Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Librarians Without Borders
Librarians Without Borders is an organization that was born in February 2005 by a group of socially-minded librarians who wanted to address the vast information resource inequity existing between different regions of the world
University of North Texas Music Library Virtual Rare Book Room
The University of North Texas Music Library has recently launched its Virtual Rare Book Room, a collection of full-text scans of scores and books, including both manuscripts and prints
eLit2006 programme now available
eLit2006 is the 5th international conference examining the challenge of eLiteracy. eLit2006 will draw together teachers, educational researchers, policymakers, trainers, librarians, IT support staff, learning technologists, and many others to share experiences and to talk and think through issues such as the embedding of eLiteracy skills in the curriculum to the challenges of creating online education - 28-30 June 2006 - Loughborough University, UK - Full programme now available
FIL Interlend Conference
FIL Interlend Conference - Forum for Interlending and Information Delivery - Interlend 2006 - 10-12 July 2006 - Southampton University, UK
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 141
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 141 - June 2006 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2006 longlist
The longlist for the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2006 has been announced
Yahoo! Group - Open Access Journals
Yahoo! Group - Open Access Journals - "Although electronic publishing is commonplace, this group will focus upon open access publishing, especially scholarly journals freely available on the Internet. This forum will concentrate on electronic serials, but it will also include information on other free scholarly materials (e.g. working papers, technical reports, etc.) that are available online"
Monday, May 29, 2006
Carnival of the Infosciences #39
Carnival of the Infosciences #39 hosted by Nicole C. Engard at What I Learned Today…
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sent to the tower: the books too lowbrow for Cambridge
Sent to the tower: the books too lowbrow for Cambridge by Louise Jury, Arts Correspondent, The Independent - "The rumour had been that the books and papers lodged in Cambridge University's library tower were little more than pornography. But for the first time the university is set to reveal that the 170,000 books and papers previously consigned to the tower for being too populist and lowbrow to be of academic interest contain unique literary gems..."
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Web Capture from The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress has launched Web Capture, a Web site devoted to information about its program to capture and preserve historically important Web sites so that they can be accessed by future generations of users
Performing Arts Encyclopedia
The Performing Arts Encyclopedia serves as a guide to the collections and resources at the Library of Congress that pertain to music, theater, and dance. Most of these collections and resources can be found in the Music Division, the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, and the American Folklife Center, although there are additional resources available in other divisions of the Library such as the Manuscript Division and the Rare Books Division
2006 Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature
The Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association has announced the winners of the 2006 Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature. The books were chosen among those by or about Asian Pacific Americans published between 2004 and 2005
Friday, May 26, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Memorable Movies. Answers here.
1. In the 1959 film "North by Northwest", who played the main role of an advertising executive pursued across the United States by people trying to kill him?
2. In which 1993 film did Demi Moore star as a woman offered a million dollars to have an adulterous affair?
3. Which 1968 science fiction film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, was based on a story by Arthur C. Clarke and included the flawed computer HAL?
4. Which Belgian-born actress starred in the films "Roman Holiday", "Funny Face" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
5. Which 1959 film starred Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis as two jazz musicians who disguise themselves as women?
6. Which 1949 film, set in postwar Vienna, was scripted by Graham Greene and directed by Carol Reed?
7. Who played the astronaut Ellen Ripley in the 1979 film "Alien" and its sequels?
8. What was the title of Thomas Keneally's novel on which Steven Spielberg based his film "Schindler's List"?
9. Which 1981 film about an archaeologist was adapted by Lawrence Kasdan from a story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman?
10. The films "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources" were based on stories by which French author?
1. In the 1959 film "North by Northwest", who played the main role of an advertising executive pursued across the United States by people trying to kill him?
2. In which 1993 film did Demi Moore star as a woman offered a million dollars to have an adulterous affair?
3. Which 1968 science fiction film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, was based on a story by Arthur C. Clarke and included the flawed computer HAL?
4. Which Belgian-born actress starred in the films "Roman Holiday", "Funny Face" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
5. Which 1959 film starred Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis as two jazz musicians who disguise themselves as women?
6. Which 1949 film, set in postwar Vienna, was scripted by Graham Greene and directed by Carol Reed?
7. Who played the astronaut Ellen Ripley in the 1979 film "Alien" and its sequels?
8. What was the title of Thomas Keneally's novel on which Steven Spielberg based his film "Schindler's List"?
9. Which 1981 film about an archaeologist was adapted by Lawrence Kasdan from a story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman?
10. The films "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources" were based on stories by which French author?
Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata
Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: PREMIS Tutorial - 17-18 July 2006 - Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow
Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term Problems
Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term Problems - July16-21, 2006 - Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY
CLA moves 2006 Conference location
The Canadian Library Association (CLA) is changing the location of most of its 2006 annual Conference due to the on-going strike at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Conference activities are being moved to other venues, with the biggest changes taking place on Thursday, June 15 and Friday, June 16
2006 International Roger K. Summit Scholarship Application
The 2006 International Roger K. Summit Scholarship Application is now available. Deadline is October 20, 2006. Scholarship awards will be the equivalent of 5000 Euros for the International region. The winner will be announced at London Online, 28-30 November 2006
Book Industry TRENDS 2006
The Book Industry Study Group has just released the first truly comprehensive view of U.S. book publishing dollar and unit sales. With net revenues for all books projected to top $40.4 billion by 2010 (reflecting aggregate growth over a five-year period of 16.9 percent since 2005), Book Industry TRENDS 2006 reveals a publishing industry noticeably larger than previously thought
Phil Bradley joins Search Engine Watch
Phil Bradley has joined Search Engine Watch to post items related to searching the web, new search engines and searching resources, all from the perspective of searchers who use these tools
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Project Wombat
Project Wombat is an e-mail discussion list for difficult reference questions. Membership is free, and non-members may submit questions for discussion. Project Wombat continues the many fine traditions started by the Stumpers list once offered by Dominican University with some helpful new options
SD Titles Alert - Quarter 2, 2006
This alert service is to keep you informed of titles within ScienceDirect that are new, have changed or will no longer be continued May 20, 2006 update May 20, 2006 update is now online. is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Web inventor warns of 'dark' net
The web should remain neutral and resist attempts to fragment it into different services, web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee has said. Recent attempts in the US to try to charge for different levels of online access web were not "part of the internet model," he said in Edinburgh - BBC
Internet Librarian 2006 program available
Program now available for Internet Librarian 2006 - October 23-25, 2006 - Monterey, CA
British Library "dos and dont's"
The British Library has introduced a series of icons to improve awareness of the "dos and don'ts" of using its Reading Rooms
Front Page: Celebrating 100 Years of the British Newspaper 1906-2006
Front Page: Celebrating 100 Years of the British Newspaper 1906-2006 - A free exhibition - 25 May 2006–8 October 2006 - In partnership with the Newspaper Publishers Association
IL2006 Planning wiki
IL2006 Planning wiki for Internet Librarian 2006, October 21-25, 2006 - Monterey, California
The Journal of Web Librarianship
The Journal of Web Librarianship publishes material related to all aspects of librarianship as practiced on the World Wide Web, including both existing and emerging roles and activities of information professionals in the Web environment. The Journal of Web Librarianship strives to find a balance between original, scholarly research, and practical communications about relevant topics in web librarianship
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Samuel Johnson Prize 2006 shortlist
The shortlist for The BBC Four Samuel Johnson Prize 2006 for non-fiction books published in the UK has been announced
Policies for Long-term Curation and Preservation
DCC and DPC Joint Workshop: Policies for Long-term Curation and Preservation - July 3-4, 2006 - Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Metadata Enhancement and OAI Workshop
The Metadata Enhancement and OAI Workshop will be held July 24-25 at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. This one and a half day workshop will bring together digital library professionals to examine automated and semi-automated strategies for metadata enhancement and remediation scenarios involving the OAI protocol
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Enterprise Search Center from ITI
Enterprise Search Center - Produced by Information Today, Inc. (ITI), this Web site aims to bring together those seeking search solutions for their organizations with the vendors of search and related technologies
Inxight Search Extender for Google
Inxight Software has launched Inxight Search Extender for Google, an easy-to install application that allows Google Search Appliance and Google Desktop users to find relevant documents faster and locate hidden information in document sets and individual documents
Nine Andalucian universities choose Emerald Management Xtra
Members of the academic consortium Spanish Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucia have chosen Emerald Group Publishing in a five year deal running until 2010. All the university students in the Andalucia region of southern Spain will gain access to Emerald Management Xtra's 110 full text journals and reviews from the world's top 300 management journals, and the Emerald Engineering portfolio of journals
LILAC 2006 presentations now available
LILAC 2006: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference - 27-29 March 2006 - University of Leeds, UK. Presentations now available
Umbrella 2007
Umbrella 2007 - On 28-30 June 2007 delegates from across the CILIP community will gather for three-days of discussion in plenary sessions and a series of streamed specialist presentations. Supporting the event will be a major exhibition, a range of social events, the Umbrella Awards Dinner and a host of other functions. The programme is being developed by Director of Studies Paul Pedley, and already some key themes are emerging. The conference theme is "Making a difference in a changing world"
