Thursday, March 31, 2011
Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, and California University Presses to make scholarly books available on JSTOR
"Four prominent academic publishers in the United States have announced plans to bring their scholarly books online at JSTOR, one of the most well-known and widely used scholarly research sites. This is the second wave of presses to join the Books at JSTOR initiative. The initial group included Chicago, Minnesota, North Carolina, Princeton, and Yale University Presses"
The Eccles British Library Writer in Residence Award
"Applications are invited for the Eccles British Library Writer in Residence Award. The award of £20,000, sponsored by the David and Mary Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library, is open to writers resident in the United Kingdom. Writers should be working on a non-fiction or fiction full-length book, written in the English language, the research for which requires that they make substantial use of the British Library's collections relating to North America (the USA and/or Canada). The award holder will be the Eccles British Library Writer in Residence for a period of one year from 1st January 2012. The award will help the Writer in Residence to spend part of that time on site at the British Library, making direct use of the collections relating to North America (the USA and/or Canada)"
Five up and coming information professionals named SLA Rising Stars
"An information analyst, senior research librarian, web analyst, research services assistant, and reference librarian were named the 2011 Rising Stars of the Special Libraries Association. Sara Batts, Clara Cabrera, Lisa Chow, Ashley Conaway, and Christina Pryor will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony during the SLA 2011 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this June. They will also take part in the SLA Rising Stars--SLA Fellows Roundtable, where they will partner with five recently named SLA Fellows to discuss information industry trends and field questions from their colleagues. The roundtable is co-hosted by J.J. Keller & Associates, sponsor of the Rising Star Award. The Rising Star Award is presented annually to SLA members who demonstrate exceptional promise of leadership and contribution to SLA and the information profession. Only SLA members who are in their first five years of membership and have recently started their careers are eligible to receive the honor"
ACRL 2011 on Twitter
Can't make it Philly for ACRL 2011? Or want to keep up even more while you are at conference? Check out the handy Twitter feeds for the general conference, Cyber Zed Shed, and other sessions with hashtags and keep up with all the action! And make sure to tag your tweets with #acrl2011 (or the session hashtags found in your program book) and join the conversation
New Jersey Library Association Spring Conference 2011

* Hotel reservations must be made prior to April 11, 2011
* Special Room Rates for NJLA Convention Attendees
* $164.00 for Single or Double Occupancy / no resort fee
* When making reservations by telephone (732-571-4000) indicate that you are with the NJ Library Association
Preconferences will be held on May 2. Exhibits will open on May 3
More than 14,000 new London docklands baptism records published
You can now search 14,803 new London docklands parish baptism records on These records pre-date civil registration (the introduction of the compulsory registration of births, deaths, and marriages in 1837) which makes them especially useful when trying to find your otherwise potentially untraceable ancestors
Zadie Smith joins campaign to save her local library (UK)

Swiss to reinstate fixed book prices

Hay Festival 2011
This year's Hay Festival, an annual literature festival held in Hay-on-Wye, Wales, takes place from 26 May to 6 June 2011
SPARC launches new e-forum for subject repository development and success
SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has announced it will host a new discussion forum dedicated to the unique needs of the subject-based digital repository community. As repositories continue to grow as an engine for driving Open Access worldwide, new challenges and opportunities emerge and the demand for more focused conversations grows
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Finalists announced for Man Booker International
Thirteen writers have made it on to the judges' list of finalists under serious consideration for the fourth Man Booker International Prize, the £60,000 award which recognises one writer for his or her achievement in fiction. The authors come from eight countries, five are published in translation and there are four women on the list. One writer has previously won the annual Man Booker Prize for Fiction and two have been shortlisted. Famously, another, John le Carré, asked that his books should not be submitted for the annual prize to give less established authors the opportunity to win. The Finalists' List is announced by the chair of judges, Rick Gekoski, at a press conference held at the University of Sydney, today Wednesday 30 March 2011 at 10.00 (EST). The thirteen authors on the list are:
* Wang Anyi (China)
* Juan Goytisolo (Spain)
* James Kelman (UK)
* John le Carré (UK)
* Amin Maalouf (Lebanon)
* David Malouf (Australia)
* Dacia Maraini (Italy)
* Rohinton Mistry (India/Canada)
* Philip Pullman (UK)
* Marilynne Robinson (USA)
* Philip Roth (USA)
* Su Tong (China)
* Anne Tyler (USA)
The judging panel for the Man Booker International Prize 2011 consists of writer, academic and rare-book dealer Dr. Rick Gekoski (Chair), publisher, writer and critic Carmen Callil, and award-winning novelist Justin Cartwright
* Wang Anyi (China)
* Juan Goytisolo (Spain)
* James Kelman (UK)
* John le Carré (UK)
* Amin Maalouf (Lebanon)
* David Malouf (Australia)
* Dacia Maraini (Italy)
* Rohinton Mistry (India/Canada)
* Philip Pullman (UK)
* Marilynne Robinson (USA)
* Philip Roth (USA)
* Su Tong (China)
* Anne Tyler (USA)
The judging panel for the Man Booker International Prize 2011 consists of writer, academic and rare-book dealer Dr. Rick Gekoski (Chair), publisher, writer and critic Carmen Callil, and award-winning novelist Justin Cartwright
Diagram Prize for the Oddest Book Title of 2010 winner

SAGE launches Dialogues in Human Geography
SAGE has announced the launch of the new journal Dialogues in Human Geography. The journal will publish 3 times a year with the first issue out now. The primary aim of Dialogues in Human Geography is to stimulate open and critical debate on the philosophical, methodological and pedagogic foundations of geographic thought and praxis. It will publish articles, with responses, which seek to critique present thinking and praxis and set the agenda for future avenues of geographic thought, empirical research and pedagogy. Dialogues will be theoretical in orientation, forward looking, and seek to publish original and innovative work that pushes the boundaries of geographical theory, praxis and pedagogy through a unique (in Geography) and innovative format of open peer commentary. This format strongly encourages engaged dialogue
DIPPAM: Documenting Ireland – Parliament, People and Migration

