Sunday, September 30, 2007
PLoS Hub for Clinical Trials
"Launched in September 2007, the PLoS Hub for Clinical Trials collects PLoS journal articles that relate to clinical trials. The Hub is a destination site for researchers to share their views and build a dynamic, interactive community. Currently, the PLoS Hub for Clinical Trials features articles originally published in PLoS Clinical Trials, along with clinical trials articles from PLoS ONE. In the future, this new resource will expand to include articles from all the PLoS titles that publish clinical trials. It will also feature open-access articles from other journals plus user-generated content"
OCLC Language Sets available in new subject related collections
Topics include immigration, language learning, ESL, family health and homework help, all in non-English languages for the native speaker. The sets contain books either for children, young adults or adults, with no duplication from set to set September 28, 2007 update September 28, 2007 update is now online. is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Library and Information Research - latest issue
The latest issue, Vol 31, No 98 (2007), of Library and Information Research, the journal of the Library and Information Research Group of CILIP, is now available with open access. This issue combines a focus on users and their information needs, together with an exploration of the lessons to be learned from experience to date implementing the CLA Trial Scanning Licence for HE
Center for the Book announces 2007-2008 Letters About Literature reading promotion program
"The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, in partnership with Target Stores, invites readers in grades 4 through 12 to enter its Letters About Literature reading and writing competition for children and young adults. To enter, readers write a personal letter to an author, explaining how his or her work changed their view of the world or themselves. Young readers may select authors from any genre—fiction or nonfiction, contemporary or classic. The deadline for entries for the 2007-2008 competition is December 14, 2007"
Columbia University Press recruits VitalSource
"VitalSource Inc. has announced that it has been selected by Columbia University Press to launch a series of frontlist textbook titles in e-book format. One of the largest and oldest scholarly presses in the world, Columbia University Press will utilize VitalSource's advanced technology platform to publish highly interactive products. E-textbooks released under this agreement will be available for purchase at campus bookstores nationwide, as well as VitalSource's retail Web site"
ALA Marginalia
ALA Marginalia - "What you will find here: a conversation about the American Library Association, how it works, and why it works the way it does. We'll also be highlighting new and/or useful ALA products and services that you might not have seen highlighted elsewhere or might not even known about..."
IWG presents final report to Congress on the largest single-subject declassification effort in U.S. history
"The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), formed under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000, has issued its final report to Congress describing the seven-year, approximately $30-million government-wide effort to locate, declassify, and make publicly available U.S. records of Nazi and Japanese war crimes"
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Film Locations. Answers here.
1. The largest city in Morocco was the setting for a famous 1943 film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Name the city.
2. Was the 1971 film "Walkabout" set in Australia, New Zealand or Hawaii?
3. Which postwar city was the setting for the 1949 film "The Third Man"?
4. In a 1999 film written by Richard Curtis, Julia Roberts played a celebrated US film actress who falls for a British bookshop manager, played by Hugh Grant. In which area of London was the film set (the area gave the film its title)?
5. The picturesque Scottish fishing village of Pennan was the location for the village shots in which 1983 film directed by Bill Forsyth?
6. Which county in Iowa was the setting for a 1995 film about a man (played by Clint Eastwood) who has come to photograph the seven covered bridges in the location?
7. The film "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was about a bridge being built in which country: China, Japan or Burma?
8. What was the name of the Georgia plantation which was the home of Scarlett O'Hara in the film "Gone With the Wind"?
9. The 1996 film "Trainspotting" was about young heroin addicts in which city?
10. In which 1937 film was Ojai in southwestern California the location for "Shangri-La"?
1. The largest city in Morocco was the setting for a famous 1943 film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Name the city.
2. Was the 1971 film "Walkabout" set in Australia, New Zealand or Hawaii?
3. Which postwar city was the setting for the 1949 film "The Third Man"?
4. In a 1999 film written by Richard Curtis, Julia Roberts played a celebrated US film actress who falls for a British bookshop manager, played by Hugh Grant. In which area of London was the film set (the area gave the film its title)?
5. The picturesque Scottish fishing village of Pennan was the location for the village shots in which 1983 film directed by Bill Forsyth?
6. Which county in Iowa was the setting for a 1995 film about a man (played by Clint Eastwood) who has come to photograph the seven covered bridges in the location?
7. The film "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was about a bridge being built in which country: China, Japan or Burma?
8. What was the name of the Georgia plantation which was the home of Scarlett O'Hara in the film "Gone With the Wind"?
9. The 1996 film "Trainspotting" was about young heroin addicts in which city?
10. In which 1937 film was Ojai in southwestern California the location for "Shangri-La"?
The Spoken Word: Graham Greene
Rare BBC radio broadcasts and previously unheard interview extracts with celebrated novelist, Graham Greene, are published by the British Library on 2nd October 2007 - the author's birthday - as part of its highly acclaimed series devoted to historic literary recordings. Novelist, essayist, critic and playwright, Graham Greene (1904–1991), is widely regarded as one of the leading English literary figures of the twentieth century
ARSL to collaborate with WebJunction
"The Association of Rural and Small Libraries is working with WebJunction to offer a vibrant new community on the Web to share best practices, research, ideas and discussion on issues most relevant to rural and small libraries"
2007 Conservation Awards winners
The winners of the 2007 Conservation Awards were announced at a ceremony in the BP Lecture Theatre in the Clore Centre of the British Museum on 27 September 2007
Outstanding ICT Initiative of the Year Award – shortlist announced
The shortlist for the JISC Outstanding ICT Initiative of the Year Award has been announced by the Times Higher Education Supplement. The six entries in the shortlist are, according to the judges, those institutional initiatives which best demonstrate an 'innovative, strategic and potentially far-reaching use of ICT in support of the goals of that institution'. The JISC ICT Award was launched in April of this year and attracted a total of nearly 40 entries from around the UK
Podcasts from MIT Libraries
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries are offering a new podcast series on scholarly publishing and copyright
LIFE: Life Cycle Information for E-Literature
"LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) is a project looking at the life cycle of the collection and preservation of digital material. The project is a collaboration between University College London Library Services and the British Library and funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee"
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography Version 69
Version 69 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship. This selective bibliography presents over 3,120 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. Compiled by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Bodleian Depository gets the go-ahead
"The Bodleian Library received the go-ahead for a major development plan. The Strategic Development Control Committee for Oxford City Council approved the application put forward by the University to build a book depository at Osney Mead. The depository underpins the University's strategy to maintain and develop the world-class status of its libraries in the 21st century"
Brodart, Alliance Entertainment are WorldCat Cataloging Partners
"Alliance Entertainment Corporation and the Brodart Company are the latest participants in the WorldCat Cataloging Partners program, a new, enhanced service that merges the existing OCLC Cataloging Partners program with the OCLC PromptCat service. The service delivers OCLC MARC records at the same time that materials arrive from participating partners and sets a library's holdings automatically in WorldCat. It is a collaborative effort with materials vendors to reduce the cost of cataloging for libraries"
13th annual Heinz Awards winners announced
