Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thomson Reuters partners withSciELO
The Intellectual Property & Science division of Thomson Reuters has announced it has partnered with Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) to host the SciELO database on Web of Knowledge
Digital Library Digest: July 27, 2012
Digital Library Digest: July 27, 2012 from The Digital Public Library of America
Audio: Interview with Terry Cook on the Importance of History, and the neglect of Library and Archives Canada
Terry Cook discusses the cuts to, and neglect of, Library and Archives Canada
JISC Collections 2012 Annual Conference and AGM (UK)
JISC Collections 2012 Conference and AGM: Paddles, Propellers, Sails and Steam - 20 November 2012 at Brunel's ss Great Britain in Bristol
Partnership between EBSCO Publishing and Apabi adds Simplified Chinese E-books to EBSCO Discovery Service™
EBSCO Publishing and Apabi have come to an agreement allowing metadata from Apabi's e-book collection to be added to the Base Index of EBSCO Discovery Service™. The e-books from Apabi are designed to offer a vast collection in a variety of subject areas to researchers in higher education, public libraries, corporations and government
History of Supreme Court Nominations now available at HeinOnline
History of Supreme Court Nominations is now available as an a-la-carte library in HeinOnline. This new collection brings together hundreds of articles, hearings, documents, and titles to create a historical database of some of the most influential Supreme Court Justices to serve in the United States
Chief executive (12) launches library system (Ireland)

Monday, July 30, 2012
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 16, July 30, 2012
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 17, No. 16, July 30, 2012 is now available. Contents:
* Arms Control Association
* Fair Contracts.org
* Lowering the Bar
* Arms Control Association
* Fair Contracts.org
* Lowering the Bar
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - July 30, 2012
The July 30, 2012 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Rare books discovered in hidden cupboard (Scotland)
A collection of rare books, including an illustrated copy of Paradise Lost, has been discovered in a hidden cupboard in a Scottish library. The literary haul was found in Greenock's Watt Library by archivist Neil Dickson. The collection includes a 1538 edition of letters by Roman philosopher Cicero and an 1827 illustrated
edition of John Milton's Paradise Lost - one of only 50 copies. The books have now been put on display at the town's McLean Museum
Dirty Linen: online exhibition (UK)

The British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2011/12
The theme of this year's Report is 'The Power of Partnership', focusing on the Library's work with leading partners in both the public and commercial sectors to broaden our range of services for users and offer greater access to our collections
A/V Geeks fundraiser to digitize 100 miles of film
A/V Geeks has done a lot of digitization of old film for The Internet Archive. They are trying to raise funds to digitize many more hours of footage to put up on archive.org which will be free to view and use by the public
PLA’s upcoming webinar challenges attendees to shake up traditional thinking in public library management
At 1 p.m. CDT on August 8, the Public Library Association will host a live, hour-long webinar, "Are Your Mental Models of a Library Holding You Back?" to inspire library directors, managers and supervisors to shake off assumptions about their library and start thinking outside-the-box. Join presenter Cheryl Gould, library training consultant, Infopeople, for an interactive webinar that will highlight mental models that can inhibit growth and new ideas in the public library world. Registration deadline is August 6, 2012
Podacst: Colonial lives, careers and policies: researching printed papers of the British colonial governments
The printed papers of colonial governments held by the Colonial Office, including government gazettes and sessional papers of colonial assemblies and parliaments, contain a wealth of detail for historians and genealogists. This podcast outlines the content of the printed papers from the first half of the 19th century to the end of empire; a rich but underused resource. Dan Gilfoyle studied history at the universities of the Witwatersrand, London and Oxford. He is a records specialist at The National Archives and has written a number of publications on the history of science in the colonies
News archives will bring Philadelphia history into focus at Temple University (USA)
The history of 20th Century Philadelphia just came into sharper focus at Temple University. The university's Urban Archives, a collection that charts the social, cultural and political history of the city, is now home to the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News archives from 1900 to 2005. The archives - the equivalent of more than 675 file cabinets-worth of original clippings, photos, and negatives dating roughly from 1900 to 2005 - were transferred to Temple in June by Interstate General Media, the newspapers' parent company, as the organization moved from 400 North Broad Street to a new headquarters at 801 Market Street. Temple's Urban Archives, part of the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC), also house the Evening Bulletin, 6ABC, and KYW-TV archives, making it one of the most significant primary resources available on city and regional history
More music on the The Internet Archive
Brewster Kahle reports on updates to the music collection on The Internet Archive
REP100: a celebration of 100 years of theatre-making (Birmingham, UK)
At the centre of REP100 will be a new online digital archive, including reminiscences from our (Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company) audiences to create a new archive of oral histories. There will also be exhibitions, an audio tour of the Old REP and The REP, a range of heritage activity days and much more. REP100 will tell the story of the writers, directors, designers, actors, photographers, wardrobe, set-builders, stage crew, administrators and critics who have made The REP what it is today. REP100 will also tell the story of our audiences and our city, illustrating how theatre touches individuals whilst also reflecting a point in time and a view of the world
Videos from OCLC Research Library Partnership Libraries Rebound meeting now available
Videos of all Libraries Rebound presentations and discussions are now available on YouTube and on the OCLC Research website. There are 17 videos total. The OCLC Research Library Partnership meeting, Libraries Rebound: Embracing Mission, Maximizing Impact, took place 5-6 June 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. It focused on the implementation of distinctive services that better align the library with the mission of its parent institution
New home for Nature Network blogs on SciLogs.com
SciLogs.com, a new English language blogging network for scientists and science communicators, has launched today. Nature Network bloggers will be amongst the first to take up their new home on the Wordpress-based site. SciLogs.com is hosted by Spektrum der Wissenschaft, part of Nature Publishing Group. The English language site joins the popular German language blogging network, SciLogs.de, and Dutch (SciLogs.be) and Spanish (SciLogs.es) sites, which together have more than 100 active bloggers
Library and Archives Canada preparing for big move
Library and Archives Canada compiled the first-ever master list of its items before a move into a new $34-million collection storage facility
Saturday, July 28, 2012
National Endowment for the Humanities announces award to build "library of the future" (USA)
The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced a $1 million award to support the incorporation and launch of the Digital Public Library of America, a groundbreaking project that seeks to digitize and bring together the contents of our nation's (USA) libraries and archives, and make them freely available to all online. To be created through a coalition of libraries, archives, museums, and other nonprofit and academic entities in coordination with the Open Knowledge Commons, the Digital Public Library of America will ultimately serve as a single portal for diverse, interdisciplinary digital archives from a range of institutions. It would allow scholars, students, and lifelong learners to simultaneously access multiple collections
Challenges to Materials and Policies in Canadian Libraries 2011
Challenges to Materials and Policies in Canadian Libraries 2011: Report of the Annual Survey of the Intellectual Freedom Advisory Committee, Canadian Library Association by Donna Bowman and Alvin M Schrader - July 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
EBSCO Discovery Service™ expands United Kingdom content with Dandy Booksellers Agreement
Dandy Booksellers' Public Information Online is the latest content source to be added to EBSCO Discovery Service™. Public Information Online is an archive of United Kingdom Parliamentary and official documents
A new chapter for Beijing's libraries

JAMA Network
The JAMA Network brings JAMA together with the 9 specialty Archives Journals to offer enhanced access to the research, reviews, and perspectives shaping the future of medicine. Through a variety of innovative tools, The JAMA Network provides the insights that matter most to medical research and practice
150,000 new Devon parish marriage records published on findmypast.co.uk
findmypast.co.uk has just published 150,000 new Devon parish marriage records. The records span the period 1837-2002
ARL selects Diversity Scholars for 2012–2014
The Association of Research Libraries' Committee on Diversity and Leadership has selected 14 masters of library and information science students to participate in the 2012–2014 Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce as ARL Diversity Scholars
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - July 27, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. "Here's another brainteaser to test the breadth as well as the depth of your knowledge" Answers here.
