Uncontrolled Vocabulary #68 is now available for download. Topics:
1. Obama adminstration brings back the Freedom of Information Act and transparency in government (BoingBoing)
Obama administration embraces Creative Commons (Coyle's InFormation)
Supreme Court Rejection Nixes Child Online Protection Act (AL Online)
Under Obama, feds may still snoop library files (San Francisco Chronicle)
2. At First, Funny Videos. Now, a Reference Tool. (New York Times)
3. Wikipedia May Restrict Public's Ability to Change Entries (New York Times)
4. Why you can't find a library book in your search engine (Guardian)
OCLC Defends Records Policy, Faces Questions, Suggestions, and Criticisms (Library Journal)
5. Google & the Future of Books (New York Review of Books)
A fire on the plain (Peter Brantley’s thoughts and speculations)
6. What's New at LibraryElf
Saturday, January 31, 2009
University of the People
"The University of the People promises to open the gates of higher education to anyone in the world interested in attending college. We believe that education at a very minimal cost is a basic right for all suitable applicants, not just for a privileged few. The University of the People is based on the premise that education is crucial to the advancement of individuals and of society at large. There are millions of people around the world, especially in third world countries, who are excluded from higher education for various reasons: some live far away from academic institutions, others cannot afford the admission fee and tuition for the local university"
BBC to strengthen arts coverage
"The BBC is to "reaffirm" its commitment to arts and culture with a raft of new measures, director general Mark Thompson has said. Plans include a pan-BBC Poetry season and an ambitious aim to put each of the 200,000 oil paintings in public ownership in the UK on the internet."
Academic Earth
"Academic Earth is an organization founded with the goal of giving everyone on earth access to a world-class education. As more and more high quality educational content becomes available online for free, we ask ourselves, what are the real barriers to achieving a world class education? At Academic Earth, we are working to identify these barriers and find innovative ways to use technology to increase the ease of learning. We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world's leading scholars. Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment that in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable. We invite those who share our passion to explore our website, participate in our online community, and help us continue to find new ways to make learning easier for everyone. See also the Academic Earth Facebook page"
Langdon Hammer: Lecture 16 - William Carlos Williams
Langdon Hammer: Lecture 16 - William Carlos Williams

BioOne launches new platform

2008 NBCC finalists announced
The National Book Critics Circle (USA) has announced the finalists for its forthcoming book awards, covering books published in 2008. Books competed in the areas of fiction, general nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, and criticism
Black History Month - February 2009
Follow the latest news about Black History Month, February 2009, with this Google newsfeed
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
Open Vaccine Journal
RGO : Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia
Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften
Acta Universitatis Danubius : Juridica
Catholic Social Science Review
American Journal of Translational Research
Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi
Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa
International Journal of English Studies (IJES)
Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
Open Urban Studies Journal
Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Interações : Cultura e Comunidade
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica
Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Open Vaccine Journal
RGO : Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia
Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften
Acta Universitatis Danubius : Juridica
Catholic Social Science Review
American Journal of Translational Research
Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi
Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa
International Journal of English Studies (IJES)
Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
Open Urban Studies Journal
Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Interações : Cultura e Comunidade
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica
Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Survey of London now complete
British History Online: "Volumes 1 to 45 of the Survey of London are now all live. With the publication of volumes 6, 8, 9 and 12, we reach the culmination of our three-year partnership with English Heritage to digitise this essential source for London history"
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Propaganda. We are surrounded by propaganda - from political pronouncements to computer pop-ups and television commercials. All the answers to this week's brainteaser can be found in "Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia", which has recently been added to the Credo Reference database. Answers here.
1. Which British prime minister said in 1940: "We will fight them on the beaches; we will fight them in the fields and on the landing grounds, and we will never surrender"?
2. What is the national anthem of France?
3. What was the name of the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? Its title can be translated as "Truth".
4. Which 1962 book was written by Rachel Carson to draw public attention to the problems of pollution in the United States?
5. What do the letters "CNN" stand for as the name of a television network?
6. What was the title of the open letter written by the novelist Zola to the French President accusing the army of anti-Semitism in the treatment of Alfred Dreyfus?
7. What was the name (in English) of the 1929 novel by Erich Maria Remarque and its 1930 film adaptation which were potent examples of propaganda for peace, presenting a devastating picture of World War I from the point of view of a small group of German soldiers?
8. What nickname was given by G.I.s to the Japanese woman who, in World War II, made broadcasts to weaken the enemy's resolve?
9. Name the two authors of "The Communist Manifesto" (1848), a groundbreaking work of Communist propaganda.
10. What was the title of the painting by Pablo Picasso, one of the best known examples of art as propaganda, protesting at the bombing of a Basque town in 1937?
1. Which British prime minister said in 1940: "We will fight them on the beaches; we will fight them in the fields and on the landing grounds, and we will never surrender"?
2. What is the national anthem of France?
3. What was the name of the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? Its title can be translated as "Truth".
4. Which 1962 book was written by Rachel Carson to draw public attention to the problems of pollution in the United States?
5. What do the letters "CNN" stand for as the name of a television network?
6. What was the title of the open letter written by the novelist Zola to the French President accusing the army of anti-Semitism in the treatment of Alfred Dreyfus?
7. What was the name (in English) of the 1929 novel by Erich Maria Remarque and its 1930 film adaptation which were potent examples of propaganda for peace, presenting a devastating picture of World War I from the point of view of a small group of German soldiers?
8. What nickname was given by G.I.s to the Japanese woman who, in World War II, made broadcasts to weaken the enemy's resolve?
9. Name the two authors of "The Communist Manifesto" (1848), a groundbreaking work of Communist propaganda.
10. What was the title of the painting by Pablo Picasso, one of the best known examples of art as propaganda, protesting at the bombing of a Basque town in 1937?
New radio PSAs support US National Library Week 2009
New radio-quality public service announcements (PSAs) are now available online to help libraries reach out to their communities during National Library Week (April 12-18, 2009) from the ALA Public Information Office and the Campaign for America's Libraries.
ALA leaders release statement regarding the deaths of ALSC members Kate McClelland and Kathy Krasniewicz
The following is a statement released by American Library Association (ALA) President Jim Rettig and Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) President Pat Scales regarding the deaths of ALSC Vice President Kate McClelland and Notable Children's Videos Committee Chair Kathleen Apuzzo Krasniewicz, who were killed in a hit-and-run accident as they traveled to the Denver Airport from ALA's Midwinter Meeting on Wednesday.
"American Library Association members would like to extend our sincere condolences to the families, co-workers and communities served by Kate and Kathy," said ALA President Jim Rettig. "This is a tragic loss for the library community, and the thousands of people who they touched and helped in their work in libraries for so many years.
"The depth of their contributions in supporting literacy efforts for our nation's children left a meaningful mark on their community and they will be sorely missed.
"The American Library Association has lost two committed, dedicated members, who gave freely of their time to support and advance the mission of librarians everywhere."
ALSC President Pat Scales said, "It's difficult to express the grief that children's librarians across the country are feeling at this time. Kate and Kathy contributed so much to our association, and even more to the thousands of children whose lives they touched.
"I'm quite certain that Kate and Kathy would urge us to seek comfort through story: it is story that gave their lives meaning, and it is story by which they will be remembered. This is, indeed, a sad day in the children’s book world."
McClelland served on the ALSC Board and chaired the 2002 Caldecott Award Selection Committee. She was a member of the ALSC Notable Children's Books Committee, Newbery Award Selection Committee and the Young Adult Library Services Association's (YALSA) Michael L. Printz Committee. She was a contributor and reviewer for School Library Journal and Kirkus Reviews and co-author of the research article "Radical Change: Books for Youth in the Digital Age" (Ohio State University).
In 2006, McClelland was honored with a New York Times Librarian of the year Award; her nomination had been written by Krasniewicz. She retired from the Perrot Memorial Library in Old Greenwich, Conn., last year, as associate director and director of youth services.
Krasniewicz joined ALA and ALSC as a student member ten years ago, and was mentored by Kate, her supervisor at the time. Krasniewicz succeeded McClelland as Perrot Memorial Library director of youth services. Her participation in ALA includes service on the ALSC Sibert Medal Selection Committee, and membership in the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA).
"American Library Association members would like to extend our sincere condolences to the families, co-workers and communities served by Kate and Kathy," said ALA President Jim Rettig. "This is a tragic loss for the library community, and the thousands of people who they touched and helped in their work in libraries for so many years.
"The depth of their contributions in supporting literacy efforts for our nation's children left a meaningful mark on their community and they will be sorely missed.
"The American Library Association has lost two committed, dedicated members, who gave freely of their time to support and advance the mission of librarians everywhere."
ALSC President Pat Scales said, "It's difficult to express the grief that children's librarians across the country are feeling at this time. Kate and Kathy contributed so much to our association, and even more to the thousands of children whose lives they touched.
"I'm quite certain that Kate and Kathy would urge us to seek comfort through story: it is story that gave their lives meaning, and it is story by which they will be remembered. This is, indeed, a sad day in the children’s book world."
McClelland served on the ALSC Board and chaired the 2002 Caldecott Award Selection Committee. She was a member of the ALSC Notable Children's Books Committee, Newbery Award Selection Committee and the Young Adult Library Services Association's (YALSA) Michael L. Printz Committee. She was a contributor and reviewer for School Library Journal and Kirkus Reviews and co-author of the research article "Radical Change: Books for Youth in the Digital Age" (Ohio State University).
In 2006, McClelland was honored with a New York Times Librarian of the year Award; her nomination had been written by Krasniewicz. She retired from the Perrot Memorial Library in Old Greenwich, Conn., last year, as associate director and director of youth services.
Krasniewicz joined ALA and ALSC as a student member ten years ago, and was mentored by Kate, her supervisor at the time. Krasniewicz succeeded McClelland as Perrot Memorial Library director of youth services. Her participation in ALA includes service on the ALSC Sibert Medal Selection Committee, and membership in the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA).
2009 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries winners
ACRL has announced the recipients of the 2009 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award: The Moraine Valley Community College Library, Palos Hills, Illinois; the Wyndham Robertson Library at Hollins University, Roanoke, Virgina; and the University of Minnesota Libraries - Twin Cities. Sponsored by ACRL and Blackwell's Book Services, the award recognizes the staff of a college, university, and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Justis and JustCite websites updated
Justis and JustCite websites have been updated with new looks and features
JSTOR and Ithaka Merge
"JSTOR and Ithaka have announced the merger of their organizations. This move unites two pioneering entities that are focused on helping the scholarly community take advantage of rapidly advancing information technologies"
Celebrate Romance conference
Celebrate Romance, a conference for romance writers and readers, will be held at the Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon, February 27 to March 1 2009. Keynote speakers include Cathy Maxwell and Jane Porter
Gloriana St. Clair named ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year

