The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Abbreviations. Answers here.
1. "e.g." is an abbreviation of the Latin "exempli gratia" What does it mean?
2. In connection with the Internet, what does "WWW" stand for?
3. When popular music is called "R & B", what does this stand for?
4. What does "TLC" stand for when referring to a sick person nursed back to health?
5. As the name of a state of the USA, what does "Ga" stand for?
6. Which disease caused by a bacillus is abbreviated as "TB"?
7. The Penguin English Dictionary gives eleven meanings for the abbreviation "p". Can you guess five of these meanings?
8. Which phrase is abbreviated as "WAGs", referring to spendthrift, vacuous, glamorous young females? It was inspired by the behaviour of the England football team's partners during the 2006 World Cup.
9. A popular rock group was named R.E.M. What is this an abbreviation of?
10. NASA is an abbreviation of the name of the agency responsible for all nonmilitary aspects of the US space programme. What does "NASA" stand for?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Antiquarian maps presented to Newberry Library
"Four seminal antiquarian maps that celebrate art, scientific achievement and exploration were presented to the Newberry Library by The Boeing Company, enriching what is already one of the premier collections of cartography in the world"
OpeningScholarhip Project
"The OpeningScholarship project explores the transformative potential of information and communication technologies in the context of the University of Cape Town, one of South Africa’s leading research universities"
JISC Collections welcomes the British Library as an Affiliate Member
"JISC Collections is delighted to welcome the British Library as an Affiliate Member. The British Library qualifies for Affiliate Membership through its public sector status together with its commitment to lifelong learning. As the national library of the United Kingdom and one of the world's greatest research libraries, the British Library provides world class information services to the academic, business, research and scientific communities and offers unparalleled access to the world's largest and most comprehensive research collection"
"BookTour is a free online service that connects authors and potential audiences of all sorts, from book groups to civic organizations, from bookstores to corporate events. Authors create their own page (biography, books, tour dates and availability) and any group looking for speakers can find them and contact them directly to arrange for an appearance..."
Thursday, August 30, 2007
2007/2008 Education Institute Programs
Online Course
Time Management for Library Staff -
Cheryl Stenström, Online Course, September 10-October 5, 2007. 4 Week Course with the Education Institute.
Technology Tuesday Series
September 4 - On-line Outreach: 2.0 Marketing Strategies for Libraries - Sarah Houghton-Jan
September 18 - Setting up the New Stuff: Planning & Implementing Library 2.0 - David Lee King
October 16 - Lego Your Library: Social Software and Web 2.0 Building Blocks - Geoffrey Harder and Kenton Good
October 30 - Is My PC Infected? Practical Ways to Stomp Out and Prevent Malware & Spyware - Alex Merill
November 13 - New Rules of Web Design - Jeff Wisniewski
November 27 - Tagging, Folksonomies, and Libraries - Ellyssa Kroski
December 11 - In the Eye of the Beholder: Privacy, Censorship and Identity on the Web - Geoff Harder and Kenton Good
January 8 - Federated Search: New Tools and Best Practices - Frank Cervone and Jeff Wisniewski
January 15 - Ten Top Technologies for 2008 - Michael Stephens
Time Management for Library Staff -
Cheryl Stenström, Online Course, September 10-October 5, 2007. 4 Week Course with the Education Institute.
Technology Tuesday Series
September 4 - On-line Outreach: 2.0 Marketing Strategies for Libraries - Sarah Houghton-Jan
September 18 - Setting up the New Stuff: Planning & Implementing Library 2.0 - David Lee King
October 16 - Lego Your Library: Social Software and Web 2.0 Building Blocks - Geoffrey Harder and Kenton Good
October 30 - Is My PC Infected? Practical Ways to Stomp Out and Prevent Malware & Spyware - Alex Merill
November 13 - New Rules of Web Design - Jeff Wisniewski
November 27 - Tagging, Folksonomies, and Libraries - Ellyssa Kroski
December 11 - In the Eye of the Beholder: Privacy, Censorship and Identity on the Web - Geoff Harder and Kenton Good
January 8 - Federated Search: New Tools and Best Practices - Frank Cervone and Jeff Wisniewski
January 15 - Ten Top Technologies for 2008 - Michael Stephens
The Jossey-Bass Online Teaching & Learning (OTL) Conference Online
"Based on the popular series of Jossey-Bass guidebooks on online teaching and learning, the OTL Conference Online brings all of the books' authors - as well as a community of hundreds of professionals worldwide - right to your desktop for interactive online sessions, discussions, hands-on learning, strategy swapping, and networking" - October 17-18, 2007
The Partnership for Research Integrity in Science & Medicine (PRISM)
"The Association of American Publishers has just launched "PRISM" (Partnership for Research Integrity in Science & Medicine). PRISM is an anti-OA lobbying organization, to counteract the accelerating growth of OA and the dramatic success of the pro-OA Alliance for Taxpayer Access (ATA) lobbying organization in the US and the EC Open Access Petition in Europe"
RecordKeeping - Summer 2007
RecordKeeping - Summer 2007 - from The UK National Archives is now available online
Principles of Digital Preservation
The first joint DPE/Planets/nestor training event - Principles of Digital Preservation: a hands-on approach - 1-5 October 2007 - Vilnius, Lithuania
Wiley-Blackwell announces launch of Microbial Biotechnology
Wiley-Blackwell and the Society for Applied Microbiology have announced publication of the first articles for Microbial Biotechnology. The new international journal will focus on advances in the expanding field of biotechnology. The first issue of the journal will publish in January 2008 via Blackwell Synergy. All articles will be free of charge for the first year of publication
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Royal Society Digital Journal Archive - free online access
The Royal Society Digital Journal Archive, dating back to 1665 and containing in excess of 60,000 articles, will be free online from 1 September to 30 November 2007. During this three month period, librarians and academics will be able to access and download any article from arguably the most comprehensive publishing resource in science
Marquette Journals
"In January 2008, Marquette Books LLC will begin publishing eight open-access scholarly journals serving the fields of mass communication and communication studies. Like other journals, MB journals publish scholarly works that go through a blind peer-review process"
MetaKnowledge Mash-up 2007
The KIDMM (Knowledge, Information, Data and Metadata Management) project of the British Computer Society invites participation in a MetaKnowledge Mash-up on data, information and knowledge management - 17 September 2007 - London, UK
The NSDL Wiki from the US National Science Digital Library provides a collaborative online environment where users can organize, create, and annotate listings in the NSDL Data Repository
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
mtvU Poet Laureate - John Ashbery
"MtvU, the subsidiary of MTV Networks that is broadcast only on U.S. college campuses, has announced that it has selected its first poet laureate, John Ashbery, the prolific 80-year-old poet and frequent award winner known for his dense, postmodern style and playful language"
