Saturday, September 30, 2006
Taylor & Francis announce iOpenAccess
Taylor & Francis have announced the introduction of an iOpenAccess option for authors publishing in 175 journals from T&F's Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics portfolios, one behavioural science journal from Psychology Press, and medical and bioscience journals from Informa Healthcare. From October 2006, all authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in one of the iOpenAccess journals will have the option to make their articles freely available to all via the Journal's website for a one-off fee of $3100
Institute of Museum and Library Services and National Endowment for the Humanities partner to spur innovation
Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and Dr. Bruce Cole, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, have announced that they will dedicate $1.5 million to Advancing Knowledge: The IMLS/NEH Digital Partnership. Through this new partnership, IMLS and NEH are joining together to help teachers, scholars, museums and libraries take advantage of developing technology. These new digital tools will aid in the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge about our past and our culture. The announcement was made at the ninth meeting of the National Museum and Library Services Board
Manuscripts Matter Conference
Manuscripts Matter: Collecting Modern Literary Archives: An international conference to address the main issues surrounding the acquisition of modern authors' archives by public institutions in Britain and Ireland, organised under the auspices of the Working Group on UK Literary Heritage - 19-20 October 2006 at the British Library
Borders Book Club
Borders has launched a new online consumer book resource called the Borders Book Club, offering videotaped author discussions and resource information for consumers interested in starting or joining a book club or readers discussion group
The European Archive
The European Archive is a non-profit foundation working towards universal access to all knowledge. The archive will achieve this through partnerships with libraries, museums, other collection bodies, and through building its own collections. The primary goal of collecting this knowledge is to make it as publicly accessible as possible, via the Internet and other means
BookStore is a digital content delivery platform that will help publishers manage the transition to new digital publishing and distribution models. BookStore allows publishers to hold and display back list and front-list book content in a consistent, stable and secure digital repository for delivery via multiple channels and in a number of formats
Friday, September 29, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Books and Plays. Answers here.
