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Featured Link: World Book Trade (e-books, awards, videos)

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Ex Libris: an E-Zine for Librarians and Other Information Junkies - #178, May 30, 2003 is now available
CLIR Issues - May/June 2003 - now available from the Council on Library and Information Resources
The Fedora Project was established under the auspices of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to build a digital object repository management system based on the Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture. Version 1.0 available for download
Revolting Librarians Redux: Radical Librarians Speak Out by Katia Roberto and Jessamyn West has just been published
Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship - Number 37, Spring 2003 is now available

Friday, May 30, 2003

Info@UK - a monthly bulletin on Information Society developments within the United Kingdom and around the world - May 2003 now available
BlueJeanOnline.com has announced the First Annual Why Librarians Make a Difference Contest - deadline for entries is September 30, 2003
As of May 28, the ALA plans to continue with its 2003 Annual Meeting in Toronto, June 19-25
info-commons.org has announced the establishment of commons-blog, a new weblog featuring news, commentary, and discussion on the information commons in theory and practice. Topics addressed on the weblog will include intellectual property, the public interest, open source, free speech, networks, commons institutions, and other issues related to access to ideas
The WOMENISS mailing list is for librarians and information professionals who are interested in sharing information about the status of women in librarianship. This includes information about women's professional education in developing countries, literacy, life-long learning, and especially, access to information relevant to women

Thursday, May 29, 2003

The Lobe Library is a beta test for a digital talking book library which will begin service July 1, 2003. Eligible residents in Illinois, New Jersey, Mississippi, and Hawaii, will be participating in a year-long project to provide digital audiobooks from Audible.com and players on loan to readers who currently use talking books
eBooks Corporation has announced that it is collaborating with leading international university and research libraries to develop an ebook lending platform. Ebook Library is scheduled for release in select university and research libraries in September 2003 and will be officially launched in January 2004
Presentations from A Community Commons: Libraries in the New Century - Association of Research Libraries 142nd Annual Meeting - Lexington, Kentucky - May 14-17, 2003 are now available
Changing images: The role of photographic collections in the digital age - an international SEPIA conference at the Finnish Museum of Photography Helsinki - 18-20 September 2003
EBSCO has announced a new service called EBSCOhost Support, which will be replacing its EBSCOweb Community

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Current and former library managers are invited to express their opinions in a survey for a forthcoming book from Information Today
The Library and Archives of Canada will host a two-day Canadian Metadata Forum September 19-20, 2003. The purpose of the Forum is to bring together participants from Canadian cultural and heritage metadata practitioner communities, both government and non-government, including libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions/academia, multimedia producers, experts in accessibility issues, groups interested in preservation metadata
Fourth Annual HighEdWeb Conference - June 23-24 2003, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York
The Canada e-Book uses sound, photographs, tables, graphs and both analytical and descriptive text to look at Canada through four broad perspectives: the Land, the People, the Economy, and the Nation
Sprig Seminar 2003 - Information Literacy in Sport, Leisure and Tourism - 25 June, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Colophon Book Shop's recent list of Books about Books is now available, offering 286 titles of antiquarian and in-print books covering Books about Books, History of the Book, Book Collecting, Printing, Typography, Illustrators, books about Illuminated Manuscripts, Publishers' Histories, History of Libraries - both Public and Private, Papermaking, and more
The University at Buffalo's Department of Library and Information Studies has announced its summer roster of continuing education workshops delivered wholly via the Internet

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

A registry of METS implementations (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is now available. The registry also serves as a list and description of some of the largest digital projects in the world
Library + Information Update - May 2003 issue now available
MedHist - The guide to history of medicine resources on the Internet, offers free access to a searchable catalogue of Internet sites and resources covering the history of medicine

Monday, May 26, 2003

SerialsSolutionsUsers - a discussion list intended to be a forum for those interested in the services provided by SerialsSolutions. It is being established with the knowledge of SerialsSolutions, but is independent of the company - you can join the list by sending an email to listserv@listserv.tamu.edu and in the BODY put:
SUBSCRIBE serialssolutionsusers firstname lastname
Image Search Engines - a resource compiled by Michael Fagan, has been updated to include 85 search tools and links
Directory of Libraries in Canada HOTLinks now available from Micromedia

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 3:7 (June 2003) is now available
Courage, Patriotism, Community - in honor of Memorial Day and in celebration of the American spirit, the Library of Congress has launched this new web site, highlighting its collections of veterans' stories, patriotic music and community life
IFLA Express - issue number 2, May 20003 is now available
The Bluffer's Guide to Metadata - A Performing Arts Data Service Workshop - 25 June, 2003 - Glasgow, Scotland - the workshop will address the documentation of digital resources, with particular focus on the needs of Arts and Humanities researchers and data creators in the HE sector
European Innovative Users Group Conference and AGM 2003 - 8-9 September, 2003 - University of Durham, UK

