zone" takes place at the British Library Conference Centre, London on Tuesday 19 July 2011
Mount Allison University Memorial Library gets temporary protected status after successful application from heritage group
New from Bodleian Library Publishing - Illustrating Empire: A Visual History of British Imperialism
Sir Alex Ferguson tells players to get to the library (UK)

Knowledge Quest - May/June 2011
Published bimonthly September through June by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association, Knowledge Quest is devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators, and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services. Articles address the integration of theory and practice in school librarianship and new developments in education, learning theory, and relevant disciplines. AASL Members can access the current issue online, as well as past issues, through MetaPress. Volume 39, No. 5 - May/June 2011 now available
Recognising outstanding library advocacy (UK)
The winners of a new competition to create imaginative and high-impact materials that advocate library services have been announced. Entrants created materials that advocated libraries or librarians, and packaged them to reach beyond the usual audience for library-related advocacy. There were no restrictions on what type of materials could be created - videos, events, articles, websites, art works - all were all welcome.
Jacqueline Barlow won first prize for That's Not Online! and Annie Johnson won second prize for Putting the pieces together.
That’s Not Online! is a blog that draws attention to library collections, archives and other information that are not available on the internet. Examples include the exquisite Winchester Bible held at Winchester Cathedral Library and Harry Potter books.
For Putting the pieces together Annie Johnson created small custom made jigsaw puzzles featuring quotes about libraries and left them in coffee shops, railway station platforms, and even airport departure lounges
Jacqueline Barlow won first prize for That's Not Online! and Annie Johnson won second prize for Putting the pieces together.
That’s Not Online! is a blog that draws attention to library collections, archives and other information that are not available on the internet. Examples include the exquisite Winchester Bible held at Winchester Cathedral Library and Harry Potter books.
For Putting the pieces together Annie Johnson created small custom made jigsaw puzzles featuring quotes about libraries and left them in coffee shops, railway station platforms, and even airport departure lounges
The Gale/Library Media Connection TEAMS Award
The Gale/Library Media Connection TEAMS Award recognizes and encourages the critical collaboration between the teacher and media specialist to promote learning and increase student achievement. The awards are given every two years. Three winners will receive: $2,500 (U.S.) cash award; Gale products (approximate value $500 U.S.); a one-year subscription to Library Media Connection; and Educator's Professional Bookshelf (approximate value $500 U.S.) from Linworth Publishing
The ICE Publishing 2012 Complete ebook Collection
ICE Publishing has announced the launch of the 2012 Complete ebook Collection. With over 1000 titles added in 2011, the collection will include 1500 ebooks and is the largest civil engineering ebook collection in the world. This collection will feature all our new 2011 and 2012 titles, invaluable information from the ICE Conference Proceedings and the impressive works of history's experts. The titles will be of interest to engineers involved in maintenance of infrastructure, and researchers, students and academics requiring both a modern and historical perspective. The collection is available with subscription or perpetual rights access
Music Library Association Publications Awards call for applications
The MLA Publications Awards Committee welcomes nominations for the following annual awards:
The Vincent H. Duckles Award, for the best book-length bibliography or other research tool in music. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=88
The Richard S. Hill Award, for the best article on music librarianship or article of a music-bibliographic nature. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=836
The Eva Judd O'Meara Award, for the best review published in the Association's journal, Notes. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=83
Publications nominated for the awards to be announced in 2012 must have been published during the 2010 calendar year. Nominations may be directed to any member of the Committee, whose contact details are on the website
The Vincent H. Duckles Award, for the best book-length bibliography or other research tool in music. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=88
The Richard S. Hill Award, for the best article on music librarianship or article of a music-bibliographic nature. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=836
The Eva Judd O'Meara Award, for the best review published in the Association's journal, Notes. More information, including a list of past recipients, is available at http://musiclibraryassoc.org/awards.aspx?id=83
Publications nominated for the awards to be announced in 2012 must have been published during the 2010 calendar year. Nominations may be directed to any member of the Committee, whose contact details are on the website
Save Friern Barnet Library website (UK)
Save Friern Barnet Library website was established by a group of local residents from Friern Barnet passionate about saving what many consider to be their community centre.
Above the Fold - 25 April 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 25 April 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 16 now available
Monday, May 23, 2011
New book: The Filter Bubble - What the Internet Is Hiding from You
The Filter Bubble - an eye-opening account of how the hidden rise of personalization on the Internet is controlling - and limiting - the information we consume. In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to MoveOn.org board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it
24 more OA Journals added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 24 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 16,000 scholarly journals
APPSI seeking to recruit five new members (UK)