1. A play called "Much Ado about Nothing", first performed around 1598.
2. A 1937 book called "The Hobbit".
3. Which British cosmologist, born in 1942, wrote a popular-science best-seller called "A Brief History of Time"?
4. A novel called "Vanity Fair", published serially in 1847 and 1848.
5. Novels called "Song of Solomon" (1977), "Beloved" (1987) and "Jazz" (1992).
6. Plays called "Endgame" (1958), "Krapp's Last Tape" (1959) and "Happy Days" (1961).
7. Novels called "The Rachel Papers" (1973), "Money" (1984) and "London Fields" (1989).
8. Plays called "Glengarry Glen Ross", "Speed-the-Plow" and "Oleanna".
9. Novels called "The Voyage Out" (1915), "Mrs Dalloway" (1925) and "The Waves" (1931).
10. A story called "The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain", published in 1848.
1. A play called "Much Ado about Nothing", first performed around 1598.
2. A 1937 book called "The Hobbit".
3. Which British cosmologist, born in 1942, wrote a popular-science best-seller called "A Brief History of Time"?
4. A novel called "Vanity Fair", published serially in 1847 and 1848.
5. Novels called "Song of Solomon" (1977), "Beloved" (1987) and "Jazz" (1992).
6. Plays called "Endgame" (1958), "Krapp's Last Tape" (1959) and "Happy Days" (1961).
7. Novels called "The Rachel Papers" (1973), "Money" (1984) and "London Fields" (1989).
8. Plays called "Glengarry Glen Ross", "Speed-the-Plow" and "Oleanna".
9. Novels called "The Voyage Out" (1915), "Mrs Dalloway" (1925) and "The Waves" (1931).
10. A story called "The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain", published in 1848.
Cambridge Learning
Cambridge Learning combines products and services from three of our main areas of expertise: English Language Teaching, Education, and electronic products developed by Cambridge-Hitachi
Philip Reeve wins the Guardian children's fiction prize
The Guardian children's book prize goes to Philip Reeve for A Darkling Plain, fourth story of his Hungry Cities series. The £1,500 award is his first literary prize
Library Student Journal Issue 1
Library Student Journal: An international peer-reviewed Open Access publication of the University at Buffalo Department of Library and Information Studies - Issue 1, September 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Scopus enriches literature research with PatentCites and WebCites features
Scopus has announced the launch of two new features. PatentCites, released to customers on September 22, allows users to track how primary research is practically applied in patents. WebCites, which is to be launched shortly, is the first step towards enabling Scopus users to track the influence of peer reviewed research on web literature
The Chicago Manual of Style Online
The bible of the publishing and research community is now available on your desktop. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is completely searchable and easy to use, providing quick answers to your style and editing questions
Free Museum Day in the United States September 30th
On September 30, 2006, for one day only, museums across the United States will join the Smithsonian Institution in its long-standing tradition of offering free admission to visitors
Koret International Jewish Book Awards
Koret Foundation Funds has announced a partnership grant to Jewish Family and Life! of Newton, MA, to manage the revitalized Koret International Jewish Book Awards in cooperation with the National Foundation for Jewish Culture
Cambridge Journals Online unavailable on Sunday, October 1st
Cambridge Journals Online will be unavailable from midnight BST on Saturday, September 30, until approximately 10 pm BST on Sunday, October 1
41st Annual ARSC Conference
41st Annual ARSC Conference - Association for Recorded Sound Collections - May 2-5, 2007 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
UC Berkeley offers courses and symposia through Google Video
In another innovative move to share its intellectual treasures with the public, the University of California, Berkeley has announced that it is delivering educational content, including course lectures and symposia, free of charge through Google Video. Because of the quality and quantity of these video offerings, UC Berkeley will be the first university with its own page on the Google Video Web site. The campus is making more than 250 hours of content available to the public through Google Video
Theological Libraries Month - October 2006
Theological Libraries Month will debut in October 2006. The goal is to advance the importance and value of theological libraries and library services to targeted faculty, administrators, staff, and students
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Planets - digital preservation research and technology
The Planets project brings together European National Libraries and Archives, leading research institutions, and technology companies to address the challenge of preserving access to digital cultural and scientific knowledge. Preservation and Long-term Access through Networked Services (Planets) is funded by the European Commission Information Science and Technolgies Framework Programe 6 Call 5 (FP6 Call 5). The 4-year project started in June 2006 and has 16 partners
Let's get Wiki'd: 2G Internet services
Let's get Wiki'd: 2G Internet services - East of England Information Services Group day conference Tuesday 14th November at Christ's College, Cambridge. Have you heard of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 but were too afraid to ask what they were? This meeting looks at these second-generation Internet based services that let people collaborate and share information on-line in new ways
Archival Sound Recordings - British Library
The British Library's Archival Sound Recordings website gives UK Higher and Further Education staff and students free access to over 12,000 recordings
Haruki Murakami wins Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award
Haruki Murakami has won the second Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award for "Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman", his third collection of short stories to be published in English
Carnival of the Infosciences #55
Carnival of the Infosciences #55 hosted by Libraryola. Previous Carnivals can be found here
British Library launches Intellectual Property manifesto
The British Library has launched its Manifesto on the contentious issue of Intellectual Property (IP) reform
Monday, September 25, 2006
IngentaConnect 2.5
Ingenta has announced the latest major release of IngentaConnect. Release 2.5 of the company’s flagship website incorporates a number of new features designed to improve the end user's research experience, and brings the changing perspectives and increasingly user-focussed objectives of the broader technology industry to the scholarly publishing market
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The Encyclopedia of Earth
The Encyclopedia of Earth is a new electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. The Encyclopedia is a free, fully searchable collection of articles written by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The articles are written in non-technical language and will be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public
EPA Headquarters Library Closes Effective October 1, 2006
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is closing its Headquarters Library to the public, as well as its own staff, effective October 1. This shutdown is the latest in a series of agency library closures during the past few weeks, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). As with the other library collections, the books, reports and research monographs in the EPA Headquarters Library have been boxed up and are currently inaccessible to anyone
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Chavez nod turns Chomsky book into bestseller
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made headlines for his United Nations speech on Wednesday calling U.S. President George W. Bush "the devil himself," but a reading suggestion he made in the same speech created a bestseller. At the United Nations, anti-imperialist Chavez began his speech by displaying a copy of U.S. writer Noam Chomsky's book "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance" and recommended that Americans read it. By Thursday, the book had risen from backlist obscurity to be the No. 3 bestseller on - Reuters
Wigtown September Festival
Wigtown September Festival: A Celebration of the Written Word through Books, Art, Film and Theatre - 22nd September–1st October - Scotland
Google News Archive support added to OpenURL Referrer
Version 2.1 of OCLC Openly Informatics' OpenURL Referrer Extension for Firefox has been released. It adds support for Google News Archive
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 144
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 144 - October 2006 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Black Firsts. Answers here.
1. Who gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech at a demonstration in Washington on August 28, 1963?
2. What is the nickname of golfer Eldrick Woods, who in July 2000 became the youngest player to complete golf's career grand slam?
3. In 1969, who was the first black entertainer to sleep in the White House?
4. In 2002, who was voted the best female actor for the 2001 film "Monster's Ball" at the 74th Academy Awards, becoming the first black woman to win the award?
5. Who was the first black African to become secretary general of the United Nations?
6. In 1955, Dorothy Dandridge was the first black woman nominated for an Academy Award in a leading role - for her portrayal of Carmen in which film?
7. Who became the first president of the United Republic of Tanzania?
8. Name the woman who, in 1955, was jailed for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger, leading to the 381-day Montgomery bus boycott.
9. Which tennis player was the first black named to the American Davis Cup team and, in 1975, the first black man to win a singles title at Wimbledon?
10. In 1986, who became the first black woman to host a nationally syndicated weekday talk show on American television?
1. Who gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech at a demonstration in Washington on August 28, 1963?
2. What is the nickname of golfer Eldrick Woods, who in July 2000 became the youngest player to complete golf's career grand slam?
3. In 1969, who was the first black entertainer to sleep in the White House?
4. In 2002, who was voted the best female actor for the 2001 film "Monster's Ball" at the 74th Academy Awards, becoming the first black woman to win the award?
5. Who was the first black African to become secretary general of the United Nations?
6. In 1955, Dorothy Dandridge was the first black woman nominated for an Academy Award in a leading role - for her portrayal of Carmen in which film?