Institutional Repository Workshop - South Africa
Institutional Repository Workshop - 1-3 April 2009 - University of Pretoria, South Africa. The aim of this workshop will be to equip colleagues from all sectors with the necessary skills to implement a digital repository - from compiling and implementing an e-strategy, conducting a needs analysis, compiling a business plan, proposal, installing the necessary software (we will be using DSpace open source software), digitization and copyright issues, up to giving exposure to the repository and the role of librarians and faculty.
ACRL 2009 Virtual Conference
Since 2005, ACRL has offered a Virtual Conference as a complement to the biennial National Conference. Past Virtual Conferences have provided access to discussion groups, presentation materials, and webcasts of selected ACRL programs, both in order to enhance the conference experience for those on site, and to provide an important professional development opportunity to those unable to travel to the conference site.
12-15 March 2009
12-15 March 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Legal Education Commons
The Legal Education Commons is the place to find and share legal education materials including syllabi, podcasts, presentations, and more. Faculty and librarians from CALI member schools can upload materials under a Creative Commons license that allows colleagues and students to find and use the materials
Video Round Table announces 2009 Notable Videos for Adults
The American Library Association Video Round Table Notable Videos Committee has compiled its 2009 list of Notable Videos for Adults, a list of fifteen outstanding programs released on video within the past two years and suitable for all libraries serving adults. Its purpose is to call attention to recent video releases that make a significant contribution to the world of video recordings. The selections were made during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver, Colorado
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Elsevier Foundation announces over $500,000 in new grants
"The Elsevier Foundation has announced that it has committed a total of $555,000 in grants to ten institutions from around the world in support of initiatives that promote the work of libraries and scholars in science, technology and medicine. The winning proposals were selected from over 165 applicants worldwide for their innovation and potential for impact in the developing world, nursing community and academic workplace. This year's grants also include the newly launched Nurse Faculty Mentored Leadership Development Program. Four grants have been awarded under the Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries program. The winners include institutions across Africa and Asia, dedicated to improving access to scientific information, developing information resources, and training librarians and researchers on how to use and deploy information for patient care, HIV/AIDS research, and agricultural development"
HathiTrust and OCLC to work together to enhance discovery of digital collections
"HathiTrust, a group of some of the largest research libraries in the United States collaborating to create a repository of their vast digital collections, and OCLC will work together to increase visibility of and access to items in the HathiTrust's shared digital repository"
2009 Public Library Directors Symposium
2009 Public Library Directors Symposium - 25-27 March 2009 - Berkeley, California
Consumer Reports.org now available to libraries from EBSCOhost
"Consumers Union and EBSCO Publishing have announced a distribution partnership allowing libraries to subscribe to ConsumerReports.org for a fixed annual subscription. The resource will be available alongside all other EBSCOhost databases so authentication and entry points are seamless and consistent"
"New access to past debates: 19th century pamphlets"
The 19th Century Pamphlets Online project is holding a one-day conference at the University of Liverpool on 20 March 2009. This event marks the launch of a major new digital resource, providing desktop access to more than 23,000 19th century pamphlets covering the political, social and economic issues of their day - the result of sponsorship and investment from RLUK (Research Libraries UK), JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and JSTOR. The conference will seek to place 19th century pamphlets within their historical, literary and cultural contexts, and to consider the potential of their digitisation for research and teaching
Cambridge appoints first female University Librarian