CLIR Issues - Number 51
CLIR Issues - Number 51 May/June 2006 - is now available from the Council on Library and Information Resources
A Beginner's Guide to Podcasting: Part 2 - A Creator's Guide
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar - A Beginner's Guide to Podcasting: Part 2 - A Creator's Guide presented by Greg Schwartz, Supervisor of Electronic Services, Louisville Free Public Library
Monday, May 22, 2006
IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2006 programme
Preliminary programme now available for The IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2006, 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council, taking place in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 20-24 August, 2006
Amazon Online Reader
Amazon Online Reader
- lets you search through and read selected pages from thousands of books in its Search Inside! program. If you have purchased online access to a book with Amazon Upgrade, you can also use the Reader to read the book; create highlights, bookmarks, notes, and tags; copy text; and print pages of the book
IM for the Library
IM for the Library - a presentation from Sarah Houghton, focuses on IM and other forms of social software (blogs, social networking, recommendation engines, podcasting, wikis, etc.) for library purposes
Gumshoe Librarian 2006
Gumshoe Librarian 2006 - Barbara Fullerton and Sabrina I. Pacifici recommend 70 sites whose content and features will enhance your research on subjects that include: news, people finders, U.S. and international competitive intelligence data, state and federal government resources, cybersecurity, blogs, health, finance, locating audio, music and videos online, and accessing open source scholarly literature
Sunday, May 21, 2006
International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications
With the addition of the newly published, peer reviewed International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications, Inderscience completes its unique collection of eight journal titles dealing with the nuclear sector
The New Minneapolis Central Public Library
The New Minneapolis Central Public Library has opened to the public. The five-story, 365,000 square-foot building holds more than 3 million books and other reference materials. The new library was designed by world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli
Appointment of new Chair of the British Library
The UK Culture Secretary, Tessa Jowell, has appointed Sir Colin Lucas as the new Chair of the Board of the British Library. The term will be for a four-year period, from 1 September 2006 to 31 August 2010. Sir Colin Lucas succeeds Lord Eatwell, who completes his term at the end of August
E-Resources Publishing Today: An Introductory Overview
E-Resources Publishing Today: An Introductory Overview - This one-day seminar aims to provide an insight into the role that electronic publishers play in producing content for libraries and, ultimately, end users - 20 June 2006 - London, UK
British Library webcast
On 15 May 2006 the British Library ran a special event celebrating the success of black-owned businesses in the UK. This discussion and networking event was called Winners: the Rise and Rise of Black British Entrepreneurs. The event was one in a series designed to inspire and support small businesses and entrepreneurs as part of the British Library's recently upgraded Business & IP Centre
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Librarians' Emerging Technology Survival Guide
The Librarians' Emerging Technology Survival Guide with Geoffrey Harder and Kenton Good - The Education Institute Webcast - May 30 2006
American Broadsides and Ephemera, Series I, 1760-1900
Readex has announced that it has completed the digital edition of American Broadsides and Ephemera, Series I, 1760-1900. It offers full-color, fully searchable facsimile images of approximately 15,000 broadsides printed between 1820 and 1900 and 15,000 pieces of ephemera printed between 1760 and 1900. Based on the landmark collections of broadsides and ephemera held by the American Antiquarian Society, this digital edition, published in cooperation with the AAS, is part of Readex's acclaimed Web-based Archive of Americana
SPARC and Bioline International partner
SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has announced a partnership with Bioline International, an online publishing service that provides open access to peer-reviewed research journals published in developing countries
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Eurovision Song Contest. Answers here.
1. With which song did Abba win the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974?
2. Which British quartet was formed in 1981 to perform the UK entry "Making Your Mind Up" in the Eurovision Song Contest?
3. What was the title of Michael Flatley's stage routine at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin?
4. Who won second place in the 1968 Eurovision Song Contest singing "Congratulations"?
5. Which country's song "Mile After Mile" failed to win any votes in the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest?
6. Was the first Eurovision Song Contest held in 1956, 1960 or 1966?
7. Which singer represented Israel four times in the Eurovision Song Contest, coming second in 1983 with "Hi!"?
8. Which rock group parodied the musical style of the Eurovision Song Contest with "A Song for Europe"?
9. Although it is not in Europe, why is Israel able to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?
10. Which song was the first to win the Eurovision Song Contest for Britain?
1. With which song did Abba win the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974?
2. Which British quartet was formed in 1981 to perform the UK entry "Making Your Mind Up" in the Eurovision Song Contest?
3. What was the title of Michael Flatley's stage routine at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin?
4. Who won second place in the 1968 Eurovision Song Contest singing "Congratulations"?
5. Which country's song "Mile After Mile" failed to win any votes in the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest?