7. Who became the first president of the United Republic of Tanzania?
8. Name the woman who, in 1955, was jailed for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger, leading to the 381-day Montgomery bus boycott.
9. Which tennis player was the first black named to the American Davis Cup team and, in 1975, the first black man to win a singles title at Wimbledon?
10. In 1986, who became the first black woman to host a nationally syndicated weekday talk show on American television?
Chicago Journals announce in perpetuity access option
In response to feedback from the scholarly and library communities, the University of Chicago Press Journals Division has announced that it plans to introduce additional post-cancellation options for all electronic journals published by the University of Chicago Press and accessed through the University of Chicago Press Journals Division Web site
Best Practices for Designing Web Services in the Library Context
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Web Services and Practices working group has completed NISO RP 2006-01, Best Practices for Designing Web Services in the Library Context. This new Recommend Practice publication covers the following areas: HTTP caching, filtering of user input, reuse of output formats, security, and throttling. The document also describes typical output formats used in web services -- DTD, XML schema, RDF, Relax NG, and DSD
Movers & Shakers 2007
The editors of Library Journal need your help in identifying the emerging leaders in the library world. The fourth annual Movers & Shakers supplement will profile 50-plus up-and-coming individuals from across the United States and Canada who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. From librarians to vendors to others who work in the library field, Movers & Shakers 2007 will celebrate the new professionals who are moving our libraries ahead
Re-energising Information Services: Strategies for Success
Re-energising Information Services: Strategies for Success - 26 October 2006 - Energy Institute, London, UK
ALCTS announces "Definitely Digital" as Midwinter Symposium
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has announced Definitely Digital: An Exploration of the Future of Knowledge on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of ALCTS as its 2007 Midwinter Symposium on Friday, January 19, 2007 in Seattle
Thursday, September 21, 2006
JIBS Federated Search Conference
JIBS has announced a one day conference entitled: Federated Searching, what?, why? and how? : an introduction to federated searching technology and developments - 22 November, 2006 - The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester, UK
A group of six Cambridge Colleges has been running a co-operative project to provide undergraduate students at the University with a collection of electronic books supplied by NetLibrary. The project began in January 2006 for a trial year and has proved to be successful. The team has published a strategic plan for the next five years
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Punctuation author collects examples on Web site
British writer Lynne Truss, who was totally stunned when her book on punctuation "Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" became a British and U.S. hit, has set up a Web site that is collecting funny examples of wrongly used commas and apostrophes. Truss said she decided to start a collection as people were always approaching her with examples since the book came out in 2003
SAGE Journals Online 2006 Free Access Campaign
Free Online Access to all SAGE Journals through October 18, 2006
Workshop on Digital Libraries
Workshop on Digital Libraries - 31 October to 3 November 2006 - TERI, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India
Call For Presenters: Five Weeks to a Social Library
Five Weeks to a Social Library, the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries. The course was developed to provide a free, comprehensive, and social online learning opportunity for librarians who do not otherwise have access to conferences or continuing education and who would benefit greatly from learning about social software - February 12 to March 17, 2007
Carnival of the Infosciences #54
Carnival of the Infosciences #54 hosted by LibraryCrunch. Previous Carnivals can be found here
Oral Tradition becomes eOT
On September 15, 2006, Oral Tradition entered a new chapter in its existence as an international and interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of worldwide oral traditions and related forms. The journal became available electronically and free of charge to all readers
Referenceware, from Books24x7, offers a revolutionary approach to problem solving and learning by providing searchable, online access to the full, unabridged contents of thousands of business and technical books, as well as to expert summaries of popular business books
2008 PLA National Conference
The Public Library Association is now planning the 2008 PLA National Conference, which will be held in Minneapolis, March 25-29, 2008. The most important part of that planning is assembling the slate of preconferences and the 100+ concurrent program sessions that will be presented during the conference. The deadline for submitting all proposals is November 30, 2006
AASL unveils new committee structure
The Board of Directors of the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association, has adopted a new committee structure to better align the association with its new strategic plan. The process of restructuring will begin in the fall, with the new structure in place at the conclusion of the 2007 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Open Repositories 2007
Open Repositories 2007: 2nd International Conference on Open Repositories - "Achieving Interoperability in an Open World" - January 23-27, 2007 - San Antonio, Texas, USA
PressDisplay 3.0
ProQuest Information and Learning has announced the launch of PressDisplay 3.0. The latest version adds features and functionality - including cross-searching of the entire archive of titles - to the collection of more than 300 titles in the online newspaper collection
Unfinished Tolkien tale completed by his son
An unfinished tale abandoned by JRR Tolkien in 1918 has been completed by his son and will be published next spring. Christopher Tolkien has worked for 30 years on an edited version of The Children of Hurin, a story set in the legendary land of elves, hobbits and dwarves depicted by his father in the epic trilogy The Lord Of The Rings - The Guardian
Freedom to Read Foundation announces organizational membership category
