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Featured Link: World Book Trade (e-books, awards, videos)

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

SARS Watch Org is a weblog following Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome around the globe - by Tim Bishop
arts and humanities online - a one-day seminar introducing you to the full range of JISC and other nationally-funded resources and services available online for the Arts and Humanities - June to September 2003
Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences - National Academies Press - complete text is free to read online
ElsevierEngineering contains articles from the past two years of 260 full-text journals and provides a free bibliographic database, Engenius, with which to search those articles
Media archives of the JOLT 2003 Symposium, "Copyright and Fair Use: Present and Future Prospects" are now available for viewing
Information Outlook from SLA - April 2003 now available online
On 9 June in London, the European Information Association will be holding a joint event with SCOOP (Standing Committee on Official Publications in the UK) called Accessing EU documents: new initiatives and developments from the EU institutions
Resourcing Teaching And Learning - University of London Library - 15 May 2003 - The traditional information resources for supporting teaching and learning such as books, course packs, photocopied articles in short loan collections are being supplemented even subsumed by the digital revolution in information provision. This seminar will explore the ramifications of this developing situation in terms of the effect on the acquisitions environment. Contributions from librarians, publishers, library and systems suppliers will highlight the current issues and future implications

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

The British Library will be launching 'In Place' on May 21, 2003 - 100,000 images and sounds from the collections. The Library's curators are selecting the maps, manuscripts and topographical illustrations that chart the changing face of Britain and her people. Photographs, rare sound recordings, and even long forgotten advertisements and music hall songs will be presented
ebrary has announced that it is developing a new product that enables libraries to cost-effectively create online institutional repositories of documents such as theses and dissertations, technical reports, articles, curricula guidelines and special collections. In preparation, the company is extending a free pilot program to its existing customers and libraries that subscribe to ebrary’s database collections by June 30, 2003

Monday, April 28, 2003

Infosecurity Europe is an information security event for professionals interested in IT security - 29 April - 1 May, 2003 - London, UK
The London Review of Books is about to open a bookshop in Bloomsbury. But can a tiny independent store survive in the face of the power wielded by today's big chains? - Jonathan Heawood - The Observer
"Hog Heaven" - 100 Years of the Harley-Davidson - in honor of the 100th anniversary of Harley-Davidson in August 2003, the Library of Congress has created a special Web presentation on "The Hog," the machine that began as a motorized bicycle and ended up as an American Icon
Evidence based healthcare on the web: finding the information that matters - 23 June 2003, London - Workshop leader: Alain Besson

Sunday, April 27, 2003

BRAINTRACK contains Internet addresses of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges and other higher educational institutions worldwide. Over 6900 listings for 189 countries
The Internet Portals Interest Group the mission is to explore, research, educate and generally facilitate an understanding and sharing of knowledge about portal services (best practices, system design and software) among LITA members and throughout the library community and to help improve the state-of-the-art of portal services, systems and support groups in regard to both current and future library (or related) services
International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers - Spring 2003 Conference - Universal access to STM information: by evolution or revolution? - May 15-16 2003 - Amsterdam
Cites & Insights - May 2003 issue now available
City College of New York library has updated its Government Views of Iraq bibliography
North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, is the 2003 recipient of the American Library Association (ALA)/Information Today Library of the Future Award

Saturday, April 26, 2003

New database on COPAC: The British Library Register of Preservation Surrogates - a national database with details of surrogate copies of printed books, journals etc. The copies have been made from originals held in a range of libraries and other institutions. At the moment the copies are normally in archival microform, but other formats may be available. The database is also the host for records of materials produced by the Chadwyck-Healey Nineteenth Century filming project
The Resource Discovery Network - UK-wide training events, Spring and Summer, 2003