American Library Association announces literary award winners
"The American Library Association has announced the top books, videos and audiobooks for children and young adults - including the Caldecott, King, Newbery, Schneider Family and Printz awards - at its Midwinter Meeting in Denver. In addition, the ALA celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards and introduced a new award, the William C. Morris Award. It is also the first year that the Pura Belpré Award will be given annually."
Monday, January 26, 2009
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #58
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #58 : "Not only is this episode longer than usual, it is a bit more varied relative to topical matter. Tony Millett, a member of LIANZA's Copyright Taskforce and a spokesperson for the association, spoke to LISTen about the unique copyright situation arising in New Zealand. Joshua Ferraro, Chief Executive Officer of LibLime, spoke to LISTen about the new biblios.net service launched by his company. Due to an equipment failure that interview was partially truncated although the surviving part is aired in the podcast. The final interview was with Andrew Breitbart, the owner of Breitbart.com, where there was discussion about the creators of their mediums of expression libraries care for". Previous Podcasts can be found here
2009 ALA Presidential Candidates Forum
2009 ALA Presidential Candidates Kenton Oliver and Roberta Stevens respond to member questions at the Presidential Candidates Forum held January 24, 2009, at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver. ALA Past-President Loriene Roy moderated the forum
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Elsevier to launch over 600 health science e-book titles on ScienceDirect
Elsevier has announced that over 600 Medical, Veterinary Medicine, and Health Professions book titles will be launched in Health Science eBook Collections in April 2009 on ScienceDirect, its online scientific research platform
Atiz launches new book scanner at ALA midwinter meeting
"Atiz Innovation, Inc. has unveiled its latest book scanning solution, BookDrive Pro, at the American Library Association's Midwinter Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Designed to address the growing movement to digitize books, BookDrive Pro's affordable price point lowers the barrier of entry for many schools and libraries"
Atiz BookDrive Pro from Atiz Innovation on Vimeo.
Atiz BookDrive Pro from Atiz Innovation on Vimeo.
AALL Spectrum - February 2009
AALL Spectrum - February 2009 is now available from the American Association of Law Libraries
Saturday, January 24, 2009
2009 Roger Summit Award
The Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) has chosen to honor Stephen Abram with the 2009 Roger Summit Award. Stephen is Vice President, Innovation at SirsiDynix
Read An E-Book Week 2009

Podcast: The Manorial Documents Register
Liz Hart, from the National Advisory Service, provides an introduction to the various types of manorial records and offers a practical guide to using the Manorial Documents Register. UK National Archives Podcast
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar: February 11, 2009

World Book Day 2009

Google Analytics Workshop from ARL
"The Association of Research Libraries Statistics and Measurement Program is offering a full day of Google Analytics training, to be held in partnership with LunaMetrics, a Google Analytics Authorized Consultant. Google Analytics is a tool that can help you learn where your Web site visitors are coming from and how they interact with your Web pages. Use this knowledge to improve your site and overall user experience" - April 24, 2009 - Washington, DC
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Food and Cookery. Answers here.
1. The Brussels sprout is a type of cabbage: true or false?
2. Venison is the flesh of which animal?
3. What kind of food is "Danish blue"?
4. What is the meaning of the phrase "au gratin"?
5. Who wrote a famous book called "The Book of Household Management" containing 4000 recipes, published in 1861?
6. Which dessert consisting of a meringue base or shell filled with whipped cream and fruit was created as a compliment to a Russian ballerina during her visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1926?
7. Is taramasalata made from meat, fish, or cereals?
8. Michelin stars are awarded for impressive culinary endeavour. What is the highest number of stars ever awarded: three, four or five?
9. What is the usual North American word for a courgette?
10. Which fiery sauce gets its name from a word meaning "damp earth"?
1. The Brussels sprout is a type of cabbage: true or false?
2. Venison is the flesh of which animal?
3. What kind of food is "Danish blue"?
4. What is the meaning of the phrase "au gratin"?
5. Who wrote a famous book called "The Book of Household Management" containing 4000 recipes, published in 1861?
6. Which dessert consisting of a meringue base or shell filled with whipped cream and fruit was created as a compliment to a Russian ballerina during her visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1926?
7. Is taramasalata made from meat, fish, or cereals?
8. Michelin stars are awarded for impressive culinary endeavour. What is the highest number of stars ever awarded: three, four or five?
9. What is the usual North American word for a courgette?
10. Which fiery sauce gets its name from a word meaning "damp earth"?
Columbia University Libraries and the National Library of Korea to digitize rare books
"Columbia University Libraries is partnering with the National Libraries of Korea to digitize rare materials from the C. V. Starr East Asian Library and make them available online. The Preservation and Digital Conversion Division of Columbia University Libraries will digitize approximately 100 rare volumes and make them available through the Libraries' online catalog, CLIO. As a result, materials from the library's collections will be easily accessible to students, scholars and people worldwide. The project will begin in January 2009 and conclude in June 2010"
Freedom to Read Week 2009

Great Reform Act Plans and Reports, 1832
Great Reform Act Plans and Reports, 1832 - detailed maps and reports of 75 towns in Scotland for the purposes of implementing the Reform Act (Scotland) of 1832
The Bartholomew Archive - Mapmaking and printing from 1820 to 2002

