Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Digital Humanities Summer Institute
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute provides an environment ideal to discuss, to learn about, and to advance skills in new computing technologies influencing the work of those in the Arts, Humanities and Library communities - June 19-23 2006 - University of Victoria, Canada
Emerald Management Xtra College
The Emerald Management Xtra College database "has been designed specifically for colleges. It was developed by talking through the ideas, problems headaches of our academic community, including librarians, deans, directors and students world-wide. Emerald Management Xtra College provides integrated access to journals, reviews and support resources Emerald Management Xtra College will offer you the flexibility and efficiency to put the library the heart of the college"
British Library Research Archive
British Library Research Archive, a database of papers and materials by researchers who are not affiliated to an academic institution. Those submitting documents here are usually the author or editor or have the necessary permission to make the documents available via this archive. Some of the material may not have been peer-reviewed. Examples include papers from conferences hosted by the British Library
Information Commons Wiki
The Information Commons Wiki (IC Wiki) is developed and maintained by the Information Commons Interest Group (ICIG) of the Canadian Library Association in order to foster a better understanding of the issues that affect the Information Commons. All are invited to share ideas, experiences and all relevant documentation for the Information Commons
Libraries Australia
A new free service by the National Library in Canberra will allow users to search the contents of 800 Australian libraries. Libraries Australia has been used by professional librarians for 25 years. The National Library's Fran Wilson says from today that will extend to everyone. "It will be accessible to all Australians, basically anyone who has access to the Internet," she said. Ms Wilson says 40 million items will be listed online, from books and journals to music and even maps
Open J-Gate
Open J-Gate "is an electronic gateway to global journal literature in open access domain. Launched in 2006, Open J-Gate is the contribution of Informatics (India) Ltd to promote OAI. Open J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online. Open J-Gate is also a database of journal literature, indexed from 3000+ open access journals, with links to full text at Publisher sites"
Developing and managing e-book collections
Developing and managing e-book collections - 12 September 2006 - Dublin City University
Monday, February 27, 2006
Thames Riverside Pubs - British Library
Thames Riverside Pubs - Explore the colourful history of inns and taverns along the course of the Thames. Learn about the malting and brewing process. Discover how the pub has developed from Saxon & Roman origins. Developed in partnership with The British Library
Information Today - February 2006 issues
The February 2006 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available
ISMIR 2006
ISMIR 2006: 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval - 8-12 October 2006 - Victoria, Canada
Call for Participation: E-Learn 2006
Call for Participation: E-Learn 2006: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education - October 13-17, 2006 - Honolulu, Hawaii
Who Are These People & What Do They Want? Transforming User Perceptions of Libraries
Who Are These People & What Do They Want? Transforming User Perceptions of Libraries - What do we know about how users perceive and use libraries? How can we expand our understanding of user perceptions in order to design responsive library services? Join Stephen Abram (SIRSI/Dynix), Alane Wilson (OCLC), and Ed Vielmetti (SuperPatron) in this day of learning and exploration of library user perceptions and expectations - May 1, 2006 - Burr Ridge, IL
Sunday, February 26, 2006
8 new journal titles from Inderscience
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC)
International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (IJNGEE)
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM)
International Journal of Electronic Finance (IJEF)
International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (IJISCM)
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO)
International Journal of Value Chain Management (IJVCM)
International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (IJNGEE)
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM)
International Journal of Electronic Finance (IJEF)
International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (IJISCM)
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO)
International Journal of Value Chain Management (IJVCM)
Saturday, February 25, 2006
NASIG 21st Annual Conference registration
Registration is now open for the NASIG 21st Annual Conference - "Mile High Views: Surveying the Serials Vista" - May 4-7, 2006 - Denver, CO
Library Assessment Conference
Library Assessment Conference - Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment - September 25-27, 2006 - Charlottesville, Virginia
Implementation Science
Implementation Science is an Open Access, peer-reviewed online journal that aims to publish research relevant to the scientific study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings into routine healthcare in both clinical and policy contexts
National Archives and Google launch pilot project to digitize and offer historic films online
Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein and Google Co-Founder and President of Technology Sergey Brin have announced the launch of a pilot program to make holdings of the National Archives available for free online. This non-exclusive agreement will enable researchers and the general public to access a diverse collection of historic movies, documentaries and other films from the National Archives via Google Video as well as the National Archives website
Friday, February 24, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Divorces. Answers here
1. Which rock singer was divorced from Jerry Hall in 1999?
2. Which king of England famously had six wives, two of whom he divorced?
3. Which American film star divorced Arthur Miller just before her last film opened?
4. Which singer-songwriter divorced James Taylor in 1982?
5. Which Belgian-born American actress divorced Mel Ferrer in 1968?
6. Which American country singer, who had a hit with the song "D-I-V-O-R-C-E", got divorced from George Jones in 1975?
7. Which American singer and actress was divorced from Vincente Minnelli five years after the birth of their daughter Liza?
