ALT-C 2010, the 17th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology - 7-9 September 2010 - Nottingham, UK
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Baroness Estelle Morris to chair libraries commission (UK)

DART-Europe E-Theses Portal
"DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. DART-Europe is endorsed by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), and it is the European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses developments. DART-Europe offers partners a European networking forum on ETD issues, and may provide the opportunity to submit collaborative funding applications to achieve DART-Europe's vision for ETDs"
E-News for ARL Directors, January 2010
E-News for ARL Directors, January 2010 is now available online
SPARC enews/January 2010
SPARC enews/January 2010 is now available from SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
National Library of Medicine receives grant to digitize "Medical Heritage" works dating back to 17th century
The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and an arm of the National Institutes of Health, has been named a partner in a multi-centered grant to digitize materials in the history of medicine. As one of five libraries participating in the digital Medical Heritage Project, NLM will receive $360,000 over the next two months to digitize items from its historical medical collections. The initiative is funded by a $1.5 million award to the Open Knowledge Commons, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a universal digital library for democratic access to information, from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Approximately 30,000 volumes of public domain works will be digitized from the collections of some of the world's leading medical libraries: NLM, the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University, the Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library at Columbia University and the New York Public Library. NLM will contribute digital versions of thousands of medical materials, including publications dating back to the 17th century. This project will eventually make resources permanent and freely available through a digital library. Plans are to include more library partners and provide Web access to the collection. The NLM History of Medicine Division collection includes 90 early western manuscripts (before 1600), 139 Arabic and Persian medical manuscripts, an East Asian collection of more than 2,000 printed books, manuscripts and visual materials, over 83,000 prints and photographs, all printed books in the NLM collection printed before 1914, thousands of later pamphlets and dissertations, and all pre-1871 journals
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Podcast: Medieval warfare: sources and approaches
An exploration of how records created by the crown before 1485 can be used to study medieval armies, campaigns and battles in Britain and France. The talk will focus on the records of key battles such as Bannockburn, Crécy and Agincourt. - UK National Archives
Library Connect - January 2010
Library Connect Volume 8, No 1, January 2010 is now available from Elsevier
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science
Contemporary Engineering Sciences
Northwest Journal of Linguistics
Advanced Modeling and Optimization
Revista de Formación e Innovación Educativa Universitaria
Future Internet
Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta Istocno Sarajevo
Actualidades en Psicología
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics
Czech Journal of Food Sciences Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
Historical Kan Periodical
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina
Plant Protection Science
Revista Psiencia
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science
Contemporary Engineering Sciences
Northwest Journal of Linguistics
Advanced Modeling and Optimization
Revista de Formación e Innovación Educativa Universitaria
Future Internet
Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta Istocno Sarajevo
Actualidades en Psicología
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics
Czech Journal of Food Sciences Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
Historical Kan Periodical
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina
Plant Protection Science
Revista Psiencia
The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Evaluation of Library Efforts to Index, Preserve and Catalog Blogs, Websites, Email Archives and other Cyber R
"The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Evaluation of Library Efforts Index, Preserve and Catalog Blogs, Websites, Email Archives and other Cyber Resources presents data on how higher education faculty in the United States and Canada view the usefulness and quality of academic library efforts to further scholarship based on internet sources such as websites, blogs, listervs, social networking sites, online ads and other internet resources. The report presents highly detailed data on how faculty use blogs, websites, social networking sites, email archives, listservs, webcasts and podcasts, ezines, online ads and other cyber resources in scholarship. It also highlights how faculty rate the efforts of academic libraries to index, preserve and catalog these resources. In addition, the report discusses other pertinent trends, such as the degree of use of web archiving software"
Innovation and Libraries: What's at the Heart of Libraries? (Canada)
Innovation and Libraries: What's at the Heart of Libraries? - February 4, 2010 - London, Ontario, Canada - Speaker: Stephen Abram, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Markets for Gale Cengage
Ranking Web of Repositories: January 2010 edition
"The January 2010 edition of the Ranking Web of repositories has been published. The records have been updated and now the Excel files (xls) are included in the calculation of the number of documents deposited"
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: One to Ten. "Our brainteasers always have ten questions, but this quiz is about the numbers from one to ten. Each question or answer includes one of those numbers - but they are not in numerical order in the questions" Answers here.
1. What number in Downing Street is the residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
2. What is a "one-horse town"?
3. A horizontal figure of which number is the symbol for infinity in mathematics?
4. A tetrahedron is a solid figure with how many triangular faces?
5. The ancient city of Rome was built on or about how many hills?
6. A dyad is a social relationship involving how many participants?
7. In cricket, how many runs are scored by a hit which makes the ball clear the boundary without touching the ground?
8. The Three Kingdoms is a period from 220 to 581 in the history of which country?
9. In the song about the twelve days of Christmas, how many drummers were drumming?
10. "The Five" was a group of Russian composers who joined together in about 1875 to create a Russian national music. Name three of these composers.
1. What number in Downing Street is the residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
2. What is a "one-horse town"?
3. A horizontal figure of which number is the symbol for infinity in mathematics?
4. A tetrahedron is a solid figure with how many triangular faces?
5. The ancient city of Rome was built on or about how many hills?
6. A dyad is a social relationship involving how many participants?
7. In cricket, how many runs are scored by a hit which makes the ball clear the boundary without touching the ground?
8. The Three Kingdoms is a period from 220 to 581 in the history of which country?
9. In the song about the twelve days of Christmas, how many drummers were drumming?
10. "The Five" was a group of Russian composers who joined together in about 1875 to create a Russian national music. Name three of these composers.
Wellcome Library: Behind the Scenes: Digital Services (UK)
Wellcome Library: Behind the Scenes: Digital Services: "This is the first in a series of posts aimed at revealing the cogs and wheels that make up the Wellcome Library. These are the departments and teams that provide the services our readers are so familiar with. Now, we find ourselves on the first floor of the Wellcome Collection building with Digital Services. This department brings together several roles and resources in the Library centred around the technical delivery of websites, catalogues, digitisation projects, digital imaging services, an open access repository for research outputs, and digital curation"
A million library books to be sent down the mines (Manchester, UK)

