Mystery Writers of America has announced, on the 201st anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, its Winners for the 2010 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2009. The Edgar Awards were presented to the winners at our 64th Gala Banquet, April 29, 2010 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
Friday, April 30, 2010
CARL E-Lert # 374
CARL E-Lert # 374, April 30, 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Canada joins international network providing free access to health research; Open letter from coalition of Presidents, Provosts, and research Vice Presidents calls for increased access to publicly funded research; Federal Research Access Bill Making Progress in Congress; Gutenberg 2.0: Harvard's libraries deal with disruptive change
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: France. "We are approaching the month of May, which is the time when France hosts one of its most famous events: the Cannes Film Festival. Try to answer this brainteaser about France and the French" Answers here.
1. Which famous Frenchman died on the island of St. Helena on May 5, 1821?
2. What are the three colours on the French flag?
3. Which historic event occurred in France on 14 July 1789?
4. Champagne is a sparkling wine that was first produced in which part of France: the Northeast, the Northwest or the Southeast?
5. Pissarro, Sisley and Renoir were part of which art movement which started in France in the 1860s?
6. What is the title of the national anthem of France?
7. Rouen and Le Havre owe their prosperity to their favourable location on which river?
8. The musical "Les Misérables" was based on a book by which French author?
9. France is bounded by seven countries. Name six of them.
10. Which French film director and writer adapted his novel "L'eau des collines" for the films "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources"?
1. Which famous Frenchman died on the island of St. Helena on May 5, 1821?
2. What are the three colours on the French flag?
3. Which historic event occurred in France on 14 July 1789?
4. Champagne is a sparkling wine that was first produced in which part of France: the Northeast, the Northwest or the Southeast?
5. Pissarro, Sisley and Renoir were part of which art movement which started in France in the 1860s?
6. What is the title of the national anthem of France?
7. Rouen and Le Havre owe their prosperity to their favourable location on which river?
8. The musical "Les Misérables" was based on a book by which French author?
9. France is bounded by seven countries. Name six of them.
10. Which French film director and writer adapted his novel "L'eau des collines" for the films "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources"?
'Adorn'd with Cuts' : The Illustrated Book in the Eighteenth Century
'Adorn'd with Cuts' : The Illustrated Book in the Eighteenth Century - a conference at Chawton House Library, Hampshire - 14 May 2010 - organised by the University of Southampton English Discipline, Southampton Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies and Chawton House Library
Introduction to Journals Publishing (UK)
Introduction to Journals Publishing "is an introductory course covering all aspects of journals publishing for those who are at the beginning of their careers. It covers everything from peer review to online delivery, and provides delegates with a clear understanding of how all the elements in this fast-moving area fit together" - 30 June, 2010 - Oxford, UK
YUDU media launches Shakespeare's entire collection as free ebooks
To celebrate the anniversary of Shakespeare's birth on April 26th YUDU has released Shakespeare's entire collection as free e-Books
IFLA Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities list
"The IFLA Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities list (IFLA-LPD) is a forum for discussing matters of interest relating to libraries and information services serving persons with print disabilities. IFLA-LPD is restricted to subscribers. Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to subscribe"
Gale and Ex Libris partner to offer online access to authoritative electronic books and journals via Primo Central
"Ex Libris Group has announced that following an agreement with Gale, a number of Gale's leading academic databases can now be accessed directly via the Primo Central mega-aggregate of scholarly e-content. The flagship full-text periodical databases Academic OneFile and General OneFile, together with the Eighteenth Century Collections Online and Sabin America resources, are now available via Primo Central. Gale is the latest of the rapidly expanding group of aggregators who have chosen to make their content accessible to library users via Primo Central - a centralized index comprising data harvested from primary and secondary publishers and aggregators"
Open Access Week 2010 declared for October 18 to 24
Open Access Week, the global event to promote free, immediate, online access to research now entering its fourth year, has been declared for October 18 to 24, 2010. Open Access Week is an opportunity for the worldwide academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they've learned with colleagues, and to inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New archive sources for the study of tuberculosis - Wellcome Library (UK)

UKSG Introduction to Serials and E-Resources Today: London
UKSG Introduction to Serials and E-Resources Today: London is designed particularly for staff new to working with serials, whether from a publisher, an intermediary or a library. This seminar may also be of interest to those looking to consolidate and update their serials and e-resources knowledge - 25 May 2010
Survey: Streaming delivery of library video content
The open-source Variations project,, based at Indiana University, is planning to add streaming video to its existing capabilities. The purpose of this survey is to learn more about academic libraries' needs and existing practices (if any) for delivery of streaming video in support of teaching, learning, and research. Here is the link to the survey:
Child's Play? Children's Book Illustration of 19th-Century Britain
SCONUL Focus - Number 47, Winter 2009
SCONUL Focus - Number 47, Winter 2009 is now available from the Society of College, National and University Libraries, UK
75,000 new WW1 records go online
UK family history website has expanded its collection of British military records with the release of the Royal Marine Medal Roll 1914-1920. The record set provides a listing of all Royal Marines who received medals for their service in World War 1, including those awarded the 1914 Star, the Clasp to the 1914 Star, the 1914-15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
New C&RL preprint now available
Article Title: Librarians’ Attitudes towards Knowledge Management
Author: Noa Aharony
Accepted: April 28, 2010
Anticipated Publication Date: March 2011
Author: Noa Aharony
Accepted: April 28, 2010
Anticipated Publication Date: March 2011
Preserving the British Library's C19 Newspaper Collection: Planets Film Released
Planets (Preservation and Long-term Access Through Networked Services) has released the first of four filmed and written studies to show how national libraries and archives in Europe are using Planets tools to preserve large and valuable digital collections. This five minute film documents the challenges the British Library has faced with preserving the 80TB of images and its use of Planets preservation planning tool, Plato, to support the decisions it has taken
STR Theatre Book Prize winner announced
The 2009 Theatre Book Prize has been awarded to Jann Parry's Different Drummer: the Life of Kenneth MacMillan
Collect: The Collections Management Exhibition
"Collect is a free trade fair highlighting the best in current practice, services and technologies for Collections Management. The day will give you the chance to meet and talk with some of the sector's leading suppliers of cutting edge prodcuts and services. It will also be an opportunity to meet fellow museum, library and archive professionals and discuss current issues in Collections Management" - 28 June 2010 - London, UK
RSC Publishing beta website
RSC Publishing has released a beta version of its new website (Royal Society of Chemistry)
LIS Research Coalition Conference 2010
LIS Research Coalition Conference 2010: Evidence, Value and Impact: the LIS Research Landscape in 2010 - This one-day conference on June 28 2010 will consider perspectives on the library and information science research landscape with reference to: identifying LIS research opportunities; translating research outcomes into practice; growing research capacity amongst LIS professionals; and developing the future UK LIS research agenda. The programme will appeal all LIS research stakeholders - London, UK
Webcast: Podcasting for Libraries
Podcasting for Libraries - Live Webcast - October 1, 2010 - 11 a.m Pacific; 12:00 p.m. Mountain; 1:00 p.m. Central; 2:00 p.m. Eastern - 1.5 hours. "Webcast description: Podcasting is like an Internet radio show, or a blog with audio. It uses the power of RSS syndication to automatically deliver new episodes to listeners. There are millions of podcasts available, covering nearly any topic imaginable. Any library can produce a podcast using free software and inexpensive hardware. If you can post to a blog and talk into a microphone, you can create a podcast. How can your library use podcasting as a tool for teaching, promotion, outreach and programming?"
Russia publishes Katyn massacre archives