8. What was the first name of the woman who divorced Napoleon in 1809 so that he could marry the Austrian archduchess Marie Louise?
9. What was the name of Salome's mother, the divorced wife of Herod Antipas's half-brother Herod Philip?
10. Which American writer was divorced from the critic Edmund Wilson after the birth of her son Revel?
1. Which rock singer was divorced from Jerry Hall in 1999?
2. Which king of England famously had six wives, two of whom he divorced?
3. Which American film star divorced Arthur Miller just before her last film opened?
4. Which singer-songwriter divorced James Taylor in 1982?
5. Which Belgian-born American actress divorced Mel Ferrer in 1968?
6. Which American country singer, who had a hit with the song "D-I-V-O-R-C-E", got divorced from George Jones in 1975?
7. Which American singer and actress was divorced from Vincente Minnelli five years after the birth of their daughter Liza?
8. What was the first name of the woman who divorced Napoleon in 1809 so that he could marry the Austrian archduchess Marie Louise?
9. What was the name of Salome's mother, the divorced wife of Herod Antipas's half-brother Herod Philip?
10. Which American writer was divorced from the critic Edmund Wilson after the birth of her son Revel?
Avian Conservation and Ecology
Avian Conservation and Ecology - Écologie et conservation des oiseaux (ACE-ÉCO) - is an open-access, fully electronic scientific journal, sponsored by the Society of Canadian Ornithologists and Bird Studies Canada
What do libraries really want from academic publishers?
What do libraries really want from academic publishers? A "Question-time" style question and answer panel debate - 6 March 2006 - London Book Fair, ExCel London
CrossRef launches Free-Text Query Trial Service
In partnership with Inera, CrossRef has announced a new trial service for its member publishers. CrossRef has deployed a custom version of Inera's eXtyles refXpress that parses unstructured, free-text references into granular and valid XML and returns any matching DOIs for those references
Duncan Lawrie Dagger
The Crime Writers Association has announced it has secured Duncan Lawrie Private Bank as the new sponsor for its largest annual prize for crime fiction. The award will be renamed the Duncan Lawrie Dagger (replacing the Gold Dagger) and will increase in value from 3,000 pounds to 20,000 pounds, making it the largest award for crime fiction in the world. In addition, a completely new award, the Duncan Lawrie International Dagger, is being introduced to recognise both authors and translators of books originally published in a foreign language
U.S. Government Bookstore
U.S. Government Bookstore - locate and order publications (books, maps, serials, videos, CD-ROMs, subscriptions) available for sale through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Exact Editions digital magazine service is launched
Exact Editions has launched its digital magazine service. The first four magazines available include The Spectator, The Scientist, London Review of Books, and Literary Review. Trial issues of all the magazines in the Exact Editions service are available for inspection, browsing, searching and free reading from the site. Daryl Rayner, Managing Director, says "One of the keys to our service is the rapid searchability of the content within single issues, across many issues and across different magazines. This powerful searching of special interest content brings out the enormous value in the back issues of magazines once they have been uploaded to the web." The pages of these digital magazines in the Exact Editions platform are faithfully exact replicas of the print magazine
Carnival of the Infosciences #25
Carnival of the Infosciences #25 hosted by ...the thoughts are broken...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Reference Online
Reference Online provides library managers with easy access to 26 electronic subscription based products, including directories, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, newspapers and business information. From Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
The STARGATE project
The STARGATE project is exploring the use of static repositories as a means of exposing publisher metadata to OAI-based disclosure, discovery and alerting services within the JISC Information Environment and beyond. The project's primary aim is to lower the technical barriers to the implementation of OAI-compliant repositories, thereby enabling small publishers of electronic resources to participate more readily in OAI-based disclosure and delivery services
The National Agricultural Library has announced the release of a generic version of its custom search form BooleanCUBE (Boolean Canned URL-Based Experience). BooleanCUBE is an advanced search tool for the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA), but can be adapted for use with other Voyager OPACs
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
Version 61 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 2,610 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet - by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
ARTstor XML Gateway
ARTstor has developed the ARTstor XML Gateway, a new interface to the ARTstor Digital Library, designed to facilitate content metasearching. The ARTstor XML Gateway is based on the SRU protocol for querying databases and returning search results
2006 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
E.L. Doctorow's novel The March (Random House) has been selected as the winner of the 2006 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
National Public Radio: A Bookless Library
National Public Radio: A Bookless Library - Information technology changes as soon we think we understand it. We look at how libraries keep up and redefine their role. How would you design a library for the 21st century? - February 21, 2006