Serials Solutions to enable full-text search of the HathiTrust Collection from the Summon™ Service
"Serials Solutions and HathiTrust have announced an agreement to enable full-text search of the entire HathiTrust collection of digitized scholarly books from the Summon™ web-scale discovery service. Researchers and faculty at institutions with the Summon™ service will be able to use the library's own website to search the full text of its print books and serials, and discover materials relevant to their research topics. This collaboration makes the full text of much of the library's physical collection as easily searchable as its electronic content"
IFLA and the Prince Claus Fund sign contract to help preserve Haitian cultural heritage
On 17 March 2011 Christa Meindersma, the recently appointed Director of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture & Development and IFLA Secretary General Jennefer Nicholson signed a contract that will enable joint action to save Haiti's still vulnerable archives and important library collections. Thanks to the support of ICCO and Kerk in Actie, the Prince Claus Fund is providing € 242,500 for the restoration of these important documents through the establishment of a treatment centre (Ark) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This contribution will in turn create a solid foundation for a crucial part of Haiti's overall cultural reconstruction. IFLA will coordinate the disbursement of these funds
Shaun Tan wins Astrid Lindgren prize 2011
The Australian author-illustrator Shaun Tan is the winner of this year's Astrid Lindgren prize – the richest children's literature prize in the world, with a purse of 5m kroner (£490,000). Tan is the second Australian to be awarded the prize in its nine-year history, following Sonya Hartnett's win in 2008.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cornell University Library rescues records of early American trials
"A fascinating bit of legal history involving Lizzie Borden, John Brown and Lincoln's killers will soon be preserved and available online, thanks to a recent grant awarded to Cornell University Library. With $155,700 from the Save America's Treasures grant program, the Library will restore and digitize a collection of mass-produced pamphlets from the late 17th century to the late 19th century. These pamphlets, which were often sold on the street soon after a trial as entertainment and cautionary tales, include accounts of famous historical figures and reflect society's attitude toward social issues like capital punishment, marriage and abortion."
DSpace 1.7.1 is available now
DSpace 1.7.1 is a bug-fix release of DSpace. This latest update resolves several key issues, along with a medium-level SECURITY ISSUE in our 1.7.0 release. DSpace 1.7.1 does not introduce any new features, it just resolves issues found in 1.7.0.
E-News for ARL Directors - March 2011
E-News for ARL Directors - March 2011 is now available online from the Association of Research Libraries
Above the Fold - 21 March 2011
Above the Fold is a Web-based newsletter published by OCLC Research. It has been developed to serve a broad international readership from libraries, archives and museums - 21 March 2011 - Vol. 4, No. 11 now available
'Digital Resources for Palaeography' - one-day symposium (UK)
The Digital Resource and Database of Palaeography, Manuscripts and Diplomatic (DigiPal) at the Centre for Computing in Humanities at King's College London has announced a one-day symposium on digital resources for palaeography - 5 September, 2011
The 2011 Ridenhour Book Prize winner

Monday, March 28, 2011
Catherine Cookson's estate set to infuriate publishing houses by releasing 100 cut-price e-books (UK)
"She sold more than 100million books and was for years the most-borrowed author in British libraries. Now, more than 12 years after her death, Catherine Cookson, the best-selling author of The Fifteen Streets and the Mallen trilogy, is embroiled in a literary bust-up. Her estate, the Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust, is set to infuriate the print publishing industry by releasing 100 of her novels as cut-price electronic books. The trust's literary agent, Sonia Land, has not informed Mrs Cookson's print publishers, Transworld Publishers and Simon & Schuster, about the release for fear of opposition. The publishing houses will not benefit from the e-books, available via Amazon from this week, and may see their sales suffer as a result"
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #147
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #147. "This week's episode features a very congested head writer comparing ebook licensing to offering "free cake & icecream" while the producer brings a news micellany". Previous Podcasts can be found here is a rapidly developing search engine for all types of files, operating its own crawler. FindFiles database currently contains links to several hundred Millions of files. FindFiles supports all existing Mime Types (apart from standard html text-pages). Well known examples are
* mp3 audio and wav sound files
* midi musical instrument interfaces
* mp4, avi and quicktime videos
* jpeg, gif, png and tiff images
* Microsoft doc and Excel documents and exe executables
* pdf and plain text documents
* dwg AutoCAD and wrl virtual reality data files
* archives like zip, gzip and jar
* mp3 audio and wav sound files
* midi musical instrument interfaces
* mp4, avi and quicktime videos
* jpeg, gif, png and tiff images
* Microsoft doc and Excel documents and exe executables
* pdf and plain text documents
* dwg AutoCAD and wrl virtual reality data files
* archives like zip, gzip and jar
WaveNet (UK)
"The Defra strategic wave monitoring network for England and Wales will provide a single source of real time wave data from a network of wave buoys located in areas at risk from flooding. Data from this network will be used to improve the management of flood and coastal erosion risk for which Defra has policy responsibility. WaveNet will be managed by the WaveNet steering group. The data will be used by Flood Managers, Local Authorities, Consultants, and other stakeholders in order to assess flood risk and on a longer timescale will be to help design improved flood defence schemes and to provide data for climate change studies. The wave data will be also be used to validate the Met Office wave model which is run 4 times daily"
BTB #222: Ready to Read
In his Paris office overlooking Blvd. St.-Germain-des-Pres, Fabrice Piault, vice editor-in-chief for Livres Hebdo, sees a French publishing industry set to change its look. Even while the new digital fashion is turning heads, though, how good is the fit? "Maybe you would have asked me the same question one or two years ago, I would have said that well, there were many worrying about what could be the future. Sure, they are still worrying, but they are also beginning to work on it," Piault told opyright Clearance Center's Chris Kenneally at the start of the annual Salon du Livre earlier this month
Information Literacy State-of-the Art Report - Colombia
A new "State of the Art" of information literacy report has been published. This is part of the series prepared for the IFLA Information Literacy section, and it is available in Spanish and in English. This one is on information literacy in Colombia and it reports on developments in libraries and universities on this subject, and publications and research that have been carried out in recent years
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The British Library - Playtimes website
"The Playtimes website is part of a wider Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project entitled 'Children’s Games and Songs in the New Media Age'. The project is part of the AHRC's 'Beyond Text' programme which seeks to highlight the importance of communication, sensory perception, orality and material culture within current scholarship and today's digital culture. The 'Children's Games and Songs' project aims to preserve children's games and songs as an important aspect of our national culture; but also seeks to explore how they continue to be a part of the lives of children living in the age of computer games and the internet. What does this oral tradition borrow from the media; and how might it connect with the entertainment and information technologies of the age of new media?"
Oxford English Dictionary - March 2011 update
The latest update of the OED, published on 24 March 2011, revises more than 1,900 entries and adds new words from across the dictionary. The OED's chief editor, John Simpson, provides some observations on the revisions in this update, while Graeme Diamond and Katherine Martin comment on some of the most interesting new words in the batch
Europeana Blog

Spinning the Web (UK)

* Overview - an account of the period between 1760 to the present day
* Places - the impact of cotton on villages, towns and cities
* People - living and working in the mills
* Industry - how cotton was made and sold
* Clothing & products - uses of cotton
The Wilfred Owen Story (UK)