"The Heinz Family Foundation, whose $250,000 awards place them among the largest individual achievement prizes in the world, has announced the recipients of the 13th annual Heinz Awards, bestowed on six extraordinary Americans whose pioneering achievements have helped expand human understanding, spur innovation and enhance the world's capacity to sustain itself. Presented since 1994 to honor the life's work of the late U.S. Sen. John Heinz, the $250,000 Heinz Awards recognize remarkable contributions across a spectrum of activity - from the arts and the environment to technology and public policy"
"Search by Topic or Headnote" from LexisNexis
"LexisNexis has announced the launch of an innovative search functionality on called Search by Topic or Headnote that enables legal professionals to perform a single search across multiple sources to efficiently receive faster, better and more relevant results through one unified process"
Metadata essentials
Metadata essentials - This one-day course is designed to introduce the concepts and terminology of metadata and to equip participants with an understanding of metadata as it relates to library and information work in a wider context. The course also shows how current thinking on metadata will affect cataloguing practice in the future - 27 November 2007, London
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation
"ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation recognizes and encourages collaborative problem-solving efforts in the areas of acquisition, access, management, preservation or archiving of library materials. It recognizes a demonstrated benefit from actions, services, or products that improve and benefit providing and managing library collections. The citation may be presented to two or more individuals or groups who have participated jointly in an appropriate achievement. Accomplishments that expose problems may be as valuable as successes. The citation will be presented in a year when an achievement of merit has occurred. Recognized forms of collaboration must be between library personnel and other individuals or groups such as: publishers, vendors, cultural organizations, government agencies, philanthropic organizations, and the like. Results of a collaborative effort must demonstrate advancement in collection management or technical services working environments"
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 155
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 155 - October 2007 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
2007 Business Book of the Year Award shortlist
The shortlist for the 2007 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award has been announced. Winner to be announced October 25, 2007
DOE Patents Database
"DOepatents is the U.S. Department of Energy's central collection of patent information, where research and development intersect with innovation and invention. This collection demonstrates the Department's considerable contribution to scientific progress from the 1940s to today"
Panel to address economic sustainability of digital preservation
The National Science Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation are funding a blue-ribbon task force to address the issue of economic sustainability for digital preservation and persistent access
National Leadership Grants for 2007
"The Institute of Museum and Library Services (U.S.A.) has announced the 43 recipients of its prestigious National Leadership Grants for 2007. The projects chosen for funding will receive a total of $18,661,716. Because institutions receiving grants are generally required to provide matching funds, National Leadership Grants are leveraging an additional $24 million in non-federal spending this year"
Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award For Exemplary Humanities Programming
The purpose of the Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award is to recognize, promote and support excellence in humanities programming in elementary and middle school libraries that serve children K-8. To promote and encourage other school libraries interested in developing outstanding humanities programs, a professional development presentation will be made by a representative of the winning library. The focus of this presentation is to share the school's program as a model for inspiration and adaptation by other library media programs. Deadline is December 1, 2007
Amazonmp3 beta
- official site of Amazonmp3, offering MP3 downloads of popular and classical music, new releases, and more, in a format suited to any media player
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Samuel Lazerow Fellowship For Research in Collections and Technical Services in Academic and Research Libraries
"Samuel Lazerow led a distinguished career as a major contributor to the advancement of information technology at the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, and the National Agriculture Library among others. He ended his career as Senior Vice-president at the Institute for Scientific Information. This award fosters advances in collections or technical services by providing fellowships to librarians for travel or writing in those fields. Research projects in the compilation of bibliographies will not be supported by this fellowship. Deadline is December 7, 2007"
Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award
"This award recognizes an individual librarian who has made an especially significant contribution to the advancement of instruction in a college or research library environment. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts in the field of bibliographic instruction led to the formation of the ACRL Instruction Section (formerly ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section). Deadline is December 7, 2007"
UK Screen Heritage Network survey of moving image and screen-related artefacts
"A major survey has begun today of UK museums and heritage collections, conducted through the UK Screen Heritage Network, with funding from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. The aim of this national online survey is to uncover our heritage of artefacts relating to film, television and other screen-related media, and create the first-ever directory of moving image objects in the UK"
Learned Publishing - October 2007
Learned Publishing - Volume 20, Number 4, October 2007 now available
BAAGZ from Exalead
Exalead has introduced BAAGZ, a service that brings together semantic search and social networking
"5 Under 35" fiction selections for 2007
"Now in its second year, 5 Under 35 highlights the work of the next generation of fiction writers by asking five previous National Book Awards fiction winners and finalists to select one fiction writer under the age of 35 whose work they find particularly promising and exciting"
The Women's Library printed collections loaded on Copac
"Records from The Women's Library printed collections are now loaded on Copac. The Women's Library is a cultural centre which houses the most extensive collection of women's history in the UK. The printed collections cover subjects such as women's rights, suffrage, sexuality, health, education, employment, reproductive rights, the family, and the home. The main focus is on women in Britain but there is also some international material"
The John Steinbeck Award for The Short Story 2008
"Reed Magazine announces The John Steinbeck Award for The Short Story. Writers are invited to submit original unpublished stories of up to 6,000 words. The first place winner will be selected by the 2008 final judge, [To Be Announced]. The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize. The winning story will appear in the 2008 issue of Reed Magazine, and an excerpt may be published in the Salinas-based newspaper, The Californian. Runners-up will also be considered for publication. All entrants will receive a complimentary copy of the 2008 issue of Reed Magazine"
2007 Frank O'Connor award winner
The American writer and film-maker Miranda July is the winner of the 2007 Frank O'Connor award
2008 Open Access calendar
A 2008 Open Access calendar, created by Alma Swan for Key Perspectives, is now available in PDF format
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar - October 2, 2007
SirsiDynix Institute Web Seminar: At the Elbow: Understanding Users' Perception of Process and Effort presented by Ulla de Stricker - October 2, 2007 - 11:00EST
Boston Library Consortium partners with Open Content Alliance
The Boston Library Consortium has announced that it will partner with the Open Content Alliance to build a freely accessible library of digital materials from all 19 member institutions
Monday, September 24, 2007
Going Drupal - an Open Source CMS Adventure
Going Drupal - an Open Source CMS Adventure with Pat Moore, Darryl Friesen, and Doug MacDonald of the University of Saskatchewan Library - "Web sites are an integral part of a library's identity. But more than this, library sites need to incorporate a complex and expanding set of Web services. During our redesign, the University of Saskatchewan Library migrated to Drupal for both Web management and as a development platform for Web services. This migration sparked conversations on the role of the Web site within our library, and helped us move from a complex Web site toward a rich resource set of content and services" - Web Conference. Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 1:00 pm ET. Developed for the Education Institute by Darlene Fichter's Northern Lights Internet Solutions, Inc.