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Young readers get a taste of Shakespeare (UK)
Wellcome Library Insight - Anatomies of London

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
The Library Research Round Table announces 2010 Shera Award recipients
The Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association has announced the 2010 winners of the Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research and the Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research. The Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research is given to the author(s) of a research article published in English during the previous calendar year and nominated by any member of LRRT or by editors of research journals in the field of library and information studies. The 2010 recipient is Dr. Jane Greenberg for her work entitled, "Theoretical Considerations of Lifecycle Modeling: An Analysis of the Dryad Repository Demonstrating Automatic Metadata Propagation, Inheritance, and Value System Adoption," published in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 47(3&4): 380 – 402, April 2009. The article shows that lifestyle modeling can provide a theoretical framework to enhance the understanding of metadata and help to sustain robust repository development. The Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research is given to provide recognition and monetary support for dissertation research employing exemplary research design and methods. The 2010 recipient is Hea Lim Rhee University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences for her dissertation entitled, "The Relationship between Archival Appraisal Practice and the User Study in U.S. State Archives and Records Management Programs: An Exploratory Study."
Above the Fold - April 20, 2010
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - April 20, 2010 - Vol. 3, No. 14 now available
Wiley Online Library launching July 24, 2010
"Wiley Online Library will host the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities. Built on the latest technology and designed with extensive input from scholars around the world, Wiley Online Library will deliver seamless integrated access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, 8000 books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases from John Wiley & Sons and key imprints including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH and Jossey-Bass"
Monday, April 26, 2010
Author Alan Sillitoe dies in London aged 82

LIANZA Conference 2010
"The annual LIANZA Conference is the New Zealand's premier opportunity for Library and Information professionals to learn, share, enjoy and inspire." - 28 November - 1 December 2010 - Dunedin, New Zealand
Pass It On: Personal Archiving Day at the Library of Congress

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Just Read Campaign (UK)
"The objective of the Just Read Campaign is for every child in the UK to become a reader. This campaign is not about making children functionally literate. It goes beyond that. All the research shows that the child that reads for pleasure is more likely to achieve. Unfortunately, both the government's own statistics and international research show that reading standards are not improving in the UK and that enjoyment of reading is declining"
* Elaine McQuade, Children's Publishing Consultant
* Michael Rosen, Author and ex Children's Laureate
* Celia Rees, Author
* Caroline Horn, Editor, Reading Zone
* Elaine McQuade, Children's Publishing Consultant
* Michael Rosen, Author and ex Children's Laureate
* Celia Rees, Author
* Caroline Horn, Editor, Reading Zone
Saturday, April 24, 2010
New York City Mayor signs Library Card Act into law

OCLC and American Theological Library Association announce partnership
"OCLC has welcomed the American Theological Library Association as the newest partner in the OCLC Partnership Program. As Partners, OCLC and ATLA will collaborate on programs and activities to enhance services and expand educational opportunities to members of both organizations. ATLA and OCLC have an extensive history of working together on initiatives such as the Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellowship Program, group services and electronic content offerings. This new partnership formalizes the work already under way and extends the opportunity to explore new ways to anticipate and address the needs of our shared members"
21st Century Explorer from Encyclopædia Britannica
Brill Journal Archive Online Part II
Now available: Brill Journal Archive Part II covering 2000-2009. The Brill Journal Archive Online now offers access to over 100,000 articles published before the year 2010, covering over 3,300 volumes of now 157 scholarly journals
World Bank frees up development data
The World Bank Group has said it will offer free access to more than 2,000 financial, business, health, economic and human development statistics that had mostly been available only to paying subscribers. The decision - part of a larger effort to increase access to information at the World Bank - means that researchers, journalists, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), entrepreneurs and school children alike will be able to tap into the World Bank's databases via a new website,
Premier League Reading Stars 2010 (UK)
Building a New Librarianship from Dave Lankes
Building a New Librarianship from Dave Lankes, presented at the U.S. Embassy Rome's spring event 'Libraries in the 21st Century', Rome, Italy
The 2010 Wales Book of the Year Long List