Free trials for new journals
Mangagement & Organizational History - free trial until 1 January 2007
Journal of Industrial Relations - free trial until 3 April 2006
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (JVME) - free trial until May 15, 2006
Journal of Industrial Relations - free trial until 3 April 2006
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (JVME) - free trial until May 15, 2006
EUSIDIC Annual Conference 2006
EUSIDIC Annual Conference 2006 - Integration versus granularity of information resources: Interoperability and interconnectivity of services, systems and media manifestations - 9-11 April 2006, Innsbruck, Austria
LLRX.com February 15, 2006
LLRX.com February 15, 2006 update is now online. LLRX.com is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Monday, February 20, 2006
Taming your intranet
Taming your intranet is a unique opportunity to share experience with other intranet managers about the challenges and opportunities presented by intranet technology, web-based collaborative working, and enterprise information solutions. Aimed at both newcomers to intranet management, and experienced managers, the course explores the problems of implementing intranet solutions for information management needs - 28 March 2006 - London, UK
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Hamilton Public Library offers E-Books
Hamilton Public Library's virtual bookshelf now holds 500 e-audiobook titles for borrowing and downloading, making it the first public library system in Ontario to launch the service. Launched in partnership with Ohio-based Digital Library Reserve, Inc., the decision follows the success of audiobooks in large U.S. library systems
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Sofia 2006: Globalization, Digitization, Access and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Sofia 2006: Globalization, Digitization, Access and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, will be held 8-10 November, 2006, at the Hotel Rodina, Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia 2006 is part of an international conference series hosted by the School of Library and Information Management, Emporia State University, Kansas and the Department of Library and Information Sciences, University of Sofia
New generation Unityweb for TCR
The Combined Regions' resource sharing and interlibrary loan service, UnityWeb, has entrusted the next phase of its development to OCLC PICA, incorporating Fretwell-Downing Informatics (FDI). FDI was acquired by OCLC PICA in 2005. The new generation of UnityWeb brings the separate union catalogues of The Combined Regions and LinkUK into one service. The new Unity service will be hosted and managed by OCLC PICA and FDI, world-leaders in resource sharing
SLA denounces proposal to close EPA Libraries
The Special Libraries Association has announced its strong opposition to the Bush Administration proposal to close the network of libraries and information centers operating within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Innovate and Motivate: Next Generation Libraries
The ACRL/CNI/EDUCAUSE Virtual Conference, to be offered April 20-21, 2006, offers a forum for an energizing exchange of ideas focusing on technology and academic librarianship. The conference theme, Innovate and Motivate: Next Generation Libraries, will explore how revolutions in technology impact academic librarianship and higher education. Conference programs will explore the possibilities for the future, as well as the role we can take to shape the course of the technological revolution
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Marriages. Answers here
1. Which American actress married Nick Hilton, Michael Wilding, Mike Todd, Eddie Fisher and Richard Burton?
2. Which film actor/director married Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi?
3. Born Anne Robbins, she appeared in the 1957 film "Hellcats of the Navy" with her husband, Ronald Reagan, before he became US president. By what first name was Anne better known?
4. Sarah Brightman is the former wife of which composer and producer of musicals?
5. Which French film director was married to Brigitte Bardot and, later, Jane Fonda?
6. Country singer Lyle Lovett married which actress in 1993?
7. Which American poet was married to poet Ted Hughes, who edited her "Collected Poems" after her suicide?
8. Which 17th-century Dutch painter married Saskia, the niece of art dealer Hendrick Uylenburgh?
9. Which American singer married actor Elliott Gould in 1963?
10. Which Hebrew leader married Zipporah, one of the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of a tribe of desert nomads?
1. Which American actress married Nick Hilton, Michael Wilding, Mike Todd, Eddie Fisher and Richard Burton?
2. Which film actor/director married Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi?
3. Born Anne Robbins, she appeared in the 1957 film "Hellcats of the Navy" with her husband, Ronald Reagan, before he became US president. By what first name was Anne better known?
4. Sarah Brightman is the former wife of which composer and producer of musicals?
5. Which French film director was married to Brigitte Bardot and, later, Jane Fonda?
6. Country singer Lyle Lovett married which actress in 1993?
7. Which American poet was married to poet Ted Hughes, who edited her "Collected Poems" after her suicide?
8. Which 17th-century Dutch painter married Saskia, the niece of art dealer Hendrick Uylenburgh?
9. Which American singer married actor Elliott Gould in 1963?
10. Which Hebrew leader married Zipporah, one of the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of a tribe of desert nomads?