The eIFL.net newsletter - No. 37
The eIFL.net newsletter - No. 37, January-February 2009, is now available. eIFL.net is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and advocates for the wide availability of electronic resources by library users in transitional and developing countries
Expanded green and gold routes to open access at Nature Publishing Group
"Nature Publishing Group is expanding open access choices for authors in 2009, through both 'green' self-archiving and 'gold' (authors-pays) open access publication routes. Eleven more journals published by NPG are offering an open access option from January 2009. NPG has also expanded its Manuscript Deposition Service to include 32 further titles."
Records on Second World War merchant shipping now online
The movements of merchant ships during the Second World War can now be discovered at DocumentsOnline. The merchant shipping movement cards record the journeys of both British registered and Allied vessels engaged in the war effort from 1939 - UK National Archives
LibraryThing partners with Cambridge Information Group
LibraryThing has partnered with Cambridge Information Group, which owns Bowker, AquaBrowser, ProQuest, Serials Solutions and RefWorks
LibLime announces support for Kete, community digital archive
LibLime has announced that it is now offering support for Kete, an open-source community digital archive
EBSCO purchases Salem Press
"EBSCO has signed an agreement to purchase Salem Press, a 60-year-old publisher of health, literature, and history reference books and databases known for its success in selling databases both in print and online as a package. Financial terms have not been disclosed" - Library Journal
University of California libraries and Springer sign pilot agreement for open access journal publishing
"The University of California libraries and Springer Science+Business Media (Springer) have concluded a groundbreaking experimental agreement to support open access publishing by UC authors. The arrangement is part of the journals license negotiated by the California Digital Library on behalf of the 10 campuses of the University of California. Under the terms of the agreement, articles by UC-affiliated authors accepted for publication in a Springer journal beginning in 2009 will be published using Springer Open Choice with full and immediate open access. There will be no separate per-article charges, since costs have been factored into the overall license. Articles will be released under a license compatible with the Creative Commons (by-nc: Attribution, Non-commercial) license. In addition to access via the Springer platform, final published articles will also be deposited in the California Digital Library's eScholarship Repository"
JISC Podcast: Green ICT for Further and Higher Education
In this podcast Rebecca O'Brien from JISC talks with Peter James, Professor of Environmental Management at the University of Bradford and head of the JISC-funded SusteIT project, about the recently published Green ICT report. In the interview Prof Peter James talks through how further and higher education institutions can make small changes to save money and reduce their carbon footprint
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Campus-based Publishing Resource Center
Campus-based Publishing Resource Center "provides information for libraries, presses, and other academic units interested in launching and maintaining campus-based publishing partnerships. The resource is maintained by an editorial board representing library and university press staff actively engaged in creating and managing publishing partnerships. It reflects their practical experience and provides information on current developments, as well as guidance on best practices"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Law Library Blogs and Blogs by Law Librarians or Law Library Associations
Law Library Blogs and Blogs by Law Librarians or Law Library Associations compiled by Bonnie Shucha, University of Wisconsin Law Library
RIPS Law Librarian
RIPS Law Librarian is published by the Research Instruction & Patron Services Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries. Submissions from RIPS members are highly encouraged. Opinions and editorial views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the official position of RIPS or AALL
Spotlight on 'Generation Y' - new study launched
The British Library and JISC have launched a ground-breaking three-year study into the study and research behaviour of 'Generation Y' scholars, namely those born between 1982 and 1994. The study will analyse the young researchers' activities and habits in online and physical research environments, as well as assessing their usage of library and information resources, both on and offline. The research subjects will be doctoral students beginning their PhD programme in the academic year 2008/09
ALA Public Programs Office debuts free programming resource
"The American Library Association Public Programs Office is announcing a new online resource to assist libraries of all types and sizes in creating cultural and community programs. The Web site, ProgrammingLibrarian.org, includes a resource library, live learning opportunities and a blog to keep librarians informed of upcoming opportunities and provide inspiration for new library programs. As the site continues to develop, users will find more resources, ideas, and opportunities to network with peers and programming experts"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Emerald launches eBook series collections
"Emerald Group Publishing Limited has announced the launch of its eBook series collections; one focusing on Social Sciences and the other on Business, Management & Economics. These two collections both complement the management focus of existing Emerald journals and extend it into new subject areas such as Psychology and Sociology. In total, they represent over 500 volumes and feature leading international authors in each field covered"
The Marsh Award for Children's Literature in Translation - 2009 winner
Sarah Ardizzone has won the Marsh Award for Children's Literature in Translation 2009 for her translation of Toby Alone, at a ceremony at the English-Speaking Union, on 20 January 2009. The Award of GBP2000 was presented by Anthony Horowitz
"The 15th annual conference of INFORUM that deals with professional electronic information resources for research, development, education and business purposes will be held from May 27 to 29, 2009 in Prague. The conference is internationally-attended - since 2003 the original territorial focus on the Czech Republic and Slovakia has been expanded to the other Central and Eastern European countries and it has become the main event in this field in the region. The conference is attended especially by information professionals from special and public libraries, private corporations and state agencies, IT managers, physicians, lawyers, university teachers and students"
Add It Up: Libraries Make the Difference
Add It Up: Libraries Make the Difference is a new Web-based resource has just been released that will help library advocates make the case for libraries in the lives of children and teens
Summon: new unified discovery service from Serials Solutions
"The Summon unified discovery service allows the researcher to quickly search, discover and access reliable and credible library content. It goes beyond federated search, beyond next-generation catalogs to create an all-new service for libraries. Through one simple search, it provides instant access to the breadth of authoritative content that's the hallmark of great libraries - digital and print, audio and video, single articles to entire e-journals, and every format in between. No need to broadcast searches to other databases - it provides one search box for a researcher to enter any terms they want and quickly get credible results in one relevancy ranked-list."
Advancing by degrees: the University of Cambridge 1209–2009
"Advancing by degrees, an exhibition capturing 800 years of university development, learning and student life, has opened at Cambridge University Library as part of the university's 800th Anniversary celebrations. Showcasing documents and images from the University Archives, the exhibition explores and illustrates the journey the university has made since a migrant band of scholars first reached the town in 1209 and established their studium"
2009 Horizon Report
The annual Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). Each year, the report identifies and describes six areas of emerging technology likely to have a significant impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression in higher education within three adoption horizons: a year or less, two to three years, and four to five years

LITA Camp - May 2009
LITACamp is a library technology un-conference for anyone interested in libraries using all types and implementations of technology to continually improve services and access for patrons. It features an egalitarian, community-driven format in which most presentations are designed and delivered by attendees - 7-8 May 2009 - Dublin, OH, USA
AASL 14th National Conference
American Association of School Librarians 14th National Conference & Exhibition - November 5-8 - Charlotte, N.C., USA
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Readex announces digital edition of Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1974

OCLC releases NetLibrary Media Center for easy access to eAudiobooks
"OCLC has released the new NetLibrary Media Center, a full-featured desktop application that allows library patrons to easily search, manage, transfer and listen to downloadable eAudiobooks. The free software application allows users to connect to NetLibrary, and then download and begin listening to eAudiobooks with just one click."
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #57
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #57 : "This week's episode is a bit varied. First up is an interview with Blake Carver discussing the 10 Librarian Blogs To Read in 2009. Following that there is discussion of Flickr backup tools as well as hosting alternatives for libraries. A set of Linux briefs wraps up the episode". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Call for Proposals - Michigan Library Association 2009 Annual Conference
The Michigan Library Association Conference Program Subcommittee is seeking program proposals for MLA's 118th Annual Conference to be held in Lansing, November 3-6, 2009
Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version 3
Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version 3 - This bibliography presents selected English-language articles, conference papers, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories. Note that e-prints and published articles may not be identical. From Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Monday, January 19, 2009
WorldCat Mobile

Boot Camp on Online Production for Librarians announced
"Erie Looking Productions has announced that it is arranging an intensive training workshop geared to the needs of librarians. The workshop would involve theory as well as actual hands-on practice producing online content. The program is focused on being a less high-pressure learning environment than that found at larger conferences such as Computers in Libraries. The event will run February 21, 2009"
CLEVNET offers EPUB downloads

US National Archives to open 9/11 Commission textual materials
"The US National Archives will open more than 150 cubic feet of records of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission, an independent, bipartisan commission created by Congress. The Commission's mandate was to provide a 'full and complete accounting' of the attacks of September 11, 2001, and recommend how to prevent such attacks in the future"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Early Chinese Canadians 1858-1947