* Horatio Clare, A Single Swallow, Vintage
* Jasmine Donahaye, Self-Portrait as Ruth, Salt Modern Poets
* Philip Gross, I Spy Pinhole Eye, Cinnamon Press
* Emyr Humphreys, The Woman at the Window, Seren
* Peter Lord, The Meaning of Pictures, University of Wales Press
* Mike Thomas, Pocket Notebook, Heinemann
* Nikolai Tolstoy, The Oldest British Prose Literature: The Compilation of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, Edward Mellen Press
* Alun Trevor, The Songbird is Singing, Parthian
* Richard Marggraf Turley, Wan-Hu's Flying Chair, Salt Modern Poets
* Terri Wiltshire, Carry Me Home, Macmillan New Writing
Hidden Lives Revealed - A Virtual Archive, 1881-1918

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine
Brussels Studies
Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
European Transport Research Review
Identity in the Information Society
Current Research Journal of Economic Theory
Asian Journal of Business Management
Cell Death and Disease
International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering
Norte de Salud Mental
International Journal of Systems Control
Journal of Studies on Manufacturing
Synergies Canada
European Journal of Chemistry
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing
International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences
Journal of Electrical Engineering : Theory and Application
Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems
Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa
Journal of Information Architecture
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education
Eludamos : Journal for Computer Game Culture
Etnoantropoloski problemi
Social Research Reports
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences : Review and Research
Life Sciences and Medicine Research
CPU-e : Revista de Investigación Educativa
Revista ACTA Geográfica
Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology
Brussels Studies
Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
European Transport Research Review
Identity in the Information Society
Current Research Journal of Economic Theory
Asian Journal of Business Management
Cell Death and Disease
International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering
Norte de Salud Mental
International Journal of Systems Control
Journal of Studies on Manufacturing
Synergies Canada
European Journal of Chemistry
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing
International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences
Journal of Electrical Engineering : Theory and Application
Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems
Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa
Journal of Information Architecture
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education
Eludamos : Journal for Computer Game Culture
Etnoantropoloski problemi
Social Research Reports
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences : Review and Research
Life Sciences and Medicine Research
CPU-e : Revista de Investigación Educativa
Revista ACTA Geográfica
Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology
DailyLit's Sci Fi Channel
DailyLit's Sci Fi Channel features short stories, book reviews, and book excerpts from major science fiction authors and publishers
CARL E-Lert # 373
CARL E-Lert # 373, April 23, 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Concordia University opens its research findings to the world; International Barcode of Life project gets major funding boost in lead-up to official launch; Congressman Presses for Broad Open-Access Bill; Counterfeiting Treaty, Now Public, Confirms Critics' Fears
Five more House of Lords journals (British History Online)
"Five more volumes of the Journal of the House of Lords have been added to British History Online. These cover the years 1776 to 1793, and thus a time of revolutions in France and North America. Several volumes also detail the protracted trial in the Lords of Warren Hastings, former governor-general of Bengal. Edmund Burke was one of the prosecutors and described Hastings as "the captain-general of iniquity"; nevertheless Hastings was eventually acquitted. In volume 38 there is some interesting detail of the state of George III's health: for example on 4 December 1788 the house heard a report of the Privy Council's examination of the king's doctors"
New book: Envisioning Future Academic Library Services

Friday, April 23, 2010
2010 CILIP Carnegie Medal and CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal shortlists
The shortlists for the 2010 CILIP Carnegie Medal and CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal have been announced:
CILIP Carnegie Medal
Laurie Halse Anderson, Chains (Bloomsbury)
Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book (illustrations by Chris Riddell, Bloomsbury)
Helen Grant, The Vanishing of Katerina Linden (Puffin)
Julie Hearn, Rowan the Strange (OUP)
Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer (Walker)
Terry Pratchett, Nation (Corgi)
Philip Reeve, Fever Crumb (Scholastic)
Marcus Sedgwick, Revolver (Orion)
CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal
Grahame Baker-Smith, Leon and the Place Between (Templar)
Freya Blackwood, Harry and Hopper (text by Margaret Wild, Scholastic)
Oliver Jeffers, The Great Paper Caper (HarperCollins)
Satoshi Kitamura, Millie's Marvellous Hat (Andersen)
Dave McKean, Crazy Hair (text by Neil Gaiman, Bloomsbury)
Chris Riddell, The Graveyard Book (text by Neil Gaiman, Bloomsbury)
David Roberts, The Dunderheads (text by Paul Fleischman, Walker)
Viviane Schwarz, There Are Cats in This Book (Walker)
The winners will be announced at a ceremony at BAFTA in central London on Thursday 24 June 2010
CILIP Carnegie Medal
Laurie Halse Anderson, Chains (Bloomsbury)
Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book (illustrations by Chris Riddell, Bloomsbury)
Helen Grant, The Vanishing of Katerina Linden (Puffin)
Julie Hearn, Rowan the Strange (OUP)
Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer (Walker)
Terry Pratchett, Nation (Corgi)
Philip Reeve, Fever Crumb (Scholastic)
Marcus Sedgwick, Revolver (Orion)
CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal
Grahame Baker-Smith, Leon and the Place Between (Templar)
Freya Blackwood, Harry and Hopper (text by Margaret Wild, Scholastic)
Oliver Jeffers, The Great Paper Caper (HarperCollins)
Satoshi Kitamura, Millie's Marvellous Hat (Andersen)
Dave McKean, Crazy Hair (text by Neil Gaiman, Bloomsbury)
Chris Riddell, The Graveyard Book (text by Neil Gaiman, Bloomsbury)
David Roberts, The Dunderheads (text by Paul Fleischman, Walker)
Viviane Schwarz, There Are Cats in This Book (Walker)
The winners will be announced at a ceremony at BAFTA in central London on Thursday 24 June 2010
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Sequels. "Many authors write sequels: books that follow on from an earlier work that they have written. Can you answer these questions about sequels? " Answers here.
1. "But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" was the sequel to which novel by Anita Loos?
2. Erica Jong's "How to Save Your Own Life" (1977) was a sequel to her first novel. What was that novel's title?
3. What was the title of the trilogy of fantasy novels written by J. R. R. Tolkien as a sequel to "The Hobbit"?
4. Who wrote the 1988 novel "Difficulties with Girls" as a sequel to his 1960 novel "Take a Girl like You"?
5. What was the title of the 1931 children's book that Arthur Ransome wrote as a sequel to "Swallows and Amazons"?
6. "2010: Odyssey Two" was the 1982 sequel to which 1968 science-fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke?
7. What was the title of the 1861 sequel to Thomas Hughes' "Tom Brown's Schooldays"?
8. "Songs of Enchantment" (1993) was the sequel to Ben Okri's third novel (which won the Booker Prize). What was that novel called?
9. What was the title of the 1909 sequel to L. M. Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables"?
10. The sequel to Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is usually called "Through the Looking-Glass" but it actually had five more words in the title. What was the book's full title?
1. "But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" was the sequel to which novel by Anita Loos?
2. Erica Jong's "How to Save Your Own Life" (1977) was a sequel to her first novel. What was that novel's title?
3. What was the title of the trilogy of fantasy novels written by J. R. R. Tolkien as a sequel to "The Hobbit"?
4. Who wrote the 1988 novel "Difficulties with Girls" as a sequel to his 1960 novel "Take a Girl like You"?
5. What was the title of the 1931 children's book that Arthur Ransome wrote as a sequel to "Swallows and Amazons"?
6. "2010: Odyssey Two" was the 1982 sequel to which 1968 science-fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke?
7. What was the title of the 1861 sequel to Thomas Hughes' "Tom Brown's Schooldays"?
8. "Songs of Enchantment" (1993) was the sequel to Ben Okri's third novel (which won the Booker Prize). What was that novel called?
9. What was the title of the 1909 sequel to L. M. Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables"?
10. The sequel to Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is usually called "Through the Looking-Glass" but it actually had five more words in the title. What was the book's full title?
We Give Books - from Penguin Books

