Sunday, October 31, 2004
The University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries has announced the launching of Southern Nevada and Las Vegas: History in Maps, a digital project featuring over 80 historical maps from the UNLV Libraries Special Collections Department, documenting the cartographic history and context of southern Nevada, telescoping in scale from the Western Hemisphere to the streets of Las Vegas
CoLIS 5 is the fifth in the series of international conferences whose general aim is to provide a broad forum for critically exploring and analysing research in areas such as computer science, information science and library science. The theme for CoLIS 5 will be the nature, impact and role of context within information-centred research and technologies - 4-9 June 2005 - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Ariadne - Issue 41, October 2004 is now available. Ariadne is targeted principally at information science professionals in academia, and also to interested lay people both in and beyond the Higher Education community. Its main geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide
Emerald's Journals of the Week for November 1 2004 are Collection building and Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Seven genetic advocacy organizations have established the Genetic Alliance BioBank, a repository for the standardized collection, storage and distribution of biological samples and clinical data for research purposes
Cybertesis is a new, open-access, OAI-compliant repository of theses and dissertations hosted by the University of Chile Information Services and Library System
Call for submissions: The Miriam Braverman Memorial Award, presented by Progressive Librarians Guild, seeks papers concerned with an aspect of the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship. Entries must be received February 15, 2005
New England Technical Services Librarians is seeking nominations for the fifth annual NETSL Award for Excellence in Library Technical Services, which recognizes and honors significant New England-based contributions to the field of library technical services
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Vol. 31, No. 1 October/November 2004 is now available
The Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation has named ten recipients of the 2004 Whiting Writers' Awards. The awards, which are $35,000 each have been given annually since 1985 to emerging writers of exceptional talent and promise
Friday, October 29, 2004
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has announce the completion of the current phase of its RSS newsfeed collection which delivers tables of content for its journals and other timely information to scientists' desktops. This crop of newsfeeds covers the non-Nature-branded titles and complements the existing RSS offerings for the Nature-branded titles. Specifically the newsfeeds deliver information about NPG's Advanced Online Publication (AOP) series and announce articles published online ahead of being published in an archival issue. As with NPG's existing newsfeeds, this new batch of RSS newsfeeds comes with rich metadata
This week's Friday Brain-Teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of painters. Answers here