Free full-text from Berkshire Publishing
Berkshire Publishing is making some its titles available free for a limited time via the Exact Editions platform. No login is required
The Canadian State: Documents & Dialogue - Library and Archives Canada
"The Canadian state is many things. It is a territory with definite borders and established systems of government. It is a land occupied by people who identify themselves as Canadians. It is a set of political institutions, conventions, and ideals. You are the next leaders of the Canadian state. The Canadian State Web exhibition encourages you to define, discuss, and document your own ideals for this complex country. By thinking critically about Canadian government, democracy, identities, law, and our role in the world, you can add to the history of "peace, order, and good government" aspired to in the Constitution Act, 1867. Drawing on the rich documentary heritage collection at Library and Archives Canada, The Canadian State is an educational resource that offers both classroom activities and primary historical materials to support a broader understanding of government and politics in Canada"
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology is a new open-access journal that focuses on relationships between linguistic insights, which can prove valuable to language technology, and language technology, which can enrich linguistic research
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Free articles from Blackwell Journals
Blackwell has announced the availability of free issues of some of its journals
EDP Sciences 2008 price list
EDP Sciences has published the 2008 price list for its journal publications
ASTM Digital Library
"Download the electronic edition of nearly every ASTM book, paper, or chapter from nearly every piece of work published by ASTM. The new ASTM Digital Library provides over 30,000 papers and chapters and more than 400,000 pages of information in a self-service environment where you can download as much or as little as you need"
2007 NYLA Annual Conference
2007 New York Library Association Annual Conference - October 17-20, 2007 - Buffalo, New York, USA
NCLA 2007 Conference
North Carolina Library Association 57th Biennial Conference - October 16-19, 2007 - Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory, NC, USA
Thomson Scientific releases BONDplus
"Thomson Scientific has announced the release of BONDplus, an integrated, Web-based data platform for biological researchers. Compiled from 15 assembled resources including GenBank, RefSeq, Entrez Gene, and UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, BONDplus allows researchers to move beyond the genome and leverage publicly available biological sequence data, BINDplus biomolecular interaction data, as well as GENESEQ, a value added database of patented biological sequences. The platform is designed to enable new insights into biological research including target-based discovery and rational drug design"
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Chemistry Guide
Chemistry Guide - an intuitive WWW resource guide for chemists and researchers involved in organic, biochemical, computational, medicinal and/or other chemistry research
Sinners, Scroungers, Saints: Lone mothers, past and present
"From First World War widows to the 'Vicky Pollard' stereotype of teenage mothers, Sinners, scroungers, saints explores the ways in which lone mothers have been represented over time" - 17 October 2007 to 29 March 2008 - The Women's Library, London, UK
IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008
"IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008 aims to address the main issues of concern within the Information Society. This conference covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society. Broad areas of interest are eSociety and Digital Divide, eBusiness / eCommerce, eLearning, New Media and E-Society, Digital Services in ESociety, eGovernment /eGovernance, eHealth, Information Systems, and Information Management" - 9-12 April 2008 - Algarve, Portugal
HeinOnline Weblog
HeinOnline Weblog: "This blog has been created to keep our customers informed of all the latest content and enhancement additions to HeinOnline as well as give our customers the ability to give us feedback about the product. Check-in regularly or sign up for RSS feeds as we will be updating this blog on a regular basis"
Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive launched
"Monday September 17 saw the launch of the Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive repository, a key component in humanities research infrastructure for University College Dublin and other third level institutions. IVRLA is a digital archive containing a number of digitised collections from UCD's holdings, of use and interest to Irish humanities researchers. The IVRLA has developed a sophisticated interface enabling users to browse, search, tag and cite digital objects and view or download them in a variety of file formats"
New open access journal - Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace
Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace is a publication of Plowshares: a peace studies collaborative of Earlham, Goshen, and Manchester Colleges. It is shaped by, but not confined to, the perspectives of the three historic peace churches-Society of Friends, Church of the Brethren, and the Mennonite Church-associated with the colleges that compose the collaborative. Published twice yearly, the journal is an open access, online publication. All articles are peer-reviewed
The John Rylands University Library re-opens
From The BBC - "A historic library containing one of England's greatest collections of printed books, manuscripts and archives is officially being re-opened. Broadcaster and journalist Anna Ford, who is co-chancellor of The University of Manchester, will unveil the city's refurbished John Rylands library. The Grade I listed property on Deansgate was closed for more than three years for the refurbishment"
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Famous for...? Answers here.
1. Camembert is a village in NW France. What is it famous for?
2. Sherwood Forest in the Midlands of England is famous for its associations with which person?
3. Which film director was famous for his New York City settings and violent gangster epics like "Goodfellas"?
4. The island called Stromboli off the N coast of Sicily is famous for what?
5. Charles A. Lindbergh was famous for what?
6. Anna Sewell is famous for the one book she wrote in 1877. What is the book's title?
7. Which U.S. jazz composer is famous for such works as "Mood Indigo" and "Creole Love Call"?
8. The town of Jerez in SW Spain is famous for making which drink?
9. Which British novelist is most famous for his gothic trilogy "Titus Groan", "Gormenghast" and "Titus Alone"?
10. The physician William Harvey (1578-1657) is famous for his discovery of what?
1. Camembert is a village in NW France. What is it famous for?
2. Sherwood Forest in the Midlands of England is famous for its associations with which person?
3. Which film director was famous for his New York City settings and violent gangster epics like "Goodfellas"?
4. The island called Stromboli off the N coast of Sicily is famous for what?
5. Charles A. Lindbergh was famous for what?
6. Anna Sewell is famous for the one book she wrote in 1877. What is the book's title?
7. Which U.S. jazz composer is famous for such works as "Mood Indigo" and "Creole Love Call"?
8. The town of Jerez in SW Spain is famous for making which drink?
9. Which British novelist is most famous for his gothic trilogy "Titus Groan", "Gormenghast" and "Titus Alone"?
10. The physician William Harvey (1578-1657) is famous for his discovery of what?
Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
"This database contains descriptions of all medieval western manuscripts written in Latin script and produced up to c. 1550 now preserved in public and semi-public collections in the Netherlands. These include the collections of libraries, museums and archives, as well as the collections of monastic orders and some other private institutions that are open to researchers"
Canadian Journal of Sociology goes Open Access
The Canadian Journal of Sociology is one of the journals hosted by the University of Alberta Libraries' Online Publishing Services using the Open Journal Systems software. Starting in January 2008, CJS has announced it will drop its print publication / subscription-based program and become a solely online, open access journal
Subscribe to JISC podcasts and receive them automatically
"JISC podcasts are now available via RSS feed or i-Tunes. This means that they can, on subscription, be received automatically and free of charge. JISC has been piloting podcasts over the summer with interviews with leading figures in the education, research, library and publishing fields and with programmes on topical issues such as Web 2.0 and repositories"
DigitalPreservationEurope Survey on long-term preservation issues in European institutions
DPE invites archives, research institutions and relevant industry representatives to complete its survey on log-term preservation issues. The purpose of this survey is to identify present common practice and future plans considering digital preservation. Results will be published in a revised Market and Technology Trends Analysis made available on the DPE website
PubMed/Medline and Clinical Trials information searchable on Healia
"Healia PubMed/Medline Search is specifically designed to help consumers retrieve abstracts of scientific articles published in biomedical journals in a user-friendly way. It searches the National Library of Medicine's PubMed/Medline dataset, which includes more than 17 million abstracts and citations from approximately 5,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and worldwide since the 1950s.