Internet Librarian 2006
Internet Librarian 2006 - October 23-25, 2006 - Monterey, CA. Deadline for submissions is March 22, 2006
Westlaw Watch
Westlaw Watch streamlines the process for keeping your organization up-to-date on critical business issues, legal topics and competitive matters. This easy-to-use, interactive tool allows the monitoring and management of clips across your organization with the ability to deliver results via e-mail distribution or through seamless links on your intranet or portal. Individual users, a select group of users or the entire organization can receive relevant news or legal information in their preferred format when they want it
Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program
The Library of Congress' Junior Fellows Summer Intern program offers undergraduate and graduate students insights into the environment and culture of the world's largest and most comprehensive repository of human knowledge. Working with the staff, curators, and the incomparable collections of the Library of Congress, interns will be exposed to a broad spectrum of library work: preservation, reference, access standards, information management, and the U. S. copyright system
Downloadable movies at Denver Public Library
Downloadable movies at Denver Public Library - new service to begin mid-March 2006 - Sometime in mid-March, the Denver Public Library will probably be the first library in the U.S. to offer downloadable movies. They will be offered from the same site where downloadable eBooks and audio eBooks are offered, and will use a newer version of the Overdrive Media Console and Windows Media Player
Digging for Victory: Finding Difficult Information
Digging for Victory: Finding Difficult Information: designed to assist in appreciating the breadth and depth of information available, and to enable use of these resources in day to day work - 26 April 2006 - Norwich, UK
Thursday, February 16, 2006
What I Hope Will Be by Roy Tennant
What I Hope Will Be by Roy Tennant - My recent column "What I Wish I Had Known" took a look back at lessons learned from years in library automation. This month I look forward to a bright library future and the ways it will be accomplished - Library Journal, February 15, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Unofficial wiki for the 2006 Computers in Libraries Conference
The unofficial wiki for the 2006 Computers in Libraries Conference is now up and running
CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award shortlist
The shortlist for the CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award has been announced
EPA set to close library network and electronic catalog
News release from PEER: Under President Bush's proposed budget, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is slated to shut down its network of libraries that serve its own scientists as well as the public, according to internal agency documents released by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). In addition to the libraries, the agency will pull the plug on its electronic catalog which tracks tens of thousands of unique documents and research studies that are available nowhere else. Under Bush's plan, $2 million of a total agency library budget of $2.5 million will be lost, including the entire $500,000 budget for the EPA Headquarters library and its electronic catalog that makes it possible to search for documents through the entire EPA library network. These reductions are just a small portion of the $300 million in cuts the administration has proposed for EPA operations
ASCLA online course for librarians serving Latinos
The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies, will offer its first online course, Selecting Spanish-Language Materials for Adults, in spring 2006. Yolanda J. Cuesta, with more than 25 years experience as a trainer and independent consultant specializing in helping libraries serve diverse communities, will teach the four-week course to be held April 17, 2006 to May 15, 2006
The Journal of Electronic Publishing
The Journal of Electronic Publishing - February 2006 edition now available
BookDrive: automatic page-turning scanner
BookDrive is the first and only automatic page-turning scanner. Unlike traditional scanners, BookDrive can flip pages of a book automatically by simply entering the number of pages you want to scan. BookDrive will digitize bound content in a variety of formats allowing the user to share and archive bound materials
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Open Repositories 2006 presentations available
Presentations from Open Repositories 2006, 31 January-3 February, 2006 - are now available
Exploiting British official statistics
Exploiting British official statistics: this seminar provides an introduction to the range of official statistics available in electronic and print formats, some of the key sets of figures and how to use them effectively - 25 April 2006 - London, UK
Monday, February 13, 2006
PLA 2006 award winners
The Public Library Association has announced the 2006 winners of seven distinguished service awards
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Open Journal Systems
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research. OJS assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing. Through its management systems, its finely grained indexing of research, and the context it provides for research, OJS seeks to improve both the scholarly and public quality of referred research. OJS is open source software made freely available to journals worldwide for the purpose of making open access publishing a viable option for more journals, as open access can increase a journal's readership as well as its contribution to the public good on a global scale
Open Access Archive
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) has organized an Open Access Archive to allow the scientific work of any scientists from any country to be posted free of charge. Authors may upload pre-prints, reprints, conference papers, pre-publication book chapters and the author's CV
Ariadne - Issue 46, February 2006
Ariadne - Issue 46, February 2006 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide
PALINET's Technology Conversations podcast series
PALINET's Technology Conversations podcast series features interviews with leaders in library technology. Lasting approximately 20 minutes and designed for portable listening devices or the desktop computer, each program is a brief take on a different hot tech topic. These sessions are also distributed via RSS
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Call for papers: Eight International Conference on Grey Literature
Call for papers: Eight International Conference on Grey Literature - 4-5 December 2006 - University of New Orleans, USA
Networking Day for Humanities Librarians
Networking Day for Humanities Librarians - In collaboration with other Humanities Subject Centres, the English Subject Centre is convening a second meeting for HE/FE librarians with an interest in the Humanities. Last year's meeting led to the development of 'Making the Most of your Library - a guide for English lecturers' but it is envisaged that the next meeting will provide a forum for humanities librarians to discuss any issues of common concern and to share experience - 17 May 2006 - London, UK
SwetsWise Online Content adds new publishers to its ranks
Swets Information Services has announced that they have recently succeeded in signing five new publishers to SwetsWise Online Content. SwetsWise is the web-based, modular service for the procurement, access and management of subscriptions and online information
Friday, February 10, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Hotels. Answers here