1. Which British artist painted a famous picture called "The Hay Wain" in 1821?
2. Which Italian artist painted the ceiling and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel?
3. Which 20th-century American artist originated the painting technique known as "drip" or "action" painting?
4. How many of Van Gogh's paintings were sold during his lifetime: one, twenty-one or sixty-one?
5. Which French painter was stunted in growth and painted posters for the Moulin Rouge?
6. Which artist represented melting clocks in his 1931 painting "The Persistence of Memory"?
7. Which French artist's 1872 picture "Impression, Sunrise" gave the impressionism movement its name?
8. Which Dutch artist painted the famous picture called "The Laughing Cavalier" in 1624?
9. Was Mark Rothko born in Italy, Russia or the USA?
10. What name is usually given to the artist who was born Domenico Theotocopoli in Crete in 1541?
1. Which British artist painted a famous picture called "The Hay Wain" in 1821?
2. Which Italian artist painted the ceiling and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel?
3. Which 20th-century American artist originated the painting technique known as "drip" or "action" painting?
4. How many of Van Gogh's paintings were sold during his lifetime: one, twenty-one or sixty-one?
5. Which French painter was stunted in growth and painted posters for the Moulin Rouge?
6. Which artist represented melting clocks in his 1931 painting "The Persistence of Memory"?
7. Which French artist's 1872 picture "Impression, Sunrise" gave the impressionism movement its name?
8. Which Dutch artist painted the famous picture called "The Laughing Cavalier" in 1624?
9. Was Mark Rothko born in Italy, Russia or the USA?
10. What name is usually given to the artist who was born Domenico Theotocopoli in Crete in 1541?
Dynix Institute Web Seminar Series - Five Undeniable Reasons Why You Should Use Employee Reward and Recognition Programs in Your Library - November 5, 2004 - Andrew Sanderbeck, Founder, People~Connect Institute
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Artifact Newsletter October 2004 is now available. Artifact is the arts and creative industries hub of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN)
A Vision of Britain through Time - a vision of Britain between 1801 and 2001, including maps, statistical trends, and historical traditions. Temporarily suspended due to high demand
Dialog has completed a series of enhancements to its family of Dialog DataStar services that help users better focus the search process, be alerted to relevant new content and integrate research into their work flow
The DigiCULT project is currently preparing a roadmap on the challenges and possible achievements in research and technological development (RTD) over the next 10 to 15 years that are likely to lead to advanced applications for the cultural heritage sector
BioMed Central provides MARC records to facilitate the cataloging of their large collection of Open Access journals. A delimited spreadsheet containing titles, URLs, ISSNs, journal abbreviation and date of initial publication is also available
From Haven to Home is a Library of Congress exhibition marking 350 years of Jewish life in America. The exhibition features more than two hundred treasures of American Judaica from the collections of the Library of Congress, augmented by a selection of important loans from other cooperating cultural institutions. The physical exhibition will be on view at the Library through December 18, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
IngentaConnect went live today, replacing and IngentaSelect. It lists 17,073,554 articles, chapters, reports, etc in 28,737 publications provides easy access to the best food and nutrition information from across the US federal government. It serves as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety for consumers, educators and health professionals
OverDrive has announced the availability of a next generation platform for distribution and enjoyment of digital audio books. OverDrive Audio Books, built on the framework of Microsoft Windows Media Player, allows consumers to download and navigate, listen and enjoy popular audio materials
November 2004 will see the launch of another exciting supplement from the Royal Society of Chemistry: Chemical Technology. As a companion publication to Chemical Science, it will draw together coverage from RSC publications providing succinct accounts of the latest applications and technological aspects of research across a broad range of the chemical sciences
Version 55 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available, presenting selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. Most sources have been published between 1990 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1990 are also included
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) has announced that it is making grants totalling more than £1million to nine UK educational institutions and their partners to support digital preservation and asset management in UK Higher and Further Education institutions
The Researcher's Guide Online is an online database listing over 550 film, television, radio and related documentation collections in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The service has now been significantly redesigned and enhanced with many new features
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The Library & Information Service of the University of Patras, Greece, has launched Kosmopolis Digital Collection, containing the full text content of twenty Greek periodicals from the mid-19th century up to the beginning of the 20th. Up to now nine periodicals are full text indexed while the rest will be gradually imported to the collection until the end of 2005
Literature Compass is a new online resource from Blackwell Publishing which publishes original survey articles within 9 online journals, combined with a range of useful reference resources
The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online. Nominations: November 5, 2004, Submissions: November 19, 2004
2005 ALA Midwinter Meeting - Codified Innovations: Data Standards and Their Useful Applications - Boston, Massachusetts - January 14, 2005