The Wilfred Owen Story is at 34 Argyle Street and entry is free
MarcEdit 5.5 update
MarcEdit 5.5 update has been posted. This is a major update in that it updates the program from .NET 3 to .NET 4
Embedding information literacy: from strategy to practice (UK)
Embedding information literacy: from strategy to practice - "Librarians and academics from a variety of universities describe the development of their IL strategies and show you how they have successfully put them into practice. The day includes a tour of Student Central, the University of Bradford's brand new social learning space" - April 13 2011 - University of Bradford, UK
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
IngenierÃa y Desarollo
Analele Universitatii din Craiova : Seria Agricultura, Montanologie, Cadastru
International Journal of Family Medicine
Medicine & Health
Radovi Zavoda za Znanstveni Rad Varaždin
Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems
Open Source Science Journal
International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory
Journal of Social and Development Sciences
Urbani Izziv
Analele Universitatii din Craiova : Seria Agricultura, Montanologie, Cadastru
International Journal of Family Medicine
Medicine & Health
Radovi Zavoda za Znanstveni Rad Varaždin
Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems
Open Source Science Journal
International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory
Journal of Social and Development Sciences
Urbani Izziv
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume II is now live
Podcast: Heralds and heraldry at The National Archives (UK)

WorldCat Local offers more content from leading publishers
"An expanding collection of authoritative content from leading academic publishers is now accessible through WorldCat Local, the OCLC discovery service that offers users integrated access to electronic, digital and physical library materials. WorldCat Local provides access to more than 750 million items, including books, journals and databases from international publishers; the digital collections of groups like HathiTrust, OAIster and Google Books; open access materials; as well as the collective resources of libraries worldwide through WorldCat"
SirsiDynix releases BookMyne 2.1 iPhone Application
As libraries evolve to meet the needs of their information-overloaded user base, the SirsiDynix development team actively expands its offerings for on-the-go library users. Among this development is the industry-leading SirsiDynix BookMyne™ iPhone application, bringing convenient, social-savvy library functionality into your users' everyday activities. In addition to providing mobile access to in-demand library information, holdings and services, BookMyne 2.1 offers a myriad of patron-pleasing features including:
* Barcode scanning capability, so library users can scan the barcode of a book at a bookstore or friend's home and retrieve availability information on the book at the patron's library of choice
* Social recommendation engine powered via Goodreads, enabling iPhone or iPod Touch users to search library holding for friend-recommended reads
* New York Times best seller list cross-referencing, enabling users to immediately cross-check the best seller list with library holdings and place holds remotely
* Enhanced account interaction, including the ability for library users to view fines and fees on their Apple mobile device
* Barcode scanning capability, so library users can scan the barcode of a book at a bookstore or friend's home and retrieve availability information on the book at the patron's library of choice
* Social recommendation engine powered via Goodreads, enabling iPhone or iPod Touch users to search library holding for friend-recommended reads
* New York Times best seller list cross-referencing, enabling users to immediately cross-check the best seller list with library holdings and place holds remotely
* Enhanced account interaction, including the ability for library users to view fines and fees on their Apple mobile device
Names unveiled for Liverpool’s new Central Library (UK)

National Portal to Historic Collections (USA)
National Portal to Historic Collections - "Search the most comprehensive national collection of historic artifacts, photographs, paintings, and documents in the U.S. Tens of thousands of never-before-seen treasures are at your fingertips. For the first time, you can access the internal collections data of many of America's leading museums, National Parks, and historical societies"
WorldCat Mashathon U.S.
WorldCat Mashathon U.S. - 04/07/2011 - 5:00am - 04/08/2011 - 5:00am - "This mashathon will be distributed across several locations. The idea is that this approach will make it easier to participate no matter where you live - and be a test bed to see if your library might want to be a host location in the future. Because this is the first time doing it this way, the Mashathon will be held at the same time in three different OCLC offices: Washington, DC; Columbus, OH; San Mateo, CA"
2011 Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award announced by the Canadian Library Association
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques is pleased to announce that the 2011 CLA Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is being presented to Stephen Abram of Gale Cengage Learning. The CLA Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is generously sponsored by Bowker
Oxfordshire County Council library plans 'torn up' (UK)
Plans to cut funding to a specific number of libraries in Oxfordshire have been "torn up", according to council leader Keith Mitchell. In November, the conservative-led administration said money for nearly half of the public libraries could be axed under budget cuts. But now Mr Mitchell has said: "We've got a little bit more money so we take a little bit more time." A consultation will begin in mid-May and run until the end of September. Mr Mitchell insisted that the word closure had only ever been used by the media and that the council had always been looking at ways to keep the libraries open. But he added that the original list of libraries set to lose their funding had gone. "We've torn up that list, we've moved on, things have changed," he said. However, he feels the current investment in the staffing is still untenable.
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - March 25, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Numbers. "In this week's brainteaser, all you have to do is fill in the numbers missing from these questions" Answers here.
1. Alexandre Dumas wrote "The [how many] Musketeers"?
2. A 1962 novel by Ken Kesey was called "[How many] Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"?
3. James Bond, a fictional member of the British Secret Service, is also known as [what number]?
4. The conflict between England and France from 1337 to 1453 was called the "[How many] Years' War"?
5. A gross contains how many?
6. In 1920, a French group of composers including Milhaud and Poulenc was named "Les [how many]"?
7. According to Jaques in Shakespeare's "As You Like It", there are [how many] ages of man?
8. In 1917, John Reed went to Petrograd to witness the October Revolution, recording his observations in the book "[How Many] Days That Shook the World"?
9. How many seemingly impossible labours was Hercules given to perform?
10. When Britain changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, how many days were omitted?
1. Alexandre Dumas wrote "The [how many] Musketeers"?
2. A 1962 novel by Ken Kesey was called "[How many] Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"?
3. James Bond, a fictional member of the British Secret Service, is also known as [what number]?
4. The conflict between England and France from 1337 to 1453 was called the "[How many] Years' War"?
5. A gross contains how many?
6. In 1920, a French group of composers including Milhaud and Poulenc was named "Les [how many]"?
7. According to Jaques in Shakespeare's "As You Like It", there are [how many] ages of man?
8. In 1917, John Reed went to Petrograd to witness the October Revolution, recording his observations in the book "[How Many] Days That Shook the World"?
9. How many seemingly impossible labours was Hercules given to perform?
10. When Britain changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, how many days were omitted?