The Healia Clinical Trials Search retrieves clinical trials information from the National Institutes of Health's dataset, which includes federally and privately supported studies on a wide range of diseases and conditions. One of the unique capabilities of the Healia Clinical Trials Search is the ability to restrict searches by geography and to map locations of study sites"
The Healia Clinical Trials Search retrieves clinical trials information from the National Institutes of Health's dataset, which includes federally and privately supported studies on a wide range of diseases and conditions. One of the unique capabilities of the Healia Clinical Trials Search is the ability to restrict searches by geography and to map locations of study sites"
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Translating and the Computer 29
Translating and the Computer 29 - 29-30 November 2007 - Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
Saskatchewan Library Week 2007
Saskatchewan Library Week 2007: a province-wide, annual event, which promotes the wonderful resources and services that libraries have to offer. Saskatchewan Library Week is celebrated throughout Saskatchewan in all types of libraries, in both urban and rural communities and by all age groups. The Saskatchewan Library Association has proudly presented this weeklong celebration since 1976 - October 15-22, 2007
NoWAL General Programme - Autumn 2007
The NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries) General Programme for October-December 2007 is now available. The NoWAL programme of staff training and development offers extensive opportunities for professional and personal development. The main aim of the programme is to support and develop the abilities required of library and related staff to deliver existing and future services to users
2008 North Carolina Serials Conference call for proposals
NCCU School of Library and Information Sciences - call for proposals - 2008 North Carolina Serials Conference: What's in a Name? From "Serials" to "Continuing Resources" - April 10-11, 2008 - The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
InfoBits - August 2007
The August 2007 issue of InfoBits, the information and instructional technology newsletter from the Information Technology Services at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is now available online
Digital Assets Factory version 2.0
Bibliotheca Alexandrina has announced the release of the Digital Assets Factory (DAF) version 2.0. DAF is available for download and is offered under the GPL license as an open source application so that the user can freely utilize it or even make necessary modifications to match specific needs
2007 London Book Festival call for entries
The 2007 London Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual program celebrating books that deserve greater recognition from the international publishing community. The 2007 London Book Festival will consider published, self-published and independent publisher non-fiction, fiction, children's books, teenage, how-to, audio/spoken word, comics, e-books, wild card (anything goes!), science fiction, romance and biography/autobiography works. A panel of judges will determine the winners based on the following criteria:
1) The story-telling ability of the author
2) The potential of the work to win wider recognition from the international publishing community
3) Entries can be in English, Spanish, French, Portugese or Italian. The grand prize for the 2007 London Book Festival Author of the Year is $1500 and a flight to London or a flight to Los Angeles
1) The story-telling ability of the author
2) The potential of the work to win wider recognition from the international publishing community
3) Entries can be in English, Spanish, French, Portugese or Italian. The grand prize for the 2007 London Book Festival Author of the Year is $1500 and a flight to London or a flight to Los Angeles
Copac+ESTC Trial Interface
A new Copac+ESTC Trial Interface carries out a combined search of the Copac database plus the English Short Title Catalogue database at the British Library. The records retrieved from ESTC are merged into a single result set with the results from the Copac database. In the Copac 'Main search' screen ESTC is included in the 'Libraries' list field. Thus it is possible to restrict a search to ESTC alone, or combine it with one or more other libraries eg. ESTC and the Register of Preservation Surrogates adds bookmarking, citation formatting for lists
"OCLC continues to put social functionality into in order to build a social network of the world's library users. Among the latest enhancements: Citation management for lists. Users can generate citations for their personalized lists of WorldCat-cataloged items in one of five common citation styles: APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA or Turabian. They also can export the list in their selected citation style. Exported list citations can be saved locally in HTML, Rich Text or RIS format, and are compatible with Endnote bibliographic software or the RefWorks research management Web tool. Add a bookmark option. This new feature lets users add library-owned items to bookmarks at popular social Web sites, such as Digg,, Facebook, Yahoo! and Google"
2008 CASLIS Ottawa Seminar
CASLIS Ottawa is presenting a two-day seminar to explore the value of special libraries - how we measure it and how we communicate it. The seminar will be held January 23-24, 2008 at 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada
National e-books project makes taught course texts freely available
For the next two years a collection of 36 taught course texts is being made freely available to all higher education institutions as part of JISC's national (i.e. UK) e-books observatory project. The texts, chosen after extensive consultation over the summer, include some of the most popular texts in Business Studies and Management, Medicine, Engineering and Media Studies
OS MasterMap goes online for universities and colleges across Britain
Tens of thousands of students, staff and researchers at universities and further education colleges across Britain have online access to the country's most advanced digital mapping from this month. Ordnance Survey's seamless representation of the detailed geography of Britain, OS MasterMap, is available to support learning and teaching at all institutions subscribing to the Digimap Ordnance Survey Collection service. Digimap is an online mapping and data delivery facility funded by JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee, and provided by the EDINA national data centre based at the University of Edinburgh
Wiley-Blackwell and American Anthropological Association announce partnership
"Wiley-Blackwell and the American Anthropological Association have announced that they have formed a new publishing partnership to commence in 2008. Wiley-Blackwell will publish 23 anthropology journals and newsletters of the AAA including the American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Cultural Anthropology, and the Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Wiley-Blackwell will also host AnthroSource - the premier online portal to full-text anthropology articles serving the research and teaching needs of scholars and practitioners in the US and around the world"
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
BBC Programme Catalogue (beta)
This experimental catalogue database holds over 900,000 entries. It is a sub-set of the data from the internal BBC database created and maintained by the BBC's Information and Archives department. This public version is updated daily as new records are added and updated in the main catalogue. This figure is so high because, for example, each TV news story now has an individual entry in the catalogue
Access 2007 Pre-conference program
University of British Columbia Library, the University of Victoria Libraries, and Simon Fraser University Library have announced a one day pre-conference workshop to ACCESS 2007 in Victoria, BC on October 10, 2007. The focus of this pre-conference, How to Skin an OPAC?: Integrating Users with the Social Web, is an exploration of the potential opportunity for mash-ups between the social web (aka Web 2.0) and our library web sites and catalogues. Come and hear leading edge presenters and vendors share their ideas and concepts around how academic libraries might provide access to their resources in new and innovative ways that connect with increasingly techno savvy users
ACRL/NY Symposium 2007: Call for Posters
ACRL/NY Annual Symposium: Library 2.0: A New Social Model - November 30, 2007 - Baruch College, New York, NY, USA
Nominations sought for the 2008 Margaret Mann Citation
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2008 Margaret Mann Citation, presented by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association. This award is presented to a cataloger or classifier for outstanding professional achievement in the areas of cataloging or classification through publication, participation in professional cataloging associations, or valuable contributions to practice in individual libraries. The Cataloging and Classification Section administers the award, a citation and $2,000 to the library school of the winner's choice, which is donated by OCLC, Inc. Deadline for nominations is December 1
E-JASL - Summer 2007
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship - v.8 no.2 (Summer 2007) now available
Open Road 2008 Conference - call for papers
Open Road 2008 Conference: Multilingualism and the Information Society - call for papers - 15-16 May 2008 - Melbourne, Australia - Submissions due 19 October 2007
Equity of Access with Virtual Reference
Equity of Access with Virtual Reference: Eliminating Barriers to Service with Lightweight Chat - a free live, one-hour Web information session with three QuestionPoint users with unique perspectives on the service - September 19, 2007
Electronic Resources & Libraries 2008 Conference
ER&L Conference Program Planning Committee encourages you to submit a proposal for the Electronic Resources & Libraries 2008 Conference to be held March 18-21, 2008. The conference location will be the Global Learning and Conference Center, located on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.