* A member representing Scotland who is able to present specific Scottish interests and experience
Four further members with specialist knowledge in one or more of the following areas:
* information policy and practice in the NHS
* environmental information policy and practice
* geospatial information and its exploitation
* the developer community
* digital libraries
National Library of Scotland: The virtuous infidel: David Hume 1711-1776

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
ISRN Ecology
ISRN Mechanical Engineering
ISRN Organic Chemistry
ISRN Zoology
ISRN Cardiology
ISRN Dermatology
ISRN Nursing
ISRN Oncology
ISRN Pharmacology
ISRN Surgery
ISRN Veterinary Science
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications
Journal of Service Science and Management
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology
ISRN Neurology
ISRN Urology
Revista de Psihologie
Avances en Supervisión Educativa
Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management
Stigma Research and Action
Doc On-Line : Revista Digital de Cinema Documentário
Revista Argentina de Antropología Biológica
ISRN Mechanical Engineering
ISRN Organic Chemistry
ISRN Zoology
ISRN Cardiology
ISRN Dermatology
ISRN Nursing
ISRN Oncology
ISRN Pharmacology
ISRN Surgery
ISRN Veterinary Science
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications
Journal of Service Science and Management
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology
ISRN Neurology
ISRN Urology
Revista de Psihologie
Avances en Supervisión Educativa
Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management
Stigma Research and Action
Doc On-Line : Revista Digital de Cinema Documentário
Revista Argentina de Antropología Biológica
Bodleian items added to UNESCO's UK Memory of the World Register
SOLSTICE & CLTR 2011 Conference (UK)
The SOLSTICE & CLTR 2011 Conference will take place 8-9 June 2011 at Edge Hill University in Lancashire, this well established conference offers:
- a two day event, with day one focussing on elearning and day two focussing on learning and teaching practice
- over 60 sessions covering topics from 'The Roots of Attrition' to 'Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Student Success in Virtual Worlds'
- four excellent keynote speakers; Professor Phil Race, Professor Tony Cook, Dr Mark Childs & Becka Colley
- speakers from all over the UK and international speakers from Hong Kong, South Africa, USA and Pakistan
- an excellent opportunity for networking with UK and international colleagues
- exhibitor & poster area
- a two day event, with day one focussing on elearning and day two focussing on learning and teaching practice
- over 60 sessions covering topics from 'The Roots of Attrition' to 'Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Student Success in Virtual Worlds'
- four excellent keynote speakers; Professor Phil Race, Professor Tony Cook, Dr Mark Childs & Becka Colley
- speakers from all over the UK and international speakers from Hong Kong, South Africa, USA and Pakistan
- an excellent opportunity for networking with UK and international colleagues
- exhibitor & poster area
New trial Copac interface available for comment (UK)

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Royal Society launches Open Biology
Open Biology is an open access journal covering research in cellular and molecular aspects of biology. Open Biology will publish original, high quality research in cell biology, developmental and structural biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, immunology, microbiology and genetics
Podcast: 'Revolting to humanity': histories of mental health - UK National Archives