Missing Constable sketch discovered at British Library
"A 'lost' early sketch by John Constable and hundreds of original artworks and autographs by prominent 18th and 19th century artists have been discovered at the British Library. The beautifully bound 13-volume collection entitled The Life of J.M.W. Turner, R.A., features over 1,600 additions including portraits, views, autographs, engravings and original drawings including Turner correspondence and works by the artist's contemporaries, many previously unknown or considered 'lost'"
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 154
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 154 - September 2007 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - May 2007
Library of Congress Information Bulletin - Vol. 66, No. 5 - May 2007 - is now available online
James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction winner
Pulitzer Prize-winning US author Cormac McCarthy has won the UK's oldest literary award, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction - BBC
Baker and Taylor records now being added to WorldCat
Baker and Taylor is now adding records to WorldCat. The titles are being added as part of the agreement between Baker and Taylor and OCLC to partner in providing bibliographic records and expanded technical services to schools and public libraries August 27, 2007 update August 27, 2007 update is now online. is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Monday, August 27, 2007
IMLS supports Gulf Coast museums with new Hurricane Relief Awards
"On August 25, 2007, Anne-Imelda Radice, Ph.D., Director of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, announced the Hurricane Relief Awards to help Gulf Coast museums return to normal and improve emergency services. Radice announced the $350,000, two-part award while she was in New Orleans attending the World Cultural Economic Forum, a gathering of international cultural and business leaders convened to help boost investment in the cultural economy"
"MedWorm is a medical RSS feed provider as well as a search engine built on data collected from RSS feeds. MedWorm collects updates from over 4000 authoritative data sources (growing each day) via RSS feeds. From the data collected, MedWorm provides new outgoing RSS feeds on various medical categories that you can subscribe to, via the free MedWorm online service, or another RSS reader of your choice"
Sunday, August 26, 2007
2007 Charleston Conference
2007 Charleston Conference - an informal annual gathering of librarians, publishers, electronic resource managers, consultants, and vendors of library materials in Charleston, SC, to discuss issues of importance to them all - November 7-10 2007
Museums and the Web 2008
Museums and the Web 2008 addresses the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line. Taking an international perspective, the MW program reviews and analyzes the issues and impacts of networked cultural, natural and scientific heritage - April 9-12, 2008 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Duke University Press Journals subscription rates for its 2008 volumes
Duke University Press Journals has announced subscription rates for its 2008 volumes
Royal Society Library - Autumn events
The Royal Society Library has launched its autumn events programme, including a lecture on FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle, by science writer John Gribbin, as well as talks on the links between Kew Gardens and the Society, and reflections on the anatomical investigations of early Fellows
Sustaining the Digital Library: Symposium
Sustaining the Digital Library: Symposium - 13-14 September 2007 - University of Edinburgh, Scotland
JISC Collections Workshop: Promoting and Embedding E-textbooks
JISC Collections Workshop: Promoting and Embedding E-textbooks will explore current promotional methods being utilised by librarians, publishers and aggregators to aid the embedding of monographs and e-textbooks into the learning environment of users - 14 September 2007 - London, UK
Palgrave Macmillan Journals 2008 subscription prices
Palgrave Macmillan has announced that its Journals 2008 Subscription Prices are now available
Tools for Knowledge Organization Today
Tools for Knowledge Organization Today - a half-day seminar exploring current developments in knowledge organization systems and the work of groups in the knowledge organization field - 4 September 2007 - LOndon, UK
Gilde acquires Royal Swets & Zeitlinger
Royal Swets & Zeitlinger has announced that its current group of shareholders have agreed to sell 100% of the shares in the company for an undisclosed amount to the Dutch-based investment firm Gilde with participation from Swets' executive management
Thomson Scientific releases EndNote X1 for Mac OS X
"Thomson Scientific has announced the immediate availability of EndNote XI for Mac OS X - the bibliographic management software used by millions of researchers, librarians and students. EndNote XI introduces custom groups to view and manage subsets of references, AppleScript compatibility for key EndNote tasks, seamless connectivity with EndNote Web to simplify collaboration with colleagues and more"
NASA and Internet Archive team to digitize space imagery
"NASA and Internet Archive of San Francisco are partnering to scan, archive and manage the agency's vast collection of photographs, historic film and video. The imagery will be available through the Internet and free to the public, historians, scholars, students, and researchers. Currently, NASA has more than 20 major imagery collections online. With this partnership, those collections will be made available through a single, searchable "one-stop-shop" archive of NASA imagery"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
2007 Children's Poetry Bookshelf National Write-A-Poem Competition
"This will be the second year of this major poetry competition for 7-8 and 9-11 year-olds. To link with the 'Dreams' theme of National Poetry Day 2007 the Children's Poetry Bookshelf will be asking children and their schools to send entries of no more than 25 lines from 13 September, with a closing date of 15 October. An online teacher's guide will be provided"
Firefox Campus Edition
"Firefox Campus Edition combines the Firefox web browser with special extras that give you streamlined access to music, cool sites and useful research tools. It's a way to get the most out of the web that's been created just for students"
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: General Knowledge. Answers here.
1. What kind of people would display the flag called the Jolly Roger?
2. Who did John Lennon (of the Beatles) marry in 1969?
3. Who gave the Gettysburg Address in 1863, which ended by describing democracy as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people"?
4. "Matelot" is a French word for what?
5. Who was Liza Minnelli's mother?
6. Which part of the body can be affected by glaucoma?
7. In which French city was a famous 24-hour sports car race established in 1923?
8. What was the title of P. C. Wren's famous 1924 novel about the French Foreign Legion?
9. Is La Paz the capital of Argentina, Bolivia or Uruguay?
10. How many litres of wine can a magnum contain?
1. What kind of people would display the flag called the Jolly Roger?
2. Who did John Lennon (of the Beatles) marry in 1969?
3. Who gave the Gettysburg Address in 1863, which ended by describing democracy as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people"?
4. "Matelot" is a French word for what?