Association for Recorded Sound Collections Research Grants Program
"The ARSC Research Grants Program is designed to encourage and support scholarship and publication by individuals in the field of sound recordings or audio preservation. Specific projects eligible for support include discography, bibliography, historical studies of the sound recording industry and its products, and any other subject likely to increase the public's understanding and appreciation of the lasting importance of recorded sound. ARSC encourages applications from individuals whose research forms part of an academic program at the master's or doctoral level"
2007 National Book Festival Podcasts
2007 National Book Festival Podcasts, via The Library of Congress, from David Baldacci, Ken Burns, Carmen Agra Deedy, Sanjay Gupta, Shelia P. Moses, Victoria Rowell, and Charles Simic
Library of Congress partners with WWOZ-FM and Grammy Foundation to preserve legendary musical recordings
"WWOZ-FM, the legendary community-supported radio station in New Orleans, has gifted the Library of Congress with more than 7,000 hours of live jazz and blues recordings spanning 15 years. The contribution, which comes after Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters nearly destroyed the station's primary tape storage facility, will ensure the safety of the station's collection of historic recordings. In support of this remarkable gift, the GRAMMY Foundation has awarded WWOZ $45,000 in grants toward the preservation of the collection"
Get London Reading 2008
The Get London Reading Challenge was first launched in 2006 as part of Booktrust's campaign to encourage Londoners to make more time for reading, and to celebrate London as an international centre for books. The next Get London Reading campaign will take place in 2008, from 24 March to 16 April
Words Unite, a community-wide campaign to "Get Hackney Reading"
A community-wide campaign to boost reading is being launched in the London borough of Hackney. Words Unite is a year-long project organised by Hackney's not-for-profit education group The Learning Trust and funded by Team Hackney, a strategic partnership which aims to improve quality of life in the borough. The programme includes reading activities, initiatives and events run by schools, community groups, libraries and adult education centres. A Words Unite advertising campaign and a new website have been developed together with marketing agency mabox
CONSERline Fall 2007
The Fall 2007 issue of CONSERline, newsletter of the CONSER Program is now available
New blog - The Serials Cataloger
The Serials Cataloger: News, research, and other information of interest to serials catalogers
Google Docs adds web-based presentations
Google has added features to Google Docs allowing users to create simple web-based presentations that others can update and view from their own computers at the same time
The Asia Foundation puts mobile libraries in motion for local Sri Lankan communities
"The Asia Foundation is launching a new mobile library initiative aimed at helping an estimated 80,000 families and children who do not have access to the existing library services in four local authorities. Many of these communities were devastated by the tsunami, and schools and libraries are still in the process of being rebuilt. The mobile library initiative is being launched with support from the AIG Disaster Relief Fund, and Give2Asia, an organization founded by The Asia Foundation to promote philanthropy to Asia"
Critic of sex education book refuses to return library copies
A Lewiston, Maine, USA, woman who was upset by the content of an acclaimed sex education book published 14 years ago has checked out copies from two libraries and refuses to give them back - AP
$2 million awarded to promote leadership in America's mseums
Ten organizations will receive $2,074,017 in 2007 awards under the 21st Century Museum Professionals program from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the primary source of federal funds for America's museums and libraries. The program supports leadership development and professional training in museum operations. Institutions receiving these grants will match the awards with $2,507,736 in non-federal spending
Law Library of Congress launches redesigned website
The Law Library of Congress has announced the release of its newly designed web site. The web site includes information on a range of legal issues and research topics as well as its services and logistics of using the Reading Room. In addition to established products such as the Global Legal Information Network, Guide to Law Online and the Global Legal Monitor, new Law Library products are available as well
2008 PLA National Conference - registration now open
Registration is now open for 2008 Public Library Association National Conference, which will be held in Minneapolis, USA, March 25-29, 2008
$50,000 available through 2008 AASL awards program
More than $50,000 is available in 2008 through the annual awards program of the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association. Eleven awards, grants and scholarships recognize and support outstanding contributions to the school library media field in a variety of categories, including leadership, reading, information technology and distinguished service to the profession
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Referex eBooks Database launches 3 new collections and over 900 additional titles
"Engineering Information has announced the release of a significant expansion of the Referex eBooks database, delivering three times more engineering reference content to engineering researchers. Referex is a premium reference database comprised of professional reference content selectively sourced from Elsevier's books publishing program. Referex provides engineering researchers with answers to their reference questions and is hosted exclusively on the award winning, Engineering Village discovery platform"
SAGE launches new medical journal series
SAGE has announced the launch of a new journals series dedicated to the latest therapies for major world-wide diseases. The series will focus on ground-breaking studies of diseases and emerging pharmacology and medicine. The first journal in the series, Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease, was launched on September 2 at the European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress in Vienna, Austria. The second journal, Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease will follow on September 15 at the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress in Stockholm, Sweden
The New York Times stops charging for access to parts of its Web site
"The New York Times will stop charging for access to parts of its Web site, effective midnight September 18, 2007. The move comes two years to the day after The Times began the subscription program, TimesSelect, which has charged $49.95 a year, or $7.95 a month, for online access to the work of its columnists and to the newspaper's archives. TimesSelect has been free to print subscribers to The Times and to some students and educators"
The Future of Libraries, Part III
The Future of Libraries, Part III: Embracing the Invisible Customer - September 26 2007 - San Francisco Public Library, CA, USA
The Year of the Open by Roy Tennant
The Year of the Open by Roy Tennant - "Two events this year are ushering in a new era of openness - both in the source code and the file formats of commercial software. Adobe and Microsoft have announced technologies that are open and transparent. It is hard to overestimate the impact of these developments, since much of what they'll enable is yet to be seen. Still, they represent enormous potential for anyone interested in libraries, information technology, and coming digital services..." - More in Library Journal September 15, 2007
Podcast: JISC Digitisation programme - five centuries of unique resources
"The GBP22million JISC digitisation programme is making available a wide range of vital scholarly resources to UK education and research. One of its programme managers is Alastair Dunning who, while talking to Philip Pothen for this podcast, discusses what the programme is delivering and why the international conference in Cardiff represented an important landmark both for the programme and for wider attempts to make available scholarly resources of national importance"
Advancing Knowledge: The IMLS/NEH Digital Partnership
"The Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Endowment for the Humanities have announced the first three grant recipients under Advancing Knowledge: The IMLS/NEH Digital Partnership, a funding opportunity that brings together museum, library, archive, and IT professionals with humanities scholars to spur innovative digital projects. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Tufts University, Medford; and the University of California, Berkeley will receive a combined total of $1,047,455 for their work"
Library of Congress updated website
The Library of Congress has released an updated version of its website, with a new design and functionality
Wiley-Blackwell to publish Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Wiley-Blackwell has announced that it has been selected by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine to publish Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. It will assume publishing responsibilities beginning with Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2008 beta of new version
" is a registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. This information should be used in conjunction with advice from health care professionals" - New beta version available
Hooke's Books: Books that Influenced or Were Influenced by Robert Hooke's Micrographia
The History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine has announced the opening of a new exhibit, Hooke’s Books: Books that Influenced or Were Influenced by Robert Hooke's Micrographia. It is located in display cases in the HMD Reading Room, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. The exhibit is open until November 1, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Scholars and students of independent film-making can now access a downloadable library of almost 3,000 independently made films, following today’s launch of the IndiePix website. The new online independent film-resource, highlights related material to each film in its database and then through a topic's contextual relationship with the original material. Users can also download or order a disc of the film that would otherwise be unavailable or remain unknown
Carnival of the Infosciences #79
Carnival of the Infosciences #79 hosted by Libraryola. Previous Carnivals can be found here
InfoCamp Seattle 2007
InfoCamp Seattle 2007 - a BarCamp conference for information architecture, libraries, user experience design, interaction design, usability, user-centered design, and information science research - October 13-14, 2007 - Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Seattle, Washington, USA
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Horror!. Answers here.
1. About which film did its star, Janet Leigh, say "I still don't take showers, and that's the truth"?
2. Which American author wrote the stories on which the films "Carrie" and "The Shining" were based?
3. What was the title of Wes Craven's 1984 film about Freddy Krueger?
4. Which classic horror tale was written by Bram Stoker in 1897?
5. Name one of the two stars of the 1962 film "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"
6. Which 1973 film starring Linda Blair was adapted by William Peter Blatty from his own novel?
7. Was the original horror story "Frankenstein" (1818) written by Jane Austen, Mary Shelley or Wilkie Collins?
8. Which Canadian filmmaker directed the films "Shivers", "The Brood" and "The Fly"?
9. Which English actor, whose original name was William Henry Pratt, starred in such horror films as "Frankenstein" (1931) and "The Body Snatcher" (1945)?
10. What name was given to the Scottish island on which the 1972 film "The Wicker Man" was set?
1. About which film did its star, Janet Leigh, say "I still don't take showers, and that's the truth"?
2. Which American author wrote the stories on which the films "Carrie" and "The Shining" were based?
3. What was the title of Wes Craven's 1984 film about Freddy Krueger?
4. Which classic horror tale was written by Bram Stoker in 1897?
5. Name one of the two stars of the 1962 film "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"
6. Which 1973 film starring Linda Blair was adapted by William Peter Blatty from his own novel?
7. Was the original horror story "Frankenstein" (1818) written by Jane Austen, Mary Shelley or Wilkie Collins?
8. Which Canadian filmmaker directed the films "Shivers", "The Brood" and "The Fly"?
9. Which English actor, whose original name was William Henry Pratt, starred in such horror films as "Frankenstein" (1931) and "The Body Snatcher" (1945)?