1. What is the usual word for a male duck?
2. In which sport do players shout "fore" as a warning that they are about to make a shot?
3. Which state of the USA is known as the "Lone Star State"?
4. Which band did English pop star Robbie Williams sing with from 1990 to 1995?
5. The Bay of Biscay is bounded by which two countries?
6. Is a tarboosh a kind of plant, hat or carpet?
7. Which painter was portrayed by Kirk Douglas in the 1956 film "Lust For Life"?
8. Is pertussis another name for whooping cough, measles or jaundice?
9. How many symphonies did Johannes Brahms complete: four, seven or ten?
10. Who wrote the novels "The Grapes of Wrath", "Tortilla Flat" and "East of Eden"?
1. What is the usual word for a male duck?
2. In which sport do players shout "fore" as a warning that they are about to make a shot?
3. Which state of the USA is known as the "Lone Star State"?
4. Which band did English pop star Robbie Williams sing with from 1990 to 1995?
5. The Bay of Biscay is bounded by which two countries?
6. Is a tarboosh a kind of plant, hat or carpet?
7. Which painter was portrayed by Kirk Douglas in the 1956 film "Lust For Life"?
8. Is pertussis another name for whooping cough, measles or jaundice?
9. How many symphonies did Johannes Brahms complete: four, seven or ten?
10. Who wrote the novels "The Grapes of Wrath", "Tortilla Flat" and "East of Eden"?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
JISC Collections hold the key for RSC digital expansion
The Royal Society of Chemistry has signed a three-year agreement with JISC Collections for the latest deal expanding access to the RSC's international journals portfolio
Podcast: England and Scotland at War, 1296-1513: sources at The National Archives
At a time when the position of Scotland in the Union is the subject of renewed debate, this podcast reminds us of the outright hostility that underlay the relationship of England and her northern neighbour during much of the medieval period. Next year's 500th anniversary of the Battle of Flodden and the recent publication of a new book of essays on this subject provide a useful opportunity to show how the records at The National Archives illuminate why and how England and Scotland spent so much time at war between 1296 and 1513. Dr Sean Cunningham is part of the medieval and early modern records team at the National Archives, where he has worked for sixteen years. He has published books and articles on late medieval England, including a biography of King Henry VII
Podcast: Charities and their records for family historians (UK)
Charities have been operating in many forms for nearly 800 years. They were at their most important in Victorian England where in some places they rivalled the poor law in providing for the unfortunate. This podcast explores the history of charities and the records you can use to research ancestors who either sought their aid or who helped to run them. Simon Fowler is a freelance researcher, historian and writer. He worked on and off at The National Archives/Public Record Office for over 30 years. Simon has found charity records fascinating ever since he studied them for a PhD
American Society for Microbiology 2013 subscription prices
The American Society for Microbiology has announced 2013 subscription prices for its 9 primary research and 2 review journals
The MIT Press announces mobile version of journals website
The MIT Press has announced that the website of its Journals division is now optimized for use on mobile devices. This beta mobile version is compatible with the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android devices. All regular article content from the full site is available through the mobile version, as well as the content within the Just Accepted and Early Access programs
Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies, from AWOL - The Ancient World Online, includes 1201 titles
Content from Persée now searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service
Persée content is now available via EBSCO Discovery Service™ from EBSCO Publishing. Due to a recent agreement with Persée, EBSCO Discovery Service, now indexes scientific French journals in the field of humanities. EDS offers metadata for all Persée content and searchable full-text for freely available content
Should libraries charge for e-books? (UK)
A proposal for libraries to charge for e-books will be considered by the government, as part of a wider review into lending. The idea was put forward by Justin Tomlinson, a Conservative backbench MP, who warned that the future was bleak for town hall libraries without radical action. He said that 94 local authorities offered e-books, but told ministers they had little stock because the big six publishers would not release the books. That was, primarily, because the private label rights (PLR) arrangement which gives publishers and authors 6p every time a physical book is lent out does not apply to e-books. Yet e-books were clearly the future, with sales up a staggering 366% in 2011 - while physical book sales, in the first half of last year, plunged to a ten-year low - Informed Communications
Green light for Scottish sound archive development
The Scottish Government will provide financial support for the National Library of Scotland to pilot a national sound archive. First Minister Alex Salmond announced that the Library is to receive £100,000 for sound archiving development. NLS will work on the archive pilot with a Skye-based digitisation project. Since 2006, 'Tobar an Dualchais' has digitised, catalogued and made available online over 11,500 sound recordings from all over Scotland. Some recordings date back to the 1930s, while the most recent were recorded in 2000
Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI) - First Annual Report
COAPI was formed after two conference calls between 21 North American universities with open access policies, in the summer of 2011. The first call was in July 2011 and the second in late August when the decision to form the coalition was made
Four million CC-licensed videos uploaded to YouTube
There are now four million Creative Commons-licensed videos on YouTube. That's over forty years' worth of footage to remix and reuse, all licensed under CC BY, the most permissive CC license
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Scope unveils the latest version of ConSCIse™
Scope eKnowledge Center has announced the launch of Version 1.3 of its ConSCIse solution for generating abstracts and keywords for scholarly literature such as books, book chapters, journal articles, patents, conference proceedings, clinical summaries and other documents
OCLC Research Quarterly Highlights - Issue 5
OCLC Research Quarterly Highlights - Issue 5: 4th Quarter: April–June 2012 is now available
OCLC opens data center in Toronto, Canada
As part of a plan to operate local and global systems at Webscale service levels, OCLC is now operating a new data center in Toronto, Canada. The Toronto center becomes the fifth international data center in OCLC's worldwide network and will enhance the cooperative's ability to deliver OCLC WorldShare Management Services to member libraries in Canada. Over the past eight months, OCLC opened data centers in Sydney, Australia, and London, England, while maintaining its two primary operations data centers in the United States. Another data center in Europe is scheduled to come online in 2013
Authors face royalty threat from volunteer libraries (UK)
The UK government is facing anger from authors shocked to discover that they are not entitled to royalties for books borrowed from libraries run by "big society"- inspired volunteers. Such libraries are mushrooming as community groups are forced to step in to save their local libraries from closing as a result of spending cuts. The Society of Authors (SoA) warns that authors may take legal action against the government over copyright infringement on loaned books. Under Public Lending Right (PLR) legislation, authors are paid each time their books are borrowed from a library. Although the sum is a mere 6p a loan, with a £6,000 cap, it can make all the difference to authors, whose earnings average £5,000 a year. But PLR, as currently defined, applies only to public libraries. Writers fear their earnings will dwindle as more libraries become voluntary - The Guardian
Search new Oldham WWI records on findmypast.co.uk
findmypast.co.uk has just published two new sets of WWI records: Oldham Employers' Roll of Honour 1914-1920 and Oldham Pals 1914-1920