As part of its effort to meet increasing challenges to intellectual freedom, the Freedom to Read Foundation has established an organizational membership category. This new dues structure offers libraries, businesses, and nonprofits a greater opportunity to support librarians throughout the United States who are facing attempts to restrict access to library materials and services
Monday, September 18, 2006
Awful author addicted to alliteration achieves acclaim again
An obscure writer, whose works were enthusiastically devoured by C. S. Lewis, Aldous Huxley and Mark Twain, is the subject of a revival celebrating her status as the world's worst novelist. The heaving bosoms, trembling lips, quivering voices and clammy hands that inhabit the world created by Amanda McKittrick Ros won her many admirers among the literary elite. Her novels provided the entertainment at gatherings of the Inklings, a group of Oxford dons including Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien who met from the 1930s to 1950s. They competed to see who could read her work aloud for longest before starting to laugh. Telegraph
Appeal over Shakespeare lessons
The Royal Shakespeare Company has claimed that "boring" lessons are putting youngsters in England off Shakespeare's work for life. It is beginning its campaign to transform the way his works are taught. The theatre company said one of the problems was a lack of live performances of Shakespeare's work - so pupils had only the printed word. BBC
Abstracts in Anthropology free trial
Baywood Publishing is currently offering a 90-day free trial of Abstracts in Anthropology
The Citizendium Project
Larry Sanger writes: The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a "citizens' compendium of everything," will be an experimental new wiki project that combines public participation with gentle expert guidance. It will begin life as a "progressive fork" of Wikipedia. But we expect it to take on a life of its own and, perhaps, to become the flagship of a new set of responsibly-managed free knowledge projects. We will avoid calling it an "encyclopedia," because there will probably always be articles in the resource that have not been vouched for in any sense
The Burgert Brothers Photographic Collection
The Burgert Brothers Photographic Collection presents a unique pictorial record of the commercial, residential and social growth of Tampa Bay and Florida's West coast from the late 1800s to the early 1960s. Nearly 15,000 images in this collection chronicle the history of the Tampa Bay area as it faced wars, natural disasters, economic booms and busts
ECDL 2006 live coverage
Science Library Pad writes : The main conference of ECDL 2006 (European Conference [on] Digital Libraries) starts today.
According to the site, there will be live video (Microsoft video) from the auditorium starting at 09:30 Spain time (GMT + 1). You can try tracking the conference using Technorati and Flickr tag ECDL2006, but so far I'm the only one posting.
According to the site, there will be live video (Microsoft video) from the auditorium starting at 09:30 Spain time (GMT + 1). You can try tracking the conference using Technorati and Flickr tag ECDL2006, but so far I'm the only one posting.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Ingenta Research Award
The Ingenta Research Award is given annually by the Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association to support research projects about acquisition, use, and preservation of digital information
Saturday, September 16, 2006
ALPSP/Charlesworth and ALPSP Awards 2006
The winners of this year's ALPSP and the ALPSP/Charlesworth Awards were announced at the Association's annual dinner held at the the Armourers' Hall in London on Thursday 14 September 2006. The awards recognise significant achievement in the field of learned and professional publishing
The Margaret Mann Citation
The Margaret Mann Citation is awarded by the ALA ALCTS Cataloging and Classification Section for outstanding professional achievement in cataloging or classification either through publication of significant professional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, or valuable contributions to practice in individual libraries. Deadline for nominations is December 1
The Perils of Prediction by Roy Tennant
The Perils of Prediction by Roy Tennant - "Predicting the future accurately is extremely difficult. If it weren't, many more of us would be millionaires. Whenever I'm asked to try, I often say only fools or geniuses predict the future. The problem is we don't know who is who until it's too late. We can hardly be blamed for wanting early warning about what to expect..." - Library Journal, September 15, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Pseudonyms. Answers here.
1. Which name did Reginald Dwight create for himself by combining the names of the musicians Long John Baldry and Elton Dean?
2. What pseudonym was adopted by the Italian actress Sofia Scicolone?
3. Which US entertainer, part of Frank Sinatra's "Rat Pack", was originally called Dino Paul Crocetti?
4. Warren Beatty's real name was Warren Beaty - true or false?
5. What name, meaning "man of steel", was taken by the Russian revolutionary Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili on the eve of World War I?
6. Which English-born singer, whose real name was Julie Elizabeth Wells, won praise for her New York debut in "The Boy Friend" and later starred in the films "Star!" and "S. O. B."?
7. What pseudonym was adopted by Jozef Korzeniowski when he wrote such books as "The Mirror of the Sea" and "Youth"?
8. Which writer used the pseudonym "Elia" when he wrote essays for "The London Magazine"?
9. Which American president was originally named Leslie Lynch King but assumed the name of his stepfather when his mother remarried?
10. Which British writer used the pseudonyms Edward Pygge and Dan Kavanagh?
1. Which name did Reginald Dwight create for himself by combining the names of the musicians Long John Baldry and Elton Dean?
2. What pseudonym was adopted by the Italian actress Sofia Scicolone?
3. Which US entertainer, part of Frank Sinatra's "Rat Pack", was originally called Dino Paul Crocetti?
4. Warren Beatty's real name was Warren Beaty - true or false?
5. What name, meaning "man of steel", was taken by the Russian revolutionary Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili on the eve of World War I?
6. Which English-born singer, whose real name was Julie Elizabeth Wells, won praise for her New York debut in "The Boy Friend" and later starred in the films "Star!" and "S. O. B."?