Friday, April 25, 2003

University of California Libraries unveil new Melvyl catalog - allowing library patrons - faculty, students, staff, and other researchers as well as the public at large - to search a state-of-the-art catalog of over 23 million records for materials held by the libraries of the 10 campuses of the UC system
The keynote presentations from the 4th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, held August 12-16, 2001 in Pittsburgh, PA are now available in streaming video
ARL/OLMS has announced open registration for the Online Lyceum course: Assessment for Advancing Diversity in Libraries. Participants in this course will have the opportunity to design and/or evaluate their library's diversity program, identify a strategy for program implementation and/or enhancement, and examine different methods to assess the program
Advanced Serials Cataloging Workshop - provides a review of original cataloging rules and practices for printed serials. Developed by the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP), this workshop will provide an in-depth review of AACR2 rules and CONSER practices - June 5-6, 2003 - PALINET/Philadelphia, PA
SCONUL Award for Staff Development 2003 - open to any member of staff employed in one of the national libraries, the libraries of universities in the UK or Ireland, libraries in colleges of higher education in the UK, and to students hoping to work in these institutions
The Open Archives Initiative: application and exploitation - Royal College of Nursing, London - 14 May 2003 - a one-day seminar focusing on the application and exploitation of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books - events include special lectures by celebrated authors, book reviews, writing workshops, and children's storytelling programs - April 26 and 27, 2003

Thursday, April 24, 2003

New blog of interest to librarians: Sitelines - directed at intermediate-level web searchers. It focuses principally on web search news, search techniques and approaches, links to excellent articles from other sources on topics of interest to serious searchers, and occasional links to specific search resources - by Rita Vine
The Library of Congress is 202 years old today
Harvard University Art Museums (the Fogg, the Arthur M. Sackler, and the Busch-Reisinger Museums) has announced the third data upload to its searchable database, Collections Online. This research discovery tool now provides basic information on about 76,000 objects more than half of the permanent collection. Deeper cataloguing data, such as bibliography, marks and inscriptions, provenance, and exhibition history, are included for about 10,000 of these objects
The Guardian Hay Festival programme is now available. Hay-on-Wye is a tiny market town in the Brecon Beacons with 1,300 inhabitants and 36 bookshops. Once a year the town is transformed, with authors coming from all over the world for a 10-day literary festival - Full programme
RCDL 2003 - Fifth National Russian Research Conference on Digital Libraries - Saint-Petersburg, Russia - October 29-31, 2003 - first call for papers
The Ever-Shifting Internet Population: A new look at Internet access and the digital divide - a Pew Internet Project report
NASIG's Continuing Education Committee is again sponsoring a Conference Mentoring Program to help make new conference attendees feel more at ease, highlight membership benefits and create networking opportunities. The program will match experienced NASIG conference attendees with new conference goers
IST 2003: The Opportunities Ahead - October 2-4, 2003 - Milan - The Calls for Ideas for Workshops and Exhibits are now open for IST 2003, the one event this year bringing together European Information Society research, policy and strategy
Ask-A-Librarian "LIVE" is an interactive trial service until the end of May 2003 being run by the UK Ask-A-Librarian service

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Today is World Book and Copyright Day - by celebrating this Day throughout the world, UNESCO seeks to promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright
MIMAS Open Forum 2003 - Celebrating Ten Years as a JISC-designated National Data Service - Manchester, UK - 2 July 2003
ERIC Continues But Without Clearinghouses - by Barbara Quint - Information Today
OCLC - Digitization and Preservation Online Resource Center - information about copyright, digitization, grants assistance and preservation issues, along with links to online resources and reports on what other institutions are doing in the digitization and preservation fields

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The CENDI STI Manager is a reference collection being developed by CENDI to provide access to high-quality materials (primarily web-based) related to the management of scientific and technical information, particularly within the U.S. government
Creativity and the Public Domain: Does Copyright Protect Too Much or Too Little? - May 5, 2003 - New York City
The Alliance Library System and the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center announce the opening of The Shoppes at Library Lane, a virtual shopping mall created to raise funds for the Alliance Library System educational endowment fund and to enhance library services to Mid-Illinois patrons with visual, physical, and learning disabilities

Monday, April 21, 2003

The Education Librarians Group in the UK has published its Spring 2003 newsletter
LISFeeds.com is a web based RSS headline aggregator - headlines from sites and services that specialize in library oriented news, presented in a convenient one stop shop