6. Was the first Eurovision Song Contest held in 1956, 1960 or 1966?
7. Which singer represented Israel four times in the Eurovision Song Contest, coming second in 1983 with "Hi!"?
8. Which rock group parodied the musical style of the Eurovision Song Contest with "A Song for Europe"?
9. Although it is not in Europe, why is Israel able to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?
10. Which song was the first to win the Eurovision Song Contest for Britain?
LANL Research Library releases Open Source aDORe Archive
The Los Alamos National Laboratory Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team has announced the formal release of its aDORe Archive software. The aDORe Archive is a write-once/read-many storage approach for Digital Objects and their constituent datastreams
6th Annual Brick and Click Libraries Session information
Session information is now available for the 6th Annual Brick and Click Libraries - sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University in order to offer academic librarians a forum for sharing practical information. It provides a small, collegial atmosphere in which to discuss diverse topics, current issues, and solutions - November 3, 2006 - Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri
Jason Farradane Award - 2006 Call For Nominations
The UKeiG Jason Farradane Award is offered to an individual or a group of people in recognition of outstanding work in the field of information science. The Award is sponsored by SAGE Publications. Nominations are now invited for the 2006 Award
JISC Review Survey - SUNCAT
JISC has commissioned a strategic review of the JISC Resource Discovery Services, including the SUNCAT service provided by EDINA. As part of this review, a web-based questionnaire has been created
The University of Chicago Press introduces Enterprise-Wide Access
The University of Chicago Press has announced an unprecedented level of access to its respected scholarly journals with Enterprise-Wide Access licenses, available to institutional and corporate subscribers in 2007. The Enterprise-Wide Access service provides all users of a subscribing organization with seamless, unfettered access to the prestigious research published by the University of Chicago Press
Library and Information Week in Australia
The aim of Library and Information Week, May 22-28, is to communicate and promote the tremendous contribution libraries and information services and information professionals make to educate, inform and entertain all Australians. This nation-wide week combines activities, events, contests, product launches and presentations at national, state and local levels. The week also provides the opportunity to publicly canvas issues of importance to the provision of library and information services in Australia
PLoS Clinical Trials
PLoS Clinical Trials, launched May 2006, provides an unbiased, peer-reviewed venue for clinical trials results in all fields of medicine and public health. The journal aims to increase the breadth, depth, and transparency of clinical trials reporting
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Libraries as exhibition venues
Touring Exhibitions Group is holding a seminar on 31 July to generate discussion and ideas on developing exhibition programmes in library venues. The event will be hosted by Sutton Central Library, Surrey, and will welcome delegates from libraries, arts and museum services throughout Britain, as well as exhibition organisers who want to promote their touring shows to libraries. It will aim to provide practical advice and information to exhibition programmers in different types of library venues, looking at models of partnership working and case studies of exhibitions designed for libraries, and exploring the potential for audience development through involvement in touring
Oxford African American Studies Center
The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American history and culture
AHDS Newsletter Spring 2006
AHDS Newsletter Spring 2006 issue now available from the Arts and Humanities Data Service, UK
Library of Burned Books to recall Nazi barbarism
The Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies in Potsdam, Germany, plans to create a library of burned books to honor authors persecuted by the Nazis - From Deutsche Welle
LIS course in Social Software
Amanda Etches-Johnson has announced details of the LIS course in Social Software she will be teaching this Fall at The University of Western Ontario's Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Punctilious Nazi archive of death
The world's largest archive of Nazi German documents will be opened to historians for the first time, after an agreement reached by the 11 countries that control it - From The BBC
AASL 2006 awards recipients
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has announced the 2006 recipients of its annual awards
NASIG Electronic Journals Continuing Education Workshop
NASIG Electronic Journals Continuing Education Workshop: Head 'em Up, Move 'em Out! Corralling the E-Journal Stampede - July 14, 2006 - Mitchell Memorial Library, Mississippi State University
2006 Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has announced a Call for Nominations for the 2006 Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration. These awards, to be bestowed for the first time at an international technology conference in the Fall of 2006, will recognize not-for-profit organizations that have demonstrated exceptional leadership in the collaborative development of open-source software through the contribution of substantial, self-funded organizational resources to the open-source project for which they are nominated. The nomination period ends August 15, 2006
FOCAL International Awards 2006
The winners of the FOCAL International Awards 2006 (The Federation of Commercial Audiovisual Libraries) have been announced
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Google Notebook
Google Notebook "makes web research of all kinds – from planning a vacation to researching a school paper to buying a car – easier and more efficient by enabling you to clip and gather information even while you're browsing the web. And since Google Notebook lives in your browser, you won't be left with a scattered collection of notes, Word docs, and browser bookmarks to sort through; all your web findings will be gathering into one organized, easy accessible location that you can access from any computer"
Serials Standards Update Forum
ALCTS Annual Conference Program in New Orleans - Serials Standards Update Forum - With the increasing uses of link resolvers and electronic resources management software, interoperability among standards has been in discussion among libraries, publishers and vendors. This forum will present updates on serials standards developments affecting library serials management - June 25, 2006
Strictly Legal: Toeing the Copyright Line
Strictly Legal: Toeing the Copyright Line - 6 June 2006 - Following last year's successful seminar on this subject at the British Library, this is another opportunity to brief yourself on the ever-changing world of copyright and legal deposit, this time in the surroundings of the National Library of Scotland. Expert speakers will examine the theoretical and practical aspects of recent legislation and agreements, and there will be opportunities to discuss practical solutions to the challenges faced
Irish Land Registry and Registry of Deeds
Irish Land Registry and Registry of Deeds - a State organisation responsible for the registration of transactions relating to land and property in Ireland. Online map searching is now available for the counties of Westmeath, Longford, Meath, Laois, Offaly, Monaghan, Cavan and Wexford
Renovating This Old House - Database Marketplace 2006