10. What name was given to the Scottish island on which the 1972 film "The Wicker Man" was set?
Duke University Press launches the Carlyle Letters Online
Duke University Press has announced the launch of the Carlyle Letters Online: A Victorian Cultural Reference, the electronic edition of The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. A fully digitized version of one of the most comprehensive literary archives of the nineteenth century, the Carlyle Letters Online features thousands of letters written by Scottish author and historian Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and his wife, Jane Welsh Carlyle (1801-1866), to over six hundred recipients throughout the world. In part because of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Delmas Foundation, the Carlyle Letters Online is currently available at no charge to institutions and individuals
Inaugural BERA/SAGE Research into Practice Awards
The first winners of new research awards for educational researchers and practitioners have been announced at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference. The Inaugural BERA/SAGE Research into Practice Awards celebrate the work of practitioners who have demonstrated excellence in the application of research in practice
Oxford English Dictionary - September 2007 update
"OED Online is updated four times a year - March, June, September, and December. The material added to the Dictionary include both revised versions of existing entries (which replace the older versions), and also new words and senses both within the alphabetical sequence of revised entries and also across the whole A to Z range" September 2007 update now available
Nonconformist birth, marriage and death records online
The UK National Archives' collection of nonconformist birth, marriage and death records from 1567 goes online for the first time
"Library on the lake" opens to public
"A library built on water opened to the public on Tuesday in eastern China's metropolis of Shanghai, giving people the pleasure of reading with great scenery. The library is built on the Xiayang Lake in western Qingpu district of Shanghai, covering an area of 8,000 square meters"
2008 CILIP / LiS Libraries Change Lives Award
"Entries are now open for the 2008 CILIP / LiS Libraries Change Lives Award - one of the leading accolades in the library and information world. We welcome entries from any sector of the library and information world. They could be reading projects, learning projects, or projects that promote information. They must be shown to have affected people's lives for the better, whoever those people might be. The awards will be presented at the Library + information Show on 23 April 2008"
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Despite demand, libraries won't add PCs
From AP: "YouTube, online job applications and homework help sites have boosted demand and contributed to lines for Internet access at the nation's public libraries, yet a new survey finds the majority have no immediate plans to add computers..."
2007 ECAR research study
"This 2007 ECAR research study is a longitudinal extension of the 2004, 2005, and 2006 ECAR studies of students and information technology. The study, which reports noticeable changes from previous years, is based on quantitative data from a spring 2007 survey and interviews with 27,846 freshman, senior, and community college students at 103 higher education institutions. It focuses on what kinds of information technologies these students use, own, and experience; their technology behaviors, preferences, and skills; how IT impacts their experiences in their courses; and their perceptions of the role of IT in the academic experience"
National Friends of Libraries Week
"FOLUSA is coordinating the second annual national Friends of Libraries Week October 21-27, 2007. The celebration offers a two-fold opportunity to celebrate Friends. Use the time to creatively promote your group in the community, to raise awareness, and to promote membership. This is also an excellent opportunity for your library and Board of Trustees to recognize the Friends for their help and support of the library."
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Library Management Showcase
Library Management Showcase - November 9, 2009 - Hosted by CILIP in London, UK
NAS makes 150 years of scientific history available online
"Over the next several months, The National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.) will publish its entire collection of Biographical Memoirs online. Although memoirs published since 1995 have been freely available online, over 900 memoirs published prior to 1995 were available previously only through archives and libraries. Among the additional 500 memoirs published recently online are those of famed naturalist Louis Agassiz; Joseph Henry, the first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; Thomas Edison; Alexander Graham Bell; noted anthropologist Margaret Mead; and psychologist and philosopher John Dewey. More memoirs will be published regularly until the entire collection is available online"
Information Online 2009 - call for papers
Information Online 2009 call for papers - January 20-22 2009 - Sydney, Australia
SPEC Kit 298
SPEC Kit 298, July 2007: Metadata - available from the Association of Research Libraries
The Irish Times Digital Archive
The Irish Times Digital Archive is a fully searchable exact reproduction of all editions published by the Irish Times from 1859 onwards. Editions are added seven days after publication date. The text archives contain all articles published on, including The Irish Times online and breaking news from 1996 onwards
Central Kansas Library Consortium chooses Koha
LibLime has announced that the Central Kansas Library System, one of seven regional library systems in Kansas, and serving 17 counties in the state, has selected Koha ZOOM for 'Pathfinder Central', a new region-wide ILS consortium
JSTOR and RIN Workshop
JSTOR and RIN Workshop: Expectations and Collaborations - A distinguished panel of speakers drawn from both JSTOR and the library community in the UK will provide updates and reports on new projects and recent studies - 3 September 2007 - Edinburgh, Scotland
IMLS awards $1,007,740 for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Grant Program
Twenty-three U.S. federally recognized tribes will receive grants for museum projects totaling more than $1 million from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the primary source of federal funds for the nation's museums and libraries
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Viva Librarians!
Viva Librarians! - The 2008 Joint Chapter Meeting NCNMLG & MLGSCA - February 6-9, 2007 - Las Vegas, NV, USA
Transatlantic collaboration on digitisation becomes a reality
"A call for proposals has been issued by the US National Endowment for the Humanities and the UK JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) to support collaborative digitisation projects by UK and US scholars. The aim of the GBP360,000 ($730,000) programme is to unite scholarly collections split between the two countries, explore innovative approaches to digitisation and match expertise in one country with collections to be digitised in the other"
Nominations open for CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Medals 2008
All CILIP members are invited to nominate titles for the 2008 CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals. Judged by a panel of CILIP Members from all over the UK, the Medals are the country's most prestigious Children's Book Awards. The Medals celebrate the very best in children's literature and demonstrate the valuable work that CILIP members do in helping children and young people develop their literacy and social skills by reading for pleasure
ACRL seeks nominations for 2008 awards recognizing outstanding achievements in academic librarianship
"For more than three-quarters of a century, the Association of College and Research Libraries has been committed to celebrating the achievements of academic and research librarians through the presentation of awards, grants and fellowships. With almost $34,000 donated annually by corporate sponsors, ACRL has and will continue to nominate, select and honor the very best in academic librarianship. Members are an integral part of ACRL's successful awards program. ACRL urges members to nominate colleagues whose work has influenced their thinking and growth as an academic librarian and whose contributions merit recognition by the profession. Member nominations will ensure that the pool of candidates for each award remains both competitive and distinguished. Nominations and supporting materials for most awards must be submitted by December 7, 2007"
Monday, September 10, 2007
Booktrust Teenage Prize 2007 shortlist
The shortlist for the Booktrust Teenage Prize 2007 has been announced
Penguin/Orange Broadband Readers' Group Prize 2007
The Books on the Broad reading group from Oxford, UK has won the 2007 Penguin/Orange Broadband Readers' Group Prize
International Symposium on e-Learning
International Symposium on e-Learning - 9-11 December 2007 - Melbourne, Australia
Wigtown Book Festival
Wigtown Book Festival - The 2007 Scottish Book Town Festival will take place from 28 September to 7 October
Church loses out on rare book deal
"An historic collection of religious books whose sale for GBP36,000 was approved last year by a Church of England diocese has been sold on by a book dealer for more than GBP500,000. The Diocese of Truro sanctioned a deal in September 2006 to sell hundreds of old Bibles and manuscripts from its library to John Thornton in a move to clear shelf space. Auction sales alone after Thornton gained access to the collection have generated about half a million pounds. Thornton has now closed his shop in Chelsea, West London, and has told The Times that he is planning to retire to the country" - The Times
International School Library Day
International School Library Day - this year's theme: Learning: powered by your school library - 1 October 2007
OncologySTAT from Elsevier
"OncologySTAT integrates a multitude of authoritative professional cancer information sources, such as peer-reviewed research, news and regulatory updates, a professional drug monograph and interactions database, chemotherapy regimens, and conference coverage into one easy-to-use online destination. Information and educational materials are delivered across multiple media formats: text, audio, video, interactive, user-generated forums, etc."
