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Friday, November 17, 2006

The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer

The Friday Brain-teaser from Xrefer - this week: Place Names. Answers here.

1. Which American city in Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, who gave it a name which, in Greek, means "the city of brotherly love"?
2. Which part of the Mediterranean coastline of northeast Spain has a name which, in Spanish, means "wild coast"?
3. What is the name of the largest city in India, which was named after the village of Kalikata?
4. Which city in Brazil has a name which, in Portuguese, means "river of January"?
5. Which urban settlement in South Africa got its name from being a township southwest of Johannesburg?
6. What is the capital of New Zealand, which was named after a duke called Arthur Wellesley?
7. Which old quarter of Paris, on the right bank of the Seine, has a name which is French for "swamp"?
8. Which state in Mexico is named from the Spanish words for "true cross"?
9. What is the state capital of Hawaii, which gets its name from a Hawaiian word that means "sheltered bay"?
10. How did the Languedoc province of southern France get its name?

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