Fifth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations - University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece - July 19-22, 2005
Presentations given at ECDL 2004 - 8th European Conference on Digital Libraries, September 2004 - University of Bath, UK - are now available online
CrossRef, the reference-linking service for scholarly and professional content, now claims over 700 participating publishers and societies and is adding an average of 9,000 DOIs per day to its system. Of the 12-plus million DOIs now registered with CrossRef, over 850,000 are assigned to books and conference proceedings
Monday, October 25, 2004
Catalogue of Photographically Illustrated Books at the British Library - Use this website to search and view information and images from one of the world's most comprehensive collections of photographically illustrated books and texts in many languages relating to the history and development of photography from 1839 to 1914
LILAC 2005: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference - Imperial College, London - 4-6 April 2005. Call for papers has been announced
From 2005 Nature Publishing Group is separating the print and online institutional subscription options for the academic and society journals. This change aims to provide customers with a more consistent purchasing policy across the NPG journal collection. It offers the flexibility to select the media most appropriate to your budget and content usage patterns
Sunday, October 24, 2004
BMJ Publishing Group and HighWire Press have announced that the full text of BMJ Career Focus is available online
The Society for Endocrinology has announced that the full text of its journals Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, are now available online with revised site designs via HighWire Press
Aqua KE is a web-based information and communication venue designed to advance knowledge and balanced information sharing concerning the science, policy, and practice of aquaculture. It is one of several KE's managed by the Knowledge Environment Collaborative, a partnership of Island Press, a non-profit publisher of information on environmental issues, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Stanford University Libraries and its web-publishing division, HighWire Press
The Timeline of Art History is a chronological, geographical, and thematic exploration of the history of art from around the world, as illustrated especially by the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection. The Museum's curatorial, conservation, and education staff research and write the Timeline, which is an invaluable reference and research tool for students, educators, scholars, and anyone interested in the study of art history and related subjects. First launched in 2000, the Timeline now extends from prehistory to the present day. The Timeline will continue to expand in scope and depth, and also reflect the most up–to–date scholarship
Emerald's Journals of the Week for October 25 are Info - The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Saturday, October 23, 2004
The National Information Standards Organization has announced NISO Newsline, a monthly e-newsletter highlighting NISO news and timely reports on significant developments, events, and trends in the information standards world
ACRL is offering a new online seminar, Current Copyright Issues Facing Academic Libraries, November 15-December 4, 2004. The seminar will be led by Carrie Russell from ALA's Office for Information Technology Policy
Geoff Harder of The Blog Driver's Waltz is blogging at the Netspeed 2004 conference in Calgary, Canada
Presentations given at Internet Librarian International 2004: Access, Architecture & Action: Strategies for the New Digital World - 10-12 October 2004 - are now available
Elsevier has announced that The Lancet, the world's longest continuously published medical journal, has reached a milestone: the number of registered users of its website has now surpassed one million
The editors of Library Journal need your help in identifying the emerging leaders in the library world. The fourth annual Movers & Shakers supplement will profile 50-plus up and coming people for across the United States and Canada who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. From librarians to vendors to others who work in the library field, Movers & Shakers 2005 will celebrate the new professionals who are moving our libraries ahead
Friday, October 22, 2004
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of hobbies. Answers here
1. A discophile collects and studies what?
2. What is the hobby of someone who is called a "twitcher"?
3. Bibliophily means collecting what?
4. Philately means collecting what?
5. What is studied or collected by a lepidopterist?
6. Numismatics means collecting what?
7. Campanology is the art of doing what?
8. Cartophily means collecting what?
9. Ikebana is the Japanese art of arranging what?
10. Oology means collecting what?
1. A discophile collects and studies what?
2. What is the hobby of someone who is called a "twitcher"?
3. Bibliophily means collecting what?
4. Philately means collecting what?
5. What is studied or collected by a lepidopterist?
6. Numismatics means collecting what?
7. Campanology is the art of doing what?
8. Cartophily means collecting what?
9. Ikebana is the Japanese art of arranging what?
10. Oology means collecting what?
The new 13-digit ISBN has been approved and plans are underway to transition to the new number industry-wide, world-wide by January 1, 2007. Find out how the expansion of the ISBN from 10-digits to 13-digits will impact your business and operations - NISO
ViDe 2005: 7th Annual SURA/ViDe Digital Video Conference - March 28-31, 2005 - Georgia Institute of Technology
The Montana subscription histories are the only source for collective biographical data on 19th and early 20th century Montanans. The University of Montana-Missoula recently digitised Progressive Men of the State of Montana, 1886 pages of small type including around 2500 biographies and 200 illustrations, published around 1903
The 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics - July 10-13, 2005 - Orlando, Florida
Thursday, October 21, 2004