CARL E-Lert # 417
CARL E-Lert # 417, March 25 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: La justice américaine rejette l'accord entre Google et les éditeurs / NYC judge rejects Google books settlement / The budget contains lots of nuggets for research and innovations, but analysts say they don't add up to much / NRC boss orders scientists to focus on 'market drivers': Less time for pure science has researchers fearing for their jobs / Cornell U. Library Takes a Stand With Journal Vendors: Prices Will Be Made Public / Early Finding of Cal State U. E-Textbook Study: Terms Matter / Canada's open data portal
Thursday, March 24, 2011
NISO Forum: Mobile Technologies in Libraries
NISO Forum: Mobile Technologies in Libraries - May 20, 2011 - Philadelphia, PA, USA
Shakespeare room rebuilt for new Birmingham library (UK)

Open Data from Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada has been invited to join a Government of Canada (GC) initiative on open data, which will provide all Canadians with access to GC datasets and associated metadata in the public domain. As part of this initiative, LAC is releasing two datasets for the launch of this new website and will be developing a long-term plan for releasing more public domain datasets over the coming months
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
PEP is a digital archive of many of the major works of psychoanalysis. PEP Archive 1 version 10 (1871-2007), released in January 2011, contains the complete full text of forty-two premier psychoanalytic journals, complete versions of fifty-eight classic psychoanalytic texts and all twenty-four volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, the German Freud Standard Edition, "Gesammelte Werke" and all the included Editorial Notes. Current Content is also available and fully searchable for the PEP Journals, but as per contracts with the publishers, is only available for reading at the abstract level
UK Government reports 14-18 March 2011
UK Government reports 14-18 March 2011 selected by LSE Library, London, UK
Manorial Documents Register: Shropshire available online (UK)

Tales from the Terminal Room - March 2011
Tales from the Terminal Room - March 2011, Issue No. 95 is now available. Tales from the Terminal Room is an electronic newsletter that includes reviews and comparisons of information sources; useful tools for managing information; technical and access problems on the Net; and news of RBA's training courses and publications. Editor: Karen Blakeman. Published by RBA Information Services
Ursula Gielen Book Award
This award is presented to the author(s) or editor(s) of a recent book that makes the greatest contribution to psychology as an international discipline and profession, or more specifically, the degree to which the book adds to our understanding of global phenomena and problems from a psychological point of view. Deadline: September 2, 2011. Winners will be announced by December 15, presented with a certificate, and invited to give an address at the APA Convention. They will receive full payment of the convention fee and a stipend of $500 to help fund their attendance at the convention
Atlas of Inuit Sea Ice Knowledge and Use (Canada)

Credo Reference launches Subject Collections
Credo Reference has announced the launch of Subject Collections. These convenient collections, designed to provide comprehensive coverage of key subjects, add to the rapidly growing reference e-book offerings on Credo Reference. The eight new collections offer titles from 11 key reference publishers including Wiley-Blackwell, Elsevier, SAGE Reference and Berkshire Publishing Group. Additional Subject Collections are planned for Fall 2011
Gale commits three more collections to the Portico archive
Gale will be preserving three additional digital historical collections with Portico. This follows the completed ingest of 10 Gale Digital Collections - including 19th Century U.S. Newspapers, The Making of Modern Law: Primary Resources and Eighteenth Century Collections Online - and represents over 80 million files (75 million pages of content), which doubled the size of the Portico archive in just one year. The three additional Gale collections being committed comprise over one million files, and include Dictionary of Literary Biography, Something About the Author Online and Literature Criticism Online
Reading for Wellbeing (UK)
Reading for Wellbeing: The Reader Organisation's Second National Conference - 17 May 2011 - Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, Wirral, UK
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - March 2011
LibraryThing: State of the Thing - March 2011 - "This month we have a job posting, new features, author interviews with Charles Cumming and Téa Obreht, 2,914 free Early Reviewer books and hundreds of Member Giveaway books available"
Edinburgh International Festival 2011 (Scotland)
Edinburgh International Festival 2011 (Scotland) will be held 12 August to 4 September 2011
Warwick Prize for Writing 2011
Peter Forbes has been announced as the winner of the GBP50,000 Warwick Prize for Writing for his Dazzled and Deceived, Mimicry and Camouflage
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Proceeding of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems
Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
e-Makalat Mezhep Arastirmalari Dergisi
QTimes Webmagazine
Australasian Journal of Peer Learning
Biotechnology Research International
Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology
Wetlands (Australia)
Sciences Eaux & Territoires : la Revue du Cemagref
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Revista Ciência da Madeira
Revista de la Sociedad Otorrinolaringológica de Castilla y León, Cantabria y La Rioja
PolÃtica y Sociedad
EduSer : Revista de Educação
African Primates
Aviation in Focus : Journal of Aeronautical Sciences
Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
e-Makalat Mezhep Arastirmalari Dergisi
QTimes Webmagazine
Australasian Journal of Peer Learning
Biotechnology Research International
Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology
Wetlands (Australia)
Sciences Eaux & Territoires : la Revue du Cemagref
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Revista Ciência da Madeira
Revista de la Sociedad Otorrinolaringológica de Castilla y León, Cantabria y La Rioja
PolÃtica y Sociedad
EduSer : Revista de Educação
African Primates
Aviation in Focus : Journal of Aeronautical Sciences
Information Standards Quarterly - Winter 2011
Information Standards Quarterly - Winter 2011, Volume 23, Issue 1 is now available from the National Information Standards Organization
Research Library Issues, no. 274
The Association of Research Libraries has released issue 274, February 2011, of Research Library Issues
Learned Publishing - April 2011 now online
Learned Publishing is the journal of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, published in collaboration with the Society for Scholarly Publishing. The journal is published quarterly in January/April/July/October. April 2011 now available online
The Atlas of New Librarianship
"ACRL and MIT Press have announced the co-publication of a new title, The Atlas of New Librarianship by R. David Lankes of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies. Libraries have existed for millennia, but today the library field is searching for solid footing in an increasingly fragmented (and increasingly digital) information environment. What is librarianship when it is unmoored from cataloging, books, buildings and committees? The Atlas of New Librarianship offers a guide to this new landscape for practitioners. Lankes describes a new librarianship based not on books and artifacts but on knowledge and learning, and suggests a new mission for librarians: to improve society through facilitating knowledge creation in their communities. To help librarians navigate this new terrain, Lankes offers a map, a visual representation of the discipline"
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
London Wikipedia Academy - April 13, 2011
London Wikipedia Academy - April 13, 2011 - "The focus of the day is to start a conversation about how academia and Wikipedia should view and engage each other, using as much evidence and as little personal opinion as possible We want to reset the tone of discussion to one which is focussed on working with practical realities of Wikipedia's widespread use and is accurate and precise about Wikipedia's strengths and weaknesses. This will help Wikipedia by increasing input from academics in London and will help academics as they will be talking in detail about what may well be the most widely used cross-faculty resource in modern higher education"
FutureBook and Literary Platform launch Innovation Workshop
The FutureBook Innovation Workshop will take place on 16th June 2011, and is being run in association with The Literary Platform. The half-day event will see publishers showcase their recent apps, enhanced e-books and e-books, and share best-practice with fellow publishers. In addition, the conference will provide a platform for publishers to meet with developers, with a 'speed-dating' session aimed at putting book professionals in touch with potential digital partners. An industry Q&A will also provide practical guidance on recent market developments - London, UK
2011 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature winner
The Jewish Book Council today named Austin Ratner the winner of the $100,000 2011 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature in fiction for his debut novel The Jump Artist (Bellevue Literary Press ). The Jewish Book Council is also pleased to announce Joseph Skibell, author of A Curable Romantic (Algonquin Books), is the 2011 runner-up and recipient of the $25,000 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature Choice Award. Established in 2006, the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature is the largest monetary award of its kind given to writers of exceptional talent and promise in early career
CNI Conversations Archive - March 18, 2011
CNI Conversations Archive - March 18, 2011: Personal Archiving, Software Obsolescence, and Self-Destructing Ebooks - CNI Executive Director Clifford Lynch discusses a report on peer review from Berkeley's Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE), the recent personal digital archiving symposium hosted at the Internet Archive, and Mac OS X Lion and implications for software obsolescence. Cliff also comments on auto-destructing ebooks and the Digital Public Library of America
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Apply to become a presenter for ACRL workshop "Scholarly communications 101: Starting with the basics"
"ACRL is accepting expressions of interest from prospective new presenters for the workshop "Scholarly communications 101: Starting with the basics." The four-hour workshop, now in its third year, is led by two expert presenters at locations across the country. The workshop focuses on new methods of scholarly publishing and communication, open access and openness as a principle, copyright and intellectual property and economics, providing a foundational understanding for attendees. Applications open until Friday, April 8, 2011"
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #146
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #146. "Over the past week Erie Looking Productions has unsuccessfully grappled with a massive reduction in computing power. Two computers dying within days of each other is not a good thing. An annotated round-up of links from the slush pile is presented in this post while the audio brings an old-time radio classic. With luck we'll be fully recovered operationally next week". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Podcast: Family history resources at The National Archives (UK)