Friday, May 23, 2003

Total Library Solutions has features and attractions specially designed for librarians from the special, academic, public and school sectors, to help improve efficiency, knowledge and customer service - 3-4 March, 2004 - Birmingham, UK
xrefer London Event for Librarians - A discussion forum: Libraries on the Web: collections or services? - July 18 2003, Paddington Hilton Hotel, London
Infotrieve has announced a preview of its "E-100" electronic document delivery initiative to be showcased at the SLA Annual Conference, June 7-12, 2003. E-100 is next generation document delivery, providing 100% electronic delivery to the desktop. This means that virtually all articles and documents can be delivered directly to the computer screens of its customers worldwide. Infotrieve's innovative solution will dramatically improve its ability to deliver documents online, regardless of whether an original article was created digitally or in print format
Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back - American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference - Long Beach, CA Oct. 19-22, 2003
The Library Web Manager's Reference Center, compiled by Jennifer Ward of the University of Washington Libraries, has recently been updated
The Canadian Policy Library is a social, economic and foreign policy resource - updated daily with the latest jobs, research, and events. Policy Library members reach an audience of hundred of thousands of policy makers, politicians, academics and students
The ERIC database, which contains more than one million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice, has a new search interface
The Museums Computer Group has announced that the winner of the first Jodi Mattes Access Award is the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich
IADIS International Conference - WWW/Internet 2003 - Algarve, Portugal - 5-8 November 2003

Thursday, May 22, 2003

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging will present two workshops June 20, 2003, in support of SACO, the Subject Authority Cooperative Program of the PCC - ALA conference, Toronto, Canada
The May/June 2003 issue of Bulletin is now available online from The National Library of Canada
Free one-day conference: JUBILEE and JUSTEIS projects - Research into Practice - of interest to HE and FE senior managers, library practitioners, academics, researchers and JISC committee members - June 10, 2003 - Aston Villa Football Club, Birmingham, UK
Call for offers of presentations - The Synergy between Search, Systems and Information - 2004 Search Engine Meeting - The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-20 April 2004
IFLA Berlin 2003 Preconference - Preparing for the Worst, Planning for the Best: Protecting our Cultural Heritage from Disaster - July 30 to August 1 2003, Berlin, Germany
Blogs-RSS-Wikis - compiled by David Mattison for a presentation to the Government Librarians Association of BC and Special Librarians Association, Victoria, BC, May 21, 2003
The May 19, 2003 issue of LLRX.com is now available. LLRX.com is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal and library professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Library SIG - a Special Interest Group formed to enable publishers, eBook resellers, DRM, software and hardware members of The Open eBook Forum to better appreciate the opportunities and challenges of service for libraries and their patrons
Collect Britain is the British Library's largest digitisation project to date. The site goes live on May 21 2003. By summer 2004 you can view and hear 100,000 images and sounds from the world-renowned collections without ever needing to visit the prestigious building in London
Presentations given at the ALADN Conference 2003 are now available online. ALADN is the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network
A new library agency should be created to rescue a public service which is in terminal decline, according to a new report called Overdue: How to create a modern public library service, published by Demos in partnership with the Laser Foundation. Written by Charles Leadbeater
Feed Your Head: Keeping Up by Using RSS by Roy Tennant - Library Journal - May 15, 2003

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

The Library Association of Alberta has announced Hot Picks @ your library, a calendar which illustrates with humour the versatile interests of women and men from Alberta's library community
The winner of the 2003 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, My Name is Red by Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk, has been announced
The US Institute of Museum and Library Services has launched an online tutorial to help libraries and museums develop project plans for its National Leadership Grant applications. This tool is designed to make it easier to develop good, competitive applications for federal IMLS grants
The Einstein Archives Online website provides the first online access to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific manuscripts held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and to an extensive Archival Database, constituting the material record of one of the most influential intellects in the modern era. The site allows viewing and browsing of approx. 3,000 high-quality digitized images of Einstein's writings. This digitization of more than 900 documents written by Einstein was produced by the Jewish National & University Library's Digitization Project
2nd International Semantic Web Conference - 20-23 October 2003 - Sundial Resort, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
National Library of the Netherlands and Kluwer Academic Publishers agree on long-term digital archiving - under the terms of this agreement, Koninklijke Bibliotheek will receive digital copies of all Kluwer journals and books made available on its web platform, Kluwer Online. The web platform now contains 235,000 articles from 670 journals and more than 600 e-Books covering the areas of science, technology and medicine. In 2003 alone more than 70,000 articles and 400 e-Books will be added
Biblio Tech Review - May 2003 issue now available