The Charleston Advisor has announced its Fourth Annual Reader's Choice Awards. The Five Star Award for an Individual was awarded to Herbert van de Sompel for his work on OpenURL. The Five Star Award for an Initiative was awarded to the NIH for its open-access plan. The Best Pricing award went to Project Euclid for its reasonable and varied pricing, including OA. And the Best Effort award went to the Public Library of Science for its high-quality open-access journals
DescribeThis is a service designed for the automatic extraction of metadata from online resources. The site offers an easy to use interface where you can indicate the resource to analyze and how to download the results as XML, XHTML or RDF files
Free Seminar and Masterclass Programme at Online Information - 30 November-2 December - London, UK - Acquire new skills and stay up to date with the latest industry offerings. Maximise your time spent out of the workplace by attending any of the 110 free show floor seminars run by both independent industry specialists and key clients of information content providers
The Chicago Historical Homicide Project began with the discovery of the availability of a rich log of more than 11,000 homicides maintained consistently and without interruption by the Chicago Police Department over the course of 60 years, from 1870 to 1930. The fact that these records were kept without interruption by a single institutional record keeper makes these files an important new resource for the study of homicide, crime, urban development, and the police themselves
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Public Services Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal from Haworth Press, is looking for Internet resource/Web site reviewers. The Internet Column of PSQ will provide reviews of Internet resources that are used to help librarians develop and enhance their skills and provide better service to their patrons
NINES Workshop in Digital Scholarship - a week-long workshop for scholars undertaking digital projects in nineteenth-century British and American literary and cultural studies. The workshop will be held at the University of Virginia, 18-22 July 2005, and will provide a practical setting where scholars can work at the development of their individual projects with other scholars who have shared interests, goals, and problems to be addressed
The six recipients of the 2004 National Awards for Museum and Library Service have been announced. This is the United States' highest honour for the extraordinary public service provided by these institutions. Each recipient will receive a $10,000 award
Alan Hollinghurst has been named as the winner of the 2004 Man Booker Prize for Fiction for his fourth novel, The Line of Beauty, published by Picador
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
PLoS Medicine, the second Open Access journal launched by the Public Library of Science, has released its inaugural issue
The Executive Committee of the US's Digital Library Federation (DLF) has announced that the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) has joined the DLF as its first Ally from outside the United States
NewsGator Technologies, Inc., an RSS software platform company, has announced that a new version of NewsGator Online will now be free to consumers. NewsGator has added a number of innovations to its existing Web-based aggregator and now users can track RSS and news feeds online at no charge
Academic Library Association of Ohio 30th Annual Conference - ALAO at 30: Positioning Our Libraries, Positioning Ourselves - November 12, 2004 - Dayton, Ohio
The Packaging Program and Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, California, cooperatively developed an online survey designed to collect information with regards to the implementation of RFID systems in libraries. This survey is aimed to draw information with regards to the performance of such systems already in place and expectations from those being planned
Grampian Information 8th Annual Conference - Community Partnerships: Engaging with the Community - 19 November 2004 - The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland
Sears Archives - the store's vast archival collection online. Includes over 100 years of stories, product and brand histories, photographs, catalog images, and more
Monday, October 18, 2004
Wings Worldquest - dedicated to researching, promoting, and celebrating contributions of extraordinary women explorers. Includes information on the annual Women of Discovery Awards
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Emerald's Journals of the Week for October 18 are COMPEL: International Journal for Computation and Maths. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Library Management
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Virtual Seminar: Initiatives for Change: Digital Access, Sharing & Intellectual Property - October 20, 2004 - 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET. Speaker: MacKenzie Smith, Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries
CALIBER (Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions) is an international convention, organized every year by INFLIBNET Centre in different parts of India in collaboration with different universities. This is the premier convention in India which provides a unique forum to the library and information professionals, teachers, IT professionals, consultants and users involved in automation and networking of libraries as well as information providers to come together and interact on the subjects of mutual interest - February 2-4, 2005
The Professional Learning Centre, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto presents a one-day course: Health Information Resources - 12 November 2004
The Music Division of the Library of Congress has announced the release of a new Web collection focusing on the career of dancer-choreographer Katherine Dunham on the I Hear America Singing website
Friday, October 15, 2004
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer asks "What's the Sense of It?". There are plenty of dictionaries and encyclopedias available on xreferplus, so you should have no trouble finding the meanings of unfamiliar words. Without looking them up on the website, can you say what each of these words means? Answers here.