SAGE begins publishing Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
SAGE has begun a partnership with the New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business and the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research to publish the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
The Oregon Digital Library Project

InSITE - March 21, 2011
InSITE: A Current Awareness Service of Cornell Law Library - Vol. 16, No. 14, March 21, 2011 is now available. Contents:
Information Research - March 2011
Information Research - Volume 16 No 1 - March 2011 is now available from Publisher/Editor in Chief, Professor Tom Wilson
The Scottish Medial Journal now online via Stanford's HighWire
The Royal Society of Medicine Press and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow have announced that the full text of Scottish Medical Journal is available online
Monday, March 21, 2011
VuFind 1.1 released
"The next major release of VuFind has just come out. 1.1 adds numerous enhancements, including expanded support for non-MARC and authority records, autosuggesters, improved keyword highlighting, better favorites management, a sitemap generator and lots more. The entire code base has also been thoroughly reviewed, documented and improved, making this the most stable and secure VuFind yet"
Trendy Topics online conference about Social Media
Trendy Topics: Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, and More - An Online Conference - April 20, 2011. TAP Information Services and the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University announce another in the ongoing series of online conferences on hot topics that librarians can participate in anywhere. No travel required. Keynote Speaker: Meredith Farkas, the new Head of Instructional Services at Portland State University in Oregon. Her talk is titled 'Organization 2.0: Avoiding the Social Software Graveyard.'
BTB #221: Information For Innovation
"A discussion with Martha Anderson, director of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program for the Library of Congress, recording while attending the annual NFAIS Conference in Philadelphia. Anderson tells Copyright Clearance Center's Chris Kenneally about her efforts to collect all manner of digital content, from Twitter tweets to amateur videos"
The Sheet Music Consortium Metadata Mapping Tool
The Sheet Music Consortium Metadata Mapping Tool is adapted from Emory University's Metadata Migrator software package, and like the Emory tool, development was funded by Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Metadata Mapping Tool allows museums, archives, libraries and other cultural heritage organizations to make their locally stored sheet music records available for online searching on the Sheet Music Consortium portal following the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
CARL E-Lert # 416
CARL E-Lert # 416, March 18 2011 from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: Digital Curation for Preservation / Next census gathering has begun, passed 'point of no return,' says new StatsCan chief / Canadian researchers keeping tabs on biodiversity / Universities to pay Access Copyright the same rates, for now / Les taux payés par les universités à Access Copyright sont maintenus pour le moment / 7 Things you should know about open textbook publishing / The Digital Pileup
SPARC enews/March 2011
SPARC enews/March 2011: a bimonthly newsletter features the latest SPARC activities, an industry roundup, upcoming workshops and events, as well as articles related to developments in scholarly communication
C&RL to go open access
ACRL announces that its scholarly research journal, College & Research Libraries (C&RL), will become an open access publication beginning with the May 2011 issue. This change in access policy lifts the online version of the publication's current six-month embargo on new content and makes the complete contents of the journal from 1997 to the present freely available through the publication website
Saturday, March 19, 2011
2010 Man Asian Literary Prize winner
The winner of the 2010 Man Asian Literary Prize is Bi Feiyu for Three Sisters
Cutting the Red Tape: Finding and Using E-Government Tools and Resources eCourse
Cutting the Red Tape: Finding and Using E-Government Tools and Resources eCourse. A facilitated eCourse led by Diane Kovacs - 4-week session running April 4 - 29, 2011
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Applications
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Clinical Imaging Science
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
Culture and Society : Journal of Social Research
Global Media Journal : Pakistan Edition
Pesquisas em Turismo e Paisagens Cársticas
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences
Der Pharma Chemica
Bioceramics Development and Applications
Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
International Dental and Medical Disorder
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
Wireless Sensor Network
Journal of Water Resource and Protection
Sustentabilidade em Debate
Castilla : Estudios de Literatura
Media Peternakan
Synergies Espagne
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Journal of Cytology & Histology
Brock Education : a Journal of Educational Research and Practice
Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy
Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction
Hope's Reason : A Journal of Apologetics
International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Clinical Imaging Science
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
Culture and Society : Journal of Social Research
Global Media Journal : Pakistan Edition
Pesquisas em Turismo e Paisagens Cársticas
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences
Der Pharma Chemica
Bioceramics Development and Applications
Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
International Dental and Medical Disorder
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
Wireless Sensor Network
Journal of Water Resource and Protection
Sustentabilidade em Debate
Castilla : Estudios de Literatura
Media Peternakan
Synergies Espagne
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Journal of Cytology & Histology
Brock Education : a Journal of Educational Research and Practice
Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy
Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction
Hope's Reason : A Journal of Apologetics
International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
ALPSP eLearning
Friday, March 18, 2011
The New York Public Library, Columbia University and New York University forge historic collaboration
"The New York Public Library and the libraries of Columbia University and New York University - three renowned research institutions all on the island of Manhattan - have launched an initiative to expand collections and better serve their users. The collaboration, dubbed the Manhattan Research Library Initiative, or MaRLI, will help the institutions increase access to research collections, increase use of specialized collections, and stretch collection dollars for covering research resources. The institutions will coordinate their research collecting, eliminating overlap of specialized materials and identifying opportunities for shared collecting. They will be able to do so by making their collections mutually available to researchers"
NSW Archaeology On-Line (Australia)
NSW Archaeology On-Line is a sustainable digital archive of information about the archaeology and heritage of important cultural places in New South Wales. Stage 1 of the project makes a collection of previously unpublished 'grey-literature' reports discoverable, searchable and publicly accessible on-line for the first time. Most reports were created before mid-late 1990s in hard-copy format only. They document archaeological field survey, excavation and heritage assessment projects conducted under the NSW Heritage Act and are an important resource for research, education, heritage interpretation and management
15 more OA Journals added to JournalTOCs, the free journal current awareness service
Roddy MacLeod has added 15 more Open Access journals to JournalTOCs, where you can find the latest Tables of Contents from over 15,000 scholarly journals
23rd Annual Lambda Literary Awards finalists
The 114 finalists in 24 categories of the annual Lambda Literary Awards have been announced by the Lambda Literary Foundation. Winners will be honored at the 23rd annual awards ceremony, to be held May 26 in New York City at the end of BEA
30 more publishers endorse KBART
UKSG and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have announced that another 30 publishers are now able to supply metadata that conforms to the recommended practice, KBART: Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (NISO RP-9-2010). Endorsement of this publication, which contains practical recommendations for the timely exchange of accurate metadata between content providers and knowledge base developers, indicates that the format and content of data supplied by the publisher to knowledge bases and related tools conform to the KBART recommendations
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - March 18, 2011
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Hutchinson. "Credo reference is continually updating its titles, and one of the latest is The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide. Here you can find all the answers to this general knowledge brainteaser" Answers here.
1. In which Irish city was the famous Abbey Theatre opened in 1904?
2. What nickname was given to US jazz pianist and composer Edward Kennedy Ellington?
3. Helsinki is the capital of which country?
4. What was the nationality of the composer Beethoven?
5. If a gardener cultivates "bonsai", what does he grow?
6. Which Shakespeare play includes the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
7. Which philosopher is popularly most famous for the statement "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am)?
8. Who wrote the books "Siddhartha" (1922) and "Steppenwolf" (1927)?
9. In which state was US president Barack Obama born?
10. What does a vasodilator do?
1. In which Irish city was the famous Abbey Theatre opened in 1904?
2. What nickname was given to US jazz pianist and composer Edward Kennedy Ellington?
3. Helsinki is the capital of which country?
4. What was the nationality of the composer Beethoven?
5. If a gardener cultivates "bonsai", what does he grow?
6. Which Shakespeare play includes the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
7. Which philosopher is popularly most famous for the statement "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am)?
8. Who wrote the books "Siddhartha" (1922) and "Steppenwolf" (1927)?
9. In which state was US president Barack Obama born?
10. What does a vasodilator do?
UKSG’s second Merriman Award winner
UKSG has announced the second winner of its annual John Merriman Award, set up in recognition of the founder of UKSG and NASIG. Mary Betts-Gray, Business Information Specialist/Freedom of Information Officer at Cranfield University, will receive funding from Award sponsor Taylor & Francis to attend the 2011 NASIG Conference in St Louis, Missouri. The Award enables UKSG and NASIG members working at a practical level in e-resource management to learn and share experiences with colleagues from around the world. The UKSG Education Subcommittee recognised Mary Betts-Gray's initiative and commitment, and felt that she would effectively share experience and ideas gained at the NASIG conference with her colleagues and the wider UKSG community. Meanwhile, NASIG has awarded its 2011 Merriman Award to Elizabeth Siler, Electronic Resources Librarian at Florida International University, Miami
CALA 2011 Annual Conference Program in New Orleans
CALA 2011 Annual Conference Program in New Orleans: Embracing the Changes: Diversity and Global Vision in a Digital Age - The program is designed to spearhead changes within the library profession through meaningful discussions on challenges facing libraries today, such as issues of cultural diversity as related to the library profession, global outreach and collaboration, and impact of new technology on library services - June 26, 2011 - New Orleans, LA, USA
Julian Barnes wins David Cohen Prize for Literature