Renovating This Old House - Database Marketplace 2006 by Carol Tenopir, Gayle Baker, William Robinson, & Jill Grogg - "When we turn on the faucet, we expect water to flow. When we flip the power switch, we expect light. We want a house to work and to look good. This old house of online databases is getting a new look and, in some cases, a new foundation to make it more attractive and robust for 2006..." - Library Journal
Caine Prize for African Writing shortlist
The shortlist for the Caine Prize for African Writing has been announced
Authors support Love Libraries Campaign
JK Rowling, Salman Rushdie, Irvine Welsh, Jacqueline Wilson, Melvyn Bragg, Nick Hornby and Louis Theroux are just some of the 150 high profile authors and celebrities who have pledged their support to Love Libraries, a UK campaign to galvanise support for the public library service and address a growing image problem with people who don't use libraries
Library Garden
Library Garden - An ongoing conversation among librarians with differing perspectives (public, academic, school, consortial, youth) but one shared goal: ensuring the health and relevance of libraries
The Power of Prototypes by Roy Tennant
The Power of Prototypes by Roy Tennant - "I love prototypes. Prototypes allow you to be creative without the detail that accompanies building a production system and often kills enthusiasm. It is, in other words, just the fun part..." - Library Journal
Monday, May 15, 2006
Oxford Journals Digital Archive
Over 135 years of research is now available online in the Oxford Journals Digital Archive. The collection, officially launched last month, now provides access to all content from volume one, issue one, for nearly 140 journals. Over three million article pages are included in the collection, which includes content dating back to 1849. With powerful search tools, cross-linking to similar articles, and a host of additional online material, the archive offers convenient, permanent access to a wealth of historical content
The Daily Perspective now available via RSS
The Daily Perspective, a free electronic publication from that connects today's headlines in history to newspaper articles from the past, is now available via RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
Castle Harlan agrees to acquire Baker & Taylor
Castle Harlan, Inc., the New York-based private equity investment firm, has announced that a private-equity investment fund it organized and manages has agreed to buy privately held Baker & Taylor, distributor of books and entertainment products to libraries and retailers, in a transaction valued at $455 million
Saturday, May 13, 2006
NCLIS issues report from symposium on mass digitization
The Chairman of the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), Dr. Beth Fitzsimmons, has announced that the publication of a report from the symposium Scholarship and Libraries in Transition: A Dialogue about the
Impacts of Mass Digitization Projects. The symposium was held at the University of Michigan on March 10-11, 2006
Impacts of Mass Digitization Projects. The symposium was held at the University of Michigan on March 10-11, 2006
Made in Canada: Historical Canadian Patents
Library and Archives Canada has announced the launch of Made in Canada: Patents of Invention and the Story of Canadian Innovation, a project funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage through its Canadian Culture Online initiative and in partnership with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. This website features a collection of digitized images taken from microfilmed Canadian patents filed between the years 1869 and 1894. In addition, a database covering the same time span enables viewing of over 14,000 full patents registered in Canada by Canadian citizens or residents
1851 Census of Canada
Library and Archives Canada has announced the launch of the Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia). By 1851, the pattern of decennial census taking had been established. Searchable by geographic location, the 1851 Census offers a rich source of information about Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in the middle of the 19th century. The information on these images can be used to prepare family histories, the history of towns and villages, research immigration trends and a great deal more
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Shapes. Answers here.
1. What is the normal word for one half of a circle?
2. Which word is used to describe a triangle that has all its sides of equal length?
3. How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
4. A rectangle is the same as an oblong: true or false?
5. What is the word to describe a triangle that has two sides of the same length?
6. How many sides does a pentagon have?
7. What is the two-letter word for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter? Its value is about 3.14.
8. How many sides does a dodecagon have - six, eight or twelve?
9. What is a scalene triangle?
10. How many sides does a rhombus have?
1. What is the normal word for one half of a circle?
2. Which word is used to describe a triangle that has all its sides of equal length?
3. How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
4. A rectangle is the same as an oblong: true or false?
5. What is the word to describe a triangle that has two sides of the same length?
6. How many sides does a pentagon have?
7. What is the two-letter word for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter? Its value is about 3.14.
8. How many sides does a dodecagon have - six, eight or twelve?
9. What is a scalene triangle?
10. How many sides does a rhombus have?
Emerald Alumni
Emerald Group Publishing has launched Emerald Alumni, providing universities with a specially-branded online management resource as a tangible benefit for their alumni, to help graduates to keep abreast of developments in the business world
Evaluating the impact of your service
CILIP Workshop: Evaluating the impact of your service: the quest for evidence - 20 June 2006 - London, UK
Tony Kent Strix Award
The UKeiG Tony Kent Strix Award is given in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the field of information retrieval. The Award is sponsored by Sage Publications. Nominations are now invited
GLAM (the Group for Literary Archives and Manuscripts)
GLAM (the Group for Literary Archives and Manuscripts) is a new organisation for anyone with an interest in the collecting, preservation, use and promotion of literary archives and manuscripts in Britain and Ireland. Founded in 2005, GLAM currently has over forty members. The group wishes to develop a broad and inclusive membership, and welcomes the participation of anyone working with or interested in literary archives and manuscripts. Membership is open to all and is free
1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine & Medicine
Proceedings now available from the 1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine & Medicine - Open Access and Researchers - 21-22 April 2006, Lund, Sweden
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Google Co-op
Google Co-op "is about sharing expertise. You can contribute your expertise and benefit when others do the same. Help other users find information more easily by creating "subscribed links" for your services and labeling webpages around the topics you know best. This is a work in progress, but even in its early stages, Google Co-op has the potential to let you contribute your expertise to the overall goal of making information more discoverable for everyone"
The Guardian Hay Festival 2006
The Guardian Hay Festival 2006 - a celebration of great writing in every medium in Britain and around the world - 26 May-4 June - Hay-on-Wye, Wales
Medical journal backfiles launch
