Friday, August 31, 2012
Library 2.012 worldwide virtual conference
Library 2.012 worldwide virtual conference - October 3-5, 2012 - This free conference is being held online, in multiple time zones, over the course of two days (three actual calendar days when including all time zones)
Survey: Higher Education Library Revenue Outlook
Primary Research Group is conducting a survey of the revenue outlook for academic libraries in the United States and Canada. The report covers fundraising, revenue from library services, grants and parent institution budgetary support. Participants receive a free PDF copy of the final report. Participants are listed but responses are confidential
NTIS Technical Reports Library Newsletter - Volume 5, Number 2, August 15, 2012
NTIS Technical Reports Library Newsletter - Volume 5, Number 2, August 15, 2012 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
West Sussex Libraries survey launched (UK)
A new survey is being launched, to ensure the West Sussex Library Service is providing exactly what its customers want. The survey takes a realistic look at the present and the future, and asks how often people read books, whether they use traditional paper volumes, electronic readers or audiobooks. An introduction to the survey says it has been designed so library users and their children receive the best value from the service. Spending a few minutes on these questions, it says, will "help us to understand your thoughts about the future of your Library services." The survey, which goes live next Monday (September 3), also asks if, where and how people access the internet, what kind of e-reader they have, and how people get their information from the county council
New book: Managing Electronic Resources
Managing Electronic Resources - A LITA Guide - Edited by Ryan O. Weir - This handbook provides innovative ideas and practices for new and experienced information professionals ready to take the next step in electronic resource management
Croydon council told to preserve Upper Norwood Library (UK)
Great Writers Inspire (UK)
Great Writers Inspire is a project which is making a substantial collection of literary themed learning resources available for global reuse. Thousands of resources are available through the site, including audio and video lectures and short talks, downloadable electronic texts and ebooks, and background contextual resources. Many of these resources have been specially created by the University of Oxford for this website. This website is an Online Educational Resource (OER), meaning that everything on here is released under a licence that allows you to reuse them worldwide whether you are a student, teacher, life-long learner or resource creator. All the resources on the site are either in the public domain or made available under a Creative Commons license. This means you may share or adapt the work providing you attribute it, do not use it for financial gain, and share any resulting work under similar conditions
SAGE to launch United European Gastroenterology Journal
SAGE and United European Gastroenterology have announced an agreement to launch United European Gastroenterology Journal in February 2013
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - August 31, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Nine and Ten. "All the questions in this brainteaser are about the numbers nine and ten." Answers here.
1. According to the proverb, which animal has nine lives?
2. What is the meaning of the phrase "the whole nine yards"?
3. Who starred in the 1979 film "10" as a sexually obsessed middle-aged composer who marks his girls 1 to 10?
4. What is or was a "cat-o'-nine-tails"?
5. According to the Old Testament, which Hebrew leader was given the Ten Commandments engraved on two tablets of stone?
6. Who appeared in the 1980 film "Nine to Five" and composed the song of the same name which won a Grammy award in 1981?
7. In Roman numerals, what letter represents the number ten?
8. Who was the "nine days' queen" (1537-1554)?
9. Who wrote the poem "The Old Vicarage, Grantchester" which includes the lines: "Stands the Church clock at ten to three? And is there honey still for tea?"
10. The 1919 book "Ten Days that Shook the World" by US journalist John Reed was about which historical event?
1. According to the proverb, which animal has nine lives?
2. What is the meaning of the phrase "the whole nine yards"?
3. Who starred in the 1979 film "10" as a sexually obsessed middle-aged composer who marks his girls 1 to 10?
4. What is or was a "cat-o'-nine-tails"?
5. According to the Old Testament, which Hebrew leader was given the Ten Commandments engraved on two tablets of stone?
6. Who appeared in the 1980 film "Nine to Five" and composed the song of the same name which won a Grammy award in 1981?
7. In Roman numerals, what letter represents the number ten?
8. Who was the "nine days' queen" (1537-1554)?
9. Who wrote the poem "The Old Vicarage, Grantchester" which includes the lines: "Stands the Church clock at ten to three? And is there honey still for tea?"
10. The 1919 book "Ten Days that Shook the World" by US journalist John Reed was about which historical event?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Baker & Taylor expands collection development services for libraries with FirstLook Digital for electronic content
Baker & Taylor Inc. has announced that it is extending its FirstLook title notification service to include digital content
Wellcome Library Insight: Superheroes (UK)

1940 U.S. Census Community Project announces 132 million new records now available for free
The 1940 U.S. Census Community Project, the first and largest national service project of its kind, announced today the entire set of 132 million names from the 1940 U.S. census is now available to the public for free online family history research. The availability of these records means anyone can explore their family tree, discover new information about relatives, and uncover the events that impacted their family 72 years ago. Whether someone is simply curious about their family history or has dedicated several years in search of answers, the availability of the 1940 U.S. census records marks the unveiling of new avenues of history that can finally be explored
Tilburg University implements OCLC WorldCat Local discovery service
Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, has gone live with WorldCat Local, OCLC's cloud-based discovery and delivery service that allows users to search their library's collection along with the collections of thousands of other libraries worldwide
OpenGrey Repository
The OpenGrey Repository was launched mid-2011. OpenGrey succeeds OpenSIGLE, which was an initiative by INIST-CNRS to transfer the contents of a commercial database into an open access environment - including the results of 25 years of collecting and referencing grey literature by European partners. Since 2008, GreyNet's conference preprints complement the offer on grey literature in OpenGrey by providing full-text access to research output in this field of information science. OpenGrey not only signifies a change in platform but also provides improved features for users redesigned to meet the needs of a Google generation. OpenGrey moreover closes the gap caused by the termination of the SIGLE database by reopening the way for new record entry with links to full text, research data, as well as post-publication data
Qatar National Library enters partnership to ernhance Arabic translation of Innovative Interfaces products
Qatar National Library has entered into an exclusive partnership with U.S. company Innovative Interfaces to help translate Innovative products into Arabic, including the Millennium ILS, Sierra Services Platform, Encore discovery solution, and Content Pro digital asset management system
Springer now publishing Open Access books
Springer is expanding its open access program by offering a fully open access option for books, which will extend Springer's established SpringerOpen and BioMed Central journal portfolio, and its Springer Open Choice option. Any electronic version of a SpringerOpen book is fully and immediately OA, and thus freely accessible on SpringerLink for anyone in the world with access to the internet
Survey into the use of large-scale digital collections (UK)
This survey is part of a research project being undertaken at the UCL Centre of Digital Humanities, and aims to learn more about the experiences of users of large-scale digital collections, and specifically digitised newspaper collections
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Looking for records of the Second World War

BioOne announces 2013 collections
BioOne is welcoming five new titles and their respective not-for-profit publishers to the 2013 BioOne Collections: Marine Resource Economics, published by the Marine Resource Foundation; Cryptogamie, Algologie, Cryptogamie, Bryologie, and Cryptogamie, Mycologie, three journals from France's Association des Amis des Cryptogames; and Applications in Plant Sciences, a new, open access, online only publication from the Botanical Society of America
National Short Story Week 2012

PASIG Dublin 2012 (Ireland)
PASIG, the Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group, will be holding its 11th international meeting 17-19 October, 2012, in Dublin, Ireland. This independent, community-led meeting is open to and welcoming of practitioners, researchers, industry experts and vendors in the digital preservation and archiving field
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #209
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #209. "An extract from this episode's speaking script: "This program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. We made this shift going forward when the Arab Spring kicked off. Under this license, you are fully free to go ahead and redistribute this program. Reformatting this program to being on a burnt audio compact disc or lining it out to conventional cassette tape is not just possible but encouraged. In a time when people are shunning conventional media for Internet-based streams, little thought is given to what happens when the streaming infrastructure goes away."". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