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Version 48 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 1,850 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet - Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Friday, April 18, 2003

KM-HIGHERED - a mailing list intended for discussions of knowledge management in higher education. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to km-highered-request@umich.edu, with the word subscribe in the subject line
The innovative Yale Journal of Law & Technology (YJoLT) is now using a blog publishing application, provides links to other Yale sponsored blogs and legal-tech content, and offers readers the choice between viewing the journal articles in Word of PDF (from beSpacific)
The Library Course Builder (LibCB) is a Cold Fusion application for academic libraries that pulls together paper and digital library resources to support each course offered on campus
The Alberta Library - Knowledge Network E-resource Symposium - May 1-2, 2003 - Edmonton, AB. I will be speaking about electronic journals and virtual users
FreePint Newsletter 135 - 17 April 2003 - is now available
The Society for Scholarly Publishing - 25th Annual Meeting - May 28-30, 2003 - Baltimore, Maryland
Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections - a symposium to be held in Austin, Texas, July 24-26, 2003
Seminar in American Bibliography and Book Trade History - Engineering Handbooks as Carriers of Practice into the Field in Antebellum America - May 6, 2003 - Fordham University, MA
Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term Problems - August 4-8, 2003 - Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY

Thursday, April 17, 2003

The Legacy of Genghis Khan - companion to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibit exploring the courtly and culture in Western Asia from 1256-1353
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 illustrates nineteenth and early twentieth century Chinese immigration to California from 1850 to 1925 through about 8,000 images and pages of primary source materials. Included are photographs, original art, cartoons and other illustrations; letters, excerpts from diaries, business records, and legal documents; as well as pamphlets, broadsides, speeches, sheet music, and other printed matter
Information Research - April 2003 issue is now available
Technical Advisory Service for Images has announced its workshops for May 2003 to be held at the University of Bristol, UK
Technology Electronic Reviews - March 2003 issue now available
Cabinet Conclusions, 1944-1972 - This product highlights the new release and availability of the 1972 Conclusions at the National Archives of Canada, as well as the availability of digitized images for the years 1944-1972
NISO Committee AX on OpenURL standardization is seeking participants for a trial of the emerging OpenURL 1.0 standard. The official trial period will begin May 1, 2003 and end November 1, 2003
The University of Cincinnati has developed a database of links to publishers' journal policies called the Academic Journal Policy Database (AJPD). The goal is to provide a global mechanism for students, faculty, administrators, and publishers to share information and facilitate electronic publishing education
Biblio Tech Review - April 2003 issue now available

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

D-Lib Magazine - April 2003 now available
New library-related weblog - The Education Librarian - intended for librarians working with students and faculty in post-secondary education - by Anna Lewis
Blackwell Publishing is giving free online access to more than 50 geography and earth science periodicals until April 30, 2003
European Copyright Directive and its significance for Industrial and Commercial Libraries - Update 2003 - May 1 - London, UK
SIGIR 2003: Workshop on the Evaluation of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) Systems - August 1, 2003 - Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

The National Health Service, UK has signed a three year agreement for selected xrefer medical reference books, to be delivered via its online National Electronic Library for Health (NeLH)
Almost all of the contents of Iraq's National Library and archives are reported to have been destroyed by fire, meaning the loss of priceless records of the country's history - BBC News. See also this story by Robert Fisk in The Independent
The Woodland Public Library in California has opened Shop for the Library, a fundraising venture featuring over 200 merchants
The Institute of Physics has announced improvements to its e-mail alerting service for its electronic journals
The AACE Digital Library has been announced by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
The Museums Computer Group (MCG) invites nominations for a new award for the most accessible museum website of the year - the first Jodi Mattes Access award. The winner will be announced at the RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind)'s Talking Images conference on 20th May 2003
OpenURL Day 2003 - organized by the Center for Scholarly Communication at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science of Long Island University and by NISO. Its aim is to introduce the library and publishing communities to the path-breaking concepts at the heart of the OpenURL and show you the tools that are facilitating a host of new library services - 13 May 2003