1. Gourmand
2. Slalom
3. Seamstress
4. Diminuendo
5. Lacewing
6. Strabismus
7. Pelota
8. Fireweed
9. Babinski effect
10. Callipygian or callipygous
1. Gourmand
2. Slalom
3. Seamstress
4. Diminuendo
5. Lacewing
6. Strabismus
7. Pelota
8. Fireweed
9. Babinski effect
10. Callipygian or callipygous
Net Snippets has announced the release of the new version of Net Snippets Professional Edition. This new version includes enhancements such as support for Mozilla and other browsers, integration with Microsoft Word, a desktop bar, and improved report customization capabilities. Net Snippets is designed to enable users to process, use, and re-use search results by transforming unstructured results into a manageable and readily available resource
The Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO) recently kicked off the celebration of its 25th anniversary, which will culminate at next summer's ALA annual conference in Chicago. ILCSO is one of the pioneers of automated resource sharing. As part of the 25th anniversary celebration, the ILCSO Public Relations Committee has put together a brief history of ILCSO
The Thomson Gale Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Services is given to a library or library system for developing an imaginative and unique resource to meet patrons' reference needs. The resource can be a bibliography, a guide to the literature of a specific subject, a directory, a database, or any other project that has helped the library meet adult or children's reference needs. Tools, guides, or databases that have been developed for reader's advisory or adult service questions and needs are also eligible for the award. Statements are due to the Committee chair by December 15
Bigger, Cheaper, Everywhere by Roy Tennant is now available from Library Journal. "I'm fond of saying that hard disk storage is cheaper than dirt. Certainly there is a kernel of truth in such a statement (have you priced dirt lately?). Standard consumer disk storage can now be had for less than a dollar a gigabyte, and the cost continues to fall..."
The Autumn 2004 edition of EDINA Newsline is now available. EDINA offers the UK tertiary education and research community net-worked access to a library of data, information and research resources. All EDINA services are free of charge at the point of use
SAPIENS offers a mix of Open Access and subscription-based publications. The service has grown out of a project funded by the Scottish Higher Education Council and is backed by the Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries. SAPIENS fully supports the aims of the recently launched Scottish Declaration on Open Access
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Saskatchewan Library Week 2004 - October 17-23 - this year's theme: Connect with the world @ your library
This year's Information for Scotland conference will review the cross-domain cultural landscape of archive, library and information services, and museums and galleries. Outcomes of the breakout and plenary discussions will be presented as feedback to the Scottish Cultural Commission - 29 November 2004 - Edinburgh University Library
Gary Price, Editor and Compiler of The ResourceShelf, is the subject of the Guru Interview in Library Link, 14 October, 2004
As the official handbook of the Federal Government, the United States Government Manual provides comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. It also includes information on quasi-official agencies, international organizations in which the United States participates, and boards, commissions, and committees. Current Edition 2004-05
Talis Insight 2004 is the conference and exhibition for the Talis community. It will bring together Talis customers, partners and staff to talk about maximising the return on investment, streamlining operational processes and to set the direction for the future - 9-10 November 2004 - NEC, Birmingham, UK
Access Innovations has been issued a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for its recently developed MAI Lib software system. MAI Lib automates the process of adding Library of Congress Subject Headings to documents stored in electronic databases and archives, which in turn enhances the accuracy of searching those information reservoirs to retrieve targeted articles, reports and other materials
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Applications are now being accepted for the First Step Award-Wiley Professional Development Grant, a cash award which is applicable toward travel costs for next year's ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, June 23-29, 2005
Ovid Technologies has announced that the world-renowned Martindale: The complete drug reference will be accessible on the newly enhanced Books@Ovid platform beginning January 2005
EDGAR Online, Inc. and Hitachi America, Ltd have announced an alliance through which the companies will make financial information from U.S. and Japanese public companies available throughout the U.S. and Japan. As a result of the alliance, customers of EDGAR Online will have access for the first time to Japanese company data and customers of Hitachi will have access to U.S. company data
Verity Inc. has announced the immediate availability of Verity Federator version 2.0. Highlights of the new release include a versatile Web Services interface for heterogeneous and multiple search applications, as well as enhanced security capabilities