1. Which hotel did Elvis Presley sing about in 1956 to give him his first song to reach the top of the US charts?
2. Which civil rights activist was assassinated in April 1968 on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis?
3. Name the famous hotel in the Strand, London, which was opened in 1889, when its first manager was Cesar Ritz.
4. Which hotel was the title of a 1976 song and album by the Eagles about the hedonistic lifestyle of southern California?
5. Which fashionable hotel in Switzerland was the title of a 1984 novel by Anita Brookner which won the Booker Prize for fiction?
6. In which London street is the renowned Ritz Hotel: is it Bond Street, Park Lane or Piccadilly?
7. In which 1932 film about a hotel did Greta Garbo say "I want to be alone?"
8. Which female singer-songwriter made the 1998 album "From the Choirgirl Hotel?"
9. In which city is the King David Hotel, which was attacked by the military organization Irgun in 1946?
10. Which US oil billionaire purchased the Pierre Hotel in New York City in 1938 for $2.5 million?
1. Which hotel did Elvis Presley sing about in 1956 to give him his first song to reach the top of the US charts?
2. Which civil rights activist was assassinated in April 1968 on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis?
3. Name the famous hotel in the Strand, London, which was opened in 1889, when its first manager was Cesar Ritz.
4. Which hotel was the title of a 1976 song and album by the Eagles about the hedonistic lifestyle of southern California?
5. Which fashionable hotel in Switzerland was the title of a 1984 novel by Anita Brookner which won the Booker Prize for fiction?
6. In which London street is the renowned Ritz Hotel: is it Bond Street, Park Lane or Piccadilly?
7. In which 1932 film about a hotel did Greta Garbo say "I want to be alone?"
8. Which female singer-songwriter made the 1998 album "From the Choirgirl Hotel?"
9. In which city is the King David Hotel, which was attacked by the military organization Irgun in 1946?
10. Which US oil billionaire purchased the Pierre Hotel in New York City in 1938 for $2.5 million?
Genetic Association Information Network
The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, the National Institutes of Health, and Pfizer Global Research & Development have announced the launch of a unique public-private medical research partnership - the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) - to unravel the genetic causes of common diseases over the next three years. The information derived from GAIN will be publicly available to researchers world-wide. GAIN brings new scientific and financial resources to the NIH's existing whole genome association programs, encouraging all partners, across and beyond NIH, to work together toward the common goal of understanding the genetic contributions to common diseases
Ask Jeeves appoints Gary Price Director of Online Information Resources
Ask Jeeves, Inc. has announced the appointment of Gary Price, former Search Engine Watch news editor and editor of ResourceShelf, as director of online information resources. Price will lead Ask Jeeves' outreach efforts within the library and education communities and will play an advisory role in the development of new search products for Ask Jeeves
Building Preservation Environments
Building Preservation Environments presented by Dr Reagan W Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center - 17 February 2006 - Oxford Internet Institute, UK. This event is run in collaboration with DELOS (NoE in Digital Libraries) Digital Preservation Cluster
Professional Engineering Publishing
The new Professional Engineering Publishing journals site is now online
Inspiring Learning for All development project for London’s archives, libraries and museums
Inspiring Learning for All development project for London's archives, libraries and museums - The purpose of the ILFA development project is to support archives, libraries and museums to build capacity and improve their development planning using the Inspiring Learning for All framework. The project will run from early February to May 2006. This will be built around the needs of participants and the ILFA resources that have been developed by MLA to support organisational change
Leading Edge Technologies for Libraries by Roy Tennant
Infopeople Webcasts: Leading Edge Technologies for Libraries. This webcast was presented by Roy Tennant, one of only a handful of librarians who predicted the impact of the Internet on libraries. (Crossing the Internet Threshold, 1992). Find out what exciting new technologies Roy is following now, and how they're likely to make a difference to libraries of all types in the years to come. Presented January 17, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
'How do I love thee?' Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806–61
On 14 February 2006, 'How do I love thee?' Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806–61, opens at the British Library. This exhibition, drawing on manuscript and printed items, photographs and memorabilia from the British Library and the collection of rarely seen and important material relating to the Brownings and their circle at Eton College, celebrates the bicentenary of her birth on 6th March 1806
Miles Blackwell Outstanding Academic Librarian Award
Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL)is seeking nominations for candidates for the Miles Blackwell Outstanding Academic Librarian Award. This award will be presented to an individual member of CACUL who has made an outstanding national or international contribution to academic librarianship and library development. Nominations due February 28, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Canadian Library Association Library Research and Development Grants