The Journal of the Medical Library Association Volume 98(1) January 2010
The Journal of the Medical Library Association - Volume 98(1) January 2010 - is now available online
Dictionary of Irish Biography - free 30-day trial
A free 30-day trial of the Dictionary of Irish Biography, from Cambridge University Press, is available to libraries and institutions
Library + Information Gazette - 28 January 2010 - 10 February 2010
Library + Information Gazette, the fortnightly magazine for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is now available online to everyone. Latest issue: 28 January 2010 - 10 February 2010
New UK government publications- 24-29 January 2010
The latest round up of new UK government publications this week - 24-29 January 2010 from Intute and the LSE Library
15th Irish Universities Information Services Colloquium
The 15th Irish Universities Information Services Colloquium will take place at Carton House, Maynooth from March 10-12 2010. "The aim of the colloquium has been to bring together those working in the university communities of library, computing, MIS and audiovisual departments to consider emerging issues and to exchange experience"
A Reference Renaissance 2010
A Reference Renaissance 2010: Inventing the Future will be held August 8-10, 2010, in Denver, Colorado. "This exciting event will feature numerous presentations showcasing the latest reference trends and techniques that will give you new ideas and tools to better serve your customers. Also included are vendor exhibits, presentations specifically focused on products and services of interest to reference and information staff and plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing with colleagues"
Gale acquires Questia
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, has acquired the assets of Questia Media, Inc. Questia provides a premium subscription-based online information service that gives users access to more than 76,000 books from 300+ publishers and millions of articles from journals, magazines and newspapers
Thursday, January 28, 2010
J.D. Salinger, author of 'Catcher in the Rye,' dies