Monday, May 19, 2003

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Throw Another Blog on the Wire: Libraries and The Weblogging Phenomena by Randy Reichardt and Geoff Harder of the University of Alberta
Ovid's free resource of the month for May 2003 is R&D Focus, offering essential up-to-date intelligence on drugs in development worldwide

Saturday, May 17, 2003

EBSCO's A-to-Z service allows libraries to better manage their e-resources and gives library patrons a comprehensive journal list, allowing them to easily find and link to titles available in databases, as stand-alone electronic journals or that are otherwise included in a library’s collection (e.g. print journals). A-to-Z provides a simple way for library patrons to find the information they need from among the hundreds of databases and thousands of journals to which a library may have access. Free trial available
American Memory: A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation - features the text of documents, journals, and debates of the Continental and Federal Congress from 1774 to 1875

Friday, May 16, 2003

D-Lib Magazine - May 2003 edition is now available - D-Lib Magazine is a solely electronic publication with a primary focus on digital library research and development, including but not limited to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues
New mailing list: Librarians Under 30 (NexGen Librarian) - open to the next generation of librarians - those who are under 30, of any gender, political persuasion, race, etc.
The National Library of Medicine has announced Genetics Home Reference - for consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes responsible for those conditions
Wiley InterScience has announced the launch of its new Pay-Per-View service - opening up access to its electronic journal and book material to all individuals who previously didn't have access to the full range of the service's scientific, technical, medical and professional content
Search OJPS is a free tool for finding articles available on the Online Journal Publishing Service from the American Institute of Physics. Subscribers may download articles upon authentication. Non-subscribers may purchase articles via the OJPS DocumentStore
AnswerLand is an LSTA-funded pilot project to link academic, public, and school libraries in Oregon in order to provide real-time, online reference to patrons. Replaces the Oregon Reference LINK tiered reference service, which offered library-to-library reference support only. There are 21 participating libraries in the pilot
ABC-CLIO is having clearance sale on over 50 of its reference titles
Preconferences at the ALA/CLA annual conference - June 19 and 20, 2003 - Toronto, Canada

Thursday, May 15, 2003

WebJunction, an online community of libraries and other agencies sharing knowledge and experience to provide the broadest public access to information technology, has officially been launched
CISSL: Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries provides the international community of scholars and practitioners an arena to develop and exchange research enhancing learning in school libraries worldwide
Subscribers to American Chemical Society Web Editions are now able to link from references in journal articles directly to abstract and bibliographic information at Chemical Abstract Service (CAS). Subscribers viewing a reference in the full-text HTML version of an article can click on the "CAS" tag following the reference and retrieve the corresponding abstract
Exhibition of medieval German manuscripts at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich
- 28 May to 24 August 2003

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Links to beSpacific.com Law and Technology News, updated weekdays, are now available on the main page of LLRX.com, a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal and library professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools, since 1996
Free acces to the Emerald journals Corporate Communications: An International Journal and Journal of Workplace Learning starts May 12 for one week
Presentation materials from the Ontario Library Association 2003 conference are now available
2003 Local Workshops in Humanities Computing - focusing on digitisation, text encoding, multimedia, and text analysis tools - June 23-28, 2003 - University of Victoria, British Columbia
The Alexander Street Press Breakfast at ALA/CLA is being held at Wayne Gretzky's Restaurant in Toronto. Seating is limited so apply now

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

InfoToday 2003 - Presentation Links to sessions are now being made available online
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is providing public access to the transcripts of closed-door hearings conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy from 1953 to 1954. Paper copies of the transcripts are available for sale from GPO's sales program. Copies are also being distributed to federal depository libraries around the nation for free use by the public. Transcripts may be viewed online free of charge via GPO Access, GPO's online information service
The Friends of Libraries U.S.A. is staging a Virtual March on Washington, in order let elected officials know how important libraries are to each and every person
The Wireless Librarian website has been updated, listing over 150 libraries which provide wireless access
Vancouver Public Library has announced Find it Now, a pilot live online information service, open Monday to Friday, 6-10 pm PST
The Poetry Library at the Royal Festival Hall in London, which houses 90,000 books, magazines and videos of verse, is celebrating its 50th birthday