Australasian Colonial Legal History Library
The Australasian Colonial Legal History Library includes databases of Australasian legal history accessible via AustLII. Catalog and Websearch enables browsing of Australasian legal history related materials on other websites as does Law on Google
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Is the academic publishing industry on the verge of disruption? (Simon Owens)
Simon Owens, an editor for US News & World Report, has a new article out on the growing tension between university libraries and academic publishers over the rising costs of journal subscriptions. It argues that the open access journal has reached a tipping point and will finally disrupt the entire industry
Toronto Public Library to advertise on date-due slips (Canada)
In an attempt to diversify its revenue and funding sources, the Toronto Public Library is seeking an agency partner to provide it with advertising services on the back of the date-due slips issued to borrowers
San Francisco Public Library receives 505-year-old book

The Book Truck: mobile library hits Mexico City's streets

Winner of Travelling Librarian Award to explore how American libraries put citizens at the heart of the democratic process (UK)
The English-Speaking Union and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals have announced George Roe as the recipient of this year's Travelling Librarian Award. The award, open to CILIP Members, builds relationship between library and information professionals in the United Kingdom and their counterparts in the United States through a professional development study tour. The award of approximately £3000 will cover George's flights and some of his accommodation. Winners are encouraged to take up home hospitality with ESU branches in the US. George is Senior Indexer at the House of Commons Library and intends to use his grant to study how libraries in the United States can enrich the democratic process during the 2012 Presidential elections. He is keen to learn how US libraries have engaged people from a variety of backgrounds, especially those generally considered to be marginalised from the democratic process
Video: Save The Mendham Collection at Canterbury Cathedral Library
Last week it emerged that The Law Society's Mendham Collection, currently on deposit at Canterbury Cathedral library and under the joint custodianship of the University of Kent and the cathedral, is in the process of being broken up in preparation for auction at Sotheby's. The collection is, as The Law Society website describes, "a unique collection of Catholic and anti-Catholic literature including manuscripts and printed books ranging from the 15th to the 19th centuries". Despite an initial agreement with the Cathedral and the University to retain the collection until the end of 2013, many rare and valuable items are already being removed from the library (more details of the removal, including images of the items being packed away, at Girl in the Moon). Led by Dr Alixe Bovey, Director of the University's Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies and Chair of the Mendham Collection Task Force, both the University and the Cathedral are raising awareness of the removal in an attempt to garner public support and halt The Law Society's attempts to auction items from the collection to raise fund
"The Lady" magazine goes digital via Exact Editions

Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
World's second largest fashion collection at The Chicago History Museum goes digital
The Chicago History Museum has announced the launch of the online Digital Collection which currently features 1,382 digital images representing nearly 400 costumes, accessories, and fashion drawings including all costume materials exhibited in the museum's Charles James, Dior, Bertha Palmer, Chic Chicago, and I Do exhibitions. The official launch of the Digital Collection is on July 10, and will be accessible from the Chicago History Museum website. The Digital Collection is made possible by a generous donation from the Costume Council of the Chicago History Museum
Creating co-operative libraries (UK)
Creating co-operative libraries by Sally Prentice and Steve Reed - Lambeth Council is taking a radically different approach to transforming our library service. Despite losing a third of our available budget from the government we will not be closing any libraries, outsourcing the service to private companies or handing over library buildings to volunteers. Instead we have opened the first new library in Lambeth for over 40 years in a landmark building in Clapham High Street, and are protecting each of our existing library services. In a move that will hand local communities more control over their local libraries we will give each of our 10 libraries an individual budget so that community and library-user representatives can decide how it should be spent in running their local service. Some library buildings will be transferred to new trusts, with the council as a partner, while others will move to new buildings. Our vision is to develop the first co-operative library service in the country in partnership with the people who use our libraries as an integral part of Lambeth becoming a co-operative council...
Databib is a tool for helping people to identify and locate online repositories of research data. Over 200 data repositories have been cataloged in Databib, with more being added every week. Users and bibliographers create and curate records that describe data repositories that users can browse and search
Registration closes July 31 for the 2012-2013 WrestleMania® Reading Challenge
Registration will end July 31 for the 2012-2013 WrestleMania Reading Challenge. Register your library at www.ala.org/wrestlemania for the ninth annual challenge, sponsored by WWE® and the Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association
On-Demand Webinars from PLA let you learn when you want, where you want
On-Demand Webinars from the Public Library Association offer affordable, anytime access to archived PLA webinars. Nearly 20 webinars are currently available, with more being added each month. Current topic fields include: Administration/Leadership, Adult Services, Advocacy/Marketing, Buildings/Facilities, Collection Development/Readers' Advisory, Customer Service/Staff Development, Technology and Youth Services
Digital Library Digest: July 20, 2012
Digital Library Digest: July 20, 2012 from The Digital Public Library of America
Grant awards announcement: Museums for America
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has announced 152 awards totaling $18,113,376 matched with $34,666,759 of non-federal funds for Museums for America Program Grants. IMLS received 470 applications requesting $52,296,907
Saturday, July 21, 2012
New report: America's Digital Future: Advancing a shared strategy for digital public libraries,
Last November a group of public library leaders met to begin to address the future of public libraries as information is increasingly digital. There was much discussion about the Digital Public Library of America and the role of public libraries in that endeavor - as well as the possible impact of DPLA on public library usage and funding. It was agreed that this was not a time to sit back and see what happens. If public libraries don't serve the content the users want in the forms they want to consume it, their future is grim. A new report, America's Digital Future: Advancing a shared strategy for digital public libraries, summarizes the themes from the meeting and lays out an action plan for moving forward
New Chester wills and probate records add to findmypast.co.uk
findmypast.co.uk has added 8,163 new Chester wills and probate records. The new records cover the period 1711-1772
Apply now for Muslim Journeys, A Bridging Cultures Bookshelf Grant (USA)
The National Endowment for the Humanities, in collaboration with the ALA Public Programs Office, is accepting applications through September 25 for Muslim Journeys, a Bridging Cultures Bookshelf program. To apply, visit the Programming Librarian website. Applications from academic libraries of all types are encouraged
Cites & Insights 12:7 (August 2012)
Cites & Insights 12:7 (August 2012) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - July 20, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Foreign Phrases. "The English language has borrowed many phrases from foreign languages. Can you supply the meaning of these foreign phrases which have been taken into English?" Answers here.