LILAC 2010: draft programme
The draft programme for LILAC 2010 is now available. LILAC 2010 (The Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference) hosted by Library Network Support Services will take place at the Limerick Strand Hotel, 29-31 March 2010
United States Department of Agriculture designates $100 million for rural libraries
"The Secretary of Agriculture has allocated $100 million in United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Community Facilities funding for public libraries to provide educational opportunities and improve public services in rural communities. The funding will be provided primarily through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009"
Christopher Reid wins 2009 Costa Book of the Year award
Poet Christopher Reid has won the 2009 Costa Book of the Year award for his collection, A Scattering, a tribute to his wife Lucinda Gane following her death in 2005
Pageburst from Elsevier
"Pageburst is an easy-to-use educational solution that combines proven Elsevier health science content with interactive media, collaboration tools and class management functionality, allowing educators to create an engaging, powerful learning experience for their students"
AtmosPeer from ProQuest
AtmosPeer is a research tool designed specifically for researchers, faculty, librarians & students in the atmospheric science community. AtmosPeer provides:
* A central source of news in the atmospheric sciences (from reputable established sites like AMS, UCAR, Royal Meteorological Society, Scientific American, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
* Current lists of conferences, scholars, and funding related to the Atmospheric Sciences, sourced from the ProQuest RefWorks COS Scholar Universe, Funding Opportunities and (Conference) Papers Invited products
* Capability to search recent research in the Meteorological & GeoAstrophysical Abstracts (MGA) collection - a product developed in partnership between AMS and ProQuest
* Social Networking - find, evaluate and initiate contact with new people. Share documents and receive feedback and collaborate on research
AtmosPeer is a free service from ProQuest in partnership with American Meteorological Society (AMS), the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI), & the Conference Exchange
* A central source of news in the atmospheric sciences (from reputable established sites like AMS, UCAR, Royal Meteorological Society, Scientific American, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
* Current lists of conferences, scholars, and funding related to the Atmospheric Sciences, sourced from the ProQuest RefWorks COS Scholar Universe, Funding Opportunities and (Conference) Papers Invited products
* Capability to search recent research in the Meteorological & GeoAstrophysical Abstracts (MGA) collection - a product developed in partnership between AMS and ProQuest
* Social Networking - find, evaluate and initiate contact with new people. Share documents and receive feedback and collaborate on research
AtmosPeer is a free service from ProQuest in partnership with American Meteorological Society (AMS), the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI), & the Conference Exchange
New features for Google Books
Inside Google Books writes: I'm happy to announce a few fresh features for Google Books. We've updated the home page by adding the ability to scroll through categories of books and magazines. We also integrated the My Library feature into the home page to enable you to create and then share collections of books by adding them to "bookshelves." This new version of My Library gives you control over your collections by enabling you to keep some bookshelves private - if, say, you want to organize your own personal reading lists - while sharing others
Openly Local (UK)
"Openly Local is a new project to develop an open and unified way of accessing Local Government information in the UK"
Copac iGoogle search widget (UK)
There is now a Copac search widget for iGoogle, enabling you to search Copac directly from your start page. You can choose to search:
* keyword
* title
* author
* subject
Results will open in a new window, allowing you to continue working on your iGoogle page while your search results are loading
* keyword
* title
* author
* subject
Results will open in a new window, allowing you to continue working on your iGoogle page while your search results are loading
Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art
"Opening in April 2010, Magnificent Maps showcases the British Library's unique collection of large-scale display maps, many of which have never been exhibited before, and demonstrates why maps are about far more than geography. The exhibition will include large-scale, impressive maps from the 1400s to the present day, including the largest book in the world, the Klencke Atlas of 1660. It will suggest the settings in which they might originally have been seen – from the palace to the schoolroom and the home – reveal the themes that unite them, and highlight the sheer artistry that was involved in their production. Magnificent Maps will also explore the reason behind the construction of these visually arresting works of art. Which range from maps used for indoctrination or expressions of local pride to irrefutable statements of power and illustrations of rulers' spheres of influence. This exhibition will be supported by a wide range of events, from talks and discussions to family events"
ALA establishes Library Relief Fund to help rebuild libraries and archives in Haiti
"The massive earthquake near the capital of Port-au-Prince in Haiti on January 12 and the loss and upheaval of life has touched everyone around the world. Unfortunately, natural disasters do not spare cultural institutions such as libraries and archives, or their staff. Reports of destroyed and damaged libraries and archives are beginning to filter in, and in an effort to help our Haitian colleagues, ALA has created the Haiti Library Relief Fund to collect monetary tax deductible donations. Libraries and other cultural institutions are critical resources for the recovery of people around the world in the aftermath of a humanitarian crisis. This website provides information on how you can donate to help libraries and archives recover, as well as reports on damage to cultural institutions in Haiti, how to volunteer you expertise, and additional efforts of ALA and other organizations"
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
LSE Space for Thought Literary Festival 2010
LSE Space for Thought Literary Festival: Off the Edge - 11 to 13 February 2010 - London, UK - "Half a century after C. P. Snow's two cultures, the arts and sciences remain distinct domains. While the social sciences might have built bridges, they each continue to occupy a space of their own. This festival aims to push those boundaries, exploring the edges of social science and asking what can be learnt in the borderlands between social science, natural science and the humanities about mind, self and society"
Credo Reference adds National Gallery images to its reference collection
"Credo Reference has signed an agreement to include National Gallery images and information in the Credo General Reference Collection. Credo has licensed high resolution images of the paintings of the National Gallery, London. Students and library patrons will now be able to find the beautiful images of these national treasures whenever they search their library's online resources. In addition to the images, Credo will include the National Gallery Companion Guide, If the Paintings Could Talk… and the National Gallery Visitor's Guide to complement the images and provide descriptive information about the artists and their works. Credo has also licensed two Pocket Guides to enable researchers to further understand artistic themes: Myths & Legends and Narrative"
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
1st PebblePad Conference
Pebble Learning announces its inaugural conference focusing on its online personal learning system, PebblePad, used by over 100 institutions and 500,000 users - 8-10 June 2010 - Shifnal, UK - "PebblePad is an innovative personal learning system designed to support any learner, learning at any level. Its unique interface hints at the user friendly system which allows users to build and share a broad collection of items related to their studies, personal development, continuing professional development or any event of personal significance"
Yale librarians debut new journal
The first issue of the Yale Library Studies journal, a new annual publication put together by the University's librarians, faculty, related experts and invited authors, was released this month. The journal replaces its biannual predecessor, The Yale University Library Gazette, which was in publication between 1926 and 2008, said Geoffrey Little, editor of the new journal
"ChEMBL is a database of ca. 500,000 bioactive compounds, their quantitative properties and bioactivities (binding constants, pharmacology and ADMET, etc). The data is abstracted and curated from the primary scientific literature and the data made available due to funding by the Wellcome Trust. The database is part of the ChEMBL resources at the EMBL-EBI"
Practical Guide: Open Access Journals
This practical guide, from CILIP, will describe what is meant by 'open access' and explains how users can find open access journals, especially those in the area of librarianship and information science. Several open access journals and depositories are listed
JISC Conference 2010 blog competition launches
"JISC is putting the spotlight on the education community in a blog competition, with the chance to win a flip camera and inclusion in a JISC publication. As part of the JISC Conference 2010, JISC is asking teachers, learners and researchers to share their experiences of technology around the event theme: 'technology - at the heart of education and research'. The competition will be judged by Michelle Pauli, deputy editor of books section and editor of the conference blog; conference keynote speaker Bill St Arnaud, chief research officer at Canada's Advanced Internet Development Organization; and John Traxler, professor of mobile learning and director of the Learning Lab at the University of Wolverhampton. Entrants should write a blog post or produce a short video explaining how important technology is to their work in education and research"
Access 2010
Access 2010, the premier library technology conference in Canada, is being held October 13-16 in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Asian journal of Sports Medicine
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi : Ciências Humanas
International Journal of Plant Biology
Journal for Educational Research Online
Acta Obstetrica e Ginecologia Portuguesa
Journal of Biotech Research
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Escritos de Psicología - Psychological Writings
Intersecciones Educativas
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi : Ciências Humanas
International Journal of Plant Biology
Journal for Educational Research Online
Acta Obstetrica e Ginecologia Portuguesa
Journal of Biotech Research
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Escritos de Psicología - Psychological Writings
Intersecciones Educativas
The Public Domain Manifesto
"The Public Domain Manifesto has been produced within the context of COMMUNIA, the European Thematic Network on the digital public domain. The members of COMMUNIA Working Group 6, starting from an idea expressed during the 1st COMMUNIA Conference, worked for many months during 2009 to prepare a draft text, which was later circulated among COMMUNIA members, until a final version was completed. The views expressed by the Manifesto represent only the views of the signers. You can join the [communia] mailing list to discuss the manifesto with the COMMUNIA network members and with other people and organizations interested in the public domain"
Monday, January 25, 2010
NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom exhibition
"In commemoration of African American History Month, the Library of Congress on February 3 will launch a new online exhibition about the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an organization which has donated its records to the Library, where they are the most-consulted collection. On February 26, the Library of Congress also will hold a symposium on the NAACP in room LJ119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First St. S.E., Washington, D.C., from 10 a.m. to noon. The symposium will be free and open to the public"
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #104
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #104. "This week's episode brings an analytical essay. What is fueling this renewed drive for paywalls and exclusivity contracts for content? The essay talks about some of the economic pressures that may have been overlooked. Remember, the air staff used to work in print news which means that they have their bylines and photo credits in at least a vertical file out there somewhere. A miscellany of brief items is also presented". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Saskatchewan Archives Week 2010 (Canada)
Saskatchewan Archives Week 2010 takes place February 1-7 in many areas of the province. There is also a Facebook page for the event
National Book Critics Circle announces 2009 finalists
"On Saturday, January 23, 2010, the National Book Critics Circle announced the finalists for its book awards for the publishing year 2009 at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe in New York. The fiction finalists, announced by 2008 finalist Elizabeth Strout, included this year's Man Booker Award winner, Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall (Holt), as well as Bonnie Jo Campbell's 2009 National Book Award finalist, American Salvage (Wayne State University Press), and Jayne Anne Phillips NBA finalist Lark and Termite (Knopf). The autobiography finalists, announced by 2008 autobiography winner Ariel Sabar, included Lit (Harper) by Mary Karr, author of The Liar's Club, a formative book in the memoir genre, and Kati Marton's Enemies of the People: My Family's Journey to America (Simon & Schuster), in which the author used her reporter's skills to uncover the story of her parents in Budapest during the Nazi and Communist eras. Biography, announced by 1999 finalist Jean Strouse, included works about writers John Cheever, Clarice Lispector, Flannery O'Connor, Ignazio Silone"
Perceptions 2009: An International Survey of Library Automation
Marshall Breeding has posted the results the third annual survey of data collected on how libraries rate their current integrated library system, the company involved, and the quality of customer support. The survey also aims to gather data regarding attitudes regarding interest levels in open source ILS products. Perceptions 2009: an international survey of library automation gives the general conclusions and presents all the statistical results derived from the survey. As usual, some of the most interesting and valuable information lies in the comments offered by responders
NETSL Annual Spring Conference 2010 (USA)
New England Technical Services Librarians Annual Spring Conference 2010: Crosswalks to the Future - April 15, 2010 - Worcester, MA
NoWAL Training: February - March 2010 (UK)
"The NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries) General Programme for February to March 2010 is now available. The NoWAL programme of staff training and development offers extensive opportunities for professional and personal development. The main aim of the programme is to support and develop the abilities required of staff to deliver existing and future services to users"
JISC Developer Days - Dev8D (UK)
Dev8D 2010 is a free event for software developers working in education and research. The event will be an opportunity for developers to learn and practice new skills, hear about development happening throughout the country and participate in hands on workshops. The event lasts 4 days but each day will stand on its own, so you don't have to sign up for the whole event - 24-27 February 2010 - London, UK
"Kngine is Web 3.0 Search Engine (i.e. revolutionary Semantic Search Engine and Question Answer Engine) designed to provide customized meaningful search result, such as: Semantic Information about the keyword/concept, Answer the user's questions, List of things, Discover the relations between the keywords/concepts, and link the different kind of related information together such as: Movies, Subtitles, Photos, Price at sale store, User reviews, and Influenced story"
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Henri Tajfel papers at The Wellcome Library (UK)
"The papers of Henri Tajfel (1919-1982), the Bristol University Professor of Social Psychology and eminent social psychologist, following the completion of the cataloguing process, have become accessible at the Wellcome Library. An extensive obituary for Tajfel appeared in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 87-89 (1982). He also has an entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and an extensive Wikipedia biography where he is credited as the principal co-developer of Social Identity Theory. This theory, developed by Tajfel and Turner, suggests that people categorize themselves into groups which Tajfel and Turner called 'in-groups', and categorize everyone else into other groups, called 'out-groups'. This categorization helps to promote a sense of identity but this leads to unfavourable comparisons between the in-group and the out-group and the enforcement of boundaries between the groups which can result in conflict in various guises"
2009 UKeiG Tony Kent Strix Award winner (UK)
"The Tony Kent Strix Award, given by the UK eInformation Group of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, has been awarded to Carol Ann Peters of Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione 'A. Faedo'. Carol was nominated for her work on the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF), the world's leading forum for evaluating cross language searching systems, which Carol initiated and has run for ten years. This annual evaluation exercise has attracted a multi-disciplinary network of researchers to collaborate on shared tasks, to contribute to the CLEF testing resources, and to meet annually to present and discuss results. In its opening year, CLEF counted 20 participants; thanks to Carol's hard work, CLEF has expanded year on year to become a major international event in information retrieval related research: in 2009 it attracted over 130 registrations from individual researchers and leading research groups from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas"
SAGE partners with The Histochemical Society to publish the Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
SAGE has partnered with The Histochemical Society to publish its official journal, the Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, beginning with volume 59 in 2011. John R. Couchman, Ph.D., the Danish National Research Foundation Professor at the University of Copenhagen, will assume the Editor-in-Chief position of the Journal at the same time
Podcast: New Britons - Immigration to the United Kingdom
"This UK National Archives talk looks at immigration into Britain from the 16th to the 20th century and the relatively few sources that can be used to trace immigrants entering, and living, in this country. Records discussed can provide vital clues to the overseas origins of denizens or naturalised British citizens, as well as providing insight into their first years in their adopted country"
American Folklife Center on Facebook
The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the launch of a fan page on Facebook
Library One Search - Arizona State University Libraries