Monday, May 12, 2003

Lund University Libraries has launched the Directory of Open Access Journals, supported by the Information Program of the Open Society Institute, along with SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition). The directory contains information about 350 open access journals, i.e. quality controlled scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available on the web. The service will continue to grow as new journals are identified
Government Views of SARS - a new bibliography of online resources about SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) - prepared by Grace-Ellen McCrann, Chief, Government Documents Division, The City College of New York
The Society for Scholarly Publishing 25th Annual Meeting: 'Navigating Change' - May 28-30, 2003 - Baltimore, Maryland
FLEXSTOR has announced plans to release its base FLEX-db Digital Asset Management (DAM) technology into the Open Source community. The company plans to post the source code by the end of the third quarter of 2003
2003 Iraq War & Archaeology - by Francis Deblauwe, with articles, links, photos, videos and sound clips concerning the losses of the National Museum of Baghdad
The Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemical Information Group will be holding The Future Of Chemical Information In The UK meeting on May 27, 2003 in London, UK

Sunday, May 11, 2003

The National Agricultural Library has announced a cooperative project to improve the care and accessibility of still-image collections by developing guidelines to assist institutions in preservation reformatting projects. The joint project with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Boston College Library will develop a readily accessible guide to best practices that will help libraries integrate preservation and digitization functions. NAL and the Boston College Library are both ARL member libraries
The World Summit on the Information Society will be held in two phases. The first will take place in Geneva, hosted by the Government of Switzerland, from 10 to 12 December 2003. The second will take place in Tunis, hosted by the Government of Tunisia, from 16 to 18 November 2005
Visualizing Online Information - Paula J. Hane interviews Tim Bray about Antarctica Systems' progress in advancing the role of visualization software for improving users' access to online information

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Collecting, Connecting and Creating Knowledge: Libraries, Archives and Research in the C21st - a conference organised by the Friends of the Turnbull Library and the Humanities Society of New Zealand - National Library of New Zealand, Wellington - 20-22 June 2003
The next exhibition at the Women's Library in London, UK is Keeping Pace: Older Women of the East End - 22 May to 30 August, 2003 - Curated by writer, artist and oral historian Rachel Lichtenstein, and incorporating specially commissioned work by photographer Lola Flash, Keeping Pace celebrates the lives of older women in the East End through oral testimony, visual art and personal memorabilia
The Library of Congress is sponsoring "Resourceful Women: Researching and Interpreting American Women's History," June 19-20, 2003. The event will highlight current research in the field of American women's history, showcase the Library's magnificent multiformat holdings, and explore in particular the sources and methodologies being used by academic scholars, filmmakers, journalists, theatrical performers, museum curators, children's book authors, and others who are uncovering and presenting the story of American women's experiences to a variety of audiences
Serials Resource Management for the 21st Century: An Introduction - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, 3 June 2003 - a one-day seminar for those involved in the day-to-day handling of serials
New mailing list: Website Usability. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe" (omit quotes) in the subject line of an email to usability4lib@library.rochester.edu
First Monday - May 5 2003 - features two articles on Digital Libraries
The Public Library of Science (PLoS), a nonprofit organization of scientists committed to making scientific and medical literature a public resource, has announced that it have established a nonprofit scientific publishing venture and will be publishing its first open-access journal, PLoS Biology, in October 2003
The Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center eAudio Project - Interim Report on the Alpha Phase January - June 2003 - by Tom Peters

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Webinar: Email Newsletter Publishing for Libraries - May 15, 2003 - Presented by Topica Email Publisher
Tendering And Consortia Seminar - designed to provide its participants with an update of the work of consortia in both the academic and public sectors - 17 June 2003 - Leeds, UK
CoopIS 2003 - Tenth International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems - 3-7 November 2003 - Catania, Sicily
Gale's Eighteenth Century Collections Online launches in June 2003, with 33 million text-searchable pages. In June, the first of seven subject areas, History and Geography, will be available. This collection is an ongoing project based on The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC), a comprehensive bibliography of the printed output of the hand-press era
The New York Times 2003 Librarian Awards - the awards honor those librarians who consistently demonstrate the highest levels of professionalism, knowledge and public service in the execution of their duties. Winners will be announced in December and will each receive $2,500
The ALA 2004 Nominating Committee is soliciting nominees to run on the 2004 spring ballot for the offices of ALA president-elect, ALA treasurer and Councilor-at-large - deadline August 1, 2003
ECDL 2003 is the 7th conference in the series of European Digital Library conferences. ECDL has become the major European forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues - August 17-22 2003 - Trondheim, Norway

