Wednesday, March 31, 2004
2004 Illinois Library Advocacy Day - April 21, 2004 - includes a webcast with Tina Hubert and Dean Bryan entitled The Library's Contribution to Your Community
The latest list of journals available on the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service (EJS) now covers 9952 titles
Tavistock Books of Alameda, California, has released its Dickensiana catalog, containing 937 titles including first editions, bibliographies, biographies, literary criticism, Belle Lettres, etc.
The Information Society Portal provides a unique entry point for all European Commission policies and activities related to the Information Society, irrespective of the internal Commission department responsible for them. It is the pilot project for EUROPA 2nd Generation
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 115 - April 2004 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University
Professional Learning Centre, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto - Principles of Information Design - Wednesdays, April 21-June 9, 2004
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Synergy, the newsletter of Glasgow Caledonian University's Department of Learning Services, is now on the web. Learning Services comprises the Library, Computing Services, Student Services and a range of educational functions. Three issues have appeared so far and the newsletter is now being published both on paper and on the web
xrefer is accepting proposals for a $1,000 grant to fund research focused on online reference usage in ibraries. The award is open to librarians and to library students enrolled in ALA-accredited Master's Programs in Library and Information Studies in the United States and Canada.
The purpose of the award is to encourage research on the use of online reference resources in libraries. The research topic is defined broadly and might include: differing patterns of usage of e-books versus Web-based resources; measures for successful integration of online reference resources; or usage of Web-based versus print resources.
Abstracts should be submitted by May 15, 2004 to, and should not exceed 1,000 words in length.
xrefer will select an award winner on June 15, 2004. Research should be completed by September 30, 2004, and xrefer will work with the chosen librarian or library student to publish or present the research findings in an appropriate venue in late 2004
The purpose of the award is to encourage research on the use of online reference resources in libraries. The research topic is defined broadly and might include: differing patterns of usage of e-books versus Web-based resources; measures for successful integration of online reference resources; or usage of Web-based versus print resources.
Abstracts should be submitted by May 15, 2004 to, and should not exceed 1,000 words in length.
xrefer will select an award winner on June 15, 2004. Research should be completed by September 30, 2004, and xrefer will work with the chosen librarian or library student to publish or present the research findings in an appropriate venue in late 2004
CILIP Multimedia Information and Technology Group Conference - Portals Portals Everywhere - The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, UK - 1 July 2004
The American Society of Indexers 2004 Conference - Indexing Odyssey: From Core Competencies to Future Visions - Old Town, Alexandria, VA - May 13–15, 2004
A $10 million gift will help the University of Nevada, Reno to begin construction next year on a new $66 million "Knowledge Center." The donation comes in $5 million gifts from Reno-based International Game Technology (IGT), a slot machine manufacturer, and from former IGT Chairman Chuck Mathewson and his wife, Ann - Library Journal
Monday, March 29, 2004
Swets Information Services has announced that it has launched a far-reaching drive to further simplify the management of electronic journals for customers. Swets is investing in a comprehensive series of new tools and improved services to reduce the complexity and expense involved in e-journal management. Swets is being guided in its development cycles and service improvements by leaders from the library and publisher communities. SwetsWise Title Bank is the first new tool to be developed as part of the drive and will be launched in the summer of 2004
The Yale University Library is hosting an exhibition of its Special Collections on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mezzanine from 12 noon to 4 pm
The American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress has acquired the Alan Lomax Collection, which comprises the unparalleled ethnographic documentation collected by the legendary folklorist over a period of 70 years. The acquisition was made possible through a cooperative agreement between the American Folklife Center and the Association for Cultural Equity at Hunter College and the generosity of an anonymous donor
The Dictionary of the Scots Language comprises electronic editions of the two major historical dictionaries of the Scots language: the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST) and the Scottish National Dictionary (SND). DOST contains information about Scots words in use from the twelfth to the end of the seventeenth centuries (Older Scots); and SND contains information about Scots words in use from the eighteenth century to the present day (modern Scots). These are the most comprehensive dictionaries available for, respectively, Older Scots and modern Scots, and are therefore essential research tools for anyone interested in the history of either Scots or English language, and for historical or literary scholars whose sources are written in Scots or may contain Scots usages
Sunday, March 28, 2004
DoIS (Documents in Information Science) is providing RSS feeds for the following journals:
Ariadne, D-Lib, Information Research, Journal of Digital Information
Ariadne, D-Lib, Information Research, Journal of Digital Information
Emerald's Journals of the Week for March 29, 2004 are Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy and Leadership and Organization Development Journal
A website allowing scholars, historians and anyone interested in the history and significance of printing to explore in detail the British Library's rare copies of the Gutenberg Bible, the oldest surviving printed book produced in the Western World, has be launched. On the site you will find digital images of the entire text of the Library's two copies of Johann Gutenberg's Bible, the first book to be printed using the technique of printing which Gutenberg invented in the 1450s
AIP is now the publisher of record of Geochemical Transactions, the official publication of the Geochemistry Division of the American Chemical Society. Access is free to all until June 1, 2004