Angus Book Award 2011 winner

SAGE Open launches for social and behavioral scientists
SAGE recently published its first articles in SAGE Open, the only broad-based open access journal featuring content from the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. SAGE Open supports the growing number of authors who require their articles to be freely available on publication, either because of personal preference or because of university or government mandates
NTIS SRS (Selected Research Service)
NTIS-SRS is a tailored information service that delivers complete electronic copies of government publications based on your needs, automatically, within a few weeks of announcement by NTIS. NTIS-SRS includes the full bibliographic information in xml format. By receiving the full text of these reports, you will know that you can provide your clients with immediate access to important government publications
New titles in PubMed Central
Pediatric Reports
International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Neurology International
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dental Research Journal
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Pharmacognosy Research
International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Neurology International
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dental Research Journal
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Pharmacognosy Research
Free OCLC/LJ online symposium: 'Play, Learn, Innovate'
Join OCLC and Library Journal online for the third "Virtual Symposium" to discuss how play overlaps with learning, media, social interaction, work and creativity - June 1-3, 2011
FAST converter, a web interface for converting LCSH headings to FAST headings
This new prototype accepts either single headings or small sets of bibliographic records for conversion. The intent of this Web site is to provide a learning tool to help familiarize users with FAST and the differences between FAST and LCSH. LCSH headings can be entered as text, with conversion results appearing as plain text. MARC format bibliographic files can also be uploaded, and a link to the converted file returned. Conversion files are limited to 50,000 bytes, or approximately 500 records. FAST subject headings were developed by adapting the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) with a simplified syntax, retaining the very rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use. FAST Converter is an experimental Web interface and may be withdrawn without notice
Ashford University introduces BA in Library Science and Media (USA)
As demands upon library personnel change to embrace new media and modern methods of document control, the educational requirements for professional librarians have evolved. Ashford University's degree in Library Science and Media is a dynamic academic solution that reaches beyond the traditional librarian's realm of activity to the new landscape of library oversight, information management and research support. Ashford University's Bachelor of Arts in Library Science and Media degree, which will be available online in late June, offers a robust course load designed to explore the modern librarian's work environment, its relationship with the internet and established library rules, and does so with an advanced web-based student experience
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Event: 'Keep Calm And Carry On' (UK)