JISC Techdis Toolbar
"JISC Techdis Toolbar has been created as an open-source, cross-browser toolbar to help students customise the way they view and interact with web pages to help their study skills. The concept behind JISC Techdis Toolbar is simple: One toolbar to provide all of the functionality you would usually get in many different products, and which will run in any desktop web browser"
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Advances in Science and Research
Ágora para la Educación Física y el Deporte
Agricultural and Food Science
Dermatology Reports
Drustvena Istrazivanja
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos
The Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT Development Studies
International Journal of Thermodynamics
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care
Journal of Physical Agents
Papers in Physics
Social Geography Discussions
Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series
Ágora para la Educación Física y el Deporte
Agricultural and Food Science
Dermatology Reports
Drustvena Istrazivanja
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos
The Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT Development Studies
International Journal of Thermodynamics
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care
Journal of Physical Agents
Papers in Physics
Social Geography Discussions
Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series
Silicon Valley Reads 2010
"Presented by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, the Santa Clara County Library and the San Jose Public Library Foundation, Silicon Valley Reads is designed to promote reading and literacy, broaden the exposure to and appreciation of good literature, and build community. Public events (most free) are scheduled to spark discussion of the themes of the selected books. There are many opportunities to read and discuss the Silicon Valley Reads books at libraries, bookstores, community organizations, and businesses"
Saturday, January 23, 2010
JISC Conference 2010 (UK)
JISC Conference 2010 - This will be the 8th annual conference, bringing JISC's expertise and knowledge on technology in education to over 750 academics, IT experts, library professionals, policy makers, research staff, senior managers, students and teachers from across education within the UK and internationally - 12-13 April 2010 - London, UK
New UK government publications- 15-22 January 2010
The latest round up of new UK government publications this week - 15-22 January 2010 from Intute and the LSE Library
Discover Your National Library (Ireland)
"The National Library's new exhibition, Discover Your National Library, invites visitors to come behind the scenes and explore the Library's rich and varied collections and to meet the staff who care for them. Using the exhibition's innovative technology, visitors can view highlights from the Library's collections and examine individual items in extremely close detail. Among the artefacts currently on view (exhibition items will change three times a year) are rare manuscripts such as the fourteenth-century Book of Magauran; a 1588 deed signed by Sir Walter Raleigh; a lottery ticket from 1795, and a letter from Éamonn Ceannt to his wife Áine O'Brennan, written just a few hours before his execution in 1916. Thousands of other digital items await discovery by visitors on the exhibition's cutting-edge 'Discovery' touch tables"
2010 Edgar Allan Poe Awards
Mystery Writers of America has announced, on the 201st anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, its Nominees for the 2010 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2009. The Edgar® Awards will be presented to the winners at the 64th Gala Banquet, April 29, 2010 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City:
* The Missing by Tim Gautreaux (Random House - Alfred A. Knopf)
* The Odds by Kathleen George (Minotaur Books)
* The Last Child by John Hart (Minotaur Books)
* Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston (Random House - Ballantine Books)
* Nemesis by Jo Nesbø, translated by Don Bartlett (HarperCollins)
* A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn (Simon & Schuster - Atria Books)
* The Missing by Tim Gautreaux (Random House - Alfred A. Knopf)
* The Odds by Kathleen George (Minotaur Books)
* The Last Child by John Hart (Minotaur Books)
* Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston (Random House - Ballantine Books)
* Nemesis by Jo Nesbø, translated by Don Bartlett (HarperCollins)
* A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn (Simon & Schuster - Atria Books)
CARL E-Lert # 360
CARL E-Lert # 360, January 22, 2010, is now available from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: ARL Supports Mandatory Public Access; AAP Offers Cautions, Warns of Piracy; Public access to federally funded research: SPARC comments; Comments of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Concerning "Public Access Policies for Science and Technology Funding Agencies Across the Federal Government"; Google Books opponents propose public alternative
World Government Data from The Guardian (UK)
"Governments around the globe are opening up their data vaults – allowing you to check out the numbers for yourself. This is the Guardian's gateway to that information. Search for government data here from the UK (including London), USA, Australia and New Zealand – and look out for new countries and places as we add them"
Film collection from the London Transport Museum (UK)