Presentations from the Fifth Annual ASIS&T Information Architecture Summit - Breaking New Ground - held 27-29 February, 2004 - Austin, Texas, are now available
At the International Learned Journals Seminar in London on 26 March, the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers launched the ALPSP Principles of Scholarship-Friendly Journal Publishing Practice. "These principles are based on the series of analyses which we have carried out in recent years, looking at the needs of journal authors and readers, and at the practices of scholarly journal publishers. The document is intended as a guide to those practices which may best serve the needs of scholarship, without damaging publishers’ ability to continue to provide the value which they add"
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Choosing and Using Canadian Government Documents and Government Information on the Web - Instructor: Jeff Moon, Head, Documents Unit, Queen's University Library - Governments around the world have embraced the web as a major publication tool for government documents, laws, statistics, and citizen-based information. Web-based government information is a great enhancement to a library collection - if you know how to find and use these resources - 6-week on-line course, starting April 5, 2004
Biotechnology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics Backfiles from John Wiley - Spanning more than fifty years of content across fifteen leading journal titles, the collection provides a backfile resource for core research across the biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics and chemical engineering disciplines, and includes full coverage, back to inaugural issues, of seminal titles, including Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Proteins and Biopolymers
Big Ideas and Small Solutions by Roy Tennant - Innovations are sorely needed for libraries to compete with Google and Amazon. Big ideas can sketch out the future, while small solutions can, in building block fashion, help develop that future - Library Journal
The Digital Humanities / Humanities Computing Summer Institute provides an environment ideal to discuss, to learn about, and to advance skills in the new computing technologies that influence the way in which those in the Arts and Humanities carry out their teaching and research today - June 25-30, 2004 - University of Victoria, Canada
Friday, March 26, 2004
The Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer - Did you always have a good excuse for getting out of PE at school, or were you a team captain? Either way you are likely to know how many people make up a team in various sports. Answers here:
1. Cricket
2. American football
3. Hockey
4. Basketball (there are two possible answers)
5. Polo
6. Ice hockey
7. Volleyball
8. Water polo
9. Hurling (traditional Irish game)
10. Octopush (underwater game)
1. Cricket
2. American football
3. Hockey
4. Basketball (there are two possible answers)
5. Polo
6. Ice hockey
7. Volleyball
8. Water polo
9. Hurling (traditional Irish game)
10. Octopush (underwater game)
The Future Of News: The Digital Information Librarian - The Digital Information Librarian is one of the emerging professional roles that is best qualified to ride and leverage to its best advantage the revolution about to sweep the information management, search, retrieval and independent news publishing industries - Robin Good interviews Marcus Zillman
Royal Philips Electronics, Sony Corporation, and E Ink Corporation have announced the world's first consumer application of an electronic paper display module in Sony's new e-Book reader, LIBRIé, scheduled to go on sale in Japan in late April
ETD 2004 - 7th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Distributing knowledge worldwide through better scholarly communication - June 3-5, 2004 - University of Kentucky, Lexington
Journal of General Physiology, from Rockefeller University Press and HighWire Press, has completed its backfile conversion. Previously available in fulltext beginning with v141 (1975), almost 60 years of content and all 140 earlier volumes have been digitized and released for Open Access
Metadata for Digitization and Preservation - Sponsored by OCLC Canada - Designed for non-catalogers, this one-day workshop focuses on designing and using metadata to facilitate access to digitized resources - 30 April 2004 - Montreal, Canada
Environmental Chemistry is a new journal addressing chemistry of the environment. Articles address the fundamental chemistry behind environmental issues and will appeal to all environmental researchers and policy makers in academia, government and industry. Entire content is free in 2004
25th Annual IATUL Conference: Library Management in Changing Environment - Kraków, Poland - 31 May-4 June 2004
Thursday, March 25, 2004
The 2004 Wired Rave Awards - Public Library of Science - "For cracking the spine of the science cartel"
BioMed Central has launched a new web page, which brings together all the publicly accessible evidence that has been submitted to the House of Commons inquiry into scientific publishing. The page includes (Mis)Leading Open Access Myths, in which BioMed Central responds to criticisms of the Open Access publishing model
Listening to the Past, Speaking to the Future: The Report of the Archives Task Force - Launched by Tessa Jowell, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on 24 March, the report makes clear recommendations to Government to transform and revitalise the UK's archives
CILIP Workshop: Managing new library and information projects - 8-9 June 2004 - London, UK - This two-day course is designed for those who are new to project management and wish to understand the general principles and techniques and apply these to real workplace projects within the library and information field. The course is suitable for those with management responsibilities within any library sector
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Online Information 2004, 30 November – 2 December, London, UK has announced its call for speakers. Deadline is 30 April 2004
Carl Lagoze of Cornell University is the winner of the Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology for 2004. The award is sponsored by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association
LearningTimes has announced the first live online workshop to explore funding models for libraries, Funding Libraries: There Are Alternatives. The workshop is being led by Steve Coffman of LSSI and Rebecca Jones of Dysart & Jones Associates - April 22-May 6, 2004
The University Libraries at Texas A&M University will celebrate the acquisition of its three millionth volume on April 1 in the Mary and Mavis P. Kelsey Reading Room of the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives. The milestone will be marked by the acquisition of a first edition of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass, 1855."