Complete back issues covering nearly 200 years of historically significant biomedical journals are being made freely available online as a result of a landmark project launched today at the Wellcome Trust headquarters in London. On completion, the Medical Journals Backfiles Digitisation Project will deliver over three million pages of medical journals to PubMed Central, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) full-text, life sciences repository
2006 Library Interior Design awards announced
The American Library Association and the International Interior Design Association have announced the winners of the inaugural Library Interior Design Competition. The biennial awards honor excellence in library interior design, incorporating aesthetics, design creativity, function, and satisfaction of the client's objectives. Ten winners, two projects of merit, and one honorable mention were selected from more than 100 projects submitted from throughout North America
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Publishers mobilize against US research proposal
Scientific and scholarly publishers including John Wiley and Reed Elsevier are launching an offensive against newly proposed U.S. legislation that would require them to make much of their research available for free within six months of publication. The proposal from two U.S. lawmakers opens a new front in a mounting global push to make taxpayer-funded research more widely accessible in what is a potential threat to publishers' business models - Reuters
2006 British Book Trade Awards
The winners of the 2006 British Book Trade Awards have been announced
How to set up a library/information centre from scratch
How to set up a library/information centre from scratch - this workshop covers all the key issues involved, from information auditing, and acquisitions policy, to budgeting, specialist classification systems and evaluating computer packages for the smaller unit - 14-15 June 2006, London, UK
The Big Read
Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, the recently appointed director of the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services, has announced that the agency will partner with the National Endowment for the Arts on the Big Read. The Big Read is a new national reading program designed to revitalize the role of reading in America. The Institute is the primary source of federal funds and leadership to the nation's 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Oxford Journals Open Access conference
Oxford Journals is holding a one-day conference to report results from its open access experiments. The event is scheduled to take place on 5 June, at the Institute of Physics Conference Centre, London, UK
Education for Chemical Engineers
The Institution of Chemical Engineers' new education journal, Education for Chemical Engineers, is now online, ahead of its official launch later this month. ECE is an online journal and the fourth title in IChemE's Transactions series (along with Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Process Safety and Environmental Protection and Food and Bioproducts Processing)
Monday, May 08, 2006 unveils new look has unveiled a new look to its homepage, marking the first of many changes to improve the design and usability of the archive. It features a more streamlined look with a user-friendly interface, and is being introduced as increases its digital production capacity, which will allow for the addition of 2.5 million newspaper pages every month. The new production levels will result in approximately one page added to the database every second
CURL-SCONUL Research Spaces Seminar
On 9 June 2006 CURL and SCONUL will be running a one-day seminar on research spaces, to begin discussion on issues such as what physical and virtual research space is, whether it is different from learning space, how it should be configured, whether different disciplines have different requirements, whether it should be in the Library, how we support it, and so on. The seminar will be for those who are or will be involved in the planning, designing and support of research spaces, and will be held at the University of Birmingham
Carnival of the Infosciences #36
Carnival of the Infosciences #36 hosted by The Industrial Librarian
Sunday, May 07, 2006
ACM CIKM 2006 - ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - November 6-11, 2006 - Arlington, VA
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Emerald Engineering Web Portal
Emerald Group Publishing is launching a new web portal. The Emerald Engineering web portal is an online, comprehensive and focused information resource for engineers. To celebrate the new service, Emerald is offering free access to the full content until September 2006. The Emerald Engineering web portal draws on Emerald's international focus to ensure global perspectives on all aspects of engineering. It aims to appeal both to practising engineers and academics with quality, peer-reviewed content drawn from its 15 engineering and materials science journals (14 of which are indexed in ISI, testament to their quality and in-depth coverage of their subject area), complemented by material from Emerald's technology and management titles
The ACCESS 2006 Conference
The ACCESS 2006 conference, Capitalizing on ACCESS, will take place October 11-14 in Canada's Capital ... Ottawa, Ontario. ACCESS, now in its 14th year, is a premier library technology conference that attracts an eclectic group of technically savvy people working in the information and library communities who get together to share fresh challenges, projects, advances and solutions. The limited attendance and single-stream format of the ACCESS conference gives attendees a unique focus on the issues and solutions of the day. This year's program continues with both seasoned ACCESS attendees and new faces from near and far, presenting a program chock-full of demos, technologies, methodologies ... and some fun
Running a Small Library - Audio Conference
Running a Small Library by John Moorman - Audio Conference - Monday, May 15 - Education Institute
The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2005 - Shortlist
The shortlist for The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2005 has been announced. The 2005 winners will be announced at a ceremony in central London on 7 July 2006
InfusionS Workshops Programme Summer 2006
InfusionS Workshops Programme Summer 2006 - InfusionS is a training partnership based in Scotland specialising in information skills training tailored to suit the customer and their work environment
The Book Fair Earl's Court, London to open in April 2007
The Frankfurt Book Fair has announced that it has secured Earl's Court Exhibition Hall in central London for a new international trade book fair next April. The Book Fair Earl's Court, London 2007 will take place from Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 April 2007. The move has come after approaches were made to the Frankfurt Book Fair by UK publishers and agents asking them to support a venue in central London
Scribe Awards
The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers is now accepting submissions for the first annual Scribe Awards, recognizing excellence in the field of media tie-in writing. Tie-in novels are published by the major publishing companies, are available everywhere, sell tens of millions of copies worldwide and regularly appear on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. They are original novels, comic books and short stories based on existing characters from movie, TV series, books, games, and cartoons
Friday, May 05, 2006
American Chemical Society Publications RSS feeds
American Chemical Society Publications - feeds in RSS format for the Articles ASAP and the complete Tables of Contents of all of its journals. A subscription (or single-use article payment) is required to view article content. Feeds of C&EN Latest News and Nanofocus content are also available
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Jobs. Answers here.
