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Friday, October 08, 2004

This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of international cuisine. Answers here

1. What shape is a samosa?
2. What kind of meat is prosciutto?
3. "Wurst" is a German word for what?
4. In Indian cookery, a bhaji consists of what things deep-fried in a spicy batter?
5. Is a cassoulet a pudding, a stew or a cooking pot?
6. In Italian, which animal when cooked is called "calamari"?
7. Is "brochette" a French word for a skewer, a soup or a small portion of seafood?
8. In Japanese cuisine, what is "nori"?
9. Polenta is an Italian dish made from which grain cooked and ground?
10. "Chi po" is used in Thai cooking. Which vegetable is it made of?

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