5. Who was Liza Minnelli's mother?
6. Which part of the body can be affected by glaucoma?
7. In which French city was a famous 24-hour sports car race established in 1923?
8. What was the title of P. C. Wren's famous 1924 novel about the French Foreign Legion?
9. Is La Paz the capital of Argentina, Bolivia or Uruguay?
10. How many litres of wine can a magnum contain?
Bentham Open Access
Bentham Publishers is launching more than 300 peer-reviewed open access journals during this year, under the banner of Bentham OPEN. The journals will cover all major disciplines and are exclusively open access publications. First issues are now available
WebJunction launches Rural Library Sustainability Online Course
"This free, self-paced online learning experience is available to all in the WebJunction community who are interested in exploring new strategies for sustainability through a manageable and achievable action planning process"
5,000 classics free at Questia
Questia Online Library
has made its online library of more than 5,000 classic books free to the public
Emc2-Library is a Web Based School Administration and Library Program from Jackson Creek Software Corporation. "Organize your students, families, alumni, donors, and vendors, in our Database. Schedule classes and store class Rosters. Track Grades and Attendance records. Track SATs, APs and many other special tests for each of your students"
IMLS names Wolfsonian-Florida International University as host of 2008/2009 WebWise Conferences
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has made an award of $499,702 to The Wolfsonian-Florida International University to plan and co-host the 2008 and 2009 WebWise Conferences on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World. The Florida Center for Library Automation, which serves Florida's institutions of higher education, is also a partner
Mozilla 24
"Mozilla 24 is a worldwide, 24-hour open discussion that connects community members, academics and Web visionaries from Asia, America and Europe, in person and over the broadband video WIDE network. The event will feature industry leaders who will present on Web trends and technologies that will help shape the future of the Web. Mozilla 24 will run from September 15th - 16th, spanning the globe with in-person and online activities"
U.S. Government Manual 2007-2008
"As the official handbook of the Federal Government, the United States Government Manual provides comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. It also includes information on quasi-official agencies, international organizations in which the United States participates, and boards, commissions, and committees. The Manual begins with reprints of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution"
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sky in Google Earth
"Google has announced the launch of Sky, a new feature that enables users of Google Earth to view the sky as seen from planet Earth. With Sky, users can now float through the skies via Google Earth. This easy-to-use tool enables all Earth users to view and navigate through 100 million individual stars and 200 million galaxies. High resolution imagery and informative overlays create a unique playground for visualizing and learning about space"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Eureka Science Journal Watch
"Eureka Science Journal Watch is a freely-editable source of information on scientific journals, starting with mathematics. It aims to be a central resource for understanding the journal system, and a catalyst for change - change away from the current system of corporate-run journal monopolies, towards an open-access system run by the scholars themselves"
DOE Science Accelerator
The U.S. DOE Science Accelerator provides one-stop searching of key Energy Department and federal scientific databases developed and maintained by the OSTI. Users can search and retrieve current research results and ongoing project descriptions, as well as legacy research findings and accomplishments. Included are full-text technical reports, energy-related citations, conference papers and proceedings and scientific e-prints
JISC infoNet award
The JISC infoNet award for innovation in records & information management has been established to promote the positive role records management can play in institutional life, and to encourage innovation in the way in which records management issues are addressed
AASL 13th National Conference & Exhibition
American Association of School Librarians 13th National Conference & Exhibition: "Going green" in Reno - October 25-28 - Reno, Nevada, USA
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
New advisory board will guide development of CrossFire Beilstein Database
"Elsevier Information Systems has announced the establishment of an advisory board with a mandate to provide recommendations on the scope, coverage, quality and continuing development of the CrossFire Beilstein Database"
HMMI to centrally fund publications by its researchers in BioMed Central's journals
Howard Hughes Medical Institute has signed up for BioMed Central Membership under which HHMI will centrally fund the article processing charges for all research published by HHMI investigators in BioMed Central journals. The agreement will take effect from September 1, 2007
"Booksconnect will connect readers, authors, publishers, independent bookshops, event, festival and book group organisers. Features include: bookshelves, events, bookclubs, bookgroups, social networking and discussions, book related questions and answers"
New USGS Map Locator and Downloader
"The USGS has launched the new USGS Map Locator and Downloader, a Web tool designed to deliver topographic maps easier, faster and less expensively than before. Using open source software and the Google Maps programming interface, the Map Locator and Downloader allows customers to find the topographic maps they need, by searching zip code, address, or navigating on an interactive map. Users can pan, zoom, change the map to see satellite imagery or a seamless USGS topographic map view, order printed maps or download a scanned map image in GeoPDF® format."
AU Press launched by Athabasca University, Canada
"AU Press is the centre of scholarly publishing expertise for Athabasca University, Canada's Open University. It is the first scholarly press to be established by a Canadian university in the twenty-first century. We are dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and research through open access digital journals and monographs, as well through new electronic media. AU Press will offer its imprint only to scholarship of the highest quality, as determined through peer review. In keeping with Athabasca University's mission of overcoming barriers to education, we intend to work with emerging writers and researchers to promote success in scholarly publishing"
NISO E-Resource Management Forum
NISO E-Resource Management Forum: The What, Why, and How for Managing E-Resources - September 24-25, 2007 - Denver, CO, USA
"SciVee is about the free and widespread dissemination and comprehension of science. SciVee, created for scientists, by scientists, moves science beyond the printed word and lecture theater taking advantage of the internet as a communication medium where scientists young and old have a place and a voice. SciVee is operated in partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)"
OCLC names IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellows for 2008
OCLC, along with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the American Theological Library Association, and OCLC PICA, has announced the IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellows for 2008
The Guardian: Believe it or not: the sceptics beat God in bestseller battle
"Struggling authors should keep the faith - literally. Sales of books that explore religion or spirituality have grown by more than 50 per cent in the past three years, according to online retailer Amazon. The boom surpasses the rise in sales of books in categories such as history, which have grown by 38 per cent, and politics, up by 30 per cent, confirming that religion has become a pivotal topic in the early 21st century" - From The Guardian, UK
Carnival of the Infosciences #77
Carnival of the Infosciences #77 hosted by Previous Carnivals can be found here
ProQuest's PRISMA grows to more than 100 full text titles
"Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas (PRISMA), from ProQuest, now has more than 100 full text journals available to customers. PRISMA is a comprehensive, full text journal resource providing scholarly articles for the interdisciplinary academic study of Hispanic and Latin America, and the Caribbean Basin"
DPE, PLANETS, and CASPAR Second Annual Conference
DPE, PLANETS, and CASPAR Second Annual Conference: Progress towards Addressing Digital Preservation Challenges - 5-6 September 2007 - Lisbon, Portugal
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hidden Treasures Brought to Life: National Competition for UK public libraries - shortlist announced
The British Library, in partnership with the Society of Chief Librarians, has launched a competition to put local treasures online. The BL is challenging public libraries in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to uncover the items in their collections that most deserve to be converted into Turning the Pages 2.0 'virtual texts' and shared with the world via the British Library website. Shortlist now available
CLA Canadian Library Month 2007 website
The Canadian Library Association Canadian Library Month 2007 website is now available
New service to browse specialist collections and online databases in London's libraries
"London Libraries Development Agency has launched a beta service on the London Libraries website - a tag cloud of keywords, which describe collection content, is presented onscreen as clickable links. This allows readers to browse online databases in London public libraries and specialist collections held by all public and selected specialist and academic libraries quickly and easily. The system makes use of information held in a number of remote databases and brings them together through the London Libraries interface. Keywords are drawn from UK Archival Thesaurus, a controlled vocabulary and the information about opening hours and accessibility of the libraries concerned also uses a shared services approach with data harvested regularly from the national library dataset managed by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. The idea for the tag cloud evolved from Inspire, a national library scheme, which gives members of the public access to libraries in universities and otherwise restricted collections"