WebJunction Group: Google Wave for Libraries
"Google Wave is a collaborative, instant messaging service which began in a preview (alpha) edition in 2009. Google Wave may change the very face of virtual reference. This group is for libraries/librarians and others who wish to connect with one another outside of Wave and share ideas, projects and tools about and for Wave" RSS Feed
Friday, January 22, 2010
Award for 1911 census online (UK)
"The National Archives (UK) has won an e-Government National Award for the online 1911 census service. The National Archives won an award in the category 'Central e-government excellence: Take-up and usage growth', at a ceremony held on 20 January at the Guildhall, London. The 1911 census project involved digitising more than two kilometres of paper census returns containing information collected from 36 million people living in England and Wales in April 1911. It is the most comprehensive census ever to be opened to the public, one of the most ambitious digitisation projects ever undertaken, and was made possible through a partnership between The National Archives and The online census, which received 24 million searches in the first month after its launch, remains extremely popular with audiences across the world"
JSTOR Archive now indexed in
"Article-level records for content in the JSTOR Archive are now indexed in and delivered in search results. Scholars and researchers will now be able to identify JSTOR resources through and connect with the full-text content using the authorization provided by their library"
The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival 2010
"The 2010 Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival, from Saturday 20 to Sunday 28 March, offers a wonderful range of talks, discussions, debates, readings, Literary Lunches and Dinners in the exceptional and beautiful surroundings of Christ Church and Corpus Christi College - with many major events staged in The Sheldonian Theatre, The Bodleian Library and other prestigious venues"
2010 Sydney Taylor Book Award winners
The Sydney Taylor Book Award recognizes the best in Jewish children's literature. Medals are awarded annually for outstanding books that authentically portray the Jewish experience. The award was established in 1968. It is named in memory of Sydney Taylor, author of the classic All-of-a-Kind Family series. The 2010 winners have been announced
Electronic Enlightenment awarded digital prize (UK)
A vision for the academic library and information services of the future (UK)
A visionary project is being funded as part of a joint initiative to explore future scenarios for academic libraries and information services, particularly in the context of a rapidly-changing environment. It will help higher education institutions and organisations look at the challenges faced from a fresh focus and formulate strategies to ensure the sector continues to be a leading global force. The project partners are the British Library, JISC, Research Information Network (RIN), Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and the Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL). Academic libraries of the future is an 18-month project being undertaken by Curtis+Cartwright Consulting Ltd. Libraries are fundamental to learning, teaching and research. But the world is changing. How will UK higher education be funded and operated in the long term future? What will be the information needs of users? Factors such as the digital revolution, the knowledge economy, students and researchers as 'consumers' and the global economic crisis, are all transforming the landscape. Developing and implementing business strategies over a three- to five-year timescale is now commonplace in higher education. Looking beyond this horizon (over ten to 20 years, or more) is less common, and more challenging - but to improve decision-making and plan effectively for the future, this longer-term time scale must be considered. A series of workshops will be held during 2010-2011 with the aim of imagining and describing possible futures for libraries. They will bring together a wide range of influential stakeholders, including institutional senior managers, librarians, funders, students, researchers, suppliers, technologists, legal specialists and others. The first two workshops are taking place in February and March 2010 to scope out the broad global environment and consider possible futures for higher education and the information needs of users within these scenarios. These will be followed by smaller focused workshops during the summer of 2010 to gain a more in-depth analysis.
ASIST 2010

SSP presents the 6th Annual Librarian Focus Group
The Future Is Now: What Libraries Need in 2010 and Beyond - February 2, 2010 - Washington, DC. "In a proven formula, a panel of librarians will take questions from moderators and participants on a range of themes during a full day of discussions, including:
* What are librarians looking for from resource providers and publishers in this brave new world?
* How are librarians transitioning to digital collections?
Increasingly, libraries are developing robust digital publishing programs, investing in institutional repositories, weeding print, and looking to build e-book collections. Couple this with a decade of open access initiatives, shrinking embargo periods on scientific literature, Google Books, and the rise of virtual services for patrons who never set foot in a physical library, and it looks like the future is now" - Society for Scholarly Publishing
* What are librarians looking for from resource providers and publishers in this brave new world?
* How are librarians transitioning to digital collections?
Increasingly, libraries are developing robust digital publishing programs, investing in institutional repositories, weeding print, and looking to build e-book collections. Couple this with a decade of open access initiatives, shrinking embargo periods on scientific literature, Google Books, and the rise of virtual services for patrons who never set foot in a physical library, and it looks like the future is now" - Society for Scholarly Publishing
Oxford University Press Winter Book Sale
Oxford University Press had discounted over 1,000 titles across its range of publishing at up to 75% off the normal price
Webinar: What It Takes To Make It Last: E-Resources Preservation
Webinar: What It Takes To Make It Last: E-Resources Preservation - February 10, 2010 - "Thirty years into the Digital Revolution, we are still grappling with how best to preserve electronic content. Whether born digitally or the electronic version of analog content, electronic resources are relied upon more and more, and their long-term usability must be ensured. This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of current digital preservation standards as well as a closer look at the PREMIS standard for preservation metadata. Attendees will also hear about the work being undertaken by HathiTrust to build and preserve a comprehensive and cooperative digital library"
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Winter. "Britain and parts of the United States have been suffering a severe winter. Try to answer these questions, each of which is about winter or has an answer that includes the word "winter". " Answers here.
1. What is the title of Shakespeare's play about Leontes, who is married to Hermione and becomes consumed by an insane jealousy?
2. In the Northern Hemisphere, is the winter solstice in November, December or January?
3. Name one of the two US brothers surnamed "Winter": one a rock musician born in 1946; the other a rhythm and blues guitarist born in 1944.
4. Were the first separate, self-contained Winter Olympic Games held in 1904, 1914 or 1924?
5. Which poet wrote the line "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind"? Was it Keats, Shelley or Wordsworth?
6. Name one of the two countries which fought the "Winter War" during the 1939-40 winter.
7. Is "Winter' the first or last of the four violin concertos by Vivaldi called "The Four Seasons"?
8. What was the first name of the man whose first marriage was to Rebecca de Winter, the eponymous character in Daphne Du Maurier's 1938 novel "Rebecca"?
9. In which Russian city was the Winter Palace, the former Russian imperial residence which was stormed by the Bolsheviks in November 1917?
10. Which composer wrote a song cycle called "Winter Words" based on poems by Thomas Hardy?
1. What is the title of Shakespeare's play about Leontes, who is married to Hermione and becomes consumed by an insane jealousy?
2. In the Northern Hemisphere, is the winter solstice in November, December or January?
3. Name one of the two US brothers surnamed "Winter": one a rock musician born in 1946; the other a rhythm and blues guitarist born in 1944.
4. Were the first separate, self-contained Winter Olympic Games held in 1904, 1914 or 1924?
5. Which poet wrote the line "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind"? Was it Keats, Shelley or Wordsworth?
6. Name one of the two countries which fought the "Winter War" during the 1939-40 winter.
7. Is "Winter' the first or last of the four violin concertos by Vivaldi called "The Four Seasons"?
8. What was the first name of the man whose first marriage was to Rebecca de Winter, the eponymous character in Daphne Du Maurier's 1938 novel "Rebecca"?
9. In which Russian city was the Winter Palace, the former Russian imperial residence which was stormed by the Bolsheviks in November 1917?
10. Which composer wrote a song cycle called "Winter Words" based on poems by Thomas Hardy?
International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010) (UK)
International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010) - June 28-30 2010 - London, UK. "The mission of i-Society 2010 conference is to provide opportunities for collaboration of professionals and researchers to share existing and generate new knowledge in the field of information society. The conference encapsulates the concept of interdisciplinary science that studies the societal and technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. The i-Society bridges the gap between academia and industry with regards to research collaboration and awareness of current development in secure information management in the digital society"
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Archives of Hellenic Medicine
English for Specific Purposes World
Anatolian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Current Research in Jazz
in education
Münster Journal of Mathematics
Relaciones Internacionales
Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Current Issues in Molecular Biology
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business
Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS)
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad
Arqueología Iberoamericana
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
English for Specific Purposes World
Anatolian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Current Research in Jazz
in education
Münster Journal of Mathematics
Relaciones Internacionales
Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Current Issues in Molecular Biology
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business
Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS)
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad
Arqueología Iberoamericana
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
The changing role of Jorum: sharing using JorumOpen and JorumUK
"Jorum provides access to free learning and teaching resources, created and contributed by teaching staff from UK Further and Higher Education Institutions. Jorum offers two collections - JorumOpen and JorumUK - containing a wide variety of resources, including open educational resources that are freely available to all"
Third American Indian Youth Literature Awards announced
The American Indian Library Association (AILA), an affiliate of the American Library Association, has selected "A Coyote Solstice Tale" written by Thomas King and illustrated by Gary Clement; "Meet Christopher: An Osage Indian Boy from Oklahoma" by Genevieve Simermeyer, and "Between the Deep Blue Sea by Me: A Novel" by Lurline Wailana McGregor as recipients of the third American Indian Youth Literature Awards
Maureen Sullivan named ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year

NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - January 2010
NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter - Volume 2, Number 7, January 15, 2010 is now available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, USA
2010 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award winners
ACRL has announced the recipients of the 2010 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award:
* The Bucks County Community College Library, Newtown, Pa.
* The A.C. Buehler Library at Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill.
* The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries.
Sponsored by ACRL and Blackwell's Book Services, the award recognizes the staff of a college, university and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution
* The Bucks County Community College Library, Newtown, Pa.
* The A.C. Buehler Library at Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill.
* The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries.
Sponsored by ACRL and Blackwell's Book Services, the award recognizes the staff of a college, university and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution
Credo Reference incorporates first title from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
"Credo Reference recently signed an agreement to integrate a key glossary of computing from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT into the Credo General Reference collection. The BCS Glossary of Computing and ICT is an international bestselling guide to computer terms. Now in its 12th edition, and containing over 3,000 terms arranged by theme and defined in context, the Glossary is fully indexed and cross-referenced throughout"
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hebrew Manuscripts Week (UK)
"Developed in association with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, the Wellcome Library is hosting a week-long study course based around our Hebrew manuscripts - 15–19 February 2010 - Course tutor: Prof Semen Yakerson, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg - Venue: Gibbs Building, Wellcome Trust, 215 Euston Road, London, UK"
Prioritization for preservation, conservation and digitization (UK)
Prioritization for preservation, conservation and digitization - Preservation Advisory Centre/RLUK Seminar - 23 February 2010 - British Library Centre for Conservation, London, UK
NextSpace: The OCLC Newsletter - No. 14

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog update
The January 20, 2010 edition of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available
ACRL Podcast: 2010 Presidential Candidates Forum
On January 17, 2010, the 2010 ACRL Presidential Candidates Forum was held at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston. The 2010 candidates for ACRL Vice-President/ President-Elect are Frank D'Andraia (Service Professor in the Department Information Studies at the University at Albany, State University of New York) and Joyce Ogburn (University Librarian and Director of the University of Utah Marriott Library). Click the play button below to listen to the podcast:
Digital Futures of Special Collections - workshop (UK)
Digital Futures of Special Collections - A workshop day aimed at curators and collection managers looking at the practical and strategic issues of heritage collections and digitisation. An opportunity to share good practice, problems and solutions and to build partnerships within the research library community. The focus will be on the strategic and practical but not technical - 16 March 2010 - University of Exeter, UK
RUSA Outstanding Reference Sources for 2010
The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) has announced its list of Outstanding Reference Sources for 2010. The list is compiled by a committee of RUSA members who are readers' advisory and reference experts. They review publications and online reference resources released in the previous calendar year and present their selections at the RUSA Book and Media Awards Reception at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The 2010 selections for the Outstanding Reference Sources List are:
* Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia (Greenwood Press), Francis P. McManamon
* Encyclopedia of African American History: 1896 to the Present (Oxford University Press), Paul Finkelman
* Encyclopedia of Modern China (Charles Scribner's Sons), David Pong
* The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars (ABC-CLIO), Spencer Tucker
* Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy (Gale Cengage), J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman
* Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Oxford), David Forsythe
* Social Explorer, an online reference resource located at
* Broadway Plays and Musicals: Descriptions and Essential Facts (McFarland & Company Publishers), Thomas S. Hischak
* American Countercultures (Sharp), Gina Misiroglu
* Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (Sage), Jodi O'Brien
* Encyclopedia of Marine Science (Facts on File), Nichols C. Reid and Robert G. Williams
* Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia (Greenwood Press), Francis P. McManamon
* Encyclopedia of African American History: 1896 to the Present (Oxford University Press), Paul Finkelman
* Encyclopedia of Modern China (Charles Scribner's Sons), David Pong
* The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars (ABC-CLIO), Spencer Tucker
* Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy (Gale Cengage), J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman
* Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Oxford), David Forsythe
* Social Explorer, an online reference resource located at
* Broadway Plays and Musicals: Descriptions and Essential Facts (McFarland & Company Publishers), Thomas S. Hischak
* American Countercultures (Sharp), Gina Misiroglu
* Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (Sage), Jodi O'Brien
* Encyclopedia of Marine Science (Facts on File), Nichols C. Reid and Robert G. Williams
People's Inquiry into the public library service (UK)
"UNISON, Britain and Europe's biggest public sector union, is to hold an inquiry into the public library service on 11 February 2010 at the British Library, London. Libraries continue to be at the heart of communities and as part of UNISON's Million Voices campaign, library staff and library users will be invited to give evidence on various topics, including the potential threats to the service and, most importantly, the main issues affecting staff. A small panel of experts will hear the evidence and a government minister will be invited. Attendance on the day will be free"
CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award 2010 (UK)

* Change lives
* Bring people together
* Involve user communities
* Demonstrate innovation and creativity
* Develop staff and services
We welcome entries from any sector of the library and information world. They could be reading projects, learning projects, or projects that promote information. They must be shown to have affected people's lives for the better, whoever those people might be. All entries must be received by Monday 15 February 2010"
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Australian and New Zealand Library and Archives Group (ANZLAG) Workshop (UK)
The annual ANZLAG (Australia and New Zealand Library and Archives Group) workshop will be held on Monday 10 May 2010, and hosted by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies Library, in Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London
Iowa Small Libraries Online Conference
Iowa Small Libraries Online Conference - "Lemons to Lemonade: Surviving to Thriving in Tough Times" - January 21, 2010
2010 Horizon Report
The annual Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) and the New Media Consortium (NMC). Each year, the report identifies and describes six areas of emerging technology likely to have a significant impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression in higher education within three adoption horizons: a year or less, two to three years, and four to five years
2009 T S Eliot Prize for Poetry won by Philip Gross