The debut edition of the Global Resources newsletter reflects the vision and commitment of a newly formed partnership composed of the Association of American Universities, Association of Research Libraries, and the Center for Research Libraries. The newsletter features a preview of upcoming GRN activities and an update on each of the projects
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been chosen as one of the lead institutions in a massive new Library of Congress project to save at-risk digital materials nationwide. The U. of I. Library and the U. of I. Graduate School of Library and Information Science will receive nearly $3 million over three years for their role in the Library of Congress preservation project, called the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Presentations given at the Symposium on Open Access and Digital Preservation - Emory University, Atlanta, GA - October 2, 2004 - are now available
The libraries at Emory University have received what is considered the largest poetry collection ever built by a private collector, some 60,000 books, as well as tens of thousands of periodicals, manuscripts, correspondence, and other materials - Library Journal
Innovate is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical published by the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University. The journal focuses on the creative use of information technology to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and government settings. Inaugural issue now available
Nature Methods is a new methodology journal for life scientists and chemists published by the Nature Publishing Group. The journal will serve the scientific community with a high impact detailed methods-oriented publication that continues the established tradition of excellence that is expected from a Nature magazine
The October 2004 issue of Crossroads, the monthly electronic newsletter of, an online community of libraries and other agencies sharing knowledge and experience to provide the broadest public access to information technology, is now available
Monday, October 11, 2004
Synergy 04: October 2004 is now available from the Learning Services Department of Glasgow Caledonian University. It is a special issue on information literacy and includes contributions by leading authorities on the subject
AgeLine is Ovid's Resource of the Month for October 2004. Produced by the AARP (Association of Retired Persons), AgeLine is a database of bibliographic references and original abstracts for materials related to aging and middle age from an interdisciplinary perspective
Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) has announced the launch of its new Librarians' newsletter, Librarian Insider, which will be published on a quarterly basis and will feature updates on new developments, information on IOP services and interesting news stories. There will also be items of special interest and some free gifts available to readers
Sunday, October 10, 2004
World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA General Conference and Council - Libraries: A voyage of discovery - August 14-18 2005, Oslo, Norway
Emerald's Journals of the Week for October 11 are Performance Measurement and Metrics, and On The Horizon - The Strategic Planning Resource for Education Professionals
Saturday, October 09, 2004
The Serials Interest Group (SIG) and Technical Services Interest Group (TSIG) of CLA are presenting a 2-day workshop on Basic Serials Cataloguing. This hands-on course is part of CONSER's Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program. It provides the basic principles of original and copy cataloguing of print and electronic serials. This excellent introduction to the intricacies of serials cataloguing focuses on the elements contained in the CONSER core record, including appropriate MARC21 tagging, as well as problem-solving and decision-making relative to serials cataloguing. All materials are based on the CONSER Editing Guide and CONSER Cataloging Manual - November 4-5, 2005 - The Bibliocentre, Toronto
Scholarly Journal Prices: Selected Trends and Comparisons - This report, published with the permission of Oxford Journals, documents the results of the Journals Pricing Analysis project, undertaken by LISU for OUP. The project analysed price data on around 6,000 journals from 12 named scholarly publishers, including OUP, taken over a 5-year period (2000 -2004, plus 1993 as a base year) together with a more detailed analysis of titles in the biomedical field
ALADN Conference 2005 - March 6-9, 2005 - New Orleans, LA - Deadline for proposals is November 15, 2004. ALADN = Academic Library Advancement and Development Network
Friday, October 08, 2004
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of international cuisine. Answers here
1. What shape is a samosa?
2. What kind of meat is prosciutto?
3. "Wurst" is a German word for what?
4. In Indian cookery, a bhaji consists of what things deep-fried in a spicy batter?
5. Is a cassoulet a pudding, a stew or a cooking pot?
6. In Italian, which animal when cooked is called "calamari"?
7. Is "brochette" a French word for a skewer, a soup or a small portion of seafood?
8. In Japanese cuisine, what is "nori"?
9. Polenta is an Italian dish made from which grain cooked and ground?
10. "Chi po" is used in Thai cooking. Which vegetable is it made of?
1. What shape is a samosa?
2. What kind of meat is prosciutto?
3. "Wurst" is a German word for what?