7. What pseudonym was adopted by Jozef Korzeniowski when he wrote such books as "The Mirror of the Sea" and "Youth"?
8. Which writer used the pseudonym "Elia" when he wrote essays for "The London Magazine"?
9. Which American president was originally named Leslie Lynch King but assumed the name of his stepfather when his mother remarried?
10. Which British writer used the pseudonyms Edward Pygge and Dan Kavanagh?
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases will be the first open access journal devoted to the world's most neglected tropical diseases, such as elephantiasis, river blindness, leprosy, hookworm, schistosomiasis, and African sleeping sickness. The journal will publish high-quality, peer-reviewed research on all scientific, medical, and public health aspects of these forgotten diseases affecting the world’s forgotten people
Complete Royal Society Journal Archive now available
The complete archive of the Royal Society journals, including some of the most significant scientific papers ever published since 1665, is now freely available online for the first time for a two month period. The archive contains many classic papers including accounts of Michael Faraday's groundbreaking series of electrical experiments, Isaac Newton's invention of the reflecting telescope, and the first research paper published by Stephen Hawking as well as Benjamin Franklin's legendary kite experiment
Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award
In conjunction with its 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2007, the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), is pleased to announce the establishment of the Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award. This new award honors the legacy of Ross Atkinson, distinguished library leader, author and scholar whose extraordinary service to ALCTS and the library community at-large serves as a model for those in the field. The award winner receives a citation honoring his/her contributions and a stipend of $3,000 generously donated by EBSCO
Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2006 shortlist
The shortlist for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2006 has been announced
Thursday, September 14, 2006
IFLA 2008 in Quebec
74th IFLA General Conference and Council will be held in Quebec, Canada 10-15 August, 2008
Carnival of the Infosciences #53
Carnival of the Infosciences #53 hosted by Library Garden. Previous Carnivals can be found here
RedLightGreen Service to End
As of November 1st, RedLightGreen will no longer be available as a service, and users are encouraged to explore for locating the best bibliographic resources
Director, John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, MA
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) invites applications for the position of Director, John F. Kennedy Library and Museum. The Kennedy Library is one of twelve Presidential Libraries administered by NARA
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
$1.7 Million For Native American Communities for Library Enhancements
The Institute of Museum and Library Services, the primary source of federal funds for the United States museums and libraries, announced an award of $1,781,300 today going to 15 Native American tribal communities and Alaska Native villages to improve library services to their communities. More than 53 applications were received requesting $7,135,926
ACCESS 2006: Hackfest projects wanted
The fifth annual Access Hackfest will take place October 11 in Ottawa. At Hackfest, dozens of people from all walks of library life -- reference and technical service librarians, directors and coders, archivists and usability experts, you name it -- get together for one day to work together on projects suggested by the library community
Persistence of Memory
Persistence of Memory: Stewardship of Digital Assets - December 5-6, 2006 - Tucson, Arizona
Mashing up the Library winners
Talis has announced the winners of the first competition intended to openly encourage innovation in the display, use, and reuse of data from and about libraries - Mashing Up The Library 2006
Shakespeare Searched
Shakespeare Searched "is a search engine designed to provide quick access to passages from Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. We cluster search results by topic, work, and character to make it easy to find exactly what you're looking for. From something as simple as identifying the speaker of a particular quote to discovering underlying thematic elements across works, Shakespeare Searched has you covered. This website is not a replacement for a copy of the text. It provides no analysis or footnotes. It is meant to supplement a traditional reading of a work"
Chemistry Central Journal
Chemistry Central Journal (ISSN 1752-153X) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal recently launched by Chemistry Central. Chemistry Central, developed by the same team who created BioMed Central, the leading biomedical open access publisher, is committed to ensuring peer-reviewed chemical research is immediately and permanently available online without charge or any other barriers to access
Google Book Search joins Banned Books Week
From Google: "Google Book Search is our effort to expand the universe of books you can discover, and this year we're joining libraries and bookstores across the country to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Banned Books Week - a nationwide initiative to help people learn about and explore banned books. You can start by browsing these 42 classics - books we couldn't be more pleased to highlight"
PPRG Conference 2006
Publicity and Public Relations Group: PPRG Conference - Winning Heart and Minds – advocacy, motivation and customer service for library and information professionals - November 2–4 2006 - Grasmere, Cumbria, UK
Banned Books Week 2006
Banned Books Week 2006 - September 23-30 - "More than a book a day faces expulsion from free and open public access in U.S. schools and libraries every year. There have been more than 8,700 attempts since the American Library Association began electronically compiling and publishing information on book challenges in 1990...."