1. Is a female impersonator usually male or female?
2. What does a pharmacist do?
3. In a theatre, what is the word for a person offstage who reminds the actors of forgotten lines or cues?
4. Used informally in Britain, "matelot" is a French word for what?
5. "Sawbones" is an old-fashioned word for what kind of person?
6. "Trick cyclist" is a slang word for what kind of worker (not a kind of cyclist)?
7. An orthodontist is a dental surgeon who specializes in what?
8. What is a sommelier?
9. What is a wet nurse?
10. What is a funambulist?
1. Is a female impersonator usually male or female?
2. What does a pharmacist do?
3. In a theatre, what is the word for a person offstage who reminds the actors of forgotten lines or cues?
4. Used informally in Britain, "matelot" is a French word for what?
5. "Sawbones" is an old-fashioned word for what kind of person?
6. "Trick cyclist" is a slang word for what kind of worker (not a kind of cyclist)?
7. An orthodontist is a dental surgeon who specializes in what?
8. What is a sommelier?
9. What is a wet nurse?
10. What is a funambulist?
TechXtra is a suite of ten freely available services which simplify access to a multitude of different types of technology information from a host of different sources. TechXtra facilitates immediate access to the freely available full-text content of hundreds of thousands of eprints, technical reports, theses, articles, news items, job announcements and more. In cases where the full-text is not freely available, TechXtra provides links to vendors for pay-per-view options. TechXtra searches a combination of digital repositories, journal databases, technical reports servers, web information, news sources and more, all with a focus on technology information
Enhanced integration now available through EBSCO A-to-Z custom tab feature
EBSCO A-to-Z has been enhanced with a new feature allowing a library to display virtually any customized content or Web page directly to patrons from within the A-to-Z reader site. Libraries may use the Custom Tab feature to embed the library's federated search engine, information about a new resource (a live link to a new trial access database, for example), general details such as library hours, special event information, training classes and more
19th Century House of Commons Parliamentary Papers now complete
ProQuest Information and Learning has completed the digitization of the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers from 1801 to 1900. Parliamentary Papers are considered to be the most detailed primary source for information on 19th-century Britain, its colonies, and the wider world
The Changing Face of Content
The Changing Face of Content: Creating Innovative Information Services for the 21st Century - June 2, 2006 - PALINET Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA
Iraqi Virtual Science Library
Iraqi Virtual Science Library provides free, full-text access to thousands of scientific journals from major publishers as well as a large collection of on-line educational materials
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Information Literacy in Academic Libraries Workshop
6th Annual Augustana Information Literacy in Academic Libraries Workshop: Supporting Undergraduate Research Experiences - Registration Opens August, 2006 for November 16, 2006 - University of Alberta - Presenter is Elizabeth Dupuis, Head of Instructional Services, University of California, Berkeley
University of Rochester eXtensible Catalog (XC) project
The University of Rochester's River Campus Libraries have received a $283,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to begin planning and requirements analysis for the development of an open-source online system to unify access to traditional and digital library resources. The new system, known as eXtensible Catalog (XC), has the potential to allow future library users to get more out of academic library collections, and to give academic libraries more control over how best to help library users gather information
IQA06 - Interactive Question Answering workshop - 8-9 June 2006 - New York City, NY, USA, to be held as part of the HLT-NAACL Conference
WebJunction's Focus on Virtual Reference
WebJunction's Focus on Virtual Reference - "For May 2006 we highlight some of the rich resources from the Virtual Reference Desk project that are now available on WebJunction in the Virtual Reference area. In particular we've selected several presentations from the 2005 7th Annual Virtual Reference Desk Conference. Presentations from many previous Virtual Reference Desk Conferences are also available as well as a variety of evaluation and research papers, and technical standards"
LexisNexis integrates Inxight ThingFinder Professional
Inxight Federal Systems Group has announced an agreement today with LexisNexis that integrates the Inxight ThingFinder Professional into its Enterprise Data Fusion System for enhanced analysis of unstructured textual data
The World Almanac E-Newsletter
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 06, Number 05 — May 2006 is now available
Proposals to host ED-MEDIA 2008
Call for proposals to host ED-MEDIA 2008 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - June 2008 * Europe - Proposals Due June 15, 2006. Organized by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
World eBook Fair
World eBook Fair - "July 4 to August 4, 2006, marks a month long celebration of the 35th anniversary of the first step taken towards today's eBooks. 35 years ago the United States Declaration of Independence was a first example of hundreds of thousands of eBooks downloadable on the Internet today in a variety of languages totalling over 100. The World eBook Fair welcomes you to absolutely free access to a variety of eBook unparalleled by any other source. 1/3 million eBooks await you, all free of charge for the month of July"
BioMed Central Research Awards 2006
The BioMed Central Research Awards recognize excellence in research that has been made universally accessible by open access publication in one of BioMed Central's journals. Any physician or scientist who publishes original research of major significance in 2006 in one of BioMed Central's 150+ journals will be eligible to be considered for the award. Two awards of US $5000 will be made - one for biological research, and one for medical research
RLG to combine with OCLC