One or more grants totalling $1,000 are awarded annually, when merited, to personal members of the Canadian Library Association. The objectives of the grant are to support theoretical and applied research in the field of library and information services; to encourage and support research undertaken by practitioners in the field of library and information services; to promote research in the field of library and information services by and/or about Canadians. Deadline for proposals is February 28, 2006
Knowledge Architecture: An Exploratory Workshop
Knowledge Architecture: An Exploratory Workshop - This interactive workshop blends presentation, discussion and practical exercises to consider the evolutionary stages involved in the transition from Information Architecture to Knowledge Architecture and to examine the most important tools and techniques involved. It presents a number of case studies and invites delegates to discuss the implications for information professionals, information managers, information architects, knowledge managers and knowledge workers alike - 8 March 2006 - London, UK
Using the Internet to research companies and markets
Using the Internet to research companies and markets - This workshop will outline how the Internet can help you to understand a company or marketplace. The Internet continues to increase in size and this event will outline what research is possible either with a search engine's help or by going directly to sites that search engines do not, or are unable to, search - 6 April 2006 - London, UK
Microsoft RFP on Accelerating Search in Academic Research
Microsoft Research External Research and Programs has announced a new worldwide Request for Proposals (RFP): Accelerating Search in Academic Research. The RFP due date is March 24, 2006. The total amount available under this request for proposals (RFP) is US$500,000. Microsoft anticipates making approximately 10-14 awards averaging $35,000, with a maximum of $50,000 for any single award
Marketing planning for the academic library sector
Marketing planning for the academic library sector - This workshop will outline current best practice in marketing planning and show how this impacts on management practices both within academic library services and other organisations - 21 March 2006 - London, UK
Living the Future 6
Living the Future 6: WOW-Where Next? is a conference for collaborative thinking about the future. "Rapid Change" doesn’t begin to describe the current world in which we live. Academic and other libraries face daily announcements of new, competitive services from the corporate world. Intellectual freedom, privacy and fair use are challenged from all sides. Potential collaborative efforts are being discussed widely in a variety of associations and consortia, locally and globally - April 5-8, 2006 - The University of Arizona, Tucson
2006 CALA Scholarships
The Chinese American Librarians Association has announced the availability of its 2006 CALA Scholarships. The scholarships are available to full-time students of Chinese heritage who are currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited master's or doctoral program of library and information science at a higher education institution in North America. Applications must be submitted by March 15, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Lagardere to buy Time Warner books for $538 million
French media group Lagardere has agreed to buy Time Warner's book publishing arm for $537.5 million' fulfilling its long-standing ambition of entering the U.S. book market - Reuters
The World Almanac E-Newsletter
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 06, Number 02 — February 2006 is now available
Biology Direct
BioMed Central has announced the launch of Biology Direct, a new online open access journal with a novel system of peer review. Biology Direct will operate completely open peer review, with named peer reviewers' reports published alongside each article. The journal also takes the innovative step of requiring that the author approach Biology Direct Editorial Board members directly to review the manuscript
Carnival of the Infosciences #23
Carnival of the Infosciences #23 is now available from The Laughing Librarian
PLA announces 2006 institutional scholarship winners
The Public Library Association has announced the winners of its inaugural "Grow Your Own" institutional scholarship program. The program was developed to address the educational needs of public library staff working toward the ultimate goal of obtaining a master's degree in library and information science
Monday, February 06, 2006
NetLibrary offers new international eAudiobook collections
NetLibrary, a division of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., and a leading platform for full-text digital content in libraries worldwide, together with Recorded Books, Inc., has expanded distribution of their eAudiobook program to libraries in Latin America and Asia Pacific. The eAudiobooks Core Collection for these markets contains a variety of English-language best-sellers, book club favorites and award-winning titles
The Law Library 2006
The Law Library 2006: in the rapidly changing legal environment, law librarians find themselves taking on many new roles and responsibilities. At this annual program, law librarians will learn from nationally recognized experts about these new roles, skills and strategies, "best practices" and solutions to issues they confront in their ongoing day-to-day activities - March 15, 2006 - Practising Law Institute, New York
Sunday, February 05, 2006
2006 Edgar Allan Poe Awards