Cites & Insights 10:2 (February 2010)
Cites & Insights 10:2 (February 2010) is now available for downloading. Edited and published by Walt Crawford
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Credo Reference signs agreement with Hodder Education
Credo Reference has signed an agreement with Hodder Education to incorporate three major subject references into the Credo collection. These will be the first Hodder Education titles licensed to Credo. Hodder Education publishes for the educational market at all levels. It is the second largest publisher for secondary and further education in the UK and is also a major publisher of higher education and health sciences textbooks and reference works. The three titles that will be added to Credo Reference's collection of over 440 titles are:
* The Essentials of Global Politics
* The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics
* Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology
* The Essentials of Global Politics
* The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics
* Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology
The Edgy Librarian
Califa, in partnership with InfoPeople, is presenting The Edgy Librarian, an online web conference to be held on January 20, 2010, featuring many of the new technologies being used in libraries, and show-and-tell sessions from libraries using those new services
Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World - December 2009
"Governance and Recordkeeping Around The World is a free newsletter published on a regular basis by Library Archives Canada that explores and highlights issues pertaining to government and recordkeeping practices in the public and private sector. This collaborative tool was designed to help readers stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, trends, products and publications in the field of public administration and recordkeeping" - December 2009 issue now available
EDUCAUSE Quarterly - Volume 32, Number 4 2009
EDUCAUSE Quarterly - Volume 32, Number 4 2009 is now available
American Library Association announces literary award winners
The American Library Association has announced the top books, audiobooks and video for children and young adults - including the Caldecott, King, Newbery and Printz awards - at its Midwinter Meeting in Boston
Directory of Open Access Journals - recently added titles
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
Journal of Science And Arts
Medical Channel
Revista Española de Cardiología
Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences
Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova
Explorations: a Graduate Student Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Laboratorio dell'ISPF
Neues Curriculum
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
Annales de Toxicologie Analytique
Journal of Science And Arts
Medical Channel
Revista Española de Cardiología
Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences
Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova
Explorations: a Graduate Student Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Laboratorio dell'ISPF
Neues Curriculum
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
Annales de Toxicologie Analytique
Consumer Attitudes toward E-Book Reading - BISG study
"Although much of the publishing industry is working hard to develop and implement digital strategies, there is little available research evaluating book consumers' actual interests in and preferences for digital content, or the factors that influence their reading habits and purchasing decisions. To fill this void, BISG's newest research study, Consumer Attitudes toward E-Book Reading, provides comprehensive on-going survey data from hundreds of actual e-book readers" - Book Industry Study Group
Canadian Research Knowledge Network concludes agreements for $140 million in digital research content
"The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) is pleased to announce the conclusion of three-year license renewals with 14 scholarly publishers, valued at approximately $140 million (CAD). These agreements follow an extended round of negotiations with publishers, aimed at providing CRKN's 73 university members with world-class resources that foster innovative research and allow Canadian researchers to remain internationally competitive"
Pharos: The European research project on audiovisual search
The Pharos mission is to advance audiovisual search from a point-solution search engine paradigm to an integrated search platform paradigm. This platform will be built on an innovative, open, and distributed architecture that enables consumers, businesses and organisations to unlock the values found in audiovisual content
The CWA Dagger in the Library, 2010

50 Cool Search Engines for Serious Readers
50 Cool Search Engines for Serious Readers - the latest list from Online Colleges
Monday, January 18, 2010
YALSA announces 2010 Alex Awards
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association, has selected 10 adult books with special appeal to teen readers to receive the 2010 Alex Awards. The awards, sponsored by the Margaret A. Edwards Trust, were announced at the 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston, January 15-19, and will appear with full annotations in the March 1 issue of Booklist magazine. The 2010 Alex Award winners are:
* The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer, published by William Morrow
* The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff, published by Viking Penguin
* Everything Matters! by Ron Currie, Jr., published by Viking Penguin
* The Good Soldiers by David Finkel, published by Sarah Crichton Books
* The Kids Are All Right: A Memoir by Diana Welch and Liz Welch with Amanda Welch and Dan Welch, published by Harmony Books
* The Magicians, by Lev Grossman, published by Viking Penguin
* My Abandonment by Peter Rock, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
* Soulless: An Alexia Tarabotti Novel, by Gail Carriger, published by Orbit
* Stitches: A Memoir by David Small, published by W.W. Norton & Company
* Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson
* The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer, published by William Morrow
* The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff, published by Viking Penguin
* Everything Matters! by Ron Currie, Jr., published by Viking Penguin
* The Good Soldiers by David Finkel, published by Sarah Crichton Books
* The Kids Are All Right: A Memoir by Diana Welch and Liz Welch with Amanda Welch and Dan Welch, published by Harmony Books
* The Magicians, by Lev Grossman, published by Viking Penguin
* My Abandonment by Peter Rock, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
* Soulless: An Alexia Tarabotti Novel, by Gail Carriger, published by Orbit
* Stitches: A Memoir by David Small, published by W.W. Norton & Company
* Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson
ProQuest acquires IBSS
"ProQuest has acquired the London School of Economics' International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). Established in 1951, IBSS is the foremost Abstracting and Indexing database for social science and interdisciplinary research, currently holding more than 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles as well as to books, reviews and chapters. IBSS also expands by more than 120,000 new additions each year"
LOUISiana Digital Library

LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #103
LISTen: The Podcast - Episode #103. "This week's episode is truncated due to the holiday. A zeitgeist review is presented as well as a news bits miscellany". Previous Podcasts can be found here
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ninety SAGE Journals now offering open access through SAGE Open

Adaptive Behaviour
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals
British Journal of Visual Impairment
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
Chronic Illness
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Clinical Pediatrics
Clinical Rehabilitation
Clinical Trials
Concurrent Engineering
Culture & Psychology
Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research
Emotion Review
Global Health Promotion
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Health Education Journal
Health Informatics Journal
High Performance Polymers
History of Psychiatry
History of the Human Sciences
Human & Experimental Toxicology
Indoor and Built Environment
Innate Immunity
Integrative Cancer Therapies
International Journal of Behavioral Development
International Journal of Damage Mechanics
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
International Journal of Robotics Research
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers
Journal of Biological Rhythms
Journal of Biomaterials Applications
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Journal of Building Physics
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Journal of Cellular Plastics
Journal of Child Health Care
Journal of Composite Materials
Journal of Elastomers and Polymers
Journal of Fire Science
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Industrial Textiles
Journal of Infection Prevention
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice
Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting
Journal of Psychopharmacology
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
Journal of Research in Nursing
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Journal of Vibration and Control
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Multiple Sclerosis
Nursing Ethics
The Neuroscientist
Palliative Medicine
Perspectives in Public Health
Rationality and Society
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
School Psychology International
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Social Science Information
Social Studies of Science
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Structural Health Monitoring
Surgical Innovation
Textile Research Journal
Theory & Psychology
The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease
Transcultural Psychiatry
Toxicologic Pathology
Toxicology & Industrial Health
Vascular Medicine
Beaver name change draws international attention (Canada)