New on HeinOnline: World Constitutions Illustrated
World Constitutions Illustrated is now available on HeinOnline. This library brings together constitutional documents, books, articles, bibliographic references, and web sites. The initial release includes the current constitution for 193 countries and substantial constitutional hierarchies for the United Kingdom, France, Brazil, and Colombia
"The Sorter" - New York Public Library

Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1
"Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project” – from which the collection draws its content, is the largest national project ever to locate, preserve and disseminate Hispanic culture of the United States in its written form since colonial times until 1960" - EBSCOhost
Bookseller Industry Awards shortlist announced (UK)

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World - April 2010
"Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World is a free newsletter published on a regular basis by Library Archives Canada that explores and highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sector. This collaborative tool was designed to help readers stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, trends, products and publications in the field of public administration and recordkeeping" - April 2010 issue now available
Library plan for disused town hall in Aberystwyth (Wales)

2010 Locus Awards finalists
The top five finalists in each category of the 2010 Locus Awards have been announced. Winners will be presented during the Science Fiction Awards Weekend in Seattle WA, June 25-27, 2010
"My favorite library memory" from ProQuest employees

The Smithsonian Institution Libraries internship program
The Smithsonian Institution Libraries has announced a new SIL internship program. Two paid internships will be awarded each year, beginning with summer 2010, and are designed for current graduate students interested in working in research and/or museum libraries. There is a choice of internship opportunities
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Emerald celebrates Earth Day with free access to sustainability research
On 22 April 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with free access to key scholarly research on sustainability. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, as well as "Rethinking Governance for Sustainability", a special issue of Corporate Governance, will be freely available online until 20 May 2010
SOLSTICE Conference 2010 (UK)
The SOLSTICE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Edge Hill University has announced it's 5th international conference - 3 June 2010
Oxford Bibliographies Online
"Oxford Bibliographies Online is a tool designed to help busy researchers find reliable sources of information in half the time by directing them to exactly the right chapter, book, website, archive, data set they need for their research. It is a springboard for new research that allows for fluid movement between texts and databases within a given institution's collection and beyond. It is a starting point for organizing a research plan, or for preparing a writing assignment, or syllabus. The style and approach is accessible to student readers, but because of the depth of coverage it is of great use to faculty as well."
Library and Archives Canada updates website
The homepage of Library and Archives Canada's web site has a new look that enhances the way we present our information. These modifications will make our rich and varied collections more accessible to our users. More changes are coming in the near future, including:
* The Power of the Communities: A resource guide to provide contact information for archives, libraries and schools across Canada will be available on May 31, 2010.
* The Librarian and Archivist of Canada’s newsletter: This new publication will report on our activities in acquisitions, collections management and resource discovery and will include a calendar of events. The e-newsletter will be available in June 2010
* The Power of the Communities: A resource guide to provide contact information for archives, libraries and schools across Canada will be available on May 31, 2010.
* The Librarian and Archivist of Canada’s newsletter: This new publication will report on our activities in acquisitions, collections management and resource discovery and will include a calendar of events. The e-newsletter will be available in June 2010
The Orange Prize for Fiction 2010 shortlist
The Orange Prize for Fiction 2010 shortlist has been announced:
* Rosie Alison - The Very Thought of You
* Barbara Kingsolver - The Lacuna
* Attica Locke - Black Water Rising
* Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall
* Lorrie Moore - A Gate at the Stairs
* Monique Roffey - The White Woman on the Green Bicycle
* Rosie Alison - The Very Thought of You
* Barbara Kingsolver - The Lacuna
* Attica Locke - Black Water Rising
* Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall
* Lorrie Moore - A Gate at the Stairs
* Monique Roffey - The White Woman on the Green Bicycle
Free preservation webinars offered during Preservation Week, May 9-15
"The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) announces two free live webinars to be offered during Preservation Week, May 9-15. Archival 101 and Mold Prevention and Remediation are designed for individuals with little or no experience in preservation practices and procedures, including the general public. The webinars are also very valuable for those with a little more experience who wish to pick up some helpful hints. The webinars are presented free of charge as a public service by ALCTS as part the activities of Preservation Week 2010. Libraries are encouraged to make the webinars available to their patrons. Libraries can register for the webinars and show them as part of their events for Preservation Week. No fee is required to attend the webinars, however registration is required in order to receive the link to the presentation"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Above the Fold - April 2, 2010
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - April 2, 2010 - Vol. 3, No. 13 now available
The Complete Popular Science Archive