Mystery Writers of America has announced its Nominees for the 2006 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television and film published or produced in 2005. The Edgar Awards will be presented to the winners at the 60th Gala Banquet, April 27, 2006 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
International Information Literacy Resources Directory
The Information Literacy Section of the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions have created the International Information Literacy Resources Directory to record information literacy materials from different parts of the world, on behalf of UNESCO. Librarians, educators and information professionals are invited to participate
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Libraries fear digital lockdown
Libraries have warned that the rise of digital publishing may make it harder or even impossible to access items in their collections in the future. Many publishers put restrictions on how digital books and journals can be used. Such digital rights management (DRM) controls may block some legitimate uses, the British Library has said - BBC
Friday, February 03, 2006
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer
The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Cultural Literacy. Answers here
1. What does the abbreviation "DVD" stand for?
2. Which English architect designed Saint Paul's Cathedral in London?
3. What is the name for a reversal of sounds in two words - for example, when someone says "May I sew you to another sheet?" instead of "May I show you to another seat?"
4. According to Dante, the words "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" are inscribed at the entrance to which place?
5. In which country was the playwright Tom Stoppard born?
6. What is the name for a nuclear reactor in which plutonium and other materials are produced as a by-product?
7. Name six of the nine common parts of speech (e.g., "adjectives").
8. Which Polish labour leader headed Solidarity, the independent labour union, and won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1983?
9. A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry which contains how many lines?
10. What was the real first name of "Che" Guevara, the Latin-American revolutionary?
1. What does the abbreviation "DVD" stand for?
2. Which English architect designed Saint Paul's Cathedral in London?
3. What is the name for a reversal of sounds in two words - for example, when someone says "May I sew you to another sheet?" instead of "May I show you to another seat?"
4. According to Dante, the words "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" are inscribed at the entrance to which place?
5. In which country was the playwright Tom Stoppard born?
6. What is the name for a nuclear reactor in which plutonium and other materials are produced as a by-product?
7. Name six of the nine common parts of speech (e.g., "adjectives").
8. Which Polish labour leader headed Solidarity, the independent labour union, and won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1983?
9. A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry which contains how many lines?
10. What was the real first name of "Che" Guevara, the Latin-American revolutionary?
CurrentSpeak Podcasts launched
Nelson Current, a publisher of social and political books, has launched CurrentSpeak.com, a Web site offering free author interviews available for podcast
U.S. Copyright Office Report on Orphaned Works released
The U.S. Copyright Office has completed its study of problems related to "orphan works" — copyrighted works whose owners may be impossible to identify and locate. As requested by Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator Patrick Leahy, the Office submitted its Report on Orphan Works to the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 31, 2006. The Report is also available for download
An Expedition to European Digital Cultural Heritage
An Expedition to European Digital Cultural Heritage: Collecting, Connecting and Conserving? - International Conference on the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage - 21-22 June 2006 - Salzburg
Fresh Thinking: Creativity, Young People, Museums, Libraries and Archives
Fresh Thinking: Creativity, Young People, Museums, Libraries and Archives - organised to highlight the move towards more integrated and imaginative services for young people as a result of the DfES 'Youth Matters' Green Paper - 10 March 2006 - Segedunum Roman Fort and Wallsend People's Centre,Wallsend, Tyne and Wear
SPARC Open Access Newsletter
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #94 - February 2, 2006 is now available
Journal Supply Chain Integration Pilot
Journal Supply Chain Integration Pilot - This industry wide pilot project aims to discover whether the creation of a standard, commonly used identifier for Institutions will be beneficial to all parties involved in the journal supply chain. Exploring the various advantages and implications of use of such an identifier, the project will see the parties involved working closely together throughout 2006. As qualified representatives of all stages in the supply chain, the parties involved in this pilot project share the belief that integration and standardization are of paramount importance to the optimal operation of the journal supply chain support process
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect
is a new and unprecedented program for authors whose books are sold on Amazon.com. Authors who participate in the Amazon Connect program can send messages to readers who have bought their books on Amazon.com or have signed up to receive their posts
New from The Education Institute
Audio Conference: Choosing the Right Content Management System for Your Web Site with Jeff Wisniewski - February 8, 2006
Webcast: Content Management System Case Studies with Cheryl Stenstrom and Jeff Wisniewski - February 15, 2006