Monday, April 14, 2003

New library-related weblog: Off the Shelves - from the La Grange Park Public Library, Illinois
The MetaMap is a pedagogical tool in the form of a subway map, the goal of which is to help people understand metadata standards, sets, and initiatives related to information studies
Library Reference Center from EBSCOhost provides indexing and abstracts for over 30 of the most popular library trade journals
Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, located in Greece, is offering internships for a 4-6 months period in the Library, Documentation & Archives Department, beginning in Summer 2003 or January 2004
Bertelsmann, the German media group, has shortlisted three takeover bids for BertelsmannSpringer, its scientific publishing arm, after receiving seven cash offers for the business - FT
3 Day Course in Document Management and Document Imaging - Spring and Summer 2003 - Los Angeles, CA

Saturday, April 12, 2003

SCONUL Newsletter - Issue 27 - is now available online
The British Universities Film & Video Council News Online has been updated
ACRL/NEC Serials Interest Group Programs - "Standards of Seriality" - May 16, 2003 - Harvard Medical School, Tosteson Medical Education Center, Boston, MA
Showdown in the Serials Aisle: Corralling Electronic Journals - Academic Library Association of Ohio 2003 Spring Workshop - May 15, 2003 - Dublin, Ohio
Time Magazine Cover Search - searchable database of all Time covers since 1923. Browse by year, or search by date or keyword
Royal Society of Chemistry Retrodigitisation Project will provide access to all articles published by the RCS (and its forerunner societies) from 1841 to 1996. It is estimated the backfile will contain 200,000 articles in 1,200,000 pages
The Third Annual IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '03) is being held at Rice University, Houston, Texas 27-31 May 2003. JCDL is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues

Friday, April 11, 2003

Blackwell Publishing, ISI, and Oxford University Press make COUNTER compliant usage statistics available for their online journals
BMJ Journals Library Resource Centre - information about pricing, site licenses and usage statistics. In addition there are tips on searching, explanations on each journal's web features, FAQs and information for submitting manuscripts online
Library Vocabulary Survey: User, Patron, Client: Electronic Library (e-library), Digital Library, Virtual Library - compiler: Diane K. Kovacs - ends April 20, 2003
The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians Conference - May 14-16, 2003 - Indiana State University
Nominees for the 7th Annual Webby Awards have been announced
MyWebLibrarian - to help meet the informational needs of Illinois citizens through the development of a first-rate and sustainable model for multi-type, multi-system digital reference collaboration
18th NASIG Conference in Portland, OR, June 26-29, 2003 - full program now available
ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop - Towards a Resources Information Infrastructure - Sapporo, Japan - July 11 and 12 2003
The Resource Discovery Network is running a series of 'train the trainer' events around the UK. These events will be of special interest to anyone who has a responsibility for providing internet skills training, particularly for library and learning resource centre staff, teachers, lecturers, researchers and students

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Webinar: Email Newsletter Publishing for Libraries - April 24, 2003 - Presented by Topica Email Publisher
JA-SIG Denver - uPortal: Up and Running! - June 8-10, 2003 - Denver, Colorado. Deadline for proposals: April 15, 2003
ASSIGN - News from Social Science Libraries and Projects - April 2003 now available
Aslib IT & Communications Group Annual Conference - 14-16 May, 2003 - Danbury Park Conference Centre, Essex. Update yourself in key areas of science and technology: Library Design, Digital Libraries, Proving your Value, E-communities and Libraries, Personalisation, E-learning, Foresight
National Library of Canada Bulletin - March/April, 2003 now available