OCLC/LJ Online Symposium on Mobile to be held May 20, 2010
"The future of information services and mobile technology is tightly intertwined. That's why OCLC and Library Journal have come together to present a free online symposium on the future of mobile on Thursday, May 20 from 1-4 pm ET"
inScience Communications from Wolters Kluwer
"Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions, Inc. has launched a service that consolidates its global scientific writing and communications businesses. This offering, called inScience Communications, capitalizes on the company's global scale combined with its unique local expertise"
Wiley eReader Resource
Wiley eReader Resource "will help you understand what an eReader is, what you can do with it, and which of the available devices is the best fit for you"
The Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2010 shortlist
The shortlist for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2010, in association with Champagne Taittinger, has been announced:
Brodeck's Report by Philippe Claudel, translated by John Cullen from the French, published by MacLehose Press
The Blind Side of the Heart by Julia Franck translated by Anthea Bell from the German, published by Harvill Secker
Fists by Pietro Grossi, translated by Howard Curtis from the Italian, published by Pushkin Press
Broken Glass by Alain Manbanckou, translated by Helen Stevenson from the French, published by Serpent's Tail
The Dark Side of Love by Rafik Schami, translated by Anthea Bell from the German, published by Arabia Books
Chowringhee by Sankar, translated by Arunava Sinha from the Bengali, published by Atlantic Books
Brodeck's Report by Philippe Claudel, translated by John Cullen from the French, published by MacLehose Press
The Blind Side of the Heart by Julia Franck translated by Anthea Bell from the German, published by Harvill Secker
Fists by Pietro Grossi, translated by Howard Curtis from the Italian, published by Pushkin Press
Broken Glass by Alain Manbanckou, translated by Helen Stevenson from the French, published by Serpent's Tail
The Dark Side of Love by Rafik Schami, translated by Anthea Bell from the German, published by Arabia Books
Chowringhee by Sankar, translated by Arunava Sinha from the Bengali, published by Atlantic Books
InSITE - April 19, 2010
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 15, No. 17, April 19, 2010 is now available. Contents:
# Firearms Research
# Gender and Land Rights Database
# LittleSis: Profiling the Powers that Be
# Firearms Research
# Gender and Land Rights Database
# LittleSis: Profiling the Powers that Be
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Advances in Natural Science
Sport Scientific And Practical Aspects
Karadeniz Arastrmalari
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
Je-LKS : Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
S.U. Journal of Agricultural Sciences
SERIEs : Journal of the Spanish Economic Association
Journal of Library Innovation
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences : Technical Sciences
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research (IJPBR)
Intersticios : Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico
Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
Canadian Social Science
Cross-cultural Communication
Management Science and Engineering
Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento em Engenharia de Produção
Sport Scientific And Practical Aspects
Karadeniz Arastrmalari
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
Je-LKS : Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
S.U. Journal of Agricultural Sciences
SERIEs : Journal of the Spanish Economic Association
Journal of Library Innovation
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences : Technical Sciences
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research (IJPBR)
Intersticios : Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico
Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
Canadian Social Science
Cross-cultural Communication
Management Science and Engineering
Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento em Engenharia de Produção
Monday, April 19, 2010
SPARC enews/April 2010
SPARC enews/April 2010 is now available from SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
Emerald and IFLA begin a special partnership
Emerald Group Publishing Limited and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), have announced that they have formalised their relationship by signing a partnership agreement
London Book Fair 2010 - statement
"The London Book Fair Team is working hard to minimise the disruption to the fair caused by the volcanic ash temporarily closing airports in the UK and Europe. We know that many international exhibitors and visitors have already arrived and our substantial UK attendees remain unaffected. We are continuing to offer a packed schedule of seminars and events and if you are unable to make it due to travel constraints we will be providing a range of seminars as podcasts here afterwards. The LBF team are onsite at Earls Court and looking forward to welcoming you to LBF 2010. Should you require any help or assistance our customer service team are here to help on or call +(0)20 8271 2124"
Civil War Campaigner via Exact Editions
Race Online 2012 (UK)

Winners at the Museum and the Web conference 2010
"The annual Museums and the Web conference throws up some good examples of best and innovative practice in developing cultural heritage websites"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cites & Insights 10:6 (May 2010)
Cites & Insights 10:6 (May 2010) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - September/October 2009
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - Vol. 68, Nos 9-10 - September/October 2009 - is now available online
Norfolk's Millennium Library 'most popular in UK'

Poole Literary Festival 2010 (UK)