Sunday, September 09, 2007
New titles from Inderscience
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development is devoted to the study of the nature of technological innovation processes, at the level of firms, industries/clusters, and countries, the various influences on such processes as well as their implications for industrial growth, techno-economic and social development in the context of contemporary late-industrialising countries
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practical implementation of secured internet transactions and to fostering discussions on information technology evolution. It aims to provide a highly professional and comparative academic research forum that promotes collaborative excellence between academia and industry
International Journal of Business and Systems Research will bridge the latest advances in business and systems research. It provides an international forum for presenting authoritative references, academically rigorous research, and case studies. It publishes well-written and academically validated manuscripts in both theoretical development and application research
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practical implementation of secured internet transactions and to fostering discussions on information technology evolution. It aims to provide a highly professional and comparative academic research forum that promotes collaborative excellence between academia and industry
International Journal of Business and Systems Research will bridge the latest advances in business and systems research. It provides an international forum for presenting authoritative references, academically rigorous research, and case studies. It publishes well-written and academically validated manuscripts in both theoretical development and application research
Alexander Street Press free downloads
Every two weeks, Alexander Street Press selects a complete work from its Classical Music Library and makes it available for free download to anyone, regardless of whether or not you subscribe to any of its databases
Crossroads - September 2007
Crossroads: the newsletter of - September 2007 issue is now available
" is a portal devoted to live literary events from readings through publishing industry conventions. Free listings are available to authors and publishers who wish to get the word out on signings, readings and workshops, while spotlights offer direct links to large literary events from around the world"
Simmons College workshops - Fall 2007
Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science Office of Continuing Education is offering a number of online workshops for Fall 2007
Call for papers - Issues in Information and Media Literacy
"The editors of Issues in Information and Media Literacy, a volume of case studies and academic papers to be published by the Informing Science Institute, invite chapters on a range of issues related to information and media literacy. We also seek colleagues from all fields involved with this area who are willing to provide quality reviews of submitted chapters in a timely manner"
Ingram Digital Group chooses Swets for customer access to eBooks
MyiLibrary Ltd., part of Ingram Digital Group, and Swets have announced an agreement that will revolutionize the way customers browse, acquire and access electronic journals and eBooks
2007 National Hispanic Heritage Month
"To celebrate 2007 National Hispanic Heritage Month, The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society" September 15-October 15
Banned Books Week 2007
Banned Books Week 2007 - September 29-October 6, 2007 - "First observed in 1982, Banned Books Week reminds Americans not to take this precious democratic freedom for granted. The event is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the American Library Association, the Association of American Publishers, the American Society of Journalists and Authors and the National Association of College Stores. It is endorsed by the Library of Congress Center for the Book"
Saturday, September 08, 2007
The Big Conversation 2007
"Leading figures from the media and education have pledged their support for a national initiative organised by Understanding Slavery and the Department for Children, Schools and Families. BBC History Magazine's History Teacher of the Year, Daniel Burton, and award winning journalist and broadcaster George Alagiah have announced their participation in The Big Conversation 2007 - a national competition and debate which encourages students to research and discuss the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade"
Teachers (Preview) from The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is previewing its forthcoming re-vamped Teachers site
Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2007 shortlist
The judges of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2007 have announced this year's six shortlisted novels. The winner will be announced Tuesday, October 16. The six titles shortlisted are:
Darkmans by Nicola Barker (Fourth Estate)
The Gathering by Anne Enright (Jonathan Cape)
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (Hamish Hamilton)
Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones (John Murray)
On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape)
Animal's People by Indra Sinha (Simon & Schuster)
Darkmans by Nicola Barker (Fourth Estate)
The Gathering by Anne Enright (Jonathan Cape)
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid (Hamish Hamilton)
Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones (John Murray)
On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape)
Animal's People by Indra Sinha (Simon & Schuster)
Friday, September 07, 2007
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference - this week: Art. Answers here.
1. Who painted the portrait known as the "Mona Lisa"?
2. Which multimedia artist, born in London in 1963, created works called "My Bed" and a tent emblazoned with names called "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-95"?
3. Which Italian artist sculpted the "David" and painted the ceiling and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel?
4. Which painter lived from 1883 in Giverny, close to the River Seine, where he and his wife cultivated a garden centred around a waterlily pond which became the subject of many of his most significant paintings?
5. The artist Vincent van Gogh was born at Zundert in 1853. Was he French, German or Dutch?
6. Which French painter (1864-1901) with deformed legs illustrated the life of the Montmartre district of Paris in works like the "Moulin Rouge" series?
7. Which Spanish artist painted the pictures "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and "Guernica"?
8. Which English artist (1775-1851) painted "The Fighting Temeraire" and "Rain, Steam, Speed"?
9. Which US artist was nicknamed "Jack the Dripper" because he splashed or threw paint at random on to the canvas?
10. Which technique of painting was perfected by the 1880s impressionist Georges Seurat, using innumerable tiny dots of colour?
1. Who painted the portrait known as the "Mona Lisa"?
2. Which multimedia artist, born in London in 1963, created works called "My Bed" and a tent emblazoned with names called "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-95"?
3. Which Italian artist sculpted the "David" and painted the ceiling and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel?
4. Which painter lived from 1883 in Giverny, close to the River Seine, where he and his wife cultivated a garden centred around a waterlily pond which became the subject of many of his most significant paintings?
5. The artist Vincent van Gogh was born at Zundert in 1853. Was he French, German or Dutch?
6. Which French painter (1864-1901) with deformed legs illustrated the life of the Montmartre district of Paris in works like the "Moulin Rouge" series?
7. Which Spanish artist painted the pictures "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and "Guernica"?
8. Which English artist (1775-1851) painted "The Fighting Temeraire" and "Rain, Steam, Speed"?
9. Which US artist was nicknamed "Jack the Dripper" because he splashed or threw paint at random on to the canvas?
10. Which technique of painting was perfected by the 1880s impressionist Georges Seurat, using innumerable tiny dots of colour?