EOS International to publish "The Digital Library Survival Guide"
EOS International have announced that they will be publishing a new book, "The Digital Library Survival Guide" by Joseph R. Matthews in May 2011. The eBook version will be available through iBooks, Amazon, EOS Website, and at the 5 major library conferences this year. "The Digital Library Survival Guide" by Joseph R. Matthews is an excellent book for all librarians who are moving into the digital library arena. It is written in a concise manner that will easily guide you through the migration process from traditional/hybrid to digital. The book briefly discusses the evolution of libraries and the technologies that enables them to effectively manage ever growing digital library assets
Donate books to the Slave Lake Library, Alberta, Canada
The new Slave Lake Public Library, which opened in 2010, was one of hundreds of buildings destroyed in the terrible northern Alberta forest fire. If you're interested in helping out but aren't sure how, the Peace Library System is taking donations of new or nearly new books (no more than two years old). Books can be shipped prepaid to:
Peace Library System
8301 - 110 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8W 6T2
ATTN: Books for Slave Lake Library
The books will be catalogued and stored until a temporary library opens. Cash donations can also be made through the library's website
Peace Library System
8301 - 110 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8W 6T2
ATTN: Books for Slave Lake Library
The books will be catalogued and stored until a temporary library opens. Cash donations can also be made through the library's website
3M Cloud Library System
The 3M Cloud Library System will revolutionize how patrons discover, borrow and read eBooks from their library. This eBook solution includes a comprehensive subscription for both digital content and in-library hardware, along with apps for borrowing and reading, providing libraries with a simple and turnkey system for participating in the digital revolution.
"This system helps libraries connect to patrons on site, at home and on the go," says 3M Library Systems Global Business Manager Matt Tempelis. "It's a great example of how 3M's ongoing commitment to libraries is helping them create the 21st century library."
"We worked closely with librarians to develop this system, which enabled us to create a solution that meets the needs of both librarians and library patrons," adds 3M Library Systems Digital Business Development Leader Tom Mercer. "The 3M Cloud Library eBook lending service has simplified the discovery, browsing and check out process for eBooks so that more patrons can enjoy the digital content their library provides."
"This system helps libraries connect to patrons on site, at home and on the go," says 3M Library Systems Global Business Manager Matt Tempelis. "It's a great example of how 3M's ongoing commitment to libraries is helping them create the 21st century library."
"We worked closely with librarians to develop this system, which enabled us to create a solution that meets the needs of both librarians and library patrons," adds 3M Library Systems Digital Business Development Leader Tom Mercer. "The 3M Cloud Library eBook lending service has simplified the discovery, browsing and check out process for eBooks so that more patrons can enjoy the digital content their library provides."
Google shuts down newspaper scanning project
Google's ambitious effort to digitize the world's newspaper archives and make them available online has come to an end. The project launched in 2008, and it currently has digitized material from what looks like about 2,000 newspapers
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
RISTI : Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Structural Integrity and Life
Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics
International Journal of Education
Domínios de Lingu@gem
Avtomobilnyi Transport
Ontology Studies
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
ISRN Applied Mathematics
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Economic Analysis of Law Review
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Reviews in Health Care
Acta Graphica : Journal for Printing Science and Graphic Communications
Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara : Transactions on Electronics and Communications
International Journal Bioautomation
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies
Annals of Constantin Brancusi University of Targu-Jiu : Juridical Science Series
Facta Universitatis Series : Electronics and Energetics
Massekultur & Medier
Aphra Behn Online : Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts 1640-1830
Atlas Journal of Biology
Atlas Journal of Science Education
Computer Science
Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
Audiology Research
Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte
Structural Integrity and Life
Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics
International Journal of Education
Domínios de Lingu@gem
Avtomobilnyi Transport
Ontology Studies
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum
ISRN Applied Mathematics
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Economic Analysis of Law Review
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Reviews in Health Care
Acta Graphica : Journal for Printing Science and Graphic Communications
Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara : Transactions on Electronics and Communications
International Journal Bioautomation
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies
Annals of Constantin Brancusi University of Targu-Jiu : Juridical Science Series
Facta Universitatis Series : Electronics and Energetics
Massekultur & Medier
Aphra Behn Online : Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts 1640-1830
Atlas Journal of Biology
Atlas Journal of Science Education
Computer Science
Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
Audiology Research
Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte
At FlyingWord, Inc.™ we believe you should be able to See, Hear, and Touch literature. We take existing and new literary works and enhance them to include fantastic illustrations, 3D graphics and animations, audio performances, ambient sound, sound effects, and multi-touch interactions that enable readers to explore topics and interact with their favorite books in a whole new way
Friday, May 20, 2011
SWIB11 - Semantic Web in Libraries (Germany)
After the success of the "Semantic Web in Libraries" (SWIB) events in 2009 and 2010, the SWIB11 will take place in Hamburg from 28 to 30 November 2011. The conference will again be organised by the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz), Cologne, and the German National Library of Economics - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW), Kiel and Hamburg
World Health Statistics 2011

ARL publishes ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2008–2009
The Association of Research Libraries has published the ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2008–2009, which presents data that describe collections, expenditures, personnel, and services in 62 medical libraries at ARL member institutions in the US and Canada. In 2008–2009, the reporting health sciences libraries held a median of 230,011 volumes, spent a total of $235,821,026, and employed 2,131 FTE staff. Expenditures for materials and staff accounted for the bulk of total expenditures, at approximately 50% and 41% respectively. Respondents reported spending a total of $83,986,222 for electronic materials, or an average of approximately 76% of their total materials budgets; this includes a total of $78,539,253 for electronic serials
Search more than 24,000 new Montgomeryshire records (UK)
findmypast.co.uk has just published 24,852 new Montgomeryshire parish baptism, marriage and burial records. These records date back to 1574 so they will be invaluable to those trying to take their family tree back to the 16th century
Covent Garden Lawn Library (UK)