Kobo Beta Program
Kobo has announced its Beta Program. By signing up you can get early access to the latest software and have the opportunity to provide feedback on apps before they are released to the world
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Innovative launches Encore Synergy
"Innovative has announced the launch of Encore Synergy, the only discovery solution that fully integrates next-generation article discovery technology into a cutting-edge library discovery platform"
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - April 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 2, Number 10, April 15, 2010 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
Atlanta Historic Newspapers Archive (USA)
The Atlanta Historic Newspapers Archive, part of the digital library of Georgia, provides free access to full text historic newspapers covering the years 1857-1922. Current titles available include:
Atlanta Daily Examiner, 1857
Atlanta Daily Herald, 1873-1876
Atlanta Georgian, 1906-1911
Atlanta Intelligencer, 1851, 1854-1871
Atlantian, 1911-1922
Daily/Georgia Weekly Opinion, 1867-1868
Gate-City Guardian, 1861
Georgia Literary and Temperance Crusader, 1860-1861
New Era, 1869-1872
Southern Confederacy, 1861-1864
Southern Miscellany, and Upper Georgia Whig, 1847
Southern World, 1882-1885
Sunny South, 1875-1907
Weekly Constitution, 1869-1882
Atlanta Daily Examiner, 1857
Atlanta Daily Herald, 1873-1876
Atlanta Georgian, 1906-1911
Atlanta Intelligencer, 1851, 1854-1871
Atlantian, 1911-1922
Daily/Georgia Weekly Opinion, 1867-1868
Gate-City Guardian, 1861
Georgia Literary and Temperance Crusader, 1860-1861
New Era, 1869-1872
Southern Confederacy, 1861-1864
Southern Miscellany, and Upper Georgia Whig, 1847
Southern World, 1882-1885
Sunny South, 1875-1907
Weekly Constitution, 1869-1882
1641 Depositions Project (Trinity College Dublin)

I-KNOW 2010

LeaderLab Quarterly
International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering
KCA Journal of Business Management
3L : Language, Linguistics, Literature
vis-à-vis : Explorations in Anthropology
HIb Revista de Historia Iberoamericana
Journal of Construction in Developing Countries
Polish Journal of Public Health
Mathematics and its Applications : Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
European Journal of Law and Technology
Le Matematiche
Makara Seri Sains
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine
The Looking Glass : New Perspectives on Children's Literature
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT)
Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Jebat : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies
Venets : The Belogradchik Journal for Local History, Cultural Heritage and Folk Studies
Transactions of the VSB : Technical University of Ostrava
International Journal of Emergency Medicine
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
South African Medical Journal
Translation and Interpreting : The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research
Solutions Journal
International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering
KCA Journal of Business Management
3L : Language, Linguistics, Literature
vis-à-vis : Explorations in Anthropology
HIb Revista de Historia Iberoamericana
Journal of Construction in Developing Countries
Polish Journal of Public Health
Mathematics and its Applications : Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
European Journal of Law and Technology
Le Matematiche
Makara Seri Sains
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine
The Looking Glass : New Perspectives on Children's Literature
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT)
Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Jebat : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies
Venets : The Belogradchik Journal for Local History, Cultural Heritage and Folk Studies
Transactions of the VSB : Technical University of Ostrava
International Journal of Emergency Medicine
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
South African Medical Journal
Translation and Interpreting : The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research
Solutions Journal
CARL E-Lert # 372
CARL E-Lert # 372, April 2, 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: La neutralité du Net en débat; Richesse génétique du Québec; Libre Accès à la communication scientifique; La préservation numérique dans le contexte canadien
CARL E-Lert # 371
CARL E-Lert # 371, April 2, 2010 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: CARL Meeting on open repositories; Addressing the Research Data Gap: A Review of Novel Services for Libraries; Scholars Increasingly Embrace Some, but Not All, Digital Media; Faculty Survey 2009: Key Strategic Insights for Libraries, Publishers, and Societies
Saint Botolph’s Review: 'an overture to the night and the party' where Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath first met

Friday, April 16, 2010
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Eponyms. "Eponyms are words or phrases that come from people's names. So the watt was named after the Scottish engineer James Watt, and the Montessori method came from the name of Italian educator Maria Montessori. Try to identify these eponyms from the clues supplied" Answers here.
1. A scale for expressing the magnitude of earthquakes, named after an American seismologist (first name Charles). The scale ranges from 0 to 10.
2. An engine, or a vehicle driven by one, or a heavy mineral oil, named after the German engineer (first name Rudolf) who designed the engine.
3. A dessert consisting of meringue topped with fruit and whipped cream, named after a Russian ballerina (first name Anna).
4. A shallow, circular dish, usually of glass, used especially for growing bacteria, etc., named after a German biologist.
5. A woodwind musical instrument with a brass body, keys, and a single reed mouthpiece, invented by a Belgian whose first name was Adolphe.
6. A nervous disorder characterized by spasms of the facial muscles, shoulders, and extremities, sometimes accompanied by grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities, named after the French neurologist who described it.
7. A high-jumping technique whereby the jumper clears the bar headfirst and backwards, named after the winner of the men's high jump at the Mexico Olympics in 1968, who perfected the technique.
8. A popular term for any minor error, or muddle, in speech or writing that appears to reveal an unconscious wish or preoccupation, named after an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist.
9. A city and port in Macedonia (northern Greece) named after his wife by Cassander, one of Alexander the Great's successors.
10. In ice skating, a jump where the skater takes off from the inside back edge of one skate, spins up to three times in the air, and lands on the outside back edge of the other skate, named after a Swedish skater (first name Ulrich) who devised it.
1. A scale for expressing the magnitude of earthquakes, named after an American seismologist (first name Charles). The scale ranges from 0 to 10.
2. An engine, or a vehicle driven by one, or a heavy mineral oil, named after the German engineer (first name Rudolf) who designed the engine.
3. A dessert consisting of meringue topped with fruit and whipped cream, named after a Russian ballerina (first name Anna).
4. A shallow, circular dish, usually of glass, used especially for growing bacteria, etc., named after a German biologist.
5. A woodwind musical instrument with a brass body, keys, and a single reed mouthpiece, invented by a Belgian whose first name was Adolphe.
6. A nervous disorder characterized by spasms of the facial muscles, shoulders, and extremities, sometimes accompanied by grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities, named after the French neurologist who described it.
7. A high-jumping technique whereby the jumper clears the bar headfirst and backwards, named after the winner of the men's high jump at the Mexico Olympics in 1968, who perfected the technique.
8. A popular term for any minor error, or muddle, in speech or writing that appears to reveal an unconscious wish or preoccupation, named after an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist.
9. A city and port in Macedonia (northern Greece) named after his wife by Cassander, one of Alexander the Great's successors.
10. In ice skating, a jump where the skater takes off from the inside back edge of one skate, spins up to three times in the air, and lands on the outside back edge of the other skate, named after a Swedish skater (first name Ulrich) who devised it.
Webcast - Video in the Library: Trends and Best Practices