JK Rowling's spell can't save historic Kensal Rise Library (UK)
Despite a campaign involving several leading authors, Kensal Rise Library has been put on the property market
Bibliography in the digital age - presentations
The videos and presentations from the satellite meeting Bibliography in the digital age arranged by IFLA Bibliography Section and IFLA Cataloguing Section are now available online
Gale Genealogy Connect
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, has partnered with to launch a new online resource for genealogists - Gale Genealogy Connect. Focusing on the "how to" of genealogical research, this new resource serves as a complement to popular fact, date and people-based genealogy resources already on the market
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Open Access
The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum is a comprehensive collection of ancient Latin inscriptions from all corners of the Roman Empire. Public and personal inscriptions throw light on all aspects of Roman life and history. The Corpus continues to be updated with new editions and supplements by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. This digitized version of the CIL will initially comprise of the more than 50 parts (of vols. I-XVI + auctaria and of v. I (edition altera)) published before 1940. Available funding covers the digitization of the volumes with an imperfect OCR searching capability. The goal is to eventually create a keyword searchable database to contain also future volumes of the CIL as they fall outside of copyright restrictions and to eventually do the same for the Inscriptiones Graecae
New Connections – the BT e-Archive (UK)
This project is a collaboration between Coventry University, BT Heritage and The National Archive and aims to catalogue, digitise and develop a searchable online archive of almost half a million photographs, images, documents and correspondence assembled by BT over 165 years. This large and remarkable collection details the history of Britain's leading role in the development of telecommunications and the impact of this technology on society. The BT Archive is held, with some limited public access, in central London and is by any standard a collection of national and international importance, recognised by UNESCO
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Ensuring arXiv's future (USA)
arXiv, the free repository that has revolutionized the way scientists share information, is adopting a new governance and business model that will allow it to grow and succeed in the future. Thanks to an operating grant from the Simons Foundation, Cornell University Library has helped arXiv take a major step toward sustainability. Beginning in January and running through 2017, the Simons Foundation will provide up to $300,000 per year as a matching gift for the funds generated through arXiv's membership fees. The grant also provides $50,000 per year as an "unconditional gift" that recognizes the Library's stewardship of arXiv
2012 Women's Leadership Institute (USA)
The Association of College and Research Libraries is collaborating with higher education associations to offer the 2012 Women's Leadership Institute. This year's institute will be held November 27-30, 2012, in Dana Point, Califprnia and December 2-5, 2012, in Amelia Island, Florida. The discounted early-bird registration deadline for the institute is October 17 for the California program and October 24 for the Florida program. Complete program details, cosponsors and a link to registration materials are available on the institute website
Digitisation of First World War unit diaries (UK)
The National Archives (UK): We are currently digitising part of the WO 95 record series, which consists of unit war diaries from the First World War. The series is one of the most requested in our reading rooms in Kew, and digitising it means that we will be able to make the diaries more accessible by publishing them online. The series is extremely fragile, largely due to its age and popularity, so we are carrying out essential conservation work while we digitise it
SAGE to publish Australian Journal of Education and Australian Journal of Career Development from April 2013
SAGE and the Australian Council for Educational Research have announced a new agreement to publish its two journals, The Australian Journal of Education and The Australian Journal of Career Development, from April 2013
Library Journal survey on etextbook collections in academic libraries
Library Journal is interested in learning more about etextbook collections in academic libraries. Your participation in this study will help identify the scope of etextbooks on college campuses–how popular they are and who is selecting them
National Hispanic Heritage Month 2012
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 18, No. 1, August 27, 2012
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 18, No. 1, August 27, 2012 is now available. Contents:
* China Labour Bulletin
* CHR & GJ: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
* Jack Rabin Collection on Alabama Civil Rights and Southern Activists
* China Labour Bulletin
* CHR & GJ: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
* Jack Rabin Collection on Alabama Civil Rights and Southern Activists
Monday, August 27, 2012
Two Renaissance world maps are focus of new Library of Congress publication
The Library of Congress, in association with Levenger Press, is publishing a new scholarly book on two 16th-century maps that fundamentally changed the way the world was viewed. Scheduled for publication in October, "Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 & 1516 World Maps" spotlights two of the Library's cartographic treasures housed in the Geography and Map Division and reproduces them in the largest full-color formats ever authorized
SPARC and the World Bank announce Open Access Week 2012 kickoff webcast - "Set the Default to Open Access"
SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and the World Bank have announced they will co-sponsor the kickoff event for Open Access Week 2012 on Monday October 22 in Washington, DC. The live event will take place at the state of the art World Bank facilities and will host a Liveblog and Webcast for those who cannot attend in person. The event will also be recorded, and be available to the community for use during and after local Open Access events
Digitised Home Guard records reveal unexpected find (UK)

LISTen: An Program -- Episode #208
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #208. "This week's regular episode presents an essay. A news miscellany will be posted as a separate episode Wednesday". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
São Paulo bicycle library brings books to the city's homeless (Brazil)
If good ideas transcend boundaries, this one does it by bicycle. That is, by Bicicloteca, a bicycle that carries a small library through the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The project is a creative and dynamic way to encourage reading, especially among people who live on the streets, because libraries typically require identification and proof of residence to loan books; documents which homeless people don’t have. The Bicicloteca initiative has emerged from this very need, gaining support from São Paulo residents, media and businesses. As of August 2012, it has been distributing books and encouraging reading for a year
OpenCorporates: The Open Database Of The Corporate World
OpenCorporates: free and open company data on millions of companies and corporations in over 20 countries, including UK, Spain, US, etc.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
2011 Annual Report from Library of Congress
The Library of Congress has published its 2011 Annual Report
MIT Press Journals announces 2013 pricing
The MIT Press has set its 2013 subscription rates and package pricing for the 31 titles in its journals program
Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor archive (Scotland)

SEAM preserves Malaysian Islamic political newspaper Harakah
The Southeast Asia Microform Project (SEAM) recently completed the microfilming of the years 2002 to 2010 of the Malaysian newspaper Harakah. Ohio University contributed the holdings, with additional contributions from Cornell University
Latin American serials collection available through LAMP
LAMP and the University of Texas at Austin have recently completed the duplication of 600 serials from across Latin America. These rare materials from the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection include government publications and other serials published primarily from 1821 to 1982
Ebook sales help bid to reopen library (London, UK)
A Leading book retailer plans to help save Kensal Rise library by raising money through ebooks. The library, opened by Mark Twain in 1900, was shut by Brent council despite a campaign to save it backed by authors including Philip Pullman and Zadie Smith. Now former Waterstones boss Tim Coates is hoping to help campaigners raise enough money to take over the building. From next month, he will offer an ebook service to Kensal Rise library users and schools in England, with half the profits going to the campaign. The service, Bilbary, has more than 350,000 titles and has been operating in US libraries for more than a year
Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera to open on Sundays (UK)
Oxford University's Old Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera will now open on Sundays. The relocation of the History Faculty Library has allowed the university to save about £100,000 which has been reinvested in the libraries. Bodley's Librarian Dr Sarah Thomas said: "Students have asked for longer opening hours, and we are pleased that we can use our space more efficiently and increase our services this way. "We're also adding new seats to the Camera. "The combination of these improvements will increase flexible use of these iconic buildings."