The Bath Festival of Children's Literature
"The Daily Telegraph Bath Festival of Children's Literature is staged by a not-for-profit limited company called Bath Festival of Children's Literature. Our aim is to stage the biggest and best celebration of children's books as possible. We want to offer something that will appeal to readers of all abilities, and hope to excite and encourage non-readers too. The festival is organized by a passionate and committed group of individuals in Bath, Bristol and the wider South West area who all love children's books, and are in some way connected to the world of children's book publishing. There are editors, booksellers, librarians, teachers and authors all on the organizing committee" - September 21-30, 2007
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - September 2007
The World Almanac E-Newsletter - Volume 07, Number 09 - September 2007 is now available
RFID in Libraries Conference 2007 - Registration
Registration is now available for RFID in Libraries Conference - Conference theme this year is "Putting RFID to work – are you getting value for money?." It will move the focus from RFID as a new concept to that of a maturing technology and identify how you can benefit from it - November 12 2007 - London, UK
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship - Summer 2007
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship - Number 51, Summer 2007 - is now available
Uncontrolled Vocabulary #11
Uncontrolled Vocabulary - a live discussion of news, trends and topics in librarianship by Greg Schwartz. Episode #11 is now available
Dublin Core papers available
The papers from the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications are now available online
Create and search your own library on Google Book Search
"You can now create personalized libraries on Google Book Search where you can label, review, rate, and of course, full-text search, a customized selection of books"
Thursday, September 06, 2007
National Schools Film Week
"National Schools Film Week is the biggest event of its kind in Europe and last year took more than a quarter of a million children to see 1,500 films in over 500 locations throughout the UK. Now in its 12th year, it promises to be bigger than ever"
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship
"The Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship is a peer-reviewed journal concerning issues in electronic resources librarianship. The journal is published quarterly by The Haworth Press (Taylor & Francis). Submissions are being accepted for the inaugural and future issue of this journal. This journal aims to inform librarians and other information professionals about evolving work-related processes and procedures, current research and the latest news on topics related to electronic resources and the digital environment’s impact on collecting, acquiring and making accessible library materials"
Access 2007 - Library Technology Conference Facebook group
There is now a Facebook group for the Access 2007 - Library Technology Conference, being held in October, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
CIHR unveils new policy
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research has unveiled a new policy to promote public access to the results of research it has funded. CIHR will require its researchers to ensure that their original research articles are freely available online within six months of publication
Credo Reference and CARLI agreement
"Credo Reference, (formerly Xrefer), has announced another partnership with a key consortium: The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI). With this new agreement, the CARLI institutions choosing to subscribe will receive Credo Reference at a discount"
World Scientific 2008 journal subscription rates
World Scientific Publishing has announced that its new 2008 journal subscription rates are now available
Online Information 2007 conference programme
The Online Information 2007 conference programme is now available online. The conference is being held at the Olympia Conference Centre, London, UK from 4-6 December 2007
African American National Biography Podcast
"In an exclusive podcast for the OUP Blog, OUP sat down with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., to discuss his latest project, the African American National Biography. The AANB illuminates African American history through the immediacy of individual experience. From Esteban, the earliest known African to set foot in North America in 1527, right up to rising careers of Denzel Washington and Barak Obama, these stories of the renowned and the nearly forgotten give us a new view of American history"
"Freedom and Liberty" - Archive Awareness 2007
Archive Awareness Campaign has launched, with archives across the UK and Ireland planning special events to commemorate the history of human rights. Over a hundred archives are planning showcases, open days, workshops and many other activities to celebrate their holdings of original documents and tell stories of freedom to new audiences in the most inspiring ways possible. The theme of the 2007 campaign is "Freedom and Liberty", looking at the struggle for rights in history, including the Chartists, the Suffragettes and the 200th anniversary of the Parliamentary abolition of the transatlantic slave trade
On The Road Again
"On September 5, 1957, Viking Press published Jack Kerouac's seminal "On The Road." On that day, as Kerouac's girlfriend at the time said, "Jack went to bed obscure and woke up famous." His stream-of-consciousness tale of Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty's cross-country adventures resonated with readers, making him an instant literary sensation and poster child for the Beat Generation" - by Michelle Heimburger for Yahoo
Carnival of the Infosciences #78
Carnival of the Infosciences #78 hosted by DIY Librarian. Previous Carnivals can be found here
Gale sponsors RUSA Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award
The Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, has announced that Gale will sponsor the Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award. The award of $5,000 and a citation recognizes distinguished contributions to reference librarianship. The honor is named for Isadore Gilbert Mudge who was a reference librarian and bibliographer at Columbia University in New York. She also authored the 1917 revision of the "Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books"
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
BFI Publishing and Palgrave Macmillan announce partnership plan
The British Film Institute and Palgrave Macmillan have announced their intention to work as partners on the BFI Publishing imprint. The arrangement, which is subject to contract, will provisionally take effect from 1 January 2008
Information Today - September 2007 issues
The September 2007 issues of Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Searcher, are now available
The Desmond Elliott Prize
The Desmond Elliott Prize is a new biennial prize for a first novel written in English and published in the UK. Worth GBP10,000 to the winner, the prize is named after the literary agent and publisher, Desmond Elliott, who died in 2003
Rhagor from The National Museum Wales
"The National Museum Wales has launched a website allowing visitors to view many of the artefacts considered too fragile to go on public display. Called Rhagor ('More' in English), the website went live on 31 August 2007 following two years in the pipeline, and covers Wales' seven national museums. Forming the National Museum, together these seven sites house some 4.7m objects, many of which are too delicate for permanent display"
Monday, September 03, 2007
Blogs, RSS and Wikis
Blogs, RSS and Wikis - this workshop will examine how blogs, RSS and wikis can be used as information sources, tools of collaboration or as part of your information delivery strategy. It will look at how they can be used to manage projects, provide users with current awareness, generate newsletters, and promote your expertise to colleagues, users and clients - Presented by Karen Blakeman - November 23, 2007 - Salford, UK
Fay Weldon attacks library closures
"The British Council is being accused of turning its back on Britain's literary heritage over a decision to close a score of libraries worldwide, reports the Independent. The British Council's staff, and authors including award-winning novelist Fay Weldon, are furious at what they see as a "short-sighted" and "philistine" attitude to literature, after the council decided to divert book funding to the internet and other information services"
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #113
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #113 - September 2 2007 is now available
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Credo Reference Update - August 2007
Credo Reference Update - August 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2, is now available online
Search the British Library on iGoogle
"iGoogle is a personalised 'home page' that allows you to add what are known as 'gadgets'. These can be the latest news or sports information, the weather forecast, or your email. Now you can add a British Library search box to your own iGoogle page (you first need to register with Google). So now you can search the British Library's most important web resources just as if you were looking at"
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, September 2007
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, September 2007: Town and Townscape: The Work and Life of Thomas Sharp, a collaborative project between Newcastle University's Library Special Collections and the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
National Endowment for the Arts and XM Radio launch The Big Read on XM National Radio Series
"The National Endowment for the Arts, in partnership with XM Radio, has announced the launch of The Big Read on XM, a radio series based on the NEA's national reading program of the same name. The Big Read brings communities together to read and discuss a single book in order to restore reading to the center of American public culture. Building on the literature program's success, the new series will introduce the Big Read to XM's more than 8.2 subscribers nationwide. The Big Read on XM premieres September 10 on Sonic Theater (XM Channel 163), the XM radio channel devoted to audio books and contemporary theater. Hosted by Sonic Theater Program Director Josephine Reed, the series's first installment will feature Ray Bradbury's seminal classic, Fahrenheit 451"
Free access to Sage Information Sciences journals
Until September 30th, 2007 Sage is making its Information Sciences journals available free of charge online
BioMed Central author video website updated
"The BioMed Central author video website has recently been updated and offers the opportunity to watch and listen to pioneering researchers share their views on open access publishing and their experience of publishing in BioMed Central’s open access journals"
EDUCAUSE Review September/October 2007
EDUCAUSE Review September/October 2007, Volume 42, Number 5, now available online
Podcast: Librarians say Google can support international education and research
"Google has quickly become a key player in the digitization of scholarly resources. In this podcast two librarians - Richard Ovenden of the Bodleian Library at Oxford University and Mike Keller at Stanford University - who are both working with Google to digitize large parts of their collections, talk to Philip Pothen about the opportunities and the challenges of working with the private sector to digitize important scholarly resources"
2008 Medical Library Association Scholarship
A 2008 Medical Library Association Scholarship for up to $5000.00 will be granted to a student who is entering an ALA-accredited library school or who has yet to finish at least one half of the program's requirements in the year following the granting of the scholarship
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