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Jane Austen's only complete surviving manuscript is going on show in her home village of Chawton, Hampshire. The 52 handwritten pages of Sir Charles Grandison reveal the author's only surviving play of any length. It is a light-hearted dramatisation of scenes from The History of Sir Charles Grandison by Samuel Richardson, one of Austen's favourite novelists. The play is unveiled on Thursday at Chawton House Library, a manor house once owned by Austen's brother
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment is a new title from IOP for 2004. Full text access is free of charge until 31 December 2004. From 2005, it will be available via subscription
Monday, March 22, 2004
AHDS Performing Arts, with AHDS Archaeology, English Heritage and UKOLN, is holding a one-day workshop at the University of Glasgow, on 19 May. The workshop will address the documentation of digital resources, with particular focus on the needs of Arts and Humanities researchers and data creators in the HE sector
From March to December 2004 Royal Society of Chemistry members can access quality databases from Knovel, a web-based service that brings together over 600 scientific resources in an easy-to-search format and has an excellent collection in chemistry and related subjects
Emerald's Journals of the Week for March 22, 2004 are International Journal of Educational Management and Balance Sheet
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Under a five-year, $34.6 million contract with the U.S. Education Department, Computer Sciences Corp. will develop and operate an Internet-based database management system for the Education Resources Information Center, or ERIC
DSpace is a groundbreaking digital library system to capture, store, index, preserve, and redistribute the intellectual output of a university’s research faculty in digital formats. Developed jointly by MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard (HP), DSpace is now freely available to research institutions world-wide as an open source system that can be customized and extended
Electronic Collection Development for Health and Medicine E-Libraries - In this hands-on course you will learn to create an e-library collection development plan for free and fee-based Web-accessible resources for health and medicine. Instructor: Diane K. Kovacs
The web-based resource discovery portal ReDReSS brings together and integrates all resources that are of value to the e-Social Scientist. A joint project between Lancaster University and CCLRC Daresbury
The SCRIPT-ed journal is published online by the Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, based in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh - Issue 1, March 2004 is now available
OPAL is a free service designed to provide you with the latest information about books and journals in your field of interest. From Taylor & Francis
Elsevier Engineering Information has released the next generation of Paper Village 2, a premium web-based discovery platform for pulp and paper professionals. Paper Village 2 provides powerful search access to published literature, conference proceedings and information sources of high relevance to the pulp and paper industry
Saturday, March 20, 2004
The National Recording Preservation Board is accepting nominations of sound recordings to be included in the National Recording Registry. The deadline for 2004 Registry nominations is July 15, 2004
Endeavor Information Systems has announced the opening of regional offices in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Singapore
Friday, March 19, 2004
The Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer - here is another of our popular brain-teasers where we ask you to identify people with a particular first name. From these brief descriptions, can you identify these women who are all called Anne (or Anna or Annie)? Answers here:
1. Queen of England from 1533 to 1536, the second wife of Henry VIII
2. German Jewish girl (1929-1945) who kept a diary which was published in English in 1952
3. The heroine of Tolstoy's 1876 novel of the same name
4. Scottish rock singer and songwriter, born 1954, who made her name in the Eurythmics
5. British journalist and television presenter, born 1944, presenter of the quiz game "The Weakest Link"
6. American actress, born 1931, starred in "The Graduate" and "The Elephant Man"
7. English woman (1556-1623) who married William Shakespeare
8. British writer (1820-1878), author of "Black Beauty"
9. American markswoman (1860-1926) who performed in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
10. Russian ballet dancer (1881-1931) who joined Diaghilev's company in Paris in 1909
1. Queen of England from 1533 to 1536, the second wife of Henry VIII
2. German Jewish girl (1929-1945) who kept a diary which was published in English in 1952
3. The heroine of Tolstoy's 1876 novel of the same name
4. Scottish rock singer and songwriter, born 1954, who made her name in the Eurythmics
5. British journalist and television presenter, born 1944, presenter of the quiz game "The Weakest Link"
6. American actress, born 1931, starred in "The Graduate" and "The Elephant Man"
7. English woman (1556-1623) who married William Shakespeare
8. British writer (1820-1878), author of "Black Beauty"
9. American markswoman (1860-1926) who performed in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
10. Russian ballet dancer (1881-1931) who joined Diaghilev's company in Paris in 1909
The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has just launched its new website. The prime role of the ENISA will be to support the internal market by facilitating and promoting increased co-operation and information exchange on issues of network and information security. The Agency will contribute to the development of a culture of network and information security for the benefit of the citizens, consumers, enterprises and public sector organisations of the European Union
A lost collection of personal papers belonging to Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have been found. The collection will go on display at Christie's on 14 May, before being auctioned five days later - BBC
The fifth annual Public Libraries theme issue, scheduled for January/February 2005, will focus on readers advisory. This issue will explore how readers advisory services are provided in libraries. Librarians and researchers with experience in this area are invited to submit manuscripts to be considered for the special issue
The Children's Internet Protection Act - The American Library Association v. the United States of America - Useful Sources - Prepared by Nancy Kranich, Chair, American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee - Revised March 18, 2004
Thursday, March 18, 2004
The tenth annual international meeting of the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network will convened March 27-29, 2004 in Miami, Florida - Full program now available
ALPSP Training - Journal Origination and Pre-Press - 6 April 2004 - London, UK - This course deals with every aspect of the receipt and handling of digital files for journal pre-press. Issues will be considered from the point of view of both an ‘issue-based’ and an 'article by article' workflow. The question of how best to handle vendors (especially those based offshore) will also be covered
The JISC/CNI Meeting 2004 - The future of scholarship in the digital age - Co-ordinated by UKOLN - The De Vere Grand Hotel, Brighton, UK - 8-9 July 2004