1. Hors d'oeuvre.
2. Table d'hôte.
3. Carte blanche.
4. In loco parentis.
5. Bric-a-brac.
6. Bête noire.
7. Caveat emptor.
8. Art nouveau.
9. Rara avis.
10. Noblesse oblige.
1. Hors d'oeuvre.
2. Table d'hôte.
3. Carte blanche.
4. In loco parentis.
5. Bric-a-brac.
6. Bête noire.
7. Caveat emptor.
8. Art nouveau.
9. Rara avis.
10. Noblesse oblige.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
EBSCO Publishing's medical e-book collection now includes Elsevier health science titles
An agreement between EBSCO Publishing and Elsevier has significantly enhanced the e-book medical collection available through eBooks on EBSCOhost®. The agreement adds 965 health science titles to EBSCO's medical e-book collection with over 580 of the titles representing coverage from 2010 to the present
Lord Cholmondeley donates hundreds of books to Globe Academy (UK)

RSC launches £1 million Gold for Gold as Open Access transition begins (UK)
The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced a groundbreaking £1 million initiative to support British researchers as they begin the transition to Gold Open Access. 'Gold for Gold' is an innovative experiment to support the funder led evolution to Gold OA, by recognising institutes that subscribe to RSC Gold, a premium collection of 37 international journals, databases and magazines offering online access to all published material
Transforming our understanding of Middle Eastern history: The British Library and Qatar Foundation unveil project to digitise half a million pages of archive material
The British Library and Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development have unveiled an ambitious partnership to transform people's understanding of the history of the Middle East, and the region's relationship with Britain and the rest of the world. The £8.7 million project was announced at the British Library's flagship building in St Pancras, London. Its plans will digitise more than 500,000 pages from the archives of the East India Company and India Office, in addition to 25,000 pages of medieval Arabic manuscripts - all of which will be made freely available online for the first time
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Shakespeare: staging the world at The British Museum

Young Londoners affected by homelessness put on photography show at the British Library
Accompanying the British Library's current exhibition, Writing Britain: Wastelands to Wonderlands, the Library has launched a youth programme exploring London through the eyes of young people living in supported accommodation learning centres, known as Foyers. Writing London, a display of photography and creative writing opens tomorrow in the Library's public areas and will run in parallel with the major literature exhibition, until 25 September 2012
Exhibition: City of Words: Writers, Readers and Critics in Edinburgh (Scotland)
As part of the year-long celebrations, the University of Edinburgh is creating a series of exhibitions inspired by English Literature. Our central exhibition will tell the fascinating story of how the writing, reading and criticism of literature have been entwined in Edinburgh over the past quarter millennium. The exhibition will showcase books, letters and other artefacts illustrating the life and work of writers, critics and students involved in the study of literature at the University. It will also show how this study has been intimately interconnected with the literary life of the city, through diverse contacts between the University and Edinburgh writers, theatres, and publishing houses - 3 August - 27 October 2012
First World War airmen records now searchable by name (UK)
The service records of the first 320,000 airmen to serve with the Royal Air Force (RAF) and its forebears are now searchable by name following the conclusion of a successful cataloguing project. Staff and volunteers at The UK National Archives have added full names to the service numbers listed in the AIR 79 series, containing the records of airmen who served in the First World War. Previously, it was only possible to search the index of airmen on microfilm in the reading rooms at Kew
Video: Human chain moves 50,000 books for Vernal library (USA)
An estimated 300 volunteers turned out Saturday to help move 50,000 books from the old Uintah County Library into the new one. And they did it all by hand, forming a human chain that took book after book after book from the shelves in one building and put them on the shelves in the other
Open Access Status of Journal Articles from ERC-Funded Projects (ERC)
The main objective of this analysis is to estimate the extent to which journal articles from ERC funded projects are available in an open access. A list of 630 journal articles reported in 88 mid-term project reports formed the basis of this analysis. A web-based search to find openly accessible versions of these articles was undertaken from a computer network with no subscription linked to it. Articles were classified as available in open access if the web-based search yielded a copy of the journal article, an author personal copy or a pre-print
Library Copyright Alliance files second amicus brief in Authors Guild v. HathiTrust
On July 6, 2012, members of the Library Copyright Alliance (the American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries and Association of College and Research Libraries), together with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, filed a friend of the court brief in Authors Guild v. HathiTrust, urging a federal court to find that the fair use doctrine permitted the creation of a valuable digital library. The brief argues four main points: that the HathiTrust Digital Library is serving the public interest, that its tremendous public benefit tilts the analysis firmly in favor of fair use, that a legislative "fix" is both unnecessary and unworkable, and that the plaintiffs helped foster public reliance on the HathiTrust project, which the public should not be deprived of now
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Olympic lives now online at the British Library
With less than two weeks until the start of the London 2012 Olympics, the British Library is making available a selection of 61 oral history interviews documenting the lives and careers of sportsmen and sportswomen throughout the twentieth century. Available for anyone to listen to via the Library's Sounds website, the recordings include interviews with such Olympic and Paralympic legends as Daley Thompson and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, talking candidly about their sporting lives and the experiences that shaped them
Podcast: Magna Carta: What more is there to say?
The University of East Anglia's Professor Nicholas Vincent is a leading authority on the world of Magna Carta. Here, he discusses the work of the consortium of scholars and computer scientists who have recently been granted £1 million by the Arts and Humanities Research Council for a major project on the 'best-known document in English history' in the run up to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta in 2015
Scientific American introduces Tablet Edition for iPad
Scientific American, the longest continuously published magazine in the U.S., has unveiled its monthly tablet edition available for iPad. The Scientific American Tablet Edition is $5.99 per issue, or $34.99 for an annual subscription. It is available from the Apple App Store. Each issue combines the award-winning features and articles from the print edition with enriched content including videos, audio interviews, interactive graphics and slide shows. The Tablet Edition also provides daily updates from the world of science and technology, written by the Scientific American editorial staff and blogging network. Scientific American Digital and print subscribers have access to the Tablet Edition included with their subscription
The Altmetric Explorer
The Altmetric Explorer is a powerful web app that allows you to track the conversations around scientific articles online. Altmetric collects and analyzes hundreds of thousands of postings about tens of thousands of articles and datasets each month. It makes this data available to end users through an intuitive user interface and to developers through an API
New London Docklands baptism records to search
You can now search more than 13,000 new baptism records for the docklands areas of London on findmypast.co.uk
D-Lib Magazine - July/August 2012
D-Lib Magazine - July/August 2012 is now available. D-Lib Magazine is produced by Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools, SPEC Kit 328, published by ARL
The Association of Research Libraries has published Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools, SPEC Kit 328, which gathers information about what collaborative teaching and learning tools are currently being offered to users in ARL member libraries
Wonderlands: A Festival of International Writing for Children (UK)
Get set for an exciting three days of stories, words, drawings, conversations and explorations as some of the planet's most brilliant writers for children and young people appear at the British Library. Joining guests from the four corners of the world will be some of our best-loved British authors; including past and present Children's Laureates! Visit our amazing and intimate storytelling tent in the Poets' Circle, on the piazza, for tales from around the world to astonish and delight you. Come inside, get comfy and be transported to the magical world of stories - 24-26 August, 2012