4. In Indian cookery, a bhaji consists of what things deep-fried in a spicy batter?
5. Is a cassoulet a pudding, a stew or a cooking pot?
6. In Italian, which animal when cooked is called "calamari"?
7. Is "brochette" a French word for a skewer, a soup or a small portion of seafood?
8. In Japanese cuisine, what is "nori"?
9. Polenta is an Italian dish made from which grain cooked and ground?
10. "Chi po" is used in Thai cooking. Which vegetable is it made of?
Bookstart, the UK programme that encourages parents to share books with babies and young children, is celebrating National Bookstart Day today
Call for papers: WILU 2005 - May 18-20, 2005 - University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. WILU = Workshop on Instruction in Library Use
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction is now available - The document runs three volumes and more than 1000 pages in PDF. HTML is forthcoming
The Giller Prize, Canada's premier literary prize for fiction, has announced its 2004 shortlist. The largest annual prize for fiction in the country, The Giller Prize awards $25,000 each year to the author of the best Canadian novel or short story collection published in English
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Reminder: Internet Librarian International 2004 - Access, Architecture & Action: Strategies for the New Digital World - 10-12 October 2004 - Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London
The next phase of the People's Network project is a suite of online services providing a national web presence for England's public libraries. The first of these, the People's Network Online Enquiry Service, will be launched to the public in 2005. Using chat and email technology it will deliver a real-time information service by providing live access to library and information professionals across the internet
Elfriede Jelinek has been awarded The Nobel Prize in Literature 2004 "for her musical flow of voices and counter-voices in novels and plays that with extraordinary linguistic zeal reveal the absurdity of society's cliches and their subjugating power"
German science publisher Springer Science + Business Media will start in January 2005 to put all back issues of its 1,250 scientific journals on the Internet, some of which date back to 1886
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
The Welsh are bristling with indignation after the European Union wiped their homeland off the face of the earth. The EU statistics office printed a map of the newly enlarged bloc on the cover of its annual yearbook which clearly showed England, Scotland and Ireland but simply omitted Wales
An open letter from Duke University Press director Steve Cohn, discussing the decision to withdraw some of Duke University Press journals from Project Muse
Northern Light has released a new version of its business search engine, which is available to individual users in addition to enterprises. The new version is called the Northern Light Business Research Engine. Customizable Search Alerts, a new feature in the Business Research Engine, allow users to save any search and be updated daily whenever the news, journals, or Business Web content has new material that matches their interests. Additionally, users can customize the Business Research Engine by adding Web sites that they frequently review for industry information to the database for full-text searching
Dialog has announced the launch of Dialog Live News, a new personalized news monitoring service that offers automated streaming of real-time news reports from 2,300 global sources
AtticLearning, London, UK, is setting up an annual bursary of £15,000 in resources and time to develop an eLearning project that will actively involve and help schools and museums, libraries and archives
ELF is a web-based and email tool for library customers to keep track of their library borrowings. Think of ELF as a personal assistant, whose task is to help one keep track of what one has on loan from the library. Designed with the busy and avid library user in mind, ELF is ideal for families with multiple library cards or for individuals (writers, researchers, students, readers, etc.) who have cards from different libraries
Hennen's American Public Library Ratings 2004 is now available. This edition includes new rankings data on the use of electronic resources in public libraries as well as the size of public library buildings
The Events Calendar on SLAINTE, the website of the Scottish Library and Information Council/ Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland, has been redesigned and now offers greater functionality. The calendar is a useful tool for promoting events to Librarians and Information Professionals across Scotland. There are currently 47 events listed from the 6th of October 2004 to the 12th of September 2005, of interest to staff at all levels
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
The 56th Annual Frankfurt Book Fair gets underway today with more than 6,700 exhibitors from 110 countries gathering to highlight the best of their country's literary offerings. This year, the focus will be on literature from the Arab world. The 22 members of the Arab League, with the exception of Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait and Iraq, serve as special guests
Washington State Digital Archives - Washington has opened what is believed to be the nation's first digital archives for state government, holding everything from birth records to the first election results in Washington Territory in 1854. Housed in a new building on the Eastern Washington University campus, the $14.5 million Washington State Digital Archives makes certain records and electronic documents available without fear of damage