Steam Trains, Medieval Castles and Adventure on the High Seas (British Library)
BiblioLabs and the British Library have announced that hundreds of historic works from the hugely popular 19th Century Historical Collection are now available to explore in a series of curated Anthologies on BiblioBoard, a free iPad® app that offers a platform to explore places, events, people and themes from across the centuries. Three British Library Anthologies are being offered for free with every BiblioBoard download, including Trains: The History and Pleasures of Railroading, High Seas Adventures: A Historical Collection of Maritime Life and Castles: An Anthology
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Podcast: The War of 1812: from the British side
The War of 1812 features prominently in the history of the United States, especially in this bi-centenary year. But it is much less well-known here, overshadowed by events closer to home. In the US, the Federation of Genealogical Societies and the National Archives and Records Administration are collaborating in a major project to digitise pension files from the war, but every conflict has two sides, and there are many records here in The National Archives. This talk will look at some of them; the men who took part in the conflict, including many prisoners on both sides, and a wealth of background material. Audrey Collins is a Family History Specialist at The National Archives, and has been interested in genealogy for more than 25 years. She has spoken at many genealogical events in the UK and overseas, including several major conferences in the United States. As a result she has developed a particular interest in records held in the UK that will be of use to American researchers
OCLC Research and Open Planets Foundation to Hold Preservation Health Check Workshop at iPRES2012 on 2 October in Toronto
OCLC Research and the Open Planets Foundation are conducting a Preservation Health Check Pilot to analyze the quality of preservation metadata created and in use by operational repository and deposit systems and evaluate the potential of such metadata for assessing digital preservation risks - 2 October 2012 - Toronto, Canada
Friday, August 24, 2012
LexisNexis Legal eBooks now available in the Amazon Kindle Store
LexisNexis® Legal & Professional has announced that a large selection of its legal eBooks are now available in the Amazon® Kindle® Store. Additionally, LexisNexis® eBooks on Kindle or through Kindle reading apps are also accessible through the recently launched LexisNexis® Digital Library solution
3rd National Ebooks Meeting (UK)
3rd National Ebooks Meeting - 10 October 2012 -London, United Kingdom
12th Annual SLIC, SCURL, MMITS and SALCTG E-Books Conference (Scotland)
The 12th Annual SLIC, SCURL, MMITS and SALCTG E-Books Conference takes place in the John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh on Thursday 25th October 2012
New Warwickshire parish records published at
Search for your ancestors in 23,000 new Warwickshire parish records on This update comprises new records from Rugby and Southam
New from Bodleian Library Publishing: How to be a Good Lover

Ever-vigilant about the pleasures and pitfalls of love and courtship, this charming, no-nonsense self-help guide presents down-to-earth advice for those on the path of love, which, if trodden cautiously, should lead to the ultimate goal of a happy partnership and marriage
Library Workforce for 21st-Century Research Libraries
The ARL Fall Forum, "Library Workforce for 21st-Century Research Libraries," will be held October 11–12, 2012, in Washington, DC, immediately following the ARL Membership Meeting
Thursday, August 23, 2012
RSC Publishing Price List 2013 (Royal Society of Chemistry)
The RSC 2013 Publishing Price List for journals, databases, ebooks and various collections is now available online
Grant Awards announcement: Native Hawaiian Library Services Grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has announced three awards totaling $552,000 for Native Hawaiian Library Services
Nomination period for the 2012 I Love My Librarian Award open through September 12
Library users can now nominate a librarian for the 2012 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. The nomination form is available on, the American Library Association's public awareness website. The award invites library users to recognize the accomplishments of librarians in public, school, college, community college and university libraries for their efforts to improve the lives of people in their community. Up to 10 librarians will be selected as winners. Each will receive a $5,000 cash award, a plaque and a $500 travel stipend to attend an award ceremony and reception in December in New York
EUscreen releases Online Exhibitions
The EUscreen collection includes thousands of items. To help users get the most from the EUscreen material, researchers, experts and members of its partner broadcasters and audiovisual archives have created a series of online exhibitions. These exhibitions cover historical events, political debates and everyday life in Europe
SPIE launches new Open Access program for all journals
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, has announced a new program that provides Gold Open Access upon publication for a journal article for which authors or their institutions pay voluntary page charges, beginning in January 2013
Grants will digitize Obama memorabilia, early maps (USA)
Cornell University Library and the College of Arts and Sciences have awarded 11 new grants to create new digital content in support of visual and interactive learning, teaching and research. Valuable resources ranging from African-American photographs to maps of Southeast Asia will soon be available to researchers, thanks to the Grants Program for Digital Collections
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
OCLC provides shared discovery experience with WorldCat Local for AdamNet library consortium in Netherlands
OCLC has successfully completed implementation of the WorldCat Local shared discovery service for AdamNet, a consortium of over 30 libraries in greater Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With WorldCat Local, libraries in the region have enhanced the ability of their users—as well as users around the globe - to access their unique materials. AdamNet's shared discovery service is currently in production for 14 of its member libraries
BookPsychic is an easy and fun personal recommender system for library patrons - like Netflix or Amazon, but all about what's in and what's popular at your library
JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.0 (ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012)
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has announced the publication of a new American National Standard, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012. JATS provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content by preserving the intellectual content of journals independent of the form in which that content was originally delivered. In addition to the element and attribute descriptions, three journal article tag sets (the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, the Journal Publishing Tag Set, and the Article Authoring Tag Set) are part of the standard. While designed to describe the textual and graphical content of journal articles, it can also be used for some other materials, such as letters, editorials, and book and product reviews....
E-News for ARL Directors - July/August 2012
E-News for ARL Directors - July/August 2012 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
2012 SEFLIN Virtual Conference (USA)
2012 SEFLIN Virtual Conference: eBooks: Benefits, Challenges, and the Future - Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
SAGE launches Critical Research on Religion Journal
SAGE has announced the launch of Critical Research on Religion in April 2013
The SLA Information Book Award 2012 (UK)
The SLA Information Book Award is an annual event celebrating information books, and is designed to support school libraries and to reinforce the importance of non-fiction whilst highlighting the high standard of resources available. The first award ceremony took place in November 2011. The shortlist and full details of the 2012 Award have now been announced
Activists build library inside abandoned building in Oakland (USA)

CILIP in London Event: 'Find information fast - but where?