Scholars Portal (Ontario, Canada)
Scholars Portal is a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries. OCUL is a consortium of 21 academic libraries in the province of Ontario and acts under the authority of the Council of Ontario Universities. OCUL has licensed millions of articles, electronic books, numeric and geospatial data files for the use of researchers and students of its member libraries. These resources are made available through various Scholars Portal services. Access to Scholars Portal is limited to "Authorized Users" of the 21 universities in Ontario. Authorized Users are defined as educators, students and other staff members who currently are affiliated with an Ontario university
IU awarded $2.38 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to develop library software
A $2.38 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to Indiana University will be used to develop software created specifically for the management of print and electronic collections for academic and research libraries around the world.
ALA joins with MCCA to support Haiti relief effort
"The impact of the devastating earthquake in Haiti has awakened an enormous outpouring of sympathy and support for families and friends of the Haitian community worldwide. The American Library Association, which is holding its Midwinter Meeting through Jan. 20 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center in Boston, recognizes the urgent need to send aid to the victims of this tragic event. It has joined the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA) in asking for support for relief efforts now underway in Haiti"
AASL votes to adopt the professional title school librarian
The American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) Board of Directors voted at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston on Saturday, January 16, 2009, to officially adopt for the profession the title school librarian
Saturday, January 16, 2010
MARC Edit Listserv
"MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R)-hosted list, has recently been made available for those wishing to ask (or answer) questions about MarcEdit. Also, if you are organizing a MarcEdit workshop, you may use the list to promulgate information (including local arrangements)"
Research Data: Unseen Opportunities (from CARL)
"The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) has announced the availability of Research Data: Unseen Opportunities. The purpose of the toolkit is to enable research library directors to raise awareness of the issues of data management with administrators and researchers on campus. The purpose of the toolkit is to enable research library directors to raise awareness of the issues of data management with administrators and researchers on campus"
SPARC honors Optical Society of America as a pioneer in scholarly publishing innovation
"For being a shining example of community-driven creativity and innovation in scholarly communications, the Optical Society of America has been named the first SPARC Innovator of 2010"
MUSE News - Winter 2009
MUSE News is a print newsletter published seasonally by Project MUSE. MUSE News contains updates on new features and functionalities, new titles, tips for using MUSE effectively, and items of interest about MUSE journals and publishers. The online version of MUSE News is provided in Portable Document Format (PDF). Winter 2009 Vol. 10, No. 2 now available
Maney Publishing launches open access model
Maney Publishing has announced the launch of a new open access (OA) business model, MORE OpenChoice. Twenty-four materials science and engineering journals and fifteen health science titles are initially included in MORE OpenChoice, with the intention to expand this to humanities journals in the future
New mobile library for Woodgrange Estate, Southend, UK

Library + Information Gazette - 14 January 2010 - 27 January 2010
Library + Information Gazette, the fortnightly magazine for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is now available online to everyone. Latest issue: 14 January 2010 - 27 January 2010
OCLC's QuestionPoint and Mosio's Text a Librarian announce virtual reference collaboration
"OCLC and Mosio are working together to enable seamless integration of Mosio's Text a Librarian text messaging reference software with OCLC's QuestionPoint reference management service to provide a comprehensive virtual reference solution for libraries"
IREX Technologies unveils the DR800S eReader
"IREX Technologies has unveiled the DR800S, the company's newest addition to its innovative line of eReaders. It will be available January 18 2010 in stores (amongst others Mediamarkt, FNAC and Selexyz) throughout Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK and online in the IREX Web shop"
The Koha Newsletter - first issue
The Koha Newsletter is an official publication of the Koha Open Source Community. Articles are contributed by both users and developers of the Koha Open Source ILS and edited by Nicole C. Engard. Koha Documentation Manager/Director of Open Source Education, ByWater Solutions.
CARL E-Lert # 359
CARL E-Lert # 358, January 15, 2010, is now available from Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Some of this week's items: ALA, ACRL Say All Federal Agencies Should Follow Mandatory Public Access Policies; Report Finds Common Ground in Efforts to Balance Public Access, Scholarly Publishing; ARL Partners in Grant to Study Value of Academic Libraries; Programming skills could transform librarians' roles
The Alex Dual Screen eReader

DeepDyve and CiteULike partner to streamline access to scholarly journals
"DeepDyve and CiteULike have announced that they are collaborating to deliver a superior way to easily and affordably share and read scholarly information on the Internet. CiteULike's web-based service is widely used in academic and professional circles as a way to store, organize and share scholarly papers. Through its partnership with DeepDyve, CiteULike now offers its users a simple way to rent and read the journal articles they discover for as little as $0.99"
De Gruyter partners with DeepDyve to make its journals more widely accessible
De Gruyter has announced that it is making more than 160,000 scholarly and professional journal articles available via DeepDyve
Friday, January 15, 2010
UKSG / NISO release KBART Recommended Practice for exchanging data with knowledge bases
"The KBART Phase I Recommended Practice, will be published formally on January 18, 2010. The KBART working group has spent two years creating best practice guidelines and supporting information to help publishers, libraries and knowledge base developers exchange e-content holdings information more effectively - this should lead to reduced user frustration, reduced administrative burden for libraries, and more traffic to publisher websites"
Illuminea from Oxford University Press

The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Where?. "This brainteaser asks where particular places or things can be found. But beware! You may find some of the questions are not as straightforward as you might think" Answers here.
1. Where is Ayers Rock or Uluru?
2. Where are the Urals?
3. Where is Guantanamo Bay?
4. Where is the Auteuil viaduct?
5. Where would you find a Plimsoll line?
6. Where would you find Gozo and Comino?
7. Where would you find Virginia Plain?
8. Where is the metatarsus?
9. Where is the Mare Orientale?
10. Where are the Islets (or Islands) of Langerhans?
1. Where is Ayers Rock or Uluru?
2. Where are the Urals?
3. Where is Guantanamo Bay?
4. Where is the Auteuil viaduct?
5. Where would you find a Plimsoll line?
6. Where would you find Gozo and Comino?
7. Where would you find Virginia Plain?
8. Where is the metatarsus?
9. Where is the Mare Orientale?
10. Where are the Islets (or Islands) of Langerhans?
Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2010 shortlist announced (UK)
The shortlist for the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2010 has been announced:
Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
The Crowfield Curse by Pat Walsh
The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFleur
Desperate Measures by Laura Summers
The Seven Sorcerers by Caro King
The Toymaker by Jeremy De Quidt, et al.
Superhumans: Meteorite Strike by A.G. Taylor
The Great Hamster Massacre by Katie Davies, et al.
Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
The Crowfield Curse by Pat Walsh
The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFleur
Desperate Measures by Laura Summers
The Seven Sorcerers by Caro King
The Toymaker by Jeremy De Quidt, et al.
Superhumans: Meteorite Strike by A.G. Taylor
The Great Hamster Massacre by Katie Davies, et al.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
SirsiDynix iPhone application on its way
"SirsiDynix has announced the most comprehensive Apple iPhone® application for library users is near release, pending Apple's standard review. The free application locates nearby libraries and allows users to search library catalogs for available materials"
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