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wellcome Library: Item of the Month: 'Business Head of the Future'

UK's most borrowed ebooks announced
Ebook retail and library service provider OverDrive has released a list of the most borrowed ebooks from UK libraries for February 2011. The list covers books checked out and on a waiting lists at libraries using OverDrive's fulfilment service. Books loaned by libraries can be read on any ePub/Adobe DRM compatible device any on a number of apps for tablets and smartphones. They cannot be read on Amazon's Kindle or Apple's iBooks which use their own proprietary DRM
Publishing Perspectives newsletter
An international online publishing newsletter, Publishing Perspectives delivers daily opinion about the industry from top members of the global publishing community, a look at the innovators and issues who are shaping the future of the business, as well as news and links from around the Web and the world
RDA: Resource Description and Access Executive Briefings (UK)
Following last year's two sell-out RDA Executive Briefings, CILIP is organising follow-up events in London and Manchester to provide the inside track on progress that is being made, and considering what's next for RDA. Tuesday 12 April 2011, London / Wednesday 25 May 2011, Manchester
The Legal Information Institute of India (LII of India)
The Legal Information Institute of India (LII of India), an international standard, free-access and non-profit, comprehensive online collection of Indian legal information, has officially been launched
METS Workshop: The Basics and Beyond (USA)
The Association of Research Libraries Statistics and Assessment Program and the Digital Library Federation, a program of the Council on Library and Information Resources, are offering a third, five-day METS Workshop: The Basics and Beyond to be held with Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich of the METS Editorial Board. This workshop is aimed at people who work in digital and physical libraries and would like to gain knowledge and skills for organizing the many and disparate component parts of individual digital resources - June 27-July 1, 2011 - New Orleans, LA
Digging into Data Challenge 2011
"The idea behind the Digging into Data Challenge is to address how "big data" changes the research landscape for the humanities and social sciences. Now that we have massive databases of materials used by scholars in the humanities and social sciences - ranging from digitized books, newspapers, and music to transactional data like web searches, sensor data or cell phone records - what new, computationally-based research methods might we apply? As the world becomes increasingly digital, new techniques will be needed to search, analyze, and understand these everyday materials. Digging into Data challenges the research community to help create the new research infrastructure for 21st century scholarship"
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Library eBook Partnership - Colorado, USA