CILIP in London Event: 'Find information fast - but where?' - 13th September 2012 - London, UK
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 100(3) July 2012
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 100(3) July 2012 - is now available online
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #207
LISTen: An Program -- Episode #207. "LISTen is off hiatus with this episode. There are two essays of which one is inspired by a modest proposal made once upon a time by author Jonathan Swift. The other deals with infrastructure. A news miscellany is also presented.". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
Monday, August 20, 2012
NASIG 28th Annual Conference (USA)
NASIG 28th Annual Conference - June 6-9, 2013 - Buffalo, New York, USA
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Podcast: Coroners’ Inquests (UK)
Coroners' inquests produce a wealth of information for family historians. Ancestors might have been involved in a number of ways, such as members of the jury or another court official or as witnesses. Inquests don't just reveal how someone died - they also show how, where and with whom the deceased lived and how they got on with family, friends and neighbours. Kathy Chater has been tracing her own family history for over 30 years. She has taught genealogy and has written books and articles on the subject, including Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors and Tracing Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
The GiggleIT Project
The GiggleIT Project is a global collaborative publishing project hosted by the International Association of School Librarianship, working in partnership with the International Children's Digital Library
Gun group objects to library gun rule, enters with guns, compares it to racial discrimination (USA)

Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
National Journal of Medical Research
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology
ARYA Atherosclerosis Journal
Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Juridical Tribune
Frontiers in Oncology
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
Journal of Management and Science
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology
ARYA Atherosclerosis Journal
Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Juridical Tribune
Frontiers in Oncology
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
Journal of Management and Science
Friday, August 17, 2012
Gooru - a search engine for learning
Teachers and students can use Gooru to search for rich collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos, games and quizzes created by educators in the Gooru community. Gooru is free (of cost and ads) and developed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to honor the human right to education
Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (USA)
The National Endowment for the Humanities invites applications to the Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants program. This program is designed to encourage innovations in the digital humanities. By awarding relatively small grants to support the planning stages, NEH aims to encourage the development of innovative projects that promise to benefit the humanities. Receipt deadline is September 25 2012 for Projects Beginning May 2013
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - August 17, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Capitals. "This week's brainteaser is about the capital cities of various countries of the world. All the cities are given in their English spellings" Answers here.
1. Brussels is the capital city of which country?
2. What is the capital of Spain: Barcelona, Navarre or Madrid?
3. What is the capital of Greece?
4. What is the capital of the Philippines: Luzon, Mindanao or Manila?
5. What is the capital of Peru?
6. What is the capital of Tunisia: Casablanca, Tunis or Bizerte?
7. Is Addis Ababa the capital of Iran, Senegal or Ethiopia?
8. What is the capital of Bulgaria: Budapest, Warsaw or Sofia?
9. What is the capital of Malaysia?
10. Is Harare the capital of Tanzania, Zimbabwe or Libya?
1. Brussels is the capital city of which country?
2. What is the capital of Spain: Barcelona, Navarre or Madrid?
3. What is the capital of Greece?
4. What is the capital of the Philippines: Luzon, Mindanao or Manila?
5. What is the capital of Peru?
6. What is the capital of Tunisia: Casablanca, Tunis or Bizerte?
7. Is Addis Ababa the capital of Iran, Senegal or Ethiopia?
8. What is the capital of Bulgaria: Budapest, Warsaw or Sofia?
9. What is the capital of Malaysia?
10. Is Harare the capital of Tanzania, Zimbabwe or Libya?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Cites & Insights 12:8 (September 2012)
Cites & Insights 12:8 (September 2012) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
New JournalTOCs customisable current awareness service with a super-admin-user
Roddy McLeod writes on his blog: "This post is aimed mostly at librarians and information providers in academic, research and special (corporate, law, medical, etc) libraries and information services. It introduces an exciting new opportunity for creating effective, low-effort, low-cost, customisable current awareness services of scholarly journal articles for researchers and academics"
London Transport Museum Poster of the Week #20 (UK)

Search the Royal Air Force Muster Roll 1918 on has just published the nominal roll of Royal Air Force servicemen who were with the service when it was formed on 1 April 1918. This collection contains records for more than 181,000 men and can tell you vital information about your RAF ancestors, including:
Job in the RAF (trade classification)
Date and terms of enlistment
Rate of pay
The men included in these records originally joined either the Royal Flying Corps or the Royal Naval Air Service. These organisations were merged to form the RAF in 1918
Job in the RAF (trade classification)
Date and terms of enlistment
Rate of pay
The men included in these records originally joined either the Royal Flying Corps or the Royal Naval Air Service. These organisations were merged to form the RAF in 1918
Courtney Loder named 2012 winner of Paul Evan Peters Fellowship
The Coalition for Networked Information has announced the selection of Courtney Loder, a PhD student in the Department of Informatics at the University of California at Irvine, as the 2012 recipient of the Paul Evan Peters Fellowship for graduate study in the information sciences or librarianship. The fellowship was established to honor the memory of CNI founding Executive Director Paul Evan Peters; it recognizes outstanding scholarship and intellectual rigor, a commitment to civic responsibility and democratic values, and imagination
Scotland Magazine via Exact Editions

Discovery of the country's most historic houses and castles
Exploration of Scotland's dramatic lochs and landscapes
Visitors' guides to one of the great regions of Scotland
An insight into a leading clan
Scotland's finest cooking, with recipes
Reviews of the very best hotels, selected by the Scottish Hotel Awards
A historical appreciation of the most famous Scots over the centuries
And, so much more...
Wiley moves towards broader Open Access licence
John Wiley & Sons Inc. has announced revised licensing arrangements for proprietary journals published under the Wiley Open Access program. The journals will adopt the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence which allows commercial use of published articles. The Wiley Open Access portfolio also includes journals published with society partners, many of which will similarly transfer to the Creative Commons Attribution licence
Monday, August 13, 2012
2013 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant (USA)
The Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant is an annual $3,000 award open to U.S. libraries of all types. It is sponsored by Scholastic Library Publishing, a division of Scholastic, the global chidren's publishing, education and media company, and administered by the ALA Public Awareness Committee to support a single library's public outreach efforts during National Library Week (April 14-20, 2013). This year's application deadline is September 30, 2012
Freedom to Read Foundation unveils new website, blog (USA)
The Freedom to Read Foundation - the First Amendment legal defense organization affiliated with the American Library Association - has unveiled its new website. The site is a significant upgrade for the organization and will enhance the online experience for FTRF members, donors, grant and award applicants and those who want to know more about the cases and programs in which FTRF is involved
American Library Association releases 'Ebook Business Models for Public Libraries'
Based on conversations with publishers and deliberations on the e-book market, the American Library Association has released "Ebook Business Models for Public Libraries," a report that describes general features and attributes of the current e-book environment and outlines constraints and restrictions of current business models. The report, which was created by the ALA Digital Content & Libraries Working Group, suggests opportunities for publishers to showcase content through public libraries
Duke University Press preserves with the CLOCKSS Archive
The CLOCKSS Archive has announced that it has partnered with Duke University Press to preserve their ejournals in CLOCKSS's geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the world. By archiving with CLOCKSS, Duke University Press has committed to the preservation of their ejournals. This action provides for content to be freely available to everyone after a "trigger event" and ensures an author's work will be maximally accessible and useful over time
IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and other Information Workers
Librarians all over the world are well aware of their profession's ethical implications. In more than 60 countries library associations have developed and approved a national code of ethics for librarians.
