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Friday, June 04, 2004

This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of mythical people and events. Answers here:

1. What kind of animal was the mythical Pegasus?
2. Which wizard supervised King Arthur's education and made the
Round Table for him?
3. In which city did Batman fight crime?
4. Achilles was a Greek warrior in the Trojan War. He died of a
wound in which part of his body?
5. In Roman mythology, who was the god of wine?
6. Who caused the Trojan War by abducting Helen from her husband
7. In Greek mythology, Polyphemus was a Cyclops. How many eyes did he have?
8. What flew out of Pandora's box when she opened it?
9. In Greek mythology, who was the muse of dancing?
10. In Old English legend, Grendel was a man-eating monster
defeated by which hero?

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