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Thomson Scientific $7.2 Million Contract
Thomson Scientific has announced that a consortium of 47 leading French academic and government organizations, led by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST) and Couperin, have signed a three year, US$7.2 million contract with Thomson Scientific to access ISI Web of Knowledge
2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize longlist
The 2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize jury has announced its longlisted finalists for this year. The first-ever longlist of 15 books was selected from 101 titles submitted by 36 publishers from every region of Canada. The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson and distinguished Canadian authors Alice Munro and Michael Winter comprise the 2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize jury panel
DRIVER: Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research
DRIVER sets out to build the testbed for a future knowledge infrastructure of the European Research Area. Aimed to be complimentary to GEANT2, the successful infrastructure for computing resources, data storage and data transport, DRIVER will deliver the content resources, i.e. any form of scientific output, including scientific/technical reports, working papers, pre-prints, articles and original research data. The vision, to be accomplished in a second phase, is to establish the successful interoperation of both data network and knowledge repositories as integral parts of the E-infrastructure for research and education in Europe
Blended Librarian Webcast: Tales from a Librarian-Instructional Designer Partnership
Steven Bell and John Shank, co-founders of the Blended Librarians Online Learning Community, and their guests Kim Duckett, Principal Librarian for Digital Technologies and Learning at North Carolina State University and Dede Nelson, instructional designer for the Department of Adult and Higher Education at North Carolina State University invite you to join the next Blended Librarian community event, Blended Librarians: Tales from a Librarian-Instructional Designer Partnership: Sharing Resources and Knowledge to Support Course Development on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 3 pm. EST
Library and Information Research Winter 2005
Library and Information Research Volume 29, Number 93, Winter 2005 is now available online
2007 campaign for ALA Cultural Communities Fund
The ALA Public Programs Office has began its 2007 fund raising campaign to build the Cultural Communities Fund, an endowment created to support local libraries in establishing community and cultural programs. The first endowment of its kind, CCF will help libraries of all types develop and host programs in the arts, humanities, and civic discussion in diverse communities across the country. The 2007 fund raising goal is to raise $277,000 in order to qualify for matching funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Over $50,000 available through 2007 AASL awards
Over $50,000 is available through the annual awards program from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). Thirteen awards, grants and scholarships recognize and support outstanding contributions to the field by members in a variety of categories, including leadership, reading, information technology, and distinguished service
Carnival of the Infosciences #52
Carnival of the Infosciences #52 hosted by Grumpator. Previous Carnivals can be found here
Carnival of the Infosciences #51
Carnival of the Infosciences #51 hosted by David's Random Stuff. Previous Carnivals can be found here
Monday, September 11, 2006
2006 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award Winners
Emerald and the EFMD have announced the winners of the 2006 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award Winners
The World Almanac E-Newsletter
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 06, Number 09 — September 2006 is now available
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Speaking Fees in Librarianship Survey
The Speaking Fees in Librarianship Survey is intended to give a rough idea of what speakers at library conferences and workshops tend to charge, and to give others an idea of what they might themselves ask for (or, that they can even ask!)
Win a trip to London - librarians only
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers are putting out new editions of Agatha Christie books and part of their promotion is a contest open only to working librarians. The grand prize is a trip to London for two that includes airfare, hotel, and an invitation to tea at Brown's Hotel (supposedly the model for Bertram's Hotel) with Dame Agatha's grandson
Saturday, September 09, 2006
ELPUB 2007
ELPUB 2007 - First Call for Papers 11th International Conference on Electronic Publishing - 13-15 June 2007 - Vienna, Austria
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Special Days. Answers here.
1. St George's Day (April 23) is assumed to be the date of the birth in 1564 of which famous British writer - and also of his death in 1616?
2. Is Halloween on the last day of August, September or October?
3. Is St Stephen's Day December 24, December 26 or December 31?
4. Which novel by James Joyce describes the events of single day in Dublin which is known as "Bloomsday"?
5. In the northern hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox marks the start of which season of the year?
6. In the United States, December 7 is remembered as the anniversary of a bombing raid which took place where in 1941?
7. An award ceremony takes place every year in Stockholm on December 10, funded by money from the will of which Swedish inventor?
8. What name is given to the second Sunday in May which Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia suggested to honour her mother who had died on May 9, 1906?
9. On which day of the year do the French try to pin a paper fish on someone's back without getting caught?
10. Which artist invented Sadie Hawkins Day (usually the first Saturday in November) in his comic strip "L'il Abner"?
1. St George's Day (April 23) is assumed to be the date of the birth in 1564 of which famous British writer - and also of his death in 1616?
2. Is Halloween on the last day of August, September or October?
3. Is St Stephen's Day December 24, December 26 or December 31?
4. Which novel by James Joyce describes the events of single day in Dublin which is known as "Bloomsday"?
5. In the northern hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox marks the start of which season of the year?
6. In the United States, December 7 is remembered as the anniversary of a bombing raid which took place where in 1941?
7. An award ceremony takes place every year in Stockholm on December 10, funded by money from the will of which Swedish inventor?
8. What name is given to the second Sunday in May which Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia suggested to honour her mother who had died on May 9, 1906?