A selection of articles from the Consortia Conference 2012 event
A selection of articles from the Consortia Conference 2012 event:
Information Today Europe (online). 'Library consortia: challenges but confidence in the future' by Catherine Dhanjal. 29 May 2012
Multimedia Information & Technology journal (online). 'Consortia Conference 2012: a review' by John Bottomley. May 2012. Vol 38, No 2
Cilip Update (online and print). 'Yes to partnership, no to outsourcing?' by Elspeth Hyams. July 2012
Information Today Europe (online). 'Library consortia: challenges but confidence in the future' by Catherine Dhanjal. 29 May 2012
Multimedia Information & Technology journal (online). 'Consortia Conference 2012: a review' by John Bottomley. May 2012. Vol 38, No 2
Cilip Update (online and print). 'Yes to partnership, no to outsourcing?' by Elspeth Hyams. July 2012
Open Access Geoscience Data Journal launched by Wiley
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has partnered with the Royal Meteorological Society to launch the Geoscience Data Journal as part of the Wiley Open Access publishing program. The new online-only journal will publish short, earth science data papers cross-linked to datasets that have been deposited in approved data centres and awarded DOIs
Monday, July 16, 2012
New Video: "Scanning and Photography in Special Collections"
In this five-minute video, OCLC Research Program Officer Jennifer Schaffner discusses two reports about streamlining the process of getting digitized special collections into the hands of researchers. The reports, "Capture and Release": Digital Cameras in the Reading Room and Scan and Deliver: Managing User-initiated Digitization in Special Collections and Archives were created in collaboration with staff from OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions
The July 2012 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing
The July 2012 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing. There are 2248 copies of 90 books available this month
Vivaldi's lost masterpiece is found in library archives
Orlando Furioso, the 1727 opera, is one of the great composer's masterworks, but a wholly different score from 1714 has been found among Vivaldi's personal papers
Sunday, July 15, 2012
American Periodicals Collection complete
Scholars of American history and culture now have an important online resource available: American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries, a digital collection of 375 popular and trade journals from the CRL collections. Digitized in collaboration with ProQuest, APCRL provides a window into everyday America from the 1850s to the 1920s, when economic and cultural forces converged to create a complex modern society. The collection contains a wealth of material on industrial development, new technologies, and innovations in transportation and communications. Researchers can explore such topics as: rationing of rubber and other resources during World War I; the impact of automobiles on urban planning; or changes in merchandising of hardware goods
EBSCO sponsors scholarship to 2012 Charleston Conference
EBSCO is sponsoring a $1,000 scholarship for a qualifying librarian or paraprofessional to attend the 32nd Annual Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, which will be held November 7-10, 2012, in Charleston, S.C, USA
NHS Education for Scotland selects DynaMed
NHS Education for Scotland has selected DynaMed™ from EBSCO Publishing as its preferred point of care resource for all NHS Scotland staff and students. NHS Education's Knowledge Network had offered DynaMed, as well as other point of care resources, to its users but recently selected DynaMed as the primary point of care resource due to its comprehensive coverage and frequent and reliable updates
Detroit Public Library to offer eBooks, digital downloads (USA)
In an effort to make books and other learning materials more accessible, Detroit Public Library will start offering audiobooks, eBooks, music, and videos as downloads from the library's website. The checked out materials can be viewed immediately or transferred to a variety of devices, including iPods, Sony Readers and many others
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Historic Welsh book of Hywel Dda saved for the nation with £541,250 purchase
A 14th century book chronicling laws framed in the name of a medieval Welsh king has been bought at auction by the the National Library of Wales for £541,250. The book, 'The Laws of Hywel Dda,' is the earliest manuscript of its kind ever offered in a public sale. Written in medieval Welsh several other copies of the laws, some of which also date from the 14th century, are held by the National Library of Wales, in Aberystwyth
Library and Archives Canada now on Facebook and YouTube
World's largest atlas acquired by the British Library
Rare recordings of William S Burroughs and Brion Gysin are released by the British Library
Business Insights: Essentials from Gale
Gale, part of Cengage Learning has announced Business Insights: Essentials, a new resource for research on business, companies and industries
GigaScience is a new integrated database and journal co-published in collaboration between BGI Shenzhen and BioMed Central, to meet the needs of a new generation of biological and biomedical research as it enters the era of "big-data." BGI (formerly known as Beijing Genomics Institute) was founded in 1999 and has since become the largest genomic organization in the world and has a proven track record of innovative, high profile research
Get a week's free access to The Economist
Get a week's free access to The Economist, including all online web content. Each week The Economist provides rigorous analysis on the topics that provoke debate and gives you informed opinion so you can decide where you stand. It covers pretty much everything under the sun (and, if you include the Science section, some things well beyond it)
Mark Twain museum joins calls to save Kensal Rise library (UK)
A director of the museum in the author's Connecticut home has urged ministers and Brent council to reopen the library, which Twain opened 100 years ago
Young Adult Library Services wins fifth APEX Award (USA)
Communications Concepts honored Young Adult Library Services, the quarterly journal of the Young Adult Library Services Association with its fifth Award of Excellence from the APEX Awards for Publication Excellence. YALS was recognized in the category of Print Journals and Magazines over 32 pages. The journal won for its Winter 2012 issue, which focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math content in libraries. Megan Honig edited the issue
Friday, July 13, 2012
SCATNews: Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section - June 2012
SCATNews: Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section - Number 37, June 2012 is now available online
Search new WWI plastic surgery records on findmypast.co.uk
You can now search records for 2,328 men who received facial plastic surgery from Dr Harold Gillies between 1917 and 1925
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - July 13, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: The Olympic Games. "As we approach the opening of the Olympic Games in London, it seems appropriate to have a quiz about the Olympics. All these questions refer to the summer Olympics, not the winter Olympics" Answers here.
1. The organization responsible for the Olympics is called the IOC. What do these letters stand for?
2. How often are the Olympic Games held: every two years, every four years, or every six years?
3. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 - in which Greek city?
4. Which black American athlete enraged Hitler by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin?
5. At the Olympics' opening ceremony, do the host country's athletes come first or last in the parade?
6. At the 1972 Olympics, members of the organization Black September took nine Israeli athletes hostage. The Olympics were held in which city that year?
7. Tarzan won three Olympic gold medals in 1924 and two more in 1928. What was his real name?
8. This year's Olympic Games will be held in the United Kingdom. Is this the first, second, or third time that they have been held here?
9. Which Jamaican athlete won the 100 metres and the 200 metres in the 2008 Olympics?
10. In 1980 and 1984, rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in each country boycotting games hosted by the other. In which cities were these Olympics held?
1. The organization responsible for the Olympics is called the IOC. What do these letters stand for?
2. How often are the Olympic Games held: every two years, every four years, or every six years?
3. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 - in which Greek city?
4. Which black American athlete enraged Hitler by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin?
5. At the Olympics' opening ceremony, do the host country's athletes come first or last in the parade?
6. At the 1972 Olympics, members of the organization Black September took nine Israeli athletes hostage. The Olympics were held in which city that year?
7. Tarzan won three Olympic gold medals in 1924 and two more in 1928. What was his real name?
8. This year's Olympic Games will be held in the United Kingdom. Is this the first, second, or third time that they have been held here?