Representatives from the United States' leading not-for-profit medical/scientific societies and publishers have announced their commitment to providing free access and wide dissemination of published research findings. Their commitment was conveyed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association and others, during a news conference in Washington at which they released Washington DC Principles for Free Access to Science - a statement representing 48 not-for-profit publishers, over 600,000 scientists and clinicians, and more than 380 journals
The final report from the National Science Foundation's workshop on the future of digital library research, Knowledge Lost In Information, has just been published and is now available online. The workshop brought together a group of educators, researchers, librarians and technologists to look at the future research agenda for digital libraries and related areas
Entries are now being sought for entry to the 2003/2004 Brave New Words: Manitoba Writing and Publishing awards
Journal of Digital Information: Publishing papers on the management, presentation and uses of information in digital environments - Volume 4, Issue 4 - New Applications of KOS - now available
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
The complete series of more than 100 original wills of selected famous people have been digitised in colour, and are now available to download from DocumentsOnline. These include the wills of William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, Jane Austen, Sir Francis Drake, Samuel Pepys and Christopher Wren, amongst many others
If you are at an institution in the U.S. or Canada that still owns lantern slides, you are encouraged to participate in the North American Lantern Slide Survey (NALSS) now being conducted jointly by ARLIS/NA and VRA
A joint international working party put together by the Pharma Documentation Ring, the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, and the Publishers Association has been working over the past few months on a Code of Practice for publishers’ provision, and pharmaceutical companies’ use of, e-content (primarily articles from e-journals)
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Eternal Egypt brings to light over five thousand years of Egyptian civilization. It is a living record of a land rich in art and history, people and places, myths and religions. The stories of Eternal Egypt are told using the latest interactive technologies, high-resolution imagery, animations, virtual environments, remote cameras, three-dimensional models and more
The University of New Mexico General Library, working in concert with the Wilson Society, has digitized and is distributing the backfiles of The Wilson Bulletin - Fulltext v1-111 (1889-1999)
Internet Librarian International 2004 - 10-12 October 2004 - Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London, UK
Monday, March 15, 2004
Dialog has developed and launched a new, comprehensive technology platform for its line of business information, news and market research services
Association of Scientific Information Dissemination Centers (ASIDIC) Spring 2004 Meeting - March 21- 23, 2004 - Alexandria, Virginia
Reminder: Search Engine Meeting will take place in The Hague. Netherlands, 19-20 April 2004. The Search Engines Meetings bring together commercial search engine developers, academics and corporate professionals to learn from each other
The Local Government International Bureau has published a guide to help local authorities understand how the European Parliament works and to inform them about the forthcoming elections in June. There is an online guide with a full list of candidates available
Links to presentations given at Computers in Libraries 2004, Washington, D.C., March 10-12, 2004, are being posted
Sunday, March 14, 2004
The Institute of Physics has RSS feeds available for the following publications:
IOP Electronic Journals: news
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General: Latest Papers
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter: Latest Papers
New Journal of Physics: Latest Papers
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics: Latest Papers
A repository of information that provides links to previously difficult-to-locate electronic scholarly resources is widely available under a new agreement between the University of Michigan and Yahoo! Inc. The repository, developed through Michigan's University Library OAIster Project, is now available through Yahoo!'s Content Acquisition Program (CAP) and accessible through Yahoo! Search
BioMed Central has made its content available via RSS, Really Simple Syndication, a well-established web standard for the delivery of news headlines and other frequently updated content summaries. I have compiled a list of these feeds, since there wasn't one at the BioMed Central site. Here is an example entry:
BMC Biology

Molecular & Cellular Biology, published by the American Society for Microbiology, has an open access backfile at PubMed Central to 1988
Emerald's Journals of the Week for March 15, 2004 are Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal and Industrial Management & Data Systems
University students and faculty doing research now have a massive trove of primary documents on almost every subject imaginable, with Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Original Sources, a new online service for colleges and universities from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Containing more than 350,000 documents, including 5,500 full-length books, the service represents a virtual library of Alexandrian proportions covering all of human knowledge and culture
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Information for all - UNESCO Programme - Universal Access to Information - St. Petersburg, Russia - 23-25 June 2004
A webcast of the OCLC Symposium at ALA Midwinter, San Diego: The Reference Reality Check - A Practical Look at Rethinking Reference, is now available on OCLC'S new Virtual Reference: Topics and Trends Web site
The exhibitor list for The Library + information Show, being held in London, UK, 21-2nd April 2004 is now available
The Library of Parliament is to become the newest member of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries
The San Jose Public Library has launched a digital library designed to give Silicon Valley residents access to eBooks directly from their home or office. The site features a collection of eBooks from authors and publishers such as HarperCollins, Time Warner, McGraw-Hill, Zondervan, Scholastic, and John Wiley and Sons. The collection features titles available in Adobe PDF format that can be downloaded and read using free Adobe Reader software available from the site
Friday, March 12, 2004
Following their recent online reference poll, xrefer is delighted to announce that Who's Who from A&C Black publishers is the title that received the most votes from participants worldwide, making it the most popular work of reference. The poll, which was set up to tie in with World Book Day on March 4th, invited readers to vote for their favourite or most-used work of reference in the xreferplus database, selecting from hundreds of titles across 21 topics from a variety of publishers and authors
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of Formula One motor racing. Answers here:
1. Which racing driver has won more Grand Prix races than any other driver?
2. Damon Hill is the son of which other racing driver?
3. Which Argentine driver was Formula One world champion five times in the 1950s?
4. Which London-born driver had the nickname "Hunt the Shunt"?
5. What nationality is racing driver Jacques Villeneuve: French, American or Canadian?
6. Which British driver won the European Grand Prix in 1985 and became Britain's top Formula One driver?
7. Which Finnish driver was Formula One champion in 1998 and 1999?
8. Did the first Formula One Grand Prix take place in 1906, 1926 or 1946?
9. Which Scottish driver won three world Formula One championships before retiring in 1973?
10. Enzo Ferrari designed cars for which company before he set up his own company in 1929?
1. Which racing driver has won more Grand Prix races than any other driver?
2. Damon Hill is the son of which other racing driver?
3. Which Argentine driver was Formula One world champion five times in the 1950s?
4. Which London-born driver had the nickname "Hunt the Shunt"?
5. What nationality is racing driver Jacques Villeneuve: French, American or Canadian?
6. Which British driver won the European Grand Prix in 1985 and became Britain's top Formula One driver?
7. Which Finnish driver was Formula One champion in 1998 and 1999?
8. Did the first Formula One Grand Prix take place in 1906, 1926 or 1946?
9. Which Scottish driver won three world Formula One championships before retiring in 1973?
10. Enzo Ferrari designed cars for which company before he set up his own company in 1929?
Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians - 2004 Annual Meeting - May 12-14 - Louisville, KY
Thirteenth North Carolina Serials Conference - April 15-16, Chapel Hill N.C. - Opening Pandora's Box: Managing the Chaos of Serials Resources
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine has announced the release of a new Request for Proposals. The focus of this solicitation is on projects designed to improve access to electronic health information for such groups and organizations as consumers, underserved and minority health care professionals, public health workers, public libraries, and community-based and faith-based organizations
Nextbook and the American Library Association Public Programs Office present Let's Talk About It: Jewish Literature, a new reading and discussion program for libraries interested in exploring Jewish literature and culture with their patrons
Thursday, March 11, 2004
xrefer has announced that it has integrated the CIA World Factbook into its xreferplus subscription service, adding interactive and exportable data tables to enrich the content
CILIP Workshop - How to set up a library or information centre - 25 & 26 May 2004, London - A must for anyone who needs to set up a library or an information centre from scratch, this workshop covers all the key issues involved, from information auditing, and acquisitions policy, to budgeting, specialist classification systems and evaluating computer packages for the smaller unit
Aslib has announced a series of evening workshops on Copyright, taking place at its offices in London: Are you in Copyright heaven or hell? - May to July, 2004
The 44th New York Antiquarian Book Fair - sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic chapter of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America - April 15-18, 2004
Dr. Dayton M. Forman Memorial Award 2004 - Nomination Deadline: April 15, 2004 - This award, established by the CNIB Library Board in January 1996, recognizes outstanding leadership in the advancement of library and information services for Canadians who are blind or visually impaired
Judges have selected five books published in 2003 as finalists for the 2004 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, America’s largest peer-juried fiction prize
Adaptive technologies in public libraries by Penny Garrod, Public Library Networking Focus, UKOLN - An issue paper from the Networked Services Policy Task Group Series editor: Penny Garrod (UKOLN) - Number 1 - January 2004
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Dynix Institute Web Seminar - Reverse Strategic Planning - Mar 24, 2004 - Pat Wagner, President, Pattern Research - Reverse Strategic Planning is a simple, structured method for finding out who is doing what at your library or institution, and how they prioritize their work. It provides a snapshot of reality versus what the strategic plan, organizational chart, or job description says should be happening