RLG to combine with OCLC - Two of the world's largest membership-based information organizations have agreed to come together. The combined organization will offer an integrated product and service line, and will give libraries, archives and museums new leverage in developing services, standards and software that will help them support research and disseminate knowledge online. The RLG Board of Directors and OCLC Board of Trustees have recommended that the two service and research organizations be combined effective July 1, 2006. If approved by RLG member institutions, RLG's online products and services will be integrated with OCLC products and services, and RLG's program initiatives will be brought forward as a new division of OCLC Programs and Research
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Emerald Special Issues now sell on Amazon
Emerald Group Publishing is now offering selected Special Issues of its peer-reviewed journals via Amazon, using print-on-demand services
2006 iPRES Conference
The Cornell University Library will host the third International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects, iPRES 2006, to be held October 8-10, 2006 at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY U.S.A. The theme of this year's iPRES is Words to Deeds: Collaboration in the Realm of Digital Preservation. Following on the successful iPRES 2005 held September 14-16 in Goettingen, Germany, iPRES 2006 Plenary Sessions will explore topics in Preserving Multimedia Objects, e-Journal Preservation, Certification, and National Efforts in Digital Preservation
Independent Foreign Fiction Prize winner announced
This year's Independent Foreign Fiction Prize has been won by the Norwegian writer Per Petterson for his novel Out Stealing Horses. Petterson, who shares the 10,000 pounds award with his translator Anne Born, received Britain's most valuable annual award for fiction in translation at a ceremony at the National Portrait Gallery last night - The Independent
Infofair 2006 presentations
Abstracts and webcasts of presentations given at Infofair 2006: The Access Horizon - April 25, 2006 in Salt Lake City, Utah are now available
The Association of Jewish Libraries 41st convention
The Association of Jewish Libraries will be holding its 41st convention in Cambridge, MA on June 18–21, 2006. Librarians, archivists and scholars from numerous disciplines will meet to share their interests in Judaica librarianship and related areas
TASI Lightbox
TASI has launched a blog, The TASI Lightbox, to provide the latest news and a forum for discussion on all aspects of digital images. Staff at TASI, the JISC-funded Technical Advisory Service for Images, have been keeping an eye on developments in digital imaging for many years, and since January have been using the blog to keep track of current news. The blog has now been made public and topics that can be read about and discussed include digital cameras, images in teaching and learning, scanners, image resources and repositories, software, and copyright
Blackwell launches 3000 years of digitized journal backfiles
Blackwell Publishing has announced the launch of its Journal Backfile Digitization Program. All issues back to Volume 1, Issue 1 will be digitized for at least 500 journals over the next two-and-a-half years, comprising approximately 6.5 million pages by the time the program is complete. The first 121 journals to be digitized are available to purchase now and one quarter of these already have their backfiles loaded on Blackwell Synergy. 51 of the journals now available cover social science and humanities subject areas, 37 cover medicine and healthcare, and 33 are from science. The digitized backfiles for these initial 121 titles represent 2.5 million pages and almost 3000 years of content. Journal of Phytopathology dates back the furthest so far, to 1852, with Journal of Applied Entomology close behind with a start date of 1876
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Search engine + knowledge base
Search engine + knowledge base: Using metadata to increase productivity - May 17, 2006 - Montague Institute, Montague, MA
The George Grantham Bain Collection
The George Grantham Bain Collection represents the photographic files of one of America's earliest news picture agencies. The collection richly documents sports events, theater, celebrities, crime, strikes, disasters, political activities including the woman suffrage campaign, conventions and public celebrations. The photographs Bain produced and gathered for distribution through his news service were worldwide in their coverage, but there was a special emphasis on life in New York City. The bulk of the collection dates from the 1900s to the mid-1920s, but scattered images can be found as early as the 1860s and as late as the 1930s. Library of Congress
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 140
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 140 - May 2006 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Ariadne - Issue 47, April 2006
Ariadne - Issue 47, April 2006 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide
Workshop: Digital Library Goes e-Science
Workshop: Digital Library Goes e-Science - to be held in conjunction with ECDL 2006, September 17-22 2006 in Alicante, Spain. The Workshop focuses on the interfaces, interactions and collaborations between the field of digital libaries and the emerging e-Science community
State Library of Kansas launches online audio books
The State Library of Kansas and contributing libraries have launched a new online service called Audio Books, Music and More for the people of Kansas enabling browsing and check out of popular audio books from libraries, homes, offices or schools
Monday, May 01, 2006
Digital Curation & Trusted Repositories: Seeking Success
Workshop on Digital Curation & Trusted Repositories: Seeking Success - June 15, 2006. To be held - in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Chapel Hill, NC
25th Annual ALA Poster Sessions Abstracts
25th Annual ALA Poster Sessions Abstracts - American Library Association Annual Conference - June 22-28, 2006 - New Orleans, LA
Archives Hub Collections of the Month - May 2006
Archives Hub Collections of the Month - May 2006 - John Ruskin (1819–1900), art and architecture critic, artist and writer, geologist and minerologist, lecturer and tutor, philosopher and social reformer - Ruskin was a major British thinker of the Victorian era, whose ideas are still influential today. A symposium on Ruskin is taking place at the University of Salford on May 13, 2006
10th Annual Webby Awards
The 10th Annual Webby Winners and Webby People's Voice Winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 9, 2006
E-JASL Spring 2006
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship - v.7 no.1 (Spring 2006) now available
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