Vendor management course
Vendor management course: this participative course will assist information professionals in improving the management of their relationships with publishers, vendors and suppliers - 25 October 2007 - London, UK
Lambeth Palace Library records loaded on to Copac
The online catalogue of Lambeth Palace Library's printed books collection is now available on Copac. "Lambeth Palace Library is the historic library of the Archbishops of Canterbury and the principal library and record office for the history of the Church of England. The Library focuses on ecclesiastical history, but its rich collections are important for an immense variety of topics from the history of art and architecture to colonial and Commonwealth history, and for innumerable aspects of English social, political and economic history. It is also a significant resource for local history and genealogy"
Tools and Trends conference
On 1 and 2 November 2007, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands, KB) is organising an international conference on digital preservation. The conference is organised at the occasion of the retirement of Johan Steenbakkers, the KB’s director of e-Strategy & Property Management. Tools and Trends will feature international speakers who will present newest developments of Tools for digital preservation and the latest Trends in long-term archiving
Sundial Scottish Arts Council Book of the Year
Kirsty Gunn has been named the inaugural winner of the Sundial Scottish Arts Council Book of the Year for her novella The Boy and The Sea (Faber)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit: The censorship of literature and information for young people - The conference will focus on the censorship of print, electronic and other literary and information resources for young people - 19-20 June 2008 - Southport, UK - Contact: Sarah McNicol at
Italian university consortium chooses Emerald
"Emerald Group Publishing Limited has announced the signing of a new consortium agreement in Italy. After more than two years of negotiations, Italy's largest university consortium, Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l'Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA), has chosen the Emerald Management Xtra database in a five-year contract"
Call for papers: New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship
The editor is currently seeking articles for the next edition of the New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship. This is an international journal designed to explore the range of issues of current concern to those working in the field of children's literature and librarianship around the world
Berg 2008 Subscription Rates
Berg Publishers has announced that 2008 journal prices are now available for all Berg journals
Ariadne - Issue 52, July 2007
Ariadne - Issue 52, July 2007 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Nature Chemistry
"Nature Publishing Group has announced the launch of Nature Chemistry in 2009 and is now recruiting for the editor-in-chief. This marks a significant new expansion of NPG into chemistry publishing following our recent successes in the physical sciences"
On the Road: The Original Scroll
On the Road: The Original Scroll
- When "On The Road" came out in 1957, Jack Kerouac became the voice of the Beat Generation almost overnight. "Jack went to bed obscure and woke up famous," was how his girlfriend Joyce Johnson put it. Now, 50 years on, the tale of disaffected youth struggling to find a place in post-war America is to be re-released in its original form, unedited, cruder and more erotic, and with the real names of Kerouac's traveling companions restored
VP Book Club
Viking Press and Penguin Group USA have launched a new online resource for book clubs,
"The aim of the ticTOCs project is to develop a freely available service which will transform journal current awareness by making it easy for academics and researchers to find, display, store, combine and reuse tables of contents from multiple publishers in a personalisable web based environment. JISC is the primary funder of the ticTOCs project, which will run for two years from April 2007"
Biofpr - Issue 1
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Biofpr) is a multidisciplinary journal, covering growth sectors in Biorenewables such as sustainable products, fuels and energy. The first online issue of Biofpr is free of charge for the biorenewable industry
VuFind 0.6 released
"VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries. The goal of VuFind is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC..." VuFind 0.6 released 16 August 2007
Cambridge contacts U.S. libraries over "Alms for Jihad"
"Cambridge University Press has requested some American libraries that own the 2006 book Alms for Jihad: Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World by J. Millard Burr and Robert O. Collins to remove it from their shelves. The August 10 Chronicle of Higher Education reported that the publisher agreed to pulp its remaining copies in response to a libel claim filed in Britain by Khalid bin Mahfouz, a Saudi banker whom the book claims financed terrorism in Sudan and elsewhere during the 1990s"
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Lead Singers. Answers here.
1. Who was the lead singer of the glam-rock group Queen until his death in 1991?
2. Who is the lead singer of the Irish rock group U2?
3. Who is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones?
4. Jim Morrison was the lead singer of which Los Angeles-based rock band of the late-1960s?
5. Thom Yorke is the lead singer of which English rock group formed in 1987?
6. Which US pop vocalist was lead singer of the band No Doubt, and also had solo success with the 2001 single "Let Me Blow Your Mind"?
7. Who is the lead singer of the British rock band Coldplay?
8. Smokey Robinson was the lead singer of which group from 1957 to 1972?
9. Who left Genesis in 1975 after seven years as lead singer with the group?
10. Which English comedian was the lead singer of a group called Seona Dancing during the early 1980s?
1. Who was the lead singer of the glam-rock group Queen until his death in 1991?
2. Who is the lead singer of the Irish rock group U2?
3. Who is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones?
4. Jim Morrison was the lead singer of which Los Angeles-based rock band of the late-1960s?
5. Thom Yorke is the lead singer of which English rock group formed in 1987?
6. Which US pop vocalist was lead singer of the band No Doubt, and also had solo success with the 2001 single "Let Me Blow Your Mind"?
7. Who is the lead singer of the British rock band Coldplay?
8. Smokey Robinson was the lead singer of which group from 1957 to 1972?
9. Who left Genesis in 1975 after seven years as lead singer with the group?
10. Which English comedian was the lead singer of a group called Seona Dancing during the early 1980s?
Haworth Press to be acquired by Taylor & Francis
The Haworth Press, publisher of 194 scholarly/academic journals and approximately 150 books/monographs yearly, has announced that it will be acquired by Taylor & Francis
Public events at the Library of Congress
A list of public events being held at the Library of Congress from September to December 2007 is now available
Wiley-Blackwell to publish the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Wiley-Blackwell has announced a new agreement to publish The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering on behalf of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. Wiley-Blackwell will assume publishing responsibilities beginning with Volume 86, Number 1, February 2008
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Can You Hear Me Now? Digitizing the Voices of the Past
Can You Hear Me Now? Digitizing the Voices of the Past - a conference on digitizing oral history presented by Ball State University Libraries - September 20, 2007 - Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USA
Louisiana: European Explorations and the Louisiana Purchase
"The Louisiana Purchase is a landmark event in American history, one that had a lasting impact not only on the size of the United States, but also on its economic, cultural, and political makeup. Before President Thomas Jefferson's administration purchased the territory in 1803, parts or all of the territory had been under the control of various Native American nations. From the 16th century onwards the Spanish and later the French controlled the territory. This presentation focuses on the various documents - from maps to newspapers to cultural artifact - that help to describe the region of North America that stretched from as far east as Alabama into what is now the state of Montana. The 119 items presented here come from the various special and general collections of the Library of Congress"
Mobile website for The National Archives (UK)
The National Archives in the UK has launched its mobile website as a six month pilot project
CARL and SPARC offer Canadian authors new tool to widen access to published articles
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) have announced the release of the SPARC Canadian Author Addendum, a new tool for authors in Canada to retain key rights to the journal articles they publish
Library of the future in Aberdeen
Plans for a GBP57m "library of the future" have been devised by Aberdeen University. The project, which will replace the existing Queen Mother Library, will provide facilities for 14,000 students. It will also provide a showcase for a 200,000-strong collection of historic books and 4,000 archival collections - BBC
Progressive Library Skillshare
Progressive Library Skillshare - "this free two-day event will bring together library workers, library lovers, zine enthusiasts, book artists, publishers, and community members to explore the relationship between library work and social justice. We'll connect each other with alternative information resources while discussing socially responsible, creative ways to share information in our communities. This unconference will encourage us to think critically about information: how it's produced, distributed, and consumed" - September 7-8, 2007 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Looking Back To Go Forward by Roy Tennant
Looking Back To Go Forward by Roy Tennant, for Library Journal - "My story is probably similar to many others. We saw, we learned, we used, and we eventually discarded. For every technology like the web, there are at least five other technologies that have passed into oblivion..."