9. Which Jamaican athlete won the 100 metres and the 200 metres in the 2008 Olympics?
10. In 1980 and 1984, rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in each country boycotting games hosted by the other. In which cities were these Olympics held?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
US National Archives at Atlanta opens Ellis Island Immigration exhibit July 21
On Saturday, July 21, 2012, the US National Archives at Atlanta will open a new exhibit titled "Ellis Island: The Lost Mural." The exhibit features a replica of a 1938 Works Progress Administration (WPA) mural from the Ellis Island immigrants' dining hall. The exhibit also includes portraits of famous immigrants and immigration-themed documents from the holdings of the National Archives. Featured immigrants include Alfred Hitchcock, Greta Garbo, Frank Capra, Erroll Flynn, Albert Einstein, Bob Hope, Stan Laurel, Greta Garbo, Werner Von Braun, Harry Houdini, Enrico Fermi, Desi Arnaz, Elizabeth Taylor, Irving Berlin, Charlie Chaplin, Ceila Cruz, Alexander Graham Bell and Rudolph Valentino
Findmypast.co.uk launches the Canterbury Collection
Findmypast.co.uk has launched the Canterbury Collection which comprises 128,000 images of Church of England parish baptisms, marriages, banns and burials for churches in the historic Archdeaconry of Canterbury. These images cover the vast period 1538-2005
Two new sets of Yorkshire parish records at findmypast.co.uk
findmypast.co.uk has made available two new sets of Yorkshire parish records
'Hamlet' at the Bodleian
Shakespeare's Globe season at the Bodleian has now kicked off with a performance of Hamlet. For the fifth year running the Bodleian Library and the Oxford Playhouse are hosting The Globe Theatre on Tour, with players taking to an Elizabethan style stage in the beautiful and atmospheric setting of the Old Schools Quadrangle
Maney journal of the month - The London Journal
From 1 July to 15 August 2012 Maney is offering free access to all content in The London Journal from the last 3 years
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Faces of 1812 (Canada)
Faces of 1812 presents some of the men and women, both combatants and civilians, who experienced the War of 1812. The War of 1812 united French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians, First Peoples, and the British against a common foe. The victory gained through their successful joint defence helped lay the foundations for modern Canada. This virtual exhibition highlights some of the rare portraits and archival documents presented in the exhibition Faces of 1812 on display at the Canadian War Museum, in conjunction with the Museum's own major exhibition, 1812. Both exhibitions will be shown from June 13, 2012 to January 6, 2013. This virtual exhibition also includes additional works that highlight the War of 1812 as a rich and continuing source of artistic inspiration, commemoration, and reflection
The Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters
The Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters project is an initiative of the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University in collaboration with several partners, which aims to collect, preserve, and make accessible as much of the digital record of the disasters as possible, to enable scholarly research and analysis of the events and their effect
Podcast: The Silken Paper Trail: openness and the national collective memory
Distinguished historians Professor the Lord Hennessy of Nympsfield and Professor Lisa Jardine CBE explore the value of our archival heritage and consider why 'sustaining the collective memory of the nation is a first-order requirement'. Lord Hennessy is Attlee Professor of Contemporary British History at Queen Mary, University of London, and President of the Friends of The National Archives. Professor Jardine is Centenary Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London, and a non-executive director of The National Archives
Podcast: Edwardian rollerskating
Between 1908 and 1912 interest in roller skating rose, boomed and declined. Influences on the rise were a general interest in all forms of wheeled transport and the role of US skate companies' agents. At the height of the boom there were at least 500 rinks. Decline followed with the rise of silent movies and economic recession. Particular attention will be drawn to material in The UK National Archives' dissolved and liquidated company archives. Sean Creighton is an independent historian. He has published on the Edwardian roller skating boom and related subjects. He organises history talks and walks about Battersea and Wandsworth, which has special links with roller and ice skating and he runs History & Social Action Publications
Podcast: Sedition, transportation and treason: the case of the London Corresponding Society
How did a small group of men discussing democracy in the coffee houses of London of 1792 lead to one of the most sensational treason trials of the eighteenth century? Using newly catalogued Home Office correspondence this talk will explore just how dangerous the activities of these 'Democrats' were, why these few working class Londoners were so feared and the suppression tactics employed by the Government which included detailed surveillance, undercover secret agents, the interception of mail and entrapment
The Reuters Institute Digital Report 2012
The Reuters Institute Digital Report 2012 reveals new insights about digital news consumption across Europe and the United States. Based on a representative survey of online news consumers across five countries – UK, US, Germany, France and Denmark – the report is the start of an ambitious project to track changing digital news behaviour over the next decade
Public libraries to lead initiative to ensure public access to digital content
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has awarded a $99,957 grant to OCLC for a new initiative, "The Big Shift: Advancing Public Library Participation in Our Digital Future." The purpose of the grant is to more fully understand the challenges that U.S. public libraries face in providing e-book content to borrowers, as they ensure that all Americans continue to have access to commercially produced content through their local public libraries, even as formats change
Copac adds Leighton Library, Dunblane
Copac has added the holdings of the Leighton Library, Dunblane. The library contains around 4,000 volumes and 78 manuscripts, dating from the 16th century to the 19th century. The collection is founded on the personal library of Archbishop Robert Leighton (1611-1684) and covers a variety of subject areas, including history and politics (particularly 17th century), theology, medicine, geography, languages and the occult
LMS Suppliers Showcase 2012 (Scotland)
This year's regional LMS Suppliers Showcase will be held on Thursday 20 September 2012 at The King James Hotel in Edinburgh. Fourteen leading LMS suppliers will be there for you to meet in an informal and relaxed, 'non-sales' environment, ready to demonstrate their systems, listen to your requirements and find solutions to your needs. This Showcase gives library and information professionals the chance to meet with specialist suppliers, and talk to the experts to see how you can get the most out of your library management system. The Showcase is FREE for visitors to attend, and refreshments are supplied all day 09.00 - 16.00 in addition to a sandwich lunch from 12.00 - 14.00. Visitors can drop in throughout the day and discuss their needs with a number of different vendors in one place
EBSCO Publishing and NoveList launch LibraryAware marketing resource with Visual Content from Getty Images
EBSCO Publishing and the creators of the readers' advisory service, NoveList® have announced the launch of LibraryAware™, a new online marketing program designed to meet the growing needs of libraries to create, deliver and measure promotional messages that extend outreach into communities and bring patrons into libraries
New Wales and Kent parish records to search at findmypast.co.uk
You can now search 29,420 new parish records for Merionethshire and North West Kent on findmypast.co.uk
PLoS celebrates milestone
PLoS has announced that its 50,000th research article was recently published
2012 Global Peace Index
The world has become more peaceful for the first time since 2009, according to the 2012 Global Peace Index. All regions excluding the Middle East and North Africa saw an improvements in levels of overall peacefulness. The 2012 GPI is the sixth edition of the world's leading measure of global peacefulness. Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the GPI ranks 158 nations using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators which gauge ongoing domestic and international conflict, safety and security in society and militarization
C&RL News – July 2012
C&RL News – July 2012 is now freely available online from The Association of College and Research Libraries
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Reference Research Review: 2011
Reference Research Review: 2011 - An annual bibliography highlighting selected works in the reference literature. Items selected and annotated by members of the American Library Association, RUSA/RSS Research & Statistics Committee (2011-2012)
72 more Open Access and subscription Journals added to JournalTOCs
Roddy MacLeod has added 72 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 19,300 scholarly journals, including over 4,000 Open Access journals
Springer launches new open access journal with Tsinghua University Press
Springer and Tsinghua University Press will jointly publish the new SpringerOpen journal Journal of Advanced Ceramics. This new international journal is the only English-language ceramics journal based in China, fully sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing at Tsinghua University