National Science Digital Library - National ESTME Week - March 15-20, 2004. NSDL invites you to use the AskNSDL virtual reference desk service to "Ask a Scientist or Engineer" in celebration of Excellence in Science
Papers given at the 7th International Bielefeld Conference, Thinking Beyond Digital Libraries - Designing the Information Strategy for the Next Decade, are now available online
Developing the Legal e-Library: looking beyond the law - This free half-day seminar in London's Paddington Hilton Hotel will provide a look at the challenges and issues faced by legal information specialists when assessing, purchasing and integrating online resources for use in law firms - April 30, 2004, Paddington Hilton Hotel, London
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Curriculum Online is a searchable catalogue of multimedia resources for schools, which is central to the UK government's drive to transform learning by improving access to ICT and multimedia resources
The March 2004 edition of On the Web, a monthly current awareness service produced by the NFER Library, is now available
OCLC Web information session - Managing your digital library with the CONTENTdm software suite, which turns your special collections into fully searchable online resources accessible from any Web browser - 16 March 2004 and 12 April 2004
ARLIS/UK & Ireland, celebrating its 35th Anniversary in 2004, has unveiled its 30th Annual Conference - Through the Looking-Glass: meeting the skills challenge - St Catherine's College, Oxford - 15-18 July 2004
The Career Development Group, a Special Interest Group of CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, has announced its training events for 2004
Monday, March 08, 2004
ECNext has announced that the Dow Jones & Company publication, the Far Eastern Economic Review, has engaged ECNext e-commerce platform and services to sell its business reports on the Web
Reminder: The 19th Annual Computers in Libraries conference and exhibition will be held at the Hilton Washington, Washington, D.C., March 10-12, 2004
Drugs@FDA is a new drug information web site for patients, consumers and health professionals launched by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Emerald's Journals of the Week for March 8, 2004 are Library Review and Journal of Management Development
The Leicester Spring School in New Media is a three-day course that, through a spirit of collaboration (between public and private agencies, practitioners and training providers), aims to promote innovation and change, contribute to capacity building, and to help UK museums meet the challenges of the digital age - 20-22 April 2004 - University of Leicester, UK
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Across the Generations: A History of the Chinese in Canada traces the history of the Chinese in Canada from the late 1700s to the present day through four phases of immigration - Canada's Digital Collections
European Cells & Materials (ECM) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal jointly produced by the Swiss Society for Biomaterials and the Tissue & Cell Engineering Society. ECM is indexed in BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, and Medline/PubMed. When initially launched, ECM required personal registration to access fulltext. That requirement has been dropped, greatly increasing the utility and availability of the research published in the journal
The Council on Library and Information Resources will host a symposium on Learning and Libraries, April 13, in Washington, D.C. The symposium will focus on how learning patterns and technology are changing, and the implications of those changes for the future of the library
Documents generated by the RLG initiative - "Automatic Exposure"—Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images, are now online
Wendell Berry and David James Duncan, co-authors of Citizens Dissent: Security, Morality and Leadership in an Age of Terror (Orion Society, 2003), are the 2004 recipients of the Eli M. Oboler Memorial Award. The award is presented for the best published work in the area of intellectual freedom and consists of a citation and $500
The eighth annual Museums and the Web Conference will take place March 31 - April 3, 2004. MW2004 will be the premier international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage - Arlington, Virginia
Friday, March 05, 2004
This week's Friday Brain-teaser from xrefer tests your knowledge of the year 1974. Answers here