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
International Lifelong Learning Conference 2008
The 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference will be held 16-19 June 2008 at Rydges Resort, Yeppoon, Queensland. The theme is Lifelong Learning: Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures. Potential authors, presenters and workshop conveners are invited to submit abstracts (maximum of 300 words) addressing the Conference theme. Suggested sub themes are available for consideration, but are not intended to limit the imagination. The closing date for the submission of abstracts is 7 September 2007
Release 1.0 of open source software koLibRI
"To the successful conclusion of the project kopal, the German National Library and SUB Göttingen are presenting the official release of the kopal Library for Retrival and Ingest. koLibRI includes support to generate the Universal Object Format. The UOF is an archiving and exchange format for digital objects and based on the METS Profile 'Usage of METS 1.4 as part of the Universal Object Format'"
Survey on the continuation of Digital Scholarship Publications
Charles W. Bailey, Jr. writes: "If you are interested in the continuation of Digital Scholarship publications, such as DigitalKoans/Flashback, the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography/Weblog/Resources, and the Open Access Bibliography/Webliography, please take a short survey on this matter (six multiple-choice questions and two optional questions)"
Request for Proposals - Cooperative Agreements for the National Digital Newspaper Program
"National Endowment for the Humanities is soliciting proposals from institutions to participate in the National Digital Newspaper Program. Ultimately, over a period of approximately 20 years, NDNP will create a national, digital resource of historically significant newspapers from all the states and U.S. territories published between 1836 and 1922. This searchable database will be permanently maintained at the Library of Congress (LC) and be freely accessible via the Internet"
Maney Publishing 2008 journal subscription rates
The 2008 subscription rates for Maney journals are now available
Mundus Institute and Chinese government to launch historic joint venture
"Mundus Institute of Honaunau, Hawaii, and China National Tourism Administration have agreed to launch a joint venture to utilize Mundus educational software, textbooks, and curricula in colleges, universities, and training centers throughout China. The cooperation agreement will be formally signed at a public ceremony to be held in Beijing, China on November 7"
Retired cataloger bequeaths 2,000 rare books to USM library
A longtime employee of the University of Southern Maine library has bequeathed nearly 2,000 books, some of them five centuries years old, to the library's special collections department. Albert A. Howard, who worked as a cataloger at the school's library for 35 years but is now retired, donated his rare book collection earlier this year, knowing it was the best way to preserve the collection he had begun working on in 1958. The oldest book in the group was printed in 1490. From Blethen Maine Newspapers
Intute launches new 'integration services'
"Intute, the JISC-funded service which provides access to the best web resources for education and research, has launched a new range of services which offer more flexible and personalised approaches to using Intute resources through websites and virtual learning environments"
IMLS calls for 2008 connecting to collections: statewide planning grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (U.S.) invites proposals for statewide, collaborative planning grants to address the recommendations of the Heritage Health Index, a landmark study conducted by Heritage Preservation in partnership with IMLS. HHI found the collections held in the public trust by libraries, museums, and archives to be at great risk
John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award competition open for 2008
Competition is open now for the 2008 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award contest, sponsored by the H. W. Wilson Company, the H. W. Wilson Foundation and the Library Administration and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association. The deadline for entries is December 6, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983
"Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983 provides content from the acclaimed Applied Science & Technology Index. This is the perfect reference for tracking down important studies, exploring historical controversies (such as the effects of pesticides on the environment, the rise and fall of Thalidomide, or the dawn of the global economy), finding papers by innovators, researching the development of a particular technology, and more"
Repositories - for better or worse?
ALPSP Debate: Repositories - for better or worse? 5 October 2007 - London, UK
ProQuest adds Nelson Mandela's No Easy Walk to Freedom to African Writers Series Digital Collection
"ProQuest has signed an agreement with Nelson Mandela to digitize No Easy Walk to Freedom - a collection of articles, speeches, letters and trial transcripts documenting Mandela's life and imprisonment. This historic volume will be made available in the December release of ProQuest's African Writers Series, a digital collection which offers access to many of the key texts for research on twentieth-century African literatures. Published under ProQuest's Chadwyck-Healey imprint, the African Writers Series online contains works by major contemporary authors as well as classic earlier texts and new writing, and opens up new possibilities for scholarship and teaching in the fields of African and literary studies"
DailyLit update
DailyLit, is a service that allows users to read entire books via email and RSS installments. It now offers over 500 classic and contemporary titles, which can be subscribed to and read in their entirety free of charge
Snowbooks provides 'showcase' for authors
Snowbooks is calling on new and unpublished writers to submit work to its blog as a showcase to agents and publishers. The writers' 'Snowcase' was launched on 11 August and Snowbooks has already blogged three submissions. Submissions can be up to 500 words of a book or short story and must be accompanied by the author's name and a valid email address
Penguin website re-designed
Penguin Books in the UK has re-designed its webate and added many new features
Creating a 2.0 Library
Creating a 2.0 Library - SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar - August 14, 2007 - 11 a.m. EST
UW-Madison library fund for open access publishing
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries have established a fund to support open-access publication fees and digital publishing by faculty and academic staff
The UK National Archives books clearance
On Tuesday 21 August 2007 The National Archives is holding a free one-day clearance of library books and finding aids. The clearance will mostly consist of copies of published lists, indexes, calendars, and reference works relating to archives and records that are no longer needed
New blog: Strategic Librarian
Strategic Librarian - Using strategy to develop the law firm library, from Nina Platt Consulting, Inc.
Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech
The launch of the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech website allows people to view transcripts and listen to audio recordings of the Scots language. The site, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, contains more than 4m words in Scots and Scottish English. It currently covers texts from 1945 to the present day
Book Industry Salary Guide
Book Industry Salary Guide - "based on data compiled from a comprehensive survey conducted by independent research organization Readex Research, with cooperation from industry organizations the Book Industry Study Group Inc., the Association of Educational Publishers and the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. The survey findings, which are based on responses from 675 individuals, incorporate important variables such as demographic information, including age, gender and level of education"
Saturday, August 11, 2007
University of Chicago Press 2008 journal subscription rates
The University of Chicago Press has released 2008 journal subscription rates for both individual and institutional subscribers
JISC Conference 2008
JISC Conference 2008 - Lord Puttnam of Queensgate (Chancellor of the Open University) and Angela Beesley (Vice President Community Relations & Co-Founder, Wikia / Chair of Wikimedia Foundation Advisory Board) are the keynote speakers - 15 April 2008 - Birmingham, UK
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Quotations. Answers here.
1. Which British prime minister said in 1940: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat"?
2. In 1998, which American president said: "I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned"?
3. Which American film producer said about Louis B. Mayer: "The reason so many people turned up at his funeral is that they wanted to make sure he was dead"?
4. Who wrote: "Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?" and "Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!"?
5. Which American actor said: "An actor's a guy who, if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening"?
6. In 1959, which American president and general said: "I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it"?
7. Who wrote: "It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens"?
8. Which Roman general wrote: "All Gaul is divided into three parts"?
9. In a 1963 speech, which US civil-rights leader said: "If a man hasn't discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live"?
10. Which singer-songwriter said: "Chaos is a friend of mine"?
1. Which British prime minister said in 1940: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat"?
2. In 1998, which American president said: "I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned"?
3. Which American film producer said about Louis B. Mayer: "The reason so many people turned up at his funeral is that they wanted to make sure he was dead"?
4. Who wrote: "Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?" and "Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!"?
5. Which American actor said: "An actor's a guy who, if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening"?
6. In 1959, which American president and general said: "I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it"?
7. Who wrote: "It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens"?
8. Which Roman general wrote: "All Gaul is divided into three parts"?
9. In a 1963 speech, which US civil-rights leader said: "If a man hasn't discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live"?
