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Monday, April 06, 2009

Australian library finds copy of Schindler's list

"Australian researchers sifting papers belonging to the author of "Schindler's List" discovered a yellowing roll of 801 men saved from the Holocaust by the German industrialist - the very copy the writer used to bring the story to the world's attention, a curator said Monday. The 13-page document is a copy of one of Oskar Schindler's famed compilations of names that eventually included 1,100 men and women he saved by employing them in his factories in World War II Germany. "It's the list Tom used when writing 'Schindler's Ark' and that really brought Schindler's actions to the attention of the world," said State Library of New South Wales co-curator Olwen Pryke, referring to the book's author, Thomas Keneally. "It is a copy of a copy, but it's a moving document, regardless," said Pryke, who stumbled upon the pages late last year. "When you look at it you think of the lives that were saved.""

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