Library Camp 2012 (UK)
Library Camp 2012 brings together people who are interested in modernising and transforming libraries for one day of intensive debate, knowledge sharing and ideas. It's an unconference so anyone can lead a workshop or facilitate a session and it's free to attend. You don't have to be a librarian or even work in a library, you just need to be passionate about the future of libraries. This year the unconference will be back in Birmingham in October and we want to invite 200 people so we need to raise £1000 to pay for a venue and feed the campers - October 13, 2012
Louisiana eliminates state funding for libraries (USA)
The state budget approved last month by Louisana Governor Bobby Jindal eliminates funding that usually goes to the state's public libraries. The budget cuts $896,000 that the facilities typically earmark for Internet access, buying new books, and other services
Cambridge University Music Collections receive IAML(UK & Irl) Excellence Award
Cambridge University Library's Music Department and the Pendlebury Library of Music have been jointly awarded the 2012 IAML(UK & Irl) Excellence Award. The Excellence Awards for Music Libraries are presented by IAML (UK & Irl) every two years. They highlight and celebrate the good work that goes on in music libraries across the UK and Ireland
CILIP partners Online Information 2012 (UK)
The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals has announced that it is partnering the new format Online Information 2012 Conference and Exhibition which is taking place at The Victoria Park Plaza, London from 20-21 November. CILIP will work with the organisers to help promote Online Information's news and content to its members and will also support the event with a full preview of all that is taking place at the 2012 Conference and Exhibition in CILIP Update magazine. In addition, as part of its association with Online Information, CILIP has secured a 35% discount on Early Bird Conference delegate places for its members and following that 25% off the full rate
Monday, July 09, 2012
OCLC Research to Host "Wikipedia and Libraries: What's the Connection?" Webinar on 31 July at 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET (UTC 18:00)
All are welcome to attend this free webinar with OCLC Research Wikipedian in Residence Max Klein to learn what's happened between Wikipedia and libraries in the past and what it means for the future
LISTen: An LISNews.org Program -- Episode #206
LISTen: An LISNews.org Program -- Episode #206. "This week's episode is presented by the owner and engineer of Erie Looking Productions, Mike Kellat. He ran his own audio and there are some rough edges. Electricity-related items as well as a news miscellany are presented.". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
rebus:list is designed to manage all kinds of reading lists, ranging from university course reading for academic libraries, through to best seller lists for public libraries, and current awareness lists for specialist libraries. Fundamental to the design is the concept of complete reading list management aimed at supporting the entire workflow of generating, maintaining, and managing reading lists
Hotel replaces printed Bibles with Kindles (UK)
Last year, Gideons International distributed more than 84 million printed copies of the Bible around the world to students, hospitals, members of the military and, of course, hotels, where they are a ubiquitous sight in bedside tables. Starting this month, however, the InterContinental Hotels Group is modernizing that mission at one of its hotels, replacing the paper tomes with electronic versions of the Bible loaded on Kindle e-readers. Each of the 148 rooms at the chain's Hotel Indigo in Newcastle, England, will be outfitted with a Kindle with Wi-Fi. Guests can use the e-ink devices to catch up on scripture, as well as purchase and read any other books available in the Amazon Kindle store. The hotel was chosen for the pilot program because of its rich literary and publishing history: It's a few blocks from the Philosophical Society of Newcastle, one of the largest independent libraries in the UK. If it's a success, InterContinental could expand it to other locations, and other hotels might follow its lead - CNN
A Soviet design for life - exhibition (UK)
A Soviet Design for Life: The Catherine Cooke Collection of 20th Century Russian Architecture and Design is on display at Cambridge University Library's Exhibition Centre from July 4, 2012 to April 6, 2013 (admission free). Containing rare and unusual items, many on display for the first time, A Soviet Design for Life chronicles life in Russia from the late Tsarist period to perestroika through the prism of art, architecture and design
EPUB version of Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works
Digital Scholarship has released an open access EPUB version of the Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works
Project Gutenberg 40,000th eBook milestone
With little fanfare, Project Gutenberg reached #40000 in its eBook series; Extinct Birds: an attempt to unite in one volume a short account of those birds which have become extinct in historical times: that is, within the last six or seven hundred years: to which are added a few which still exist, but are on the verge of extinction, by Walter Rothschild
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Crossing Borders: Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library (USA)
Crossing Borders features a superb selection of over fifty Hebrew, Latin, and Arabic manuscripts from Oxford University's Bodleian Library, one of the world's richest collections of manuscripts and printed books related to medieval European Jewish civilization. The manuscripts, many of them exquisitely illuminated, illustrate the fertile exchanges between Christians, Muslims and Jews in the fields of art, science, and popular culture. Included is one of the Bodleian's greatest treasures: the magnificent Kennicott Bible. Many of the works in the exhibition are on view in the United States for the first time - September 14, 2012 to February 03, 2013 - The Jewish Museum, new York, USA
New free library card called 'passport to opportunity' (Memphis, USA)
Scottish Post Office directories
Over 700 digitised directories covering most of Scotland and dating from 1773 to 1911 are available for you to use. With their alphabetical list of a location's inhabitants and information on their profession and address, the directories enable you easily to find out where people lived at a certain time and how they earned their living
Abandoned Wal-Mart transformed into a functioning library (Texas, USA)

Information Today - July/August 2012 issues
The July/August 2012 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available
Saturday, July 07, 2012
TWIL #79: Aubéry Escande (The European Library)
Surfacing undiscovered library content. The importance of user testing in building new platforms. And the difficult task of aggregating a wide range of library content across Europe. All of this and more in this week's episode of TWIL: your weekly dose of library innovation
Friday, July 06, 2012
Thomson Reuters announces new 2011 Journal Citation Reports
The Intellectual Property & Science division of Thomson Reuters has announced the release of the 2011 Journal Citation Reports. The 2011 release, with separate editions for Science and Social Sciences, features the largest-ever JCR with 10,677 journal listings in 232 disciplines; 2,552 publishers from 82 countries are represented. A total of 528 journals receive their first Journal Impact Factor in this latest JCR release
2012 NAG Award for Excellence (UK)
Nominations for the 2012 NAG Award for Excellence are now open. The National Acquisitions Group makes an annual award designed to promote excellence, original thinking and innovation by a library or individual within the field of Acquisitions. Nominated projects should demonstrate innovative or good practice, and support for the use of standards and for the objectives of the National Acquisitions Group
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - July 6, 2012
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Lions. "This week's brainteaser is about lions, or things called lions or associated with lions." Answers here.
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "lion's share"?
2. What is the usual name for a group of lions?
3. What was the name of the lion that Joy Adamson raised from a cub, as described in the 1960 book "Born Free"?
4. Do male or female lions usually have manes?
5. The Golden Lion is usually awarded for the best film at which film festival: in Venice, Cannes or London?
6. Haile Selassie was called "The Lion of Judah". Which country did he rule from 1930 to 1936 and from 1941 to 1974?
7. The East African song "Wimoweh" was given what title when it was an American hit for the Tokens in 1961 and a British hit for Tight Fit in 1982?
8. In which Shakespeare play is Snug given the part of the lion to play in the masque of Pyramus and Thisbe?
9. Which instrument was played by jazz musician Willie "The Lion" Smith: piano, saxophone or trumpet?
10. Who wrote the 1913 play "Androcles and the Lion"?
1. What is the meaning of the phrase "lion's share"?
2. What is the usual name for a group of lions?
3. What was the name of the lion that Joy Adamson raised from a cub, as described in the 1960 book "Born Free"?
4. Do male or female lions usually have manes?
5. The Golden Lion is usually awarded for the best film at which film festival: in Venice, Cannes or London?
6. Haile Selassie was called "The Lion of Judah". Which country did he rule from 1930 to 1936 and from 1941 to 1974?
7. The East African song "Wimoweh" was given what title when it was an American hit for the Tokens in 1961 and a British hit for Tight Fit in 1982?