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Internet Resources Newsletter Issue 104 - May 2003 - edited by Roddy MacLeod of Heriot-Watt University, is now available
Speaker presentations from the Information Highways 2003 Conference & Showcase are now available
Framework for the Future: Ways Forward for Public Libraries in England - 19 June 2003 - Stamford, Lincolnshire
The Elsevier Foundation provides grants and other forms of support to organizations that demonstrate excellence and innovation in scientific research and information services in order to advance vital research and scholarly thinking
High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine - Issue 7, April 2003 is now available
International Conference on Grey Literature - Amsterdam, 4-5 December 2003 - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
4th Annual Web Development Conference - July 13-16 - Salisbury University, Maryland
The Full Monty - Netskills Workshops in Newcastle Upon Tyne 1-4 July 2003
1 July - Web Pages from Scratch
2 July - Enhancing Your Web Pages
3 July - Web Accessibillity: Design-for-all
4 July - Databases on the Web
CIT Infobits - Issue 58, April 2003 is now available

Monday, May 05, 2003

Free online seminar from Inmagic - Delivering Content that Makes a Difference: Keys to Developing an Effective Content Management System - May 15, 2003
Free acces to the Emerald journals Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics and Education + Training starts May 6, 2003 for one week
Elsevier has prepared the "Web Research Guide" to help students, faculty members, authors and research scientists find the information they need on the Web. The guide is available to anyone, but is particularly aimed at scientists, faculty members, students, researchers and authors who have access to ScienceDirect
Ariadne - March/April 2003 issue is now available

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Alexander Street Press is seeking assistance from librarians, curators, archivists and lay people to find lost, rare and previously unpublished plays by major black writers for inclusion in its Black Drama database
Issue Number Two of the Government Document Manager is available for free download
The Center for the Study of Global Change, the United Nations Library, and the Indiana University Libraries announce the unveiling of the League of Nations Photo Archive website, a comprehensive overview and research tool
NASA Headquarters Library to be Downsized? - Keith Cowing/NASA Watch - April 30, 2003
Conference materials available from the 2003 Geac Users Group Conference - Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA
CLAUD Summer Conference 2003 - Mental Health: An Emerging Issue for Academic Libraries - University of Exeter - 11 July, 3003 - CLAUD is a consortium of librarians in Higher Education networking to improve library access for disabled users in the South and Southwest of England
The Canadian Library Association / American Library Association joint Annual Conference, with an expected 25,000 delegates and exhibitors, has been confirmed for Toronto, June 19-25, 2003.
The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 stands as the most significant event in the westward expansion of the United States and as an experiment to incorporate a substantially different culture. This Louisiana State University Libraries' Special Collections digital project emphasizes the diverse history of that pivotal event. Included are books published in or about Louisiana during the period, including travel accounts, political tracts, and scientific and religious works
IFLA Preconference 2003 - "Is digital different?: New trends and challenges in acquisition and collection development" - Munich - 30-31 July 2003 - organised by the IFLA Section of Acquisition and Collection Development
German Resources Project (GRP) Meeting - Munich at the Goethe Forum - July 29, 2003 - preliminary agenda now available

Thursday, May 01, 2003

AgeSource Worldwide describes clearinghouses, databases, libraries, directories, statistical resources, bibliographies and reading lists, texts, and Web 'metasites' focusing on aging or closely allied subjects. They cover topics ranging from Alzheimer's disease to wills and estate planning
Special Collections in the Sciences - Using as examples rare books, manuscripts and archives, and a variety of other printed and electronic resources, this course will explore special collections in the sciences and their use in teaching and research - May 19-23, 2003 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The OpenURL Standard, version 1.0 was released as a Draft Standard for Trial Use April 15, 2003 and the Trial implementation period will commence May 1. This new draft standard is the culmination of two years of committee work
The April 2003 issue of Reference Update from xrefer is now available
Aslib Proceedings and European Journal of Marketing are available free online from Emerald until May 5, 2003
The May 2003 issues of Information Today, ONLINE, Computers in Libraries, Searcher, MultiMedia Schools are now available
WebJunction, launching May 2003, will be an online community where minds meet to share the ongoing successes and challenges of supporting public access computing - OCLC Online Computer Library Center
Journal of Digital Information - publishing papers on the management, presentation and uses of information in digital environments - Volume 4, issue 1, April 2003 now available
BUBL LINK Updates for April 2003 now available
EJEL: Electronic Journal of e-Learning - provides perspectives on topics relevant to the study, implementation and management of e-Learning initiatives - first issue now available online
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship - v.4 no.1 (Winter 2003) - now available online