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

The PORTAL project report 'Stakeholder Requirements for Institutional Portals' is now available. The report is the result of consultation with over 600 individuals and combines the results of the PORTAL online survey with interview and focus groups data gathered at 5 UK tertiary education sites
The aim of the Xtensible Past pilot project is twofold. On the one hand the project explores the possibilities of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and OAI (Open Archives Initiative) for providing better access to and sharing of digital data collections by researchers, on the other hand the project investigates XML as a new strategy for the long-term preservation of research data
Institutional Web Management Workshop 2003: Supporting Our Users - University of Kent, UK - 11-13 June 2003
Through an agreement reached in March, 2003, TDNet, a leading supplier of electronic resource management solutions, and HARRASSOWITZ will collaborate to provide complete and consolidated access to electronic content for libraries in the USA and Canada. The collaboration will begin in April, 2003
The second issue of the disinfojournal is now available
Peter Schoeffer: Printer of Mainz - A Quincentenary Exhibition at Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, TX - 8 September to 8 December 2003
Finding Our Digital Voice: Governing in the Information Age - Ottawa, Ontario - May 7-9, 2003
Peter Jacso reviews the Hutchinson Encyclopedia (concise version) and the Searchasaurus database collection in his latest Digital Reference Shelf
Publishers and newspapers in the UK are campaigning against a Government Bill which could force them to deposit electronic copies of books, newspapers, websites and digital messages - PA

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

You are invited to participate in Outsell, Inc.'s annual study on the Changing Role of Content Deployment Functions. This study is targeted at Information professionals; Librarians; Knowledge Management professionals; Market, Competitive, and Business Intelligence professionals; Training and Learning professionals and Portal/Web Site managers in all industries, government agencies, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations. Closing date: April 23, 2003
Presentation links to sessions given at Internet Librarian International 2003, Birmingham, UK are now available
8th IFLA Interlending & Document Supply International Conference - National Library of Australia in Canberra, Australia, 28 - 31 October 2003 - Full program now available
XML and Libraries - A LITA Regional Institute - St. Louis, MO - May 9, 2003
Swedish author, Per Olov Enquist, has won the UK's £10,000 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for 2003.
Granta 81 - Best of Young British Novelists 2003

Monday, April 07, 2003

Knowledge Management Conference - April 14-16, 2003 - Washington, DC
IFLA, the international NGO representing the library and information profession on the world stage, is seeking candidates to succeed the current Secretary General, Ross Shimmon, who retires in March 2004. Closing date: 28 May 2003
Pan-European Portal Conference 2003 - Geneva, April 24-25, 2003 - The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for IT professionals in the Education and Library communities to meet, discuss, and share ideas on portals, network identity, and web services
The American Library Association releases its new website today

Sunday, April 06, 2003

National Library Week - April 6-12, 2003
Canadian Health Libraries Association Conference - May 31-June 4 2003 - Edmonton, Canada
InfoToday 2003 - three core conferences: National Online 2003, KnowledgeNets 2003, and E-Libraries 2003, offering dozens of stimulating sessions and workshops for information professionals, librarians, researchers, and knowledge management practitioners - May 6–8 2003, New York
Government Document Manager - a new journal for and about government document automation, records, printing, and archiving
ALPSP Awards 2003 - The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, together with the Charlesworth Group, announces six Awards which recognise significant achievement in the field of learned and professional publishing. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2003

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Today in Literature - a calendar of engaging stories about the great books, writers, and events in literary history
LIS-COLLECTION-MANAGEMENT - a new mailing list created to act as a forum for discussion of collection development and collection management issues in academic libraries
Reference Services: Virtual, Digital, and In-Library - a New Model for Effective Delivery - A National Teleconference Series - April 11, 2003
Call for papers - American Printing History Association Annual Conference - The Grolier Club, New York - 24-25 October 2003
GPO Access is a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office that provides free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the Federal Government. The information provided on this site is the official, published version and the information retrieved from GPO Access can be used without restriction, unless specifically noted
The Yale University Library invites applications for its new post-doctoral humanities fellowship program. The two-year fellowship offers recent Ph.D. recipients an opportunity for in-depth research using the Yale Library's special and archival collections, as well as for limited undergraduate teaching responsibilities
Cites & Insights 3:5 from Walt Crawford - Spring 2003 issue now available