8. In which Shakespeare play is Snug given the part of the lion to play in the masque of Pyramus and Thisbe?
9. Which instrument was played by jazz musician Willie "The Lion" Smith: piano, saxophone or trumpet?
10. Who wrote the 1913 play "Androcles and the Lion"?
49,000 new Lincolnshire parish marriage records on findmypast.co.uk
You can now search 49,184 new parish marriage records for Lincolnshire on findmypast.co.uk
Search new Plymouth and Devon parish records on findmypast.co.uk
findmypast.co.uk has added 6,386 new parish records to its Plymouth and West Devon Collection
Phil Bradley to continue as CILIP President for an extra year (UK)
CILIP Council has agreed that Phil Bradley will be President for an extra year, until 31 December 2013, while a review of CILIP's governance is carried out. The review is to ensure the way CILIP is governed is fit for purpose and provides the organisation with the right leadership and strategic support. Getting the governance right directly contributes to the delivery of CILIP's vision and mission, and representing and supporting members
Nominations now open for 2012 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award
Library users can now nominate a librarian for the 2012 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. The nomination form is available on atyourlibrary.org, the American Library Association's public awareness website. The award invites library users to recognize the accomplishments of librarians in public, school, college, community college and university libraries for their efforts to improve the lives of people in their community. Up to 10 librarians will be selected as winners. Each will receive a $5,000 cash award, a plaque and a $500 travel stipend to attend an award ceremony and reception in December in New York
Raiders of the lost archives
In the age of digitisation, the 'search' part of research has become a virtual experience. Although progress has many advantages, John Sutherland laments the end of the scholar-adventurer and the thrill of discovery amid dusty, uncatalogued manuscripts
Crossroads - July 2012 - Bringing the Digital Age to All
Crossroads: the newsletter of WebJuntion.org - July 2012 issue is now available
Thursday, July 05, 2012
ECKM 2012 (Spain)
13th European Conference on Knowledge Management - 6-7 September, 2012 - Cartagena, Spain
IFLA and other library organisations express concern about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Between July 2-10 in San Diego, United States, negotiators from nine countries are meeting in to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. The TPPA is a multilateral trade agreement between Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Vietnam, Malaysia, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Peru and Singapore, covering all aspects of commercial relations between the countries. Canada and Mexico have recently been invited to join the negotiations. IFLA, along with organisations representing the library community in some of the countries participating in the TPPA, is concerned that the TPPA's extensive intellectual property chapter does not reflect the balance necessary to protect the public domain and the ways in which society may access and use content. Presently, exceptions to copyright protection are noticeably absent from leaked drafts of this 'gold standard' IP agreement for the 21st century
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
ACRL joins library groups in support of lending rights
The Association of College and Research Libraries has joined the Association of Research Libraries and the American Library Association (who all work collectively as the Library Copyright Alliance,) to file an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in support of petitioner Supap Kirtsaeng in the case Kirtsaeng v. Wiley & Sons
Above the Fold - June 25, 2012
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - June 25, 2012 - Vol. 5, No. 25 now available
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Princeton library brings Revolutionary-era texts alive online (USA)
More than 235 years after Thomas Paine challenged the American colonists to free themselves from British rule in his treatise "Common Sense," history buffs around the world can study Paine's rousing words and other Revolutionary-era texts through the Princeton University Digital Library
My Learning - Contributors' E-Bulletin Issue No.1 (UK)
Welcome to this first issue of a brand new e-bulletin, specially created just for My Learning's valued contributors. It is designed for people working with museums, galleries, libraries and archives who are creating new resources with us, or who have existing material already published on the website. We'll still produce our original e-bulletin, which is aimed at teachers and learners and circulated once each school term, but the aim of this one is to keep you up-to-date with latest developments and opportunities for contributors to get involved with My Learning
JISC Inform 34 (UK)
As it's our job to not only deliver for you today but to future gaze on your behalf so that you are in a better place to make decisions, we've structured the latest edition of JISC Inform around that topic. Along with the events, features and advice that you've come to expect, in this issue we've pulled together our predictions for the future, including wise forecasts from key people you'll recognise as strategic thinkers
First Monday - July 2012
First Monday - Volume 17, Number 7, 2 July 2012 now available. First Monday is a Great Cities Initiative of the University of Illinois at Chicago University Library, USA
Survey Report on Digitisation in European Cultural Heritage Institutions 2012
Survey Report on Digitisation in European Cultural Heritage Institutions 2012 by Natasha Stroeker and René Vogels, Panteia (NL) on behalf of the EUMERATE Thematic Network - May 2012
EIIC 2012 (Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference)
EIIC 2012 (Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference) is a professional conference forum for researchers, developers, companies, economists, scientists and educationalists in all scientific fields. It reports progress and development of methodologies, technologies, planning and implementation, tools, standards and results of their work in their scientific field. The 1st Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference (EIIC 2012) will be held at www.eiic.cz, during September 3-7, 2012. The EIIC is virtual reviewed conference, where researchers can exchange their ideas and opinions via a conference chat
Monday, July 02, 2012
ProgrammingLibrarian.org accepting submissions for 2013 editorial calendar (USA)
ProgrammingLibrarian.org, a resource website of the American Library Association Public Programs Office, invites programming librarians from public, academic, school and special libraries of all sizes to submit proposals for articles and webinars to be included in the 2013 editorial calendar. Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing basis through September 14
Save The Women's Library Public Meeting: 6th July (UK)
TWIL #78: Jamie LaRue (Library Director at Douglas County Libraries)
Owning and managing your own eContent. Self publishing and how do we position ourselves as libraries to be at the heart of the publishing revolution. All of this and more in this week/s episode of TWIL: your weekly dose of library innovation
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog - June 30, 2012 update
The June 30, 2012 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. It provides information about new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, magazine articles, technical reports, and white papers
SPARC Innovator: The World Bank
First, the World Bank first made its data freely available. Then, it launched its Open Knowledge Repository and began using Creative Commons licenses. On July 1, it will implement a new Open Access policy for all of its research outputs and knowledge products. When an organization as large as the World Bank wholeheartedly embraces openness, many hope the impact will not just be a ripple but a wave
Wiley extends open access option to over 80% of journals
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has announced that its open access option for individual journal articles, OnlineOpen, will be available to authors in 81% of the journals it publishes. OnlineOpen gives authors the option to publish an open access paper in their journal of choice where it will benefit from maximum impact
Sunday, July 01, 2012
LISTen: An LISNews.org Program -- Episode #205
LISTen: An LISNews.org Program -- Episode #205. "This week we talk about preparedness in light of a major part of the "public cloud" being taken offline by a meteorological event, proceed with a news miscellany, and have a curious statement from Madam Producer". Previous Podcasts/Programs can be found here
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - June 2012
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - June 2012 - New this month: cover improvements, tag translation, meetup pictures, and more! We have author interviews with Dan Rather, Alex Grecian, Catherine Fletcher, Kathy Hepinstall, and Joy Kiser. There are 2,341 free Early Reviewer books available in June
Evergreen 2.2.0, 2.1.2 rc2, and 2.0.12 released
Evergreen 2.2.0, the first official, stable release with the new Template Toolkit OPAC, has been released
NoveList introduces new features and options into NoveList Select
NoveList®, a division of EBSCO Publishing, is introducing new features to NoveList Select™, its catalog enrichment resource. These new features improve the user experience, as well as offer new upgrade options, including book jackets, professional book reviews, sample excerpts, tables of contents, and more, from Content Café - a database offered by Baker & Taylor
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