The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - May 20, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Where Were They Born?. "This week's brainteaser is about where famous people were born. Just say in which country each of these people was born" Answers here.
1. Cliff Richard, pop-singer.
2. Pierce Brosnan, actor.
3. Germaine Greer, feminist critic.
4. Anna Kournikova, tennis-player and model.
5. Louis Pasteur, chemist and microbiologist.
6. Placido Domingo, operatic tenor.
7. Henrik Ibsen, dramatist and poet.
8. Heidi Klum, model and actress.
9. Socrates, philosopher.
10. Paula Rego, painter.
1. Cliff Richard, pop-singer.
2. Pierce Brosnan, actor.
3. Germaine Greer, feminist critic.
4. Anna Kournikova, tennis-player and model.
5. Louis Pasteur, chemist and microbiologist.
6. Placido Domingo, operatic tenor.
7. Henrik Ibsen, dramatist and poet.
8. Heidi Klum, model and actress.
9. Socrates, philosopher.
10. Paula Rego, painter.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Exhibition - Pirates: The Captain Kidd Story (UK)
From Treasure Island to Pirates of the Caribbean, piracy has long been an inspiration for books, television and films. Now, in a major exhibition at the Museum of London Docklands, families and adults alike can discover the real pirates who ruled our seas over 300 years ago
Survey of London monographs - British History Online
This series of 17 volumes is now complete. Detailing individual buildings of particular note, including the church of St Bride Fleet Street and the County Hall, it complements the parish volumes of the Survey, also available on BHO. View them all at:
* London, Survey of; monograph series
* London, Survey of
* London, Survey of; monograph series
* London, Survey of
aNobii: Where books and people meet
aNobii is an online reading community built by readers for readers allowing you to shelve, find and share books. Our mission is to bring book lovers together and encourage reading. Use the aNobii website and Apps to find your next read and tell your friends about it. Don't worry if some of your friends aren't on aNobii yet as we integrate with Facebook and Twitter. The word "aNobii" comes from Anobium Punctatum, the Latin name for the most common bookworm
CBC - Who will speak for the librarian? (Canada)

Library Journal announces inaugural list of New Landmark Libraries (USA)
Library Journal has announced its inaugural list of New Landmark Libraries in the USA
Print isn't dead, says Bowker's Annual Book Production Report (USA)
Bowker has released its annual report on U.S. print book publishing, compiled from its Books In Print® database. Based on preliminary figures from U.S. publishers, Bowker is projecting that despite the popularity of e-books, traditional U.S. print title output in 2010 increased 5%. Output of new titles and editions increased from 302,410 in 2009 to a projected 316,480 in 2010. The 5% increase comes on the heels of a 4% increase the previous year based on the final 2008-2009 figures. The non-traditional sector continues its explosive growth, increasing 169% from 1,033,065 in 2009 to an amazing 2,776,260 in 2010. These books, marketed almost exclusively on the web, are largely on-demand titles produced by reprint houses specializing in public domain works and by presses catering to self-publishers and "micro-niche" publications
2011 New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards winners
The winners of the 2011 New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards were announced at an Awards Ceremony in Auckland on Wednesday evening, 18 May 2011