1. Which song won the Eurovision Song Contest for Abba in 1974?
2. Which American film star was born in 1974 and starred in the film "Titanic"
3. Which American president resigned on 9 August 1974?
4. Which boxer beat George Foreman in the 1974 match known as the "rumble in the jungle"?
5. In 1974, which Iberian country embraced democracy after 50 years of dictatorship?
6. Which famous jazz composer and bandleader, who wrote "Satin Doll" and "Mood Indigo", died in 1974?
7. In 1974, Haile Selassie was deposed as emperor of which country?
8. In 1974, which daughter of an American newspaper tycoon was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army?
9. In 1974, Robert M. Pirsig wrote his best-known book, called "Zen and the Art of..." - what?
10. Which Italian film director, famous for the film "Bicycle Thieves", died in 1974?
1. Which song won the Eurovision Song Contest for Abba in 1974?
2. Which American film star was born in 1974 and starred in the film "Titanic"
3. Which American president resigned on 9 August 1974?
4. Which boxer beat George Foreman in the 1974 match known as the "rumble in the jungle"?
5. In 1974, which Iberian country embraced democracy after 50 years of dictatorship?
6. Which famous jazz composer and bandleader, who wrote "Satin Doll" and "Mood Indigo", died in 1974?
7. In 1974, Haile Selassie was deposed as emperor of which country?
8. In 1974, which daughter of an American newspaper tycoon was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army?
9. In 1974, Robert M. Pirsig wrote his best-known book, called "Zen and the Art of..." - what?
10. Which Italian film director, famous for the film "Bicycle Thieves", died in 1974?
The JISCmail team have announced the launch of the new Discussion Room facility. Each list now has it's own private discussion room, accessible via a new link named Discussion Room on the list homepage, where list subscribers can conduct text-based discussion in real-time
PubMed Central now has available PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) back to 1959
Justin Howes will give an account of the fierce debates which greeted the appearance of sans serif letterforms on London posters and store-fronts between 1803 and 1805. On this subject, Howes says "the topic emerged as a result of hunting down Updike's 1918 joke about the 'Fashionable Egyptian Sign-boards' that had quite shocked polite taste in London a century earlier. Howes is a British typographer, type designer and historian - The Grolier Club, New York - March 9, 2004
BioMed Central has announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with The National Health Service (NHS) England for the online encyclopedia of medical images, images.MD. NHS England's subscription, commencing in April 2004, provides access to the entire content of images.MD for all 1.2 million NHS staff
The first activity of the Cultural Emergency Response (CER) of 25,000 Euro to help refurbish the Reading Room of the Central Library of the University of Baghdad, damaged during war in Iraq, has been concluded
Thursday, March 04, 2004
The British Library intends to implement MARC 21 when its Integrated Library System goes live on June 4th 2004. The ILS is a major project, which will replace the Library's legacy systems for acquisitions, cataloguing and for access to catalogues within reading rooms and via the web. Ultimately, the ILS will result in better co-ordination of the Library's activities and more efficient processing, helping staff to maintain and improve quality of service for readers, remote users and customers
Journals from Guilford Publications will no longer be available via Ingenta from the end of March. Access through Extenza will commence in February 2004
Publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. has announced today that it has selected Atypon Systems to develop and maintain a new online platform for its electronic journals program. The new platform, MAL Online, will launch this fall
Public Library Web Managers Workshop 2004: Beyond the website - 5-6 May 2004 - University of Bath, UK
26th Institute on Federal Library Resources - May 10-15, 2004 - Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
The International ISBN Agency has issued the first set of implementation guidelines for the 13-digit ISBN
Sirsi Corporation has announced that Stephen Abram, a leading international librarian and lighthouse thinker in the North American library community, has joined the company as vice president of innovation
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
The Bodleian Library has been awarded a grant of $1.14m by The Andrew W Mellon Foundation for a new project to provide better online access to its journals. The EASEL Project, which is to run for four-an-a-half years, aims to optimise the bibliographic records of the Library's 37,000 current serials, as well as of the 74,000 older, non-current titles. This will enable scholars world-wide to use the Bodleian's collection more effectively online. The Bodleian holds the largest collection of printed serials in the library world
A unique multi-million pound treasure trove of writings from some of the greatest world figures of the past two hundred years could be on its way to the National Library of Scotland.