10. Which singer-songwriter said: "Chaos is a friend of mine"?
"For more than ten years, LISU at Loughborough University, UK, produced the LIST - a summary of key statistics of interest to the library and information community. The LIST was made freely available both on paper and on the LISU website. The LIST has now been replaced with the LAMPOST, which incorporates most of the LIST tables, together with a wider coverage of the museums and archives sectors"
Five finalists announced in Love Libraries Award
"The Love Libraries Award moves towards an exciting climax with the final five facing a public vote to decide the winner. The award celebrates the fantastic work libraries do to encourage young people through the doors to discover all the great things libraries offer. A staggering 30% of public library authorities in England nominated projects. The winner of the Love Libraries award will receive a Trophy and £2,000 towards the project"
Crossroads - August 2007
Crossroads: the newsletter of - August 2007 issue is now available
2008 National PCA/ACA Conference
The Popular Culture Association will be holding its annual joint meeting with the American Culture Association March 19-22, 2008, in San Francisco, California. The Libraries, Archives, and Museums Area is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of Popular Culture as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, or research. In the past this has included descriptions of research collections, studies of popular images of libraries or librarians, analyses of web resources such as Wikipedia and YouTube, and reports on developments in technical services for collecting popular culture materials
JSTOR announcement regarding AAAS relationship
Michael Spinella, Executive Director of JSTOR writes: "I am writing to make you aware that, after a very productive association of nearly 10 years, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has decided to discontinue its relationship with JSTOR, effective December 31, 2007. The AAAS and JSTOR began working together in 1998 to include Science and Scientific Monthly, a related title that has ceased publication, in the JSTOR archive. During this time, access to the backfiles of Science and Scientific Monthly has been greatly expanded through the availability of the JSTOR Health & General Sciences collection at over 1,000 institutions as well as at 600 other organizations through our special programs providing the full JSTOR archive to secondary schools, public libraries, museums and institutions in developing nations. Libraries have also had the opportunity to repurpose shelf space and lower costs associated with long-term storage and access to these older materials..."
IFLA Express
IFLA Express is a daily newsletter which will be published during the 73rd Conference in Durban, South Africa, 19-23 August 2007, by the National Committee in collaboration with the IFLA Secretariat
OCLC opens office in Beijing
"OCLC has opened an office in Beijing to better serve the growing information needs of libraries and other cultural heritage institutions in China and other parts of Asia"
2007 Edinburgh International Book Festival
Edinburgh International Book Festival - 11-27 August 2007 - Edinburgh, Scotland
Thursday, August 09, 2007
National Preservation Office Conference 2007
National Preservation Office Conference 2007: Second life for collections - 29 October 2007 - British Library Conference Centre, London, UK
ARSC Conference 2008
The 42nd annual ARSC Conference will be held in Palo Alto, California, March 26-30, 2008. Stanford University will host the event, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stanford Archive of Recorded Sound
Building Trust in Digital Repositories
SoA Pre-Conference Tutorial: Building Trust in Digital Repositories Using the DRAMBORA Toolkit - 27 August 2007 - Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Books on Demand from CreateSpace
"CreateSpace, part of the, Inc. group of companies, has announced the launch of a new online Books on Demand service. Also announced, the company is no longer charging setup fees for books, audio CDs and DVDs. Authors, filmmakers and musicians can now offer their works to millions of customers on, and via their own free customizable eStore without any inventory, setup fees or minimum orders"
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - August 2007
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 07, Number 08 - August 2007 is now available
Cornell University Library partners with Google
"Cornell University Library is partnering with Google Inc. to digitize materials from its superb collections and make them available online"
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Science Tracer Bullet: Nuclear Weapons
This bibliography provides an overview of reference and research materials on Nuclear Weapons, with an emphasis on materials available in the Library of Congress and the World Wide Web
AA to plug guides into phones
AA Publishing (Automobile Association, UK) is launching a new series of interactive travel guides for use on 3G phones. The first title in the series, Smart TravelGuide: London (GBP24.99), will be released exclusively through Stanfords and WH Smith this month, ahead of the general launch in September. Guides to a further 12 European cities and New York are planned for launch by next spring
My Discoveries™
"My Discoveries is the new Social Library Experience found in AquaBrowser, by Medialab Solutions. My Discoveries gives the user space to contribute their own knowledge and opinions on library materials and services. This Experience is beneficial for patrons and librarians alike; by reviewing, tagging and networking the user takes an active role in the catalog"
Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2007 Longlist
The judges for the 2007 Man Booker Prize for Fiction have announced their longlist of books in the running for the prize this year. This longlist of 13 books, the 'Man Booker Dozen', was chosen from 110 entries; 92 were submitted for the prize and 18 were called in by the judges. The longlist is:
Darkmans by Nicola Barker (4th Estate)
Self Help by Edward Docx (Picador)
The Gift Of Rain by Tan Twan Eng (Myrmidon)
The Gathering by Anne Enright (Jonathan Cape)
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (Hamish Hamilton)
The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies (Sceptre)
Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones (John Murray)
Gifted by Nikita Lalwani (Viking)
On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape)
What Was Lost by Catherine O’Flynn (Tindal Street)
Consolation by Michael Redhill (William Heinemann)
Animal's People by Indra Sinha (Simon & Schuster)
Winnie & Wolf by A.N.Wilson (Hutchinson)
Darkmans by Nicola Barker (4th Estate)
Self Help by Edward Docx (Picador)
The Gift Of Rain by Tan Twan Eng (Myrmidon)
The Gathering by Anne Enright (Jonathan Cape)
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (Hamish Hamilton)
The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies (Sceptre)
Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones (John Murray)
Gifted by Nikita Lalwani (Viking)
On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape)
What Was Lost by Catherine O’Flynn (Tindal Street)
Consolation by Michael Redhill (William Heinemann)
Animal's People by Indra Sinha (Simon & Schuster)
Winnie & Wolf by A.N.Wilson (Hutchinson)
LSC announces GBP59 million investment in technology
The Learning and Skills Council (UK) has announced plans to invest GBP59.8 million during 2007/08 into technology to improve the learner experience. This investment is almost GBP20 million more than last year and demonstrates the LSC's commitment to transforming the use of technology in post-16 education. The additional investment will contribute to learning infrastructure, student equipment upgrades and expanding the numbers of mobile devices available for students
ALT-C 2007: Beyond Control
ALT-C 2007: Beyond Control - Learning Technology for the social network generation - 4-6 September 2007 - Nottingham, UK
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Brill selects IngentaConnect to support 50,000 article backfile
Ingenta recently signed a new agreement with Brill which will see 50,000 digitized articles, dating back to 1890, added to Brill's presence on IngentaConnect. The new content will be available in early 2008, at which point many of Brill's 119 publications will be accessible back to volume 1, issue 1
Jay Shorten (University of Oklahoma) and Ian Fairclough (Marion, Ohio, Public Library) are setting up a notification list for issues about personal names in bibliographic and authority records. The list is PERSNAME-L. This list will interest those of you who are concerned with the accuracy of headings
Third Islamic Manuscript Conference
The Third Islamic Manuscript Conference will take place 28-31 August 2007 at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge. It will be hosted by the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation and the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge. It will feature research from different fields of study related to Islamic manuscripts. Manuscript projects from around the world will be presented and new techniques and technologies for conservation and digitisation will be discussed
Metadata Extraction Tool
The National Library of New Zealand has announced the open-source release of version 3.2 of its Metadata Extraction Tool, which programmatically extracts preservation metadata from a range of file formats including PDF documents, image files, sound files, office documents, and many others. It automatically extracts preservation-related metadata from digital files, then outputs that metadata in XML. It can be used through a graphical user interface or command-line interface