Phil Bradley demonstrates "Screentoaster"
Screentoaster allows users to create their own online screencasts without downloading any software and for free:
New journals from the Royal Society of Chemistry
Integrative Biology: A new journal of quantitative biosciences from nano to macro
Metallomics: A new journal covering the research fields related to biometals
Metallomics: A new journal covering the research fields related to biometals
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Maverick via Exact Editions
Federal Register Announces New "Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents"
The Office of the Federal Register, which is part of the National Archives, has created a new publication, to be called the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents. The Daily Compilation will appear on the Government Printing Office’s (GPO) new Federal Digital System (FDsys) January 20, 2009, to coincide with the incoming President’s term of office. The web site will be accessible via www.presidentialdocuments.gov by January 20. The online Daily Compilation will replace the printed Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.
Folger Shakespeare Library expands access to digital collection

27 Edinburgh University Press journals have been added to ticTOCs
Tables of Content (TOCs) for 27 Edinburgh University Press journals have been added to ticTOCs, the free service where it only takes a tick or two to keep up-to-date with scholarly literature
Podcast: Introducing the 1911 census
Mark Pearsall is a family history specialist at The UK National Archives. Here he provides an introduction to the newly released 1911 census and tells us how invaluable it will be for family historians. UK National Archives Podcast
SirsiDynix announces winners of 2009 calendar contest
SirsiDynix has announced the winners of the 2009 calendar contest. The SirsiDynix calendar is a celebration of libraries around the world that use SirsiDynix products to reach greater success. Winning photographs were chosen based upon artistic merit, quality, and uniqueness. A slide show of the winning 2009 SirsiDynix calendar photos is also available
2009 Edgar Allan Poe Awards

The thief who stole pages from history

Social Mention
Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services
Digging into Data Challenge
The Digging into Data Challenge is an international grant competition sponsored by four leading research agencies, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) from the United Kingdom, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) from the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF) from the United States, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) from Canada. The idea behind the Digging into Data Challenge is to answer the question "what do you do with a million books?" Or a million pages of newspaper? Or a million photographs of artwork? That is, how does the notion of scale affect humanities and social science research? Now that scholars have access to huge repositories of digitized data - far more than they could read in a lifetime - what does that mean for research?
Primary Source - January 2009
Primary Source - January 2009 issue now available from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington, DC, USA
Picturing America kits awarded to nearly 1,300 public libraries
Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, has announced that 1,288 public libraries have just been selected to receive Picturing America, a free kit of teaching resources. Picturing America, presented by the National Endowment for the Humanities in partnership with IMLS and others, provides high-quality reproductions of great American art to public libraries and K-12 schools to enhance the study of history, social studies, language arts, literature, and civics
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research
Journal of Biophysics
Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry
Research Letters in Organic Chemistry
Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues
Genetics Selection Evolution
Revista de Turism – Studii si Cercetari in Turism
Contextos Clínicos
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
Management & Marketing
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin - Economic
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus
Journal of Biophysics
Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry
Research Letters in Organic Chemistry
Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues
Genetics Selection Evolution
Revista de Turism – Studii si Cercetari in Turism
Contextos Clínicos
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
Management & Marketing
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin - Economic
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus
The Survey of London on the Royal Opera House
"Volume 35 of the Survey of London is now live. It gives an account of the history and architecture of the Royal Opera House, and its predecessor, the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane" - British History Online
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. Answers here.
1. Would a cowboy wear "chaps" on his legs, his arms or his head?
2. Which disease is often abbreviated as "TB"?
3. What is usually used for the outer covering of a Battenberg cake?
4. Which US film actor won Academy Awards for best director and best picture for the 1992 film "Unforgiven"?
5. What are the three colours of the French national flag?
6. Is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, China or Japan?
7. For which sport was the Wightman Cup awarded?
8. Music is written on a set of horizontal lines called a "stave " or "staff". How many lines are there in a stave?
9. Which Russian author wrote the novel "Doctor Zhivago"?
10. Which modern game is credited to a Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin (1852-1903) who devised the present-day board and scoring system?
1. Would a cowboy wear "chaps" on his legs, his arms or his head?
2. Which disease is often abbreviated as "TB"?
3. What is usually used for the outer covering of a Battenberg cake?
4. Which US film actor won Academy Awards for best director and best picture for the 1992 film "Unforgiven"?
5. What are the three colours of the French national flag?
6. Is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, China or Japan?
7. For which sport was the Wightman Cup awarded?
8. Music is written on a set of horizontal lines called a "stave " or "staff". How many lines are there in a stave?
9. Which Russian author wrote the novel "Doctor Zhivago"?
10. Which modern game is credited to a Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin (1852-1903) who devised the present-day board and scoring system?
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 169
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 169 - January/February 2009 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
OCLC releases new CONTENTdm version that supports Unicode
"OCLC has released CONTENTdm 5, a new version of the popular CONTENTdm Digital Collection Management software that fully supports Unicode, the industry standard used to recognize text in most of the world's non-Western languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek and Hebrew, among others"
A LISTen Special: Is The Cloud Dissipating?
"In this special edition of LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast one finds a chat with Blake Carver talking about creating a Drupal site as well as discussion of implications arising from recent changes on the Web 2.0 frontier. An audio news release from the United States Postal Service is presented so as to show another example of that communications form for libraries seeking to innovate in PR. LISTen is available to libraries who want to take a practice shot at such before approaching their local media outlets. The next regular episode of LISTen will be released on or near 0500 UTC on January 19th."
More American adults read literature according to new NEA study