The Copyright & Licensing Summer Institute 2011 (USA)
The Copyright & Licensing Summer Institute 2011 - Instructor: Lesley Ellen Harris. This course is being offered by Catholic University's School of Library and Information Science. It is a five day intensive institute with class meetings taking place 9am-5pm, May 23-27. Course work will be assigned to be completed in both the week prior to and after the class sessions. This course is open to non-Catholic University students, and to professionals seeking to gain knowledge in copyright and licensing
Digipalooza 2011
OverDrive's International User Group Conference for partner libraries, Digipalooza, offers a unique blend of education, networking, and fun - July 28-31 - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
SAGE begins publishing Journal of Literacy Research, Official Journal of the Literacy Research Association
SAGE has begun a partnership with the Literacy Research Association this year to publish Journal of Literacy Research, its official journal. The Literacy Research Association is a professional organization for individuals who share an interest in research and the dissemination of information about literacy and literacy instruction. Members of the organization receive Journal of Literacy Research as benefit of membership.
2011 Orange Prize for Fiction (UK) longlist
The Orange Prize for Fiction, the UK's only annual book award for fiction written by a woman, has announced the 2011 longlist. Celebrating its sixteenth anniversary this year, the Prize celebrates excellence, originality and accessibility in women's writing throughout the world:
* Lyrics Alley by Leila Aboulela (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Sudanese; 3rd Novel
* Jamrach's Menagerie by Carol Birch (Canongate) - British; 10th Novel
* Room by Emma Donoghue (Picador) - Irish; 7th Novel
* The Pleasure Seekers by Tishani Doshi (Bloomsbury) - Indian; 1st Novel
* Whatever You Love by Louise Doughty (Faber and Faber) - British; 6th Novel
* A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan (Corsair) - American; 4th Novel
* The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna (Bloomsbury) - British/Sierra Leonean; 2nd Novel
* The London Train by Tessa Hadley (Jonathan Cape) - British; 4th Novel
* Grace Williams Says it Loud by Emma Henderson (Sceptre) - British; 1st Novel
* The Seas by Samantha Hunt (Corsair) - American; 1st Novel
* The Birth of Love by Joanna Kavenna (Faber and Faber) - British; 2nd Novel
* Great House by Nicole Krauss (Viking) - American; 3rd Novel
* The Road to Wanting by Wendy Law-Yone (Chatto & Windus) - American; 3rd Novel
* The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Serbian/American; 1st Novel
* The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer (Viking) - American; 1st Novel
* Repeat it Today with Tears by Anne Peile (Serpent's Tail) - British; 1st Novel
* Swamplandia! by Karen Russell (Chatto & Windus) - American; 1st Novel
* The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin (Serpent's Tail) - British/Nigerian; 1st Novel
* The Swimmer by Roma Tearne (Harper Press) - British; 4th Novel
* Annabel by Kathleen Winter (Jonathan Cape) - Canadian; 1st Novel
* Lyrics Alley by Leila Aboulela (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Sudanese; 3rd Novel
* Jamrach's Menagerie by Carol Birch (Canongate) - British; 10th Novel
* Room by Emma Donoghue (Picador) - Irish; 7th Novel
* The Pleasure Seekers by Tishani Doshi (Bloomsbury) - Indian; 1st Novel
* Whatever You Love by Louise Doughty (Faber and Faber) - British; 6th Novel
* A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan (Corsair) - American; 4th Novel
* The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna (Bloomsbury) - British/Sierra Leonean; 2nd Novel
* The London Train by Tessa Hadley (Jonathan Cape) - British; 4th Novel
* Grace Williams Says it Loud by Emma Henderson (Sceptre) - British; 1st Novel
* The Seas by Samantha Hunt (Corsair) - American; 1st Novel
* The Birth of Love by Joanna Kavenna (Faber and Faber) - British; 2nd Novel
* Great House by Nicole Krauss (Viking) - American; 3rd Novel
* The Road to Wanting by Wendy Law-Yone (Chatto & Windus) - American; 3rd Novel
* The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Serbian/American; 1st Novel
* The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer (Viking) - American; 1st Novel
* Repeat it Today with Tears by Anne Peile (Serpent's Tail) - British; 1st Novel
* Swamplandia! by Karen Russell (Chatto & Windus) - American; 1st Novel
* The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin (Serpent's Tail) - British/Nigerian; 1st Novel
* The Swimmer by Roma Tearne (Harper Press) - British; 4th Novel
* Annabel by Kathleen Winter (Jonathan Cape) - Canadian; 1st Novel
"A Digital Future for the History of Medicine?" (UK)

New web site celebrates National Library of Medicine's 175th anniversary
"The National Library of Medicine (NLM) had a modest beginning - a small collection of books in the library of the US Army Surgeon General in 1836. From that founding collection has sprung today's National Library of Medicine, the world's largest biomedical library, housing some 17 million items in more than 150 languages, including books, journals, manuscripts, audiovisuals, and other forms of medical information. To celebrate its 175th anniversary year, the Library is inaugurating a new web site, providing further insights into NLM, past and present and its information innovation that has changed the way scientific and medical information is organized, stored, accessed, and disseminated
Library Journal's Movers and Shakers 2011

New video tutorials available from British History Online
Two new screencasts (video tutorials) are available at British History Online. They are very brief and are designed to help people get the most out of their use of British History Online. One screencast explains how to use the advanced search function, and the other shows what can be done on the browse page
D-Lib Magazine - March/April 2011
D-Lib Magazine - March/April 2011 is now available. D-Lib Magazine is produced by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
CLIR's Digital Library Federation affiliates with CenterNet
"centerNet and The Council on Library and Information Resources' Digital Library Federation program have announced their formal alliance. Established in 1995, the Digital Library Federation is a community of library practitioners engaged and committed to building and sustaining digital libraries through collaborative effort and establishing best practices. The DLF community includes project managers, code developers, and digital curators. The affiliation will focus on areas where digital libraries and digital humanities converge and need further exploration and understanding of each community's roles and responsibilities"
WEST: Western Regional Storage Trust - California Digital Library (USA)
"The Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) is a distributed retrospective print journal repository program serving research libraries, college and university libraries, and library consortia in the Western Region of the United States. Under the WEST program, participating libraries consolidate and validate print journal backfiles at major library storage facilities and at selected campus locations. The resulting shared print archives ensure access to the scholarly print record and allow member institutions to optimize campus library space. This collaborative regional approach to managing library collections represents an important step, when joined with other initiatives, toward development of a network-level shared print archive"
Kohacon 2011 (India)
The annual Koha conference for 2011 is to be held at VPM, Thane, India between 31st October and 6th November
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sydney, Australia, hosts The Man Booker Prize International Prize 2011
The Australian city of Sydney will play an important role in the fourth Man Booker International Prize. The University of Sydney will host the press conference to announce the Judges' list of finalists on 30 March, and the winner of the GBP60,000 prize will be announced at the Sydney Writers' Festival on 18 May
The Medici Archive Project