Friday, April 04, 2003

The April 2003 issue of Syllabus is now available. The magazine focuses exclusively on the use of high tech in higher education, and provides a platform for advancing new IT solutions at the college level
The New Library: Challenges and Opportunities will discuss libraries and technological issues in the 21st century - May 16, 2003 - LaGuardia Community College, New York
Business Reference & Competitive Intelligence Resources on the Web - this Web-based workshop involves individually paced work in consultation with the instructor and other students via the Web, e-mail, and optional online meetings - Instructor is Diane K. Kovacs
JISC has announced the launch of the full range of seven subject-based Resource Guides targeted at students and staff engaged in higher education activities and designed to direct them to a selection of key, high quality electronic resources as well as training and support services
Oxford University Press has announced its pricing structure for Oxford Journals Online for 2004 and 2005
Preserving America's Printed Resources - The Role of Repositories, Depositories and Libraries of Record - Chicago, Illinois - July 21, 2003
National Poetry Month 2003 - brings together publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, schools, and poets around the country to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture
Core metalist of open access eprint archives - gives a broad overview of the structure, size and progress of full-text open access eprint archives - Steve Hitchcock, Southampton University
CIT Infobits - Issue 57, March 2003 now available

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Free Pint Newsletter 134 - 3 April 2003 - now available
Sample issues of journals from Berlin publisher Walter de Gruyter are now available for download
Managing Information - April 2003 issue now available
Info@UK - a monthly bulletin on Information Society developments within the United Kingdom and around the world - April 2003 now available
The Open eBook Forum has received industry support of a new version of its widely adopted eBook specification from publishers, software manufacturers and public interest groups
NISO Metasearch Strategy Workshop - May 7-8 - Denver, Colorado
The Professional Learning Centre Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto presents an 8-week course on Knowledge Management Concepts - April 26 - June 21, 2003 - Toronto
The Research and Scholarship Committee of the Association for College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Instruction Section has completed a revision of the Research Agenda for Bibliographic Instruction originally published in 1980
Digital Library Federation Spring Forum 2003 - New York - May 14-16 - provisional schedule and abstracts now available
The European Commission's Culture 2000 newsletter for March 2003 (issue 9) is now available
The European Library (TEL) Final Conference - National Library of Lithuania in Vilnius - 24 September 2003

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

The conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems (ODBASE'03) provides a forum on ontologies and data semantics that is inclusive of the many computing disciplines involved in developing the "semantic" web - 3-7 November 2003, Catania, Sicily
Polysearch Biographies - access biographical information, sketches, and full biographies of famous and infamous historical figures, politicians, scientists, authors, artists & athletes - developed by Dr. Peter Jacso
The Library and Archives of Canada - Aboriginal Resources and Services - a full variety of Aboriginal resources within Canada, both through the Library's collections and services and in partnership with First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities, associations, language and cultural centres, universities and libraries
Knowledge Base: Information and Communication Technologies new from the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR)
Places Your MLS Can Take You: Alternative Careers for Librarians - June 21, 2003 - Toronto, Ontario
Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing - covers the entire range of activities involved in creating, processing, producing, protecting, and preserving content in digital form, whether that content is ultimately delivered as print, e-book, or on the Web
BiblioExpress is a simple reference manager for researchers. It is the freeware edition of Biblioscape and can be used to collect literature references of different types, to explore bibliographic resources on the Internet, as well as to serve as a free viewer of bibliographic data

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

The April 2003 issue of Internet Resources Newsletter, edited by Roddy MacLeod of Heriot-Watt University Library, is now available
BUBL LINK Updates for March 2003 is now available
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has announced a major reorganization plan to streamline management and bring the agency into line with current business practices
eMeta Corporation has announced the availability of the eRights Suite. Building on the foundation of its award-winning predecessor, eRights, the eRights Suite provides the infrastructure, applications and insight necessary to effectively secure and sell digital assets and services
April 2003 issues of Information Today, Computers in Libraries, Searcher, and CRM Magazine are now available
The Archive-Skills Consultancy, London, UK - training sessions for May and July 2003 have been announced