Innovations in Reading Prize, 2009

British Periodicals Collections I and II
"British Periodicals traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian "age of periodicals" and beyond. This unique digital archive consists of almost 500 periodical runs published from the 1680s to the 1930s, comprising six million keyword-searchable pages and forming an unrivalled record of more than two centuries of British history and culture. Available free in perpetuity to universities, research councils and colleges in the UK"
From motion capture to ancient manuscripts
From motion capture to ancient manuscripts: using complex digital resources across disciplines - 30 January 2009 - London, UK. Speakers will include David Fergusson, Deputy Director, Training, Outreach and Education, the National e-Science Centre, who will give an introduction to national infrastructures that support the use of complex digital objects and Jens Jensen from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, who will talk about the use of the National Grid Service for the arts and humanities
E-News for ARL Directors - January 15, 2009
E-News for ARL Directors, January 15, 2009 is now available online
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Uncontrolled Vocabulary #67
Uncontrolled Vocabulary #67 is now available for download. Topics:
1. OCLC Board of Trustees and Members Council to convene Review Board of Shared Data Creation and Stewardship (OCLC)
Why libraries must reject the OCLC Policy (part 1) (Thingology)
2. Ebook DRM provider goes dark, the books you paid for disappear (Boing Boing)
3. Congress bans kids from libraries? (Boston Phoenix)
4. Group Seeks to Take Over Providence Branches (AL Online)
5. Librarians to be renamed 'audience development officers' (Telegraph)
6. The Public Library Renaissance (Freakonomics)
Library usage will go up during a recession - management are you really prepared? (Librarian By Day)
1. OCLC Board of Trustees and Members Council to convene Review Board of Shared Data Creation and Stewardship (OCLC)
Why libraries must reject the OCLC Policy (part 1) (Thingology)
2. Ebook DRM provider goes dark, the books you paid for disappear (Boing Boing)
3. Congress bans kids from libraries? (Boston Phoenix)
4. Group Seeks to Take Over Providence Branches (AL Online)
5. Librarians to be renamed 'audience development officers' (Telegraph)
6. The Public Library Renaissance (Freakonomics)
Library usage will go up during a recession - management are you really prepared? (Librarian By Day)
Tales from the Terminal Room - January 2009
Tales from the Terminal Room - January 2009, Issue No. 86 is now available. Tales from the Terminal Room (TFTTR) is an electronic newsletter that includes reviews and comparisons of information sources; useful tools for managing information; technical and access problems on the Net; and news of RBA's training courses and publications. Editor: Karen Blakeman. Published by: RBA Information Services
2009 Sydney Taylor Book Award winners
The Sydney Taylor Book Award recognizes the best in Jewish children's literature. Medals are awarded annually for outstanding books that authentically portray the Jewish experience. The award was established in 1968. It is named in memory of Sydney Taylor, author of the classic All-of-a-Kind Family series. The 2009 winners have been announced
Library and Archives Canada search updated
Library and Archives Canada has announced a new, improved version of its primary institutional search page, Search All
More journal titles added to ticTOCs during January 2009
"As well as 61 journal TOCs from MedKnow, 82 Open Access journals from Libertas Academics, journals from Palgrave, plus former Haworth titles, journal titles, from Longwoods Publishing, Living Reviews, IM Publications and more, have been added to ticTOCs during January"
The Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection
"The Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection represents much of King's life and work spanning from 1944 to 1968. Encompassing approximately 10,000 items, the collection allows insight into Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s thoughts, personality, ministerial preparation, organizational skills and strategic planning during the Civil Rights period"
JISC Innovating e-Learning 2008 - evaluation report now available
"The jury has returned its verdict on JISC's online conference 2008, and the result is a very favourable one. JISC's third 'Innovating e-Learning' conference ran from 4-7 November, attracting delegates from both further and higher education. Its rich programme featured live interactive sessions in Elluminate and the multi-user virtual learning environment, Second Life. The conference evaluation report is now available online. It reveals that nearly 400 people participated, with 14 countries represented. Delegate feedback indicates that the conference papers and presentations especially were praised, with the innovative live sessions much appreciated. Overall, the event was considered to be 'good value for money' and 'a fascinating experience'."
The Green Library Global Facebook Group
"The Green Library Global Facebook Group is devoted to discussion of significant activities, events, literature, and projects that focus on " ... increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources - energy, water, and materials - while reducing building impacts on human health and the environment during the building's lifecycle, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal" of and by libraries"
The Third Digital Preservation Challenge
The Third Digital Preservation Challenge - "We are looking for ideas from creative students from all backgrounds with an interest in computer science. The challenge is to develop digital preservation solutions that overcome the barriers hindering access to five digital objects, each accompanied by a scenario based on real-life situations: Electronic art, Webarchiving and Unknown files" - Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2009 at 4pm GMT. Announcement of winners: iPres 5-6 October 2009, San Francisco, United States
Booklist Online Exclusives
"Booklist Online announces a new addition - Booklist Online Exclusives - to its growing family of free, content-driven e-newsletters, providing Booklist readers with even more reviews (600 in 2008 alone) and features at no additional cost. Every month, Booklist Online Exclusives will deliver Booklist's Web-only content as a bonus to anyone who signs up, expanding and complementing the extensive print coverage across the board."
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Uncontrolled Vocabulary #66 - Another Nail in the Coffin
Uncontrolled Vocabulary #66 is now available for download. Topics:
1. Nutter's new plan to save the libraries: let non-profits and the private sector run them (Philly.com)
Judge halts library closings (Philly.com)
Nutter says ruling risks shorter hours at all libraries (Philly.com)
Philadelphia Libraries Remain Open, But Staff Cuts Mean Fewer Days (Library Journal)
2. Save the LIS Library! Petition
3. Ask-a-Librarian Services Need a Reboot (David Lee King)
Discrimination against chat and email users? I'm skeptical. (Llyfrgellydd)
4. ALA Presidential Hopefuls and YouTube (Pattern Recognition)
It's Been a Tough Start to the New Year at ALA…. (ALA Marginalia)
5. Captain Underpants Doesn't Need a Newbery Medal (Slate)
Has the Newbery Lost Its Way? (School Library Journal)
1. Nutter's new plan to save the libraries: let non-profits and the private sector run them (Philly.com)
Judge halts library closings (Philly.com)
Nutter says ruling risks shorter hours at all libraries (Philly.com)
Philadelphia Libraries Remain Open, But Staff Cuts Mean Fewer Days (Library Journal)
2. Save the LIS Library! Petition
3. Ask-a-Librarian Services Need a Reboot (David Lee King)
Discrimination against chat and email users? I'm skeptical. (Llyfrgellydd)
4. ALA Presidential Hopefuls and YouTube (Pattern Recognition)
It's Been a Tough Start to the New Year at ALA…. (ALA Marginalia)
5. Captain Underpants Doesn't Need a Newbery Medal (Slate)
Has the Newbery Lost Its Way? (School Library Journal)
Head & Neck Oncology
Head & Neck Oncology, via BioMed Central, encompasses all aspects of clinical practice, basic and translational research on the aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, assessment, management, follow-up and prognosis of patients with head and neck tumours
WIDWISAWN - November 2008
WIDWISAWN provides an open forum for discussions on research and development initiatives relevant to the development of a coherent electronic information environment to support "Virtual Scotland", focusing in particular at those with interests in this area in the libraries, archives and museums sectors - Volume 6 Number 3, November 2008 now available
ePUB Support from Hindawi
Hindawi has announced the addition of the ePUB digital format as one of the available formats on its online platform for all of its journal and book publications. ePUB is a modern, industry standard format developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum as an XML format for reflowable digital books and publications
Anglia Ruskin University and University of East London implement virtual reference service with QuestionPoint
Anglia Ruskin University and the University of East London have selected OCLC's QuestionPoint to provide a new online enquiry support service to their library users. QuestionPoint is a virtual reference management service that enables libraries to respond to enquires in real-time using online chat and co-browsing
The Burney Collection of 17th and 18th Century Newspapers – free and available online
The Transit Layer on Google Maps
Google has announced the Transit Layer on Google Maps in more than 50 cities around the world "making it easier for citizens and tourists around the globe to access public transportation line information in their cities"
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog update
The January 14, 2009 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available
Al Jazeera Creative Commons Repository
Al Jazeera Creative Commons Repository - "On this site you will find select broadcast quality footage that Al Jazeera has released under various Creative Commons licenses. Through Creative Commons licensing, you are able to legally share and reuse the footage"
TechKNOW December 2008
TechKNOW - the quarterly review of bright ideas published by the Technical Services Division of the Ohio Library Council - Volume 14, Issue 3, December 2008 is now available
Darwin's Gift, a special issue published by The Lancet
Darwin's Gift celebrates the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birth, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of 'On the Origin of Species'
Masterpieces of the Prado Museum in Google Earth
"Viewing a Velasquez or a Rembrandt in a place like Spain's Prado Museum is a unique experience. Now you can use Google Earth technology to navigate reproductions of the Prado's masterpieces, delving even deeper into the Prado's collection. In Google Earth, you can get close enough to examine a painter's brushstrokes or the craquelure on the varnish of a painting. The images of these works are about 14,000 million pixels, 1,400 times more detailled than the image a 10 megapixel digital camera would take. In addition, you'll be able to see a spectacular 3D reproduction of the museum"
Scholarly Communication Toolkit updated
"The Association of College and Research Libraries has released an updated version of its Scholarly Communication Toolkit in a new format and with updated content. The toolkit continues to provide context and background by summarizing key issues to offer quick, basic information on scholarly communication topics. It also links to examples of specific tools, including handouts, presentations and videos for libraries to adapt and use on their own campuses" - ACRL
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Copac adds Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow catalogue
"Records from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow have now been added to Copac. As the only royal college for physicians, surgeons and dentists in the United Kingdom, the library holds a wide range of modern and historical material, covering many subjects including anatomy, surgery, medicine, botany and dentistry"
Free online access to Edinburgh University Press journals for 2 months
Edinburgh University Press is offering free online access to its journals in January and February 2009
Charlotte Zolotow Award 2009 winner
Bob Graham's How to Heal a Broken Wing (Candlewick, 2008) is the twelfth annual winner of the Charlotte Zolotow Award, for outstanding writing in a picture book. It is given by the Cooperative Children's Book Center, a library of the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter - January 2009
The January 2009 issue of the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available
AuthorMapper, an online tool for visualizing scientific research, enables document discovery based on author locations and geographic maps. Integrating content and mapping technology, AuthorMapper provides an easy-to-use, dynamic interface that allows you to:
* Explore patterns in scientific research
* Identify new and historic literature trends
* Discover wider relationships
* Locate other experts in your field
AuthorMapper searches the Springer Journals collection and offers access to nearly one hundred fifty years' of articles from more than 1,900 journals available on SpringerLink
* Explore patterns in scientific research
* Identify new and historic literature trends
* Discover wider relationships
* Locate other experts in your field
AuthorMapper searches the Springer Journals collection and offers access to nearly one hundred fifty years' of articles from more than 1,900 journals available on SpringerLink
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #56
LISTen: The LISNews.org Podcast - Episode #56 : "While other podcasts are talking about the aftermath of MacWorld and CES, LISTen capitalizes instead on how it couldn't be there. This episode brings an installment of Tech for Techies that goes hardcore looking at planning online media production. A commentary is also presented in the matter of the upcoming change in policy by OCLC relating to data ownership. In between those two pieces an audio news release from the National Institutes of Health is aired relating to the availability of genetic data sets". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2009 shortlist
The shortlist for the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2009 has been announced:
How Kirsty Jenkins Stole the Elephant by Elen Caldecott (Bloomsbury)
Zelah Green Queen of Clean by Vanessa Curtis (Egmont)
Changeling by Steve Feasey (Macmillan)
Thirteen Treasures by Michelle Harrison (Simon and Schuster)
Gnomes Are Forever by Ceci Jenkinson (Faber)
The Lady in the Tower by Marie-Louise Jensen (Oxford University Press)
The Mapmaker's Monster by Rob Stevens (Macmillan)
Numbers by Rachel Ward (Chicken House)
How Kirsty Jenkins Stole the Elephant by Elen Caldecott (Bloomsbury)
Zelah Green Queen of Clean by Vanessa Curtis (Egmont)
Changeling by Steve Feasey (Macmillan)
Thirteen Treasures by Michelle Harrison (Simon and Schuster)
Gnomes Are Forever by Ceci Jenkinson (Faber)
The Lady in the Tower by Marie-Louise Jensen (Oxford University Press)
The Mapmaker's Monster by Rob Stevens (Macmillan)
Numbers by Rachel Ward (Chicken House)
Law School Exchange
"Law School Exchange allows law faculty to share, digitally publish, and find teaching materials in collaboration with an online community of peers. Seamless integration with The West Education Network (TWEN) makes delivering digital course materials directly to students easy"
The 1911 census (England and Wales) is now online