An open letter to the Los Angeles Unified School District on the defunding of school librarians
To Dr. John Deasy, Superintendent; Dr. Judy Elliott, Chief Academic Officer; Ms. Monica Garcia, Board President; and all members of the Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District:
The American Library Association (ALA) and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) are deeply concerned that the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is considering defunding its school librarian positions (or "teacher librarian" positions, as they are known in California) from its schools. If the elimination moves forward, only 32 of approximately 700 schools will have full-time school librarians and only 10 will have part-time school librarians. This means that approximately 600,000 students will be deprived of one of the most valuable educational resources needed for students to compete in today's 21st century workforce - a school librarian.
LAUSD must not ignore the countless studies that demonstrate that students in schools with strong school library programs learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized tests. The elimination of school librarians means the District is losing invaluable teachers whose educational specialty is empowering students with life-long, independent learning skills.
School librarians offer students much more than just access to books. They serve as a vital component of the education teams found in today's schools. School librarians teach students how to use the Internet, conduct independent study and research, and nurture a love for reading. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards recognizes them as teachers, and their efforts can be measured to meet standards for professional teaching excellence.
Educators depend on school librarians to assist with keeping pace with the academic needs of 21st century students. Classroom teachers and school librarians collaborate to build learning skills into the curriculum, which then allows students to learn more effectively. From book selections to addressing the advancement in technologies and information gathering, school librarians teach students to use information legally and ethically.
In an era filled with tweets, YouTube videos, and Facebook, students often believe that information found online is true. It's not enough for children to know how to read - they must be able to select, evaluate, and use information appropriately and effectively. Too often students lack the ability to analyze the information found online and are left guessing what Web content can be trusted. School librarians provide access to the tools and resources necessary to gain these 21st century learning skills.
Can Los Angeles afford to leave its students behind? The elimination of these positions will have a devastating effect on the educational prospects and success of the District's students. A good school library is not an option - it is essential to a good education. We urge you to reconsider your decision.
Roberta Stevens
American Library Association
Nancy Everhart
American Association of School Librarians
The American Library Association (ALA) and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) are deeply concerned that the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is considering defunding its school librarian positions (or "teacher librarian" positions, as they are known in California) from its schools. If the elimination moves forward, only 32 of approximately 700 schools will have full-time school librarians and only 10 will have part-time school librarians. This means that approximately 600,000 students will be deprived of one of the most valuable educational resources needed for students to compete in today's 21st century workforce - a school librarian.
LAUSD must not ignore the countless studies that demonstrate that students in schools with strong school library programs learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized tests. The elimination of school librarians means the District is losing invaluable teachers whose educational specialty is empowering students with life-long, independent learning skills.
School librarians offer students much more than just access to books. They serve as a vital component of the education teams found in today's schools. School librarians teach students how to use the Internet, conduct independent study and research, and nurture a love for reading. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards recognizes them as teachers, and their efforts can be measured to meet standards for professional teaching excellence.
Educators depend on school librarians to assist with keeping pace with the academic needs of 21st century students. Classroom teachers and school librarians collaborate to build learning skills into the curriculum, which then allows students to learn more effectively. From book selections to addressing the advancement in technologies and information gathering, school librarians teach students to use information legally and ethically.
In an era filled with tweets, YouTube videos, and Facebook, students often believe that information found online is true. It's not enough for children to know how to read - they must be able to select, evaluate, and use information appropriately and effectively. Too often students lack the ability to analyze the information found online and are left guessing what Web content can be trusted. School librarians provide access to the tools and resources necessary to gain these 21st century learning skills.
Can Los Angeles afford to leave its students behind? The elimination of these positions will have a devastating effect on the educational prospects and success of the District's students. A good school library is not an option - it is essential to a good education. We urge you to reconsider your decision.
Roberta Stevens
American Library Association
Nancy Everhart
American Association of School Librarians
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Philip Roth wins Man Booker International Prize 2011

'Author Attitudes towards Open Access Publishing' - white paper
InTech, an Open Access publisher, has made available results from a recent survey of over 8,000 authors to determine their attitudes towards Open Access. The benefits of the Open Access (OA) model continue to be debated by publishers and librarians, but relatively little research has been undertaken to understand the attitudes of researchers. It was with this in mind that InTech, a commercial Open Access publisher with a focus on book publishing, commissioned TBI to survey its 25,000 author-base to help better understand researcher awareness of and attitudes towards this evolving model
Library cuts damage the human psyche and threaten what makes Britain great

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