More than 16,000 E-journals in EBSCO's Access Services
"Continuously expanding the number of high-quality e-journals available through its access services, EBSCO Information Services recently crossed a significant content milestone - with more than 16,000 e-journals and 10 million articles now accessible"
Negotiating licences
Negotiating licences: a one-day course is intended for information professionals who are required to negotiate contracts and licences for information products, and who wish to do so in a way which best suits the needs of their organisation - 10 October 2007 - London, UK
CISTI Pay Per Article
A new Pay Per Article service offered by NRC-CISTI, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, allows any researcher to search a database of more than 11 million articles and pay by credit card to view and print those selected without requiring registration
The Library History Round Table 2007 award recipients
The Library History Round Table of the American Library Association has announced the 2007 winners of the Justin Winsor Prize Essay Award and the Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award honoring the best writers on the topic of library history
The Library Research Round Table 2007 award recipients
The Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association has announced the 2007 winners of the Ingenta Research Award, the Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research and the Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research, which honors work that advances library research
Monday, August 06, 2007
Grampian Information Annual Conference 2007
Grampian Information Annual Conference - 15 November 2006 - Aberdeen, Scotland
ACRL/ARL Regional Institute on Scholarly Communication
The Association of Research Libraries and the Association of College and Research Libraries have announced the first regional Institute for Scholarly Communication, hosted by the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois December 5-7, 2007, in Chicago. This immersive learning experience prepares participants to become local experts within their libraries. Participants, who are encouraged to attend in teams, will become fluent with scholarly communication issues and trends and begin developing outreach plans for their campuses
Summer Sounds on the British Library Piazza
"The British Library Piazza will be transformed once again into a musical venue for a week of outdoor concerts. This year's theme is spiritual, with artists of Jewish, Christian and Muslim backgrounds responding to the Sacred exhibition. Why not take your lunch on the Piazza or have an early evening break and listen to musicians from London-based faith groups as well as distinguished Moroccan performers" 6-10 August, 2007
IngentaConnect and Geological Society of London journals
Journal of the Geological Society and Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology will no longer be available via IngentaConnect after 31 August 2007. Both these journals will be available via the Geological Society's new Lyell Collection
The State of the Book Industry 2007
"What is the long-term effect of consolidation in the publishing industry? What are the latest sales trends in publishing and in the library market? How is the digital environment changing the book industry? Such questions were addressed and discussed by economists Albert N. Greco and Robert M. Wharton in a program co-sponsored by the Center for the Book and the Book Industry Study Group, Inc."
The Times Digital Archive (1785-1985)
"The Times Digital Archive 1785-1985 provides convenient access to an extraordinary library of back issues of this renowned newspaper online. By taking the microfilm collection of The Times (London) and producing a high-resolution digital format with searchable images, The Times Digital Archive 1785-1985 represents unprecedented access to one of the most highly regarded resources for the study of 19th and 20th century history"
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Wiley InterScience Library Newsletter - July 2007
Wiley InterScience Library Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2007 is now available
JISC Collections weekly update - 20 July 2007
JISC Collections weekly update - Issue: No. 44 - 20 July 2007 is now available
Survey of institutional digital repositories
Primary Research Group, New York, is planning to publish a Survey of Institutional Digital Repositories. Take the survey and receive a free copy of the report. Libraries worldwide that have an institutional digital repository are eligible. All data is amalgamated and not presented for individual institutions
Highlights - Summer 2007 issue
The Summer 2007 issue of Highlights, the free, quarterly newsletter from Inderscience Publishers, is now available
The Brill Journal Archive Online
Koninklijke Brill NV has announced that the content of virtually all of its older journal backfiles will become available online in early 2008. Brill currently publishes over 100 journals and subscribers already have access to journal articles published from 2000 onwards as part of their subscription. The Brill Journal Archive Online will give access to over 50,000 articles published before the year 2000. Some of the journals started publication over a hundred years ago
Online copyright courses
Author, educator and copyright lawyer, Lesley Ellen Harris, is teaching a variety of online courses on copyright, licensing and managing copyright and digital content this Fall
Digital preservation program makes awards to preserve American creative works
The Library of Congress, through its National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), has announced eight partnerships as part of its new Preserving Creative America initiative to address the long-term preservation of creative content in digital form
New & Notable - Issue 1
New & Notable "is an EBSCO publication featuring a variety of periodicals suitable for all readers - from children to health care professionals to computer wizards to sports fans to business executives" - Issue 1, 2007 now available
Saturday, August 04, 2007
20,000 full-text documents released from ERIC
"ERIC has announced the release of the first wave of content from the Microfiche Digitization Project. This first release provides full text access to more than 20,000 documents published on microfiche by ERIC between 1988 and 1992. Thousands of copyright holders, both individual authors and institutions, have given ERIC permission to scan and display older work previously available only in microfiche. Additional full-text content will continue to be released over the next two years"
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, August 2007
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, August 2007: Around the Campfire - "This month we celebrate the centenary of the Boy Scouts, and also highlight other youth organisations. The Boy Scouts were established as an organisation in 1908 by Sir Robert (later Lord) Baden-Powell (1857-1941), a cavalry officer and hero of the Boer War (1899-1902)"
BMJ Group products - 2008 subscription prices
The 2008 subscriptions prices for all BMJ Group products are now available
New Canadian ISBN Service System
As of August 1, 2007, the Canadian ISBN Service System (CISS) has replaced the former ISBN procedure with a single, seamless application. Effective August 1, 2007, all publisher clients, existing and new, are required to access CISS and register online by completing a publisher client profile and item description. Registrants will receive an automatically generated email confirmation from Library and Archives Canada
Library Buyer's Guide
Library Buyer's Guide is "a new comprehensive online library resource featuring thousands of listings of products and services for librarians and information professionals in every field—academic, public, school and special libraries. These listings are continually updated and searchable by product category, company and keyword"
Institute of Museum and Library Services announces $17.4 million for Museums for America
Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, has announced the 2007 Museums for America grant recipients. Museums of all types, from art to zoos, 158 in all, will share $17.4 million in grant funding. Recipients will match the federal funds with an additional $30.1 million. USA-wide, 414 museums - urban and rural, large and small - competed for grants, requesting over $41.9 million
Presidential Libraries: History Uncovered
"C-SPAN's Presidential Libraries: History Uncovered is a 12-week series airing live on location from the 12 Presidential libraries spanning Herbert Hoover to Bill Clinton. Debuting September 7, 2007, C-SPAN's latest history series demonstrates the evolution of the modern presidency with extensive use of never- or rarely-seen film, video, private home movies, sound recordings, photographs, documents and artifacts collected from inside the libraries' vaults"
The Scholar's Space
"The Scholar's Space, from the Texas Digital Library, provides a forum for the discussion of our academic system of scholarly communication. We're in a time of rapid change, with unprecedented innovation presenting a fantastic opportunity to reshape this system, using tools that were unheard of only two decades ago. Academia has much to gain from rethinking its own publishing processes, and working with its commercial and other partners to take advantage of all that the Internet and improved communications media offer all of us. Chances to collaborate with other academic institutions offer a third avenue for exploiting these opportunities. So what are we doing? What should we be doing? What's new on the scholarly communications front?"