The Europeana Public Domain Charter
"The Europeana Foundation has published a policy statement, the Public Domain Charter, to highlight the value of public domain content in the knowledge economy. It alerts Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections to the fact that digitisation of Public Domain content does not create new rights in it"
The Illustrated London News Historical Archive

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tales from the Terminal Room - March 2010
Tales from the Terminal Room - March 2010, Issue No. 89 is now available. Tales from the Terminal Room (TFTTR) is an electronic newsletter that includes reviews and comparisons of information sources; useful tools for managing information; technical and access problems on the Net; and news of RBA's training courses and publications. Editor: Karen Blakeman. Published by RBA Information Services
2010 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award shortlist

* The Twin by Gerbrand Bakker (Dutch) in translation. Harvill Secker
* The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery (French) in translation. Europa Editions, USA, Gallic Press, UK
* In Zodiac Light by Robert Edric (British) Doubleday, UK
* Settlement by Christoph Hein (German) in translation. Metropolitan Books
* The Believers by Zoë Heller (British). Fig Tree
* Netherland by Joseph O'Neill (Irish) Fourth Estate, HarperCollins, UK, Pantheon Books, USA
* God's Own Country by Ross Raisin (British) Viking
* Home by Marilynne Robinson (American) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, USA, HarperCollins, Canada
BioSocieties - free online

2010 Commonwealth Writers' Prize winner
Rana Dasgupta has won the £10,000 Best Book award at the 2010 Commonwealth Writers' Prize for the novel "Solo"
Library of Congress acquires entire Twitter archive (USA)
Every public tweet since Twitter's inception in March 2006, will be archived digitally at the Library of Congress
Archaeology: Hidden treasure (
"The explosion in commercial archaeology has brought a flood of information. The problem now is figuring out how to find and use this unpublished literature"
Canadian Library Association awards 2010
The Canadian Library Association has announced the following awards:
Book of the Year for Children Award - Watching Jimmy by Nancy Hartry
Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Award - Perfect Snow by Barbara Reid
Young Adult Canadian Book - Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
Book of the Year for Children Award - Watching Jimmy by Nancy Hartry
Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Award - Perfect Snow by Barbara Reid
Young Adult Canadian Book - Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
Thoroton's history of Nottinghamshire now complete (UK)
"Thoroton's history, as amplified by Throsby, is now live. First appearing in 1677, and re-published by Throsby in three volumes a century later, it has been described as the first and greatest county history of Nottinghamshire"
ALA honors Patricia Tarin's lifetime of leadership with 2010 Equality Award
"Patricia Tarin will receive the 2010 Equality Award. The award, donated by Scarecrow Press, a member of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, is bestowed on an individual or group that has made an outstanding contribution toward promoting equality in the library profession. Tarin has held a number of leadership positions in academic, public and government agencies throughout her career. Her vision for the development of initiatives to advance participation by minorities and women in librarianship has garnered recognition through organizations such as REFORMA, who selected Tarin as their 1991 Hispanic Librarian of the Year and ALA's 2008 Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award"
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Free the Word! London 2010

Desmond Elliott Prize 2010 longlist announced
The longlist for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2010, the award for a first novel published in the UK, has been announced:
* The Upright Piano Player by David Abbott (MacLehose Press, Quercus)
* Before the Earthquake by Maria Allen (Tindal Street Press)
* The Hungry Ghostsby Anne Berry (Blue Door)
* Rupture by Simon Lelic (Picador)
* The Shadow of a Smileby Kachi A. Ozumba (Alma Books)
* Talk of the Town by Jacob Polley (Picador)
* The Breaking of Eggs by Jim Powell (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
* Designs for a Happy Home by Matthew Reynolds (Bloomsbury)
* Beauty by Raphael Selbourne (Tindal Street Press)
* The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)
* The Upright Piano Player by David Abbott (MacLehose Press, Quercus)
* Before the Earthquake by Maria Allen (Tindal Street Press)
* The Hungry Ghostsby Anne Berry (Blue Door)
* Rupture by Simon Lelic (Picador)
* The Shadow of a Smileby Kachi A. Ozumba (Alma Books)
* Talk of the Town by Jacob Polley (Picador)
* The Breaking of Eggs by Jim Powell (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
* Designs for a Happy Home by Matthew Reynolds (Bloomsbury)
* Beauty by Raphael Selbourne (Tindal Street Press)
* The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)
ALPSP Awards 2010
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers invites applications for the 2010 Awards. The winners will be announced at the Awards Dinner on 9 September at the ALPSP International Conference. The closing date for receipt of applications for all three awards is 14 June 2010
Orange Award for New Writers 2010 shortlist

* The Book of Fires - Jane Borodale, Harper Press
* The Boy Next Door - Irene Sabatini, Sceptre
* After The Fire, A Still Small Voice - Evie Wyld, Jonathan Cape
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Rare Jane Austen artefacts on show at Winchester Cathedral (UK)