CoFHE Conference 2009
Colleges of Further and Higher Education Conference 2009: "E-libraries & green libraries: exploring accessibility and sustainability" - 17-19 June, 2009 - Edinburgh, Scotland
Bloggers needed for the ACRL Conference in Seattle
"ACRL is looking for a few individuals to blog the ACRL 14th National Conference, 'Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend,' which will be held in Seattle, March 12-15, 2009. As a conference blogger, you will be a global correspondent providing online dispatches to a worldwide community of academic library professionals. Your posts may cover any aspect of the ACRL conference, from inside the session rooms, to the exhibits and receptions - even outside the convention center while you explore Seattle"
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wellcome Library workshops
The Wellcome Library, London, UK, has announced the following workshops:
Free for all: history of medicine on the web
Finding early printed books: full text resources online
Finding full text journals online
Finding published research (using Web of Science and Scopus)
Hunt the ancestor: resources for (medical) family history
The key to the medicine cabinet: unlocking resources in archives and manuscripts
Making the most of My Library: the Wellcome Library catalogue and how to personalise it
PubMed and PubMed Central: an introduction
Science in the news: keeping track of stories in the media
Using historical newspapers online
Wellcome Images
Free for all: history of medicine on the web
Finding early printed books: full text resources online
Finding full text journals online
Finding published research (using Web of Science and Scopus)
Hunt the ancestor: resources for (medical) family history
The key to the medicine cabinet: unlocking resources in archives and manuscripts
Making the most of My Library: the Wellcome Library catalogue and how to personalise it
PubMed and PubMed Central: an introduction
Science in the news: keeping track of stories in the media
Using historical newspapers online
Wellcome Images
Data Makeover: Mashups, Visualization and Web 2.0
Data Makeover: Mashups, Visualization and Web 2.0 by Darlene Fichter & Jeff Wisniewski - February 6, 2009, 8:30AM-4:30PM - AIM Institute in Omaha, Nebraska
Interlend 2009 Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers - Interlend 2009: Keeping It Simple: support, development, practicalities - 29 June - 1 July 2009 - London, UK
LILAC 2009 draft programme is now available
The LILAC (Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference) 2009 draft programme is now available. The conference will be held at Cardiff University, Wales, from the 30 March to 1 April 2009
Computer-esque books to lure boys