Weblogs and Libraries by Laurel A. Clyde, Professor and Chair of the Library and Information Science Department at the University of Iceland, where she teaches courses related to information technology in libraries and information agencies. This book discusses the topic of weblogs and libraries from two main perspectives: weblogs as sources of information for libraries and librarians; and weblogs as tools that libraries can use to promote their services and to provide a means of communication with their clients - Chandos Publishing, 2004 - Also available at
Monday, October 04, 2004
Intellectual Property in Academia 2004 - A Web-based Workshop Series - Tackling the TEACH Act - November 2-16, 2004 - Moderator: Kenneth D. Crews
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has declared October as National Medical Librarians Month. In addition to the many librarians on the NLM staff, NLM relies heavily on the work of medical librarians in the more than 5,496 member libraries of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Emerald's Journals of the Week for October 4 are Library Hi Tech News and Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
CAMEO is a searchable encyclopedia developed at the Conservation and Collections Management Department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. CAMEO contains chemical, physical, visual, and analytical information on over 10,000 historic and contemporary materials used in the conservation, preservation, and production of artistic, architectural, and archaeological materials
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Cheltenham Festival of Literature - 8-17 October 2004 - The State of the Nation is this year's take-no-prisoners theme for the Cheltenham Festival of Literature expressed through a series of key-note lectures throughout the Festival - Cheltenham, UK
Webology is a scholarly journal in English devoted to the various fields of Library and Information Science and serves as a forum for discussion and experimentation. It serves as a forum for new research in information dissemination and communication processes in general, and in the context of the World Wide Web in particular
Librarian Insider is a new quarterly newsletter dedicated to bringing librarians up to date on the news and developments from Institute of Physics Publishing
9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2005) - September 18-23, 2005 - Vienna, Austria - Call for papers has been announced
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 121 - October 2004 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University, is now available
CABI Publishing has launched a For Librarians resource on its website. It contains training resources and promotional materials to help librarians get the most from their CABI holdings
Friday, October 01, 2004
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of Air Travel. Answers here
1. Which city has airports named Orly and Charles De Gaulle?
2. Which airport got its name from a row of cottages at the western edge of Hounslow Heath?
3. Qantas or QANTAS is an airline in which country?
4. Which American city has airports named O'Hare International and Midway?
5. Sabena is the airline of which country?
6. What nationality is the airline called Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij?
7. TWA is an abbreviation of the name of which airline?
8. The USSR's government-owned airline was once the world's largest. What was it called?
9. In 1969, which Italian airline became the first European airline to operate an all-jet fleet?
10. CX is the airline code for which airline company?
1. Which city has airports named Orly and Charles De Gaulle?
2. Which airport got its name from a row of cottages at the western edge of Hounslow Heath?
3. Qantas or QANTAS is an airline in which country?
4. Which American city has airports named O'Hare International and Midway?
5. Sabena is the airline of which country?
6. What nationality is the airline called Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij?
7. TWA is an abbreviation of the name of which airline?
8. The USSR's government-owned airline was once the world's largest. What was it called?
9. In 1969, which Italian airline became the first European airline to operate an all-jet fleet?
10. CX is the airline code for which airline company?
New England Music Library Association Fall Meeting - October 15, 2004 - MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH
The Sforza Book of Hours, one of the most lavish books of the Italian Renaissance, is finally complete, over 500 years after its creation. The British Library has acquired the last missing leaf showing a stunning illuminated miniature depicting the occupations of the month of October, which was one of several illuminated pages stolen from the illuminators workshop
ProQuest Digital Dissertations (PQDD), a key part of the ProQuest line of research databases since 1997, will soon be renamed ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT). It will also migrate to the ProQuest online information service, merging all the innovative PQDD features and content that have made this product so popular with the ever-expanding innovations of the award-winning ProQuest platform
Librarian Activist - online forum and resources for librarians who want to be active in political and social issues surrounding libraries and librarianship
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