Webcast: Content Management System Case Studies with Cheryl Stenstrom and Jeff Wisniewski - February 15, 2006
Canadian access to information manual
Canadian access to information manual - guides you through the process of filing Access to Information Requests at all provincial and federal levels of government.The first section of this manual explains how to use federal, provincial, and territorial laws to access information about the government. The second section provides information about how to use federal, provincial and territorial laws to request your personal information held by the public and private sectors. Each chapter covers a different jurisdiction, explaining not only how to make a request, but also what you can expect in response, and how you can appeal an unsatisfactory response. Each chapter also provides helpful links to resources such as legislation, government sites and guides
UCISA Management Conference
UCISA Management Conference - 8-10 March 2006 - The Winter Gardens, Blackpool, UK
The Sixth JISC/CNI Meeting
The Sixth JISC/CNI Meeting - Envisioning future challenges in networked information - 6-7 July 2006 - York Moat House, York, UK
6th Annual Brick and Click Libraries
6th Annual Brick and Click Libraries - sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University in order to offer academic librarians a forum for sharing practical information. It provides a small, collegial atmosphere in which to discuss diverse topics, current issues, and solutions - November 3, 2006 - Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri
Journal of World Health & Population
Longwoods has announced the launch of the Journal of World Health & Population, a forum for researchers and policy makers worldwide to publish original research, reviews and opinions on health- and population-related topics. The journal encourages the conduct and dissemination of applied research and policy analysis from diverse international settings. Its stated goal is to explore ideas, share best practices and enable excellence in healthcare worldwide through publishing contributions by researchers, policy makers and practitioners
Playing to the audience
Playing to the audience - A half day conference investigating innovative and alternative methods of library and learning resources induction. Examples include best practice from FE and HE sectors - 5 April 2006 - Manchester College of Art and Technology
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Funding Our Digital Future Symposium
Funding Our Digital Future: Budgeting for Libraries & Scholarly Communication - March 20-21, 2006 - Binghamton University Libraries, NY
LACASIS 2005 Contributions to Information Science and Technology Award
Dr. Herbert Van de Sompel is receiving the LACASIS 2005 Contributions to Information Science and Technology Award in recognition of his contributions to library automation, standards, and interoperability. He is the principal author of SFX, which became the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services
Black Ink Exhibit in Canada
The Department of Canadian Heritage, Library and Archives Canada and Images Interculturelles invite you to attend a special event to celebrate Black History Month and to launch the Black Ink Exhibit to commemorate 400 Years of Black Presence In Canada. February 1, 2006 - Library and Archives Canada , Ottawa, Ontario
Emerald leads new JISC RSS project to push Table of Contents into library catalogues
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd has announced that it is leading a Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) project: "Table of Contents by Really Simple Syndication" (TOCRoSS). The project team will develop an RSS news feed service that automatically pushes publisher and e-journal information into library catalogues. Started in October 2005, the project will run for 10 months, completing in July 2006
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, February 2006
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, February 2006: My Funny Valentine - looks at some of the Hub collections which shed light on the history of lesbian and gay communities in the UK
info NeoGnostic
info NeoGnostic: a blog for 'new' thoughts about information science - including librarianship, knowledge management, information architecture, content management, collection management - with an emphasis on electronic resources - by Chris Armstrong, owner and managing director of Information Automation Limited, Wales
Human Relations Journal freely available for two months online
SAGE Publications has announced that its Human Relations journal is now available online for two months to anyone who registers at the Human Relations website. The trial runs from February 1 until March 31
Preserving our digital heritage
Preserving our digital heritage - The British Library is on a mission to digitise its immense collection of books and manuscripts. It is a challenge of mind-boggling proportions, as Helen Beckett discovered - ComputerWeekly.com
2006 Ohio Library Council Technical Services Retreat
2006 Ohio Library Council Technical Services Retreat - April 25-26, 2006 - Mohican Resort and Conference Center, Perrysville, Ohio
Today’s Document from the U.S. National Archives
For the first time, the U.S. National Archives website now includes a new Today's Document feature, highlighting a specific document, record or photo from the holdings of the National Archives relating to the current day, and/or current exhibitions and programs at the National Archives. This new feature draws from the online resources of the National Archives, including Our Documents, the Online Exhibit Hall, Teaching with Documents, and the Archival Research Catalog
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