Related professions like archivists and museum professionals do have international codes of ethics. For many years ICA (International Council of Archives) and ICOM (International Council of Museums) have developed, endorsed, and maintained their international codes of ethics for archives and museums respectively, but until now IFLA and librarians did not have a similar document.
During 2011 and 2012 a working group from FAIFE drafted and consulted extensively on a draft international code of Ethics for librarians. Hundreds of comments from IFLA Members and Non-Members were received to the draft, and a final version was prepared for the endorsement by the IFLA Governing Board. The IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and Other Information Workers was approved endorsed in August 2012
Related professions like archivists and museum professionals do have international codes of ethics. For many years ICA (International Council of Archives) and ICOM (International Council of Museums) have developed, endorsed, and maintained their international codes of ethics for archives and museums respectively, but until now IFLA and librarians did not have a similar document.
During 2011 and 2012 a working group from FAIFE drafted and consulted extensively on a draft international code of Ethics for librarians. Hundreds of comments from IFLA Members and Non-Members were received to the draft, and a final version was prepared for the endorsement by the IFLA Governing Board. The IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and Other Information Workers was approved endorsed in August 2012
Digital Curation Resource Guide
The Digital Curation Resource Guide presents over 200 selected English-language websites and documents that are useful in understanding and conducting digital curation. It covers academic programs, discussion lists and groups, glossaries, file formats and guidelines, metadata standards and vocabularies, models, organizations, policies, research data management, serials and blogs, services and vendor software, software and tools, and training. It is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. The Digital Curation Resource Guide complements the Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works, which was released in June
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Old Bulgarian trolleybus transformed into New Otets Paisiy Public Library

Mughal India: Art, Culture and Empire to be the British Library's major autumn exhibition
This autumn the British Library will explore one of the most powerful and splendid of all the world's great dynasties with Mughal India: Art, Culture and Empire, from 9 November 2012 to 2 April 2013. The 'Great Mogul' seated on a jewel-encrusted throne is one of the most enduring images of India. But apart from this almost mythical ruler, the Mughal dynasty produced a great number of rulers of outstanding ability in statecraft and culture, whether in empire-building or as patrons of art and architecture. This exhibition will be the first to document the entire historical period, from the 16th to the 19th century, through more than 200 exquisite manuscripts and the finest paintings drawn almost exclusively from the British Library's extensive heritage collection
Microsoft releases free reference ebooks
Microsoft has released some free ebook reference guides for its various software technologies
AASL releases an evaluation workbook for school librarians
The American Association of School Librarians has released a new publication that provides school librarians an opportunity to engage in rigorous self-evaluation and shape school administrator evaluations. "A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation," written by Patricia Owen, is available in both print and e-book formats, as well as in a print/e-book bundle
News from the Internet Archive No. 3, 7 August 2012
News from the Internet Archive No. 3, 7 August 2012 - BitTorrent, Radiators, and The Atom Strikes!
An interview with Karen Keninger, director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Karen Keninger became director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in March. She is the first person who is blind to direct the Braille and talking-book program. Keninger is former director of the Iowa Department for the Blind, a provider of vocational rehabilitation and independent-living programs and library services for blind and visually impaired individuals. She spoke with American Libraries in June about how her she plans to turn her lifelong patronage of the NLS to the advantage of its other users
Digital Library Digest: August 10, 2012
Digital Library Digest: August 10, 2012 from The Digital Public Library of America
Wyoming Library Association Annual Conference 2012
2012 Wyoming Library Association Annual Conference: Celebrate Our Past - Create Our Future - September 26-29, 2012 - Parkway Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Casper, Wyoming
Tibet Digital Library Promotion Project is launched
The 4th Working Conference on Partner Assistance to Tibet by National Culture and Cultural Relics System was held in Lhasa on 7 August. As one of the cultural assistance activities, Tibet Digital Library Promotion Project was launched officially in the conference. Zhao Shaohua, deputy secretary of the Ministerial CPC Committee of the Ministry of Culture and vice minister of the Ministry of Culture, and Duo Tuo, vice chairman of Tibet Autonomous Region, launched Tibet Digital Library Promotion Project. Wei Dawei, NLC deputy director, donated hand-held readers and digital resources hard disks to Tibet Autonomous Region Library, Linzhi Library, A'li Library, and Changdu Library
LINQ 2012: 1st European Conference on Learning Innovations and Quality
LINQ 2012: 1st European Conference on Learning Innovations and Quality - 23 October 2012 - Brussels, Belgium
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Canadian Subject Headings in SKOS/RDF format
Library and Archives Canada has announced the release of Canadian Subject Headings as linked data in SKOS/RDF format. CSH is a list of subject headings in the English language, using controlled vocabulary, to support resource discovery and express the subject content of documents about Canada and Canadian topics. French versions of these headings are established by the Université Laval Library in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM). The release of this data set is part of LAC's exploration of the potential for linked data and the Semantic Web. The release of further LAC vocabularies, metadata and open content as linked open data will be ongoing
Boundless - free textbooks for students
Boundless connects students with openly licensed, and free educational content content on the Web, with the goal of helping students save money on textbook costs. Boundless covers topics like biology, psychology, and economics, as well as newly added options like sociology, American history, writing, and physiology
New York University launches history of undercover reporting database
New York University has launched a database chronicling undercover journalism dating back to the 1800s. The archive, "Undercover Reporting," includes an array of stories, ranging from the slave trade in 1850s to efforts to boycott Jewish-owned businesses in the U.S. in the late 1930s to treatment of soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the 21st century
Mississippi Library Commission joins WebJunction Partner Program
The Mississippi Library Commission has joined the WebJunction Partner Program to provide library staff in Mississippi access to training resources through WebJunction that will keep skills up-to-date and help libraries respond to current patron needs
Friday, August 10, 2012
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
International Journal of Management and Business Studies
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Plura : Revista de Estudos de Religião
Journal of Animal Science Advances
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances
Journal of Animal Production Advances
Journal of Veterinary Advances
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Plura : Revista de Estudos de Religião
Journal of Animal Science Advances
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances
Journal of Animal Production Advances
Journal of Veterinary Advances
New prison ship records to search on
You can now search records for 8,900 prisoners held captive on prison ships, or hulks, on Hulks were ships used as floating prisons - often these were ships that were no longer fit for battle but were still afloat. This collection covers the period 1811-1843 and contains records for prisoners on the following hulks: Bellerophon, Euryalus, Hardy and Antelope, as well as a small number of records for Parkhurst prison. The records hold fascinating details about the prisoners, including the crime they had committed, the sentence they received and the report from their gaoler
New publication: Interdisciplinarity and Academic Libraries
ACRL has announced the publication of Interdisciplinarity and Academic Libraries, edited by Daniel C. Mack and Craig Gibson. It is number 66 in the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - August 10, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. "Here is another of our popular general knowledge quizzes, which test the breadth as well as the depth of your knowledge" Answers here.