Access 2007 registration now open
Registration is now open for Access 2007, being held in Victoria, Canada, October 10-13, 2007. There are only 250 seats available
BIALL Conference 2008
BIALL Conference 2008 - 12-14 June 2008 - Dublin, Ireland. BIALL is the British & Irish Association of Law Librarians
" - Philadelphia City Archive is one of the United States' largest municipal archives, with an estimated two million photographs that date from the late 1800s. These pictures paint a stunning portrait of Philadelphia and its industry, architecture, culture, and people"
Friday, August 03, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Island Groups. Answers here.
1. Which group of Spanish islands off the northwest coast of Africa includes Lanzarote, Tenerife, Grand Canary (Gran Canaria) and Palma?
2. Which country in East Asia consists of four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and many smaller islands?
3. Name one of the four large islands that are the main part of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
4. Which group of islands in the English Channel includes Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark?
5. The Cyclades is a group of islands in the South Aegean Sea which forms a department of which country?
6. Which republic consists of an archipelago of over 7,000 islands in the western Pacific which includes Luzon and Mindanao?
7. Which group of islands in the Pacific Ocean helped to inspire Darwin's theory of evolution after he visited them on his expedition with HMS Beagle in 1835?
8. Which group of islands off the west coast of Scotland includes Skye, Rum, Mull, Iona and Benbecula?
9. Which island nation in Southeast Asia includes Sumatra, Java and Celebes?
10. Which group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic includes islands called Nightingale and Inaccessible?
1. Which group of Spanish islands off the northwest coast of Africa includes Lanzarote, Tenerife, Grand Canary (Gran Canaria) and Palma?
2. Which country in East Asia consists of four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and many smaller islands?
3. Name one of the four large islands that are the main part of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
4. Which group of islands in the English Channel includes Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark?
5. The Cyclades is a group of islands in the South Aegean Sea which forms a department of which country?
6. Which republic consists of an archipelago of over 7,000 islands in the western Pacific which includes Luzon and Mindanao?
7. Which group of islands in the Pacific Ocean helped to inspire Darwin's theory of evolution after he visited them on his expedition with HMS Beagle in 1835?
8. Which group of islands off the west coast of Scotland includes Skye, Rum, Mull, Iona and Benbecula?
9. Which island nation in Southeast Asia includes Sumatra, Java and Celebes?
10. Which group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic includes islands called Nightingale and Inaccessible?
Origins of Life in the Universe
Origins of Life in the Universe introduces hypotheses of the origin of life by the pioneers in the field - from the Science Reference Section; Science, Technology and Business Division; Library of Congress
The Wise Guide - August 2007
The Wise Guide - monthly portal to the many resources available from the U.S. Library of Congress - August 2007 now available
Brill 2008 Journal Prices available
Brill has announced that its 2008 journal prices are now available for all Brill journals (including imprints Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP)
Charles Simic appointed Poet Laureate
Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has announced the appointment of Charles Simic to be the Library's 15th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry. Simic will take up his duties in the fall, opening the Library's annual literary series on October 17 with a reading of his work. He also will be a featured speaker at the Library of Congress National Book Festival in the Poetry pavilion on September 29, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Faber is launching a new touring literature festival
"From 7-9 September, the Northern Exposure festival will host a series of events with Faber writers Sarah Hall, Mick Jackson, Andrew Martin and poet Daljit Nagra, in conversation with Faber author and editor Richard Kelly. It will visit Blackburn Central Library, Sunderland Central Library and Dewsbury Library, and will include workshops, panel discussions and readings to inspire and promote reading and writing in the north"
10 millionth record added to Compendex database
Engineering Information has announced that the 10 millionth record has been added to the Compendex database and loaded on the Engineering Village discovery platform
Report on university publishing released from Ithaka
"Scholars have a vast range of opportunities to distribute their work, from setting up web pages or blogs, to posting articles to working paper websites or institutional repositories, to including them in peer-reviewed journals or books. In American colleges and universities, access to the internet and World Wide Web is ubiquitous; consequently nearly all intellectual effort results in some form of 'publishing'. Yet universities do not treat this function as an important, mission-centric endeavor. The result has been a scholarly publishing industry that many in the university community find to be increasingly out of step with the important values of the academy. This paper argues that a renewed commitment to publishing in its broadest sense can enable universities to more fully realize the potential global impact of their academic programs, enhance the reputations of their institutions, maintain a strong voice in determining what constitutes important scholarship, and in some cases reduce costs"
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Moving Here, Staying Here. The Canadian Immigrant Experience
Library and Archives Canada's new online exhibition Moving Here, Staying Here. The Canadian Immigrant Experience. "This ambitious project was developed with two key goals in mind. The first was to facilitate improved access for genealogists and other researchers to some of LAC's frequently used immigration documents, such as passenger lists and land grants. Researchers can get tips on how to find documents related to an individual immigrant in Find an Immigrant and access information on some of LAC's major immigration "collections" in The Documentary Trail. The second goal was to provide Canadians with a unique history of Canadian immigration for the years 1800-1939. Users can access a virtual exhibition, written by experts in the field and illustrated with a wide selection of LAC's immigration records, by selecting Traces of the Past: Directives, Debates and Dreams"
British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920 now complete
"With the addition of surnames C-Z, our British Army WWI Pension Records have now been completed. Whilst their official title is the "WO364" records, they are also sometimes referred to as the "Unburnt Records" in recognition of their survival of the London Blitz in the 1940s. Whilst content may vary greatly in accordance with length of service, nature of wounds sustained, each file will typically contain; date and place of enlistment, service history, tours of duty, medical history as well as former occupation and more"
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Libraries and
"Libraries and is a site for people who work in libraries and literacy organizations in Canada. Libraries and is a site where we can learn what is happening across Canada. We can share information about our work. We can get new ideas, build connections, and contact others"
viaLibri library search tool more than doubles its reach
"viaLibri, the internet resource site for book collectors and bibliophiles, has unveiled a major expansion of its popular "Quick Query" library search tool. Thirty-six new online library and bibliographic catalogues have been added to its selections, including 10 national union catalogues and the catalogues of 3 national libraries, 2 bibliographic census databases (EDIT 16 and VD16) and 21 individual research and special collections libraries notable for their holdings of early and rare books"
International Journal of Digital Curation
International Journal of Digital Curation - Vol 2, No 1 (2007) is now available
2007 Digital Future Report
"The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School presents the results of the sixth year of our project, Surveying the Digital Future. The six years of longitudinal research comprise an absolutely unique data base that completely captures broadband at home, the wireless Internet, on-line media, user-generated content and, now, social networking"
Partners in Reading: getting it together in the 21st century
Partners in Reading: getting it together in the 21st century - "Conference organised by ReadEast, the reader development network for the eastern region. This year's theme explores our 21st century reading offer and the partnerships which help us deliver it. These include both our partnerships with publishers, communities, writers and readers and the relationships we foster between them" - 29 November 2007 - Flitwick, Bedfordshire, UK
Access 2007 draft program available
The draft program for Access 2007 has been published. The conference will be held October 10-13 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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