Gale announces non-exclusive licensing agreement with NEWSWEEK
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, has announced an agreement with NEWSWEEK, Inc. covering the licensing of NEWSWEEK, Newsweek International and content for all Gale products
Libri - January 2010
Libri - International Journal of Libraries and Information Services - Volume 60, Number 1, January 2010 - Online issue available to subscribers. Libri makes full-text articles available online without subscription one year after publication
Promoting good handling - Preservation Advisory Centre Training Day (UK)
"Ensuring the safe use of collections by staff and readers is both good practice and a cost-effective method of preventing damage. Risk assessments regularly find that use of collections presents a high risk of damage, yet it is a risk that is easily mitigated. This training day is aimed at library and archive staff with responsibility for writing, implementing or promoting handling and use policies. The day communicates the role of good handling practices in the preservation of library and archive collections, outlines methods of promoting good handling practices within organisations and to users, and provides information that supports library and archive staff with the implementation of handling policies. It is led by Jane Pimlott and Sarah Hamlyn of the British Library" - 17 May 2010 - British Library Centre for Conservation, London, UK
Cpedia - the automated encyclopedia from Cuil
"Traditionally, search engines have returned a list of references in response to a query - ten blue links. Cpedia changes this. A natural way for people to receive information is a report - a summary of the topic. Current search results are more analogous to receiving a bibliography than a sourced report. For each query, Cpedia algorithmically summarizes and clusters the ideas on the web and uses this to generate a report. We do the heavy lifting of removing all the repetition, so that unique and novel content surfaces. Just as Wikipedia uses the effort of a large number of people to edit a topic, we combine all the documents written about an idea on the web to generate one article"
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Revista de Administração da Unimep
Romanian Review of European Governance Studies
Meridiano 47 : Boletim de Análise de Conjuntura em Relações Internacionais
Dermatology Research and Practice
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
Revista Sul-brasiliera de Odontologia
Advances in Meteorology
Anesthesiology Research and Practice
International Journal of Agronomy
Journal of Nucleic Acids
Journal of Osteoporosis
Journal of Thyroid Research
Organizações & Sociedade
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
Romanian Review of European Governance Studies
Meridiano 47 : Boletim de Análise de Conjuntura em Relações Internacionais
Dermatology Research and Practice
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
Revista Sul-brasiliera de Odontologia
Advances in Meteorology
Anesthesiology Research and Practice
International Journal of Agronomy
Journal of Nucleic Acids
Journal of Osteoporosis
Journal of Thyroid Research
Organizações & Sociedade
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
Canadian Electronic Library Newsletter - April 2010
Canadian Electronic Library Newsletter - April 2010 is now available online. The Canadian Electronic Library provides libraries with over 25,000 current monographs online, fully catalogued and ready for instant use by all library patrons
MODS version 3.4 Schema for community review
The Library of Congress and the MODS Editorial Committee have announced the release of a draft MODS 3.4 Schema for community review. Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. The standard is maintained by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress with input from users.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Brewin Dolphin Borders Book Festival 2010 (Scotland)
"By the time of its seventh festival in 2010, the Borders Book Festival has grown into a national, UK, event. For four days in June in the stunning setting of Harmony Gardens in Melrose, it will stage the announcement of two of Britain's major literary awards. The inaugural Walter Scott Prize for historical fiction is sponsored by the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch and will given to the best novel of 2009, and the Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust Scottish Arts Council Scottish Book of the Year will go to one of a shortlist of four."
BMC Research Notes
"BMC Research Notes is an open access journal publishing scientifically sound research across all fields of biology and medicine, enabling authors to publish updates to previous research, software tools and databases, data sets, small-scale clinical studies, and reports of confirmatory or 'negative' results. Additionally the journal welcomes descriptions of incremental improvements to methods as well as short correspondence items and hypotheses"
DBpedia 3.5 released

Secret Songs of Birds: The Hidden Beauty of Birdsong Revealed (British Library)

National Non-Fiction Day 2010 (UK)
National Non-Fiction Day is an annual celebration, initiated by the Federation of Children's Book Groups in partnership with Scholastic Children's Books. It aims to celebrate all that is brilliant about non fiction and show that it's not just fiction that can be read and enjoyed for pleasure. The first National Non-Fiction Day will be celebrated on the 4th November 2010, and annually thereafter on the first Thursday in November. RSS Feed
Shakespeare makes Twitter debut with RSC Sorrow
A "world first" version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet taking place entirely through social networking site Twitter launched today. A collaboration between the Royal Shakespeare Company and new media entertainment company Mudlark, Such Tweet Sorrow features a cast of six who will play out the story in real time over the next five weeks
Emerald adds Journal of Asia Business Studies to its portfolio
Emerald Group Publishing Limited has announced the addition of the distinguished University of San Francisco journal, Journal of Asia Business Studies, to its management research list
Digital Economy Bill [HL] 2009-10 (UK)
The Bill implements aspects of Government policy on digital media set out in the 'Digital Britain' White Paper published in June 2009. Key areas:
* requires Ofcom to report on communications infrastructure and media content
* imposes obligations on internet service providers to reduce online copyright infringement
* allows the Secretary of State to intervene in internet domain name registration
* requires Channel Four to provide public service content on a range of media
* provides more flexibility over the licensing of Channel 3 and Channel 5 services
* modifies the licensing regime to facilitate switchover to digital radio
* allows variation of the public service provision in Channel 3 and 5 licences
* provides Ofcom with additional powers in relation to electromagnetic spectrum access
* extends the range of video games that are subject to age-related classification
* includes non-print formats in the public lending right payment scheme
Following amendments in the House of Commons Committee Stage, the Bill no longer provides for the appointment of providers of regional and local news. Provisions in relation to extending copyright licensing and orphan works have also been removed
* requires Ofcom to report on communications infrastructure and media content
* imposes obligations on internet service providers to reduce online copyright infringement
* allows the Secretary of State to intervene in internet domain name registration
* requires Channel Four to provide public service content on a range of media
* provides more flexibility over the licensing of Channel 3 and Channel 5 services
* modifies the licensing regime to facilitate switchover to digital radio
* allows variation of the public service provision in Channel 3 and 5 licences
* provides Ofcom with additional powers in relation to electromagnetic spectrum access
* extends the range of video games that are subject to age-related classification
* includes non-print formats in the public lending right payment scheme
Following amendments in the House of Commons Committee Stage, the Bill no longer provides for the appointment of providers of regional and local news. Provisions in relation to extending copyright licensing and orphan works have also been removed
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