1. In Charles Perrault's fairy tale about Cinderella, what vegetable or fruit was turned into a magnificent carriage for her?
2. What was the name of the bald detective played in a TV police series by Telly Savalas in the 1970s?
3. Which group of islands includes Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura?
4. Which part of the body is affected by the disease of silicosis?
5. What vegetable is used to make sauerkraut?
6. Was the musical "My Fair Lady" written by Lerner & Loewe, Rodgers & Hart, or Rodgers & Hammerstein?
7. The heads of four American presidents are carved on Mount Rushmore. Name three of these presidents.
8. Was the composer Vivaldi French, Italian or Greek?
9. What pseudonym was generally used by the American writer Samuel Langhorne Clemens?
10. What is the official language of Austria?
1. In Charles Perrault's fairy tale about Cinderella, what vegetable or fruit was turned into a magnificent carriage for her?
2. What was the name of the bald detective played in a TV police series by Telly Savalas in the 1970s?
3. Which group of islands includes Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura?
4. Which part of the body is affected by the disease of silicosis?
5. What vegetable is used to make sauerkraut?
6. Was the musical "My Fair Lady" written by Lerner & Loewe, Rodgers & Hart, or Rodgers & Hammerstein?
7. The heads of four American presidents are carved on Mount Rushmore. Name three of these presidents.
8. Was the composer Vivaldi French, Italian or Greek?
9. What pseudonym was generally used by the American writer Samuel Langhorne Clemens?
10. What is the official language of Austria?
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Smashwords has announced Library Direct
Smashwords has announced Library Direct, a new service that allows libraries and library networks to acquire and establish large opening collections of ebooks, direct from Smashwords. Library Direct is available to libraries that host and manage their own ebook checkout systems, typically using Adobe Content Server, and that are capable of acquiring a large opening collection
ARL publishes ARL Annual Salary Survey 2011-2012
The Association of Research Libraries has published the ARL Annual Salary Survey 2011–2012, which analyzes salary data for all professional staff working in the 126 ARL member libraries during FY 2011-2012. Data are reported for 9,910 professional staff in the 115 university ARL libraries and for 4,046 professional staff in the 11 non-university ARL libraries. Data for university library staff are usually reported in three distinct groups: general library systems, health sciences libraries, and law libraries
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
SAGE to publish Pacifica beginning February 2013
SAGE and the Pacifica Theological Studies Association have announced a new agreement to publish the Association's journal, Pacifica, beginning February 2013
Chicago Public Library amnesty program waives overdue fees for first time in 20 years
For the first time in 20 years, the Chicago Public Library is offering a fine amnesty program to encourage all patrons to return overdue materials and not allow fines to discourage students from taking advantage of the full resources offered at the library. From August 20 through September 7, late fines will be waived on all books, CDs, DVDs and other materials, no matter how long overdue. The amnesty will apply to all patrons and if an item has been lost, they will be responsible for paying only the replacement cost
XTF 3.1 now available
The California Digital Library has announced the release of version 3.1 of XTF is now available for download
DBpedia 3.8 released
DBpedia 3.8 has been released. The most important improvements of the new release compared to DBpedia 3.7 are:
1. the new release is based on updated Wikipedia dumps dating from late May / early June 2012
2. the DBpedia ontology is enlarged and the number of infobox to ontology mappings has risen
3. the DBpedia internationalization has progressed and we now provide localized versions of DBpedia in even more languages
1. the new release is based on updated Wikipedia dumps dating from late May / early June 2012
2. the DBpedia ontology is enlarged and the number of infobox to ontology mappings has risen
3. the DBpedia internationalization has progressed and we now provide localized versions of DBpedia in even more languages
The Happy Planet Index: 2012 report
The Happy Planet Index is a new measure of progress that focusses on what matters: sustainable well-being for all. It tells us how well nations are doing in terms of supporting their inhabitants to live good lives now, while ensuring that others can do the same in the future. In a time of uncertainty, the Index provides a clear compass pointing nations in the direction they need to travel, and helping groups around the world to advocate for a vision of progress that is truly about people's lives
Special Collections and Archives in the Digital Age: ARL releases final version of RLI 279
The Association of Research Libraries has published the final version of Research Library Issues no. 279, which is devoted to legal concerns and evolving professional practices around digitizing special collections and archival materials. A pre-publication version of this issue was released in June. The final version of issue 279 uses the streamlined layout that debuted yesterday with issue 278
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
New York Public Library launches series of free iBooks
New York Public Library has just released the first issue of Point, a monthly series of free iBooks, focusing on specific and timely collections from the Library's Digital Gallery. The inaugural issue, Kenn Duncan's Male Photography, features the photographer's stunning portraits of male actors of the late 1960s – 1980s, such as Christopher Walken, William Hurt, and Sal Mineo, and is a perfect complement to the Library's 2008 collaboration on Divas!, which highlighted Duncan's images of actresses such as Bette Midler, Angela Landsbury, and others
130 more Open Access and subscription Journals added to JournalTOCs
Roddy MacLeod has added 130 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 19,400 scholarly journals, including over 4,000 Open Access journals
Hawkhurst library tells council it wants books instead of computers (UK)
We want books in our library, not computers, was the message from Hawkhurst to Kent County Council. As part of Kent County Council's moves to make £1 million savings in library services, each facility in the Tunbridge Wells borough is being reviewed. Hawkhurst Parish Council has demanded to know what it could mean for the village library, in Rye Road. Parish councillor Margaret Brinsley, who met the council working party looking into libraries, said proposals to increase the number of computers did not make financial sense, and would have a serious impact on the number of books which could be stored there
Celebrating 50 years of Caribbean independence (UK)
To commemorate 50 years of Jamaican and Trinidadian independence, The UK National Archives is publishing images from the Colonial Office photographic collection on Flickr, the photo sharing website
SAGE partners with UC Berkeley on SAGE Open
SAGE and the University of California, Berkeley, have announced a partnership designed to encourage social science and humanities faculty and students at the university to make their work available to all by publishing in SAGE Open. Launched by SAGE in 2011, SAGE Open is the first peer-reviewed, broad-based, "Gold" open access social science and humanities journal. UC Berkeley will subsidize the author fee for 30 accepted papers to SAGE Open at a discounted rate. SAGE will reach out to UC Berkeley faculty and students to let them know about the subsidized fees. Additionally, SAGE will handle the billing and accounting for the fees so that it is a seamless transaction for UC Berkeley authors
NoWAL conference 2012 (UK)
The NoWAL conference 2012 "Beyond the Library: Student Transition and Success" will be taking place at the University of Cumbria, Carlisle campus on Tuesday 4 September 2012. NoWAL is a consortium of all the UK University and Colleges of Higher Education libraries in Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside
Librarians and Publishers Twitter chat
The next #uklibchat is being held on Tuesday 7th August at the usual time of 6.30 - 8.30 pm UK time. This week we will be discussing anything and everything to do with Librarians and Publishers - open access, ebooks and the state of the book trade could all feature
The August 2012 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing
The August 2012 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing. There are 3334 copies of 134 books available this month
First Monday - August 2012
First Monday - Volume 17, Number 8, 6 August 2012 now available. First Monday is a Great Cities Initiative of the University of Illinois at Chicago University Library, USA
Research Library Issues no. 278 published by ARL
The Association of Research Libraries has published issue 278 of Research Library Issues, which unveils a new streamlined look for this publication. This issue of RLI features strategies for managing time from Shirley K. Baker, recently retired from Washington University in St. Louis. Her insights stem from years of experience and address the critical balance of multiple priorities in a library director's life
Monday, August 06, 2012
Ovid's Resource of the Month - August 2012 - AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine
Each month, Ovid provides you with the opportunity to "test drive" a sampling of our content, tools and services - free of charge - through our Resource of the Month program. A different combination of resources is offered around the first business day of each month, so be sure to check back regularly to see what new resources are available
Complimentary online access to Breastfeeding Medicine for the month of August