UK Government reports 7-11 March 2011
UK Government reports 7-11 March 2011 selected by LSE Library, London, UK
World Constitutions Illustrated - March 2011 update
The March 2011 update for World Constitutions Illustrated is now available from HeinOnline
10,000 voices added to British Library map of spoken English
Over 10,000 English-speakers have contributed to an audio map of the many ways in which the language is spoken today. The recordings, which will enter the permanent collections of the British Library, were made as part of the Library's acclaimed exhibition Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices, which runs until 3 April
National Library Workers Day 2011 (USA)

Credo Reference expands M.E. Sharpe content
Credo Reference has signed an agreement to expand the M.E. Sharpe content offered on the Credo Reference platform. Researchers will now have access to the added content as a Credo Reference Publisher Collection and the forthcoming Subject Collections. Titles in the M.E. Sharpe Publisher Collection:
* Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A Handbook
* Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women
* Civil Disobedience: An Encyclopedic History of Dissidence in the United States
* Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America
* Dictionary of Media and Communication
* Encyclopedia of Education and Human Development
* Encyclopedia of Religion and Violence
* Encyclopedia of Swearing
* Financial History of the U.S.
* Guide to Islamist Movements
* Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics
* Handbook of Cultural Intelligence
* Research and Discovery: Landmarks and Pioneers in American Science
* Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia
* Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore
* World Folklore for Storytellers: Tales of Wonder, Wisdom, Fools, and Heroes
* Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A Handbook
* Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women
* Civil Disobedience: An Encyclopedic History of Dissidence in the United States
* Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America
* Dictionary of Media and Communication
* Encyclopedia of Education and Human Development
* Encyclopedia of Religion and Violence
* Encyclopedia of Swearing
* Financial History of the U.S.
* Guide to Islamist Movements
* Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics
* Handbook of Cultural Intelligence
* Research and Discovery: Landmarks and Pioneers in American Science
* Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia
* Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore
* World Folklore for Storytellers: Tales of Wonder, Wisdom, Fools, and Heroes
Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL - 3rd issue
"Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL is an international peer-reviewed publication focusing on research, trends, and issues in academic librarianship and libraries which publishes twice a year (fall/winter and spring/summer). The intended audience includes faculty and staff of academic libraries and students and faculty in library science programs. Codex focuses predominantly on academic librarianship in the U.S. but welcomes English-language articles from abroad. Codex also welcomes reviews of books and software that pertain to its focus and scope" - 3rd issue available
Soldiers' records catalogued to help trace family tree (UK National Archives)

New journal from IGI Global: ALIS newsletter
ALIS Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1, is now available from IGI Global. "Unlike similar newsletters - which serve as information vehicles keeping librarians in the know about what's on the publishing horizon - ours is a value-added tool that gives a pre-publication, no-strings-attached glimpse into our library and information science content. The eight articles featured here in abbreviated form touch on the most pressing issues surrounding the discoverability of reference content, including the changing face of information literacy and user behavior, shifting roles for publishers, and hidden new opportunities for reference librarians"
Bridgeman Education now available through JISC Collections For Schools
Bridgeman Education, the online education image resource, is now available for all UK schools through JCS Online Resources
International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2011 winners announced
"The Arch and the Butterfly" by Mohammed Achaari and "The Doves Necklace" by Raja Alem have been announced as joint winners of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2011
FIND's Personalise Your Map
"FIND's Personalise Your Map website allows you to create, customise, annotate and PDF your own maps. With no need to register or download any software, is designed for you to simply use"
Monday, March 14, 2011
Podcast: Sources for tracing agricultural labourers (UK)

The 2011 Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Award shortlist announced
The shortlist for the The 2011 Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Award has been announced:
* Will Cohu – 'East Coast – West Coast'
* Anthony Doerr – 'The Deep'
* Roshi Fernando – 'The Fluorescent Jacket'
* Yiyun Li – 'The Science of Flight'
* Hilary Mantel – 'Comma'
* Gerard Woodward – 'The Family Whistle'
* Will Cohu – 'East Coast – West Coast'
* Anthony Doerr – 'The Deep'
* Roshi Fernando – 'The Fluorescent Jacket'
* Yiyun Li – 'The Science of Flight'
* Hilary Mantel – 'Comma'
* Gerard Woodward – 'The Family Whistle'
American Statistical Association and Taylor & Francis announce new publishing partnership
The American Statistical Association and Taylor & Francis have announced a new publishing partnership between the two organizations. As of 2012, Taylor & Francis will publish six journals on behalf of the ASA:
* Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)
* The American Statistician (TAS)
* Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (JBES)
* Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research (SBR)
* Technometrics1
* Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS)2
* Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)
* The American Statistician (TAS)
* Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (JBES)
* Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research (SBR)
* Technometrics1
* Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS)2
Speaker slides from NFAIS 2011 conference available
Speaker slides from the NFAIS 2011 conference are now available. NFAIS = National Federation of Advanced Information Services
The Future of E-textbooks: A Symposium on the Influence of E-textbooks on Academic Life
The Future of E-textbooks: A Symposium on the Influence of E-textbooks on Academic Life "will consider various questions about teaching, learning, and technology, as well as the economics and future business models of the e-textbook market. Organizers say the arrival of Smart Boards, personal computers, and wireless printers has begun to change the way that students interact with faculty and academic content. In addition, the recent arrival of e-readers, tablet PCs, and smart phones may bring with it the end of printed textbooks" - March 18, 2011 - University of Michigan, USA
Cites & Insights 11:4 (April 2011)
Cites & Insights 11:4 (April 2011) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Iowa to launch statewide ebook program (USA)
"Iowa's elementary school librarians will have a new ebook resource for pre-kindergarten to third-grade students. Starting in the 2011/2012 school year, Iowa's Area Education Agencies site will offer links to Scholastic's BookFlix, an online literacy resource that pairs video storybooks from Weston Woods with nonfiction ebooks to help promote reading and learning"
Knowledge Discovery Resources 2011 - An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation
Knowledge Discovery Resources 2011 - An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation by Marcus P. Zillamn is dedicated to the latest and most reliable resources for knowledge discovery available on the Internet. With the constant addition of new and pertinent information coming online it is very easy to experience frequent bouts of information overload. The key is to balance this is guide to find the important knowledge discovery resources and sites both in the visible and invisible World Wide Web. The following selected knowledge discovery resources and sites offer a wide range of dependable, expert knowledge and information discovery sources to help you accomplish your research goals
Libri - March 2011
Libri - International Journal of Libraries and Information Services - Volume 61, Number 1, March 2011 - Online issue available to subscribers. Libri makes full-text articles available online without subscription one year after publication
LC AuthoritiesThing from LibraryThing
LC AuthoritiesThing from LibraryThing was created to provide a way of creating permanent links to Library of Congress Authorities
Video: The Visiting Librarian's Guide to Portland
Later this month, the Public Library Association will have its annual conference in Portland. Therefore, some local library students made a video to introduce the attendees to Portland:
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