9. On which day of the year do the French try to pin a paper fish on someone's back without getting caught?
10. Which artist invented Sadie Hawkins Day (usually the first Saturday in November) in his comic strip "L'il Abner"?
Penguin revives the serial novel for online buzz
"Penguin is turning to publishing's past to help usher the industry into the modern era, releasing a novel in serial form to create a buzz online before the complete work is released next year. Gordon Dahlquist's fantastical gothic mystery Glass Books of the Dream Eaters will be sent to buyers in the mail in 10 weekly paperback instalments, each with a cliff-hanger ending, before publication of the full hardcover in January" - Reuters
1901 UK Census - Free Access
To coincide with the launch of the third series of Who Do You Think You Are on BBC1, has announced that until November 8 the
1901 UK Census Index
will be free to all users
1901 UK Census Index
Thursday, September 07, 2006
E-Book Platforms and Aggregators: an evaluation of available options for publishers
E-Book Platforms and Aggregators: an evaluation of available options for publishers by Linda Bennett - As the number of e-books platforms has proliferated, and as the models which allow access to them grow in variety and complexity, publishers and librarians have become increasingly interested in what exactly is on offer, and what constitute the relative benefits and constraints of the available platforms. This report explores in depth the attributes and features of the main aggregator platforms, providing a comprehensive and detailed evaluation - ALPSP
Action Women: the real story of the Women's Institutes
Action Women: the real story of the Women's Institutes - In celebration of all the women who have been part of this dynamic and powerful organisation, The Women's Library and WI members have brought together photographs, rural crafts, oral history accounts, campaign badges, posters, pamphlets and a stunning banner to tell the stories of generations of WI action women
Villanova University Digital Library
Villanova University's Digital Library initiative assembles, presents, and preserves digital collections that support the teaching and research of the campus and the global community of scholars. We work with faculty, staff and regional partners to select and develop resources that enhance access for a wide range of disciplines and audiences
Google News Archive Search
Google News Archive Search "provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. In addition to helping you search, News archive search can automatically create timelines which show selected results from relevant time periods"
Putting Content Online by Mark Jordan
Putting Content Online - A practical guide for libraries by Mark Jordan, Head of Library Systems at Simon Fraser University - This book focuses on practical, standards-based approaches to planning, executing and managing projects in which libraries and other cultural institutions digitize material and make it available on the web (or make collections of born-digital material available). Topics include evaluating material for digitization, intellectual property issues, metadata standards, digital library content management systems, search and retrieval considerations, project management, project operations, proposal writing, and libraries' emerging role as publishers - Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Limited
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awards ALA grant to improve Internet connectivity in public libraries
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded the Office for Information Technology Policy of the American Library Association $525,000 in support of the ALA's efforts to ensure free public access to the Internet in all of America's public libraries. The three-year general operating grant will allow OITP to help libraries meet increasing demand for public computing and Internet access by supporting libraries' participation in the federal E-rate program
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Open Scholarship 2006
Open Scholarship 2006: New Challenges for Open Access Repositories - a companion European Conference to the OAI meetings at CERN in Geneva, and to the Nordic Scholarly Communication Conferences in Lund, Sweden. Aimed at Librarians, University Administrators, funders, academics and technical specialists - 18-20 October 2006 - University of Glasgow, Scotland
North Dakota Library Association Centennial Conference
North Dakota Library Association Centennial Conference - "Celebrating our Past, Embracing our Future" - September 20-22, 2006 - Fargo, North Dakota
E-Select: E-journals from Elsevier
Specifically designed for institutions with small print journal collections, E-Select: E-journals from Elsevier provides individual online-title access to more than 1,300 titles in the areas of social sciences and STM
EOS International enhances EOS.Web
EOS International has announced the latest release of its multi-lingual EOS.Web. Included in this release are expanded circulation self-checkout functionality, new web OPAC routing options, expanded OPAC search functionality, and several system set-up enhancements
Internet Librarian International 2006 Provisional Programme
The Provisional Programme for Internet Librarian International 2006 - 16-17 October 2006 - London, UK, is now available
First American Indian Youth Literature Award winners announced
The American Indian Library Association, an affiliate of the American Library Association, has announced the first recipients of its American Indian Youth Literature Award. This new literary award was created as a way to identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians. Books selected to receive the award present Native Americans in the fullness of their humanity in the present and past contexts
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Information Management Solutions 2006
Designed for organisations who want to manage internal and external information for competitive advantage, Information Management Solutions 2006 will run alongside Online Information - November 28-30 - London, UK
Public Library Service Standards
The UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) have commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to conduct the first full scale review of the Public Library Service Standards (PLSS). As part of this review PricewaterhouseCoopers is conducting an on-line survey to gather the views of a wide range of stakeholders. Members and officers in library authorities are encouraged to complete the survey, which will be open until the 29th September
Knowledge Management: the next generation
Knowledge Management: the next generation - Chris Collison, Author of "Learning to Fly", provides an interactive course, designed to explore ways in which we can help knowledge management to mature in our organizations - 22 September 2006 - London, UK
Electronic Resources & Libraries 2007 Conference Conference Call for Proposals
ER&L Conference Program Planning Committee encourages you to submit a proposal for the Electronic Resources & Libraries 2007 Conference to be held February 22-24, 2007, with pre-conference sessions on February 21. The conference location will be the Global Learning and Conference Center, located on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA
Monday, September 04, 2006
EprintWeb is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology, and consists of e-print records which can be browsed and searched. The contents of EprintWeb are provided by arXiv, which is operated and funded by Cornell University Library
Sunday, September 03, 2006
8th Quadrennial Tri Society Symposium / 3rd DASER Summit
The 8th Quadrennial Tri Society Symposium / 3rd DASER Summit (the Symposium) will focus on questions of how libraries and information centers are shaping the digital information world, and how they are being shaped by it - November 3 2006 - Austin, Texas
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #101
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #101 - September 2, 2006 is now available
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Problem accessing this blog
There is currently a problem in accessing this blog at While it's being fixed, please use
Publishers in orbit over astronomical amendments
"Publishers of astronomy titles are planning a programme of revisions and new editions following the decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to create a new class of celestial bodies to be called dwarf planets, and to downgrade Pluto. Asteroids Ceres and 2003UB313 (nicknamed Xena) are being upgraded to join Pluto in the new category." From Publishing News
Information Today September 2006 issues
The September 2006 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available
The James Patterson PageTurner Awards 2006
The James Patterson PageTurner Awards are given to individuals and groups who "get people of all ages excited about books and reading, and successfully transform non-readers into lifelong page-turners." This year a total of $500,000 in cash prizes will be distributed among 44 winners. Nomination deadline is October 16, 2006
Nominations Open for CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Medals 2007
All CILIP members are invited to nominate titles for the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals. Judged by a panel of CILIP Members from all over the UK, the Medals are the country's most prestigious Children's Book Awards. The Medals celebrate the very best in children's literature and demonstrate the valuable work that CILIP members do in helping children and young people develop their literacy and social skills by reading for pleasure
RUSA announces call for nominations for 2007 awards
The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) has announced a call for nominations for its 17 awards for 2007. RUSA is interested in learning about innovative, outstanding achievements in the field of reference and adult services librarianship
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Deserts. Answers here.