In recognition of World Breastfeeding Week, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is providing free online access to 2011 and 2012 published issues of Breastfeeding Medicine for the entire month of August. Breastfeeding Medicine, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, is an international peer-reviewed journal providing physicians and other healthcare providers with the evidence-based information they need to ensure optimal care for both mother and infant
Dangerous Work: Diary of an Arctic Adventure - British Library to publish Arthur Conan Doyle's previously unseen Arctic diary
Library in box sprouts from Ballwin lawn (USA)

ebrary enhances strategic E-book acquisition program for public libraries
To enable public libraries to affordably and strategically meet the nonfiction e-book needs of patrons, ebrary®, a ProQuest business, has added over 9,000 new titles from publishers including Bentham Science and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt across acquisition models. More than 1,100 of the new titles are in subjects including health & fitness, photography and religion and are available through Public Library Complete™, which provides simultaneous, multi-user access and continued growth. These titles and an additional 7,900 e-books in subject areas such as history, sports, and art are now available for purchase outright or through ebrary's patron driven acquisition program. Many are also available for short-term loan
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Journal of the International Society of Swimming Coaching
Prisma Social
Psychology in Russia : State of Art
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
International Journal of Engineering Trend and Technology
International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management
Journal of Surgical Academia
African Technology Development Forum Journal
Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering
Russian Open Medical Journal
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics
Prisma Social
Psychology in Russia : State of Art
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
International Journal of Engineering Trend and Technology
International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management
Journal of Surgical Academia
African Technology Development Forum Journal
Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering
Russian Open Medical Journal
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics
The Print Archives Preservation Registry now available online
The Print Archives Preservation Registry is now available online. The registry is designed to support archiving and management of serial collections by providing detailed information about titles, holdings, and terms and conditions of the major print archiving programs. PAPR now includes a searchable database, tab-delimited reports for download, and the simultaneous display of title and holdings information from multiple print archiving programs, including the Western Regional Storage Trust, Law Library Microform Consortium, and CRL's JSTOR archive. It also references titles held in digital format by Portico and CLOCKSS. Most of the records included at this time are for the WEST project archives
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Libraries among £5m part-privatisation (Cornwall, UK)
Cornwall Council has taken "a leap of faith" into the part-privatisation of key services at a landmark meeting. The council will now ask two multinational companies to bid for a contract worth hundreds of millions of pounds to jointly run services such as libraries, payroll, benefit payments and one-stop shops. Council chiefs are looking to get other public-sector organisations signed up to the project, but the meeting heard that major partners such as the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust had not yet committed to the deal. Cornwall Council claims the project – known as shared services – will create 500 jobs and produce savings of £5 million in the first two years
PubMed Central changes name to PMC
PMC (formerly known as PubMed Central) has shortened its name in order to avoid confusion with PubMed. What's also new is PMC's look and feel, which has been updated to conform to NCBI's new standards for page design. This redesign allows for a cleaner and more uniform presentation across PMC's site as well as its article, issue and journal archive pages
Ariadne - Issue 69
Ariadne - Issue 69 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide. Subscribe to the RSS Feed
Digital Library Digest: August 3, 2012
Digital Library Digest: August 3, 2012 from The Digital Public Library of America
£300,000 grant for Prestatyn library (Wales)
Plans for a new library in Prestatyn have moved a step closer thanks to news of a successful funding bid. Denbighshire County Council had its application for £300,000 of funding from the Welsh Government museums, archives and libraries section CyMAL accepted - one of only two projects given maximum funding from the £1.2 million package announced. "The current library on Nant Hall Road is certainly not fit for purpose and would need substantial investment to bring its condition up to modern day standards," said Jamie Groves, Denbighshire's Head of Communications, Marketing and Leisure
Podcast: 'An impenetrable tangle or an under-used mine of information?' The Court of Common Pleas and its records, c.1200-1875
The Court of Common Pleas was the busiest court in England for almost all of the medieval and early modern period, dealing with tens of thousands of cases a year at its height, and continued to be an important arena for litigants until the reorganisation of the legal system in 1875. James Ross provides an introduction to the history of Common Pleas, its jurisdiction, and discusses ways into the numerous records of the court. Dr James Ross is head of the medieval and early modern team at The National Archives. He has worked on the records of the common law for many years
SAGE to begin publishing Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
SAGE has been chosen by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists to publish its journal, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, beginning in February 2013. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy began publication in 1933 and fostered advancement and growth of research, theory and practice in occupational therapy. Principle content of CJOT includes full-length empirical papers across the full range of methodologies as well as theoretical papers, methodological or conceptual reviews, and clinical or program descriptions and clinical case examples that have the potential to inform future research
New agreement signed in Russia enabling access to Nature archives
A new agreement on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has been signed with Nature Publishing Group enabling researchers, students and citizens across the country to access the Nature archives from 1869 to 2011. The agreement could provide site license access to up to 800 academic and not-for-profit institutions, including public libraries, in more than 100 cities throughout Russia
The Challenge of Ebooks: A JISC project wiki
This is a project to develop a Digital Infrastructure Directions Report for institutions on meeting the challenge of ebooks. It is a collaboration between JISC Innovation, JISC Collections, JISC Digital Media. The project is being managed by Ken Chad Consulting Ltd. The project started on 1 August 2012 and will run until autumn 2012. It will result in a report which will be widely disseminated
Friday, August 03, 2012
Maney journal of the month - Journal of Communication in Healthcare
From 1 August to 15 September Maney is lifting all access restrictions on all 2009-2011 Journal of Communication in Healthcare content to make it available to you completely free of charge
Deadline extended to submit presentation proposal to "Innovation in Libraries 2012"
The deadline has been extended to submit presentation proposal to "Innovation in Libraries 2012"
Expanded Access to eBooks on EBSCOhost® now available through GOBI3 Including Additional User Models and Demand-Driven Acquisitions
Librarians accustomed to selecting and managing their eBook collections through GOBI3 from YBP Library Services, the academic division of Baker & Taylor, now have additional access options for the more than 320,000 eBook titles from eBooks on EBSCOhost®. EBSCO Publishing and YBP have expanded the EBSCO eBook models that are available in YBP's acquisition and collection development interface
Carol Buck expresses her disappointment over the closure of some libraries in Doncaster (UK)
A wheelchair-bound campaigner has said she was "disappointed" after a judge rejected her legal challenge against the elected mayor of Doncaster who overruled a council's decision to save the town's libraries. Carol Buck has been left unable to visit her local library after the mayor of Doncaster, Peter Davies, closed two facilities and made cuts to 12 more. Two thirds of councillors voted in favour of an amendment to allocate funding to the libraries but Mr Davies refused to change his decision. A judicial review into the decision was launched at Leeds Combined Court Centre last month. But Mr Justice Hickinbottom dismissed the application on Wednesday. The judge said he appreciated the library closure will "adversely affect" Ms Buck
Brooklyn Academy of Music gets $1million grant from Leon Levy Foundation for digital archive
The Brooklyn Academy of Music has announced that it has received a four-year grant of $1 million from the Leon Levy Foundation to create a new digital archive to launch in May 2015
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - August 3, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: 20th-Century Events. "This week's brainteaser is about things that happened during the 20th century" Answers here.