This outstanding archive containing private letters, manuscripts and other correspondence from Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, Benjamin Disraeli, Herman Melville, Charles Darwin, David Livingstone, Thomas Carlyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edith Wharton, to name a few, is being offered to the National Library at a reduced price in order that the collection is kept in Britain.
The Murray publishing family, which is based in London, owns the archive but the current head of the family, John Murray VII, wants the collection to be placed in the National Library of Scotland because of the strong Scottish content and the fact that John Murray I was born in Edinburgh.
The collection would be sold to the National Library of Scotland for just over £33m. Experts believe the true market value of the archive to be in the region of at least £45m
This outstanding archive containing private letters, manuscripts and other correspondence from Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, Benjamin Disraeli, Herman Melville, Charles Darwin, David Livingstone, Thomas Carlyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edith Wharton, to name a few, is being offered to the National Library at a reduced price in order that the collection is kept in Britain.
The Murray publishing family, which is based in London, owns the archive but the current head of the family, John Murray VII, wants the collection to be placed in the National Library of Scotland because of the strong Scottish content and the fact that John Murray I was born in Edinburgh.
The collection would be sold to the National Library of Scotland for just over £33m. Experts believe the true market value of the archive to be in the region of at least £45m
Inspiring Learning for All describes what an accessible and inclusive museum, archive or library which stimulates and supports learning looks like - Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, London, UK
2004 APEC Workshop on Resource Sharing in Digital Libraries (APEC-WK2004) in conjunction with 2004 International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies (ICDAT2004) - 16-19 March, 2004 The Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
Call for Papers: Information Online 2005, the 12th Conference and Exhibition - 1-3 February, 2005 - Sydney, Australia
Call for speakers: Eighth Annual Internet Librarian conference and exhibition - November 15-17, 2004 - Monterey, California
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Ovid's free Resource of the Month for March is the Health Management and Policy database from HMIC Health Management Information Consortium
The 45th Annual Preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries of the American Library Association - June 21-24, 2004 - Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Entitled Ebb and Flow: The Migration of Collections to American Libraries, the preconference will focus on the history and current issues surrounding the movement of collections from the four corners of the earth into American repositories
This month Limelight highlights how Artifact can help you find quality-assured educational and training information for the arts & creative industries in the UK and will be looking at: Education and training, Museum education, Online image galleries, Collections and services relevant to education and training
Health and Life Sciences Online seminar - University of Nottingham Medical School at Derby - March 18, 2004 - designed to bring you up-to-date with high quality electronic resources across the health and life sciences, and to raise awareness about how to most effectively use these resources
Monday, March 01, 2004
Internet Resources Newsletter - Issue 114 - March 2004 - edited by Roddy MacLeod, Heriot-Watt University
The March 2004 issues of Information Today, ONLINE, Computers in Libraries, Searcher, MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, and CRM Magazine are now available
Archives Hub Collections of the Month, March 2004: Miners' Strike 1984-1985 - On 12th March 1984, Arthur Scargill, president of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), called a national strike against the threat of widespread pit closures. This was to be one of the most bitter industrial disputes Britain has ever seen
ECDL 2004 - 8th European Conference on Digital Libraries, September 12-17 2004 - University of Bath, UK - Call for Papers has been announced
eLearning Results, 12-14 May 2004, is the 2nd edition of this highly successful Summit bringing together international policy makers, market players & developers from the eLearning standardisation arena - Sestri Levante, Italy
Under the Jean Monnet Project, the European Commission awards grants to help academic institutions implement European integration projects by setting up teaching activities and providing support for young researchers and research. The project is aimed at universities and other higher education establishments (whose university level status is recognised by the national authorities) in the member states of the European Union
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