1. What is the largest desert in the world?
2. Deserts can be cold as well as hot: is this true or false?
3. Was "Desert Storm" the name given to the US-led campaign in the first Gulf War or the second Gulf War?
4. In which state of the USA is the Painted Desert?
5. What is the second largest desert in the world?
6. In which country are the Gibson Desert, the Great Sandy Desert and the Great Victoria Desert?
7. Which German commander in the Second World War was nicknamed the Desert Fox?
8. In which continent is the Atacama Desert?
9. Is the Namib Desert in southeast or southwest Africa?
10. In which state of the USA is the Mojave or Mohave Desert?
1. What is the largest desert in the world?
2. Deserts can be cold as well as hot: is this true or false?
3. Was "Desert Storm" the name given to the US-led campaign in the first Gulf War or the second Gulf War?
4. In which state of the USA is the Painted Desert?
5. What is the second largest desert in the world?
6. In which country are the Gibson Desert, the Great Sandy Desert and the Great Victoria Desert?
7. Which German commander in the Second World War was nicknamed the Desert Fox?
8. In which continent is the Atacama Desert?
9. Is the Namib Desert in southeast or southwest Africa?
10. In which state of the USA is the Mojave or Mohave Desert?
Thomson acquires ScholarOne
The Thomson Corporation has announced that its Scientific & Healthcare group has acquired privately-held ScholarOne, a workflow management system for scholarly publishers. ScholarOne provides subscription-based software for authoring, evaluating and publishing research to more than two million users. ScholarOne software enables publishers of scholarly research to produce journals, meeting abstracts and conference proceedings faster and easier. Its management team and employees will become part of Thomson Scientific
Canada Post Extends Library Book Rate until January 2008
Canada Post has extended the Library Book Rate through to January 2008 with no rate increase. The Rate, which had been set to expire January 15, 2007, provides eligible libraries with special rates for inter-library loans or to loan to the public
British Library Endangered Archives Programme
The Endangered Archives Programme is funded by the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund, in pursuit of its general aim to support fundamental research into important issues in the humanities and social science. The focus of the Programme is on the preservation and copying of important but vulnerable archives throughout the world. The Programme is now accepting applications for the next round of funding. Detailed information on the timetable, criteria, eligibility and procedures for applying for a grant is available on the Programme's website. The deadline for receipt of preliminary applications is 3 November 2006
MBooks: U-M Library transforms research through digital archive
The first digital works resulting from the University of Michigan/Google Digitization Partnership are now being used to enhance the University Library's online catalog. The online catalog points to a new U-M Library system called MBooks that was developed specifically for the materials digitized by Google. The system, intended to support scholarly research, was designed to meet the specialized needs of researchers by providing more information about works in the collection and---where allowed---actually making the text of works available through the catalog
New EMCare Database on Dialog
Dialog has announced that it has enhanced its portfolio of healthcare information with the addition of EMCare, a new nursing and allied health database
ProQuest Obituaries
ProQuest Information and Learning has announced the launch of ProQuest Obituaries, offering access to obituaries and death notices from the full runs of major national newspapers dating back to 1851. ProQuest Obituaries enables users to easily find ancestors and historical figures, and to trace their family histories through a database of more than 10 million names. To familiarize users with the database's rich content, ProQuest developed "In Passing", a free weekly e-newsletter that highlights particularly interesting passages from ProQuest Obituaries, the latest addition to the ProQuest Genealogy Center. Librarian subscribers will be able to use this newsletter to promote the rich rewards of genealogy research during October, which is Family History Month
Call for nominations for 2007 ASCLA awards
The Association for Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies is now accepting nominations for its 2007 awards program. The purpose of ASCLA awards is to recognize outstanding achievement in networking, enrichment and educational opportunities, and service by library agencies, libraries serving special populations, multi-type library organizations and independent librarians
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