1. The night before he died in 1968, which American said in a speech "I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land"?
2. What kind of animal was launched into space in 1957 in Sputnik 2?
3. Name one of the two cities on which atomic bombs were dropped in August 1945.
4. Which German city was blockaded by Soviet Forces from June 1948 to May 1949?
5. Which American president was known as LBJ?
6. Which important international position was held by Kofi Annan from 1997 to 2006?
7. What was the title of Elvis Presley's first million-selling single in 1956?
8. Which island in the Mediterranean was invaded by Turkish soldiers in 1974, taking the northern part of the island?
9. Name one of the two boxers who fought the "Rumble in the Jungle" in Kinshasa on 30 October 1974.
10. From 1932 to 1968, Antonio Salazar was prime minister of which country: Italy, Hungary or Portugal?
1. The night before he died in 1968, which American said in a speech "I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land"?
2. What kind of animal was launched into space in 1957 in Sputnik 2?
3. Name one of the two cities on which atomic bombs were dropped in August 1945.
4. Which German city was blockaded by Soviet Forces from June 1948 to May 1949?
5. Which American president was known as LBJ?
6. Which important international position was held by Kofi Annan from 1997 to 2006?
7. What was the title of Elvis Presley's first million-selling single in 1956?
8. Which island in the Mediterranean was invaded by Turkish soldiers in 1974, taking the northern part of the island?
9. Name one of the two boxers who fought the "Rumble in the Jungle" in Kinshasa on 30 October 1974.
10. From 1932 to 1968, Antonio Salazar was prime minister of which country: Italy, Hungary or Portugal?
Maney Publishing acquires two journals from J. Ross Publishing
Maney Publishing has announced the acquisition of the International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research from J. Ross Publishing. Maney will publish both titles from 2013, bringing its list of materials science and engineering journals to thirty
emtacl12 (Norway) - programme now available
emtacl12 is a technology-oriented conference for information professionals working in higher education - 1-3 October 2012 - Trondheim, Norway. Programme now available
Thursday, August 02, 2012
SAGE launches Mobile Media & Communication Journal
SAGE has announced the launch of Mobile Media & Communication in January 2013. Mobile Media & Communication will be a peer-reviewed forum for international, interdisciplinary academic research on the dynamic field of mobile media and communication. Co-edited by Rich Ling (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Veronika Karnowski (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany), Thilo von Pape (University of Hohenheim, Germany) and Steve Jones (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA), the journal will focus on research with a technical, economic, and design aspect that help to enlighten the social dimensions of mobile communication
A new Copyright and Schools website is launched (UK)
Copyright and Schools is a working group of representatives from the licensing bodies that provide licences for the use of copyright material in the schools sector. The group aims to manage the issues that surround copyright in schools through raising awareness, providing information and increasing the two-way understanding of the concerns of both our rights-holders and the schools that benefit from using their work. The Copyright and Schools website is an information resource to help schools navigate copyright licensing and understand how copyright material can be used legally within a school - providing accessible, relevant and up to date information to support the curricular and extracurricular use of copyright content
Tales from the Terminal Room - July 2012, Issue No. 102
Tales from the Terminal Room - July 2012, Issue No. 102 is now available. Tales from the Terminal Room is an electronic newsletter that includes reviews and comparisons of information sources; useful tools for managing information; technical and access problems on the Net; and news of RBA's training courses and publications. Editor: Karen Blakeman. Published by RBA Information Services
Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data. Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant #OCI-0830944) as one of the initial DataNets, DataONE will ensure the preservation, access, use and reuse of multi-scale, multi-discipline, and multi-national science data via three principle cyberinfrastucture elements and a broad education and outreach program
Vanessa Redgrave, Stephen Fry and Sir Peter Hall to support Bodleian's public appeal to digitize the first volume of Shakespeare's plays
Great names from the world of arts, culture and academia including actress Vanessa Redgrave, actor Stephen Fry, acclaimed theatre director Sir Peter Hall, Founder of the Royal Shakespeare Company, celebrated theatre producer Thelma Holt and Shakespeare scholar Professor Jonathan Bate from the University of Oxford are championing the Bodleian Libraries' fundraising campaign, Sprint for Shakespeare, which is launched this week. The campaign aims to raise £20,000 by public appeal, funds needed to digitize and make available online the first collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, dating c. 1623, also known as the First Folio
Synergy: News from ARL Diversity Programs - Issue 9, July 2012
Synergy: News from ARL Diversity Programs - Issue 9, July 2012 is now available from the Association of Research Libraries
ACRL joins LCA colleagues and EFF to file Amicus in support of Google Book Search
On August 1, 2012, members of the Library Copyright Alliance (the American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries and Association of College and Research Libraries), together with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, filed a friend of the court brief in Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., a lawsuit in which authors allege that Google violated copyright by scanning books to create Google Book Search, a search tool similar to its Internet search engine. The LCA/EFF brief defends GBS as permissible under the doctrine of fair use, a flexible right that allows copying without payment or permission where the public benefit strongly outweighs the harm to individual rightsholders
Crossroads: The monthly newsletter from WebJunction - August 2012
Crossroads: the newsletter of - August 2012 issue is now available
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Wiley launches new interdisciplinary review WIREs Energy and Environment
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has announced the launch of a new interdisciplinary review publication, WIREs Energy and Environment, publishing online this month
The Survey of Library Database Licensing Practices, 2012 Edition
This 116-page report studies the database licensing practices of 60 academic, public, corporate, and law libraries from across the globe, representing more than a dozen countries and regions including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and continental Europe, as well as a handful of participants from developing countries. With more than 200 tables, the report covers issues such as the importance of mobile computing, the use of library consortia, the use of open access and electronic resources, and the indexing of blogs, wikis, and listservs. Statistics are given citing library content spending, overall licensing volume, renewal and cancellation rates, contract terms, content licensing pricing, and general library usage. How has database usage at the library changed over the past year? How do these libraries rate their most frequently used database vendors and what problems have they encountered? What subjects of database content are expected to benefit from an increase in spending? These questions and more are answered in this detailed study on the database licensing practices of a wide array of libraries
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