United States Citizenship Resources
"The San Francisco Public Library has launched an online United States Citizenship Toolkit. The online resource is available in five languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Russian and includes a guide to naturalization; a list of community resources, including English as a Second Language providers; and detailed practice materials for the new citizenship exam. The Citizenship Toolkit, prepared in partnership with Seattle Public Library, offers short videos in each language that describe the available information and provides basic tips on how to start the citizenship exam process. It also offers links to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, including access to InfoPass, the online appointment scheduler." - Library Journal
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Biblio Tech Review - January 2009
The January 2009 issue of Biblio Tech Review is now available. This issue includes:
* Ex Libris Group Announces the General Release of its Digital Preservation System
* UKDA Releases New Suite of Web Pages on Data Management and Sharing
* York St John University (UK) launches its digital archive
* LAT's Products Now Integrate with EOS.Web
* Ex Libris Group Announces the General Release of its Digital Preservation System
* UKDA Releases New Suite of Web Pages on Data Management and Sharing
* York St John University (UK) launches its digital archive
* LAT's Products Now Integrate with EOS.Web
SwePub: Unified access to and reporting of Swedish scientific publications
"At the moment it is not possible, but soon you will be able to access the total Swedish research publishing output at a single place. A planned new service aims to improve the accessibility and visibility of research publications created by Swedish researchers, including a growing share of Open Access web publications"
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Reminder: Ten Trends & Technologies for 2009 with Michael Stephens

Nunavut 10th Anniversary Celebration

Costa Book Awards 2008 winners announced
The 2008 Costa Book Awards winners have been announced:
2008 Costa First Novel Award Winner
Sadie Jones - The Outcast
2008 Costa Novel Award Winner
Sebastian Barry - The Secret Scripture
2008 Costa Biography Award Winner
Diana Athill - Somewhere Towards the End
2008 Costa Poetry Award Winner
Adam Foulds - The Broken Word
2008 Costa Children's Book Award Winner
Michelle Magorian - Just Henry
2008 Costa First Novel Award Winner
Sadie Jones - The Outcast
2008 Costa Novel Award Winner
Sebastian Barry - The Secret Scripture
2008 Costa Biography Award Winner
Diana Athill - Somewhere Towards the End
2008 Costa Poetry Award Winner
Adam Foulds - The Broken Word
2008 Costa Children's Book Award Winner
Michelle Magorian - Just Henry
Datasets News - December 2008
The December 2008 issue of Datasets News is now available from the National Digital Archive of Datasets, UK
January 2009 Early Reviewer books at LibraryThing
The January 2009 batch of Early Reviewer books is now available at LibraryThing. There are 670 copies of 38 books available this month
IFLA Classification and Indexing Section Newsletter - December 2008
The December 2008 issue of the IFLA Classification and Indexing Section Newsletter is now available
Early Advertising of the West, 1867-1918

Friday, January 09, 2009
ALT-C 2009
ALT-C 2009: "In dreams begins responsibility": choice, evidence, and change - 8-10 September 2009 - Manchester, UK. Twitter site and #altc2009 hashtag
Reading for Life
"National Literacy Trust, The Reading Agency and supporting organisations have announced a campaign to improve the life opportunities of people in most need through reading. The campaign, which will launch in Spring 2009, will be called Reading for Life. It will build on the achievements, networks and approaches championed by the 2008 National Year of Reading. The campaign is based on a belief that reading sits at the heart of social justice, and will engage and inspire key target audiences such as black minority ethnic children, pre-school children, white working class boys and adult learners"
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics

History of the internet in 8 minutes
This well-edited little video does a memorable job of tracing the rise of the internet from early networking efforts to birth of the TCP/IP protocol:
History of the Internet from PICOL on Vimeo.
History of the Internet from PICOL on Vimeo.
NISO Newsline - January 2009
NISO Newsline - January 2009 - is now available from the National Information Standards Organization, USA
ARL: A Bimonthly Report - December 2008
ARL: A Bimonthly Report, no. 261 (December 2008) is now available from the Association of Research Libraries
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Dictators and Tyrants. Answers here.
1. Which tyrannical Roman emperor, who ruled from AD54 to 68, was said to have been responsible for two-thirds of Rome being destroyed by fire?
2. Who was the nationalist dictator of Spain until he died in 1975?
3. Which Italian dictator (1883-1945) was called "Duce" (leader) by his followers?
4. Which country did Fulgencio Batista rule as dictator from 1933 and again from 1952 to 1959?
5. Name the President of Uganda who gained power by a military coup in 1971 and established a dictatorship marked by atrocities.
6. Who wrote "The Tyrant's Novel", published in 2003, which concerned the autocratic regime of a country like Iraq?
7. In which country was Kim Il Sung a virtual dictator between 1948 and his death in 1994?
8. In his film comedy "The Great Dictator", what name did Charles Chaplin give the dictator he played, who looked like Adolf Hitler?
9. Who wrote the poem "Epitaph on a Tyrant", which included the lines "When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets"?
10. Which Romanian dictator was executed in 1989 to end his two-decade dictatorship?
1. Which tyrannical Roman emperor, who ruled from AD54 to 68, was said to have been responsible for two-thirds of Rome being destroyed by fire?
2. Who was the nationalist dictator of Spain until he died in 1975?
3. Which Italian dictator (1883-1945) was called "Duce" (leader) by his followers?
4. Which country did Fulgencio Batista rule as dictator from 1933 and again from 1952 to 1959?
5. Name the President of Uganda who gained power by a military coup in 1971 and established a dictatorship marked by atrocities.
6. Who wrote "The Tyrant's Novel", published in 2003, which concerned the autocratic regime of a country like Iraq?
7. In which country was Kim Il Sung a virtual dictator between 1948 and his death in 1994?
8. In his film comedy "The Great Dictator", what name did Charles Chaplin give the dictator he played, who looked like Adolf Hitler?
9. Who wrote the poem "Epitaph on a Tyrant", which included the lines "When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets"?
10. Which Romanian dictator was executed in 1989 to end his two-decade dictatorship?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Emerald partners with COPE
"Emerald Group Publishing Limited has announced its partnership with COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics) from 1 January 2009. COPE is a registered charity in the UK that promotes ethical conduct in scientific research and its publication in science journals. Its main role is to offer advice to editors of academic journals on tackling issues affecting integrity of work, such as suspected research or publication misconduct. This partnership will provide Emerald with additional support to its editors."
Sainsbury's Book Club (UK)

NewSpace - Volume 1, Issue 10
NewSpace: a monthly publication for the DSpace Community - Volume 1, Issue 10 now available
Nature Education launches Scitable

Ex Libris Rosetta
"Ex Libris Group has announced the release of Ex Libris Rosetta for digital libraries, which will provide national and academic libraries and archives around the world with a solution to support their task of collecting and preserving cumulative knowledge in digital format for the enjoyment and use of generations to come"
An Era of Progress and Promise

LibWorld - library blogs worldwide
LibWorld - library blogs worldwide by Christian Hauschke, Nadine Ullmann, and Sarah Lohre, is available from Lulu as a free download or a paperback book
'Orphan works' focus of new initiative
"The Collections Trust and the Strategic Content Alliance have announced a joint initiative to assess the impact of 'orphan works' (works for which the copyright owner is unknown or cannot be traced) on the delivery of services to the public. As part of the work, an online survey has been set up to allow cultural heritage, education, health and public service broadcast organisations to register how the issue affects their own service provision. The first research of its kind into the extent of orphan works across the UK and Europe, the survey has already received hundreds of responses from collections across the United Kingdom and overseas. The survey is available now online and the closing date for completion is Friday 16 January 2009. All respondents will be entered into a prize draw to win GBP100 (or the Euro equivalent)"
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